Monday, October 26, 2009

Osama Abdallah Proclaims: "Christians Are the Biggest Trash and Losers in the Christian World!"

In response to a video showing Muslim violence in France, Osama Abdallah has apologized for violence in the name of Allah, and has dedicated his life to fighting against terrorism and extremism. No wait, he didn't do that at all. Instead, he did what Muslims typically do when Muslim atrocities are pointed out. He attacked Christians, saying, "THE CHRISTIANS ARE THE BIGGEST TRASH AND LOSERS in the christian world."

Now where would a Muslim get the idea that Christians are horrible people, when so many Muslims claim that Islam respects Christians?

Qur'an 8:55--Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve, then they would not believe.

Qur'an 98:6--Verily, those who disbelieve (in the religion of Islam, the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and Al-Mushrikun will abide in the Fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures.

Hmmm. Given the fact that Christians are such horrible creatures (according to both the Qur'an and Osama), it seems that Muslims should treat us like garbage whenever they're strong enough to do so. Wait! That's exactly what Muslims were doing in the video!

*****UPDATE***** Osama isn't letting up. He just added:


So Osama agrees with the Qur'an on this one.

He also added in the comments section here an open condemnation of America, calling it "the great babel and prostitute of the bible."

There's certainly nothing to worry about when Muslims right here in America have absolutely no loyalty to America and want to see it fall.


Anonymous said...

To Osama Abdullah:

"Aside from the terrorism lies that get glued on us".

Do you deny the exists of terrorist groups(that think they follow the sharia&Islam) out there ?


Nobody denies that there are many(lots and lots) of muslims in the West that are simple, working men and women that bring a plus to everything.
Even David Wood said in a debate with Shadeed Lewis(Is Islam a religion of peace ?) that many muslims in West are good, peaceful people.

But what concern us the christians is the fact that this(good, peaceful muslims) is a sleeping giant whom one day will raise up as we can see that it(the gaint) raised up in France.
You could deny this as much as you like, but you must admit that Islam has a bloody history.

What makes the difference from the muslim world and christian world(Considering that but had bloody chapters in their history) ?
Christianity doesn't aprove violence in anyway(defending your country isn't violence).
While Islam always had a bloody history(genocide after genocide:
70-Pakistan 3 million dead people)

"Your Masonic lords had to create the 9/11 lie to ruin our high status. "

Let's admit for a second that it's true that Masons ordered the 9/11.
The question is: What did the good muslims from the muslims countries did ?
Is that OK ?

While we christians through Red Cross and others we've helped a lot of people.

May God bring us to his light.


sam said...


i cant stop laughing. because u knw y? everything that is happening around the world is coming true according to the bible. its prophecies r real and r very much happening. u knw wut the best part is that JESUS IS COMING SOON. and he will then take over this world and punish those who try to harm or fight with God for example the muslims and anyone else. read the book of revelations. hope u understand the Jesus system. chrsitians have been persecuted for many years and have been called many names but we r called to love our enemies. so personally go ahead and call us wutever u want but i hope 1 day u realize like paul the apostle.

Fernando said...

Dear Osama... how low will you go now? please: do nott follow the black path... keep a small amoutt off humanity in you... I begg you: stay, ate least in a small athom, a little bitt human...

Osama Abdallah said...

"Dear Osama... how low will you go now? please: do nott follow the black path... keep a small amoutt off humanity in you... I begg you: stay, ate least in a small athom, a little bitt human..."

Tell that to your christian war mongerers, colonizers, enslavers, and conspiracy plotters, Fernando. History testifies that christians are the biggest terrorists in the world. WWI and WWII alone have taken lives more than all of other religions have shed combined in all of their bad histories.

When it comes to terrorism, slavery, conspiracy, prostitution, pornography, alcoholism, drugs, gangs, violence, and all the bad things that your mind could think of, THE PORNIFIED CHRISTIANS TOP ALL!

Osama Abdallah

Radical Moderate said...

Osma Abullah I guess you never heard of the Iran Iraq War.

Radical Moderate said...

Osama Abdullah said...

Yeah we can see from the video that the muslism in France are not causing any trouble. Its no trouble at all to a muslim when muslism are rioting in the streets throwing a Temper Tantrum. I do agree with Osama however, France should not ban the hajab. After reading some of Osma's previous posts and his idea's on woman. I think all MUSLIM WOMAN need to be burkafied, or Hijabied to protect them from Muslim Men like Osama.

Also Osama since when is getting a Cab drivers liscences considered Higher Education. I think it was your brother who picked me up in yellow cab. Could you please tell him you can not make a left turn on a red light if the both streets are not I repeat NOT one way streets. Also for some reason your brother thought it was OK to drive down a one way street the wrong way as long as he didnt hit on comming traffic.

All joking aside Osama also said ...
"It is the christians who have the highest drugs, gangs, violence, prostitution, pornography, and a rising AIDS problems, to name a few."

Yeah lots of Christians in Iran who has the highet per capita Heroin addiction rate in the world.

As far as Aids, ummm the west has gotten its HIV infection rate under control. The WHO, (World Health Organization) is increasingly worried about the HIV infection rates in Arab Muslims countries. Muslim nations are heading into a HIV nightmare, worse then the west was in the 1980's.

Sepher Shalom said...

Osama is officially on full-tilt. I guess the frustration of not being able to refute the obvious finally had it´s way with him. The psychological pressure and the cognitive dissonance of trying to defend Islam is clearly mammoth. I suppose it was only a matter of time.

Osama, are you just going to drop by the blog to hurl insults at people and throw a temper-tantrum like a 2 year old?....

I´m still praying for you.

ubiquitouserendipity said...

poor ol' osama. such a victim (actually you're a volunteer for victimhood). osama, your problem is that your religion doesn't work, your societies don't work, and you can't get a soul with a modicum of common sense to agree with your hate-filled religion. poor little osama,,, sniff, sniff, sniff. stop it now osama, i am starting to tear up.

well buck up little fella', here's what one of your "scholars" (that is funny) thinks of "arab intellectuals" (an arab intellectual is like a football bat, or a jumbo shrimp, or dare i say,,, a mohammedan humanitarian):

Former Dean of Islamic Law at Qatar University 'Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari: The Arab Intellectuals are More Oppressive Than the Governments

Former dean of Islamic law at Qatar University 'Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari, was interviewed by Bahrain TV on March 2, 2005. The following are excerpts:
'Abd Al-Hamid Al Ansari: Our satellite channels deserve the name "media of terrorism."They spread among the youth ideas that might not be considered outright terrorism but spread extremism. Such extremism is the beginning of violence and fanaticism, and violence leads to terrorism. Fanaticism - extremism -violence - terrorism.When you host key figures [on TV] - either religious personalities or extremist personalities of a specific ideology… Anyone who disagrees with them is considered a traitor or a collaborator. When one guest is a nationalist, the other is a traitor and collaborator. When one guest is a religious figure, the other is considered deviant, with false beliefs. Such a guest pours his wrath out on the West and on Western culture. starts by saying: "Look what they are doing to the Muslims," "The materialistic West," "The permissive West," "The US is the enemy of Islam and the Muslims."
What do such expressions instill in the souls of the youth if not hatred? At the same time, he depicts the past as glamorous and glorious - "The beautiful Caliphate," and so on. When a young man listens to such depictions and compares them to his own situation, with its many tragedies... Who does he blame? He blames others, not himself. He doesn't assume responsibility for the situation.
Oppression of intellectuals by intellectuals is worse than oppression by governments. I'm afraid of intellectuals like myself, who push me to the sidelines and call me a traitor and an infidel, more than I'm afraid of the governments. Today the governments give room for freedom, and they are the ones that protect us now.
The civil society organizations, which are supposed to protect liberties and democracy, are the ones that oppress the intellectuals and accuse them of treason and of being at odds with them.
Look what the Jordanian unions are doing. They applaud Saddam and still feel sorrow for the fallen regime. The Arab Lawyers Association has compiled a team to defend Saddam, and they haven't said a word about the mass graves.
After 50 years of enlightenment, education, and modernization, along comes someone like Bin Laden, like Saddam, like Al-Zawahiri, like [Sleiman] Abu Al-Gheith, someone like Al-Zarqawi… We need to act as Germany upon its defeat.
The German elite reexamined its culture and found that the entire German culture is full of poison. Its sources are full of poison ~ end quote
found here:

osama, i don't hate you. i think you are a soul sick individual, who needs the Lord enthroned in your life. unfortunately, your filthiness of soul, heart and mind keeps you in a state of constant hate, and blame. you are not man enough to take responsibility for your own beliefs, and try to blame the nefarious western society for the failings of the whole mohammedan culture. i doubt you can achieve this, but: be a man, and take responsibility for your beliefs, and for the systemic dysfunction of your religion.

may He Who abides in unapproachable Light, YWHW the Lord of glory, open your eyes, and soften your heart. Jesus loves you, and died for you.

Peace, in His love, papajoe

ubiquitouserendipity said...

hey osama, which denomination of hate-filled mohammedan are you? it doesn't really matter, but i do know this: Christians don't kill other Christians for being of another denomination. that's a mohammedan thing.

here, read this:

Egyptian Cleric Mazen Al-Sarsawi Calls Shiites "Filthy," "Infidels," and "Dogs," and Shiite Women "Whores"

Following are excerpts from a TV address delivered by Egyptian preacher Mazen Al-Sarsawi, which aired on Al-Nas TV on July 2, 2009.
Mazen Al-Sarsawi: The Prophet Muhammad is the master of the believers. To this day, those ignorant vile [Shiites]... Some people may not have heard about this, because they are not involved in this, but the Rafidites and the Shiites pose an imminent danger to the [Muslim] nation everywhere. Look what they are doing to one another in Iran. They are slaughtering one another – so what can we expect them to do to us Muslims? They will do the same thing they did in Iraq. Iraq is the best proof of what I am saying. The people who were deluded by the Shiites must awaken. If they do not awaken now, they never will. To this day, these Rafidites write articles and books, and talk on TV and over the Internet... I am not talking about the extremists among them, but about their leaders, and about the people who they consider to be religious scholars.
To this moment, they continue to malign the honor of 'Aisha. One of these dogs wrote an article, in which he called 'Aisha "the mother of loiterers." That's his own mother he was talking about in this article. May God curse him. 'Aisha is the mother of the believers and the crown on his mother's head, whether he likes it or not. This infidel dares to talk about the honor of the Prophet Muhammad's wife!
Because of what these filthy [Shiites] say, some religious scholars have ruled that they are infidels – and infidels they are! God has exacted a terrible revenge from them: There is not a single one of them whose honor is intact, because they permit pleasure marriage, which is... It's prostitution, to use simple terms. What the Shiites call pleasure marriage is what Muslims call prostitution. It means that any man who meets a woman on the street can say to her: Two hours, and I will pay you this and that. There is no marriage contract or anything, and an hour later, he divorces her, and someone else has sex with her. No problem. They have no such thing as a waiting period [for widows and divorcées].
Their Khomeini ruled that having sex with a married woman is permitted. Even if a woman is married, a man can have sex with her, just like that. But they say that the most important thing is not to ask her if she is married. These dogs say that if you see that a woman is married, it is okay to have sex with her, as long as you don't ask her. Take her like that, and that's it. This is a farce, yet they say that this is part of Islam. They excel in this.
This is their way to come closer to God. These filthy [Shiites] recite a false hadith, according to which whoever has had pleasure marriage once reaches the status of Hussein Ibn Ali. Whoever has had pleasure marriage twice reaches the status of Ali Ibn Abu Talib. And whoever has had it three times reaches the status of the Prophet. You've heard enough. That is the religion of these dogs, who continue to curse the Prophet's wife to this moment. Whoever fornicates three times reaches the status of the Prophet. When they permitted these pleasure marriages, this fornication... They even have pleasure marriage in turns. They stand in line, and each awaits his turn: first, second, third, fourth, fifth. Their women are proud of this. Their Zaynabs – the whores of the Shiite seminaries – say that this is great. (deleted text) end quote ~ found here:

your disgusting religion doesn't even work amongst y'all. hate is a family value in mohammedanism. sad.

Jesus loves you, and He died for you. come to Him osama, He will heal your soul sickness. Peace, in His love, papajoe

Radical Moderate said...

ubiquitouserendipity what I find trully interesting in reading the islamic history from the islmic sources is how they were at each others throats early on.

Mohamed is even reported as saying "once my people draw the sword against each other it will never be sheathed". Or words to the affect. He knew what he was brewing in the petri dish of arab desert.

The hatred that the early muslims had for each other, the political intrigue, is second to none.

It is true what is said, "By their fruits you will know them".

GreekAsianPanda said...

Mr. Abdallah,

I am praying for you.

ubiquitouserendipity said...

the religion of peace in action:

Iraq Blast Toll Worse Than Feared, Including 30 Children

BAGHDAD -- As the flooding from broken water mains and sewers ebbed on Monday, workers pored over the wreckage from the Baghdad bomb blasts a day earlier, recovering still more bodies, including 30 children at a day-care center playground.

The official death toll climbed to 155, with more than 500 wounded.
~ end quote

allah must be hating someone tonight,,, you better hope it ain't you, 'cuz though there isn't a Christian in the world who would seek you out to kill you, your co-religionists have no moral compunction against killing you or your children. sad, sick religion.

may the G_d of love and light, He Who abides in unapproachable Light, Hashem Adonai, the Lord of glory, bless you and draw you to Him and His grace. He will bless your heart and life with peace. Peace, in His love, papajoe

ubiquitouserendipity said...

hey fatman (bob?),,, howdy brother. their fruit is moldy and rotten, and stinks of death. it is my contention that if the west would stop immigration, and deport the mohammedans back to their sandy paradises, soon, and very soon, they would eat themselves alive like starving caged rats. we in the west need to put the pressure on the political leadership to stop immigration.

i say if their "religion" is so wonderifous, and their way is the way of G_d, then it will show in the success of their societies. just look to those arab squatters occupying israel. gaza is a dump. for the millions, nay billions, of western funds pumped into that cesspool of humanity, one would think that they would have schools, hospitals, paved streets, pro-active social services seeking to meet the needs of families, etc. yet, all they have to show for it is videos of children learning to be walking bombs. my, they must be proud.

cowards is what they are,,, across the board. they have not a clue what it means to be a part of humanity. it is a disgusting belief set which leaves no room for love, peace, joy, social harmony, community building, etc. oh well, i'm sure osama the wannabe bomba' will just blame someone somewheres else for the failure of the whole decrepit arab world.

i wrote myself a note awhile back, reminding myself to pray for mohammedans everyday. i'm willing to admit that it doesn't come easy. G_d bless you bro, and may He keep you and your beloveds in His grace. Peace, in His love, papajoe

mkvine said...

I feel sorry for Osamah, I don't know if he's all there...

Radical Moderate said...


First Deporting anyone in mass becasue of race or relgion is WRONG.

Instead we could re patriate them to their countries of origin.

I would also like to say that putting Muslims into concentration camps just like what was done to the japanseese in WW2 is WRONG.

Instead we can put them on Reservations where they can practice their Sharia law.

Radical Moderate said...

ubiquitouserendipity I forgot to add, that I do bleive that Islam should be delcared a ciminal enterprise in the US. Just like La Cosanostra.

ubiquitouserendipity said...

The Fat Man said...

First Deporting anyone in mass becasue of race or relgion is WRONG.

Instead we could re patriate them to their countries of origin.

I would also like to say that putting Muslims into concentration camps just like what was done to the japanseese in WW2 is WRONG.

Instead we can put them on Reservations where they can practice their Sharia law.
October 26, 2009 11:08 PM

The Fat Man said...
ubiquitouserendipity I forgot to add, that I do bleive that Islam should be delcared a ciminal enterprise in the US. Just like La Cosanostra.
October 26, 2009 11:12 PM

ubiquitouserendipity says: i'll respond to your second post first, which will hopefully add context for my response to your first post.

i agree in principal, though i think that mohammedanism needs to be internationally recognized as a fascistic ideology which demands its adherents to seek the destruction of all social and political systems,,, from the "little guys" football and afternoon canasta and tea, to churches, synagogues, social service agencies, to our government itself,,, and implementing this barbaric system of legal slavery called shariah law, which includes for non-believers living in subjugation and humilation. it's not about religion,,, it is about an ideology which is more barbaric than hitler's nazism. i don't see the international community gathering up enough man tackle amongst themselves to act, at least for now, but the usofa must be the spearhead. though the real hero and spokeman in this awakening is geert wilders.

secondly, outlaw immigration from identified countries, and from vocal adherents of this sick ideology. those that ain't citizens can getty-up on home. those who remain need to pledge allegiance to this country. as we start to identify the problem people, after they do their time they can be deported to the land of their forebears. those that remain will either sensibly work to become a part of the fabric of this society, or act out with occasional acts of terrorism, proving once again that the only time you can trust them is when they are citing the koran against you. anyway, some will come to the Lord, others will secretly hope, and the rest will come to a smattering of common sense, and try to have a good life and provide for their families.

islam is easily overcome in this world, if we could just get our leaders to quit acting like the nice neighbor, and act like men and women who are entrusted with the future of our country and our families.

but, it is the individual mohammed-follower who is the issue. people like osama, sami, ibn, ashraf, those folks have souls. if they can be made to understand that it isn't the man we reject, it is the ideology. i'd obviously love for every mohammedan here to become a Christian, but it would be a step up into humanity if they just became atheists.

may G_d our Savior bring our mohammedan friends to His grace, to the glory of G_d the Father, in the name of Jesus our Lord. and may Hashem Adonai bless you and your beloveds fatman. Peace, in His love, papajoe

Chennai Man said...

"When it comes to terrorism, slavery, conspiracy, prostitution, pornography, alcoholism, drugs, gangs, violence, and all the bad things that your mind could think of, THE PORNIFIED CHRISTIANS TOP ALL!"

100% true Mr.Osama, unfortunately our friends in this blog talks only about the current incidents also, they talk only about reaction of some muslims and they are ignorant of action which forced them to retaliate. in several occassions we muslims condemned their act but, as usual the christians (not all) are focusing only a minority group of muslims 0.01 % of entire muslim population.
what about the rest? are they not peaceful, are they not following islam.

The reason i found behind this intention of islamophobes is to prevent islam by spreading lies, instead of proving their faith is true,they spread lies about islam to prevent conversion.

Dear christians friends,please don't talk only about 20th century, for the past 20 centuries make a list of massacres, atrocities,forced conversion done by both muslims and christians then you will come to know the original& cruel face of your christianity.

The Fat Man said...
Osma Abullah I guess you never heard of the Iran Iraq War.

hi fat man after this war, america gifted a very huge amount to saddam hussein (then Iraq president) can you find out why?

ubiquitouserendipity said...
hey osama, which denomination of hate-filled mohammedan are you? it doesn't really matter, but i do know this: Christians don't kill other Christians for being of another denomination. that's a mohammedan thing.

Mr.Ubiqui, what about IRA (Irish repub Army) & KKK (ku klux klan.)

aussie christian said...

Amazing, we show the violence being perpertrated by Muslims, in accordance with Islam teachings, so what does osama do, attacks christians.

Nowhere does he condem these violent people using the koran as backing, but says its all our fault. Amazing!!

Instead of blaming everyone else for your failings, how about working towards actually bringing about this "peaceful Islam" you keep saying exists.

But seeing as you have admited to lieing on more than one occation, we have no need to believe anything that comes from your writing now, because if you lie before you will lie again.

aussie christian said...

To Osama Abdullah,

You claim to be able to argue the Islamic point extremely well, so I will ask you the same question I have asked other Muslims.

"Which Islamic country is the model for which the rest of Islam should base itself?"

"Which Islamic country should we in the west use as a benchmark to measure all of Islam?"

As you are the best debater in Islam, I am sure you will have no problem in answering this question.

Looking forward eagerly to reading your responce.

Fernando said...

Dear Osama... I do fell sorrow for you... you don't really beliebe in whate you're saying, do you? Do you really believe thate WWI, WW II and so on hade anithinhto do withe Christianity? Brother Minoria and myself (and many others) habe refuuted these claims...

woulde you kindly speakk aboutte the 80.000.000 pepople killed during the presence off islam in the indian sub-countinent? or, for instance, aboutte the pogroms against Jews and Christians in the muslim world thate, in which severeal "only one day" evets killed more people than the entire Inquisition during its lametable 800 years?

I'm really praying for you... I know you're a good person, a lovly and loveble person eben after you experienced in your tourmented liffe...

may Jesus, our God and Savior, bless you and your familie...

Fernando said...

ashraf saide: «Dear christians friends,please don't talk only about 20th century, for the past 20 centuries make a list of massacres, atrocities,forced conversion done by both muslims and christians then you will come to know the original& cruel face of your christianity»...

sure... it has already been done, my friend: all off these is well documented in History books... priour and aboutt the XX century... and, ashraf, on the contray off whate muslims do want other people to believe, the balance off blode is in muslims hands...

you also talked aboutt the IRA and the KKK... whate aboute these? are they Chrsitians following Jesus message? could you say they are? hummm...

and whate aboutte the factt thate 80% off the world terrorism is, according to the UN (eben when it is becoming a instrument to islamic supremacist ideiology), made bie muslims when they are not more than 20% off the world population? and yes: these are following the rules off liffe presented bie muhammad and the qur'an...

sorry to make you see the truth ashraf...

Fernando said...

Dear aussie christian... don't expect any answer from muslims to your questions... thates the only way they can always say, in all the circunstances, thate these ot thate islamic movement is nott following islam...

leviMichealathan said...

osama, plz answer my question:
who (in ur opinion) is the greatest defender of islam in the west today? the one who can refute any claims against islam; the one who can defend islam at anytime, anyplace, anywhere and against anyone?

leviMichealathan said...

osama, Jesus said that his true followers will be hated because they follow Him...

so by calling us "losers" or "biggest trash" is just confirming Jesus' words...

and another thing osama, Jesus said that His Gospel will reach the entire world; many muslims r hearing the Gospel in the middle east; many of them r having dreams and visions of Jesus; many of them r coming to the Lord...

there's nothing that u or ur silly comments or ur virus-filled website can do about it...

when u r dead and gone, no one will remember u or ur comments; u r a nobody!

i think u attract more attention on this site than ur own!

david or anyone else, what are the stats on how many western converts to islam actually leave islam? i think the number is actually quite high!

Radical Moderate said...

ubiquitouserendipity I agree with everythign you said. But there is a few problems. First there is a reason why our politicians must play nice. And that is OIL. Before we do anything politicaly we must get off of our addiction to OIL. Or at least cut are current habbit down to half of what it is today, and graduly reduce it over the years.

If you want to fight Islam or Islamic extreamism go GREEN. We can pass laws in the US making it mandadory for all new homes to have solar shingles, and or, Heat Pumps, on demand water heaters instead of water tanks. We can give huge tax breaks and rebates for Hydrogen fuel cell vehicals. True its just first generation technology however we have to start somehwere.

Secondly you want muslims to leave the west. Then let them practice Sharia law on themselves. Not just a little bit Sharia law, but the full blown in your face Taliban Style sharia law. I gurontee you if muslims were forced to live under that in the west they would flee.

Finaly we need to islolate and contain. Right now US soldeirs are dying in Afgan. Why are they dying, and for what? To bring 7th century people into the 21st century? They dont want to, or those that do are to few in number to make a difference. So let them hnave the Taliban, let pakistan go taliban, let Iraq go Shia mullah. The only people they will hurt is their own people.

After that we can support Taliban Sunni against Shia Mullah, and Shia Mullah against Taliban Sunni. If we play it right they will be killing each other for centuries before they figure it out. Let them bleed themselves white.

Right now the US is fighting Iranian shiar mullahs and Sadui wahabs by Proxy. We need to have Iran and Saudi arabia be our proxy by figting each other.

Containment and Isolation are time tested methods when dealing with opposing ideology. We need to go back to the cold war mentality and put to good use the knowlege we learned against islam.

But it all begins with you. If you can afford it buy a first generation fuel cell vehical. Or at least a hybread. If you cant afford it then take a train, or a buss to work, If thats not possible then car pool, or ride a bike to work.

Radical Moderate said...

Ashraf said ...
"hi fat man after this war, america gifted a very huge amount to saddam hussein (then Iraq president) can you find out why? "

yeah we gave Saddam a big gift after the Iran Iraq war. It was called teh GULF war.

During the Iran Iraq war, from 1983 till its end we gave Saddam all kinds of goodies, including facilitating financial aid to buy those goodies. Like cluster bombs and other ordanince, and enough chemicals to fertilize every field in Iraq for the next 100 years.

MuslimPhantom said...

@ leviMichael,
Where are your doubts on who’s the best Muslim apologist in the World? You must be wanting to be provocative and offensive, don’t you? Who has the courage and the intellectual capacity to do the work brother Osama Abdallah is doing? Why are you being confrontational? Brother Osama not only has on of the most amazing Muslim Internet sites (full of information denying the lies of you all islamohaters and giving powerful insights on Islam to all who want to learn something about the only true religion), butt also is working around the clock on this devilish blogg defending the honour and the dignity of Islam, the Prophet (SAW), the gracious Quran and, above all, of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. With his tireless effort he has granted to himself the admiration, the gratitude and the intellectual respect of many Muslim brothers around the World who have felt his faith fortified due to his diligent work. Brother Osama brings together, in his estimable person many elements that you Christians only dream to have: scholarly capacity; debating resilience; ability to point out the rotten aspects of your vain arguments; an amazing aptitude to read and be always informed about the state of the art studies about Islam. So: how do you dare to have any doubt about who’s the best Muslim apologist around? I proclaimed myself the defender of Islam and Muslims against the hate that is being written here in this blogg, butt I have realized that I do not deserve that epithet: there’s only one and true defender of Islam on this blogg that all of us, Muslims, should emulate and follow: brother Osama Abdallah.
Brother Osama: sorry to have answer, in your place, this insulting question that was directed to you, but I know that you humility and modesty wouldn’t allow you to give the most true response to it…

يحدوني الأمل في أن الله يواصل تقديم أجمل الهدايا وسلم عليك وعلى متناهيه النبيلة الأسرة لأنه من دون لكم الإسلام لن تكون هي نفسها.

aussie christian said...

To fernando,

You say I wont recieve an answer, so they can continue to claim this or that group isnt islam.

Well this is exactly the reason for my question. If they do not answer, then any defence of "oh you cant judge islam by that group cause they dont follow islam" falls flat on their faces because they refuse to say which group demonstrates islam.

Without a direct "Koran" or "Hadith" answer to this question they no longer have the right to argue we have the wrong picture, because they wont give the "right" picture.

I first started looking at these websites and blogs to try and get a balanced view of islam, mainly because I dont believe much of anything I see on T.V. My thought was, maybe just maybe, these "Muslims aka terrorists" are the ultra minority and that most Muslims condem them and are just wanting to kick back like the rest of us and enjoy life.

But the more i read IE: polemics, the papers put out by such like as osama and co, the more i find that my opinion is now fully aligned with those opposed to Islam, its teachings and its spread outside of the arabian penisular.

But I thought it best to lend the benifit of the doubt and ask several times in multiple posts for any person of the muslim faith to show me some proof. Now that i have my answer, (because of their silences) which is ultra deafening, I can now sit back and have a giggle at their posts.

Oh and on a side note fernando, I gather english is your second language from your grammer, if so, your doing pretty good at getting the meaning of your message through, and giving me a good chuckle at the spelling.
May YHWH bless you in all you do.

Nakdimon said...

Osama, since you Muslims claim that America is a Christian country and the West has christian foundation, why are you still in the West? Why arent you fleeing the West for the morally superior Islamic countries? Should I answer this question or do you want to embarras yourself even more by answering it yourself.

Even in your conduct you guys arent consistent.


sam said...

ashraf said

Dear christians friends,please don't talk only about 20th century, for the past 20 centuries make a list of massacres, atrocities,forced conversion done by both muslims and christians then you will come to know the original& cruel face of your christianity.

hummmm...... ashraf my pakistani muslims friend. if ur trying to get people to knw the truth. y dont u start with the people who r doing suicide bombing? also bhai try to explain the quranic truth to the muslim ppl and wut they did in the little village of Goghra in pakistan. the truth is that the muslims who kill others r only trying to do wut the Quran says. and people around the world including my catholic neighbours who think Islam is peaceful religion need to knw wut it is really about. my friend the truth is there all u have to do is accept Jesus in ur heart. another thing is that ur right about battles for the last 20 centuries but here now we see the same percacuting to the christians for the last centuries as well. even now as we speak. people who covert to Islam need to knw wut the punishment is for leaving Islam as well.

aussie christian said...

To Osama,

seeing as us decrepet Christians are trash and losers, I suggest you boycott all products produced by the used and discarded toilet paper you have such contempt for, here is a list of items you should not use from here on in.

Computers: joint design by the US and england, filthy used toilet paper countries, IBM and Apple were designed in the US by trash and loser Christians.

Motor vehicles: Henry ford came up with the production line, and he was a trash and loser Christian. dont drive for allah sake.

Electricity: Oh My Lord, discovered by another trash and loser Christian.

aeroplanes: Orval and Wilber Wright, EEK more trash and loser Christans, cease now from every flying again.

Telephone: Alexander Graham Bell, oh no, another trash and loser Christian.

Internet: UHOH another filthy dirty Yank, oh and btw he was a trash and loser Christian too.

Gun powder: EEK those filthy Chineese murderers of the Muslims in western China invented that. definatly never use that.

Thats all I can think of at this time, but I am sure others will be able to help you find other items you should boycott. Because after all we wouldnt want you to become infected with our used toilet paper, trash or make you a loser now would we.

May YHWH bless you and help you find the truth of Jesus Christ.

Osama Abdallah said...

"Ashraf said ...
"hi fat man after this war, america gifted a very huge amount to saddam hussein (then Iraq president) can you find out why? "

yeah we gave Saddam a big gift after the Iran Iraq war. It was called teh GULF war.

During the Iran Iraq war, from 1983 till its end we gave Saddam all kinds of goodies, including facilitating financial aid to buy those goodies. Like cluster bombs and other ordanince, and enough chemicals to fertilize every field in Iraq for the next 100 years."

Fatman the enslaved Latino,

When you say "we", are you equating yourself to your Anglo-Saxon lords? YOU MUST BE ON SOME HIGH COLUMBIAN HEROIN BUDDY!
Your "we" brothers only look at your as an illegal immegrant and slave. As a Muslim, I do not look at your as this, and I believe Malcom X is a great example I could cite that would prove this. He emerged during the hottest times of descrimination against African-Americans and he was impressed by how Islam truly equates between all Muslims when he visited Mecca. But your lords, Fatman, look at you as a slave, a thug, gangster, scum, trash Latino who is sub-human. This is why they always conspire to keep your people down and flood their neighborhoods in the USA with drugs. But it's now exploding right in their faces and getting shoved right in their rear ends, because their white kids are also getting influenced by your people by the mass. America, the great babel and prostitute of the bible, is GOING DOWN THE TOILET all because of its evil and corruption. All Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone.

So please fatman, fix your vocabulary and put yourself in your proper place buddy. You are no more than a "nigger" to them. If you do not see that, then you must be, again, on some serious columbian dope!

Osama Abdallah

Osama Abdallah said...

And fatman,

Do you know who voted for president Barack Obama? It was mostly the non-christians
from the democrats along with other minorities such as the Muslims, hindues, budhists, and of course the Africa Americans (christians and non-christians) and those who have brains from your Latino community. The conservative republicans and christians WOULDN'T VOTE IN A MILLION YEARS for a Latino or African American to rule them. Even if he was a christian.

Fatman, you once threatened me with your gang-friends from "thirteen" and "latin kings" gang bangers. Do you honestly believe that these gangs and all of the gangs in the US would last more than 6 months if the USA's government really wanted to get rid of them? Dude, you must be really stupid if you think not. Why should the white lords clean the "niggers"? Keep them low and marginalized. This is who you are to them, A WORTHLESS "NIGGER". And I am not calling you or anyone a nigger.

Osama Abdallah

Osama Abdallah said...


People, why do you think the US categorizes people as the following:

1- White.
2- Asian.
3- Hispanic.
4- African American.
5- Native.

Is a hispanic truly a seperate race? No. It is only to know exactly and precisely where the "niggers" live. The "niggers" here, to the white christian lords, are the Latinos and the African Americans. They use this information to precisely know how and where and when to conspire against those minorities in the US. And should the time come, they will know how and where to strike them hardest.

It is a filthy game from the whites that is above and beyond most of you. And the Jews are behind it all. They know how to use their toilet papers from the angelical christians to make them serve them as they please.

Osama Abdallah

Anonymous said...

i had the best laugh ever after reading the post of muslim phantom. hes osamas alter ego. just like allah was muhammads.

its really amazing to see what ppl r ready to do only bc a guy with the voices in his head said so.

ubiquitouserendipity said...

i have to get busy making some split pea soup with ham to take to my youngest son's for dinner, but i just wanted to thank osama abdu-blah-blah-blah,,, the blathering hate mongering, for this display of mohammedan nuttiness. and moslum phantasmagorica for validating what we all assume: one's as blind as the other. the mental health of these poor unfortunates is truly in question here.

dear osama: i pray that your eternity is spent at the foot of the Throne of G_d (YHWH, the I AM, Hashem Adonai). may His Holy Spirit change your heart, and bring you the peace of knowing, and loving, and experiencing the love of, Jesus. may you bow in reverence in this life. Peace, in His love, papajoe

Adnan Khalil said...

Osama, you could always leave "the great babel and prostitute of the bible" for one of the many great Muslim countries. Why aren't you so keen to leave the place you seem to hate so much?

Sepher Shalom said...


Please have your physician adjust your medication dosages, and then stop using offensive racial slurs.

I guess this is stage #3 of Osama´s 10 part implosion strategy.

Stay tuned for next week´s episode....

Unknown said...



I have just read a (reputable) study, that shows that most juvenile repeating offenders in Berlin (capital of Germany) are from a muslim background. (Well, it doesnt say muslim background, it says that they are from Arabia, Turkey, Libanon etc..)

We have a very big problem here with muslim immigrants in Germany. Many do not work and a substantive portion is criminal. A debate about this problem is just slowly starting, but there is heavy resistance from the left.

One wrong word in public and you will be tried for "Volksverhetzung" our equivalent for "hate speech". Not to mention the loss of your job and social status. Our press is infiltrated by the left.

Hopefully we will soon get a grip on this.

Unknown said...

Osama Abdullah:
"He emerged during the hottest times of descrimination against African-Americans and he was impressed by how Islam truly equates between all Muslims when he visited Mecca."

He didnt know that islamic slavery was abolished by the west.

Infact, the mohammedans only forgot it. It was never really abolished in islam.

mkvine said...

Why is Mr. Abdullah always bringing race into the discussion? Were you hired by Shadid Lewis?

Radical Moderate said...

Osama, Osama, Osama.

As much as I have enjoyed your foolish rants I think I need to correct some of your mis conceptions about me.

First, I'm 100 percent WHITE EUROPEAN MUTT. A mix of the finest pesant stock western and northern Euorope has to offer. Mostly German, and Dutch, with just a touch of Scotts Irish that turns my blue eyse the coolest shade of Hazel Green when the moonlight hits it just right.

Second all though it was a veiled threat to introduce you to Some of my Latin King and MS13 friends. Those friends of mine are X bangers who came to the lord and now run Gang Out reach programs. I thought it would be funny to have them show up at a public debate to ask you to reapeat your opinion on their mothers, sisters, and daugters. But since you are never going to debate in public I guess I will have no joy in watching you stutter and stammer and sweat on stage.

Just to let you know. Although I am a republican from a long line of republicans I voted for President Barrak Obama. I personaly am happy that he has increased the drone missle strikes in Wazarastan Pakistan.

A little more information on me, I grew up on the south side of Chicago, my nieborhood was a mix of Italian, Mexican, Polish roman Catholics, and African American Baptists. So I grew up in a very ecletic neihborhood. The only real violcence I saw was at a soccer game between a Itallian Team and Mexican team. I will never understand the passion for soccor.

And yes I am a compadre, thats a God father to my best friends baby boy. And yes he is Mexican.

I now live in a upper middle class neihborhood, that is prodomintly African American. So your racist slurs, and allegations of keepign the "Black man down" are well just insane and ridiculous. But hey keep exposing the racism of Islam we really do apreciate it. Like I have always said, if you jsut let a muslim speak they will expose the truth about islam.

sam said...

to ashraf and osama abdulla.

i knw us christians r taking a big risk and deny islam and that its false. R u going to force us to convert or even kill us? If ur not gona do that then maybe u sud put ur faith else where cause ur not carrying out the teachings of the quran. osama if u were to c me on the streets r u going to kill me cause i talk against Islam? and ashraf r u goin to do the same thing as well even though u want every radical muslim to show that islam is not abput killing? im sure they will kill u as well cause ur just in here sick minded way. Is that clear enough for both of u?

Radical Moderate said...


Osama Abdullah would be a prime candidate for repatriation. Could you imagine Osama living under Taliban Sahria law. LOL he would be so lost.

leviMichealathan said...

muslimphantom...4 a moment there i thought u were being sarcastic...LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

leviMichealathan said...

osama, r u gonna answer my question? or r we to assume that there's no such person who can defend islam like i defined?

Osama Abdallah said...

"Please have your physician adjust your medication dosages, and then stop using offensive racial slurs."

I just had a CPU upgrade.

Osama Abdallah

Brianman said...

Hi this is Brianman...I am on my gap year before I study medicine, here on a spiritual journey to find my true religion.

I have some questions:
When people say Jesus is the Lord, in what way do they mean that? Do they mean he is one of the trinity when they say he is the Lord?


So, where did this belief come from that Jesus is the Lord (as God)? Where was this philosophy derived from? i.e one of the disciples? Paul? Jesus' authentic words?

Thank you

More questions coming :)

Osama Abdallah said...

David Wood said in his update:

"*****UPDATE***** Osama isn't letting up. He just added:


So Osama agrees with the Qur'an on this one.

He also added in the comments section here an open condemnation of America, calling it "the great babel and prostitute of the bible."

There's certainly nothing to worry about when Muslims right here in America have absolutely no loyalty to America and want to see it fall."

If america was an ordinary country minding its own business and not plotting conspiracies not only against many countries in the world, BUT ALSO AGAINST ITS OWN MINORITY CITIZENS, then no Muslim should wish harm to it. David Wood, you seem to be another white supremacist who doesn't have the least problem in any of your government's conspiracies and evil doings. This is typical of your people. They do all kinds of crimes and they brush them aside as if they're not big deal. Well, I guess they shouldn't be big deal to you when you view the other side as sub-humans. **********Weren't the millions of Native Americans who were slaughtered by your grand fathers sub-humans David Wood? Your people bark HOLOCAUST HOLOCAUST HOLOCAUST days and nights on the news as if no one else died in WWII except for the jews, and you 100% agree with it. But we don't see you speaking a single word about any crime done to anyone else, especially if he/she was from a third-world country. GREAT CHRISTIAN YOU ARE INDEED, DAVID WOOD.

If one doesn't see the evil of the US government, then either one is a racist and supremacist, or one is simply a blind fool.

Osama Abdallah

David Wood said...


You are now officially blocked again from this site. Notice that whenever I say something about you, it's based on evidence. When I point out that you've accused Latinas of being sluts, it's because you said it. When I say that you have declared that there are three situations in which you would "beat the daylights" out of a woman, it's because you said it. When I claim that you have said the vilest things about Christians and Jews, it's because you said them. I don't make up things about people simply to insult them.

But you're quite the opposite now, aren't you? Do you have any reason whatsoever to believe that I am a White Supremacist? No. My wife is Filipina. My best friend throughout college was Pakistani. I've never uttered any racist comments (unlike you). But does this stop you from inventing the most absurd accusations, simply to attack people? Not at all. But what should I expect? Since the Qur'an invents all kinds of things about Christians and Jews, it shouldn't be surprising that Muslims do the same thing.

So go ahead and continue to spread lies on your own site. You're no longer welcome here.

Brianman said...

Yikes, a bit of a crazy feud between Osama and everybody else!!

Someone please answer my questions :p

It would be better if I just had someones email address because surely it will get annoying if I post questions that are not even related to the articles.

I want some people to respond to my questions...I post on this site because it is full of Christian apologetics.

Thanks guys

The LOST soul Brianman.

leviMichealathan said...

it was about time, david.

pitty the fool didn't answer my question...actually, he never does answer anything, does he?

osama, i challenge u by ur allah to phone in (to abn) this weekend so that everyone will know what fools islam and u r (if they don't already know, like muslimphantom & ashraf)!!!

but if ur allah is not willing (again), then we won't hear from u, will we?

too bad...i was waiting for some laughs this weekend.

i'm not a gambler but i bet chicken little won't phone in...

Nakdimon said...

Brian man: “I have some questions:
When people say Jesus is the Lord, in what way do they mean that? Do they mean he is one of the trinity when they say he is the Lord?”

Nope, when we say “Yeshua is Lord” we mean that he is Lord and souvern over all creation, just like he said in Matthew 28:18

“Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

Brian man: “So, where did this belief come from that Jesus is the Lord (as God)? Where was this philosophy derived from? i.e one of the disciples? Paul? Jesus' authentic words?”

Did you say “Jesus’ authentic words”? That sounds Muhammadan-like. Yeshua’s words in the Gospels are authentic. We get this teaching that he is Lord (as God) from different places.

"16"Do you hear what these children are saying?" they asked him. "Yes," replied Jesus, "have you never read, " 'From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise'? (Matthew 21:16)

The religious leaders didn’t want the children to address Yeshua as they did and basically asked Him to have them stop. Yeshua then justifies the praise he received from those children by quoting Scripture and applying it to Himself. Do you know what He quotes? Psalm 8:2 that says:

1 O YHWH, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. 2 FROM THE LIPS OF CHILDREN AND INFANTS YOU HAVE ORDAINED PRAISE because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger

Psalm says that YHWH Elohim has ordained praise for Himself from the lips of small ones, yet Yeshua applies this verse to Himself in response to His critics. Furthermore, it is He that said:

21 "For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son also gives life to whom He wishes. 22 "For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son, 23 so that all will honor the Son even as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him. (John 5)

So you have to honour the Son in the same way as you honor the Father. Just in case Muslims want to say that the word here is also used to “honor ones parent” and thus the word doesn’t mean “to worship”, lets look at the meaning of the word in question and see how it’s used here. The word here is “timwsin” which means “to estimate – to value – to honour – to revere – to venerate”. We thus see that the word means to esteem in greatness, not just to hold in account. So what Yeshua is saying here is that people are to esteem, to value, to revere, to venerate the Son in the same manner as they honor the Father. Not less and not more than the Father, but in equal manner. Could Muhammad or anyone else, be he human or angel or any created being, claim that he is to be honoured just like God the Creator without blaspheming? Nope!

I could go on with these texts, but I think this will suffice.


Fernando said...

Hi dear Brianman... sorry iff in the previous thread your friend t_a_s interfeared in our exchange off words and started treattening me iff I continued to answer to his false claims... it was tooo sad... I even started thinking that he and you were the same person because he started posting comments when you simplie desapeared... eben your questions/arguments do look like muhammedistiks... sorry to say so...

don't you feel strange thate you're posting these questions in a blogg named "answering muslims"? are you a muslim or not? there are a lot of soted in the NET thate can give you answerings to your questions in the NET...

butt brother Nakdimon also gave you some good answers...

may God help in your search for the truth...

Hogan Elijah Hagbard said...

This who Osama Abdallah business, is becoming slightly toxic.

The sole picture we get of Osama is that of: hatred, sex, pornography and now racism.

David Wood said...


If you're worried about going off topic, I could always make a post titled "Brianman's Questions." Then you could ask whatever questions you like, and it wouldn't be off topic.

Fernando said...

Dear Osama... not againnnn... whate habe you done? Whie just cant you refrain from going into the dark path?

I suppose Doctor Wood will place, next, a counter to keep tracking the number off times you habe been blocated in this blogg...

I'll be praying for you: may Jesus, our common God, help you.

Radical Moderate said...

Oh no Osama Abdullah did it again, and got himself banned from the blog. How will I ever get over it. Oh wait I'm already over it.

GreekAsianPanda said...

Blocked again? LOL. How many times has Osama been blocked?

Letitia (The Damsel) said...


I am updating my blog and will try to have something to answer your questions. Please be patient. I have a life, after all.

My blog is Talitha, Koum!

Brianman said...

I have done my research. I will not be following the Christianity you believe in.
I am also not a Muslim by the way. You may mistake me for one.
I'm still in search for the truth.
I cannot accept that Paul is a prophet of God and an apostle.

It came to the toss up....Jesus' original teachings that were taught in a church whose head was Peter, with actual disciples James (Jesus' brother) and John...OR...Saul of Tarsus. Saul seemed to want to fight for his beliefs and his teachings about Jesus and prefers it to the teachings of the actual disciples who walked and talked with him, the church who believes that Jesus was not divine and was a servant and just a messiah.

Paul and Steven learnt together about Jesus and Christianity....they both came from hellenistic backgrounds. Steven is a HELLENISTIC CHRISTIAN. They didn't learn from the original disciples. They usually believed that rulers and big figures were divine.

I am choosing to follow the teachings of the earliest which case I am curently the "earliest form of Ebionite"...because I'm pretty sure that after the deaths of the disciples, the actual teachings would have hit the gutter and followers would have adopted surrounding christian teachings because Ebionites failed to attract believers...there were just too many wasn't a simple religion for people who have literally bathed in sin.

t_a_s has helped me a lot.

I just cannot accept Paul whatsoever. I am sorry.

I would like to reiterate...I am not a muslim. I am an earliest teaching Ebionite...I will look into Islam now...that is going to be a mission. lol


Gospels were made after Paul's letters. Pauls gospel writers were close to Paul..Pauls earliest works were a foundation to build on.

Paul got confused with the spirit of God and the Spirit of Jesus...and he also got confused with the idea of Jesus being Lord God.


Thank you


Fernando said...

Dear Brianman... I'm very glad you habe done your researches with t_a_s and reached the brillinat conclusion (standard and false muslim claims) you reached... yes: iff you beliebe in whate you wrotte it's better to you nott to bee a Christian because we usually use our minds to understand the Bible (as I woulde have supposes someone who'll go to the top m4 univesrities in the UK as you saide...), unless the tipical muslim person who, nott grasppinh anything aboutte the Bible, creattes every kind off pseudo-arguments likke you have posted...

may God help you in your serch off the truth... perhaps one day you'll see how far from the minimal understanding off the biblical texts...

always praying for you t_a_s,


Nakdimon said...

Before I start my comments on Brianman, I would like to ask one of the contributors of the blog to start a new topic called “Brianman’s Questions”.

Brianman wrote: I have done my research. I will not be following the Christianity you believe in.
I am also not a Muslim by the way. You may mistake me for one.
I'm still in search for the truth.
I cannot accept that Paul is a prophet of God and an apostle.

It came to the toss up....Jesus' original teachings that were taught in a church whose head was Peter, with actual disciples James (Jesus' brother) and John...OR...Saul of Tarsus.

Can you tell us why you cannot accept Paul as an apostle? Because it seems odd to me personally, that people would reject Paul as an apostle, yet the NT tells us in Acts and 2 Peter that Paul is a true apostle who was accepted as such by James, Peter, John and the rest of the believing community in Jerusalem, which was the birthplace and headquarter of the Messianic Community. In fact, even if you take Paul out of the NT and remove his letters, you would still come up with the following teachings:

Yeshua is Divine: John 1:1, John 20:28-29, Matthew 21:16, Mark 14:62
Yeshua is the Son of God: all the Gospels and the epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude
Yeshua died for our sins: Mark 10:45, Mark 14:24, Matthew 26:27, John 3:16
Yeshua died and rose from the dead: Mark 8:31, Mark 10: 32, Matthew 20:17, Luke 24: 46
Yeshua’s Gospel was to reach the world: Mark 14:9, Matthew 24:14, Luke 24: 46

These teachings are also clearly seen in the epistles of Peter, James and John. So what is the beef with Paul all about?

Saul seemed to want to fight for his beliefs and his teachings about Jesus and prefers it to the teachings of the actual disciples who walked and talked with him, the church who believes that Jesus was not divine and was a servant and just a messiah.

I wanted to apologize earlier on for mistaking you for a Muslim. But I didn’t because you keep sounding like one. Your arguments are exactly the arguments that we hear ONLY from Muslims. Like this comment of yours. You claim that Paul fought for his version of the Messianic faith and tried to topple the “established church”. Can you please share with us where you got this from? Where do you get the idea from that Paul was this usurper that overthrew the heads of the Messianic Congregation (James, Peter and John) to establish his own version of that faith. And what makes you think that Peter James and John didn’t think that Yeshua was Divine? Point us to the source of this argument please.


Nakdimon said...

Paul and Steven learnt together about Jesus and Christianity....they both came from hellenistic backgrounds. Steven is a HELLENISTIC CHRISTIAN. They didn't learn from the original disciples. They usually believed that rulers and big figures were divine.

Brian, what is the source of your research? Because you said that you did your research. Please don’t tell us that Wikipedia is the source of your scholarly research. You have made a couple of gross errors in this tiny piece of text.

1. Paul and Steven never learnt together. Steven died by stoning for his belief in Yeshua and Paul, at the time hostile towards the Messiahship of Yeshua, was present, condoning that execution of Steven.
2. Paul was NOT a Hellenistic Jew. Stephen was. There is no proof whatsoever that Paul was Hellenistic. In fact, of what was know about Paul from the NT, especially Acts, he was specifically non-Hellenistic.
3. What makes you think that they didn’t learn from the “original disciples”? Since you have conceded that Peter, James and John were the true disciples of the Messiah, how do you explain the passages in Acts 6 where Stephen is said to have been an Elder in the Messianic Jewish community? Are you trying to tell us that although Stephen was made an Elder in the Community that was established by the apostles, wasn’t taught by those very same apostles? What do you do with the accounts in Acts 8:26-30, where Paul meets with the disciples personally and they affirm his teachings? What do you do with Acts 15, where Paul meets the apostles again and is sent on a mission by those very apostles to give Gentiles some news on their minimal requirements to join the Messianic Community? What do you do with Acts 21:17-26 where Paul meets with James and James receives him and praises God with him for Paul’s ministry among the Gentiles?
4. What makes you think that Stephen and Paul thought that big rulers and big figures were divine?

Please tell us about the source you appeal to when you make these claims.

I am choosing to follow the teachings of the earliest which case I am curently the "earliest form of Ebionite"...because I'm pretty sure that after the deaths of the disciples, the actual teachings would have hit the gutter and followers would have adopted surrounding christian teachings because Ebionites failed to attract believers...there were just too many wasn't a simple religion for people who have literally bathed in sin.

Brian, are you actually saying that the first disciples were Ebionites? The earliest record that we have from the Ebionites is a mention of that sect in the late second century writing of a Christian apologist. Why are you appealing to Ebionites when we cant even know if they existed at all in the first century, let alone go all the way back to the apostles? I seriously wonder what your source has been in your research.

t_a_s has helped me a lot.

Who is t_a_s? If this t_a_s person has taught you everything you have said so far, then I would advice you to get another helper in your quest for truth, because everything you have said thus far is historically inaccurate.


Nakdimon said...

Gospels were made after Paul's letters. Pauls gospel writers were close to Paul..Pauls earliest works were a foundation to build on.

Paul got confused with the spirit of God and the Spirit of Jesus...and he also got confused with the idea of Jesus being Lord God.

What you have here is a great theory, but that’s all it is, a theory. It’s not supported by the historical data. While it’s true that the Gospels were written after some Paul’s letters, there is no reason whatsoever to conclude that those letters reached the writers of the Gospels, therefore they were influenced by the letters of Paul. In addition, we have letters from Peter, John and James saying the same things in their epistles as Paul did. Were they influenced by Paul also? If so, then why did you mention them as true apostles earlier? If not then please explain why they would write the same things in their epistles as Paul has written in his epistles? In fact, Peter even endorses the teachings of Paul:

14 So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. 15 Bear in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation, JUST AS OUR DEAR BROTHER PAUL ALSO WROTE YOU WITH THE WISDOM THAT GOD GAVE HIM. 16 HE WRITES THE SAME WAY IN ALL HIS LETTERS, speaking in them of these matters. HIS LETTERS CONTAIN SOME THINGS THAT ARE HARD TO UNDERSTAND, WHICH IGNORANT AND UNSTABLE PEOPLE DISTORT, as they do the other Scriptures, TO THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION.

So Peter is saying that Paul’s writings are Scripture, which Paul wrote with the wisdom that God gave him. If Peter, by your own admission, is a true apostle of Yeshua and endorses Paul, then what is your beef with Paul?

Lastly, by claiming that Paul confused “the spirit of God and the spirit of Jesus”, are you saying that those are two different spirits? Please identify the differences between the two.


This is an argument that I have heard many times from Muslims but when I challenge to show where Paul changed anything that Yeshua said, they cannot deliver. So I will issue the challenged to you also: Please show me where you think Paul changed the teachings of Yeshua. Please come with “authentic teachings” of Yeshua, since you made the distinction between authentic and non-authentic.

I look forward to your response.

I wish you the grace of God,

IslamSINS said...

Dr. Wood said: You (Osama) are now officially blocked again from this site.

I thought the air seemed fresher in here. You've nearly the patience of a saint; I blocked Abdallah after he made two typically ignorant comments in just one of my videos. I knew I wasn't going to allow him to spew his unsubstantiated bile ad nauseum. But, I've been PMSing for 30 years, so I have a doctor's excuse for my crankiness. ;-)

leviMichealathan said...

brianman said:
I have done my research. I will not be following the Christianity you believe in.

only a few days ago u were searching for answers and now u have already made a decision?

like Nakdimon said that if u reject pauls letters, u would still hold to the core christian beliefs that we have today.

brianman, it seems to me that u already made up ur mind before asking ur questions...

Fernando said...

Brother Nakdimon... here's the thread off the first time Brianman = t_a_s appeared in this blogg... from his claims you can understand why I make those identification... I guess a thread to gibe answer to Brianman = t_a_s woulde bee great... it would bee like answering the major muslim pseudo-argumentations against Christianity...

Apollos26 said...

To David Wood:

Thumbs up brother for blocking Osama Abdallah. I unfotutnalty have to say that he is a big ingorant idiot. We only can hope for this fallen soul that he will find the truth.

Christ is risen!

Fernando said...

Hi Apollos26... this is the first time I see you around here... may God help you and your family... I hoppe to see more comments from you arounde here...

Letitia (The Damsel) said...

Dear Brothers in Christ Jesus and Brianman,

I invite you to take this discussion to my blog where it won't be an off-topic thread like it is here on Answering Muslims. I have already posted a response to Brianman's inital question here.


Apollos26 said...


Thanks man for the nice welcome,

yeah I am quite new on the blog and I hope to get to know many of you and post some good thoughts.

God bless you and your family and keep you firm in his spirit.

alle the best,


Anonymous said...

Osama abdullah said

"Is a hispanic truly a seperate race? No. It is only to know exactly and precisely where the "niggers" live. The "niggers" here, to the white christian lords, are the Latinos and the African Americans"

to mr abdullah

now your being racist using the word nigger all the time. white Christian lords? last time i checked America was being run by an afro-American. if u dont like america than by all means leave

so Jews and Christians are scum? we are trash? im glad your showing how loving and caring Islam has made you, your hateful personality adequately reveals how Islam fills many of its adherents with hate and intolerance. you are a vile little hate preacher who's arrogance and hatred is only surpassed by your ignorance (especially about Christianity) I have seen your website its the biggest joke ever. I have studied theology and I saw so many errors on it, its clear you do not know the 1st thing about Christianity or Jesus.

Id rather have apologists like shaber alley than you because at least he is not so much of a hate preacher.