Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sharia Comes to Dearborn, Michigan

Watch this video!

*****Click here for a complete summary of our experience in Dearborn.*****

A Detailed Explanation of the Video

On June 21st, I moderated a peaceful public debate between Mary Jo Sharp and Ehteshaam Gulam. After the debate, Nabeel, Mary Jo, and I went to the Dearborn Arab Festival, which had already become an open celebration of persecution against Christians. The festival organizers had declared that Christians could not distribute materials on the public sidewalks or street, and, when the matter was brought before the courts, the judge agreed that Christians could not freely distribute information during the festival. (Note: This decision has been defended in the media by claiming that the “no-distributing-materials” rule applied to everyone, and therefore wasn’t unfair to Christians. However, anyone who was at the festival knows that this is not true. People were walking up and down the sidewalks distributing pamphlets and brochures, right in front of security. The rule was only enforced against Christians, and therefore only the rights of Christians were violated.)

Muslim security guards (one of whom had “Hezbollah” tattooed down his forearm) took things a step further and wouldn’t even allow Christians to talk about their beliefs openly. Security guards also repeatedly entrapped Christians in an attempt to get us to violate the court order.

This even happened to me, despite the fact that I wasn’t talking to anyone about Christianity or Islam. I had a pamphlet in my front pocket, and one of the Muslim security guards walked up to me and said, “That looks like a really interesting pamphlet. Could I have it?” She even had her walkie-talkie in hand! Fortunately, I had already heard about this woman and other Muslim security guards doing this repeatedly at the festival, so I didn’t fall for it. That’s when Nabeel and Mary Jo entered the tent in an attempt to question a group of Muslims about a horribly inaccurate pamphlet they were distributing. What happened next may be outlined as follows:

  • We see a booth that is specifically for answering questions people have about Islam.
  • Nabeel walks up to the booth and attempts to ask a question.
  • When the Muslims don’t want to talk on camera, Nabeel begins walking away.
  • One of the Muslims (a former member of Tupac’s crew!) then invites Nabeel back for a dialogue.
  • Security grabs our camera and forces MJ to turn it off. Security then breaks up the discussion, despite the fact that the Muslims at the booth agreed that we could record the conversation.
  • We leave the tent and ask a police officer if we are free to record; he responds that we are in a public area and can record all we want. He also says that it is illegal for anyone to touch our cameras or force us to turn them off.
  • We walk up to some non-Muslim security guards and ask if we can record a dialogue; they reply in the affirmative.
  • Nabeel attempts to reestablish the discussion, but this time the Muslims at the booth don’t want to talk on camera.
  • We leave the booth, and I see the woman who had grabbed the camera and forced MJ to turn it off. I begin recording the woman (in case we need to identify her later), at which point she gets on her walkie-talkie and informs her fellow Muslim security guards that we are harassing her.
  • Following their pattern of entrapping Christians at the festival, the Muslim security guards convince two teenagers to strike up a conversation with Nabeel and snatch a pamphlet from his hand.
  • While one of the teens distracts Nabeel with a conversation, the other snatches the pamphlet from Nabeel's hands.
  • Within seconds we’re surrounded by a mob of Muslim security guards.
  • The Muslim security force slaps our cameras, threatens us, shouts profanity at us, openly proclaims that our rights as Americans are meaningless, pushes us, kicks and tries to trip Nabeel, and lies to the police.
  • The head of security then informs the police that we must be removed from the festival.
Fortunately, we got most of this on tape! See the video at the top.

Now think about this. We insisted on our Constitutional rights to (i) ask a question at a booth, and (ii) record in a public place. This was enough to get us banned from a public sidewalk in Dearborn, Michigan (the city with the highest percentage of Muslims in the U.S.). By comparison, the Muslim security guards openly harassed, intimidated, bullied, threatened, entrapped, and assaulted Christians; they openly proclaimed that they don’t care about our rights as American citizens; they used profanity as they insulted us; they lied to police. This behavior was perfectly welcome in Dearborn, even at a family festival! (There were other examples of open hatred as well.)

I have contacted the Arab Chamber of Commerce (the organization responsible for planning the festival, selecting the security team, and deciding that Christians are no longer free to distribute information in public places). I have asked for an apology and for their thoughts on how such horrendous treatment of Christians will be avoided in the future. They have not responded.

Going back to the time of Muhammad, whenever the population of Muslims becomes significant, followers of other religions are suppressed, and the proclamation of non-Muslim beliefs is forbidden. This second-class status for non-Muslims is prescribed by Sharia, and the victims are called "dhimmis." Welcome to Sharia in the United States, my friends.


Stephanie said...

Watching that video, I feel absolutely sick to my stomach. I knew there was talk about establishing Sharia courts in America just like in the UK (I've almost finished my research paper on the idea of a Westernized sharia and its incompatibility with the Constitution), but I had no idea that "Islamization" is actually happening in these kinds of areas. I hope that the police saw the video, because security blatantly assaulted you and they had no grounds to do that.

It's hard to imagine freedom of speech being indispensable, but evidently, it's happening; sadly, the idea of "trans-nationalism" as a way to interpret the Constitution is a major contributing factor. It seems undeniable that Muslims in America do get preferential treatment while Christians, Jews, etc. are consistently demonized and thrown under the bus, yet it's something that most don't acknowledge. Honestly? I fear being a Christian in America right now. But that's not going to prevent me from speaking out.

Good for all of you who spoke out and maintained your innocence throughout this strange ordeal. I, for one, would not want to be the dhimmi either! :P

Fernando said...


Anonymous said...

The youung guy in the Magic Baskeball shirt had a camera in my face the night befoe when we were speaking to some people. He tried to immidate and harass a number of us.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh.....! This surely looks scary....Hope your group is Careful. Jesus is Lord....and you people will be protected.....I am feeling so sorry to see you people fighting for the right cause...but still it makes me scared....God bless you!!!!!

Sepher Shalom said...

It's time for people to step and get persecuted for the faith. If we don't exercise our rights we will lose them.

G-d bless you and protect you, David and Nabeel. I hope you are exploring legal action. It's the only way to get the message across that this behavior is unacceptable in this country.

Radical Moderate said...

David/Nabeel my mom said I cant hang out with you guys. Your just to rowdy. Almost insighting the security guards to riot. :)

I'm joking about the mom part.
WOW, I cant believe they swarmed you guys like that. SWARM SWARM SWARM.

The pamphlet that was snatched out of Nabeel's hand, was that the muslim pamphlet? I'm wondering if you can post that pamphlet it should make for a intersting read.

Which one of the SS gurads had the Hezbullah tatoo? He might be a real member and gotten that tattoo in a Israeli prision.

Radical Moderate said...

when that kid came over and snatched the pamphlet out of nabeel's hand it looked likea crack deal. LOL

Confident Christianity said...

Is there a hard copy of the employed Security Guards floating around somewhere? Also, what was the hiring criteria and who was in charge of the hiring? How much did they make to harass people?

Roger Sharp
Confident Christianity

Radical Moderate said...

Ok just watched it for a third time and my rage has subsided to a dull throbing anger.

I honestly have to hand it to all that was there. You guys didnt back down, and kept your composer. Honeslty I dont know how you guys did it.

Except to say that the love and peace of Christ was on you all.

Christi said...

I am sorry this happened to you but in the interest of fair-thinking, anytime followers of one particular "religion" become the majority in a specific culture, followers of other religions even members of other racial groups tend to be suppressed and persecuted. I would point out the crusades and slavery both of which used Christianity as a justification. Islam is no better no worse (in a spiritual sense) than other religions. The way of Jesus is a departure from religion. Instilling fear of Islam in other followers of Christ is counterproductive to our call to love God and love people. "In perfect love there is no fear"

OLA said...

I use to be a muslim, I thank God for giving my life to Christ. Islam makes me sick when i see the way they treat people. Although i don't hate the people, cos many of my family are still muslim, but i hate the religion itself. Islam is full of lies. Thank you guys for your good work, please show the world what the religion is all about.

Unknown said...

Islam strives for world domination but has any moslem ever thought a bit deeper and figured out what that would mean for the human race and the world?

- all Jews on this world will be exterminated, not only the ones in Israel.
- the same fate will be for all dogs, pigs and any other unclean animals.
- freedom of speech is gone.
- critics of islam are put to death
- Christians are forced to convert.
- apostates from islam are killed.
- lives of Christians that do not convert will be made miserable.
- moslems can have slaves again... Christians.
- all other religions and atheist must convert or loose their head.
- homosexuals will be hung or thrown from a tall building.
- the history of the world will be re-written in islamic friendly terms.
- women will be taken out of the work force.
- child rape is permissable
- thieves will lose their hand.
- adultres women will be stoned.
- women will be forced to give birth to as many children as they can.
- women can be beaten again.
- all women need to wear their penguin suit.
- women and girls are not allowed to go to school.
- all western literature will be destroyed.
- libraries will be destroyed.
- technical, medical and science subjects on schools will be banned because these contradict with the quran.
- society will get a shortage of doctors, engineers and technicians.
- hospitals run out of doctors and nurses.
- no more medicines, camel urine is in high demand.
- no more inoculation against diseases.
- diseases that were eradicated are back.
- the average life span drops from 80 years to End of 19th Century levels, about 37 years.
- factories run out of people that can run the processes.
- factories, refineries and utility plants run unsafe and need to be closed.
- the western industrial system collapses.
- you don't want to know what the unemployment rate is.
- no more electricity.
- no more gasoline or any other fuels.
- no more telephone, TV, radio and Internet.
- cars, trains, ships, planes and agricultural equipment can not be built anymore.
- fertilizers and pesticides are not produced anymore.
- farm land needs to be cultivated by hand.
- there are not enough Christan slaves to do the manual work in the fields.
- the quran does not give instructions to the moslems on how to grow food or work the land.
- the farmers can not even produce one tenth of what is produced currently.
- enormous famine will occur.
- all domestic and wild animals will be slaughtered for food
- people will fight and kill each other for food.
- Christians will be in the minority and will be murdered first.
- human population will shrink to levels before the industrial revolution, about 500 million.
- for ages to come, the whole world will resemble current Somalia and Sudan.
- although moslims are misguided in thinking that they will go to heaven, they shucky darn won't.
- only islam is known to the world therefore nobody will go to heaven anymore.
- the world has been made in a living hell.
- separation between good and evil has occurred.

I wonder, why didn't allah foresee this? Or maybe he did...

In the end the choice is to the American people, expell moslims from your lands or eventually face the above mentioned consequences.

Have a good day.

minoria said...

Holy Smoke,gone are the days of "Smile,you're on Candid Camera".To be menaced like that.I thought trolls only existed in fairy tales till today.Talk about insecurity.If one is sure of one's religion then one doesn't react like those guards.Again,what emotional immaturity.

Non-Muslims should be firm.In England a few years ago a school changed a play from "The 3 Little Pigs" to "The 3 Little Puppies".There was protest.Just because Muslim students have a grudge against that animal is no reason to change the characters.
I don't know how it ended.

Mary Jo,David and Nabeel,you guys are brave.I wouldn't be able to do that.I have nothing against people believing in Mohammed as a prophet as long as they respect my human rights.But others who are fighting to keep human rights respected are (maybe you have heard of them):the ex-Muslims Walid Shoebat(Christian now),Ali Sina(deist),Ayan Hirsi Ali (atheist),Ibn Warraq(wrote Why I am not a Muslim) and Robert Spencer and Brigitte Gabriel(both Christian).Also there's newcomer Kamal Saleem(all these people are on youtube,except Ali Sina and Ibn Warraq),ex-terrorist and now Christian,with a book Blood of Lambs.

How many do we have?A mere handful.Why doesn't Michael Moore speak out?Or the Dalai Lama?Or Richard Carrier?Why is it only ex-Muslims and Christians are doing anything?There's Irshad Manji,but she's not considered a Muslim by the Muslims.

nma said...

It is outrageous that those Muslims act as if they own the public streets of the US and they have the right to assault peaceful people. If there is no widespread reaction to such, sooner or later the wild beast called sharia will take over the whole country.

Stephanie said...

you said: I am sorry this happened to you but in the interest of fair-thinking, anytime followers of one particular "religion" become the majority in a specific culture, followers of other religions even members of other racial groups tend to be suppressed and persecuted. I would point out the crusades and slavery both of which used Christianity as a justification. Islam is no better no worse (in a spiritual sense) than other religions. The way of Jesus is a departure from religion. Instilling fear of Islam in other followers of Christ is counterproductive to our call to love God and love people. "In perfect love there is no fear"

I believe the point of this video (and really the content on this blog) is to make Christians aware of the persecution that lies ahead. Sharia is a very real threat not just to Christians but to all non-Muslims around the world; it is an oppressive, misogynic theocracy ("theocracy" is used loosely) that ensures the deliverance of inhumane punishments to the thief, the adulterer, the apostate, etc. Already the UK has become the dhimmi by allowing sharia courts to be established. Christians should be afraid and not stand for this; fear of Islam (a religion) or sharia (a legal system) does not institute the fear of Muslims (a people). Indeed, we are to love Muslims as people, but we cannot be tolerant to violent acts.

Sandpeep said...

Get a lawyer, sue them. If that fails, get another lawyer, someone else in the group sue them. IF that fails get a better lawyer, or try the Thomas More Law Center, they are already helping Pastor George Saieg.

Watching the video I must compliment all involved, My blood was boiling and doubt I would have remained anywhere near as calm as all of you involved.

ABSOLUTELY this has to be on Y-Tube, and when those @ss-hats take it down, put it up under a different heading.

Sandpeep said...

Christi said...."....I would point out the crusades and slavery both of which used Christianity as a justification. Islam is no better no worse (in a spiritual sense) than other religions. The way of Jesus is a departure from religion. Instilling fear of Islam in other followers of Christ is counterproductive to our call to love God and love people. "In perfect love there is no fear..."

Part of your argument would hold water if you didn't use examples that are 1,000 and 150 years old, and compare them to something that's happening today.

Not agreeing with your argument about either the crusades or slavery, but you must agree that we DON'T have slavery today in Christian countries, while muslim countries had slavery well into the 20th century. (in fact one got "rid" of slavery just last fall...Hummm)

Back on point, Islam hasn't changed in 1400 years, and it won't, it's out of step with the world today, those folks defending it in the video do so because they know islam cannot stand up to any discussion (besides the religion doesn't even allow discussion, like the one we're having here...) There's a WORLD of difference between religions, pick up a book.

"Jesus is a departure from religion??!?!? Um, isn't Jesus' way still called Christianity, with 1,500,000,000 followers? People who justify slavery with religion sure have it wrong, not the other way around as you suggest.

Michelle Qureshi said...


Jesus taught us to love everyone, including our enemies. He taught us to sacrifice ourselves for others, though they hate us and sin against us.

Muhammad taught us to kill the unbelievers and fight Jews and Christians. He said "I have been commanded to fight the unbelievers until they recite the shahadah" (i.e. become Muslim).

Are you saying there's no difference?

When it comes to Christians, if they commit violence, ascribing their violence to Christianity is unjustified.

When it comes to Muslims, if they commit violence, ascribing their violence to Islam is entirely justified.

Unknown said...

wow- has Dearborn become a 3rd world country? This will only get worse....

Sepher Shalom said...

Mark said: "wow- has Dearborn become a 3rd world country? This will only get worse...."

In the interest of accuracy, I just want to point out that "Third World Country" is an economic term. I can think of plenty of third world countries that have more freedom and human rights than Sharia grants.

I'll take a third world country over a Sharia run country any day!! I might live poorly, but at least I could still have some dignity and human rights.

I get your intended point though Mark. This is not the America I know, and it is NOT a welcome change.

Ho-Logos said...

I am glad you guys didn't get brutally beaten. Islamic lying in action there. Absolutely disgusting.

I also don't understand why they are so angry at you. That short older guy looked like he wanted to kill you guys.

Going back to criminal law days, they seem to be fulfilling all the elements for a charge of assault. Clear real threats and even contact.

And these repulsive and dishonest guys are responsible for protecting others well-being?

minoria said...

Sepher Shalom is right.Third-world is purely economic.Saudi Arabia has alot of wealth yet people there have been taught a certain view.A Muslim can go to Brazil or Colombia or Argentina,which are third-world,and criticize the Bible,and nobody will threaten him.Can a Colombian or Brazilian do the same in Pakistan,Indonesia,Egypt about the Koran?

But a few facts about the Inquisition.Adnan Rashid in his debate with David Wood said it had killed 300,000.Not exactly.There were several Inquisitions:medieval,Spanish,Portuguese,etc.Christianity was illegal for some 250 years till 313 AD.That was soon after the last and greatest persecution under Emperor Diocletian(3,000 martyrs).

Circa 380 AD Emperor Theodosius made it the official religion of the Empire.The Inquisition was created in the 1220's.It took more than 800 years.Also it was ONLY in the Catholic countries.It never appeared in the East Orthodox countries(Russia,Bulgaria,Serbia,etc)or in Ethiopia.

When in the 1500's northern Europe became Protestant it was abolished.How many were killed?300,000?The medieval one killed 2,000( 1220-1500 AD).The Portuguese one(1537 till circa 1790) some 1,200.

Also not all Catholic countries had an Inquisition automatically circa 1220.Portugal never had a medieval one,it first had one in 1537.Castile never had one till 1478.Aragon(kingdom in Spain) got one in the 1200's but historians agree it was only on paper.It really got one in 1478.Aragon and Castile later united and formed Spain.I am almost sure Scandinavia never had an Inquisition at all.

How many were killed by the famous Spanish Inquisition?It lasted from 1478 till circa 1830.The last burning was in 1731.Historians agree that by 1730 it was practically dead.The last Spanish Inquisitor in 1830 estimated 30,000 had been killed.Later historians lowered it to 20,000.Later in the late 1900's to 10,000.Today there is debate.Some hold 10,000,others 4,000.Henry Kamen,the greatest expert on the Spanish Inquisition holds it at 2,000.That's a far cry from 300,000.It total all the Inquisitions killed from 6,000 to 13,000 from 1220 till 1731.

Spain ruled 300 years in America.Only 100 were killed by the Inquisition there.Also very early the native Indians were excempted from it.But how many Muslims who heard Adnan Rashid ever verified his 300,000 figure.I doubt even one.They counted on him for the scholarship.

Fernando said...

Brother minoria: youre assessemnt off the numbers off the inquisition are correct (hebe you read Edward Peter's "Inquisition"?), butt eben iff there wer 300,000 peoples killed in 600 years it would habe been like a drop of watter in the ocen off the 80.000.000 persons killed bie islam in it's 500 years in India...

Michelle Qureshi said...


Would you care to offer the sources/references for those statistics you provided? I would like to look these up and be ready in case they come up during a debate.

God bless you, my ... (brother, sister?)

In Christ,

minoria said...

Yes,Fernando,I have heard of that.The Hindu historians have stated it,from 1000 to 1500 the Hindu population went down by 80 million.In that time period Muslim armies invaded India many times.

As you can see the population didn't even remain constant.

minoria said...

Hello Nabeel:

With pleasure,and it's brother.Many of those dates are repeated over and over again in different books so one knows they are facts.About the latest research the 2 major works are Edward Peters's Inquisition(1988),as stated by Fernando.And Henry Kamen's The Spanish Inquisition:An Historical Revision(1998),where he gives the 2,000 figure.

I know wikipedia is sometimes so-so but it serves to give a basic idea:there's "Historical Revision of the Inquisition"in Wikipedia.

A bit more about the Inquisition.Sometimes you read it began in 1184,others in 1230 circa.The confusion is that the Episcopal Inquisition was began in 1184 but replaced by the Papal one circa 1230.Inquisition means "Investigation,Research".It was simply the bishops having to find out who was a heretic.

They were not authorized to torture anybody.Torture was not permited till 1252.These dates appear in any encyclopedia under "Inquisiton".

There's Vox Day's The Irrational Atheist:Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkings,Harris and Hitchens(2008).He gives the Inquisition figures and dates of when the different inquisitions began and ended in columns.He's a Christian.His real name is THEODORE BEAL(check it out in wikipedia)He's a brilliant technology expert.So I'm sure his numbers are correct.You can find a summary of his book in wikipedia also"The Irrational Atheist".Again,those dates are found in all encyclopedias.

For more to the section"How many people were killed in the Inquisition".

From Henry Charles Lea's History of the Inquisition of Spain(out of date,but a classic in its time)I got the info that the last Spanish Inquisitor had calculated the dead were 30,000.

The exact dates are:Portug.Inquis(1537-1821).I stated circa 1790 because in 1794 was,I think,the last death.Span.Inquis.(1478-1834).

About the 100 killed by the Inquisition in the Spanish Empire and exempting it from the Indians,it appears in Hubert Herring's History of Latin America(1960).He was one of the best American historians on Latin American.

One of those who gives the 4,000 figure for the Span.Inqu. is Thomas Madden,prof.of history in St.Louis Univeristy.In an article

Christi said...

Stephanie, Frank, and Nabeel: Thank you for responding to my comment. Frank, I am sorry you felt the need to insult my intelligence by suggesting that I am not well read. Nabeel and Stephanie: I certainly agree that there are major differences between Religions, but I still hold that all "Religions" lead to dangerous places either spiritually, physically or both. Certainly, we should not be naive of the dangers of Radical Islam, but just as many Christian Churches operate outside of scriptural guidlines, many modern day muslims operate outside the truest Islamic guidelines and are in no way violent. "Religious" Christian Churches may not be condoning slavery but what about gluttony, materialism, pride? Again my definition of "Religion" is: man's attempt to attain spiritual fulfillment/redemption through adherence to a set of rules and/or traditions. As the New Testament instructs us, we are incapable of attaining redemption for ourselves through any means, especially adherrance to rules/traditions (be they peaceful or unpeaceful). Our only redemption is "by grace through faith in Jesus Christ." If we want to protect our country, we should support those who fight against radical Islam while planting ourselves in churches who will without fear live alongside Muslim communities, to meet their practical needs that they may see and hear of our Jesus, who is the way, the truth and the life. While certainly a follower of a religion that promotes the murder of innocents is more morrally repugnant than one that subtly promotes materialism, without Jesus both still have the same destiny. Therefore, this business of ranking religions is useless. Instead, let's take the hands of people just because they are people and love them practically. I have a hunch that had those of you who were at the Michigan festival been deeply and beneficially involved in the Dearborn community, they would not have been so quick to toss you out on your butts.

minoria said...

Hello Nabeel:

I forgot to add that the reason the native Indians were exempted from the Iquisition was because they were legally considered minors in Spanish law,children.One reason was to protect them from the colonists.Any contract with them was illegal,to protect them from being dispossed of their property by clever lawyers.

At most 10,000 were killed by the Span.Inqui. from 1478-1731.But from 1936-39 during the Spanish Civil War the Republicans(radicals,communists,anarchists,democrats,socialists) killed 10,000 priests,nuns and monks.Only for their religion.They killed as many or more in 3 years based on religion than the Inquisition had done in 250 years.

In the case of Christy I think she'd like the following fact:there are cases of Christians really helping out.Around 1540 was founded the Jesuits,the Society of Jesus(La Compania de Jesus).In South America they made a deal with the Guarani Indians:we will protect you from being enslaved by the Spanish colonists,get help from the Spanish king if you accept our ideas.

They convinced the king by promising annual tribute.From 1609-1763 was the Jesuit Confederation:

1.The size of France,including parts of Argentina,Uruguay,Paraguay and southern Brazil.
2.Consisted of 30 towns of 3,000-4,000 people,around 100,000 in all.
3.All children went to school and learned to read and write.Then illiteracy in the Spanish Empire was about 99%.
4.Each town was ruled by 2 priests.
5.Work was five days a week,and 6 hrs a day.It's true,only 6 hrs,from 9 am till noon(then 2 hrs for lunch and napping),then 2 pm till 5 pm.
6.They never taught the Guaranis Spanish.The Jesuits learned Guarani and they never forced Spanish on them.
7.No money existed,it was a communistic system.They used barter.Only your clothes were yours.Those too old to work were taken care of by the community.
8.Many worked in the field but others were trained as printers,carpenters,blacksmiths,clockmakers,musicians,painters,millers,etc.This is significant,for before the Jesuits the Guaranis were semi-nomadic hunters.The Jesuits taught them the best of the European arts and crafts.
9.The Jesuits never profited personally at all from all the prosperity produced by the towns.
10.Nobody was ever in danger of dying of hunger,every day food was given to all in the town.

It lasted till the Jesuit order was suppressed in 1763 in Spain and its colonies.The Spaniards replaced them by colonial officials and priests of other orders.Since they lacked the dedication for the well-bring of the people exhibited by the Jesuits(incompetence and greed)the Guaranis abandoned the towns and they fell into ruin.The Jesuit experiment lasted some 150 years and is probably the most astonishing one between the white man and a non-white native people.

Ehteshaam Gulam said...

Hi everyone, Ehteshaam Gulam here with my two cents.

Okay, I think BOTH Muslims and Christians (including David Wood, Nabeel Qurehsi and MJ) handled the situation very poorly. I consider David Wood, Nabeel Qureshi and MJ Sharp my friends-- but I feel I need to be honest about this--- And that what I am going to say to all three of them right now will hurt their feelings-- but the truth needs to be told.

I just watched all the videos. And
I think all three of them did it on purpose for negative attention to put it on their websites to defame Islam. This was so obvious. For example Nabeel Qureshi walks up to the booth and asks a very offensive question, about the Quran 9:29-- which I have a response for. Anyways Nabeel very rudely asks if he can ask a question to a Muslim volunteer about a phamplet. However Nabeel changes the subject and asks about the Quran instead. Nabeel then rips the Quran out of context, and then says that the Quran supports terrorism.

For example there is nothing about the people in the booth allowing to be videotaped. When Nabeel walks up to the booth they ask for the camera to be turned off. Why would they ask that if they already allowed video-taping. So both David and Nabeel are being dishonest there-- the people in the booth were NOT interested in being videotaped.

Moreover if someone doesn't want to be video taped then they don't want to be videotaped. David, Nabeel and MJ should've respected that-- but they didn't. They continued to do so even when they were told not to. This tells me that they did it for attention. Moreover It was security personnel, not the Muslims whom you were talking to that had the camera shut down. The people at the booth seemed willing to discourse with Nabeel and David (or only Nabeel).

The security guards may have been overzealous but I don't see how that equates to "sharia in ... Read America" - that's a bit hyperbolic.

Wouldn't it be better if Nabeel, David and MJ had gone up to the booth without the camera on, told them that you had some questions and would like to speak to the most knowledgeable person present while MJ recorded it? I think David and Nabeel could have handled it better and would have gotten a better response.

Moreover the Muslims had a BOOTH-- they were not going around and passing out tracts or literature. I wish David, Nabeel and MJ did the same-- having a booth instead of going around and over reacting when they did foolish things in the festival.

When security asks for people to stop recording-- they should listen. Yet MJ, David and Nabeel don't listen to them-- and that is why they were hit (the security shouldn't have done that-- so sorry to David and MJ for that).

But you see my point-- David, Nabeel and MJ handled the situation very poorly. It seems that David Wood, Nabeel Qureshi and MJ Sharp were trying to gain propaganda points more than trying to arrive at the truth. Those are just my impressions from watching the videos.

All three of them were provoking the security and were actually TRYING to get them mad (it worked) in order for the security to "attack" them. Any one who disagrees with me is being dishonest and biased. Its pretty clear that Nabeel wanted this to happen and kept saying "this is shria in America" (by the way this is a very absurd statement Nabeel). At one point Nabeel even says "This is Youtube material". Well there you go-- this tells me that Nabeel & David were doing and filming this for attention.

Again no disrespect to David, Nabeel or MJ, but this was obviously a propaganda piece. I find this a desperate move in favor for Christianity.

Sepher Shalom said...


I suggest you read up on the Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution, and the principles of nonviolent social action.

What David, Nabeel, and MJ did, was by definition the very foundation of what America stands for. This country is built upon people exercising the full extent of their protected rights, even if it is for no other reason than to remind everyone of the extent of those rights.

Your assertion that security had a right to tell them to stop taping is un-American. They have every right to film at that festival. As a matter of fact, I hope MANY MANY MORE of these types of incidents occur. It's the only way some people are going to learn what is allowed and what is inappropriate.

You see Ehteshaam, this is what America was built on: Demanding our rights and freedoms, and being prepared to be beaten, abused and even killed to ensure that those rights are protected and freely exercised.

Doing so is also wonderfully in line with the teachings of Yeshua. He was not a pacifist. He was a nonviolent agent of social change, and He commands us to be nonviolent agents of social change too.

Furthermore, I hope they did go there for the express purpose of provoking confrontation. You see, if Liberty was abundant and the Constitution was being upheld, nothing would have happened. It would have been a non-event. It is only the transgression of freedom that made manifest a conflict. The brutality, and intolerant nature of Islamic culture will only become visible when it is provoked by people who do not ascribe to the Islamic ideology. I hope people all over Dearborn, and all over this nation prepare themselves to provoke direct nonviolent confrontation with Muslims in their enclave communities. It doesn't matter what percentage of the population is a of a certain religion, this is still America. We are one people, governed by one rule of law. I myself would consider it a patriotic honor to be persecuted by angry Muslims, and an even greater honor if it happens while I proclaim the Gospel of my Savior Yeshua Ha'Mashiyach.

David, Nabeel and MJ; if you ever need a brother in faith to stand with you, nonviolently, and be persecuted for our American liberties and/or our faith, I would consider it an honor.

May the true Creator YHWH, who Tabernacled in flesh and died as our Messiah, bless and protect all of you, and strengthen His people to suffer for the Gospel when we are called. Amein.

David Wood said...

I would simply add (1) that the Muslims invited us to ask them questions, and (2) that they said we could record. So we asked a question of grown men who said we could ask them questions, and we recorded a conversation that they said we could record. For some reason, this is unacceptable behavior in Ehteshaam's eyes, and most other Muslims seem to agree with his view. I'm really not understanding Islam right now.

Here's my recommendation for the people of Dearborn. Please paint a yellow line at the city limits, and post a sign which reads, "Your freedoms as an American citizen end when you cross this yellow line. Once you're inside the line--beware! If someone says you can ask a question, they really mean you can't ask a question. If someone says you can record, they really mean you can't record. And if, at any point, you think that Christians have Constitutional rights in our city, our Muslim security guards are going to smack some sense into you. Welcome to Dearborn."

Blue Collar Todd said...

You guys have guts that is for sure. Just found your blog through Creeping Sharia and have added it to my blogroll. These videos expose the absurd claim that Muslims are tolerant and open minded. It also reinforces my recent thinking that Islam is likely the religion of the Beast in Revelation and that Liberalism is a critical part of the Great Whore. Keep on fighting the good fight.

Confident Christianity said...

"In perfect love there is no fear"

John is actually referencing the fear of judgment (1 John 4). The one who fears judgment is not made perfect in love; he does not have salvation.

As Stephanie said, we can still love the people made in the image of God without loving the religious laws they enforce.

Yes, we are commanded to love all people, as Nabeel reminded us. Yet, also remember Jesus' words throughout Matthew 23. Over and over he says, "Woe to you," referencing teachers of the law, blind guides, and Pharisees. He calls them "a brood of vipers" for their false teaching and for their outward displays of religious piety, while inwardly they are "wicked." Granted, Jesus is referring to a specific group of people in Israel at the time. But consider this: do his words here imply that he loves this "brood of vipers" any less than any other people? Of course not. But Jesus understands the depths of human evil and he detests all evil.

Notice his words in v.13, "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to." Also, in v. 33, "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? Therefore I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town. And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth..."


Yahya Hayder Seymour said...

Dr. Wood,

Sir, Haven't you considered the possibility that this is a great misrepresentation, you act as if these security guards were Mutawa3 (Saudi religious police) but clearly in this video:

The Lady security guard isn't even wearing Hijaab!!!!!!!!!

Surely you might suspect that implementing Shariah law on themselves is a step in the right direction for any Radical Muslims sir.

Anonymous said...

Ethesaam said:

Nabeel Qureshi walks up to the booth and asks a very offensive question, about the Quran 9:29-- which I have a response for.

Rafa-el says:

Would love to hear you response.I hope it is better than the responses I heard from sheikh Saleh as salah and sheikh Jalal when I asked/debated them on this ayah.

george said...

dont worry brethrens this is ISLAM.we have to expect them doing like this.America will learn for allowing these people and acting as secular nation.

i wonder if those security guards were in india and behaved like this then they would have beaten

Radical Moderate said...

Ehteshaam, Ehteshaam, Ehteshaam.

What can I say that has not already been said? Your comment that David, Nabeel and MJ handled the situation poorly is completely absurd. I’m so glad I wasn’t there because I would have handled the situation POORLY. I would have brought shame to Christ, and embarrassed David and crew. I would also be getting out of the hospital right about now.

How you could possibly think that asking a question about Surah 9:29 is offensive or out of context in regards to “Terrorism” is beyond me. Notice the Muslim response. “Yousef Ali is a corrupt translation…. Don’t read that read the pamphlet.”

As far as video recording in a public place, Nabeel and crew had every right to video tape. I find it Ironic that when this was happening, brave young Iranians were being beaten, tear gassed, pepper sprayed, arrested and even murdered in the streets of IRAN. (Remember NEDA, may she never be forgotten) Also when the Muslim asked not to be video taped, Nabeel walked away, and only came back after he was asked.

I remind you, this was an ARAB FESTIVAL, not an ISLAMIC FESTIVAL. There are Arab Christians. To prohibit Christians from handing out literature, and allow Muslims to do so is discriminatory and it disenfranchises the Arab Christian community. Secondly David and crew were not handing out literature; the literature was being ripped out of their hands as the video clearly shows.

Finally continuing to video tape as they were being harassed and assaulted by security guards is possibly the only thing that kept David and Crew from visiting the local emergency room. Side note, if you don’t want to be video taped in a public area, do not walk up to the one video tapping you put your hand on the camera and say “Stop video taping me”.

minoria said...

Just read Ehteshaam's comment and I have to disagree.If I were a Muslim and were being filmed then I wouldn't get defensive about it.I really don't think they were out to provoke anything,just have a real debate.On top of that they had the right to film what they wanted.

What is next?You can't have the right to take photos of a public event without permission?

If I were a guard I would first really find out what is going on instead before overeacting.That's what they are being paid for.I think the Muslims there just pretend to be moderates.

Fernando said...

Ehteshaam... whie are ebery muslime so "sensitive" in talking aboute his owne religion (this tabu, tahte tabu, eben another tabu...) to the pointe off pretending tahte bnon-muslimes talke aboute some aspects of islam, and, on the other hand, so offensive when talkin aboute others relegion?

Anonymous said...

When you guys going to load the rest of the video please.

Thanks Abass.

Unknown said...

Ehteshaam is right, you guys did it for the attention.

Unknown said...

I just saw the videos and Ehteshaam was right--- the whole thing is so obviously done to defame Islam. I agree 100% with Ehteshaam. Although he didn't win his debates-- at least he is honest.

Nora said...

I'm not one to seek an excuse to spend time in the court system, but I hope you press charges and sue the pants off of those security guards.

Radical Moderate said...

Happy 4th of July everyone. Since this post deals with Freedom's in the United States of America. I thought it would be appropriate on this day to publish portions of a document that is often over looked. This document defines the principals that the United States is founded on. Notice that these principals are radicaly different then the principals of any Islamic State. That "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" The sole purpose of said Government is to protect the rights that God has given man.

Declerattion of Independence
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

Radical Moderate said...

Another document that is often spoken about but never read or properly undestood is Common Sense.
Here Thomas Paine masterfully spells out the reason for Government from a christian persepective.

"Here then is the origin and rise of government; namely, a mode rendered necessary by the inability of moral virtue to govern the world; here too is the design and end of government, viz., freedom and security. And however our eyes may be dazzled with snow, or our ears deceived by sound; however prejudice may warp our wills, or interest darken our understanding, the simple voice of nature and of reason will say, it is right. "

minoria said...

Amity said "defame Islam".What is Islam?Practically all non-Muslims and some Muslims think it's just a set of religious doctrines.But for most Muslims it's more.The Koran says to do as Mohammed does,obey him.Even says he was the greatest of the prophets.It's in the book.

That's the detail.Most Muslims,becaue of those passages in the Koran,can't emotional say:"Mohammed,since he wasn't God,then I don't have to agree with everything he did."

Christians and Jews don't approve of everything David,Aaron,Solomon or even Moses did.If you,Amity,were a Muslim,and 100% believed that the sayings of Mohammed gathered 200 years later by Bukhari are authentic,that the Koran is the word of God,and God says "obey him",then you can reject his consummation with Aisha at age 8-9,or accept it.

Many Muslims don't approve but think:"What if I'm wrong and God really approved of it?Then I can even go to hell.Better to be on the safe side and not disapprove."

So if Muslims become the majority then to criticize Mohammed is to criticize God's actions.To be with God=good=God's message as revealed in the Koran and in the actions of Mohammed.By logic to criticize the Koran-Mohammed=be against God=bad, which justifies throwing non-Muslims in jail or executing them.

Simply criticizing the Koran-Mohammed =defaming Islam=saying bad things about it=Islamophobia.That is why most of them overreact.

Ehteshaam Gulam said...

Okay, Sorry here Is my response to Quran 9:29:

Nabeel, you ripped things out of the context in Surah 9:29. Please read things in context. Read the Quran 9:1-6. In Context it is clear that the passage is not advocating destruction of pagans and unbelievers rather Jihad as war is prescribed only against those pagans who are actively fighting aganist the Muslim ... Read MoreUmmah.

Okay as for Quran 9:29-- This verse is talking about non-Muslims living in a Muslim state. The verse does not apply to non Muslims living in a non-Muslim state. Thus this
verse injuction to fight non Muslims is limited to those non-Muslims who are living in a Muslim state who refuse to pay the Jizyah ( a type of tax). Just like the U.S. or any other country will prosecute any citzen who refused to pay his income tax and just as the Muslim state would prosecute any Muslim who refused to pay the Zakat, so the Muslim
state is directed in this verse to prosecute any non-Muslim who refuses to pay the Jizyah.

Sorry Nabeel if I was rude or offensive, your my friend know that-- its just please read things in context.

Also your comments and thoughts about Islam are very poor. Nabeel's scholarship on Islam is extremely weak, he might be an okay Christian apologist (all his material can easily be refuted though)-- but his work and scholarship on Islam is so bad that it makes Osama Abdullah's work and scholarship on Islam look a 100 times better.

Of course nothing against Osama or Nabeel.

minoria said...

I had said the M word:moderate.There is talk about the moderate Muslim.I know Ehteshaam and Farhan are moderate Muslims.But what is"moderate"?Is there such a thing as a "moderate Taliban" and a "moderate Nazi"?Obama said he wanted to talk with the moderates among the Taliban.

Let's define good=human rights=Golden Rule.Then moderate=believer in human rights.By that there is no moderate Nazi.Many say not to criticize Mohammed-Koran or "you will drive the moderate Muslims into the radical camp."I know that will never happen to Ehteshaam and Farhan.

Because is you are a REAL moderate(believer in human rights)you'll never become a radical.If a "moderate" goes Islamist-terrorist then he/she was never really a moderate.That is what Ali Sina of and Robert Spencer say,they are right.

Robert Spencer's ( book will soon come out:"The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran".He also wrote "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam."One should read both sides.So read that and "Islam for Dummies" and "The Koran for Dummies"(written by Muslims)and come to your own conclusions.

Regarding the Inquisition I made a factual mistake.When I am wrong I am wrong.I had said the last burning was in 1731,it was in 1787.The last death(by hanging) was in the 1820's or 30's.But that the Spanish Inquisition was practically dead by 1730 still holds,it was very rare for any to die by then.

I checked and yes,there never was an Inquisiton in Scandinavia(Sweden,Denmark,Norway,Iceland) and one for a short time in the British Isles.The Inquisitors justified burning people for heresy by John 15:6:"If someone doesn't reside in me he is like a branch that is thrown out and dries,and he is gathered,thrown into the fire and burned."

It is a metaphor just like "if your right hand causes you to sin,cut it off,for it is better to enter the kingdom of God with one hand than be in hell with 2 hands."We know because of clear verses/less clear.The clear passage is the Golden Rule,and taking John 15:6 literally violates it.

Also Jesus spoke against destroying by fire those who rejected him in Luke 9:51-56,where Samaritans in a town rejected them and the disciples wanted to bring hellfire on them.

Ehteshaam Gulam said...

William Patterson (an atheist and a friend of both me and Nabeel Qureshi on Facebook) blames both David, MJ, Nabeel and the Muslims for what happened. In fact his points are so good I am going to quote him:

William Patterson on Facebook said:

"How do you equate them not wanting you to disrupt their event with forcing people to pay jizya? They didn't ask you to pay a tax did they? You equating what happened in Dearborn with sharia diminishes the true horror that societies living under such laws endure.

Most countries that have Muslim majorities do not in fact live under sharia law and ... Read Moredo not impose jizya. Only very few of the most fundamentalist regimes have sharia. Arguing that all Muslim want to impose sharia is like arguing that all Christians and Jews want to impose the laws of Leviticus.

Again, I think your (David Wood, MJ Sharp and Nabeel Qureshi) tactics were designed to score propaganda points rather than to have a true debate. Even if you were not intending to be aggressive your actions automatically put them in a defensive posture which they reacted to. I think that both sides (you and the Muslims) handled it poorly. I wasn't there so I don't know the full story and I can only base my judgment on the videos that I saw."

Ehteshaam: If you think that rips David, Nabeel and MJ, just read his next comments. After reading these comments, I KNOW that both Christians and Muslims behaved badly:

William Patterson said:

"this link will bring you to an article by the Council on Foreign Relations:

Notice the sentence that states: "Most Muslim-majority countries have political systems and legal codes derived from Western models."

This became true in the 19th century when the Ottoman Empire (... Read Morewhich controlled most of the Muslim world) tried to modernize and adopt Western customs. Islamic law began to be phased out during the Tanzimat era of reform which began in 1835. By the time that the Ottoman Empire was dismantled at the end of World War I the law throughout its territory (which included most the middle east) was highly secularized. Today only a few countries completely rely on sharia law whereas most remain westernized, though often with some sharia influence."

He also says:

"Many people when they think of Muslim countries only think of Saudia Arabia and Iran while forgetting countries like Turkey, Indonesia (the largest Muslim country in the world), and Malaysia.

As for Liberty U. vs. the security guards: I am not necessarily defending the security guards - I think they could have handled it better. I just thought ... Read Morethat the level of criticism expressed by Nabeel (equating it to sharia) was alarmist and ridiculous. If Dearborn was under sharia law he probably would have been beheaded rather than escorted out. My main point was that while Nabeel was criticizing Muslims for being unwilling to answer questions he has a graduate degree from a university that will not allow people with differing beliefs to even attend.

It seems to me that the main reason you (David, Nabeel and MJ) were escorted off the grounds was because you were causing a disturbance which was disrupting the festival."

Ehteshaam Gulam said...

And finally he says:

"I am not a Muslim and do not defend their beliefs. I am actually glad that there are people like Nabeel and David out there to challenge them intellectually (although I feel that their religious position is equally irrational). I just don't like to see people unfairly demonized and I don't believe that the type of confrontation that occurred at ... Read Morethe festival is productive. It still seems to me that the approach taken by Nabeel, etc, was not designed to arrive at truth but instead to try to prove a point or to score propaganda. The tactics used demonstrated a lack of basic respect."

There you go. An atheist even agrees with me, David, Nabeel and MJ were causing a disturbance which was disrupting the festival.This is so obvious after watching the videos.

NO DISRESPECT TO DAVID WOOD, NABEEL QURESHI OR MJ SHARP--These are good friends of mine-- but its time we face the truth. And the truth is not what David writes on the blog.

Yours in Islam
Ehteshaam Gulam

jp said...

Wow, this is incredible. I'm interested in keeping track of this case. I thank God for your willingness to share Christ with these folks. Please keep us posted!


Fernando said...

Good 4th off July for you brothers in the USA... God bless you all from this side off the great grey ocean!!!

Anthony Rogers said...


If the whole thing was "so obviously done to defame Islam", could you tell me why it is so easy to get Muslims to act that way?

S. Baldrick said...

You're living in cuckooland. It's the behaviour of security and a few Muslims that made Islam look bad. They were under no coercion or any anti-social provocation whatsoever to act as they did; and there's a legal case against them for how they chose to treat those guys, IMO. The whole episode is outrageous.

Michelle Qureshi said...

Wow, even if a mob of security guards forces you out of a festival for undisclosed reasons, it's the person who asked the question who's at fault.

Even if the people at the booth said it's okay for me to record them (which they did), I'm being disrespectful for recording them.

Even if each time I was told to turn the camera off (prior to the mob) I turned the camera off, somehow I'm the one at fault and not the people infringing civil rights.

It's like I'm living in opposite world over here.

Michelle Qureshi said...

Ehteshaam - 9:29 does not deal with an Islamic state. Even if it did, that's horribly intolerant. But read Ibn Kathir (and virtually any other tafseer) -- this verse was revealed in conjunction with the battle of Tabuk, i.e. the fight against the Romans outside of Arabia. Get your history straight - you're a debater, you can't afford to be so horribly wrong about basic facts.

Michelle Qureshi said...

My response to Bill on Facebook:


You ignored the "feel yourselves subdued" part. That was the part I was focusing on.

Also, in countries where some semblance of Sharia is in place, non-Muslims do not have the privilege to speak or question Islam. This is exactly what happened to me in Dearborn.

Now you're saying: "Nabeel! You are dishonoring the people who REALLY face persecution in Islamic countries!" Bill, it's got to start somehow, and this is how it looks. You don't know how many comments I've received from people saying "This is how it started in Lebanon" or "This is how it started in my home town", etc. etc.

Fernando said...

Hy gatogordo!!! firste timme arounde here? Greatt to see you arounde anyway; I'm also bery found off Garfiel, iff you understand whate I mean... gatogordo/Garfield the cat... ;)

Fernando said...

S. Baldrick: welcome to this bloog!!! I recone you're a newby arounde!!! Hope to see more comments from you!!! May God bless you!!! One day I hoppe I'll be hable to visit NZ...

Haecceitas said...

As for the Christian participants in this incident, I think Nabeel was just a little bit needlessly provocative when he first interpreted the "turn the camera off" comment by the Muslims at the booth as indicating a deception (and I can understand that even that was probably reactionary to the way that Christians were treated at the event). Other than that, their behavior was perfectly acceptable and certainly didn't warrant the treatment that they got. So I'd say that over 95% of the blame goes to the security and their "allies".

minoria said...

For William Patterson the atheist:

He approves of Turkey,Indonesia,Malaysia.Those countries are supposed to be among the best or the best Muslim ones.Turkey has been trying for years to make the European Union pass a "law against Islamophobia".William,they mean jail or a big fine for you if you criticize Mohammed-Koran.Do you want your country to "do as in Turkey"?Ehteshaam,I hope you disagree with Turkey on this.True,they have adopted alot of technical aspects of Western law but the Nazis and Communists(violators of human rights)did the same.

Malaysia:Muslims are legally harassed for leaving Islam,non-Muslims are discriminated.Again,William,having technical aspects of Western law is NOT the same as accepting the Western legal concept of human rights.I say "western"because the specific terms freedom of speech,assembly,etc first appeared in Europe,in France,in the Declaration of the Rights of Man(1790's). The same situation in Indonesia:you have jail if you speak bad of Islam.You don't believe the Koran is true for X intellectual arguments,correct?

Say those X intellectual arguments in Indonesia and you are in jail.The evidence from the Korans of the Sanaa Mosque in Yemen show the Koran has changed till we got our present one.I don't believe any Muslim scholar can argue against the evidence.Ehteshaam can believe them but it won't change reality.Can you name one Muslim scholar who has looked at that evidence 100% objectively and come to logical conclusions?No.

Jesus said "Anything is possible to him who believes".It's true,even when all the evidence is against the belief.

I'll give another example.Algeria has been greatly influenced by French culture.Yet in March 2006 they passed a law forbidding Muslims to leave Islam,and those who try to convince a Muslim otherwise(like you trying to convince one there is no heaven,no hell,no God)would be jailed 2 to 5 years,and fined 5,000 to 10,000 euros.Again,William,in the Muslim countries they have a "punishment for disrespect of religion/Islam" part.By disrespect they would include what you think of why Islam is false?Do you think it's right for you to be jailed for that specific reason?So verify the situation there,you will see I'm right.

I assume you aren't a racist,correct?But there are still some in the world,there are many neo-nazis in Germany.Other racists are mild-mannered,polite,educated,correct?They don't beat people up.So many polite,charming,educated Muslims would 100% approve of you being thrown in jail for saying your sincere opinions on why Islam is false.Just like many charming,polite,educated whites in the US south in the 1920's,30's,etc approved of racist,segregation laws against blacks.I believe that is the situation in Turkey,Indonesia,Malaysia.Again,verify and reverify.

nma said...

Ehteshaam Gulam wrote:
Okay as for Quran 9:29-- This verse is talking about non-Muslims living in a Muslim state…

Jizya is religions tax, taxed on people’s faith and culture,whereas Zakat is alms to the poor. It is a poor comparison between jizya and the US Government tax, because the US Government tax is based on income alone, not faith or beliefs. What if the US starts to tax only Muslims? Tell me how will you react? In that case, you will fight against the tax on the grounds of discrimination, right? So there is a double standard in your argument.

Whatever atheists say, Islam is a threat to the whole world. If unchecked, Islam will take over the world and destruct all other cultures because of its high birth rate and its murderous attitude towards world domination. Taliban is not a lone phenomenon. If unchecked, Taliban is the finality of the Islamic culture.

Angry Citizen said...

This video must be taken to the police, and warrants for the arrest of those people issued.

If not, then this video will stand as proof that there is no law in Michigan, except for the law of Might Makes Right.

These people are not here to embrace America, they are here to take it over. This video is proof of that.

minoria said...

Wow!Just checked the youtube video put up about the event and almost 6,000 views in 4 days!How did word spread out so fast?The good news is more will know about answeringmuslims and see the debates:Farhan,Mary Jo,David,etc.It seems a blessing in disguise.

Regarding William's and Ehteshaams's idea that most Muslim countries don't have Sharia law,but Western legal systems,it makes no difference.Why?

In 1990 the Organization of the Islamic Conference(57 Muslim nations) signed the Cairo Islamic Declaration of Human Rights.57 Muslim countries!There in articles 24 and 25 it literally says all human rights and freedoms are subject to Islamic Sharia.

The document makes clear it disagrees with the right to change from Islam to another religion,plus other things about religious freedom Muslims in the West enjoy.Check out the details William and Ehteshaam.That was almost 20 years ago.Most of the 57 nations have Western legal systems,correct?You can still have it and violate human rights(Nazism,Communism,Fascism,Southern states in US during segregation era).

Radical Moderate said...

Ehteshaam Gulam said
"This verse is talking about non-Muslims living in a Muslim state.?
Question: How did muslims set up a state in the first palce?

Ehteshaam Gulam said
Thus this verse injuction to fight non Muslims is limited to those non-Muslims who are living in a Muslim state who refuse to pay the Jizyah ( a type of tax). Just like the U.S. or any other country will prosecute any citzen who refused to pay his income tax.

First Ehetaam the verse says feel them selves subdued. The tasfirs of Ibn Kathir says Humuliated. Now I know you dont realy pay taxes, (You own no property, you really dont have a income... no investements etc..) but even if you did, do you feel humuliated and subdued when you pay these taxes?

Also can you tell me wich one of these rights taken away from you if you fail to pay your taxes?

1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

2. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

3.No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

4.The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

5.No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

6.In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

7.In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

8.Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

9.The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

10.The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

I know the 10th amendment really doesnt count but I was on a roll. Anyah Ehtesheaam can you tell me wich one is given up if you dont pay your income tax?

Also would you give up any of these rights to live under Sharaia law?

Nakdimon said...

WHat I find amazing is that those muslims that want Sharia so badly, why dont they flee to Pakistan or Iran or Afghanistan or something? Why do they persist on staying here and try to establish Sharia here, where no one is cheering for Sharia?

If I was the one with the camera and that goon of a security guard was lying to the polist officer in my present, saying that no one slapped the camera, I would have called his bluff and asked him if he was absolutely sure that no one slapped the camera, after which I would have stopped filming and rewinded the tape to show the officer how many times the camera was slapped, only to ask the guard why he denied that the camera was slapped. That would have been a real kicker. Oh... and then I would have pressed charges and sued the pants off of those guys... and then come back next year.


Nora said...

"'and then come back next year.'


Ha! If I haven't moved to Alexandria by this time next year, I'm in!

John Lee Pedimore said...

Security guards????

No,those are actually insecurity guards.
They have more in common with acne faced teens than Pinkertons.


Anonymous said...

Ehteshaam Gulam , you said anyone who disagrees with you is dishonest. That is a absolute and total outright lie and horribly offensive.

kumbayah said...

The Lord's Gospel Mat 5:38-41 states,

" not resist evil, but whoever shall strike you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also... And whoever shall compel you to go a mile, go with him two."

David, what a golden opportunity you had to live the truth and show these folks the Lord's goodness by agreeing and complying in a respectful, peacemaking manner.

In a gentle manner you could have quoted this Scripture and showed them the higher Way.

I hope next time you will remember this.

Thank you and Salaam Aleikhum

David Wood said...


Please don't misrepresent the scripture. We were turning the other cheek the entire time. That is, when we were assaulted, we didn't retaliate with physical violence.

It seems you have interpreted Jesus' teachings to mean that we shouldn't offend anyone by asking tough questions or by confronting false teachings in public. I suggest reading the rest of the Gospel of Matthew to see that your interpretation is completely flawed. Jesus repeatedly confronted false teachers, in public, whether they liked it or not. He repeatedly went where he was not welcome. I encourage you to study his teachings more carefully in order to be more like him.

kumbayah said...

Greetings David,

I commend you heartily for turning the other cheek and not resisting! I shouldn't have quoted that text. I was actually referring to going the extra mile.

Of course you are right in your stated desire to oppose falsehood, as Jesus would have. I think you and the others did well to capture the opponents' hypocrisy on camera so starkly.

If such an opportunity to preach comes again, perhaps you will want to first discover the local ordinances concerning bullhorns or megaphones at public gatherings. This may be effective if the words are well-chosen. Just a thought. Peace!

Muslims Against Sharia said...

As Muslims, we are appalled how you were assaulted by these thugs. They shouldn't even be on the streets, let alone provide "security." We hope you file a lawsuit and put them in their place.

Arab Festival Rent-a-Cops: Latest recipients of the Evil Dumbass Award

Anonymous said...

Islam is like the bad apple in the basket, or like gangrene. Unless it is excised totally it will spread to the entire body, and destroy it.

Jesus teaches us to turn the other cheek, but also teaches us to fight evil. His kingdom cannot come to earth if we allow evil to walk on earth unchallenged.

Matthew 5:29-30 "If your right eye offends you, [then] cut it off and throw it from you... If your right hand offends you, [then] cut it off and throw it from you."

If an infection is bad, then even cutting off the arm will save the rest of the body. How much more relevant and imperative when an entire society or civilisation needs to be safeguarded. Islam is the arm that has become infected, because of the idiotic immigration policies of the West.

It is in this context that we see this verse.

Muslims Against Sharia said...

"His kingdom cannot come to earth if we allow evil to walk on earth unchallenged."

You mean the evil of defaming religions other than yours? A good one!

yabo said...


This may come as a shock to some of you, however, this is what it was like going to school in Dearborn as a child. I was taught throughout my history classes in High school that prayer was not allowed in school(at least not as part of the curriculum). The Christians would meet once a year at the flag pole, so to avoid the scrutiny of their classmates and to avoid possibly pushing the limits of what was allowed in the school. Mean while any followers of Islam had public school property designated so that they may pray, extra vacations are offered for Ramadan, and U-M Dearborn has recently installed foot baths to make the cleansing of their feet easier. In 1996 when Bill Clinton made the decision to send cruise missiles into Lebanon due to their hostility against Israel many Islamic chanting mobs(many of whom were not students or Lebanese) entered our hallways demonstrating (many in an uncivil manner) and again they were appeased. This video just shows how when a religion (that is supposed to be tolerant of other religions)can take control of a city or community for that manner, and create their own version of the American dream. It was explained to me by an Egyptian Muslim that just as it was when the pilgrims came to America to avoid persecution so does the current immigrants. The United States has given these people opportunities they would not have had in their own countries, considering there they would be considered 2nd or 3rd class citizens. The United States gives freedom for every citizen and lately whom ever happens to be standing on American soil. We are free to make our own choices without fear of scrutiny yet lately that decision is up to the majority. The Dearborn police and Mayor O'Reilly has dropped the ball, they have taken an oath as represenatives of their cities CITIZENS to uphold the American Constitution and all Federal Laws voted on by their CITIZENS. Why do we look the other way when a minority(or Dearborns Majority) makes decisions or public statements and stand so strong about the the separation of church and state when it comes to Christianity? Our nation was founded on Christian principles and now we turn our cheek to our own roots? A Christian preaching on a public campus is ridiculed and heckled while the Muslim is looked at respectfully and treated sypathetically.(especially by law enforcement) I know I am not the only person to feel this way but perhaps more videos like these should be shown on national media instead being constantly told that we are the bad guys and need to be more sympathetic. Land of the FREE and HOME of the BRAVE? Free and Brave does not describe our nation anymore.
End of Rant

minoria said...

What you said about your school is awful.Double standards all the way.And the worst part about many(or most?)Muslims is the Judeophobia.I'll explain.

The Z word:Zionist.A Zionist is one who supports the existence of the state of Israel.It's a political reality,more than 60 years,has survived 4 wars intended to wipe it out(1948,56,67,73).

Lots of Muslims say they aren't against the Jews,but against the Zionists.True.Only thing is almost all 14 million Jews favor the idea that the state of Israel continue.

In the Muslim mind Zionist is practically synonimous with Jew,Zionist=Jew.A few exceptions like Noam Chomsky,famous linguist,who wrote an introduction to a book by Prof. Faurisson,French Holocaust denier.And Norman Finkilstein,atheist,who wrote The Holocaust Industry.They are against Israel,therefore they are good.The other Jews are for it,they are Zionists,and bad.

Bearfoot_25 said...

I must commend you on your restraint. I dont know if i would have it in me to turn the other cheek and take the assault and Harrasment. I will fight and die to protect my family from this Muslim Sharia law. I pray that it never comes to that but watching the news tells me it is only a matter of time.

Andy said...

We should become all very angry that our politicians allowed it to happen in first place. Each and everyone of us should demand serious answers to serious questions. And request that solutions be brought up to allow ALL Americans to have freedom of speech and free expression of religion.

Pearled said...

Yabo et al.
What the mayor of Dearborn allowed to take place was unconstitutional. All it takes for him and his people to learn that is through a lawsuit. I believe the ACLU if it's truly independent would jump on the situation where state and religion are not separate. A problem is the press chooses to sensor itself when it comes to Islam, because they are AFRAID inside. The little is known about what happened in Dearborn or "youth" riot in France. "Youth" of course is the euphemism for Muslims, via the way the press sensor themselves. If the authority and it population in Dearborn doesn't behave, sooner or later they will inherit the wind.

Dr. Dan said...

Now go up to SOUTHFIELD and hand out your literature on the public streets on Saturday/Friday night. Outside the TAXPAYER funded "holocaust" museum too.

Dr. Dan said...

$47-MILLION a year of your tax dollars goes to support just the Wash DC "holocaust" museum. Yet if you put a Nativity on "your" townhall lawn, 12 ACLU lawyers will be all over you. This is divide and conquer. America WAS a homogeneous, CHRISTIAN, Nation. WHO opened the floodgates to these STRANGERS? This is dilute and destroy. WHO do you think is behind it? Who ARE these ACLU lawyers who "cherry-pick" the causes they will support? Who HATED Christ and HIS MESSAGE since DAY-ONE, YEAR-ONE?

David Wood said...

Dr. Dan,

I don't understand your point at all, nor why you're complaining about a holocaust museum in a post about Sharia in Michigan. I'll respond briefly.

(1) What do you mean by "Christian nation"? Should this be country where only Christians have rights? If so, please show me biblically where this is the goal of Christianity. (Note: Jesus said that his kingdom is "not of this world.")

(2) The holocaust museum is a historical museum. It's the best museum I've ever been to. I see no reason the government shouldn't fund it. (Would you also be against a government-funded native American museum? Or is your anger just directed against the Jews?)

Dr. Dan said...

Visitors to the Holocaust Museum will encounter an anomaly. When Jimmy Carter convened his commission, the directive was to create a museum dedicated to all of the victims of the Holocaust, and to all victims of other genocides. Nobody really knows how many non-Jews perished in the Nazi camps. Simon Weisenthal believed that the numbers of Jewish and non-Jewish victims were roughly equal. Proportionally, the gypsies suffered losses roughly equivalent to Jewish losses.

One would expect an American museum to represent those other victims. Yet that is not the case.

The Museum does make some reference to the crimes committed against homosexuals, but the sufferings of Gypsies, Slavs, Jehovah's Witnesses, and others go unmentioned. Moreover, the Museum was originally intended to include a permanent display on the Armenian genocide. Those plans faded -- due, it is said, to pressure from Israel, which wanted good relations with Turkey. In recent times, the Museum has devoted some space to the general topic of genocide -- for example, visitors may now see an exhibit on Darfur. That exhibit is not permanent.

When the Museum was in its planning stages, Rabbi Seymour Siegel that that any attempt to include the Gypsy tragedy would be "cockamamie." Elie Wiesel (who was one of the chief planners) decided to concentrate solely on the Jewish experience. He defended that stance with these words:

...the universality of the Holocaust lies in its uniqueness. If I speak as a Jew about Jews, of course I speak about others as well. If I were to stop speaking about Jews, I would betray both the others and my own people.

An admirable sentiment -- if Wiesel is talking about one of his books. But a museum built on the Mall is not a personal statement; it reflects national decision-making. One does not expect to see "the upright pronoun" in a museum's mission statement.

A Holocaust Memorial is planned for Brooklyn. When various parties suggested that the Memorial also pay heed to the sufferings of Gypsies, gays and other non-Jewish victims, New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind offered words that were far less eloquent that Wiesel's. In fact, Hikind got downright ugly:

To include these other groups diminishes their memory," said Hikind, as he stood next to his 89-year-old mother, Frieda.


"These people are not in the same category as Jewish people with regards to the Holocaust," Hikind said following a press conference at the memorial. "It is so vastly different. You cannot compare political prisoners with Jewish victims."

David Wood said...

I'm still about a million miles away from seeing your point. This is a post about Muslims assaulting Christians in Michigan, and you're obsessively complaining about a history museum in D.C.

I think it's great that there's a holocaust museum in D.C., and I hope the government pays for it for years to come.

(Note: If you'd like to engage in vicious and pointless diatribe against Jews, there are plenty of blogs that focus on this--including many Muslim websites. Our site serves a different and more relevant purpose.)

Letitia (The Damsel) said...

Thank you for posting this video! I had already written a blogpost about Acts 17 right before seeing this video and have added it to both my blog Talitha, Koum! and to Et Elle. I really hope your encounter gets picked up by the news media.


Muslims Against Sharia said...

Mr. Wood, "Dr. Dan" is a Nazi who's trying to equate Holocaust remembrance with advance of Sharia in the US. His point is that all non-whites, non-Christians are the same - human garbage.

kumbayah said...

Dr Dan thanks for this informative post on the museum, giving some info that I had not previously known about the topic.

One additional point that comes to mind is that the museum, when originally approved by Congress, came with the understanding that the annual operating costs would be borne not by taxpayers but by contributions raised through a non-profit fundraising organization established for this purpose. The funding never materialized, and so the entire budget is an item for the U.S. citizens to carry in perpetuity.

This includes not only the building maintenance and staff, but a big budget allotted to supporting grants for all kinds of 'research' and archiving and publication and 'outreach' and whatnot. In other words, a typical boondoggle, with very little accountability or oversight. And probably pumping out a lot of tendentious nonsense no one bothers to read. A good critique on the museum can be found in Peter Novick's extremely critical book on the holocaust as an industry.

As for the revelance of this to Dearborn and Shari'a, I agree with David -- not directly on topic here, except for being another in the long parade of demonstrations of the power of the Lobby to works its will over Congress.

This power is very much a cause for the rise of Islamism too. This has been noted by many obsevers over the years. The basic point is that Islamism only came along after Arabs were frustrated with obtaining justice for Palestine, through other means: first, trusting the Brits and UN, then Nasserism, then being a Soviet puppet; nothing has succeeded. Remember, Arafat was originally a Marxist. Militant Islamism is the last-resort expression of utter desperation.

Perhaps the best discussion I've found is John L. Exposito's book 'What Everyone Needs to Know about Islam.' He has several others and is probably the most highly regarded on this topic, from a somewhat sympathic point of view.

Dr. Dan said...

Why does this David Wood come all the way from BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, to "convert" Moslems? He COULD EASILY go preach Christianity to Orthodox Jews right at home. Show us the video of the Orthodox Jew's reaction to your converting efforts. I DARE you. This site is a FALSE FLAG operation to spread conflict between Christians and Moslems. I bet David Wood had a real nice .............. Bar Mitzvah

David Wood said...

Dr. Dan,

You continue with your random and pointless attacks against Jews in a post about Muslims assaulting Christians.

FYI, I was in Michigan as part of a series of debates with Muslims. (I suppose that, according to you, I should only be debating Jews, for some reason.)

Why am I not running around debating Jews? Two reasons. First, my best friend in college was a Muslim (Nabeel), so I ended up studying Islam. Now I use the knowledge I gained to debate Muslims. Second, Jews aren't the ones assaulting people for asking questions. They're not the ones trying to establish Sharia law in my country. They're no threat to me at all.

Your hatred against Jews is irrational. Please take it somewhere else.

kumbayah said...

Regarding the fear that Muslims seek to impose Shari'a in the US, beginning with Dearborn...

The reality of the situation is, I believe, that the fear is vastly disproportional to the risks. A simple look at demographics readily shows this. Dearborn has an Arabic population of about 30% of its 92,000 residents. As I recall, the majority of Arabs in greater Detroit are Lebanese Christians. In Dearborn, the Muslim ones are concentrated in one section of the city and, again, are a minority.

In my view, if a group wants to live under its own special laws, they should be given the ability to do so, without (of course) imposing on others, except if they become a majority, so long as the Constitution is upheld.

In the U.S. in the past and present, we effectively follow some biblical laws which are not really necessary for social order. For example we have criminalized alcohol, private adulery and homosexual conduct, and we subject pornography to local standards. In non-Christian secular countries these things are generally decriminalized. So, here is a case of a 'biblical Shari'a' if you will.

Also, Kosher packaging and labeling of food products for general consumers is widely accepted without complaint.

My point is that, in a democracy, I think we should not object to local communities seeking to legislate moral standards -- again, as long as they don't violate our constitutions.

The real danger comes from religiously and culturally chauvinistic gansterism, which has been going on in the U.S. for quite some time. Think of the violent pseudo-christian KKK; and the religious networking that facilitated the Mafia; and the heavy Jewish involvement in much of organized crime through the generations, especially white-collar financial schemes.

This, rather than shari'a, is the danger of Muslim extremists. They form networks to take control of governments (as have other groups). Pakistan, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Russia are all seriously endangered, among others.

A paradox to consider is that, wherever Muslims do impose shari'a, they often shoot themselves in the foot in various ways, because the Muslim code is so antiquated. It actually does the cause of Islamic gansterism more harm than good. Look at Iran today; the shari'a is a wedge that may weaken Islamic rule. And think of the battle that is brewing in Europe over burkas. This is becoming a rallying cry, so that, in places like Belgium, there's now a realistic chance that the right-wing nationalists will come to power. The sleepy, liberal mainstream is energized against Islam now.

Chris and Cheryl said...

Has this video been sent to CNN, CNBC, CBS, ABS, NBC and Fox? If not, please send it to them. I'd be interested to see which channels would show the video. My guess is only Fox.

Muslims Against Sharia said...

"My guess is only Fox."

My guess is Fox hasn't got the balls. I'm not even talking about the MSM.

David Wood said...

Nabeel and I are in London right now for a debate series, so we're not able to do much with the video. But anyone who wants to contact news agencies with the footage is welcome to do so.

eric said...

Two things.

1. Immediately organize a similar event but done better.

With music, free food, bibles, maybe a open theatre, play, (from a script I write, doesn't have to be mine), But portrays the danger and seduction of the muslim religion.

2. React with love, as best you can.

I know when I saw that piece I was angered. That's the draw of that religion. Ours takes letting the old die and beieng reborn with Christ. Thiers feeds the carnal animal of hate and violence. You have to show a difference.

My initial reaction was to arrive with a stun gun.
And some big friends.

But the difference between Jesus and Muhamad is Love.

I think a Christian festival with fireworks, a bar-b-q, music, and a play is a great response.

I'll pray for you all there, looks like you've got your work cut out for you.

nma said...

In my view, if a group wants to live under its own special laws, they should be given the ability to do so, without (of course) imposing on others

What if they want stoning for adultery even if it is not imposed on others? Stoning is part of Sharia, if I am not wrong.

kumbayah said...

"What if they want stoning for adultery even if it is not imposed on others? Stoning is part of Sharia, if I am not wrong."

If a person voluntarily agrees to Shari'a community membership and wants to live by its laws, I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to.

In the U.S. of course we have Constitutional protections that come into play, such as the right to representation by an atty., and protection against 'cruel and unusual punishments.' If a Shari'a community existed, its practices would be scrutinized and tested in court under state and fed constitutions.

In colonial times before the Constitution, the Mass. Bay Colony (as I recall) lived by a kind of Shari'a and applied capital punishments to witches. So did Christian Europe for many centuries.

Although stoning for adultery does seem harsh by our standards, it is biblical. When Jesus said 'let him without sin cast the first stone' he was technically not abrogating the law; he was just demanding that punishments be applied evenly and fairly i.e. "If you set a high standard for others, you yourself must live by it, and so must the big shots" (like Herod and his second wife in an illegal remarriage-- adulterers whom John the Baptist implicitly suggested should be condemned for their sin, but got away with it; John sort of lost his head over that legal decision.)

As for adultery specifically: In my opinion, many people have discoverd that the consequences of this sin on families' lives can be so devastating that capital punishment AS A DETERRENT might not as disproportionate to the crime as it may seem to be at first (although in our permissive age, a death penalty certainly seems very tough). As a kind of parallel, consider that some states still call for death in rape cases.

Lethal stoning, in practice, is done not by pelting someone with rocks so that they suffer a slow and agonizing death, but (as I have heard) by dropping a very large stone on the head, from an elevation, so that death is usually or is intended to be instantaneous.

I am not advocating Shari'a for the U.S. here. But I am defending religious freedom, and I am pointing out that Islamic Shari'a is not that different from sects of Christianity or Judaism that retain O.T.halacha.

One last point I would make is that earlier this year the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams stated (as I recall) that he thought Shari'a courts in Britain, sanctioned by the nation, were coming inevitably and he did not seem to be voicing any objection to them.


eric said...

Love Conquers All
Don't engage them the way they want you to.

They want you to sue them, fight them, struggle with them in a display of strength.

Lead by example.
Respond with an alternative.

Host your own "get-together".
Free Bar-B-Q.
A great guest speaker.
A Live play. (I'll write it for you if you want).

~and plenty of people displaying the gift of love, for salvations sake, witnessing to people and offering an alternative to a theology of Muslim hatred.

Great Title... for your event,
"For Salvations Sake".

Good Luck,

Sepher Shalom said...

"Dr." Dan said: "This site is a FALSE FLAG operation to spread conflict between Christians and Moslems. I bet David Wood had a real nice .............. Bar Mitzvah"

No, I am in charge of the "false-flag operation" Department, as well as the "Zionist propaganda" Department. I haven't been promoted to the Bar Mitzvah Department...yet. That is where our real world take-over operations are focused. MUWAHaHAHahahaHHaAAA!!!!

I hesistated to post, as I would surely confirm the dear Doctor's paranoia...but I couldn't resist! Go check your backyard, Dan. There might be some Jews hiding out there with their mind control guns :-D

BG said...

to the 3 or 4 who stood their ground against the true infidels:
While this one instance of persecution stands as a testimony of your own faith in Jesus Christ, most likely you will be tested for your faith again. Things like this do not stand in isolation and Islam will not allow their face to be shown unfavorably. In other words, all disciples of Christ who witnessed this video MUST pray for you four. I Know I will be.

Second, thank you for doing what you did. It would have been all to easy to want to retaliate against this aggression, but your desire to show the true, ugly face of Islam and, more than this, your love of Jesus Christ and desire to advance His gospel obviously was a compelling factor, as was the grace of The Holy Spirit in your life, in your endeavor to warn of the coming of sharia law.

Please keep us posted in what is going on legally and if you need any sort of help.

To all true believers who are witnesses to this coming plight:

Pray and work. Pray for Acts 17 organizers and workers. Work in your own areas of expertise and influence to wake Christians up. Tell them, sharia is coming and we must be on the alert and challenge it on every front.

minoria said...

A few words on Kumbayah and Dan:

He mentioned John Esposito as a reputable non-Muslim authority on Islam.He is well-known and a scholar,yes.But his actions show he doesn't really believe his position.

Like Karen Armstrong.I'll explain,if I trully believe "Buddhism is a religion of Peace" but 100% refuse to debate scholars who calmly,intellectually's obvious I don't believe I can defend it.He refuses to debate Robert Spencer and Ali Sina.

For a serious,scholarly,intellectual debate.Would Karen Armstrong debate with Spencer,Ali Sina,Ayan Hirsi Ali,on "Does the Koran and Mohammed Authorize the Oppression of Non-Muslim Women?"No.

Aah,Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan William.He's the head of the Anglican Church,80 million strong.The UK has 60 million,of which like 1.5 million are Muslim.

He said to accept Sharia Law in the UK.There was outrage by the Liberals(for once taking a stand in favor of human rights).He was severly criticized in the UK.

I think he was a fox.He never was in favor of Sharia.He said it to wake people up.He did.Can you imagine Prince Charles saying"Sharia for all in the UK is ok with me".The non-Muslims would really realize what it would mean for them if it became a reality.

As for a worldwide Jewish conspiracy and the Jews being all-powerful,it's not true.If they had been then...there never would have been a Holocaust in the first place,then the Communists would never have oppressed the Jews in the Soviet Union.Even if true,and I think all non-Muslims would agree with me,we would 100% prefer to be ruled by the Jews than by the Muslims.

kumbayah said...

Regarding Esposito, one small point to clarify ...

I have read that he converted from Christianity to Islam.

I think he was previously a member of a Catholic religious order.

nma said...

kumbayah said...
If a person voluntarily agrees to Shari'a community membership and wants to live by its laws, I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to.

So you mean to say, in a country, there can be different sets of laws for different groups? That will only further divide commnunities (instead of them merging into the common flow)and eventually lead to the downfall of the country. First,they will demand Sharia, then statehood and eventually seperation from the country.

kumbayah said...

Different laws for different groups, sounds great to me, and not just for religious reasons. I'm pretty Libertarian about many things.

I personally dislike over-centralized federal govt., so, I'm sorry I can't share your vision of a state-imposed conformity.

I say, let Muslims govern themselves. That's the American way!

For a comparison case, let Mormons in Utah also have their own society again, with their own customs like polygamy and prohibition. (Mormons used to have this self-government before U.S. statehood.)

In Florida there's a new Catholic-morals-based city called Ava Maria, founded in 2006 by Tom Monaghan (Dominos Pizza billionaire). You can't sell porn, dope or contraceptives there. People are lining up to get in. I think it's great.

It's a free country and it needs to become even more free, even for Muslims. Salaam Aleikhum!

Nomad Rev K said...

My comments are of a legal nature in regards to the filming. If you are going to use your filming in any type of public display, you must get the person's permission for release to do so. On all of the postings (Facebook, YouTube, etc.) there is a box to check that you have the rights to publish this material. If you do not, you can be the one who is sued and your material removed.

This is a standard media request that is disregarded by the American media in the name of public information act. There is a fine line to be walked if you are going to do things according to the law. Any individual person has the right to ask you to turn off your video equipment and not film them.

The 1st Amendment right does not give you the right to inflict your rights upon another individual but does allow you to speak up about your beliefs, opinions, and preferences. If you want to be free to stand up for Christianity, you must allow others to be free to stand up for being Aethiest, Agnostic, Wiccan, Satanist, Mormon, or Muslim. FREE is FREE! Speaking of which... why must the comments be approved by the blog author if I have the right to express myself as I see fit? The truth offends as much as lies and you always have the right to quit reading, viewing, or hearing.

You have to ask yourself "What would Yeshua do?"

David Wood said...

LocaWetta said: "If you are going to use your filming in any type of public display, you must get the person's permission for release to do so."

Nice try. There's no copyright concerning words or deeds on a public street.

LocaWetta said: "Any individual person has the right to ask you to turn off your video equipment and not film them."

True, they can ask. But they can't force anyone to turn off a camera. Besides this, you should watch our footage a little more carefully. The Muslims at the booth gave us permission to film them.

LocaWetta said: "If you want to be free to stand up for Christianity, you must allow others to be free to stand up for being Aethiest, Agnostic, Wiccan, Satanist, Mormon, or Muslim. FREE is FREE!"

What's your point? When did we ever say that people of other religions aren't free to proclaim their beliefs? Why are you trying to misrepresent us?

Speaking of which... why must the comments be approved by the blog author if I have the right to express myself as I see fit?

This blog is not a public street. Freedom of speech is not protected on blogs. (And you were acting like you knew the law!) We're free to moderate comments, and in order to ensure that civil discourse is maintained and that younger readers are not corrupted by cursing, we block comments that use offensive language.

You have to ask yourself "What would Yeshua do?"

Well, I doubt He'd criticize us for exposing false teachings, since He did the same thing quite often. I also doubt He'd approve of you taking His name in vain in an effort to make it sound as if there's anything remotely Christian about your claims.

nma said...


If your ideas become reality, Eventually the US will be divided into many countries, among them several Islamic nations. And what the world really needs is some more Muslim countries!!!! Are you a Muslim?

pbujjie1 said...

As the Qur’an says
Answer: In the Qur’an, Muhammad commanded Muslims to read the Bible. What is your guide? If hadiths or imams differ with the Qur’an, which would you believe? Most likely, the Qur’an is your ultimate authority. As a Muslim, does the Qur’an give you permission to learn from the Bible? “Lo! We did reveal the Torah, wherein is guidance and a light” (Surah 5:44a). “And We caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow in their footsteps, confirming that which was (revealed) before him in the Torah, and We bestowed on him the Gospel wherein is guidance and a light, confirming that which was (revealed) before it in the Torah - a guidance and an admonition unto those who ward off (evil)” (Surah 5:46). “It is He Who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) before this, as a guide to mankind, and He sent down the criterion (of judgment between right and wrong)” (Surah 3:3). “And be not thou of those who deny the revelations of Allah, for then wert thou of the losers” (Surah 10:95). If you are a Muslim, you have no excuse not to read the Bible. The Qur’an commands and praises it. Why don’t you start today? Begin with the Gospel of Luke which tells the story of Isa. He alone can give you assurance of paradise. As the Qur’an says, reading the Bible will answer your questions: “If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee: the Truth hath indeed come to thee from thy Lord: so be in no wise of those in doubt” (Surah 10:94).

pbujjie1 said...

As the Qur’an says
Answer: In the Qur’an, Muhammad commanded Muslims to read the Bible. What is your guide? If hadiths or imams differ with the Qur’an, which would you believe? Most likely, the Qur’an is your ultimate authority. As a Muslim, does the Qur’an give you permission to learn from the Bible? “Lo! We did reveal the Torah, wherein is guidance and a light” (Surah 5:44a). “And We caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow in their footsteps, confirming that which was (revealed) before him in the Torah, and We bestowed on him the Gospel wherein is guidance and a light, confirming that which was (revealed) before it in the Torah - a guidance and an admonition unto those who ward off (evil)” (Surah 5:46). “It is He Who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) before this, as a guide to mankind, and He sent down the criterion (of judgment between right and wrong)” (Surah 3:3). “And be not thou of those who deny the revelations of Allah, for then wert thou of the losers” (Surah 10:95). If you are a Muslim, you have no excuse not to read the Bible. The Qur’an commands and praises it. Why don’t you start today? Begin with the Gospel of Luke which tells the story of Isa. He alone can give you assurance of paradise. As the Qur’an says, reading the Bible will answer your questions: “If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee: the Truth hath indeed come to thee from thy Lord: so be in no wise of those in doubt” (Surah 10:94).

MOM said...

Good work! We need to expose the face of the real Islam. I have emailed the mayor and the city council members who published email addresses. I have sent the video link to everyone I know. I will continue to encourage people to spread this around. This is outrageous. People need to know the truth about Islam.
I encourage you to continue to video tape things like this. When I return from Germany in December, I'm planning to start a videography class for homeschooled high schoolers to teach them to engage the culture. God bless you.
Linda Braman
Ann Arbor

John Watson said...

If you are looking for funds in the U.K. for activities try the British National Party, They should be glad to help.

Patrick said...

These guys are americans in Dearborne AMERICA. AMERICANS have the right to conduct a CITIZEN'S ARREST. THAT is EXACTLY WHAT we should have seen on the video. IN FRONT OF THE POLICE AND THE CAMERA they should have said "Officer, I am placing these men under arrest for FELONY ASSAULT AND BATTERY. I believe that for yours and my safety, you should call for backup as I want you to handcuff these CRIMINALS and transfer them to lock-up. You must keep all of this on video. Tell them that these men have made you a victim and that you are also a FEDERAL WITNESS to this whole event, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1510, 1512-13, 1964(a)." Pursuant to '54 F.R.D. 7', FRD is Federal Rules Decision', you are a Private Attorney General (type that into your search engine for more info on Private Attorney General); and, you are also a Civil Rights Investigator. Go to ( and become an official Civil Rights Investigator.

With the security AND the Cops on video, the Police have no choice but to follow through with the arrest of loose their jobs. If the police tell you to turn off the cameras, just tell them that you are creating evidence for the court record and that any attempt to shut down the video recoding of the criminal activities occuring at that time would be deemed as evidence tampering and witness tampering with a FEDERAL WITNESS.

Whenever I file court papers is ALWAYS tell the cout and others who get my pleadings I tell them WHO I AM by the following:

(Notice that the man on paper who is addressing the court is an ALL CAPITAL LETTER version of my name as the 'PROPER PERSON' persona and that Me, The Real Flesh And Blood Man is In Upper And Lower Case Lettering as Patrick-Richard-Christopher: [clan of] Potter, Sui Juris) (look up Sui Juris on the internet)

From: PATRICK RICHARD POTTER, in proper person,
Patrick-Richard-Christopher: Potter, sui juris,
“Without Prejudice"

A Man of God standing in God’s Kingdom At All Times as an
Ambassador/Warrior for Jesus Christ,
A Private Attorney General via - 54 F.R.D. 7,
A Criminal Investigator / Private,
A Civil Rights Investigator - Civil Rights Task Force / Private; and,
A Federal Witness: 18 U.S.C. 1510, 1512-13, 1964(a),
Conducting my affairs under my ‘Full Commercial Liability’.

If you don't know what your rights are, YOU DON'T HAVE ANY!!!!!

TODAY, you learned what some of your rights are. These Islams know what THEIR rights are and how to use them; AND, because you don't know what your rights are, they used what they know about THEIR RIGHTS are for the express purpose of TRASHING Your Rights!!!!! How do you feel about THAT?

Patrick Potter.

Patrick said...

One more thing. Anyone can file a criminal complaint. For more onfo on how to do this, go to:
and listen to Randy Kelton - and also go to:
Sign up for this web site and listen to the FREE-Telephone Conferences and check the Calendar for RAndy Kelton and other similar content. THEN, go to the archives section and listen.

Patrick Potter.

p.s. - failure of the police and/or judge to do anything after they know of the crimes committed against you is a Federal Crime of:

18 U.S.C. § 4 Misprision of a Felony

Ishshah Chayil said...

In a wrong filled world we suffer and cause many a wrong to one another. This is not as God intended it to be. But He is there to heal and comfort and forgive. More should step back and let Him lead. But our faults are what make us human and need Him. We are ALL only temporarily here...Jesus wrote in the sand while others stood by ready to take a life. He never got angry...He forgave. There is greater strength in that.
"You meant to do me harm, but God meant to bring good out of it." Gen45:8

GETOFFME said...


GETOFFME said...


kumbayah said...

Shari'a ... already in Dearborn?

Michigan: Muslim principal fires legendary Christian coach after student converts

In Dearborn, of course. Is the Islamic denial of the freedom of conscience going to come to America unchallenged? In a sane society, this school would be investigated and statutes developed making the implementation of Sharia provisions that are at variance with American laws and societal norms a crime. "Legendary Christian coach canned after student converts: Muslim principal allegedly irate that wrestler left Islam to be baptized," by Drew Zahn for WorldNetDaily, July 27 (thanks to all who sent this in):
A high school hall-of-fame and Christian wrestling coach in Dearborn, Mich., claims he was muscled out of his long-tenured coaching job by the school's principal, a devout Muslim, because the administrator was furious over a student wrestler who had converted to Christianity from Islam. (continues at link)

koko said...

BTW: Lebanese Christians are not Arabs. They are PHOENICIANS. Arabic is a language not a culture. Also, Iranians also are not Arab, they are Persian. This whole "everyone is an Arab" thing if from the Middle East perpetrated by Muslim Arabs is out of control.

el Lobo said...

Dear Nabeel &Co:

Let's look at this from a religious point of view. Let's assume you have the law on your side. Does that make it alright to seek up muslims and ask them questions the purpose of which is to project a negative image of islam. Ýou didn't just ask any question. You deliberately chose questions that you know are difficult. Moreover, if someone asks you not to film them then from a moral point of view you should respect their personal integrity. There are countless actions under American law that are lawful but nevertheless breaks social conventions and norms. I can be really provocative to christians without breaking one single law. However I abide by a higher law that forbids me to do unto others what I don't want done unto me. Even if the muslim response was wrong, you did not exactly march in there with the intention of making new friends.
As a muslim I would never march into a christian gathering, even if it takes place on public space, starting handing out pamphlets and asking questions about contradictions in the bible.
Nabeel and Wood aren't stupid. They have enough experience to know what can be regarded as offensive. If we disregard all the passages in the Bible that encourages violence and only look at the passages encouraging peace, love and understanding, Nabeel &CO's actions are a clear example of, no matter how many such passages there are in the Bible, christians will always find an excuse to start conflicts. A corrupt bible no matter how much love and peace it encourages will always fail to prevent human evil.

With kind regards,
a nonprovocative muslim

American Muslim, not Muslim-American said...

"You deliberately chose questions that you know are difficult."

What's the point of asking easy questions?

"As a muslim I would never march into a christian gathering, even if it takes place on public space, starting handing out pamphlets and asking questions about contradictions in the bible."

Maybe you should.

"They have enough experience to know what can be regarded as offensive."

To regard their questions as offensive you must be either stupid (and be offended because you don't know the answer) or an Islamofascist (and be offended because you think Islam is perfect.)

kumbayah said...

Folks this is real arrival of Shari'a this week, in N. Nigeria...

(excerpt from Al Jazeera, Tues. July 28 09, also on video)

...Authorities have so far confirmed the death of 55 people in Bauchi and Yobe, but journalists have reported seeing at least 100 dead bodies.

"Over 100 dead bodies have been deposited at the premises of the police headquarters and more are still being brought in," Ibrahim Bala, a local radio journalist, told the AFP news agency.

The fighters belong to a group known as Boko Haram - which means "Western education is sin" in the local Hausa dialect - and have called for a nationwide enforcement of sharia (Islamic law).

Umaru Musa Yar'Adua, Nigeria's president, ordered security forces to go on a maximum state of alert late on Monday.

The president had "ordered national security agencies to take all necessary action to contain and repel the sad and shocking attacks by extremists".

Shettima Mustafa, Nigeria's interior minister, told Al Jazeera that the situation was "getting under control".

"If somebody is forced to leave his home because of violence then the only solution is to control the violence."

He added that the philosophy of Boko Haram did not make sense to him.

"These people are well-educated; they ride jeeps, they watch tv, they talk on mobile phones. But they preach to their followers to not to go to school and this is really surprising and I cannot understand [them]."

Abdulmuni Ibrahim Mohammed, a senior member of the group arrested on Monday, told Reuters: "We do not believe in Western education. It corrupts our
ideas and beliefs. That is why we are standing up to defend our religion".

skiparty said...

Sadly, placing this footage on You Tube was, I believe, an error in judgment. God has strategically placed this people group in a place where there are a vast number of strong and faithful Christian ministries standing in prayer and engaging in faithful outreach with the message of the gospel. These ministries are truly making inroads to sharing Christ with the Arabic people in Deaborn. But this love for the people of Dearborn was certainly not reflected in all of the comments that were posted on the You Tube site. As is usually the case there, the type of distasteful and ugly comments that are posted by people who frequent You Tube only brought shame and dishonor to the name of Christ and came across as hatred and contempt for a people that God genuinely loves and wants to redeem through the blood of Christ.
I believe Answering Islam is an excellent ministry, I just feel that taking the footage to You Tube was perhaps unwise.

American Muslim, not Muslim-American said...

"placing this footage on You Tube was, I believe, an error in judgment."

Are you kidding? EVERY American needs to see that footage!

OffendedMan said...

It was sickening to watch this video and realize that this is taking place in the USA, my country, instead of Iran or Turkey or some other Islamofascist hellhole. I hope you are pursuing criminal charges against at least three of those security guards, unfortunately the (Muslim) judge and the (Muslim) city prosecutor will probably see to it the charges are thrown out. Historically, Islam is famously corrupt (even today, in fact). They see anything done against the kuffar as OK.

We need a third crusade. Stand strong, all Judeo-Christians!

Anonymous said...

This absolutely must be taken to court. The claims: Assault and battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and punitive damages. You must sue every person involved individually, you must join the organizers of the event, and you should include Dearborn, MI. If you do not sue, you not only open yourself up to a suit of hate speech, but you legitimize and embolden this behavior. Reporting is not enough. The United States court system must be engaged.

SenatorMark4 said...

You wasted an opportunity to really learn something. Your team should have had only one cameraman standing well back to protect yourself (in public? in America?) and the other two should have had covert cameras. They're cheap now. And loose the T-shirts announcing your allegiance. Are you gathering information or instigating? Asking the question of the fullah what his view of the First Amendment would be if muslims were in the majority would make a much more interesting encounter. Let them feel at ease as their thugs blog your decoy camera.

David Ben-Ariel said...

Islam is evil and filled with murderous hatred and lies like Satan its founder through the false prophet Mohammud.

The greater Toledo area has also been polluted by such deceitful Islamofascism:

Behind the Veil of Islam
It's sad to see some pull the veil over the eyes of innocent Americans with disarming and deceitful portrayals of Islam as well-assimilated and innocuous. Let the rest of the story be told

Ohio Mosque Promotes Murder!
I repeated the "spiritual lesson" to the imam and asked him if the Muslims had any such saying. He replied that the Jews create such spurious sayings in order to discredit Islam and Arabs. I then shocked him, and the audience, when I asked: "If that's not a Muslim story, and is spurious and created by the Jews, then why would you, as the leader of this Islamic community permit that very story to be published in your newsletter last month?" He was speechless.

Toledo, Islam, and Terrorists
One day they purposely showed me a newsletter from the Islamic Center in Perrysburg that had a story from the Haddith -- saying attributed to Mohammad -- that spoke of a war in the last days between Jews and Muslims, and how Jews would hide behind trees and the trees would say, "There's a Jew behind me, kill him!" except for one tree that would shelter the Jews.

Jason said...

I was curious if the police did anything? Or if you guys attempted a lawsuit of some sort? Sorry if I missed that update in the comments... many friends on my facebook page were wondering as well.

1 Cor. 15:58

OffendedMan said...

Yes, I am wondering (like the previous poster) what's going on with this. Surely you're going forward with some kind of legal action? Turning the other cheek only goes so far (and this, I think, was past that point)....

ProudAmerican said...

I hope this will concern all Americans and show them the reality of the times and threats that we (Americans) are beginning to face. This threat is real and right under our noses. USA will be no better than Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan or any muslim dominant nation if we let this proceed and it will be our children, as well as all, who will soon be publically persecuted if we do not find a way to make a stand.

Nick said...

In a local university library, the Koran was on a bottom shelf in the stacks, not intentionally, but because it just ended up there when shelved. Muslims from abroad complained, said it was 'disrespectful", and staff had to shift aisles of books in order to get the Koran to a higher position. This is ludicrous. How many libraries in Muslim countries would do this to get the Bible or a Buddhist text to a position of respect? How many?

t_a_s said...

I am very, very shocked at how grown men have to act.

This is totally disgusting, I didn't expect Christians to act in the way that they did, being annoying little boys.

They were the annoying little boys looking at the tape.

Nabeel and the other guy, the one that is overweight to the extent that it could be dangerous and wearts glasses (best description for him, no offense)...need to look at themselves properly...this is a religious ceremony sort of thing....people are peaceful..both f you just disrupted that peace.

What did you gain from taping this?


David Wood said...

Did everyone catch TAS's response? We asked a question at a booth which invited us to ask questions. We attempted to film a dialogue that Muslims gave us permission to film. Then Muslims repeatedly attacked us, declared that they don't care what our rights are in America, cursed at us, and even assaulted a woman multiple times.

So who get's blamed by TAS (and practically all other Muslims)? The ones who dared to question Islam. And this is how it always is when Muslims attack Christians. Muslims will blame the Christians, no matter what.

BTW, TAS, you deceptively said that this was a religious festival. Nice try. It was no such thing. It was an Arab festival that was open to all people. (Too bad you weren't there; you could have attacked us too for asking a question.)

David Wood said...

And what did we get from taping this? We showed (1) that Muslims respond violently when questioned, (2) that Muslims are attempting to subjugate non-Muslims here in America, (3) that Islam has no respect for women, and (4) that Muslims like you always side with violent Muslims rather than their victims.

Anonymous said...

TAS provided a typical Islamonazi response: screw the problem, let's kill the messenger.

thisname said...

Little Mosque on the Prairie, CBC's hit Muslim Comedy series is available on DVD, visit and order online, we ship to the USA.

Anonymous said...

To fight Islam, the ignorant, corrupt and outright moronic authorities and government must be fought first. Because they protect Islam and let it grow up to the point where muslims can take over control "democratically". REMEMBER: Adolf Hitler was elected democratically! There is no other way than people standing up and take control back. In Europe where the authorities are oppressing people speaking out for their freedom, Islam is alreay taking over.

Zee M said...

first of all id like to say that ive been to the arabic festival a few times in my life. Its really very fun and exciting! great food, fun crowd and ive learned alot about many cultures and religions by visiting various booths!

ok so here's my opinion! i feel like this video does not really prove that Islam is violent or that all muslims r terrorists and heres why.
1. Who said all the people shown in the video were muslim? i believe the only people you can assume were muslim are the ones at the Islam booth.

2. Heck! If i were a security gaurd and a few punks were refusing to stop video taping after they were asked to stop video taping then ya i'd try and move the people out of the fesival! plus, isnt it an infringment of my rights if im walkin around at a festival and i was being video taped without my permission and/or knowledge?!?! (i feel like its prettyyy creepy!)

3. The security gaurds did NOT actually beat up the crew!! seriously whats considered physical abuse nowadays? the security gaurds wanted the cameras OFF and the cameramen continued to shove the camera in their faces so the security gaurd PUSHED THE CAMERA AWAY!!

personally i feel like maybe the people at the booth were wrong for putting up a sign that said its ok to ask any question because who are they to represent what Islam means? and im pretty sure u should ask a scholar of Islam a question like that to ensure a valid answer! unless of course ur all just trying to make Islam look bad. As an agnostic with MANYYYY muslim friends, i believe that everyone should look at the facts here! there wasnt an ambush of random muslims attacking the crew, they were security gaurds! the security gaurds were fine with the crew asking a question at first but when the security was notified that the crew was disturbing some people, they were forced to take the crew to the police! the security gaurds did not take the crew into a dark alley and beat them!! they took them to the police and if the crew has a problem with that, TAKE IT TO THE COURTS! im sure the people videotaped in this do not want to be on this website ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT THERE IS A HUGE CHANCE THEY WERE OF MIXED FAITHS!

Thank you for reading my opinion
-Zee M.

David Wood said...


You might want to watch a video a bit more carefully before you condemn the people being assaulted in it.

You act as if we walked up to some security guards and began recording them against their wills. In fact, they assaulted us before we started recording them, and we only recorded them because they grabbed our camera.

Also, did you completely miss the part where they were sending teenagers to entrap Christians? Did you pay attention to anything that was going on (eliminating free speech of Christians, assaulting Christians, entrapping Christians)? And you condemn us for getting it on tape??? And you offer the absurd suggestion that the guards may have been Christians???

The theories to justify this assault keep getting sillier and sillier. Let me guess, you believe the U.S. government blew up the World Trade Center, right?

Zee M said...

Good morning Mr. Wood,

I wasnt trying to condemn anyone for anything, sorry if you misunderstood. Its not my place to judge people. Acually i dont think anyone should judge anyone but thats not how the world works huh.. anyways are you claiming that while the cameras were ff the security gaurds randomly chased you all out and started throwing punches? because thats how your making it sound. IVE WITNESSED ABUSE AND PHYSICAL VIOLENCE AND I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT WHEN PEOPLE GET PISSED OFF, REGARDLESS OF RELIGION, RACE OR ETHNICITY, THEY FIGHT! this my friend, was not even half as brutal as what could have happened if u were videotaping someone who really cared about their face being portrayed on possibly some random website!

you just stated "Also, did you completely miss the part where they were sending teenagers to entrap Christians? Did you pay attention to anything that was going on (eliminating free speech of Christians, assaulting Christians, entrapping Christians)? And you condemn us for getting it on tape??? And you offer the absurd suggestion that the guards may have been Christians???"

like i said before, ive been to this specific festival many times! i know the christian group that the security gaurds were referring to because i was harassed by them at previous festivals! what they did was literally follow people around reading from the small bible they carried! honestly when i feel its the time to find God, i'll go to a church or mosque myself. i hated the fact that these Christians were allowed to attempt forcing religion upon others at a festival! oh and this festival is probably the worst place to find muslims LOL half the kids running around dont even think about religion and the adults are people bringing their kids to enjoy the rides at the festival!

i was actually surprised and happy to see that preachers were no longer allowed to preach during the festival, if they wanted to be at the festival they can set up a booth like the muslims did. did u see the muslims running around trying to convert the non muslims at the festival? NOPE! they were civilized enough to have a booth. and ok so what if the people at the booth didnt want to be videotaped!! maybe it was a bad hair day for one of the guys, maybe they didnt know how to respond to your question!!! the the cse is the latter, then next time u want to ask a question go to a reliable source!
and i still believe some of the security gaurds could have been christian, or even atheist, who knows. the fact is that YOU DO NOT KNOW THE FAITH OF THESE GAURDS! maybe they were raised as muslims but are non-practising muslims? the percentage of religious muslims at the festival is probably not as high as you think considering there is music constantly playing during the festival! yes, muslims who go by the book in dearborn pray 5 times a day, dont listen to music, and dont drink alcohol. but thats pretty much as strict as they come! oh and something made me laugh during the video, one of the security gaurds is a friend of a friend, we went to a bar/lounge a few months ago and had some drinks while smoking hookah, just thought id mention that. i grew up in Dearborn, its really a nice place to grow up!

P.S. Ousama Bin Ladin is probably more hated by the Muslims in Dearborn than by you so no i dont even care if the U.S. was involved or not. all i know is Ousama took the blame for 9/11 and hes one EVIL dude!

have a good day, im off to work, ttyl :)

-Zee M

Zee M said...

oh and sorry about "entrapping" christians, just wanted to make one thing clear.. THE SECURITY GAURDS ARE NOT POLICE OFFICERS AND THE LITTLE TEENAGERS HELPING EM OUT ARE JUST A BUNCH OF RUDE PUNKS OBVIOUSLY!! theyre immature, they didnt target u because of the fact that your christian! they did it because of all the trouble the previous christian groups caused in the past, which again i'll say I WITNESSED IT FIRST HAND! theyre a bunch of attention seeking punks (the teens) dont take it personal and i hope u dont belive that going to the arabic festival shows a good representation of islam!

Peace and Love once again
-Zee M

ldimond2000 said...

After watching your video on YouTube, I have some comments that I would like to address to you.

First, I, like many Americans, do not believe that all Musims are radical. That said, I also believe that those Muslim organizations and churches who are constantly reminding us of that, especially those in and around the town where Arab Festival 2009 was held, should now go on record concerning the acts by the Muslims in your video. So I wonder what steps you have taken in that regard.

Second, I do not know about Michigan, but in Illinois security firms must have a license, both from the state and from the municipalities they work in. I have to wonder if you have approached those responsible for providing licensing to the security firm in your video about rescinding their licensing. I also have to wonder if you have taken any legal steps to hold both the security personnel and the security firm(s) both civilly and criminally liable for their assaults and batteries on the individual(s) holding the camera, and equally important, their lying to the police when the police were "investigating" your verbal complaints to them concerning those assaults and batteries.

Third, have you used the Freedom Of Information route to obtain the police reports that should have been turned in when they responded to your complaints of assault and battery. In Illinois, such reports are required whenever a complaint if made to a law enforcement officer. Maybe it is time to consider filing a complaint with the police department and hold the police accountable for not doing their job.

And fourth, have you taken any legal steps to hold both the booth personnel and the sponsor of the Festival both civilly and criminally liable for their failure to prevent the assaults and batteries on the individual(s) holding the camera.

The video was very thought provoking, and I hope you will do more than just distribute the video and let it go at that.

Unknown said...

So did this get taken to court? Harassment happens everywhere but what makes this influential is if legal repercussions follow. You said the good people in the booth wanted to answer your questions and it is unfortunate and enraging people stopped you. The real arguements were with the security deuce bags and the poser kid in the magic jersey. COULD YOU POST UNDER THE SUMMARY OF THE VIDEO WHAT THE LEGAL REPERCUSSIONS WERE? *Caps for your attention

coolest said...


Just another defeat for the tolerant and peacefull islam.
Lucky this happened in the USA.

"When ye encounter the infidels, strike off their heads till ye have made a great slaughter among them, and of the rest make fast the fetters." (Sura 47:4).

curious2010 said...

It's really hard to believe and digest American's obsession with religion! Religious belief has degenerated from something very personal to something that has to be marketed.Amidst all the hype and hoopla,the truth gets buried and people are fed manufactured 'truisms'.It appears playing supremacist games comes naturally to Abrahamic religions.The sheer bitterness and hatred that all this generates and the resultant bad effects on humanity should be a big turn off for any rational person.

erika b said...

The only thing worth repeating is David's comment on a different video and that is: "Come out of your cave America; it's dark in there."
And the only other thing I can say is "Don't say we didn't warn you."
Mosques have been silently mushrooming around American under your very noses as you spend your time retail trancing in Wal Mart or watching the Super Bowl. They know this. They know that just as they will soon overtake alcohol-consuming, soccer obsessed Europe demographically, so will they eventually overtake America. So very sad. You never should have let them in. God Bless America.

Josh said...

I know there are many things in Islam that are evil. Even in "Christianity" or whatever. We all do evil things. It's only the love, grace, mercy and kindness of the Lord in my life daily! It's all about the cross. There are many Muslims, Christians, etc. who are ignorant of even their own beliefs.

I now know the love of Christ when I cursed Him before. I came out of drugs, family that dealt with the Mafia, etc. etc.

All I would try to encourage you guys with is this. We need to make the heart of this all about the love of the Father in Heaven.

I used to be very zealous in the wrong way and pushed people away. You can debate with people day and night. Listening to them works as well. Then you show that you care about them. If you tell of what God has and is doing for you, rather than always debating the Quran, etc. you might see something different. There is a place for debate. But not in all situations.

But your testimony and sharing His love will break down walls much more than arguing with Muslims. Not that you are trying to but the one guy going to an Arab festival wearing a "Christian t-shirt" They might take you more seriously not wearing that. I used to wear some stuff like that. Maybe in some places but at a place like that bro you are asking for trouble.

Love them and love one another in Yeshua's name...Thanks

God bless

Ole Sarge said...

It will take time but the muslims will win! Why? Because our gullible politicans are so engrossed in Political Correctness that they will eventually succumb to the wishes of radicalisms.
If Switzerland has the guts to limit the building of Mosques in thier Country - so can the US of A.
We have to draw a line somewhere before it is too late!

Unknown said...

I like what you guys are doing but you are picking the wrong fight. If it indeed is illegal to promote any religion over another in Dearborn, then you have a clear violation of the 1st Amendment. You need to find a defense attorney who is interested in making a name for themselves and work with them to challenge this law in higher courts. You will need to be arrested for preaching Christianity on the street, while an accomplice of yours does not get arrested for preaching Islam close by (they don't have to actually be Muslim, they just need to be preaching Islam in the same place at the same time). The one getting arrested will need a wireless mic broadcasting audio to someone far away filming the entire situation. When the police officer tries to stop you, you need to mention the person preaching Islam and ask if they will arrest them also. If the police refuse and only arrest you, then you have all the evidence and ammunition you need to appeal your arrest and challenge the law in higher courts. It may take several tries to get this but it has been a proven method in the past to challenge unfair and discriminatory laws. The publicity from such a thing will get national media coverage and in a nation that is mostly Christian, the public outcry will be loud knowing that other Christians are being discriminated against in their own country.

Mary said...

Paul defined true evangelizing as being always ready to share the reason for our joy (i.e., faith, love of Jesus, the truth, etc.). That implies that we would be so joyful that people would be compelled to ask us why. And it should never be rude or obnoxious but, as Paul said, "gentle." On the videos you were very polite, calm, reasonable, but assertive. I am glad you had the cameras, or you could have easily been more violently abused and then labeled as the aggressors. Perhaps next time someone nearby could have a hidden camera also.

Unknown said...

this is a great video; im glad you did this. you had every right to be on a public street and peacefully distribute literature, no matter what festival was going on near the street. going into the festival is a more murky area - but it still speaks poorly of the security team and their whole M.O. the way they handled it.

i agree with everything on this page, except the last paragraph... the growth of islam is not directly proportional to the suppression of other religions. while the beginnings of islam did rely on the suppression of the pre-existing pagan religions of mecca and the surrounding area, the ensuing growth of islam was often quite conciliatory toward other religions. it was only when the other religious communities began to be rebellious that the ruling empire (the ummayyads were the worst) would begin to suppress them. your statement of uncompromising islamic suppression of competing religions is beneath the intelligence of the rest of this page. i hope you rethink it. but i also keep on challenging the status quo in dearborn!

Unknown said...

Are these supposed to be the "moderate muslims"? The peaceful, multi-culturalist, open dialogue muslims who are telling our politicians they are moderate and tolerant?

drgmassimei said...

It really makes the anger boil up inside me to see this kind of thing happening in our own country. Have you taken any legal action against these thugs who violated your civil rights? If not you must, or this is just a lot of talk. Please go to the ACLJ web site and sign up as a member, then go to their legal help site and fill in the complaint and they will get back to you about what they can do, free of charge. I am a member but since I was not a participant in the offense I cannot apply for you. The ACLJ, for you Christians out there who do not know about them, is the reverse of the demonic ACLU. They fight for Christian rights and America. All Christians should join and give them support.

Exador said...


There is pretty much no limit on damages to having your rights violated, which they clearly were.

Unknown said...

So many are so quick to criticize what this group of great Americans are really trying to accomplish.

For a start, let's put aside the evangelism intention. If you watch the video closely, you will be disturbed by what goes on on our American soil. What you see is a preview of the potential of what U.S. can turn out to be. If this incident is happening at Dearborn, Michigan, who says it won't repeat itself throughout this land of the free? We are turning out to be more and more of a nation with depraved values, hence, eventually all lies will be so white washed that the later generations will not even be able to identify the truth because it has become so PC these days.

As you can see from the footage, there is an obstruction of freedom of speech and clearly unlike what our constitution declared (which is innocent unless proven guilty) Nabeel, David, Paul and Nageen were handcuffed and quickly shooshed away to the trailer (obviously behind closed doors, booked and stashed away in some jail.) Where is the presumption of innocence? They were "stoned" before granted a fair session of questioning. The only disruptions caused were the ones by the Muslims who felt threatened by an engaging discussion between Nabeel and the youths. U.S. is a land of freedom in religion. However these outraged Muslims only want it to be free if it's for Islam. Is Dearborn turning out to be the next Afghan? Iran? Saudi? What's next? Women can't be allowed in public unless escorted by a male person of the family? How do you like it if grandmothers, mothers and daughters are forbidden to drive?

Let's put things into perspective. If these Muslims want to live with restrained freedom, I highly recommend moving to another nation that does permit that form of lifestyle. If not, get onboard and live the American dream/freedom. After all, U.S. was founded based on the desire to be free from persecution in every aspect.

As an American, I fear that our complacency of the majority will allow Sharia Law to sneak up on us. As a parent, I want my kids to learn how to discern right from wrong without any intimidation nor propaganda. I want my children to be able to have an education. This is America and not Islamized America.

Nabeel and team, please stay safe out there as you expose the hypocritical Muslims. A system and society based on corrupted practices of Sharia Law will ultimately breed corrupt govt. Watch your backs. God bless you and the U.S.A.

Unknown said...

For a start, let's put aside the evangelism intention. If you watch the video closely, you will be disturbed by what goes on on our American soil. What you see is a preview of the potential of what U.S. can turn out to be. If this incident is happening at Dearborn, Michigan, who says it won't repeat itself throughout this land of the free? We are turning out to be more and more of a nation with depraved values, hence, eventually all lies will be so white washed that the later generations will not even be able to identify the truth because it has become so PC these days.

As you can see from the footage, there is an obstruction of freedom of speech and clearly unlike what our constitution declared (which is innocent unless proven guilty) Nabeel, David, Paul and Nageen were handcuffed and quickly shooshed away to the trailer (obviously behind closed doors, booked and stashed away in some jail.) Where is the presumption of innocence? They were "stoned" before granted a fair session of questioning. The only disruptions caused were the ones by the Muslims who felt threatened by an engaging discussion between Nabeel and the youths. U.S. is a land of freedom in religion. However these outraged Muslims only want it to be free if it's for Islam. Is Dearborn turning out to be the next Afghan? Iran? Saudi? What's next? Women can't be allowed in public unless escorted by a male person of the family? How do you like it if grandmothers, mothers and daughters are forbidden to drive?

Let's put things into perspective. If these Muslims want to live with restrained freedom, I highly recommend moving to another nation that does permit that form of lifestyle. If not, get onboard and live the American dream/freedom. After all, U.S. was founded based on the desire to be free from persecution in every aspect.

As an American, I fear that our complacency of the majority will allow Sharia Law to sneak up on us. As a parent, I want my kids to learn how to discern right from wrong without any intimidation nor propaganda. I want my children to be able to have an education. This is America and not Islamized America. Corrupt system breeds corrupt govt.

Unknown said...

For a start, let's put aside the evangelism intention. If you watch the video closely, you will be disturbed by what goes on on our American soil. What you see is a preview of the potential of what U.S. can turn out to be. If this incident is happening at Dearborn, Michigan, who says it won't repeat itself throughout this land of the free? We are turning out to be more and more of a nation with depraved values, hence, eventually all lies will be so white washed that the later generations will not even be able to identify the truth because it has become so PC these days.

As you can see from the footage, there is an obstruction of freedom of speech and clearly unlike what our constitution declared (which is innocent unless proven guilty) Nabeel, David, Paul and Nageen were handcuffed and quickly shooshed away to the trailer (obviously behind closed doors, booked and stashed away in some jail.) Where is the presumption of innocence? They were "stoned" before granted a fair session of questioning. The only disruptions caused were the ones by the Muslims who felt threatened by an engaging discussion between Nabeel and the youths. U.S. is a land of freedom in religion. However these outraged Muslims only want it to be free if it's for Islam. Is Dearborn turning out to be the next Afghan? Iran? Saudi? What's next? Women can't be allowed in public unless escorted by a male person of the family? How do you like it if grandmothers, mothers and daughters are forbidden to drive?

Let's put things into perspective. If these Muslims want to live with restrained freedom, I highly recommend moving to another nation that does permit that form of lifestyle. If not, get onboard and live the American dream/freedom. After all, U.S. was founded based on the desire to be free from persecution in every aspect.

As an American, I fear that our complacency of the majority will allow Sharia Law to sneak up on us. As a parent, I want my kids to learn how to discern right from wrong without any intimidation nor propaganda. I want my children to be able to have an education. This is America and not Islamized America. Corrupt system breeds corrupt govt.

Unknown said...

Naturally, I would never endorse this, but perhaps a less principled person could buy, oh let's say 100 piglets...and turn them loose in the middle of this gang of Muslims. Or perhaps a visit to the local dog pound?
Just a thought...

Doctor mirabilis Lupus said...

truly Mohamed would be appalled, this is not the behavior he would have expected from his people, supposedly its about peace. proof another religion has gone astray under corrupt leadership and self serving doctrines since the time of Mohamed.

Deaf Oregon Advocate said...

Jewish religion and Islam religion are very similiar. Jews and Arabs are cousins who descend from a Jewish man named Abraham who once camped in Iraq. Jewish men and women used to pray separately. Arab men and women still pray separately today. Jews used to stone their women in the old days. They do not do that anymore, thanks to education. Arabs still stone their women. Jews still greet in Jewish language "Shalom". Arabs still greet in their language "Salam".
See a lot of similarities!

Deaf Oregon Advocate said...

Jewish religion is older than Christianity. Christianity was a Jewish commoner's new religion of forgiveness. Christianity is 600 years older than Islam. Enslavement of nonbelievers is legal in Islam and it is still being enforced in rural Sudan where slavery trade business is very active today. Even the so-called prophet Mohammed was a slave trader himself. I do not support Islam because I do not support the stonings of Muslim women and the killings of secular Muslims. Islam is a false religion that was based on a lot of plagarization. For more info, go to or

Lothair Of Lorraine said...

Hey folks:

I have been studying Islam for a little while now, and the word 'dhimmi' and 'dhimminitude' comes up alot. Most commentators I read say that 'dhimmi' or its spellings is an Arabic word. I hate to impose myself, but the word is a Latin noun in the 1st declension ['dimidia'] and translates as 'half' and can also refer to the oppositive being 'twice as much'. It can also be used as an adjective in the 1st declension across several cases [Nom,Voc, Abl, Acc]. As an adjective it means half, 'incomplete' and 'mutilated'. The word can be found in Suetoniu's "The lives of the Twelve Saesars [Ch 101] so it predates Arabic by around 300 years.

Unknown said...


Alan said...

Just think about it for a moment... The root of the problem isn't just Islam. It's *religion.* If organized religion were allowed to fade into history where it belongs, NONE of this stuff would be happening. Religion is the single biggest stumbling block in the path of peace.

Gen McTabbish said...

As a Christian from Dearborn who witnessed the arrests and watched the situation unfold, I find it disgraceful that your open act of civil disobedience is being used to recharacterize this very diverse community with an Islamic minority as somehow being a sharia-ruled city. They are less than 20% of the population of this city. We have brains and are not dhimmis. Your continued rhetoric against our city is starting to bring in dangerous kooks. Someone is going to get killed because of your reckless language. You should feel shame for your recklessness, but you're all so busy with your grandiose language that you forget that you were not at an "islamic fest".You were at a festival celebrating the Chaldean, Maronite, Lebanese, Druise and Islamic cultures that live in the metro area. It is pathetic to see you portraying yourselves as martyrs. How is it that Christar was able to send far more evangelical ministers than your group and never got arrested for it? Simple. They were trying to actually minister. You were actually trying to get arrested. You got what you wanted and are using it to bring hatred down on a city of only 30,000 people. Why don't you go up to West Bloomfield where there are far more Moslems than there are in Detroit? Oh that's right. It doesn't fit your paradigm.

David Wood said...


You say you watched our arrests. Then you must appear in the video footage. Could you point yourself out please?

The reason I'm asking is that you said we committed an open act of civil disobedience. But we never did this. Hence, you're not telling the truth. Why is it that our critics must constantly misrepresent the facts in order to attack us? And then you complain about us misrepresenting Dearborn!

TheBookReaderStore said...

It is now 2 years on from this event and the insidious creep of these "radicals" is gaining pace in Australia. Calls for elements of sharia law to be recognised by Australian law have started - under the guise of "protecting" muslim women who are faced with divorce. The fact that ALL Australian women going through a divorce are already protected under Australian law is not enough. There was a conference involving Hizb ut-Tahrir - a fundamentalist group that calls for the establishment of a caliphate stretching from the Middle East to Indonesia and according to reports from the conference this Hizb ut-Tahrir group are exhorting all muslims to "resist democracy". Keep up your vigilence and remember
"Anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame".

Unknown said...

the fastest growing religion in the world is Islam. jesus is not god if he was god we will see him again actually in islam we will are tought to love other religions and to learn from it not to prove it wrong becaue only god knows what religion is right. i would becomg a orthodox jew before i become a christian if i where to ever become leave islam(GODFORBID) also did you know jesus is mention in the quran more than it is mentions in the bible and never included in the torah? did you know the quran is the only box that has the torah and bible similarities in one? coinsidence? no because we believe in the origanl bible and the torah there is 44 different dialects of the bible what makes you think the one you read is correct? the very first quran that is proven by scholors of all religons is still on display still writtin in the same language arabic! which comes from aramaic not the bible ? english was the language when the bible was written? dont dog anyones religion because one day mohamed might save you like you think jesus saved you... and by the way if jesus was a god who wrote the bible? and if it wasnt jesus or god why would you believe it?

Ann Aitch said...

Walid, it's the fastest growing religion because of an astronomical birthrate that dwarfs those of Europe, the US, and probably most of the rest of the world, combined with mass murder an intimidation of "unbelievers" and forced conversions in an increasing number of countries.

It's not because millions of people are suddenly seeing the light of Allah willingly and freely.

Eternal life in Jesus alone. said...

The work of the Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient to save all mankind including muslims. He is the constant propitiation for our sins provided we confess them.

God is light in him there is no darkness at all. Here is the tough question of Islam and its followers who think they are going to heaven. How can the actions of Islam be counted as acceptable before God? Yes they will have an existence an Eternal existence but that existence will be nothing like they think it will be unless they receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Who wants to prevent muslims from getting Eternal life, answer the god of this world!
Who wants to see muslims receive Eternal life?answer: Christians, God our Creator and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and all the hosts of heaven.
Warning - be discerning against the one who devours and compare to the One who gives light and life. Change today the time is NOW before it is too late. If you were to die tonight where would you spend eternity, in heaven or hell. If God our heavenly father said to you why should I let you into my heaven , what would your answer be?

Anonymous said...

White women will NEVER EVER accept this in our neighborhoods! Its time to take action women! Anytime you see a moslem man making sexual gestures and smiling, take a photo and call the police or security and have them charged with sexual harassment. I am having issues in ottawa canada with moslem men harassing me when I go shopping alone and I dress conservatively!

Unknown said...

Christianity has been round for eons,islam only bout 1900 yrs.muhammad was a pedophile,he took pleasures of the flesh and married an 8 yr.old girl;any religion that sanctifies child rape thru marriage as evidenced by effort to allow Islamic marriages to girls as young as 8 n Iraq,has no place n society.sharia law has no place n America unless your within the confines of a gated community.

Unknown said...

Walid Shalash Wrote:
"the fastest growing religion in the world is Islam. jesus is not god if he was god we will see him again actually in islam we will are tought to love other religions and to learn from it not to prove it wrong becaue only god knows what religion is right. i would becomg a orthodox jew before i become a christian if i where to ever become leave islam(GODFORBID) also did you know jesus is mention in the quran more than it is mentions in the bible and never included in the torah? did you know the quran is the only box that has the torah and bible similarities in one? coinsidence? no because we believe in the origanl bible and the torah there is 44 different dialects of the bible what makes you think the one you read is correct? the very first quran that is proven by scholors of all religons is still on display still writtin in the same language arabic! which comes from aramaic not the bible ? english was the language when the bible was written? dont dog anyones religion because one day mohamed might save you like you think jesus saved you... and by the way if jesus was a god who wrote the bible? and if it wasnt jesus or god why would you believe it? "

I won't even begin to refute this with Qur'an (Arabic for the recital) suras where Mohammed mentions Christ only to defame and mis-characterize Yeshua (Joshua, Jesus). Jesus isn't mentioned in the Torah because the Septuagint and Pentateuch were written ages before Christ's birth. The only reason Mohammed knows of the Torah is because he studied it, and the Jewish tribes around him kept version of it. That's why it's in The Qur'an. Historically the Qur'an was written after Mohammed birth circa 675 AD (BCE)... six hundred and fifty seven years AFTER the death of Christ. The bible had already been formulated and organized well before then. Christians were practicing in Rome, and even known in Ancient Greece. Arabs were still conforming to Mithra-ism. Islam gained a foot hold in Arabia as a result of War and Conquest.. not begin acceptance and divine revelation. This is admitted to in the Qur'an

Even so, The Qur'an is written in English as well as a Arabic. Does that mean the English version of the Qur'an is corrupted, or the Arabic one?

Actually the Bible, sans many, many books, was translated from Hebrew in to Greek, then into Latin.. The book Matthew is the only book to be translated directly from Hebrew into Latin. Despite the various Dialects in play with bible much of the text is in fact intact.

Aramaic was a dead language long before the arrival of Arabic. Yiddish and Hebrew are direct descendents of Aramaic much like Arabic is, but only Mohammed said Arabic is the "perfect Language" capable being used for the teaching of the Qur'an. Thus, If Gabriel Taught Mohammed the Qur'an it would have stood to reason Gabriel would have taught Mohammed in Aramaic (the Language in which Christ, and the Rest of the Prophets, except Mohammed, of the period spoke)- not Arabic (being that the Prophet was illiterate and could not write or READ). Again Qur'an means "the Recital" so did Gabriel tell Mohammed these things? Would Gabriel defame the Son of Man, if Mohammed told his follower to up hold the BIBLE and the Torah, and the Bible spoke of Christ being Gods only begotten son? If not then who was the Angel that instructed Mohammed? If so, then is God talking against the very person whom he said "this is my son, in whom I am well pleased?" (referencing Christ at his Baptism at the Hand of the Prophet John)

Unknown said...

Two year late in a response, and you assumed to have won against those who would trash Islam. Rather you didn't. Many people have not read the Qur'an and only have a passing knowledge of it. In a Faith here it says "Oh,people of the Book do not take for selves friends of Christians and Jews because they are apostates" Why are you in a Nation that Holds Christianity and Judaism to be one and the same. Why are you even congregating amongst them? For what Purpose? Do you feign friendship in order to usurp and betray?

As a PAGAN... I'd like to know. Why because, How you treat them will be how you treat me, and right now I have cause to be worried. Why? Muslims are killing Muslims. Sunni versus Shi'ite. Syria Is Shi'ite as is Iran while the rest of the Muslim world is Sunni. These two sects have clashed in Iraq and Pakistan, they are clashing in Syria, and will clash in Libya and Egypt. As I speak, Daesh is killing Shi'ites in Syria and Iraq, because it is a Sunni Sect. So, if you can kill your own with impunity, Is Islam really the answer? It's not the first time Sunni and Shi'ite Miltia's have clashed. They've done it even during the Haj or Ramadan. So, will you bring the that same historical inter sect blood shed here to American Soil? How many Mosques are Shi'ite and How many are Sunni or even Druze?

No, all I see is hypocrisy from you and the rest of the Muslim world. It's "Do as I say do not as I do." The greater Muslim world took not 14 years to speak up against terrorism but a full 30 years starting in the Late 1970's with Plane hijackings and car bombs. The Muslim world was silent then, as it largely silent now. These are ill tidings for a "religion of peace"... and you only have yourselves to blame...