It cannot be said that we were arrested for causing a disturbance, because we did not approach anyone, rather everyone with whom we spoke first approached us. It cannot be said that we were harassing anyone, because the moment anyone said "stop talking to me", we would stop talking to them. And it cannot be said that we were spreading hate speech, because we said virtually nothing about Islam at all. On the contrary, we repeatedly affirmed our love for all Muslims. Whenever I was asked "Why would you love me?" I said "Because Jesus loves you, and he told me to love you."
No hating, no disturbing, no harassing... It remains only to be concluded that we were arrested simply for being Christian Preachers at the Arab Festival in Dearborn.
Thanks to our friend Maria, we have much better footage and pictures of our arrest than we previously thought. You can now see more interesting footage of the arrest. I'm also going to add the new pictures below.

The chief of police said we were "Causing a stir"...

David's in the blue shirt, Paul has the number 8 on his back, and I'm in the red shirt in the middle
David being handcuffed
My guess is that your footage which proves your innocence will be mysteriously "lost" by the Dearborn PD, which is clearly on the mullah payroll now. I guess they know which side their bribes are buttered on, to mix a metaphor. It's really disgusting to see law enforcement stoop so low. If they're scared for their jobs, why don't they just leave Michigan? Everyone else is!
What on Earth is going on these days?
I am not religious, but I do enjoy the debates, and I even mirrored a few of the Acts17Apologetics videos on my YouTube channel.
I think I have seen everything Nabeel and David have done.
BTW David if you are reading this, did you drop a few pounds? Your face looks a bit thinner.
Take care guys and keep fighting the good fight!
we will find the truth in the end!!!
Hey,u know what...we will find out the truth in the end...dont will know who is the real god and the true religon...and about the "u got question","i got answers"thing...u started the problem because the guy told u to turn off the camera...and the cam lady was still taping.God lead u to the right way...and it would be helpful if u know what the quran is really about...the time will come,and i hope u will remember these words.
Wow, I am glad you guys are ok. Keep fighting the good fight.
ATG, better to find teh truth before the end, and that Truth is Jesus Christ. As he said "I am the way the truth and the life, he who believes in me will live"
Time to live man before you die.
This is a complete and total lie and David and Nabeel should be ashamed of themselves. Tonight, just as last night, there were dozens of Christians and former muslims at the festival witnessing to muslims. None of them had problems with people. None of the other several dozen "Christian preachers" were arrested. Lies, lies, and more lies.
The same happened last night. I saw Nabeel and David showboating and trying to cause a scene and know they were not only expecting to be arrested, but to some degree, trying to get arrested.
They care more about their hatred for islam than their love for muslims. I have evangelized in many continents and in places far more hostile than the dearborn festival, but can say with experience that they did not at all suffer for the cross, they suffered for their egos.
Been listening to Yahya Snow, have you? :) Unfortunately, David addressed his allegations on ABN :)
The irony of this whole thing is that Nageen who has never been in trouble becomes a Christian and winds up in Jail.
Nageen stay strong sister, rejoice that you were worthy to suffer for the name.
Spiffy the Basset said
"I have evangelized in many continents and in places far more hostile than the dearborn festival,
Tell Me Which hostile continents gave you permission to evangelized ... Do these Nation really grant permission to spread the truth the gospel of Jesus.. Or do we need permission to spread the Gospel... ???? .. Why are these nation afraid about Jesus?
Spiffy the Basset said...
"This is a complete and total lie and David and Nabeel should be ashamed of themselves"
Ashamed of what exaclty? Ashamed of the Cross?
Spiffy teh Basset also said...
"I have evangelized in many continents and in places far more hostile than the dearborn festival,"
Really you have? Can you name a few of these places?
Spiffy the Basset also said..
"but can say with experience that they did not at all suffer for the cross,"
So you have experianced suffering for the cross? Please do elaborate on this.
How sad to see so many well-meaning Christians completely missing the point. You wear your "persecution" like a badge of honor, as though it somehow justifies your method of evangelism and makes you more righteous in God's sight than all the rest of us pansies trying to speak the truth "with gentleness and respect." (1 Pet. 3:15) I'm convinced their cheering wasn't a reaction to your sharing the Gospel; it was because you guys were (in your approach, if not in person) antagonistic and annoying.
How else would you expect people to behave when you shove a bunch of cameras in their faces and start asking them uncomfortable questions? It's one thing to share the Gospel with people by having an open, honest dialogue; it's something else entirely when you show up to a festival like this with cameras and a giant chip on your shoulder. You wanted to encounter resistance. You posted all this rhetoric on your blog, YouTube, etc. leading up to the event, and now you act surprised when you get there and people are uncomfortable with your presence!
Am I suggesting we should never encounter resistance in our attempts to share the Gospel? Of course not. But neither should we deliberately seek it out. When Paul and his associates encountered persecution in Acts 17, they did not respond by regrouping and returning to the same place with a camera crew and an attitude. They moved on to another place where people were more open-minded and receptive to their message.
So far, I think Spiffy the Basset has said it best: "They care more about their hatred for islam than their love for muslims."
Spiffy the Basset
Are you the same person who was the first person to post on Pamella Geller's blog? you seem to share the cadence in your typing as the person who posted on atlas shrugs?
Also the use of the word "LIE" more then once in a sentence triggers my Muslim sensses.
Could you be Yahya Snow in disguise?
I would like to know if Spiffy or Sparechange were actually at the event.
A few quick points:
David and Nabeel reported that they were basically just sharing the gospel and said little about Islam.
They also said that they only talked to people who approached them first.
Those people had the chance to simply walk away and not be filmed, because filming in a public area is not illegal. It is perfectly within their rights as US citizens. Instead these people chose to remain in discussion with them.
Whatever you want to call it, I hardly think they're doing this to puff up their egos. It seems that some people find it easy enough to do that from behind a keyboard rather than preach the gospel for the Lord's sake.
I'm glad they are opening our eyes to what is going on in Dearborn.
God bless David, Nabeel, Nageen, and team.
I'd suggest that the folks who are reminding us of "gentleness and respect" look up what the word is that "respect" is translating. It refers to God, not man.
Further, I suggest these folks listen to Sam Shamoun's comments directed their way on last night's ABN show. They were excellent points, and I pray they listen to him.
You guys should really be ashamed for lying as much as you are about this. We know you even asked an attorney nearby whether or not you were doing anything warranting arrest, and fully expected to get arrested.
Dozens of other evangelists there were preaching the gospel without incident. You came to throw bombs and feed your own egos. Let it be known that many believers do not accept your premise that you were arrested for being "Christian preachers," but you were arrested for being showboaters and egomaniacs.
Shame on you all.
Adam and the fat man, one place is called the middle east. on the continent of Asia. I'm not sure what 'permission' you are talking about.
Try witnessing at a homosexual festival if you think that the Dearborn Arabic festival is hostile.
You guys are buying what they are selling. None of you were there, we were, and we saw what happened. Why is it the dozens of other evangelists there, openly preaching to Muslims, had no problems, yet the show boaters that started a scene with their cameras in the middle of one of the tents had a problem?
I saw all of this happen. Unless you did, why are you speaking as though you know what happened?
The question is, again, why is it the dozens, DOZENS of other evangelists there, even witnessing at the pro-muslim tables, did not have a problem but the show boaters did?
You claim they suffered for the cross, yet you weren't even there and believe their lie that they were arrested for simply "preaching the gospel," so why were the dozens of others preaching the gospel WITHOUT CAMERAS not having a problem? Why is it the dozens of groups in the area that go around witnessing and evangelizing all the muslim neighborhoods, again, without the flash and cameras, don't have these problems? The problem here is david and nabeel are presenting a false idea of what happened, and you people are sucking it up wholesale.
Yeah, fat man, I'm a Muslim in disguise. Nice way of avoiding facts. You seem to have your takkiya down pat. The idea that you think that all Christians should go along with those who claim to be Christians and lie about their "suffering" is pretty insulting to me, and it's certainly insulting to those who suffer authentic persecution.
1 Peter 2:20 (New American Standard Bible)
20For what credit is there if, when you sin and are harshly treated, you endure it with patience? But if (A)when you do what is right and suffer for it you patiently endure it, this finds favor with God.
I would also like to know when nabeel and david are going to ask pamela geller to retract her lie about them being arrested for being non-muslims at a muslim festival.
You're doing the same thing you accuse the muslims of doing, propagating lies as means which are justified for the ends.
The question still remains, as you even post the lie on here about being arrested for being preachers:
WHY were the DOZENS of other evangelists openly preaching the gospel not arrested, but the show boaters with cameras and lights were? And why aren't you mentioning that others there doing interviews with cameras had media passes, even Christian Arabs? I personally heard one Christian Arab interviewed about her faith, etc. for a network. How can this be? I thought all these people were arrested???
It is amazing how an event like this can expose the colors not only of atheists and Muslims, which is only to be expected, but of professing Christians as well. Many people pretend that if Jesus or His apostles came to their town they would not be offended and would follow Him.
They show no awareness of the fact that Jesus often offended people, that He often said and did things that He knew would offend them, and that He often even upped the ante in the face of their protests and added insult to injury.
A great example of the above from Jesus is found in John 6. Repeatedly we are told in the passage that the people were grumbling about Christ's teaching, specifically His claim that all men, by faith, must feed upon Him, the true manna, if they would have life. Rather than cowtow to their hatred of His message and method, we are told that He said to those who stumbled over and who were offended by His teaching, in effect, "If it offends people to hear that I am the bread of God which they must feed upon to have eternal life, what then will be their reaction if I say I will ascend into heaven where I came from, and that they can't even come to me to have life unless they are enabled to do so by the Father?"
The result of this entire discourse was that many people turned away from Jesus, just as He knew they would from the beginning, even before they started grumbling like "Spiffy the Basset Hound" and "Sparechange".
And least anyone miss the obvious, all of this was done by Jesus not only knowing, in advance of what He said and did, that some people would be offended, but also knowing that all of these things would be recorded.
and it would be helpful if u know what the quran is really about...
End quote:------------
It's a war manual, and a how to have sex with what ever you want manual.
Christians and Jews and Catholics view our biblical texts as historical documents to learn from and to guide us. The Koran is used not as a historical document to learn from but Islamists use it to wage war on non-Muslims, if you view the Koran as a Political War Manual and not as a religious text it becomes clear why Islam is violent the world over.
Make no mistake Islam is not a religion but a fascists' supremacists' Political Ideology that enshrines Sharia Law as a tool to gather Muslims globally to wage their supremacists' agenda.
The political left and Islam are on the same side, one wants to created a socialist's paradise where the state rules us like slaves, Islam has the same goal only it shall use Sharia Law instead of the stasi to control us.
I'd also like to know why other famous former muslims, such as Samy Tanagho, had a table where they were SELLING books to convert muslims, had no problems with the police.
Josh McDowell, famous christian author and apologist, had people at his tent openly engaging muslims to convert them, and neither josh nor any of his people had a problem.
Why is that? Why is it the only people who had a problem also happened to have lights, camera, and were trying to make a scene? Why didn't the police accost any of the many christian tables in the tents there which were handing out evangelism material to all muslims?
Royal Son: I was not at the event. My concern comes mostly from the materials I read and watched from Nabeel and David leading up to this event, and how they seemed to be seeking out controversy. The fact that they were "nice" to people after they got there doesn't impress me much.
Anthony Rogers: I understand Jesus' message was offensive to many, and that he even warned us it would be so. And I have read the passage in John 6 before. However, Jesus also did not approach the lame, the sick, or the woman at the well with a video camera and a series of questions and accusations about their false beliefs. He seemed to save that kind of discourse for the "blind guides," who purported themselves to be the spiritual leaders of the day. He was naturally offensive to them because of the way he treated people who were considered dirty and worthless by everyone else.
In short, even though Jesus said the message would be offensive to some, I do not see where he admonishes us to deliberately offend people.
Sparechange said:………………
When Paul and his associates encountered persecution in Acts 17, they did not respond by regrouping and returning to the same place with a camera crew and an attitude
I say…………………….
The fact is that Paul like Jesus before him deliberately went where he was most likely to encounter resistance. (The temple in Jerusalem). A place that he knew he would be unwelcome. (Acts 22:18)
Like Jesus he planed his trip well in advance and prepared his companions for what was coming and he took along the first century equivalent of a camera crew to record the action (Luke).
like Jesus he fully expected to be arrested there or worse.
His visit caused no small amount of concern and difficulty for the local brothers ministering in the area (Acts 21 20:24)
And he was coping quite an attitude when he said at that location
"God is going to strike you, you whitewashed wall! Are you sitting to judge me according to the law, and yet contrary to the law you order me to be struck?" (Acts 23:3)
If you are going to heap scorn and ridicule on a brother because you don’t like his methods at least try to get your scripture facts strait.
Long arm of Sharia law in Dearborne is Chief of Police is R. Haddad.
He is now coaching the Feds on his unique brand of Sharia. Coming soon town town near you.
DEARBORN -- Police Chief Ronald Haddad was recently appointed to serve on the Homeland Security Advisory Council, which provides advice and recommendations to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on matters related to homeland security
So who was recording even after you four were arrested? Where did your cameras go? Do you still have them? God Bless You All!
Sparechange said...
"How sad to see so many well-meaning Christians completely missing the point. You wear your "persecution" like a badge of honor, as though it somehow justifies your method of evangelism and makes you more righteous in God's sight than all the rest of us pansies trying to speak the truth "with gentleness and respect." (1 Pet. 3:15) I'm convinced their cheering wasn't a reaction to your sharing the Gospel; it was because you guys were (in your approach, if not in person) antagonistic and annoying."
First it is a Badge of Honor to suffer for the name. So that is the POINT.
Second so far from what I can tell and know of Nabeel, David, and Nageen I'm sure they were being extreamly gentle and respectful.
Third you are right that the crowd was cheering at the arrest of thet acts17 crew becasue they were being annoying. Those who are perishing and going to hell find the messge of the Gospel to be quite anoying. The bible says it's like HOT COALS being heaped on their heads.
Is it just me or does there seem to be a lot of one hit unknown wonders posting negative comments against David and Crew.
It's funny how most all seem to type like Yahya Snow.
"This is a complete and total lie and David and Nabeel should be ashamed of themselves. Tonight, just as last night, there were dozens of Christians and former muslims at the festival witnessing to muslims. None of them had problems with people. None of the other several dozen "Christian preachers" were arrested. Lies, lies, and more lies.
The same happened last night. I saw Nabeel and David showboating and trying to cause a scene and know they were not only expecting to be arrested, but to some degree, trying to get arrested.
They care more about their hatred for islam than their love for muslims. I have evangelized in many continents and in places far more hostile than the dearborn festival, but can say with experience that they did not at all suffer for the cross, they suffered for their egos."
Indeed brother. These people act as if they were not in the USA. There are rules to the *****Freedom of Speech*****. The fate would be mine if I were to go a festival that is mostly made of Christians and start talking inflaming things about their religion. IMAGINE ME, FOR INSTANCE, BRINING PORNOGRAPHY IN THE BIBLE OUT LOUD AND FORCING PEOPLE TO BE ON CAMERA ******and in their faces****** TO listen to me. I too would get arrested for disturbing the peace.
Nabeel, you're going down a path that will jeprodize your entire Medical career. Don't be foolish. You keep doing this, you'll end up being a felon. Good luck then getting hired by any hospital, dude.
You are living in the USA. Don't act like your Christianity is being fought. You look like silly and immature kids when you do this. Just understand the Law better, buddy. There are limits to your freedom of speech. This is not just because you're a Christian. It's because you're a US-Citizen. Again, *****I would get equally arrested if I were to do what you do in Christian-dominated festivals where I would cause FOR THE PEACE TO BE DISTURBED.
Just a word of advise.
Osama Abdallah
Wow Nageen is only 4' 11? So is Rafiqa Berry. Two 4' 11 dinomo's for Chirst. Got to love it.
Gee Osama, you always have to talk about pornography. Can't you just give it a break already?
I think you should contact the American Center for Law & Justice ( and sue everyone involved in a highly public way (if possible considering the media dhimmitude). Every time the rights of Christians are violated in the name of Islam, we should sue and establish precedents (binding legal case law) for the future.
Festivals are for people to get together and enjoy a good family quality time. NO GROUP OF GANGS (not calling you this) HAS THE RIGHT TO RUIN IT. You can't come on 4th of July (July 4th) and wave the confederate flag among the crowd, or spit on the American flag among the crowd! You can't call crap like this freedom of speech. YOU WOULD BE INTENTIONALLY SEEKING DISTURBANCE TO PEACE, and hence you could get arrested by police for it.
Islam and Christianity have nothing to do with any of this. You keep doing this, you'll be looking at more and more jail time.
Osama Abdallah
Nabeel, David, Negeen... you all have been my heroes since I learned of your struggles and your ministry, months ago. The way I see it, you've given to us - and you continue to give to us all - prophetic warning regarding the sharia cancer that grows among us. How very interesting that none of the spineless msm chooses to report factually regarding this "festival", or those who sponsor it, or those who are victimized by it.
Not enough thanks can be offered for your willingness to help Muslims escape from the nightmare of Islam. The entire family of God must become a refuge for "ex" Muslims.
Could you envision a festival in ANY city whereby Muslims are publically invited to and facilitated to escape from Islam? Could you envision a collaboration of agencies and resources whereby something like this could be done? I don't have the imagination or the understanding to make something like that happen. However, if ever there is such a festival, I hope to get to see you there...
The most I have to say is "THANK YOU" and I will continue to support you financially and prayerfully.
Stop wining an turn the other cheek.
Those dozens of Muslims who were having a dialog with David Wood, seeing how they were stigmatized as bad Muslims, next time, they won't stand to have dialog, instead, they will call the Police. Knowing how David wood would use his material to incite Americans to stop Muslims from building mosques, every Muslims would be hostile to him. Make no mistake, this was the goal of David wood. We are not that naive, David didn't want to video tape the majority of Good Muslims, that would have no value.
I know what you're saying. A lot of these ppl posting negative comments have never been seen before. Most of them don't even have a profile, which makes me question who they really are. I'm willing to bet they are Muslims, but its only a wild guess :)
Osama, I was not going to respond to your comment because I generally abstain from responding to others who display their willful ignorance in public. But I am making an exception here. I challenge you to back up your words with action. Go to a Christian festival (not a church, but a public, open event like this festival) and begin challenging Christian doctrine openly. I submit you will get a much different response than what David et al received.
Speculation is one thing, challenging that speculation is quite another. I doubt you have the wherewithal to actually put action to your empty rhetoric.
Spiffy asked
I'd also like to know why other famous former muslims, such as Samy Tanagho, had a table where they were SELLING books to convert muslims, had no problems with the police.
Josh McDowell, famous christian author and apologist, had people at his tent openly engaging muslims to convert them, and neither josh nor any of his people had a problem.
I say:
This kind of reasoning gets on my last nerve.
In Acts chapter 4 no one asked why it was only Peter and John who got arrested while the rest of the apostles went about their business
In Acts chapter 5 no one asked why it was only the apostles who were put in prison while the rest of the Church remained free .
In Acts 7 no one questioned Stephen’s evangelistic approach even though he was the only one who managed to get himself stoned that day.
Etc Etc Etc
I’m not sure if you call yourself a Christian but if you do you need to seriously take a look at what you are doing. You are blaming the victim for making the powers that be angry.
It’s legitimate to believe that one particular evangelistic approach is better than another.
But it is totally out of bounds to join the enemy in heaping scorn on those who have just spent a night in jail for the sake of the Name.
Don’t think about David think about how your snide backbiting might effect someone like Negeen a very young convert scared about her reputation not being able to turn to her family for support and seeing supposed brothers and sisters blaming her for her persecution.
You should be ashamed
Sparechange said: "And I have read the passage in John 6 before....He seemed to save that kind of discourse for the "blind guides," who purported themselves to be the spiritual leaders of the day.
It must have been a long time ago that you read John 6. Jesus was not speaking in the passage to "blind guides" but to people who professed to be His disciples.
Osama belly aching about pornography again. "that which fills the heart comes out of the mouth" I guess. Osama, if you would stand in a festival with me there and scream from the top of your lungs and talk about pornography I would stand there and refute you to your face. But rest asured, you would not receive any death threat. That is only reserved for Muslims.
I think that this series is high value investigative journalism. By exposing the intolerance of Christians in Dearborn, you are making the point that America is about to birth a non-muslim no go zone. The all too familiar pattern of isolation from and denial of the non-muslim world. Sigh. I see a new tactic though, the Small Town angle. The 50,000 sq/ft islamic complex being proposed and pushed into a small Tennessee town is another example of backdoor balkanization.
Stay cool. I see the good works you do. I'll be dropping your link as often as possible.
Attention all you who call your self Christian:
Maybe you enjoy watching ppl go to hell. Maybe you enjoy disobeying Christ Jesus, by not preaching the Gospel to the ends of the Earth.Maybe you dont like getting out of your comfort zone.
But you have NO RIGHT to stop those who want to save one soul from sin. Did you hear me? Yes i'll say it again, NO RIGHT!
As a Christian your supposed to support the body of Christ. What does the Bible say: When one suffers ALL suffers! What part of that don't you not understand huh?
It's because of ppl like you, who call themselves Christians, that the sinner have to die and burn in hell. Did you forget that you will have to answer for EVERY deed and EVERY word you have done on earth?
Jesus Christ is very very disappointed with the so called Christians of modern America. Did you not know that America used to send out more missionaries than any other country on EARTH! That's one of the many reasons U.S has been blessed.
What has modern so called Christian in America accomplished? Playing video games, drinking, going out to clubs, sitting home watching TV and criticizing the Missionaries, when they are doing the Lords work. SHAME ON YOU GUYS, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!!
Your suppose to be uplifting your brothers and sisters in Christ....If you are not willing to do that, then PLEASE, stop saying your a Christians. It's because of your actions that the the true Christians are given a bad name.
Even my so called Christian Friends don't like when i tell other abt the Gospel. But you know what? I take Jesus's command VERY VERY seriously. So they can say what ever they want! I would rather have Jesus proud of me, rather than a mere man who is never grateful for ANYTHING!
Right now I'm having a righteous anger, so...........OK I'm gonna go and cool off now. Bye
Dude------- you guys got what you deserve. If your gonna annoy muslims do it on the internet not in person.
Ehteshaam Gulam
"Dude------- you guys got what you deserve. If your gonna annoy muslims do it on the internet not in person."
According to you the penalty for "annoying Muslims" should be imprisonment? Guess what buddy, that may be how it works according to Sharia and the Quran where Christians are supposed to be humiliated and subdued, but that's not how it works here in the United States of America. David, Nabeel, Negeen, and Paul had their Constitutional rights violated.
Learn what it means to be AMERICAN.
I am glad Ehteshaam is back.I am surprised,he was gone for 6 months or more.But Ehtesham,one is innocent till proven guilty.If David and Nabeel say they were harassing nobody and that they have the VIDEO to prove it,there is no reason to doubt it.
The police surely saw the videos (THREE videos from 3 cameras).If they would have seen something wrong they would have NOT released them after one night.
Hello Spiffy:
I have thought about it all and I have the answer,the other dozens of preachers in the festival are unknown but Davdi and Nabeel are FAMOUS.Wow!His "On mosques and men" against the 9/11 mosque was placed ONLY 3 WEEKS ago.It already has....MORE than 1 MILLION,100.000 views.
Some Muslims (not all but some) want to bring them down,they don't care about dozens of unknown Christian preachers.
Spiffy the Basset,
"I'd also like to know why other famous former muslims, such as Samy Tanagho, had a table where they were SELLING books to convert muslims, had no problems with the police.
Josh McDowell, famous christian author and apologist, had people at his tent openly engaging muslims to convert them, and neither josh nor any of his people had a problem.
Why is that? Why is it the only people who had a problem also happened to have lights, camera, and were trying to make a scene? Why didn't the police accost any of the many christian tables in the tents there which were handing out evangelism material to all muslims?"
So it's your position that as long as only a minority of American citizens have their rights violated, then it's OK. I'm sorry but I do not accept that.
They have a right to film as much as they want at a public festival. Neither the Gospel nor our Constitution say that we can only share the Gospel by setting up booths and handing out books.
You also fail to acknowledge the fact that David and Nabeel were assaulted last year at the Arab Festival, they announced they planned to return this year, and they received threats of physical violence for returning.
Guess what Spiffy...this is the United States of America and if a citizen wants to film in public and share their religious beliefs they have every right to do so without getting thrown in jail. With attitudes like yours we would all sit back become Dhimmis, and watch Dearborn turn into a separatist enclave run by Sharia. Keep your eyes on Europe. There are already non Muslim no-go zones in Western Europe where Muslim communities are being run under Sharia as separatist enclaves. Keep your eyes open in the coming decades. Left unabated you will see civil war being fought by Islamic separatist militias in Western Europe (just like they are already doing in places like the Philipines, Kosovo, Somalia, etc.) and left unabated that will be the fate of places like Dearborn as well.
This is the Islamic method that has played out over and over again all over this earth. Immigrate, get your population concentration high enough in a certain area, then start demanding your own separate Islamic nation run by Sharia and fight and kill when it's not given to you.
As a Christian I say the Muslims in Dearborn need to hear the Gospel and be saved. As a freedom loving American who appreciates how this nation protects me, I say the Muslims in Dearborn need to be aggressively confronted and put in their place politically with a message that makes it clear Sharia will never be accepted in our land and if you can't respect our democratic values you don't belong here. Islam is not just a religion in the western notion of the word. It is also a political system, and because of this it must be confronted in the U.S. with a twofold response: 1) Metaphysics: Muslims need the Gospel so they can be saved and have the correct concept of our Loving Triune God who commands us to love others, 2) Politics: Muslims must not be given the option of elevating Sharia above the laws of this land, and they must be aggressively confronted with the fact that the Constitution is authoritative in the public sphere and Sharia is null and void in this nation.
Bravo for your courage. I work right by the place where you guys were arrested and I am trying to be a light in the darkness too for Jesus. (The real Jesus)
"I think that this series is high value investigative journalism. By exposing the intolerance of Christians in Dearborn, you are making the point that America is about to birth a non-muslim no go zone....."
Even if this was gays festival, you would still get arrested if you come and antagonize them. Even if this was a Jewish Festival, you would still get arrested for bringing a swastika to the crowd. It is not about Muslims. Do you think the police were Muslims??? The law is designed to prevent bullies from the majorities to spew their crap on the minorities and ruine their festivals and gatherings by constantly targetting them AND BOMBARDING THEM. It is called harrasement, not freedome of speech. That's why David and Nabeel got arrested. They were harrasing Muslims.
Osama Abdallah
Thanks God all of you are safe and i Praise Him for that. I am never surprised by muslims aggression ever and rather i always expect it where ever they are in this world. You guys are brave and have are blessed to have suffered for the Gospel of Jesus.
Where osama mentioned pornography in Bible i hope he would also mention what a porn star mohammad was and how shameful is mohammad's life style.
Do not be discouraged by osama's remarks and forgive him cause he is just s muslim and his comments or remarks are same as what quran tells him.
I would say rejoice you all and be happy in Lord Jesus.
Ehteshaam Gulam
Find Your Submission. Find your Salvation. Find Islam.
Well, believe all you want to. Must be a terrible burden on your shoulders to carry around the weight of hate as proscribed by muhammad.
At least you admit that Christians and Jews are not muslims. At least you admit there is a choice. I'll give you that. Why would anybody chose muhammad as their idol to aspire to in words and deeds? What harmony is expressed by muhammad except blind dog obedience? At least I can respect the Rabbi, real or fictional.
You have no answer for the message of Christ. You have no ability to sway the undecided when someone passionate about the teachings of Christ is allowed to compete with your muhammad on an open and fair platform.
Your poor faith needs so much protection. Why ever could that be?
If your faith was one of peace and understanding, you wouldn't need to have Christians removed. Your faith cannot stand up to the scrutiny of recoding, that informs me that your faith is cowardly and false.
We know what islam is.
"The law is designed to prevent bullies from the majorities to spew their crap on the minorities and ruine their festivals and gatherings by constantly targetting them AND BOMBARDING THEM."
Muslims are 1.5 billion, right?
Hardly a minority.
If you find it so tough to hear words of peace and love, why are you in America?
Good job comparing muslims to Gays. It's an apt comparison.
There you go - as I posted recently - the Muslim response seems to be "They had it coming."
Amazing idea of "justice". Presupposed guilt. Much like Jonathan Dupree's allegations that Dr. White is "embellishing" the responses of the Muslims - that he is quoting from *this blog*. Much like his presupposed notion elsewhere that because the debate participants swapped around (as can be clearly seen by the flurry of posts up to the debate, and the scheduling mishaps that occured) that he was somehow falsely advertising. Give me a break.
The desperation shown here by these Muslim defenders of the behavior in Dearborn is more than obvious. Anything is fair game.
Osama said: Even if this was a Jewish Festival, you would still get arrested for bringing a swastika to the crowd.
Is Osama comparing a videocamera to a swastika???
"That's why David and Nabeel got arrested. They were harrasing Muslims."
Where is your proof that Nabeel and David were harassing people? Without proof you should keep these kinds of baseless statements about others to yourself, because it makes you look ignorant and foolish when you say these kinds of things.
"Is Osama comparing a videocamera to a swastika???"
It sure looks like it. But then again I don't think anyone ever confused Osama for someone that makes logical comparisons, so I wouldn't worry about it too much ;)
One thing I want everyone to know is that I don't accuse any of you of not being a "true Christian" by virtue of the fact that you disagree with me. Frankly, I find it very disturbing how easy it is for others to do just that. I (and others) believe a deliberately offensive approach will win fewer converts than an incidentally offensive approach. That doesn't mean I think we should never talk about Jesus for fear of offending someone.
Fifth Monarchy Man: I can agree with much of what you said. However, it is one thing to be prepared to encounter resistance to the Gospel. It is something entirely different when you deliberately set out to offend people. To be clear, the problem I have is this: I am not convinced that David, Nabeel, et al. did not prepare for this event with the sole intent to elicit just such a negative response. I would like to believe their intentions were good and their motives pure. However, after reading the material they wrote leading up to this event, and after watching some of their videos, it appears as though they are arguing backward from a conclusion. Namely, that Islam is going to overthrow America, and that we should all be terrified and call our congressmen.
To clarify even more, I am not at all surprised that Islam (or any other worldview) is hostile to what we believe. It has been this way for 2,000 years, and we don't need these guys to make "martyrs" of themselves in order to prove that point.
Anthony Rogers: I read the John 6 passage again before I responded the last time. The point I was trying to make was that this was the exception, rather than the rule, when dealing with genuine spiritual seekers (as opposed to the Pharisees and those like them). Note how he dealt with the other types of people I mentioned and see if it matches how he handled the Pharisees. Did he tell the adulteress that she was a whitewashed tomb? Who was he offending when he said, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone"?
The Fat Man: You said, "it is a Badge of Honor to suffer for the name. So that is the POINT." You can probably infer my response from what I have said already, but if you are ministering to people just so you can experience persecution, then I believe you are indeed missing the point. The point is to bring these people into a true relationship with God. For their sakes. Not so you can get your badge of honor.
Spiffy said,
To be clear, the problem I have is this: I am not convinced that David, Nabeel, et al. did not prepare for this event with the sole intent to elicit just such a negative response.
I say,
It is a free country you are perfectly welcome to speculate as to the motives and intentions of fellow believers. But as a Christian I’d hope that you wait till the ink on the mug shots is dry before you come on a website frequented by Muslims and accuse folks who are actively engaged with spreading the Gospel among them of such stuff.
That’s all. Is that to much to ask?
David's "Of Mosques and Men" now has had almost 1.270.000 views in 3 weeks.Great job.
For those who don't know it is inspired by the title "Of MICE and Men",novel by JOHN STEINBECK.
"John Steinbeck,who is he?"He is a famous American writer(he also wrote "Grapes of Wrath"),who got the NOBEL prize in Literature.
I have to ask what was different about David and Nabeel's "outreach" as opposed to that of Josh McDowell's group. We didn't hear of Josh or any of his people getting arrested, just David, Nabeel, Paul and Negeen.
Might it have been, perhaps, that Acts 17 Apologetics approached people, not with a Bible in hand, ready to share their beliefs, but with a video camera, ready to record all comers? I understand wanting to keep a record of a hostile crowd, really, I do. However, I wonder if it's occurred to the the principals of Acts 17 Apologetics that when you're trying to "preach the Gospel" even some people who may have otherwise been interested may be LESS interested because their interactions might end up on YouTube? If you prayed to receive Jesus as your personal savior, would you want that on YouTube?
It's my personal belief, having not been on the scene (but having LOTS of experience in the past protesting $cientology's human rights abuses), that the difference between Josh McDowell and Acts 17 Apologetics is that McDowell and other Christians went for outreach, not to get video of locals behaving badly. However, Acts 17 Apologetics went out with a video camera and their reputation (from last year) preceded them.
If I could offer a suggestion to Acts 17 Apologetics, it might be to get with Josh McDowell's group, or with other, local groups doing outreach, and learn from them. Call up George Saieg--he won his emergency appeal to pass out pamphlets at the festival and I haven't heard he was arrested. However, it's my suspicion, based on some of the more intemperate comments here (e.g. from FatMan, Fifth Monarchy Man, Anthony Rogers, kate, etc.) that some people think that the REAL witness of Jesus comes from getting into people's faces and offending them in some way.
And, yes, for the record, I am a Muslim revert. Not a very good one, mind you, as I'm still learning the ways of the deen. But I am also rather familiar with Jesus and Christianity, as I was a Christian up until about five years ago.
Finally, I'd like to repeat the call for any additional raw video of the incident to be posted. So far, we don't have anything before when the Acts 17 Apologetics team was handcuffed and taken in for processing.
Woww... thate descredited person called Ehteshaam Gulam is back on these blogg... welcome back you pathological lyier: still wantting to say thate Joseph was 91 when he married the Virgin Mary? or thate muhammad neber married a 5 years old girls? or thate islam is peacefull? I still remember whate thate ex-collegue off yours wrotte here... do you?
I'm wondering how long before we find a similar situation here in middle TN. Right now we have our city giving in to pressure to allow the 2nd largest Islamic center in the US to be built right here in the Bible belt.
And the media spin is spinning.
Nabeel and David, I put up a blog about this and encouraged my readers (few they may be) to contact the Mayor, Police Chief, and City Council members of Dearborn about your false arrest. You are in my prayers!
Glenn Hendrickson
David and others: Isn't it possible, as you take the video, to stream it live to some other place? That way the footage would be secure and instantaneous...
Were you guys the ones handing out all the free books? (I think that was you right?)
If that was you guys, can you explain to me why you had people trying to put books into my children's hands?
Were you guys the ones handing out all the free books? (I think that was you right?)
If that was you guys, can you explain to me why you had people trying to put books into my children's hands?
Oh my! You mean someone was actually giving free books to your children? What happened to the good old days when there were pushers on street corners sticking drugs in kids faces?
It appears that Dearborn has become a Islamic mini state. No wonder Michigan has so many armed American Militia which is justified to keep this internal islamic threat in check. Its obvious our Government has failed to protect us from the Islamic wacko terrorist network, so it must fall to the individual to protect himself from these deviants. A large source of terrorist funding comes from Dearborn, a once nice American city now held hostage by Islamic wackos.
So would it be ok if I put books about why your kids should become atheist in their hands?
It's ok, I'm just giving them BOOKS!
NO matter what Folks , taping in AMERICA IS STILL OUR RIGHT.
sounds to me that they want the camera off so they can claim all you repeat is a lie !
WHO would be afraid of the TAPING ? Liars only !
Dear Mrs,
Actually, yes, I would be alright with it as long as the material is not obscene. It's an excellent opportunity to talk to my children about our beliefs and why we hold them. It's also a good exercise in critical thinking to examine another group's worldview.
I think the marjority of posters here would agree with me as well.
So would it be ok if I put books about why your kids should become atheist in their hands?
It's ok, I'm just giving them BOOKS!
Yes, so long as they don't inhale.
Mirele I find your assertion that everyone is born as a follower of Muhammad and his Quran to be illogical and offensive.
Al I have to say is that you guys are missing the point. You use the excuse that your right have been taken while they haven't. A democracy has laws too. If this was a Christian festival and Muslims were distributing books the same things would have happened. Its not because of your rights, its call respect. Every culture is different, not everyone is like Americans. This happened because the police was trying to keep the calm in the festival. I believe in Jesus as my Lord but He doesn't impose himself to any one and neither should we. Muslims are loved by Jesus too, they are not the enemy.
Reading the comments here was really interesting.
For instance, Spiffy seems to think that the mere fact of carrying a camera is offensive enough to warrant being arrested. At least that's the most I could understand from comments like
Why is it the dozens of groups in the area that go around witnessing and evangelizing all the muslim neighborhoods, again, without the flash and cameras, don't have these problems?
which were repeated multiple times. I really don't get how having a camera makes you disrespectful. But it is lucky that they DID have a camera, because now we can investigate the allegations that David and Nabeel were being offensive by watching the films... once the Muslims give them back, that is.
By the way, I loved it when whoever it was referred to Luke as a 1st century equivalent to a camera. Props.
The other thing was was this:
Make no mistake, this was the goal of David wood. We are not that naive, David didn't want to video tape the majority of Good Muslims, that would have no value.
If Muslims supposedly knew that David Wood was trying to get arrested for the aggrandizing of his ego and making Islam look bad, then why did they seemingly play right into his hands? Maybe there's some ancient Moorish battle strategy here that I'm not familiar with?
If this was a Christian festival and Muslims were distributing books the same things would have happened. Its not because of your rights, its call respect. Every culture is different, not everyone is like Americans.
If a Muslims got arrested at a Christian festival or celebration for handing out copies of the Quran or Reliance of the Traveler, talking to Christians and filming their responses, then I would find that an outrage.
Osama keeps raising these highly evocative images of neo-nazis busting into a Jewish festival waving swastikas and spitting on American flags. I'd agree that would be disruptive, and the proper course of action would probably be for someone to ask them to desist or leave (which isn't even what was done here). I'm sure the videos, when released, will demonstrate that the actions of the people arrested was exactly as they themselves have testified and I look forward to seeing the actual videos of their actual conduct.
Given that there were apparently other Christians there, it seems silly to propose that the mere presence of an evangelizing Christian qualifies as the kind of disrespect Osama keeps insisting on in his images to us.
I wait for the videos, which will reveal the truth of the situation, and I'm sure will vindicate the charges being made here.
Love in Christ,
Juan Carlos Yanez,
No, since this wasn't a Muslim festival (this was Arab festival) your analogy doesn't work. A better analogy would be a festival that celebrates American culture. Do you really think that Muslims would not be allowed to distribute books on such a festival?
Besides, while I'm not from the US and don't have a very good grasp of all of the aspects of your legal system, I do have a little hard time believing that Muslims would be denied the right to distribute literature outside of the actual festival area even in the context of an explicitly Christian festival.
Considering these incidents:
-Arizona mosque targeted in "acid bomb" attack.
- Explosion at local mosque, search for suspects, JACKSONVILLE, Fla.
Do you know how many Mosques were vandalized in the last few years? how many Muslims beaten or arrested for being Muslim in the street?
Do you see Muslims crying out " INQUISITION in the USA"?
Stop these childish complaints.
I condemn the perpetrators of all of these incidents you mentioned and would guess that 100% of the Christians who post here will agree with me. As far as I know, none of these actions had the support (either actively or by conscious neglect to intervene) of the local police, so the situation is not analogous.
Under Sharia law, jihad (even covert jihad) must be framed as defensive, in defense of Islam, Muslims, Muslim "honor," etc., etc. That is why we see so much rationalization for victim-hood on the part of jihadists even though they are the aggressors. And, all Muslims are bound to support jihad, either violently, financially, or passively, or they risk being declared apostate. It is a self-perpetuating system. We need to uphold our Constitution and legal standard of reasonableness and make the U.S. a Sharia-free zone.
I live in Dearborn, have my whole life. I am a Christian and have been my whole life. I think it's absolutely disgusting that Nabeel and David were arrested! I was sickened all day when I heard about it. The only consolation you both have is, "GREAT is your reward" and you're among the great... the Martyrs. Living in Dearborn my whole life, living with and interacting/witnessing to the Muslims and being an American Christian, it does not surprise me. I have been spit on, punched and my throat was once cut with a razor blade by Muslims. Unfortunately Americans are blinded by their "niceness" to their face, they do not even know the HALF of what is going on... America has been taken over!! My sister and I had the pleasure of leading a Muslim to Jesus but unfortunately he died shortly after of cancer. But when he converted and his family found out, they locked him in his room and hit him numerous times. He would sneak out his bedroom window and climb down the tree to come see us and let us know what was happening and we would pray with him. Thank God he is in a better place! I have had a burden for the Muslims since I was about 12 and just recently I got accepted to a Missionary school where I will be attending this fall. I will either come back to Dearborn or go overseas, where God leads. Again, I am sorry you were arrested but who knows how many souls will be won through this... we will see on the other side! God bless everyone at Acts 17 Apologetics! My prayers are with you all! Tonya
Nabeel and David, I read some of the blogs and unfortunately, sometimes Christians are more closed minded than non-Christians. Do not get discouraged in well doing but BE ENCOURAGED! One thing I do find funny is that some of the arabs were saying you guys are racist... I guess they didn't notice that some of you are middle-eastern. :) God bless! Tonya
I fear this is just the beginning. Look at Europe, they can no longer save their cultures because of the lack of population. Islam has 8.+ children in their families. I have nothing against this, but it's scare.
What you all seem to forget regardless, is #1-This is America, you can openly video tape in public #2- Disturbing the peace is not engaging in will full conversation in front of a camera... Disturbing the peace is a crime generally defined as the unsettling of proper order in a public space through one's actions. This can include creating loud noise by fighting or challenging to fight, disturbing others by loud and unreasonable noise (including loud music or dog barking), or using offensive words or insults likely to incite violence. Engagin in conversation, amicable conversation, does not constitute Distrubing the Peace. So bark all you will about their actions, but the did nothing illegal and the cops should of at best walked them off the premises.
Servant of the most high,, in this world we shall suffer persecution, we rather rejoice to be counted worthy,no one goes to the Father but by Jesus Christ, our Servant King. All Glory Laude and Honour, what a privelage to loose your head for the name of Jesus.
All for Jesus
John 15
18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.
22 If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin.
23 He that hateth me hateth my Father also.
24 If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.
25 But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.
It's interesting how the islamonazi apologists here have nothing to say about the fact that these Christian preachers were doing nothing but exercising their right to free speech at a public event on a public street.
I condemned
Osama abdallah said:
The law is designed to prevent bullies from the majorities to spew their crap on the minorities
Dear Osama,
Just to remind you again your religion is the most intolerant religion in the world:
1. In philipine you are minority but look at what your brothers and sisters have been doing there? Rebelion, if the life of other people who are non Muslim is worthless.
2. In Thailand you are minority but look at what your brothers and sisters have been doing there? Rebellion, if the life of other people who are non Muslim is worthless.
3. Same in India. Same in russia. You are minority. And you are rebellious.
4. In Europe know it ... you are minority but demanding, and creating problems!
5. How about in Indonesia? And other Muslim countries? We have to live very careful not to touch topic about your religion or we will be burned!!
6. You are lucky to live in America or to be precise Muslims are lucky to live in Christian countries. We don't kill you if you preach your religion in the street because we are taught to love one another and to be gracious to one another. We let you build your mosques. Can we have the same right in your Muslim countries?? You know well the answer, Osama!
7. So, conclusion is no matter where Muslims are, whether they are in their own countries, or as minority in other countries, they rebel, they kill, they get offended, they offend other religion. Because its your teaching! Clearly in the Quran it is stated Christian and Jew are their enemies. You can't run away. That's why you hate us.
8. If David, Nabeel, Negeen and Paul did their ministry in indonesia or other arab countries proclaiming the word of God and to uncover the truth about your religion, you surely know what happen to them, right. Probably they will be burned alive!!
So,Osama...admit it..Islam is most intolerant and some or even many Muslims have capacity to kill if get offended.
May God protect you from harm brothers David, Nabeel, Paul, and sister Negeen. Thank you for your ministry. Thank you for your willingness to do the work that provide you no material gain. Our father in heaven will reward you.
are you still pursuing the litigation againist the Arab Chamber of commerce ? I would like to know about the outcome.
Funny. Illegal Aliens go to DC and obstructs the work MY representative is doing for the people who elected him. The illegals didn't elect him! Storm Reps offices, stage sit-ins and disturb the peace that WAS there before they arrived...asks my Rep 'questions' (loudly & rudely) OH MY GOSH!! QUESTIONS!!! and they aren't arrested for 'forcing' way into office for purpose of 'forcing' their different views on someone who doesn't believe the way they do and is voting the way the people who LEGALLY elected him want him to vote. Pro Hamas Arabs were protesting and shouting hate speech 'we will drive you into the sea' to one lone Jew in Orlando and weren't arrested? You Arabs are suppose to be citizens of the US? Then you are suppose to assimilate and adopt loyalty to AMERICA and our Constitution. NOT come here to overthrow what made America FREE and prosperous. Individual liberty and Rule of Law. BTW, not all cultures are equal. If they were, you wouldn't want to flee your marvelous nation and come to this BIG SATAN. We give more charity to more nations than ANY other nation, we allow MORE LEGAL immigrants than any other nation. If you can't contribute to the Federal Revenue, & pay your own bills you should be THANKFUL and HUMBLY BEG to stay here. Stop whining if you want to live in America, be an American. Dump the Sharia and join the 21st century. You can pray to your allah quietly,but you better not listen when he tells you to bite the hand that feeds you..your 'host' country and all the generations before ours that sacrificed and shed their blood so you could have a place to run to.
Someone said "Let it be known that many believers do not accept your premise that you were arrested for being "Christian preachers," but you were arrested for being showboaters and egomaniacs".
#1. Let it be known that in the USA there is no law that says "showboaters" and "egomaniacs" should be arrested. As a matter of fact there is no legal precedence in the history of the US legal system to support that absurd claim made by the "believers".
#2. Speaking of believers, it is rather ironic this statement comes from a bunch of "people" (i.e. humans?) who worship a non-existing god through the message of a criminal, a pedophile, a murderer, a deceiver, a warmonger, a manipulator, a human being(?) who lawfully married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her at the age of 9.
Long story short: Are you muslims EVER going to REALLY study the "sacred" texts of your "faith" and realize and admit that you are basically suckers who have been duped for the last 1,400 years?!
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