David and Nabeel lost badly in their last two debates with me. That is why they're not posting those debates. Plus, they never really won any debate. All of their debates were either a tie or a loss. Both my last debate with both of them were not posted on their site. Nabeel was schooled very bad on the resurrection of Jesus, and David was refuted bad as well. Plus, David fabricated things on Sheikh Abdullah Yusuf Ali which I am working on exposing him, insha'Allah. Both debates will be posted on my web site in few days insha'Allah.
Take care, Osama Abdallah www.answering-christianity.com
Are you delusional? We haven't posted the debates because you schooled us? Couldn't it have something to do with the fact that we just got the footage last night? Do you not realize how arrogant you sound? Do you not understand what's going to happen to your credibility when we post these debates?
"Are you delusional? We haven't posted the debates because you schooled us? Couldn't it have something to do with the fact that we just got the footage last night? Do you not realize how arrogant you sound? Do you not understand what's going to happen to your credibility when we post these debates?"
Pleaseeeeeeeeeee do post the debates! I can't wait.
Krishanaraj I'm at a loss as to why you would post a few minutes of Nadir Ahmeds disaterous performance against Jame White. By most standards even some honset muslims this debate was a carrer ender for our freind Nadir. I dont think anyone on on Paltalk will debate him.
The title of the video is "Dr. James White RUNS away from CLEAR evidence for Islam" I'm wondering how that video proves that. It was Nadir Disasterous closing statement. Where he then went on to attack his audiance, and others that had nothing to do with the debate topic.
And as far as David, and Nabeel, and Dr James White debting Zakir Naik. We are all waiting for Zakir Naik to take up the challange.
I for one wish I had the money to take out full page newspaper and raido adds in India publicaly challanging Zakir Naik. Hey there's an idea, we should have a fund raiser. Krishnaraj how much can we put you down for?
This is what happens when you don't advertise your debate challenge. There is no use when your advertise in your own webpage. They are no way not going to look at it.
Osama, I would like to ask you one question. Why is it whenever I have seen or heard you or Nadir Ahmed debate, no matter how badly you have been smoked you do a victory dance? I am sure youre not that insensitive to reality, are you? Nabeel and David, I thank you very much for your website and your willingness to post debates and news pertaining to Christian apologetics. I thank the Lord for your faithfulness and integrity. May He give you the mercy and grace to continue and to be used by Him to bring many out of the kingdom of darkness into the light of the glorious kingdom of the Son of God.
What makes you think we only posted a challenge here? I personally sent a debate challenge to Zakir Naik. Nabeel challenged him on a live television program that is broadcast across the Middle East, Pakistan, and India. I don't know what more we can do than that.
I will say it again. Zakir Naik will not face us, James White, William Lane Craig, or any other Christian who debates regularly. Name me a single reputable debater Zakir Naik ever faced? And if he hasn't really faced any debaters, how did he get such a reputation for being a great debater?
You get him to give a public response, if you think we're hiding his replies. Man, you really have a clouded sense of reality :-)
I'd love to debate him. I have an MD, he has an MD. I speak Urdu, he speaks Urdu. I do apologetics/debate, he does apologetics/debate. I'm not afraid to debate him, he... well, we'll wait for his response.
People look at what is happing in China right now. Muslims in the norht western province are rioting, beating, stabbing and killing non muslims. Demanding there own state
Osama Abdullah: Sallam brother, I was just wanting to ask you if you have gotten my emails? I do not have the program since my labtop is supports Vista, so when I send you emails I have to send it second hand by pressing copy and then pasting your email on hotmail, so I was just wondering if you have recieved my email brother.
Yes, I got your email dear brother. I am sorry for not replying to you yet. I will insha'Allah get to your article that you've written regarding Ahlul Bayt.
Don't bother going to Osama's site to watch the debate. I got the footage yesterday, uploaded it today, and it is processing on YouTube. You'll be able to see it by tomorrow.
Wait one day - it's not worth getting the virus from Osama's site.
This seems to be a problem with all of Davids and Nabeel's Supporters they all say that Nabeel and David win all their debates--when sometimes they really don't.
Take for example David's first debate with Nadir-- I think the victory goes to Nadir (no disrespect to David though)
But Osama, lets not get too arrogant. For me I will be honest with my first debate-- I didn't win.
In my first debate with David Wood, I lost-- but the only reason why is because of Romans 8:11 and my rebuttals were disorganized. I fully acknowledge David Wood's skills as a debater.
My second Debate I did much better-- but there were some stuff I didn't touch on which I wanted to. Soon I'll do a review of that debate.
The reasons why I couldn't do so good is because I am in a lawsuit battle with some morons at my school-- this was a bad year for me to debate...I shouldv'e postponed it until I got this lawsuit stuff out of the way-- but at least I got my name out there as a Muslim Apologist. See, at least I am a honest Muslim Apologist.
So to my friends, Nabeel, David and MJ-- I think later this year (like Decemeber) or 2010 I would like to debate again if you guys would like to debate me again. If not its okay.
Also Krishnaraj-- Nadir is that you? If it is come out, LOL.
Let me know, Yours in Islam Thanks, Ehteshaam Gulam
Nabeel said: "Wait one day - it's not worth getting the virus from Osama's site."
Looking forward to seeing the debate, and I agree...which is why I will never visit Osama's site.
Just out of curiosity, why do you guy's allow Osama to post when he puts the url to his infected site and even links in pretty much every post?
If you acknowledge that his site poses a virus threat shouldn't you be protecting your other readers by disallowing his links and website url? I'm sure it's a difficult spot to be in, but I am curious about this David and/or Nabeel. Thanks.
From what I know of Zakir Naik he says Mohammed is prophesized in the Hindu Scriptures.In faithfreedom.org Hindu experts have shown Naik takes words out of context.That's not very scholarly.What next?Jesus prophesized in the Hindu Scriptures by Zakir Naik?
"Mohammed is prophesized in the gospel".Muslims can only show John 1:19-25 and the Paraclete passages.Mark,Luke and Matt?Nothing at all.
John 1:19-25 says John-Baptist was asked by the Levites(Jewish priests) and Pharisees if:he was the Messiah?No.If he was Elijah?No.Then if he was "the prophet"?No.
Muslims say:"The prophet here is the prophet like Moses in Deutoronomy.It's about Mohammed."Let's take the minimalist view.Ok,you're right.It still can't be Mohammed.Why?
First let's get in a time machine and go back.Then WHO are asking the questions?LEVITES and PHARISEES.Jewish religious teachers.So we asked them"You say the prophet is the prophet like Moses,correct?""Yes,we do."
"According to you guys,is the prophet like Moses only Jewish or can he be related to them,an Arab?"
"For us,Levites and Pharisees,it's only a Jew.We are not saying the prophecy refers to an Arab."John 1:19-25,however you look at it,doesn't support the idea of Mohammed in the gospel.
Looks like I have confused a lot of you guys. I actually have no idea as to who this Nadir is.
I am just a confused guy and fed up with debates. Sometimes Christians win and otherwise Muslims win.Just wanted people to help me out of this confusion.
Don't bother going to Osama's site to watch the debate. I got the footage yesterday, uploaded it today, and it is processing on YouTube. You'll be able to see it by tomorrow.
Wait one day - it's not worth getting the virus from Osama's site.
Sincerely, -Nabeel"
Nabeel, this desperate lie is getting too old. My website was tested by McAfee and they testify that it is a clean site:
Brother leviMichael: welcome to this blogg... It's always a blessing from God to see new "faces" commingue arounde... mie poore english is nott goof enough to express my deepest feelings for this fact... pleasse: do continnue to post! May God blees you and your familie!!!
Ounce uppon a time there was a small kingfom not far away in the mountains off Agrounde in the norther state off Dashing.
There libed a king named Osama Abdallah who thought he was the greatest emperor in the entire worlde. So, in his dilusional minde, he was allways envittng embassadores from other countries to visitte is poor and underdevelopped nationn.
There, since off the poorest medical conditions thate existed in tahte kingdom, the embassadores caught decieses and infections thate, for many off them were almostte fatal and had to stay there forre mouths beffore they coulde returnne to theire countries. That king, Osama Abdallah, always saide thate thate was an example off how muche they likked his kingdom tahte, according to an decreppit and spurious documents, was freee off all decieses.
The mostte astonishing aspect, thoug, was thate he showded with ann enourmous pride and arrogance his tiny library ass the greateste librery inn the entire worlde, ande alwways saide thate nowhere else existted a better one.
The embassadores and the kings from others countries werre alsways berie sorrie to this king, Osama Abdalla, and manie times, nott to inflicte painne in him (and specialie in the others citizenes off thte countie and in his wiffe thate supported him berie much -- she had no choice --) accepted his claimmes with patternalistte and resppect.
Butt then they realized thate this actitude was noot helping and decided to boicot all his invitations and rather invite him too visite theirs countries... They, nevertheless, neber expected whate happened next: for ebery ebidence thate expressed how insane were Abdalla's claimes he always saide, for eaxample: "How poor is this librarie with 1.000.000 manuscrips in comparison withe the one in mie kingdom withe 100"; "Mie armie off 1.000 men is, bie far, bigger thanne this one withe 100.000"...
Then all the othre kingdoms realized how incapable was he to deall withe the realoity and invented a new world to express tahte condition -- "paranoia" -- and whent allone withe his fantasy worlde and Osama Adalla libed hhapie for evber...
Krishna Raj seem to be a South Indian or Muslim in disguise with a Hindu name. Any Ways
Krishna I am from Bombay (Mumbai) India.
The Greatness Of Zakir Naik There is nothing great about Dr. Zakir Naik MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery,
or in Latin Medicinae Baccalaureus, Baccalaureus Chirurgiae) Every medical or Software professional have great memory. eg: a medical doctor will know to diagnose a patient as well as prescribe a medicine to him
so Dr. Zakir Naik MBBs applies what he learnt from his master late Deedat. Ask him some thing out of the box he will go off track and distract the sensible audience
with the support and applause by his worshippers the poorly educated Indian, Bangladeshi and
Pakistani Wahabbi Mohamadians.
Approaching Dr. Zakir Naik is not easy
Dr. Zakir Naik is a powerful Indian . 2009 of the Indian Express list of the 100 Most
Powerful Indians in 2009 amongst the billion plus population of India, Dr. Zakir Naik was
ranked No. 82. He is well connected with mohamadians politicians and political parities. The
so called secular political parties depend on muslim votes. He is in good terms with Wealthy and powerful mohamadians of Indian and Pakistani origin in
North America, Europe, South east Asia. Dr. Zakir Naik Office is Located in Dongri Bombay. This Place in south Bmbay is also the
heart land of Bombay’s underworld Mafia. Dongri is also Home Of 1993 accused under world
gangster Dawood Ibrahim and his associates. Just as Zakir is rated 82 powerful man Dawood
was No. 4 on the Forbes' World's Top 10 most dreaded criminals list of 2008
Zakir The Religious Business Tycoon
As IRF is considered as a trust no Government taxes or any restriction. So un accountable
money flows . Zakir IRF is in partnership with Harmony Media makes huge profits. Dr. Zakir Naik MBBS and Partners (prominent speaker on Peace TV) have made a good fortune
out of Daawa Business and also influenced many Landias and Con man in India and Pakistan. Eg
Br. Imran of IREF (Islamic Research and Education Foundation) Based in Hyderabad India. There is a scam run in India to save money from income taxes. Donate or park 10 million
Rupees in the charitable fund. Later withdraw 8 million. 2 million is the parking charge.
We call this as Convert black money to white.
Zakir Naik Popular in Media.
The Indian media were true and Honest and were exposing Zakir and IRF but when IRF started
pumping money in print advertisment for his peace tv conference in Mumbai. Suddently they
started covering his event rather exposing it. (This Peace conference took place days before
the 26/11 Mumbai Terror Attack)
Exposing Zakir Naik in leading Indian news papers
Storm over fatwa against scholar Zakir Naik http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report_storm-over-fatwa-against-scholar-zakir-naik_1204534
Sunni Muslims demand ban of Zakir Naik's talk http://www.dnaindia.com/mumbai/report_sunni-muslims-demand-ban-of-zakir-naik-s-talk_1204720
Indian Muslims: Spiritualise the radicals http://www.dnaindia.com/india/comment_indian-muslims-spiritualise-the-radicals_1186257
Popular religious channel illegal: I&B ministry http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/4360141.cms
Row over Islamic preacher's remarks - India - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-2653996,prtpage-1.cms
I am mad as can be, this aint and isn't right, I go out on the streets with my message, but this Saturday, I am going to face down the antichrist, the Muslims. they are the antichrist. Look out world they are here in America now, trying to take over, we have to fight, we can't let them take over, we christians have civil rights, sharia law does not trump American Civil liberties....
this goes totally agsinst everything I believe, I go out on the streets on some saturdays, this Saturday, it is down with Muslims day, and civil rights for christians in America, Jesus is coming soon. Stand or die.....
I'd love to debate Zakir Naik. I issued him a live challenge over television weeks ago, and that challenge is open indefinitely.
Brother Krishnaraj,
David and Nabeel lost badly in their last two debates with me. That is why they're not posting those debates. Plus, they never really won any debate. All of their debates were either a tie or a loss. Both my last debate with both of them were not posted on their site. Nabeel was schooled very bad on the resurrection of Jesus, and David was refuted bad as well. Plus, David fabricated things on Sheikh Abdullah Yusuf Ali which I am working on exposing him, insha'Allah. Both debates will be posted on my web site in few days insha'Allah.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
I would also love to debate Zakir Naik. Unfortunately, he won't debate any Christian debaters. (If you don't believe us, try contacting him.)
Are you delusional? We haven't posted the debates because you schooled us? Couldn't it have something to do with the fact that we just got the footage last night? Do you not realize how arrogant you sound? Do you not understand what's going to happen to your credibility when we post these debates?
"Are you delusional? We haven't posted the debates because you schooled us? Couldn't it have something to do with the fact that we just got the footage last night? Do you not realize how arrogant you sound? Do you not understand what's going to happen to your credibility when we post these debates?"
Pleaseeeeeeeeeee do post the debates! I can't wait.
Osama Abdallah
And by the way, my sincere apologies to everyone if I really sounded arrogant. Arrogance is a virtue that I deeply reject with a passion.
Osama Abdallah
You should see this
Krishnaraj said...
You should see this
Krishanaraj I'm at a loss as to why you would post a few minutes of Nadir Ahmeds disaterous performance against Jame White. By most standards even some honset muslims this debate was a carrer ender for our freind Nadir. I dont think anyone on on Paltalk will debate him.
The title of the video is "Dr. James White RUNS away from CLEAR evidence for Islam" I'm wondering how that video proves that. It was Nadir Disasterous closing statement. Where he then went on to attack his audiance, and others that had nothing to do with the debate topic.
And as far as David, and Nabeel, and Dr James White debting Zakir Naik. We are all waiting for Zakir Naik to take up the challange.
I for one wish I had the money to take out full page newspaper and raido adds in India publicaly challanging Zakir Naik. Hey there's an idea, we should have a fund raiser. Krishnaraj how much can we put you down for?
This is what happens when you don't advertise your debate challenge. There is no use when your advertise in your own webpage. They are no way not going to look at it.
Or maybe you don't respond to his replies.
Thank you for the link. I needed a good laugh ;)
Are you really serious? You are pointing us to a clip of Nadir Ahmed vs. James White? Go watch the full debate. Nadir made a complete fool of himself.
Osama, I would like to ask you one question. Why is it whenever I have seen or heard you or Nadir Ahmed debate, no matter how badly you have been smoked you do a victory dance? I am sure youre not that insensitive to reality, are you?
Nabeel and David,
I thank you very much for your website and your willingness to post debates and news pertaining to Christian apologetics. I thank the Lord for your faithfulness and integrity. May He give you the mercy and grace to continue and to be used by Him to bring many out of the kingdom of darkness into the light of the glorious kingdom of the Son of God.
What makes you think we only posted a challenge here? I personally sent a debate challenge to Zakir Naik. Nabeel challenged him on a live television program that is broadcast across the Middle East, Pakistan, and India. I don't know what more we can do than that.
I will say it again. Zakir Naik will not face us, James White, William Lane Craig, or any other Christian who debates regularly. Name me a single reputable debater Zakir Naik ever faced? And if he hasn't really faced any debaters, how did he get such a reputation for being a great debater?
You get him to give a public response, if you think we're hiding his replies. Man, you really have a clouded sense of reality :-)
I'd love to debate him. I have an MD, he has an MD. I speak Urdu, he speaks Urdu. I do apologetics/debate, he does apologetics/debate. I'm not afraid to debate him, he... well, we'll wait for his response.
The Fat Man
If you want some money to put some as on some Indian news paper.
Well I would pay my part for it.
My debate with Nabeel can now be seen at:
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Are you going to post your debate with me as well? I'd love to see it on your site.
Are you going to post your debate with me as well? I'd love to see it on your site."
Of course David. If you read my new updates and comments at: http://www.answering-christianity.com/whatsnew.htm, you'll see that your debate is coming up, insha'Allah.
Osama Abdallah
Why do I get this distinct feeling that this Krishnaraj is either Nadir Ahmed or one of his two best friends. (the other would be Nadir himself)
You did that all wrong. You are supposed to beat your chest and proclaim victory because Osama didn't put the debate up yet.
After that, don't forget to disclaim any arrogance on your part.
I love it. Is arrogance really "a Virtue" that you reject with a passion? You really have to watch out for those Freudian slips.
Speaking of what happens when muslim populations starts to grow with a society. Look at what is happening in China today.
"State TV showed gruesome images of protesters attacking ethnic Chinese, kicking men and women on the ground and leaving them dazed and bloodied."
I will wait to see you embarrase yourself when David publishes the debates on his site.
And Osama....Your previous talks can never be stated to be intellegent talks, rather rubbish.
Osama, can I give you an Idea then..why dont you call Zakir Naik and ask him to accept the challenge.
Call him and ask him to accept the challange. I am sure you can reach him better
People look at what is happing in China right now. Muslims in the norht western province are rioting, beating, stabbing and killing non muslims. Demanding there own state
Ha ha! I'm not really on this mp3...but Roger is. Now, I'm having flashbacks to North Carolina. :-) Thanks for the invite anyway, David.
David it seems the last 5 min of the interview is cut off.
Osama Abdullah:
Sallam brother, I was just wanting to ask you if you have gotten my emails? I do not have the program since my labtop is supports Vista, so when I send you emails I have to send it second hand by pressing copy and then pasting your email on hotmail, so I was just wondering if you have recieved my email brother.
Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother Bfoali,
Yes, I got your email dear brother. I am sorry for not replying to you yet. I will insha'Allah get to your article that you've written regarding Ahlul Bayt.
Take care akhi,
Osama Abdallah
David & Nabeel
Sorry I mossed the program. I would have liked to have phoned in to share my esperience about asking questions at the booth and i didn't have a camera
You are completely delusional. i was there and you wound up trashing the haddiths and calling Mohammed an ignorant bedioun.
Do Islam and youself a favor and don't do amy more debates. You make Islam, Mojammed and ,yourself look foolish.
Osama Abdullah-- I love you for the sake of Allah... but I don't think you are correct.
Correct about what?
Hey everyone --
Don't bother going to Osama's site to watch the debate. I got the footage yesterday, uploaded it today, and it is processing on YouTube. You'll be able to see it by tomorrow.
Wait one day - it's not worth getting the virus from Osama's site.
Yes I kind of agree with Osama,
This seems to be a problem with all of Davids and Nabeel's Supporters they all say that Nabeel and David win all their debates--when sometimes they really don't.
Take for example David's first debate with Nadir-- I think the victory goes to Nadir (no disrespect to David though)
But Osama, lets not get too arrogant. For me I will be honest with my first debate-- I didn't win.
In my first debate with David Wood, I lost-- but the only reason why is because of Romans 8:11 and my rebuttals were disorganized. I fully acknowledge David Wood's skills as a debater.
My second Debate I did much better-- but there were some stuff I didn't touch on which I wanted to. Soon I'll do a review of that debate.
The reasons why I couldn't do so good is because I am in a lawsuit battle with some morons at my school-- this was a bad year for me to debate...I shouldv'e postponed it until I got this lawsuit stuff out of the way-- but at least I got my name out there as a Muslim Apologist. See, at least I am a honest Muslim Apologist.
So to my friends, Nabeel, David and MJ-- I think later this year (like Decemeber) or 2010 I would like to debate again if you guys would like to debate me again. If not its okay.
Also Krishnaraj-- Nadir is that you? If it is come out, LOL.
Let me know,
Yours in Islam
Ehteshaam Gulam
Nabeel said: "Wait one day - it's not worth getting the virus from Osama's site."
Looking forward to seeing the debate, and I agree...which is why I will never visit Osama's site.
Just out of curiosity, why do you guy's allow Osama to post when he puts the url to his infected site and even links in pretty much every post?
If you acknowledge that his site poses a virus threat shouldn't you be protecting your other readers by disallowing his links and website url? I'm sure it's a difficult spot to be in, but I am curious about this David and/or Nabeel. Thanks.
Hey David and Nabeel,
I've been frequenting this site for the past 14-months.
I love this site because of the interaction between Christians and Muslims.
I'm a Christian who is interested in apologetics.
I'm also a fan of James White and William Lane Craig.
I hope to contribute positively to this blog.
From what I know of Zakir Naik he says Mohammed is prophesized in the Hindu Scriptures.In faithfreedom.org Hindu experts have shown Naik takes words out of context.That's not very scholarly.What next?Jesus prophesized in the Hindu Scriptures by Zakir Naik?
"Mohammed is prophesized in the gospel".Muslims can only show John 1:19-25 and the Paraclete passages.Mark,Luke and Matt?Nothing at all.
John 1:19-25 says John-Baptist was asked by the Levites(Jewish priests) and Pharisees if:he was the Messiah?No.If he was Elijah?No.Then if he was "the prophet"?No.
Muslims say:"The prophet here is the prophet like Moses in Deutoronomy.It's about Mohammed."Let's take the minimalist view.Ok,you're right.It still can't be Mohammed.Why?
First let's get in a time machine and go back.Then WHO are asking the questions?LEVITES and PHARISEES.Jewish religious teachers.So we asked them"You say the prophet is the prophet like Moses,correct?""Yes,we do."
"According to you guys,is the prophet like Moses only Jewish or can he be related to them,an Arab?"
"For us,Levites and Pharisees,it's only a Jew.We are not saying the prophecy refers to an Arab."John 1:19-25,however you look at it,doesn't support the idea of Mohammed in the gospel.
Looks like I have confused a lot of you guys. I actually have no idea as to who this Nadir is.
I am just a confused guy and fed up with debates. Sometimes Christians win and otherwise Muslims win.Just wanted people to help me out of this confusion.
Zakir Naik has almost conquered India.
Ha ha.Ehteshaam Gulam is being very honest. Looks like soon he is going to be honest that Christianity is the truth.
Tell me Ehteshaam Gulam what does your heart say? It will be very helpful to me.
"Hey everyone --
Don't bother going to Osama's site to watch the debate. I got the footage yesterday, uploaded it today, and it is processing on YouTube. You'll be able to see it by tomorrow.
Wait one day - it's not worth getting the virus from Osama's site.
Nabeel, this desperate lie is getting too old. My website was tested by McAfee and they testify that it is a clean site:
I strongly recommend everyone to download the file I uploaded to see how Nabeel was exposed. You be the judge.
Osama Abdallah
I tried watching the debate on your site-- it doesn't work.
How do you watch it?
Ehteshaam Gulam
Brother Charlie... welcome to this blesses blogg... hoppe too see you arounde more often. May God bless you and your familie.
Brother leviMichael: welcome to this blogg... It's always a blessing from God to see new "faces" commingue arounde... mie poore english is nott goof enough to express my deepest feelings for this fact... pleasse: do continnue to post! May God blees you and your familie!!!
Ounce uppon a time there was a small kingfom not far away in the mountains off Agrounde in the norther state off Dashing.
There libed a king named Osama Abdallah who thought he was the greatest emperor in the entire worlde. So, in his dilusional minde, he was allways envittng embassadores from other countries to visitte is poor and underdevelopped nationn.
There, since off the poorest medical conditions thate existed in tahte kingdom, the embassadores caught decieses and infections thate, for many off them were almostte fatal and had to stay there forre mouths beffore they coulde returnne to theire countries. That king, Osama Abdallah, always saide thate thate was an example off how muche they likked his kingdom tahte, according to an decreppit and spurious documents, was freee off all decieses.
The mostte astonishing aspect, thoug, was thate he showded with ann enourmous pride and arrogance his tiny library ass the greateste librery inn the entire worlde, ande alwways saide thate nowhere else existted a better one.
The embassadores and the kings from others countries werre alsways berie sorrie to this king, Osama Abdalla, and manie times, nott to inflicte painne in him (and specialie in the others citizenes off thte countie and in his wiffe thate supported him berie much -- she had no choice --) accepted his claimmes with patternalistte and resppect.
Butt then they realized thate this actitude was noot helping and decided to boicot all his invitations and rather invite him too visite theirs countries... They, nevertheless, neber expected whate happened next: for ebery ebidence thate expressed how insane were Abdalla's claimes he always saide, for eaxample: "How poor is this librarie with 1.000.000 manuscrips in comparison withe the one in mie kingdom withe 100"; "Mie armie off 1.000 men is, bie far, bigger thanne this one withe 100.000"...
Then all the othre kingdoms realized how incapable was he to deall withe the realoity and invented a new world to express tahte condition -- "paranoia" -- and whent allone withe his fantasy worlde and Osama Adalla libed hhapie for evber...
Peace to all in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.
Krishna Raj seem to be a South Indian or Muslim in disguise with a Hindu name. Any Ways
Krishna I am from Bombay (Mumbai) India.
The Greatness Of Zakir Naik
There is nothing great about Dr. Zakir Naik MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery,
or in Latin Medicinae Baccalaureus, Baccalaureus Chirurgiae)
Every medical or Software professional have great memory.
eg: a medical doctor will know to diagnose a patient as well as prescribe a medicine to him
so Dr. Zakir Naik MBBs applies what he learnt from his master late Deedat.
Ask him some thing out of the box he will go off track and distract the sensible audience
with the support and applause by his worshippers the poorly educated Indian, Bangladeshi and
Pakistani Wahabbi Mohamadians.
Approaching Dr. Zakir Naik is not easy
Dr. Zakir Naik is a powerful Indian . 2009 of the Indian Express list of the 100 Most
Powerful Indians in 2009 amongst the billion plus population of India, Dr. Zakir Naik was
ranked No. 82. He is well connected with mohamadians politicians and political parities. The
so called secular political parties depend on muslim votes.
He is in good terms with Wealthy and powerful mohamadians of Indian and Pakistani origin in
North America, Europe, South east Asia.
Dr. Zakir Naik Office is Located in Dongri Bombay. This Place in south Bmbay is also the
heart land of Bombay’s underworld Mafia. Dongri is also Home Of 1993 accused under world
gangster Dawood Ibrahim and his associates. Just as Zakir is rated 82 powerful man Dawood
was No. 4 on the Forbes' World's Top 10 most dreaded criminals list of 2008
Zakir The Religious Business Tycoon
As IRF is considered as a trust no Government taxes or any restriction. So un accountable
money flows . Zakir IRF is in partnership with Harmony Media makes huge profits.
Dr. Zakir Naik MBBS and Partners (prominent speaker on Peace TV) have made a good fortune
out of Daawa Business and also influenced many Landias and Con man in India and Pakistan. Eg
Br. Imran of IREF (Islamic Research and Education Foundation) Based in Hyderabad India.
There is a scam run in India to save money from income taxes. Donate or park 10 million
Rupees in the charitable fund. Later withdraw 8 million. 2 million is the parking charge.
We call this as Convert black money to white.
Zakir Naik Popular in Media.
The Indian media were true and Honest and were exposing Zakir and IRF but when IRF started
pumping money in print advertisment for his peace tv conference in Mumbai. Suddently they
started covering his event rather exposing it. (This Peace conference took place days before
the 26/11 Mumbai Terror Attack)
Exposing Zakir Naik in leading Indian news papers
Storm over fatwa against scholar Zakir Naik
Sunni Muslims demand ban of Zakir Naik's talk
Indian Muslims: Spiritualise the radicals
Popular religious channel illegal: I&B ministry
Row over Islamic preacher's remarks - India - The Times of India
buddy i just want to say that fuck you and your stupid questions, i surprised the security guys were that patient with you
Another gutter mouth Muslim.
I am mad as can be, this aint and isn't right, I go out on the streets with my message, but this Saturday, I am going to face down the antichrist, the Muslims. they are the antichrist. Look out world they are here in America now, trying to take over, we have to fight, we can't let them take over, we christians have civil rights, sharia law does not trump American Civil liberties....
this goes totally agsinst everything I believe, I go out on the streets on some saturdays, this Saturday, it is down with Muslims day, and civil rights for christians in America, Jesus is coming soon. Stand or die.....
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