Sunday, July 31, 2011

Zakir Naik: 25 Errors in Less Than Five Minutes

Ever notice that in Christianity, our top apologists are brilliant scholars with solid arguments, while in Islam, the top apologists are people who can sound good while spouting absolute nonsense?


Deleting said...

Is sit just me, or does it seem that even in the face of overwhelming proof the Quran is wrong Muslims will still contend it's true. It seems like 'If you can dream it, you can be it." With these people. They argue it enough times and it will come true and Yahweh and the Jesus of the bible won't exist.

simple_truth said...

That really makes me think twice about listening to him defending Islam or even commenting on Christianity to Muslims, especially, since Christians should be able to detect many of his errors anyway.

The main problem is that Muslims are so gullible for anything, especially when it promotes Islam. How many Muslims actually listen and verify what Naik says and then have the intestinal fortitude to correct him and rebuke him for his lack of accuracy?

I did notice that a few of those errors could easily be on account of his accent and/or his inability to correctly pronounce the words. I could count them as just butchering the vocabulary.

Radical Moderate said...

Whitemeat who is sir Whitemeat lol

Truth said...

ha ha ha ha......... oh man...... this stupid man makes me laugh a lot.....

i have uploaded many videos of this stupid muslim in my you tube videos where zakir got caught by one Indian brother Jery Thomas and by christian prince while telling lies. pleace watch the videos and laugh.

these are just 2 links and there are many other videos. please watch.

ha ha ha ha......

TAREK said...

Hello Dr. Nabeel! I'm happy to see you on air. I had visited your website, looks good. In fact your video has a double messag for many muslims who thought you have problem with Dr. David. Even though you had explained why you wanted to have your own ministery. Dr. David did explain it again before some "spirits" were calmed down.

Well Dr. "Zero" allias Zakir Naik need to see a psychiatrist Dr. to help him controlling his brain

"Dr Zakir Abdul Karim Naik is a televangelist in India who operates a satellite TV station called "PeaceTV" out of Mumbai, India spreading Wahabi propaganda. Few of Naik's audience around the world realize how scorned he is by educated Muslim scholars and non-Muslim scholars alike for his misinformation, misrepresentations, and unscriptural doctrines. Mufti of Deoband (India's foremost Islamic centre of theological learning) have issued formal fatwas against Zakir Naik calling him "a preacher of Ghair Muqallidin" and saying "one should not rely on his speeches,"1
"he is not reliable and Muslims should avoid listening to him."2

The above fatwa is from India

Thanks Dr. Nabeel and have a nice day.


valentin said...

Sir whitemeat? hahaha :) it looked like he was pulling these names out of his bleep! What a shame that he gets such a big platform with so many people listening who will probably never investigate his lies. Lies which I can only conclude are deliberate. I'm posting this on my facebook and telling people about it. Spread the word.

Anonymous said...

One has to wonder with so many fatual errors where Dr. Naik recieved his doctorate? All I know is he truly is an M.D I wouldn't trust him to diagnos a hang nail.

Truth said...

he is just like his stupid prophet. both he and his prophet are consistent in their stupidity. More they speak, more deeply they dig the ground and prepare their graves for themselves by themselves.
ha ha ha ha..........
They are like fish in net. More they struggle more they get trapped.

Who told him to speak so much ?
it seems he has a greed to be famous. Now see the result. poor zakir naik.

so helpless. got caught by many like brother Nabeel.

ha ha ha ha.............

Anonymous said...

"Christian missionary David Wood was quick to blame Islam and Muslims for the Norway attack, even before any details about the attacker had been released."
Do you intend to answer them David Wood ?

Anonymous said...

Whitemeat? Was he taling about a chicken?

Truth said...

he is just like his stupid prophet. both he and his prophet are consistent in their stupidity. More they speak, more deeply they dig the ground and prepare their graves for themselves by themselves.
ha ha ha ha..........
They are like fish in net. More they struggle more they get trapped.

Who told him to speak so much ?
it seems he has a greed to be famous. Now see the result. poor zakir naik.

so helpless. got caught by many like brother Nabeel.

ha ha ha ha.............

Truth said...

here are some other lies of zakir naik - Zakir Naik lies to get people become muslim - Zakir Naik fools British questioner. (MUST WATCH) 2011

Fernando said...

Qua, qua, qua... he knows as much of this subject as he does about Christianity or, as a matter of fact, as islam... hahahahahaha... bliend people guiding blind people... hahahaha...

Sapphire said...

I would like to know why he thinks he can get away with spouting so much made-up stuff! I guess he knows that no Muslim will dare to question a religious leader, and that he can just label and non-Muslim who corrects him as an Islamophobe. :-P

minoria said...

Very informative video by Nabeel.Zakir made too many errors.All one can do is show it to non-Muslims,and also to some Muslims.
I really don't think Zakir Naik will ever leave Islam,but he is playing with fire.
I checked out Sapphire's blog,it is nice.I hardly have time to check things out since I am busy with several more articles.
Reading,verifying,adding information.

Checking out Paul Williams' blog of the MDI,which I do to get new ideas for articles,he is still with his strange logic where he doesn't use the same standards for all.

I suppose he is still with his idea that Jesus was for killing apostates in spite of Jesus saying:"Love your neighbor as yourself".

Now he is attacking David but using bad logic again.I have noticed that with Muslim defenders of Islam,whether it is about Israel,or Jesus saying he is God in the NT,etc,they use an illogical logic that they can not see is illogical,but we can

ib said...

After that, I wouldn't believe a thing this guy said, even if his tongue came notarized.

wheatington said...

Muslims never admit to a mistake or take responsibility.

Please, can we spell Koran in English instead of ersatz Arabic?

Thank you.

My Two Sense said...

Wow. That's pretty telling...

Radical Moderate said...

Its RAMADAN, a festive month where Muslism deprive themselves of food and water during the day only to gourge themselves at night and after they wake up before sunsrise. Oh what a joyess holiday.

Evidently for starving Muslims Ramadan is not such a festive time of year.

Somali refugees: No food to break Ramadan fast

"How will I fast when I don't have something to break it?" asked Abdulle. "All my family are hungry and I have nothing to feed them. I feel the hunger that forced me from my home has doubled here."

Not to fear, Muslims are starting a food drive so starving Muslims can well STARV during the day.

I'm not making this up people they are sending food to starving Muslims so they can fast during Ramadan. Just another case of how obscene Islam is.

"Sheik Ali Sheik Hussein, a mosque leader in Mogadishu, called it "worrying" that many Somalis cannot fast because they are already weak from hunger and don't have food to regain their strength after sundown."

Its not worrying that many Muslims are STARVING day in and day out becasue of Islam. What worries him is that since they are starving they can not fast.

simple_truth said...

Nitemare or Editor said...

"Christian missionary David Wood was quick to blame Islam and Muslims for the Norway attack, even before any details about the attacker had been released."
Do you intend to answer them David Wood ?"

I thought that the topic was about Zakir's errors; so, why are you posting this here instead of the proper topic listed further below this one?

Since you gave the link to that site, have you listened to what David has said himself? Have you investigated that a Muslim group took responsibility for the incident shortly after, which was before we found out who the culprit really was? Did you not understand that David's position was that it was likely related to Muslims since the vast majority of terrorist acts are being committed by them these days; so, the odds of it being Islamic are pretty high. Wouldn't you agree with that assessment?

Eugene said...

I'm don't think it's really fair to count this guy's poor pronunciation of English as mistakes. Many of the mispronunciations were easily recognizable, such as the mispronunciation of the word Galapagos. But that still leaves a lot of factual errors.

Sophie said...

I think a lot of figures in both Islam and Christianity know nothing about science but, regardless, are happy to talk about it with an air of authority. I've never heard anyone talk as much rubbish about it - and with as much false confidence - as this bloke, though. He's really pushing it, though. He makes barely a cursory nod of acknowledgement towards truth and accuracy. He ought to take heed of Augustine's warning(substituting 'Muslim' for 'Christian'):

"It not infrequently happens that something about the earth, about the sky, about other elements of this world, about the motion and rotation or even the magnitude and distances of the stars, about definite eclipses of the sun and moon, about the passage of years and seasons, about the nature of animals, of fruits, of stones, and of other such things, may be known with the greatest certainty by reasoning or by experience, even by one who is not a Christian. It is too disgraceful and ruinous, though, and greatly to be avoided, that he [the non-Christian] should hear a Christian speaking so idiotically on these matters, and as if in accord with Christian writings, that he might say that he could scarcely keep from laughing when he saw how totally in error they are".

Peace Maker said...

Could Pamela Geller Have Prevented Anders Behring Breivik's Killings?

Letitia (The Damsel) said...

The actual clip of Zakir Naik looks like it was taken some time ago (he looks younger and the beard is less gray). Do you have a date on when he said this?

Assessing his manner, I don't find him particularly believable or convincing, but maybe that's just me. Naik lacks charisma, although he is a fast talker (/coughAxelFoleycough). I suppose this is where some semblence of credibility comes from if he has any at all. To an audience that is even more ignorant than he, then yes, he probably is able to come off as maybe knowledgeable. The good news is that as such, he is operating on the law of diminshing returns. The Muslim audience is becoming more educated, especially in the West, and his impact will regress.

A few of his pronunciations may require some grace. I didn't LOL until "Whitemeat." Maybe he meant "Whitehead?"

Anyway, this was amusing. Thanks for sharing, David and Nabeel. :)

el Lobo said...

Wow you guys are really amazing.
Last time I checked Naik is a human being, capable of making mistakes.
The errors you found don't even pertain to the Bible. You guys are really desperate.
I found a few faults in your presentation.
First of all the Church did supress scientific ideas that went against church doctrine. For instance, Galileo was ordered to stand trial for heresy. Copernicus' theories were banned by the Church. Newton was not a devoted believer of the Bible, in fact he rejected the divinity of Christ.
Get your facts straight before you accuse someone else of making mistakes.

Cristo Te Ama said...

Lupus el Lobo said...
"Wow you guys are really amazing.
Last time I checked Naik is a human being, capable of making mistakes.
The errors you found don't even pertain to the Bible. You guys are really desperate.
I found a few faults in your presentation.
First of all the Church did supress scientific ideas that went against church doctrine. For instance, Galileo was ordered to stand trial for heresy. Copernicus' theories were banned by the Church. Newton was not a devoted believer of the Bible, in fact he rejected the divinity of Christ.
Get your facts straight before you accuse someone else of making mistakes."

in some of them i think you are right that it's because English is not his natural language, yet the other statements he does are a lie, i'm in 5th year of medicine school and i studied all this things in anthropology (even when i don't believe in many things they say), so don't say all is about lenguage mistakes. And it's kinda funny to see him saying such a stuffs with that confidence, that's why the author of the video post it or that's what i think.

John 8:24 said...

@ Lupus lobo said "Last time I checked Naik is a human being, capable of making mistakes."

You call them mistakes? Call them blunders! Zakir Naik has to just open his mouth to make a blunder. And he is a big time liar whether he talks about the Koran or the Bible. So u agree that he is made those terrible mistakes. Then why do you Muslims keep inviting him to debate for Islam and consider him a great apologist, scholar and hero? It is funny to see so many Muslims jump up and down when he speaks! Shouldn't you Muslims rather ask him to shut his ignorant mouth and not give lectures at Islamic conferences or represent Muslims? Many Muslims know that Zakir Naik says wrong and sometimes embarrassing things about Islam (not to mention what he says about the Bible) but still defend him because they don't care about the truth as long as it makes them feel good it is fine. Watch some videos from Zakir Naik and laugh out loud with everyone:

Anthony Rogers said...

Lupus said: "Wow you guys are really amazing. Last time I checked Naik is a human being, capable of making mistakes."

Yes, Naik is like other human beings and is able to make mistakes. But with 25 errors in five minutes he shows that he has honed his ability to err beyond that of the average man, perhaps even the average Muslim apologist.

Lupus said: "The errors you found don't even pertain to the Bible. You guys are really desperate."

The point of the video was to demonstrate something about Naik's methodology, which is to talk fast and say the first thing that comes into his head, and then soak up the applause of his gullible audiences. The car salesmen approach is also in evidence in his videos attacking Christianity. Besides that, he was trying to defend Islam when he made these remarks, so his penchant for error is very relevant, unless of course you are saying it is okay to make false claims in the defense of Islam. Do tell.

Lupus said: "I found a few faults in your presentation.

First of all the Church did supress [sic] scientific ideas that went against church doctrine. For instance, Galileo was ordered to stand trial for heresy."

If you payed attention to the video, you would see that Nabeel did mention that Galileo was imprisoned for a time for his views (which he believed were consistent with the Bible).

Furthermore, to the extent that the church opposed Galileo's ideas, it had more to do with the fact that they had adopted Aristotle's physics and interpreted the Bible in light of it (e.g., see Lindberg and Numbers, God and Nature), something similar to what the Mu'tazilites did in the history of Islam when they adopted the methodology of pagan Greek philosophers and ended up denying that Allah could be as the Qur'an said he was (though of course they insisted that their view was consistent with the Qur'an). Other examples in the history of Islam could easily be given.

Lupus said: "Newton was not a devoted believer of the Bible, in fact he rejected the divinity of Christ."

Newton did believe in the Bible, as Nabeel said.

But I will give you that Newton didn't believe in the deity of Christ, something that Nabeel did not claim.

Lupus said: "Get your facts straight before you accuse someone else of making mistakes."

Good advice. Let us know when you decide to follow it.

As if to give Naik a run for his money, you came very close to doing in ten sentences what it took Naik five minutes to do. Can we conclude that you plan on becoming a Muslim apologist?

By the way, Naik was not merely "accused" of making mistakes, unless of course you actually bought into what Naik was saying, but he was proven to be mistaken, and that many times over....25 times to be exact. Just imagine what he could do with ten minutes. You know, after he gets warmed up and hits his stride.

Truth said...

zakir naik tells so many stupid things. And he himself called himself a doctor. May be that is also his mistake.

Look at his body. I think he himself needs a doctor.

ha ha ha ha............

he should not stand in front of any big fan. otherwise he will fly away........

ha ha ha ha.............

and his stupid blind fans will cry like this - " oh our blind hero..... why did you stand in front of the fan ? now what will happen to your these fans ? who will guide us ? we need your guidance...... because we also are blind like you....... "

ha ha ha ha............

TAREK said...


Lupus said: "The errors you found don't even pertain to the Bible. You guys are really desperate."

Mr. Lupus, you may not be aware of the reasons why The association of muslims in India gave a "Fatwa" against Dr. Zero allias Z. Naik. please do find out.
I strongly want to invite you to point out one error or mistake from the HOLY BIBLE please. You'd not be talking for the sake of talking come up with the evidence.

I have mistakes, errors that can be given to you from the quran if you request for.

By the way my challenge is still on and up to €5000.00 this week

"Please who can put a fridge in the bottle?" Open to everyone

Thank you all

el Lobo said...

AR said:

Newton did believe in the Bible, as Nabeel said.

I say:

I suggest you read his book or manuscript "A historical account of two notable corruptions of scripture"

AR said:

As if to give Naik a run for his money, you came very close to doing in ten sentences what it took Naik five minutes to do. Can we conclude that you plan on becoming a Muslim apologist?

I say:

No I'm not planning on becoming a Muslim apologist and yes it's possible I make mistakes.

el Lobo said...

Tarek said:

I strongly want to invite you to point out one error or mistake from the HOLY BIBLE please. You'd not be talking for the sake of talking come up with the evidence.

I say:
Knock yourself out:

2 Kings 8:26 says "Two and twenty years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign..." 2 Chronicles 22:2 says "Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign..."
2 Samuel 6:23 says "Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no child unto the day of her death" 2 Samuel 21:8 says "But the king took...the five sons of Michal the daughter of Saul"
2 Samuel 8:3-4 says "David smote also Hadadezer...and took from hundred horsemen..." 1 Chronicles 18:3-4 says "David smote Hadarezer...and took from thousand horsemen..."
1 Kings 4:26 says "And Solomon had forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots..." 2 Chronicles 9:25 says "And Solomon had four thousand stalls for horses and chariots..."
2 Kings 25:8 says "And in the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month...Nebuzaradan...came...unto Jerusalem" Jeremiah 52:12 says " the fifth month, in the tenth day of the month...came Nebuzaradan...into Jerusalem"

el Lobo said...

1 Samuel 31:4-6 says "...Saul took a sword and fell upon it. And when his armourbearer saw that Saul was dead and...died with him. So Saul died..." 2 Samuel 21:12 says "...the Philistines had slain Saul in Gilboa."
Gen 2:17 says "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day thou eastest thereof thou shalt surely die [note: it doesn't say 'spiritual' death] Gen 5:5 says "And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died."
Matt 1:16 says, "And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus..." Luke 3:23 says "And Jesus...the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli"
James 1:13 says "..for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man." Gen 22:1 says "And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham..."
Gen 6:20 says "Of fowls after their kind and of cattle [etc.]...two of every sort shall come unto thee..." Gen 7:2,3 says "Of every clean beast thou shall take to thee by sevens...Of fowls also of the air by sevens..."
Luke23:46: "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost." John 19:30 "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost."
Gen 32:30 states "...for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved." John 1:18 states, "No man hath seen God at any time..."

Factual Errors

1 Kings 7:23 "He made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about." Circumference = Pi() x Diameter, which means the line would have to have been over 31 cubits. In order for this to be rounding, it would have had to overstate the amount to ensure that the line did "compass it round about."
Lev 11:20-21: "All fowls that creep, going upon all four, shall be an abomination unto you." Fowl do not go upon all four.
Lev 11:6: "And the hare, because he cheweth the cud..." Hare do not chew the cud.
Deut 14:7: " " the camel, and the hare, and the coney: for they chew the cud, but divide not the hoof." For the hare this is wrong on both counts: Hare don’t chew the cud and they do divide the "hoof."
Jonah 1:17 says, "...Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights" Matt 12:40 says "...Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly..." whales and fish are not related
Matt 13:31-32: " "the kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed which…is the least of all seeds, but when it is grown is the greatest among herbs and becometh a tree." There are 2 significant errors here: first, there are many smaller seeds, like the orchid seed; and second, mustard plants don't grow into trees.
Matt 4:8: " Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them." Unless the world is flat, altitude simply will not help you see all the kingdoms of the earth.

WarsoWaka said...

To all stupid people, there is no proof that Quran is wrong... Dr Zakir Naik is human, he can err... BUT NEVER QURAN...
If people want to defame Islam, then finds something else Because this does not prove Islam is wrong or the holy Quran.
May Allah forgives ignorant people.

Truth said...


In this first part, brother Jerry shows from Bible, we should debate or not. This part is not so important. In this part there is opening song and all. - part 2


if zakir naik watches these videos, he will cry.

ha ha ha ha.............

Joe Bradley said...

And then, from the P.C. Canadian Police, there is this . . .

Welcome To The New Normal In Canada: “We are Muslim! You do not take pictures of us!”

Anthony Rogers said...

Part 1 of 2

Lupus, I thought you were on the lamb. Good to see you back.

Speaking of lambs, I almost feel a little like King David since I am going to take the last one you have left. Of course I think in this case it is justified.

The list of errors you imputed to Nabeel has now been reduced to one: namely, Isaac Newton believed in the Bible.

However, the work of Newton’s that you referred to to show that Newton didn’t believe in the Bible is simply an exercise in textual criticism, the same sort of thing Bible believing Christians did before, during, and after Newton’s time.

Contrary to your claims, Newton was so convinced that the Bible is the Word of God that:

1. He was criticized by some of his contemporaries for spending what they considered to be an inordinate amount of time studying the Bible;

2) He wrote more on the Bible and the Christian religion than on anything else, including science;

3) He attributed the inspiration for his scientific insights to the Bible and believed his views to be thoroughly in accord with the letter and spirit of the Bible.

Anthony Rogers said...

Part 2 of 2

Much more can be said, but it ought to be sufficient to quote the man and let him speak for himself.

“I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by those who were inspired. I study the Bible daily.” (As cited in J. H. Tiner, Isaac Newton: Inventor, Scientist, and Teacher)

The following is from an untitled treatise that Newton wrote on the book of Revelation:

“Let me therefore beg of thee not to trust to the opinion of any man concerning these things, for so it is great odds but thou shalt be deceived. Much less oughtest thou to rely upon the judgment of the multitude, for so thou shalt certainly be deceived. But search THE SCRIPTURES thy self & that by frequent reading & constant meditation upon what thou readest, & earnest prayer to God to enlighten thine understanding if thou desirest to find the truth. Which if thou shalt at length attain thou wilt value above all other treasures in the world by reason of the assurance and vigour it will add to thy faith, and steddy satisfaction to thy mind which he onely can know how to estimate who shall experience it.

That the benefit which may accrew by understanding the sacred Prophesies & the danger by neglecting them is very great & that the obligation to study them is as great may appear by considering the like case of the Iews at the coming of Christ. For the rules whereby they were to know their Messiah were the prophesies of the old Testament. And these our Saviour recommended to their consideration in the very beginning of his preaching Luke 4.21: And afterward commanded the study of them for that end saying, Search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternall life, and these are they which testify of me: & at another time severely reproved their ignorance herein, saying to them when they required a sign, Ye Hypocrites ye can discern the face of the sky but can ye not discern the signes of the times And after his resurrection he reproved also this ignorance in his disciples, saying unto them, O fools & slow of heart to beleive all that the Prophets have spoken! Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, & to enter into his glory? And beginning at Moses & all the Prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. Thus also the Apostles & those who in the first ages propagated the gospel urged chiefly these Prophesies and exhorted their hearers to search & see whether all things concerning our saviour ought not to have been as they fell out. And in a word it was the ignorance of the Iews in these Prophesies which caused them to reject their Messiah & by consequence to be not onely captivated by the Romans but to incur eternall damnation. Luke 19.42, 44.

If then the Prophesies which concerned the Apostolique age were given for the conversion of the men of that age to the truth & for the establishment of their faith, & if it was their duty to search diligently into those Prophesies: why should we not think that the Prophesies which concern the latter times into which we are fallen were in like manner intended for our use that in the midst of Apostacies we might be able to discern the truth & be established in the faith thereof, & consequently that it is also our duty to search with all diligence into these Prophesies. And If God was so angry with the Iews for not searching more diligently into the Prophesies which he had given them to know Christ by: why should we think he will excuse us for not searching into the Prophesies which he hath given us to know Antichrist by? For certainly it must be as dangerous & as easy an error for Christians to adhere to Antichrist as it was for the Iews to reject Christ. And therefore it is as much our duty to indeavour to be able to know him that we may avoyd him, as it was theirs to know Christ that they might follow him.”

Anthony Rogers said...

P.S. If you got the idea that Newton was not a believer in the Bible from Zakir Naik, please do pass on to him what you have learned. Not that it will matter of course; after all, Naik is “only human” and will probably continue to repeat this “mistake” at his soonest convenience, not to mention every opportunity he gets thereafter.

Sam said...

Lupus, here are the responses to the alleged errors in the Bible.

Here are many more errors from your unholy Quran:

You will definitely knock yourself out-in fact senseless-trying to reconcile these gross blunders from an all-knowing deity.

Truth said...

Previously I said


In this first part, brother Jerry shows from Bible, we should debate or not. This part is not so important. In this part there is opening song and all. - part 2


if zakir naik watches these videos, he will cry.

ha ha ha ha............. "

( )

" Jesus said I am ONLY for the children of Israel "

zakir naik wants to prove that Jesus is only for the children of Israel and muhammad the pervert prophet is for the whole wrold.

But when brother Jerry Thomas gives a good bash, that gives me peace.....

Truth said...


Richard Carlsen said...

Christian apologists "brilliant scholars?" Which one, Kent Hovind or Ray Comfort?

Satish Kumar said...

Where is our dear Panda(GAP)?

Dk said...

Even if Nabeel made one or two factual errors in this video (and I don't see any), I would never doubt his sincerety for a second.

Zakir Naik however is a circus clown, performer, never spent a day studying the history of evolution theory or evolutionary biology in his life, not even 1 hour by the sound of it.

Anthony Rogers said...

DK, circus clowns everywhere are now clamouring for your death. They didn't appreciate the insult.

New Wave General Trading said...

Thanks for let us know the truth, unbelievable!, this guy drives people crazy

andesa said...

just adding, frank Salisbury is the author of a very basic plant physiology book, co authored with Ross. That idiot called naik is hilarious, BTW lolz he's a full stand up comedy himself....

Unknown said...

Ans to
"Zakir Naik: 25 Errors in Less Than Five Minutes"

babaabubakar@truthrevealed said...

Its interesting to read the whole acticles and watch the youtube links, We all know that to err is but Human ..., this doesnot change the fact of what Zakir Naik said thats correct.
Only those who donot sincerely wish to be Honest will not accept mistakes. Please to and also ponder on what Jesus said to the Samarian Woman.

Abubakar Baba

Unknown said...

Before wasting time watch this:

Watch "Rebuttal to the video "25 mistakes in 5 minutes".A False Allegation On Dr. Zakir Naik" on YouTube -

And he is an human being. He can make mistakes. ...
Allah knows the rest.

Asana Bodhitharta said...

Frank B. Salisbury (born 1926) is an American plant physiologist who served for a time as head of the Utah State University (USU) department of Plant science.

g-jems said...

there is day guys..better wait for that...

g-jems said...

wait for that day guys...all the intelligent people out here who r making fun of prophet and others are defenitly gonna enjoy those days....congrats

Joe Bradley said...

I'm surprised it was only 25, considering a HUGE problem within Islam that nobody wants to talk about.

Danish Psychologist: “Serious consequences of Muslim inbreeding”

The Keystone of the Islamic Milieu: Inbreeding

Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on Intelligence, Sanity, Health and Society

The Problem of Inbreeding in Islam

Million Thompson said...

He means Rupert Sheldrake. When he says "Rupers Albert"

Million Thompson said...

New Science of life is by Rupert Sheldrake, Naik was actually close on this one.

SA said...

Dont u see that christians make more mistakes,,n quran u cannot point out any mistake n bible contains many...Islam is best religion u might be knowing,,n any person is not perfect if u want to know islam u need to know the scriptures or our Prophet Mohammad(peace b upon he)...
U might not post this bcoz it needs ur approval to b posted but i m satisfied tht it reached to you


This is sufficient of an reply to defend Dr. Zakir Naik:

It clearly shows that the allegations in the Nabeel Qureshi video are fake.

Satish said...

Zakir naik is speaking a lot of rubbish, and all the people listening his speech in the auditorium are 95% of Muslims. He just keeps on saying chapter and verses, but does not go in depth of the meaning of the verses. Some body who has read all the religious scriptures please shut his mouth as some people who ask him questions have not read all scriptures and even if Zakir naik is bluffing they will not know. I my self have found at some instances that he is bluffing and which is not true at all.

Thank you.


Jason said...

is there any way to proof that Zakirnaik is supporting terror? Cuz muslim in malaysia is very support him

Unknown said...

among top 100 influential personalities and you are shouting from well like a frog.He has converted top christains & 53000 people world wide.

sarah ullas said...
this link shows you darwins letter. you mean no letters . then what is this . dont blindly blame someone

Unknown said...

I have found no solid arguments from christian apologists. That's not surprising though because there are no solid arguments lacking any fallacies in any religion. Every religious argument has some logical flaws in them that make it so we can't consider them solid.

That being said, I'll say from an outsider's perspective, it seems Christian apologetics seem solid to people who already believe christianity, while islamic apologetics seems most solid to muslims.
To an outsider both apologetics groups employ fallacies in their argument that only appear as solid arguments to people that are already convinced