Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Encouraging Feedback from Muslim Caller

If there's one thing Islam is known for, it's encouragement. After a rebroadcast of an episode of "Jesus or Muhammad?" and a live broadcast of Robert Spencer's "Jihad Watch," a Muslim called ABN to share some kind, thoughtful words.


andy bell said...

Well, it wasn't that bad. All the guy said was that he "was going to find you."

Maybe he'll find you and give you cake that he just baked? Or maybe he'll find you and give you a big hug and kiss.

you never know.

Oh wait.....he said you were going to die.

Ah. Well, sorry pal. Can't defend him there.

Anthony Rogers said...

He was so excited he forgot to wish everyone a happy Ramadan.

Zack_Tiang said...

Ah, the beauty of a follower of the Religion of Peace. So wonderful.

Cristo Te Ama said...

It's like hearing a Demon talking lol, you can actually "feel" the hatred in his words, that's the rotten fruit Islam gives, you can totally see Muhammad's demon sorry spirit in him, yet we have the whole quran calling us the WORST OF CREATURES and misquoting our belief, disrespecting our beliefs, and Muslims DEMAND us to respect their belief system, wait you mean the rape system? slavery system? dhimmi system? polygamy system? child rape system? apostates killing system? infidels killing system? freedom of speech silence system? wives beating system? homosexuals killing system? oppresion system?. I think this man should make clear to us all what "belief system" he is refering to...
PS: You are right brother Anthony, at least he could've said "HAPPY RAMADAN", before starting to show us the fruits of Islam.

concernedforusa said...

To David Wood:

I am not surprised. This way Muslims celebrate their Ramadan. Not only they threaten people during this "holy" month, they also actually blow up people as it happened in Bulgaria and elsewhere. The evil spirit of Islam keeps Muslims in a tight grasp, blinds their eyes and clouds their brains.

I want to thank you all for your ABN shows and this great website. We all learn a lot.

I also have a feedback for you. One of your Jesus or Muhammad shows where you and Sam Shamoun discussed the Satanic Verses of Muhammad made me think and use these Satanic Verses in my analysis of some Biblical verses. I posted my short paper on the Joel Trumpet website. Maybe you will find it interesting

May God protect you all and your families.

Samatar Mohamed said...


"I am not surprised. This way Muslims celebrate their Ramadan. Not only they threaten people during this "holy" month, they also actually blow up people as it happened in Bulgaria and elsewhere."

hahaha, bigotry at it's very finest. I would love to see you teach a group of people about Ramadan. You would more or less say " Well... Ramadan is this month where muslims engage in threatening and provoking other people, and if you are lucky they might just blow you up." Ignorance really has no bounds does it? Thanks for the very insightful and deep lesson about what muslims do in the month of Ramadan. Greatly appreciated.

Joe Bradley said...

And THAT'S what passes for discourse in Islam-O-Land.

Anonymous said...

it's interesting that Samatar didn't say anything about the lunatic on the phone.

Samatar Mohamed said...


I condemn his actions 110%. I didn't think I needed to even point this out as I have stated my position about these types of actions in this blog plenty of times before.

Unknown said...

Of course Islam never disrepects other people's belief systems, do they!

Foolster41 said...

Samatar: That's good, but it would be more convincing if didn't seem you were so blind to the actions of your fellow Muslims here. You stated that no muslin here (and you named a few) are all moderate, peaceful muslims. I pointed out quite a few examples of how they are not (including all of the people you named, especially Osama) and how this has been happening for a while. You didn't respond, though you posted right after.

Maybe you could go to this thread and, as a fellow Muslim admonish Osama to stop spreading lies about Christianity, smearing and calling anmes, and to apologize?

Anonymous said...

Samatar why would you condemn the bevahior of a good Muslim?

Michael Schueckler said...

Samatar is just jealous that he doesn't get similar encouragement from Christians.

I'll give him some similarly right now.


You are a sinner. You will stand condemned before God on judgement day. The gospel message has been presented to you. You have laughed at God to His face. He has offered you His mercy and His grace through the redemming work of His son. His son who was blameless and was both the sacrifice and the priest who alone can stand between you and the Father. Unless you repent of your ways you will stand before him and unwillingly kneel before Him.

Instead, trust that what Has done for His beloved. Go to Him.

SGM said...

Why does moslems behave so violently?

We Christians are commanded to love our enemies, even those who hate us and say all kinds of vile things about us and our religion. Matt 5:11, “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.” We are also told not to take revenge, Romans 12:19, “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.”

We know that God will repay those on the last day who say all kinds of vile things about him, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We leave it to God and don’t go around killing or threatening people who criticize us or our religion. I do not know of any moslem who criticized Christianity and got death threats by Christians.

Now why can’t moslems do the same as Christians? Well, we need to understand that Satan can not avenge on the last day since he himself will be judged and will be put into the lake of fire. He does however have power in this world to deceive many. He will do everything in his power to stop those who stand in his way. Unfortunately, he choose Islam and his followers to use violence to stop, kill and threaten those who take a stand against him. Criticizing Islam is to criticize Satan.

May God of the Bible protect his people from all evil, especially from people like this caller in the video.

All honor and glory and praise be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is the eternal son of God.

blessed z said...

ABN is still lucky this man give reminder beforehand. If ABN in Indonesia, this man won't waste time. He will immediately burn ABN building.

Thank God for ABN. And God protect and bless and grow ABN.

goethechosemercy said...

I agree with the demon characterization of the voice.
"respect other people's belief systems," another piece of self-righteous crap.
I have a natural right to defend myself against the incursions of Islam into my culture and beliefs about humanity, God, and the value of my own life.
The speaker has a prophet.
Good for him.
But I have a savior, the Son of God, the redeemer of all the world.
What should I fear?

kiwimac said...

@Samatar Mohamed- So far in Ramadan 2012 there have been 71 terror attacks and 332 people killed by Islamists.

Samatar Mohamed said...


"So far in Ramadan 2012 there have been 71 terror attacks and 332 people killed by Islamists."

And your point is...


I have not seen any posts of Osama where he encourages violence against unbelievers. If you could show me one then that would be of great help. Also, I have before disagreed with the muslim bloggers with a post they have made. Here is a link of a past post. Take a look at the comments.

Foolster41 said...

@Samatar: This is just silly. I've TWICE pointed out such behaviors, and you've ignored it (even though you posted after in the same topic BOTH TIMES, but didn't respond.) and then you come back and said you've never seen such behavior, which you're doing again, so I'm not sure what posting it a third time will do, but here goes.
Do you seriously expect me to believe you didn't see, not only my posts (which, as I said you posted right after), or the posts I reference? Frankly, I find this VERY hard to believe. and thus my skepticism.

Kim said, on a victim of rape
"I bet her body was exposed on a daily basis in front of these thugs in the street. It's too bad Pakistan isn't 100% pious Muslims."
Thus excusing the rape of infidels.

Osama has called for a "bloodbath" for not following the Sharia law! I don't know how much clearer a call for violence can be!

Kim has supported the modern application of the death penalty for apostosy!

On top of that, Osama has made a number of false statements (See the topic I link to above, which I see you did not bother to go to and admonish Osama), and has a number of times used name calling and slanders. I would think a fellow muslim would want to encourage a muslim to behave better!

So now, what will you do?

Foolster41 said...

@Samatar: Oops. To be fair, you only posted right after the first time, not both times. Sorry about that, I got mixed up.

Cristo Te Ama said...

Don't expect too much brother, Samatar have been playing the "Good western muslim" role but sooner o later it falls, no matter what, when you put a muslim in front of the evil teachings of Islam which they ignore, they have to chose between leaving this violent cult, deceive themselves about it, or accept it and deceive ppl trying to convince them it is not violent as Osama try(failing because the evil is so big that now they can't even see the difference between bad and good). It's interesting that many times i've seen brother David i.e telling another ppl who writes here against Islam that the way they are speaking is not correct, if you want us to believe you, start condenming Osama's violent preach.

Search 4 Truth said...


"Osama Abdallah said...
Aussie Christian,

Here is something for your homeland security male-lesbians:

I AM 100% ALL FOR A TOTAL BLOOD BATH if your cuntographic christians and the so-called Muslim liberal homosexuals want to defile our societies with their pornography and feces that you call christianity. "

But Samatar has in the past condemned some Muslims for espousing violence. But I have also seen him silent in many other instances. Let's be fair and accurate.

Samatar Mohamed said...

@Christo Te Ama

"Don't expect too much brother, Samatar have been playing the "Good western muslim"."

I am not playing anything. I don't believe in offensive violence and I have pointed this out many many times. Just because I do not comment with the purpose of inciting violence does not mean I am trying to deceive people into thinking I'm what you call a " Good western muslim".


You have to be consistent here. I have seen many posts where Osama, Kim, and Kangaroo have all explicitly said they were against inciting violence against non muslims. I'll give you some links and you can see for yourself. I completely disagree with Osama's statement you have pointed out but I clearly did not even see that link before. Anyways, here is some of what they have said:

Kim said " If someone is insulting our religion or Prophet, in Islam we are commanded to be patient and to endure it.

Hitting people for this reason is un-Islamic."

Kim said "Bad terrorist! Only sick people kill children and behave in this manner!! They were innocent."

Kangaroo said on the topic "Christian Family Flees to Escape Muslim Persecution . . . in Denmark": "Nowhere is this to be found in Islam.
Now stop being a bigoted person.
Thank you.

PS; And no his family doesn't deserve that."

With regard to Osama, someone should just simply ask him if he supports offensive jihad against non muslims, I'm sure his answer will be no. From time to time, people will say things they do not mean when they are caught up in the heat of the moment as I think Osama was when he spoke about a BLOOD BATH.

Anonymous said...

Hey Samatar why won't you admit that Islam is inherently violent?

Deleting said...

Samatar, our resident 'source of hope and inspiration', said, "@kiwimac

"So far in Ramadan 2012 there have been 71 terror attacks and 332 people killed by Islamists."

And your point is..."

Dude, Ramadan started last friday. It's only been a WEEK!!!
But maybe you're a visual learner.

71 attacks=10 a day plus one...I guess to grow on.

332 people killed=47 if you don't round up and 48 if you do. We can say 329 'infidels' plus four extra people who don't get to grow up.

And these were islamists?!?!? Any possibility they weren't just hypoglycemic?
I didn't think so.

Sometimes boy, you just need to know when to SHUT UP.

Now would be a good time.

Foolster41 said...

How am I being inconsistant in pointing out what they are saying? You made the claim that that no mulsim here supports violence. I pointed out how that is false. Someone saying they are against violoence doesn't magicly make the violent things people say go away. Just because some says things that are peacerful doesn't make their statements about rape or subjegating non-belivers the less horrifying! You are the one being inconsistant here! hyy don't you also condemn Kim's statements about rape and the death penalty for apostosy?

Your argument about "heat of the moment" is not reall;y convincing either. I could just as easily say the heat of the moment revealed what Osama believes, and rthat he has been not honest when talking about peace. Cnsidering how many tikmes he has spread lies about Christians (which I n otice you don't even mention) or Jews amd Jewish state (which I suppose you've also never seen, even though I've linked to it twice before, and the many caswes of himself doing it you should have seen) I think it's pretty easy to see how filled with hate Osama reallu is. but you seem to be intentionally turning a blind eye to this, why?

Anonymous said...

Osama is not filled with hate he really just enjoys acting like an ass.

I highly doubt Samatar is truly a Muslim. I'm convicted he is simply a silly little troll.

I remember all the times Samatar promised to look into a matter and come back with an answer. Not surprisingly he has never kept his promises. It's kind of funny.

Tom said...

@kiwimac said
"So far in Ramadan 2012 there have been 71 terror attacks and 332 people killed by Islamists."

samatar's response:
And your point is..."


In America, where Freedom is a tenet, you receive such an intolerant call... what chance does a Christian have in a muslim country? In America islam can continue to even practise their "intolerant nature"!

Isnt ramadan a time to at least exibite some form of piety? And you unashamedly asked ... a question, with an attitude of indifference!

Maybe you should use this "pious" moment to reflex on, "Why is there this uncontrollable violence in islam, even during the month of ramadan?

The world would have been in awe if you guys at least for this period put your violence on hold!

Is there this sort of violence taking place with other religions during their holy period, if there is, the common factor will be islam!

Christians say, "God is Love".
muslims say, "god is great".

I beleieve, two different attitude & personality will develop, one with tolerance, peace & humbleness & the other with pride, arrogance, & aggression.....

george said...

Dr David, we have translated ur tract about the divinity of Jesus into an Indian Language Malayalam. It will be distributed soon. Thanks you

Samatar Mohamed said...


I think when a discuss gets to the point when we are discussing whether Ramadan is about inciting violence and if that is how Muslims celebrate Ramadan, then that is my cue to leave. See, I mostly avoid Christian blogs because they tend to engage in bigotry, overgeneralization, and God knows what else. But this blog seems to have some intelligent Christians who listen to arguments rather then just insult, provoke Muslims. What do Muslims do in Ramadan? We fast from sunrise to sunset abstaining from food and drink for the purpose of remembering the blessing of having food and being grateful for that when so many other people in this world starve to death. My home country Somalia has people starving to death left and right, and fasting gives me an atoms taste of what they go through day after day, week after week, month after month. This month we fast, but more importantly we feed our souls. We constantly read the Quran, learn more about our religion, work on our manners, and try to better ourselves as a person. We strive to become more pious and humble in the sight of our lord by giving charity to the poor. We look at the situation we are in and try to reflect where we are in life, and what we need to change in ourselves to become a better person and achieve our ultimate goal, which is to enter heaven with Allah (swt) pleased with us. We try to avoid our bad habits such as swearing, backbiting, or whatever sins we commit yearly. This is the month where Allah (swt) forgives all of our sins if we successfully keep our mind in him and follow what he prescribed for us. You don’t go to the mosque and witness a Muslim who stays there all night thanking God for his many blessings. You don’t see the people who have disconnected themselves from their family members, and ask Allah (swt) for forgiveness. You don’t see the people who have gone through a rough year, yet thank God for letting them pull through. You don’t see the people who have spent all year being critical of others decide to look and be critical of themselves. You don’t see the Muslim teenager who spent most of his time playing video games decide that he would pick up a Quran for a mental and spiritual growth. You don’t see any of that. Rather, you see some terror attacks and decide to paint all Muslims with the same brush. Yes, there are so called Muslims who take advantage of this month and decide to engage in terror attacks, but the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not like that. The large majority of Muslims use this month to better themselves, their family members, the community, etc… You know what it feels like when atheists or even Muslims over generalize your faith, making it to be something it really isn’t. But you are too blind to see that you are doing the very same thing you denounce. I guess to you it does not matter what the majority of Muslims do in Ramadan. After all, how does that help your position. Rather, you decide to pinpoint some Muslims and try to make them the symbol of what Muslims do in Ramadan.

Search 4 Truth said...

@ Samatar

I agree with much of what you have said. But unfortunately for you Islam is not and has not ever been what you think it is. As we have proved here multiple times. Islam ordains rape, adultery, child molestation, wife beating, murder, torture, oppression, extortion, apartheid, lying, stealing, hypocrisy, fascism, bigotry etc..

I understand you think you are on the right oath, but we have proved here using only YOUR Islamic doctrine that Islam ordains all of these abhorrent values and practices.

In this month of Ramadan I am grateful that there are so many delusional Muslims like yourself who do not practice true Islam. Peace. And Happy Ramadan!

Foolster41 said...

@Samatar: Why STILL no post to Osama in that topic I linked to, to tell Osama to stop spreading lies about Christianity (that it promotes rape, drunk driving, wars when it forbids those things) and misrepresenting Christian doctrines (1 Cor 5:5 & 12:9 specificity)? You have said you reject violent words by Muslims here, but why not tell Osama directly, since that would be a lot more meaningful! (I think this is the third time I've asked you, so maybe this time I'll get a response, as seems to be the pattern)

Foolster41 said...

@Samatar: So then, using your logic, if a terrorist group (like say, genocidal HAMAS) does some good things, does that somehow cancel out the bad things they do, even as they call for (and teach children) genocide of Jews? Your faulty logic seems to indicate so!

Also, your saying I should ask Osama if he supports terrorism (after he has clearly unequiviqually praised HAMAS in the past, though I know, you never saw that either, even though I pointed it out before), and has been consistently ignoring me when I contenueously press him about his slanders against me personally and Christians in general is silly. Really, are you even reading this blog?

Deleting said...

Samatar said, " I guess to you it does not matter what the majority of Muslims do in Ramadan. After all, how does that help your position. Rather, you decide to pinpoint some Muslims and try to make them the symbol of what Muslims do in Ramadan."

First, the pinpoint was made by kiwimac, not me.
But you dismissed it as if it didn't even matter. These are 332 LIVES ended by your religion during a month when these things aren't supposed to happen.

You also said, " You know what it feels like when atheists or even Muslims over generalize your faith, making it to be something it really isn’t. But you are too blind to see that you are doing the very same thing you denounce."

But before this you said, "See, I mostly avoid Christian blogs because they tend to engage in bigotry, overgeneralization, and God knows what else. "

Pot, it's Kettle calling. You're black.

You did the same thing you accuse me of.

However you did say something I can agree with, "Yes, there are so called Muslims who take advantage of this month and decide to engage in terror attacks, but the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not like that."

True. Samatar A large majority of Muslims are peaceful, but they do not speak for Islam and neither do you. The Koran and hadith speak for islam, and it's the koran and hadith these islamists are following.
But here's something that disturbs me with your completely dismissed the fact that violence IN THE NAME OF ISLAM were carried out. You didn't speak out against it along with the other 'large majority' of muslims. You aren't rallying against it. You're basically dismissing it like its nothing when these are lives, human beings, being killed. The silence is deafening from the muslim camp.
Don' tell me islam is peaceful, tell the islamists and let me know how it goes.

simple_truth said...

Samatar said:

============ statement

"The large majority of Muslims use this month to better themselves, their family members, the community, etc… "

============ reply

You are correct.

============ statement

"You know what it feels like when atheists or even Muslims over generalize your faith, making it to be something it really isn’t."

============ reply

No one should like when another distorts one's religion; but, that goes in both directions. Distorting it by minimizing certain aspects is just as bad as overstating other things. In this case, you are mininizing something to the detriment of your religion.

This is where we start to disagree. In general, I agree; but, with Islam, it is more complicated because we have a very large number of Muslims who live by a different moral and ethical standard than that practiced by Mohammad and sanctioned by Allah. That greatly distorts the Islamic perception and allows people like you to misrepresent it. Islamic morality and ethics are not inherently compatible with non-Islamic morals and ethics, especially with the West. Western influences have distorted your moral perspective regarding Islam.

============ statement

"But you are too blind to see that you are doing the very same thing you denounce."

============ reply

I can't say that it never happens; but, most of what we say is true and has been verified by Islamic history and Mohammad's examples.

============ statement

"I guess to you it does not matter what the majority of Muslims do in Ramadan. After all, how does that help your position."

============ reply

If you could be fairly objective, you would have to admit that we are right in most cases; but, that wouldn't help your position. It's rather ironic that you are guilty of what you charge us with. It's time that you look in the mirror and stop trying to justify your prophet and religion against the incidents that are reported almost daily.

Again, I will state to you that the majority of Muslims are not following the example of Mohammad in many things they do. Although they are not required to do certain things, they do have Mohammad's permission to do them. One example is attacking others during Ramadan. Mohammad allowed it and got validation from Allah when he raided a caravan. Are you going to deny it?

They ask you concerning the sacred month about fighting in it. Say: Fighting in it is a grave matter, and hindering (men) from Allah's way and denying Him, and (hindering men from) the Sacred Mosque and turning its people out of it, are still graver with Allah, and persecution is graver than slaughter (Qur'an 2:217)

============ statement

"Rather, you decide to pinpoint some Muslims and try to make them the symbol of what Muslims do in Ramadan."

============ reply

There is a bit of deception in what you post since most Muslims don't practice what Mohammad was given permission to do as cited in 2:217. However, they can invoke this verse and you can't condemn them for doing it. It just happens that your moral disposition contradicts it. That says nothing against what your prophet set as an example with Allah's blessing.dicts it. That says nothing against what your prophet set as an example with Allah's blessing.

SGM said...

@ Samatar,

“I guess to you it does not matter what the majority of Muslims do in Ramadan. After all, how does that help your position.”

Samatar, maybe some of the comments made to you here are not so polite, however, the point behind all those replies to you, even the ones not so polite, is this. We are trying to point out to you that Islam is a violent religion. As Search 4 Truth pointed out, ” Islam ordains rape, adultery, child molestation, wife beating, murder, torture, oppression, extortion, apartheid, lying, stealing, hypocrisy, fascism, bigotry etc..”

Ramadan, for what its worth, is fasting as it appears and has nothing to do with violence on the surface. But it does not nullifies the fact that Islam on the whole is a violent religion. You can find some good even in Hitler and the things he said, but you can not deny the fact that overall he was a monster. If only you open your eyes, you will find that Islam has been the most violent religion so far and continues to be so after 1400 year.

The true teachings of Islam are violent and that is why majority of violence is done by moslems. So if you only focus on Ramadan what it means and deny the rest of the violence allowed by Islam, you will be doing the same thing of which you are accusing us of.


Samatar Mohamed said...


I will look through the comments when I have time.

Osama Abdallah said...

"I am gonna find ya"? :). LOL, it sounds like a regular White American voice to me. But since I can't dismiss it like that (since I have no proof of it), then I say that I oppose this type of threat.

Osama Abdallah

Foolster41 said...

@Osama: once it again it seems you're babbling nonsense.

What does the person's race or nationality have anything to do with it? Are you saying it's a person pretending to be Muslim? Since Islam isn't a race, how could someone have a "Muslim accent"? Someone can be a white american Muslim (This should be obvious and go without saying!)! One would hope you reject this kind of threat no matter the nationality or race of the person!

Search 4 Truth said...

@ Osama

So Muslims cant sound like Americans?
What do they all have Arabic accents? What exactly is your point?You are so absurd and bigoted it is fascinating! Not to mention, DUMB!

goethechosemercy said...

Even if every Muslim was white, Islam would remain a threat to Western Civilization and Christianity.
Islam would still be profane.

Foolster41 said...

Samatar, no condemnation for what is clearly a racist and paranoid statement from Osama (that the person sounds "white" and thus not a muslim, as if white people can't be muslim)?

Gourav Rajpoot said...

wo wo wooo
this is what they do
killing and butchering.
OK lolzzzzzzz......
he was sounding like james Bond.