If I were Rifqa's lawyer, I wouldn't get anyone to testify. I would simply pull out the various collections of ahadith, one at a time, and say, "Mr. Bary, you've said that you don't believe in killing apostates. What do you think Muhammad meant here when he ordered his followers to kill apostates?"
If I were to get someone to testify, I would simply get an imam from anywhere outside the United States or Europe.
Dear Doctor Wood... Glad to see you're, aparently, off good health... iff we were to trust in some muslims rumour spreaders around here you, at this time, were already 7 inched below the earth...
I guess one problem with this video of yours, tahte some muslims might point out, is thate your english has not a good arabic entuation an so it is unvalid to speak about the qur'an and the hadiths...
nestx time I sugest you to putt some cotton balls or (camel testicles thate are so apreciated by the beduins, like muhammad was, in several circunstances) inside your mouth cheeks to speak like Marlion Brando in the Goodfather...
as a matter os fact you're becoming the one of the top Goodfathers of Chrsitian apologists... many muslims around here felt, many times, like james Caan, in thate scean of the firts movie off the trilogy, where he is gifted with almost 2000 bullets... the only dfference I see is thate your bullets are words full off love to help the ilusional muslims to get ride away from there religion of ebil...
let's see now,,, ~ moslums want us to believe that this allah myth(mohammed's cosmic bell-boy) is the real One True and Living G_d... garbage
then,,, ~ they expect us to believe that some sexual freak who sucked on the tongues of little boys, and who had sex with a nine year old girl, namely mohammed, is the last prophet of G_d... more garbage
but,,, these self-same moslums get their man-dresses in a bunch 'cuz we do believe what their so-called prophet tells them to do, in their so-called holy book, regarding those who come to their right minds and leave the death-cult of mohammed.
i, for one, choose to believe that what their book says is what their book means,,, for them. personally. i think their book was authored by the same being who authored the book of mormon,,, satan.
G_d is love, and abides in unapproachable light. mohammedans, through the inculcation of mohammedanism, have vitiated any vestiges of "natural affection," thus their understanding of, and capacity to, love, is pure darkness. and how great is that darkness.
dear mohammedans, come to Jesus, the Lord of Glory. He will give you peace and rest. you will know joy and love. and your heart will not be bound in darkness any longer. may the One True and Living G_d, Hashem Adonai, bless each of you in your journeys toward Him. in the precious name of Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, to the glory of G_d our Father, amen
What can we do to fight Islam? Should we take up arms, and go out in the street and fight the muslim hords that are invading our neihborhoods, infecting our schools, breathing our air? Car bombs, Molintov Cocktails, bombs and bullets.
Do we take to the streets with signs, and slogans chanting Death to Islam.
No just make a reservation at the Bounty House Hotel in Aintree. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/religion/6211604/Christian-couple-face-losing-hotel-after-criminal-charges-for-offending-Muslim-woman.html
Aside from the very well organized content, I like the theme itself with those books in the background.
I just would have a question (to you or anyone else who might knows), what do Shias think about killing apostates ?! Do they beilve in the same sunna books ? cause I heard they have their own books
I'll be briefly covering the Shia view in the next video. The short answer is that Shias agree that apostates are to be killed. However, if the apostate is a woman, they believe she is to be locked up and beaten daily until she returns to Islam.
Muslim woman insults are lord and savior, by calling Christ a Minor Propeht. And that Christians get arrested for offense for expressing their opinion that Mohamed was a warlord, and that the islamic style of dress puts woman in bondage.
YOu know what is offensive to me, the fact that muslim use the same sewer system as we do, that their fecal matter and urine mix with ours in the sewer system. What offends me about muslims is that they throw their garbage into the same land fills that we do as if there garbage is good enough to rot with ours. I find this most offensive.
Christians if you live in Great Brittin you need to rent a room at this couples bead and breakfast.
Great job David.I did not know till recently that one hadith said that Muslims "In the LAST DAYS"who leave Islam should be killed.That makes it obvious that Mohammed was talking in a universal sense.
Also that supports the idea that the "no compulsion in religion" verse has been abrogated.
There is the argument that I hear that Mohammed was making apostasy the equivalent of treason.And that treason in WESTERN law is punished by death.
That Muslim argument is not convincing.Does WESTERN law consider changing religion TREASON to the state?NO.Because there is freedom of religion.
So then Mohammed was,according to that Muslim apologetic argument,in effect,destroying religious freedom by making APOSTASY the EQQUIVALENT of TREASON.And treason to WHO?I think it would be treason to Allah and the Muslim community.
It is important to know that what you quoted from Islamic sources came during hostile times. Not all Muslim scholars agree with killing any and all apostates, especially those who entered Islam carelessly or didn't know much about It.
Muhammad commanded, over and over, in extremely clear words, to kill apostates. Osama concludes that Muslims aren't supposed to kill apostates.
Jesus never said a single word about killing apostates, and instead told his followers that they are not to fight for His kingdom, since His kingdom is not of this world. Osama concludes that Christians are supposed to kill apostates.
Whenever Osama comments, I feel like I've suddenly entered "opposite world."
Great video, i am hoping to see some one carry on the legacy of answering Muslim objections and assertions as Jay Smith did on his channel, (as he has Now stopped uploading) i pray for the day when i will see an acts 17 debate tour in Australia!
David Wood here is somthing I found on AtlasShrugs website. It's a actualy FATWA issued at al-Azhr, the Egyptian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs. Its in Arabic, and the link is every muslims favorite scholar WikiPedia.
So lets see the muslims wiggle there way out of this one.
I wonder if they will deny that al-Azhr, the Egyptian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs is not authoritive.
Or that since it is in arabic that the translation is poor and that arabic really doenst say what it says it says.
Or they will claim foll for using there favorite scholary website Wikipedia. The only thing that would really put that stamp of approval on this is if it came in a youtubevideo. Enjoy.
Osama... your ignorant arguments about Matthew 15:1-9 habe been dealt here times and times... just another hint you are not willing to lear about whate you say, just talking about a parrot: repeatting, one and always the same words without understanding them...
just some links off this same blogg who dealt cleraly against your position withe themmm
good video david. and osmama pls stop embarrassing urself. jesus commanded us to kill apostates. ya sure. :) really sounds like coming from a person who said that we were ought to love our enemies. anyway we re just too peaceful and we haven been delivered a message of love from our god and not a war manual, so we aint planning to kill all those ppl who oppose, hate or leave christianity. thats their decision after all and their human right to do so. interesting enuff, some human rights in islam like apostasy for example r obviously punished by death. this allah guy is very HUMAN indeed.
When you claim "Jesus in the New Testament had no problem with killing apostates:" you are telling lie. But why should any of us be suprised by this. Your only being consistant with your past behavior.
brothers and sisters in Christ: our dear and precious sister rifqa bary will be in court in about 5 minutes. please join in prayer that G_d will illumine the mind of the judge in this case, and if not resolving this case now in our sister's favor, to at least delay any decrees until this beautiful young lady turns 18,,, at which time she will be a legal adult, and not subject to her parents ignorance and godless hatred. G_d bless you dear sister rifqa. be of good cheer sister, for He is with you always,,, even until the end. Peace, in His love, papajoe
from wdbo live blog: 415 Judge says rifqa stays with foster family while he communicates with ohio judge to determine jurisdiction and what kind of case this is dependency or criminal or truancy
praise G_d from whom all blessings flow,,, praise His Holy name,,, the name above all names,,, Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory.
thank you Father for loving this child, and allowing for her to have a life worth living. i praise you, and thank you for this girls safety. in Jesus' precious name, amen
Thank you for making this video. I look forward to the next one.
Couple of thoughts.....I think this is could be a great on-going series to help educate the unknowing public what Islam is all about because what you presented is simple,to the point, and well documented. A visual and narrative presentation such as this seems to click with people more quickly then directing them various apologetic text sources to read for themselves.
Also if you ever want to present it on a lighter note, I think you could almost pull off a Mr. Rodgers-styled intro. :)
Thanks for your hard work. Keep it up, the world needs it.
Great argument you gave.It never ocurred to me that the Jesus teaching "love your enemies and do good to them" in effect goes against killing somebody for apostasy.Great thought.
Hello ubiquitous:
Thank you for the info on our dearly beloved sister in Christ RIFQA.I had read the new trial would be on SEP 29.I was taken completely by surprise.But fortunately she can still stay in Florida,for another 3 weeks.
In reality when it comes to us non-Muslims defending human rights the only ones who we can rely on are other non-Muslims.
What if the President of France said the Palestinian people always having existed for thousands of years is a MYTH,a LIE(which it is).The reaction among Muslim ORGANIZATIONS(in the West and elsewhere,like CAIR,ISN,etc) would be outrage and protest.There would be calls of ISLAMOPHOBIA and RACISM.
Just like 2 days ago President Ahmadinejad of Iran said to students in the campus of Teheran University that the Holocaust was " a LIE based on an UNPROVABLE and MYTHICAL claim."
The reaction by the respected Muslim leaders and organizations of the West...nothing.
More and more Westerners are beginning to have a negative opinion of Islam and Muslims because of what is done and what is NOT done.But if Muslims are really serious about having non-Muslims respect them then they should not behave in such a way.
That is why I have said that in the West,which needs immigrants,should give priority to non-Muslims from Muslim lands.Human rights violation and fanaticism are too deeply-rooted to eliminate.
I am going to do more to inform the non-Muslims I know about how our fellow non-Muslims live in Muslim lands.And about the foolish way the term Islamophobia is used.Fortunately 95% of non-Muslims agree right away.
Only by telling people more about that strange religion and its present danger (due to extremism) will something be done.
"Osama... your ignorant arguments about Matthew 15:1-9 habe been dealt here times and times... just another hint you are not willing to lear about whate you say, just talking about a parrot: repeatting, one and always the same words without understanding them..."
Just because you responded to something it doesn't mean that you have refuted it. Quite frankly Fernando, I find most of your posts to be full of nonesense and blind bias.
You couldn't refute the fact that Jesus didn't mind killing of apostates, nor did he ever prohibit it, despite the fact that IT WAS PRACTICED! Read the link that I gave above.
I don't know you and we've never talked so I don't feel like we have any kind of animosity that will prevent you from accepting a couple of thoughts from someone completely outside of all this.
1). You wrongly interpret, wrongly apply, and wrongly understand the New Testament and Old Testament.
2). You claim Christians do the same with the Muslim scriptures.
3). If you feel you are better qualified to interpret the Muslim scripture (because you are Islamic) you must also concede that the Christian has a better understanding of the true message of the Bible.
4). If you agree to the above statement you need to change your approach and accept the fact you are clearly wrong about your assertions regarding the New Testament in particular and the Bible as a whole.
5). I'm telling you the honest truth, if the New Testament truly taught the killing of apostates everyone here would admit it is true. It is simply not the case and you do not understand what you confidently assert to be taught. Let me say again, it's not there. If that were we would agree even if it were somewhat against our wishes. There are a number of things taught in Scripture I would not have agreed with if it were not clearly stated.
If you could briefly comment on each of the above it would probably help to clarify not only your position but allow for insight into the way you are wrongly approaching these topics.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback briefly regarding each of the above. Nothing long, just a brief comment.
Dear Osama... I did refutted you... I'll place againd my words here again... so: show me where did Jesus ordered or eben accepted the killing of apostates...
Hi ashraf... thankes for your question... its one thate muslims presente bery often... let's see iff I can present whate happens in those texts... please: just try to follow mie presentation and in the end iff you habe doubts, please: point them to me... thankes...
for a simplification process lets assume thate mt 15:4 and mk 7:10 are the same... can you agree withe this first step? iff noot I'll separate them latter...
The context of these pasage is “the orall traditions off the elders” which were defended by the Pharisees…
where in the Torah is saide (as the Pharisees claimed in Mt. 15:3) says one should wash one’s hands before a meal? Cann you answer us all on this pointe ashraf?… We’ll bee waiting… for a long time I recon...
Whate Jesus does is too redirect the Pharisee’s stupide statement to another poinet: the “korban”, this is, the ways thate, according the Pharisees, one shoulde folow too declare something sacred in order to show that these “oral traditions” coulde diverte someone to the morre important aspects presented in the Law…
Jesus is nott eben saying to respect the Law, butt just trying to explain thate there’s, or should bee, an specific hierarchy in someone’s worries in which the oral traditions had much less importance when in contraste with the Law, which, by her side, and by herself, was much less important than the New Law Jesus declared to be…
Jesus, as you know ashraf (and iff you habe doubts just present them to me as I asked in the previous thread...), is the "New Torah", the perfectt and decisibe "Torah" that is condensed in one word: Love…
so, ashraf, Christ is not saying thate onne should be killed when disobeying his parents: everything that apparently contradicts this central reality, testified by the Cross, has to be reinterpreted at the light of Love.
And Jesus did not asked the Pharisees with whom he was debatting to bee killed eben when He accused directedlie them nott too respect there parents in order to have personal benefits…
Mt 15:5 shows thate: «But you say, "If anyone says to his father or mother: Anything I might have used to help you is dedicated to God”, he is rid of his duty to father or mother." In this way you have made God's word ineffective by means of your tradition»…
These same Pharisees were bery worried aboute a break in ann oral tradition creatted bie them butt, nonetheless, were not worried in not respecting the Torah who says to respect ones’ parents (Deuteronomy 5:6)…
But eben then He didn’t ask them to be killed… So, as a matter of fact, Jesus is indeed breaking a law (Leviticus 20:9)… He’s surpassing itt because the perfect law of Love makes all the other precepts only applicable when not in contrast with it…
so ashraf: Jesus nott asking (on the contrarie) the Pharisees to bee killed shows whate He thought about thate OT law... He was quoting thate demonstrative and temporary percept (thate were neber applied in historie due to the always lenient jewish tribunal thate allways looked to theprescriptive and universal "you shall nott kill") only to show thate iff eben the mosaic law was reinterpreted by Him in coherence with love, more shoulde the "oral tradition" bee relativised in thate same context...
the one who does not read the text in its context to creatte a pretexta are you, dear Osama... that's clear to everyone to see...
p.s.: can you tell me where are my nonsense and bias statements? thanks...
you saide: «And oh yeah, on your camel urine point, even the pills that you take today for headache are made from animals' urine»...
I say: and many other elements that can help healing... like pork liver, dog intestines and so one... I wonder, then, why these animals are haram... the problem is THE DRINKING of urine as a good medicine as watching porn is to muslims in some circunstances...
another FORBIDEN BUT ALLOWED muslim rule... butt then I do hope you do not do either (watch porn and/or drink urine's camel) when you habe an headache, or tootheach... butt why do you do not do thate?
p.s.: I hope you do not need ever to take medical drug for headaches... they have pork moleculuos in them...
Fernando I'm sorry when did Osama say "And oh yeah, on your camel urine point, even the pills that you take today for headache are made from animals' urine»..."
Thats just to funny, remind me never ever go to a muslim doctor.
I just read the website you posted on Porn a prescription for frigity. Man islam has a exception for everything. Oh wait muslims still cant get heart valve transplants from pig valves. LOL so when it comes to sex, porn is OK but when it comes to life what is harem remains harem.
I especialy like the quote from the web site "Perhaps this is one among the reasons that have led some jurists to forbid temporary marriage (mutaa) to common prostitutes."
Good to know, no muta marrage with common prostitutes.
Your obsession with porn is becoming concerning. You keep bringing it up as if your people aren't the masters of it! Dude, Latinas (since you're a latino) are among the EASIEST to bang in the USA! I lived most of the life in the US and I know it. Yet, all of them go to churches and wear crosses.
There are two groups of people that are considered PORN AND SEXUAL PLEASURE BUSINESS to the Americans:
1- The Thais and other Budhist Asians.
2- The Latin American countries from Central and South Americas.
******** THESE TWO REGIONS MAKE BIG TIME BUSINESS FROM WESTERNERS BY HAVING THEIR WOMEN SPREAD THEIR LEGS TO THEM! ******** Try that in Afghanistan, Latin Fernando. You'll lose your head in a matter of days.
As to camel urine mixed with camel milk, this was a remedy that was made 1,500 years ago and it worked. TODAY, THE HEADACHE PILLS ARE MADE FROM ANIMALS' URINES: http://www.answering-christianity.com/urine.htm.
As to porn being allowed in Islam for "medical" reason, here is my take on the link you gave:
1- Some fake scholars like to raise contraversial issues to gain popularity and money. This verdict from this clown that he calls himself a scholar of Islam IS NO MORE THAN AN OPPINION.
But I am glad that you raise it up Fernando, because your desperation to prove anything on the Muslims make you look like a a bare starving dog that is too desperate to eat anyting, including eating a stinky and rotten piece of flesh. IF THIS IS ALL YOU COULD COME UP WITH AGAINST MUSLIMS, then I have nothing else to say.
2- This scholar is Shia. Shias don't even make up 10% of the entire Muslim population world-wide. This is the third or fourth time I CHECK YOU ON THIS. You purposely bring heretics' works and put as if they are MAINSTREAM ISLAM. Again, talk about a situation like that of a bare desperate starving dog. I am not calling you a dog. I am rather using this parable to describe your sorry situation, Fernando.
Again, your latinas are among the worst when it comes to chastity! In fact, your entire Christian population world-wide are notorious in sex, porn, alcohol, and many other illegal things, to us Muslims, yet they're VERY LEGAL to you.
Osama thanks for showing us how truly racist you arabs are. Oh by the way Osama as much as you want to believe, as much as your racist brotphet told you, you are still no Wedo."
I know pincha cavrone is the F*** word in Spanish. Thanks for showing your true christian hypocrisy and rotten colors. I am sure no one will give you a warning here.
As to me being a racist, LOL, I have no idea how pointing our THINGS THAT ARE IRREFUTABLE, such as the massive prostitution business that happens in Latin America MAKES ME A RACIST.
As to Fernando being from Spain and not Latin America, that's even worse for him. I DESPISE THE SPANISH ABUSE OF BULLS in spain.
Anyway Fatman, the USA is infested with losers from your community, WHO HAPPEN TO ALL BE CHRISTIANS! Guns, drugs, thugs, gangs are a major chaos in the major American cities.
America needs Islam bad! Christianity is a miserable system of utter destruction and failure.
Chinga = F*** su matra = your mother pincha cavrone = f***er
Now of course, we all know that Fatman mistaked my chasty mother WHO ONLY KNEW MY FATHER IN HER MANY DECADES OF MARRIAGE WITH HIM, and knew no man before him, with his mother who probably got pregnant with him without marriage.
Isn't it right fatman? Isn't it very highly probable that your christian mother probably got pregnant with you without ever getting married? WE SEE THIS ALL THE TIME IN THE US AMONG CHRISTIANS!
Osamah wrote: In fact, your entire Christian population world-wide are notorious in sex, porn, alcohol, and many other illegal things, to us Muslims, yet they're VERY LEGAL to you.
Paijo Responses: Osamah, come to Indonesia and live here buddy. Most of the people here are Muslims. And you will witness all sort of evil things among muslims.
I know a couple of female Muslim doctors (who wear jibab (women headscarf)) sent to work remote areas in Indonesia having affair with local people. But hey.. they wear their headscarf faithfully.
About alcohol. Now I live in a province where Islam is the majority. When I arrived here three years ago I expected to be in an alcohol free environment. However I witnessed the opposite. When I walked home from the office, I usually passed two or three separate groups of young people along the way who sat by the road and drank traditional alcoholic drink and got drunk.
Other illegal things I discovered here? Theft is something common here Osamah. The Island where I live now is famous for that. You when those happen? They happen more frequently nearing to Muslim major holidays (the end of fasting month and nearing the celebration of Muhammad birth). The reason? Mostly they need money for gifts during those holidays. Robbery is something common as well here. Not to mention fight/riot between two adjacent neighborhoods.
I don't need to go on. The list can be longer. Please don't point fingers Osamah!
I'm deeply sorrow for your personal attacks on me... nothings unexpected, nevertheless... just some points:
1) I'm not latino... I was born in the Philipines... that's where ? got my name: Fernando (it's nott a nickname) as the Phillipines have a rich ancient background off spanish heritage from wich we are bery pround off;
2) As iff latinas are whate you say I do not know... I do not frequent those ambients except when, whith my wiffe and other people, we go to try help girls and women to leave thate sot off lifee..
3) ounce again: the problem is not this or thate medical habe somewort of elemnts from urine ... and some off pigs as you know well an in pills for headhachesjust watch this news aboute thate:
the problem is rather the drinking off urine as muhammad prescribed... and everyone know thate there's no medical evidence that that has a terapeutical efictiveness...
4) Shia or not he's a muslim, a true muslim thate is expressing an opinion commun to all muslims... the problem began when you denied my assertion thate islam allowed porn... I proved it does... shias are not heretical, they do not deny the essential core of islam message so...
5) I do not need to go to Apheganistan to know thate there elder men do marry and rape young girls following muhammad's example...
"Dude, Latinas (since you're a latino) are among the EASIEST to bang in the USA! I lived most of the life in the US and I know it. Yet, all of them go to churches and wear crosses."
Osama thanks for showing us how truly racist you arabs are. Oh by the way Osama as much as you want to believe, as much as your racist brotphet told you, you are still no Wedo.
The KKK and Neo Nazi's you love to emulate will kill you just as soon as look at you vato.
Maybe the next debate you have I will invite some THIRTEENS, and you can tell them your theroies on Latina's.
someone woulde say thate no porn is needed when muslims can treat, inspired in islam downrating off women, the ladies in our house almost like garbage...
Dear Osama... I feel a lot off hostility on your wordes... If my comment aboutte islam allowing porn and the indication that muhammad made to drink urine urted you you coulde have simply saide so... no need to attack me... nevertheless I'm habe already placed a rock on that aspect... still willing to interchange words with you... take care...
Is what Osama said true regarding the meaning of the words you posted? I cannot believe this is indeed the case as that would be as vile a phrase of words as any human being can utter.
Is what Osama said true regarding the meaning of the words you posted? I cannot believe this is indeed the case as that would be as vile a phrase of words as any human being can utter.
I look forward to hearing your denial. Thanks.
September 24, 2009 2:25 PM
as a person of mexican heritage, who was forbidden to speak spanish by my father due to the discrimintion he experienced for not speaking english as a 7 year old,,, and on in his life, i still know all of the slang, curse words, and pejoratives. i was saddened to see such a response from a Christian brother, and am waiting for brother fatman's Christian response. G_d bless you bro' fatman,,, i am sure you will do the right thing.
also, i'm posting a response to osama's contention. it will be purely anecdotal, and emotionally based.
Good words. I've enjoyed your posts during the last year I've been reading this blog. Insightful and compassionate. Good combination. Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences and thoughts. God keep you and your family as you seek to bring glory to Him.
Osama Abdallah said - "Is this a name of a gang? You come on my property and you'll find my 380 waiting for you, and I'll drop you dead! THAT'S A PROMISE!"
I would like to know what the moderators of this forum are going to do about Osama's death threats. Personally I think he should be banned permanently. He has been banned in the past but this time he has gone way past left field.
Dear Osama... you saide: «and I'll drop you dead»... no yopu won't, I know you won't... islam does not allows killings... remember thate... peace my friend...
I thought there were several other instances in Sahih Bukhari of Muhammad saying, or being cited as saying, that apostasy from Islam should be punished by death. But I guess David Wood just read a selection of the hadiths supporting the death penalty for apostasy.
Good words. I've enjoyed your posts during the last year I've been reading this blog. Insightful and compassionate. Good combination. Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences and thoughts. God keep you and your family as you seek to bring glory to Him.
September 24, 2009 5:57 PM
ubiquitiouserendipity says: dear brother getreal: sorry i missed this earlier. thank you for your kind words and blessings. may G_d our Savior bless you and your beloveds, and keep you in His grace. in Jesus' name
the above case is in a 'burb of detroit,,, let's see how long it takes for the mainstream media to report/comment on this.
and just coming to light, in oklahoma we have a former mohammedan turned atheist, being threatened, in a very far-reaching manner, to include communicating a death threat on him to his mom in syria.
the religion of threat and violence hates the light,,, even a little light that one single atheist could shine. oh, how much more does the anti-Christ system of mohammed worship hate the Body of Christ?
anyway, here's news from middle america folks:
Former Muslim receiving death threats The Tulsa atheist was critical of all religions, including Islam, in a Tulsa World interview.
Jesus is the Light of the world, and He said, "But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!" Mt. 6:23
how great that darkness is, indeed. and spreading. Peace, in His love, papajoe
David, I hope you have contacted the lawyer of the 4 foot 11 inch 74pound one eyed Rifqa Berry to testify as a expert on killing apostates in islam.
If I were Rifqa's lawyer, I wouldn't get anyone to testify. I would simply pull out the various collections of ahadith, one at a time, and say, "Mr. Bary, you've said that you don't believe in killing apostates. What do you think Muhammad meant here when he ordered his followers to kill apostates?"
If I were to get someone to testify, I would simply get an imam from anywhere outside the United States or Europe.
Dear Doctor Wood... Glad to see you're, aparently, off good health... iff we were to trust in some muslims rumour spreaders around here you, at this time, were already 7 inched below the earth...
I guess one problem with this video of yours, tahte some muslims might point out, is thate your english has not a good arabic entuation an so it is unvalid to speak about the qur'an and the hadiths...
nestx time I sugest you to putt some cotton balls or (camel testicles thate are so apreciated by the beduins, like muhammad was, in several circunstances) inside your mouth cheeks to speak like Marlion Brando in the Goodfather...
as a matter os fact you're becoming the one of the top Goodfathers of Chrsitian apologists... many muslims around here felt, many times, like james Caan, in thate scean of the firts movie off the trilogy, where he is gifted with almost 2000 bullets... the only dfference I see is thate your bullets are words full off love to help the ilusional muslims to get ride away from there religion of ebil...
may God help you...
let's see now,,, ~ moslums want us to believe that this allah myth(mohammed's cosmic bell-boy) is the real One True and Living G_d... garbage
then,,, ~ they expect us to believe that some sexual freak who sucked on the tongues of little boys, and who had sex with a nine year old girl, namely mohammed, is the last prophet of G_d... more garbage
but,,, these self-same moslums get their man-dresses in a bunch 'cuz we do believe what their so-called prophet tells them to do, in their so-called holy book, regarding those who come to their right minds and leave the death-cult of mohammed.
i, for one, choose to believe that what their book says is what their book means,,, for them. personally. i think their book was authored by the same being who authored the book of mormon,,, satan.
G_d is love, and abides in unapproachable light. mohammedans, through the inculcation of mohammedanism, have vitiated any vestiges of "natural affection," thus their understanding of, and capacity to, love, is pure darkness. and how great is that darkness.
dear mohammedans, come to Jesus, the Lord of Glory. He will give you peace and rest. you will know joy and love. and your heart will not be bound in darkness any longer. may the One True and Living G_d, Hashem Adonai, bless each of you in your journeys toward Him. in the precious name of Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, to the glory of G_d our Father, amen
Peace, in His love, papajoe
What can we do to fight Islam? Should we take up arms, and go out in the street and fight the muslim hords that are invading our neihborhoods, infecting our schools, breathing our air? Car bombs, Molintov Cocktails, bombs and bullets.
Do we take to the streets with signs, and slogans chanting Death to Islam.
No just make a reservation at the Bounty House Hotel in Aintree.
Great video as always.
Aside from the very well organized content, I like the theme itself with those books in the background.
I just would have a question (to you or anyone else who might knows), what do Shias think about killing apostates ?! Do they beilve in the same sunna books ? cause I heard they have their own books
peace be with you all
I'll be briefly covering the Shia view in the next video. The short answer is that Shias agree that apostates are to be killed. However, if the apostate is a woman, they believe she is to be locked up and beaten daily until she returns to Islam.
Muslim woman insults are lord and savior, by calling Christ a Minor Propeht. And that Christians get arrested for offense for expressing their opinion that Mohamed was a warlord, and that the islamic style of dress puts woman in bondage.
YOu know what is offensive to me, the fact that muslim use the same sewer system as we do, that their fecal matter and urine mix with ours in the sewer system. What offends me about muslims is that they throw their garbage into the same land fills that we do as if there garbage is good enough to rot with ours. I find this most offensive.
Christians if you live in Great Brittin you need to rent a room at this couples bead and breakfast.
Hello everyone,
Dr Zakir Naik says that punishment for apostasy is death.
Great job David.I did not know till recently that one hadith said that Muslims "In the LAST DAYS"who leave Islam should be killed.That makes it obvious that Mohammed was talking in a universal sense.
Also that supports the idea that the "no compulsion in religion" verse has been abrogated.
There is the argument that I hear that Mohammed was making apostasy the equivalent of treason.And that treason in WESTERN law is punished by death.
That Muslim argument is not convincing.Does WESTERN law consider changing religion TREASON to the state?NO.Because there is freedom of religion.
So then Mohammed was,according to that Muslim apologetic argument,in effect,destroying religious freedom by making APOSTASY the EQQUIVALENT of TREASON.And treason to WHO?I think it would be treason to Allah and the Muslim community.
David Wood,
It is important to know that what you quoted from Islamic sources came during hostile times. Not all Muslim scholars agree with killing any and all apostates, especially those who entered Islam carelessly or didn't know much about It.
To the reader, please visit: http://www.answering-christianity.com/apostates.htm.
Also, ironically, Jesus in the New Testament had no problem with killing apostates: http://www.answering-christianity.com/death.htm.
Osama Abdallah
Isn't Osama's reasoning amazing?
Muhammad commanded, over and over, in extremely clear words, to kill apostates. Osama concludes that Muslims aren't supposed to kill apostates.
Jesus never said a single word about killing apostates, and instead told his followers that they are not to fight for His kingdom, since His kingdom is not of this world. Osama concludes that Christians are supposed to kill apostates.
Whenever Osama comments, I feel like I've suddenly entered "opposite world."
Great video, i am hoping to see some one carry on the legacy of answering Muslim objections and assertions as Jay Smith did on his channel, (as he has Now stopped uploading)
i pray for the day when i will see an acts 17 debate tour in Australia!
to osama,
i am surprised you didn't post the red letter verse from Jesus
Luke 19:27
But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.
(completely out of context of course)
this seams to be the methodology you apply in your debates...
David Wood here is somthing I found on AtlasShrugs website. It's a actualy FATWA issued at al-Azhr, the Egyptian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs. Its in Arabic, and the link is every muslims favorite scholar WikiPedia.
So lets see the muslims wiggle there way out of this one.
I wonder if they will deny that
al-Azhr, the Egyptian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs is not authoritive.
Or that since it is in arabic that the translation is poor and that arabic really doenst say what it says it says.
Or they will claim foll for using there favorite scholary website Wikipedia. The only thing that would really put that stamp of approval on this is if it came in a youtubevideo.
Osama... your ignorant arguments about Matthew 15:1-9 habe been dealt here times and times... just another hint you are not willing to lear about whate you say, just talking about a parrot: repeatting, one and always the same words without understanding them...
just some links off this same blogg who dealt cleraly against your position withe themmm
sorry Osama...
good video david. and osmama pls stop embarrassing urself. jesus commanded us to kill apostates. ya sure. :) really sounds like coming from a person who said that we were ought to love our enemies.
anyway we re just too peaceful and we haven been delivered a message of love from our god and not a war manual, so we aint planning to kill all those ppl who oppose, hate or leave christianity. thats their decision after all and their human right to do so. interesting enuff, some human rights in islam like apostasy for example r obviously punished by death. this allah guy is very HUMAN indeed.
When you claim "Jesus in the New Testament had no problem with killing apostates:" you are telling lie. But why should any of us be suprised by this. Your only being consistant with your past behavior.
brothers and sisters in Christ: our dear and precious sister rifqa bary will be in court in about 5 minutes. please join in prayer that G_d will illumine the mind of the judge in this case, and if not resolving this case now in our sister's favor, to at least delay any decrees until this beautiful young lady turns 18,,, at which time she will be a legal adult, and not subject to her parents ignorance and godless hatred. G_d bless you dear sister rifqa. be of good cheer sister, for He is with you always,,, even until the end. Peace, in His love, papajoe
from wdbo live blog: 415 Judge says rifqa stays with foster family while he communicates with ohio judge to determine jurisdiction and what kind of case this is dependency or criminal or truancy
praise G_d from whom all blessings flow,,, praise His Holy name,,, the name above all names,,, Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory.
thank you Father for loving this child, and allowing for her to have a life worth living. i praise you, and thank you for this girls safety. in Jesus' precious name, amen
Peace, in His love, papajoe
Thank you for making this video. I look forward to the next one.
Couple of thoughts.....I think this is could be a great on-going series to help educate the unknowing public what Islam is all about because what you presented is simple,to the point, and well documented. A visual and narrative presentation such as this seems to click with people more quickly then directing them various apologetic text sources to read for themselves.
Also if you ever want to present it on a lighter note, I think you could almost pull off a Mr. Rodgers-styled intro. :)
Thanks for your hard work. Keep it up, the world needs it.
Hello Ilena:
Great argument you gave.It never ocurred to me that the Jesus teaching "love your enemies and do good to them" in effect goes against killing somebody for apostasy.Great thought.
Hello ubiquitous:
Thank you for the info on our dearly beloved sister in Christ RIFQA.I had read the new trial would be on SEP 29.I was taken completely by surprise.But fortunately she can still stay in Florida,for another 3 weeks.
In reality when it comes to us non-Muslims defending human rights the only ones who we can rely on are other non-Muslims.
What if the President of France said the Palestinian people always having existed for thousands of years is a MYTH,a LIE(which it is).The reaction among Muslim ORGANIZATIONS(in the West and elsewhere,like CAIR,ISN,etc) would be outrage and protest.There would be calls of ISLAMOPHOBIA and RACISM.
Just like 2 days ago President Ahmadinejad of Iran said to students in the campus of Teheran University that the Holocaust was " a LIE based on an UNPROVABLE and MYTHICAL claim."
The reaction by the respected Muslim leaders and organizations of the West...nothing.
More and more Westerners are beginning to have a negative opinion of Islam and Muslims because of what is done and what is NOT done.But if Muslims are really serious about having non-Muslims respect them then they should not behave in such a way.
Thoroughly enjoyed the video! Looking foreward to those other videos.
I love the way you picked the books out of your shelves. Nice library.
News from Pakistan
GOJRA Christians massacre was due to hate announcements from Mosques A Shocking Report
Hello Adam:
That is why I have said that in the West,which needs immigrants,should give priority to non-Muslims from Muslim lands.Human rights violation and fanaticism are too deeply-rooted to eliminate.
I am going to do more to inform the non-Muslims I know about how our fellow non-Muslims live in Muslim lands.And about the foolish way the term Islamophobia is used.Fortunately 95% of non-Muslims agree right away.
Only by telling people more about that strange religion and its present danger (due to extremism) will something be done.
"Osama... your ignorant arguments about Matthew 15:1-9 habe been dealt here times and times... just another hint you are not willing to lear about whate you say, just talking about a parrot: repeatting, one and always the same words without understanding them..."
Just because you responded to something it doesn't mean that you have refuted it. Quite frankly Fernando, I find most of your posts to be full of nonesense and blind bias.
You couldn't refute the fact that Jesus didn't mind killing of apostates, nor did he ever prohibit it, despite the fact that IT WAS PRACTICED! Read the link that I gave above.
Osama Abdallah
I don't know you and we've never talked so I don't feel like we have any kind of animosity that will prevent you from accepting a couple of thoughts from someone completely outside of all this.
1). You wrongly interpret, wrongly apply, and wrongly understand the New Testament and Old Testament.
2). You claim Christians do the same with the Muslim scriptures.
3). If you feel you are better qualified to interpret the Muslim scripture (because you are Islamic) you must also concede that the Christian has a better understanding of the true message of the Bible.
4). If you agree to the above statement you need to change your approach and accept the fact you are clearly wrong about your assertions regarding the New Testament in particular and the Bible as a whole.
5). I'm telling you the honest truth, if the New Testament truly taught the killing of apostates everyone here would admit it is true. It is simply not the case and you do not understand what you confidently assert to be taught. Let me say again, it's not there. If that were we would agree even if it were somewhat against our wishes. There are a number of things taught in Scripture I would not have agreed with if it were not clearly stated.
If you could briefly comment on each of the above it would probably help to clarify not only your position but allow for insight into the way you are wrongly approaching these topics.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback briefly regarding each of the above. Nothing long, just a brief comment.
Dear Osama... I did refutted you... I'll place againd my words here again... so: show me where did Jesus ordered or eben accepted the killing of apostates...
Hi ashraf... thankes for your question... its one thate muslims presente bery often... let's see iff I can present whate happens in those texts... please: just try to follow mie presentation and in the end iff you habe doubts, please: point them to me... thankes...
for a simplification process lets assume thate mt 15:4 and mk 7:10 are the same... can you agree withe this first step? iff noot I'll separate them latter...
The context of these pasage is “the orall traditions off the elders” which were defended by the Pharisees…
where in the Torah is saide (as the Pharisees claimed in Mt. 15:3) says one should wash one’s hands before a meal? Cann you answer us all on this pointe ashraf?… We’ll bee waiting… for a long time I recon...
Whate Jesus does is too redirect the Pharisee’s stupide statement to another poinet: the “korban”, this is, the ways thate, according the Pharisees, one shoulde folow too declare something sacred in order to show that these “oral traditions” coulde diverte someone to the morre important aspects presented in the Law…
Jesus is nott eben saying to respect the Law, butt just trying to explain thate there’s, or should bee, an specific hierarchy in someone’s worries in which the oral traditions had much less importance when in contraste with the Law, which, by her side, and by herself, was much less important than the New Law Jesus declared to be…
Jesus, as you know ashraf (and iff you habe doubts just present them to me as I asked in the previous thread...), is the "New Torah", the perfectt and decisibe "Torah" that is condensed in one word: Love…
so, ashraf, Christ is not saying thate onne should be killed when disobeying his parents: everything that apparently contradicts this central reality, testified by the Cross, has to be reinterpreted at the light of Love.
And Jesus did not asked the Pharisees with whom he was debatting to bee killed eben when He accused directedlie them nott too respect there parents in order to have personal benefits…
Mt 15:5 shows thate: «But you say, "If anyone says to his father or mother: Anything I might have used to help you is dedicated to God”, he is rid of his duty to father or mother." In this way you have made God's word ineffective by means of your tradition»…
These same Pharisees were bery worried aboute a break in ann oral tradition creatted bie them butt, nonetheless, were not worried in not respecting the Torah who says to respect ones’ parents (Deuteronomy 5:6)…
But eben then He didn’t ask them to be killed… So, as a matter of fact, Jesus is indeed breaking a law (Leviticus 20:9)… He’s surpassing itt because the perfect law of Love makes all the other precepts only applicable when not in contrast with it…
so ashraf: Jesus nott asking (on the contrarie) the Pharisees to bee killed shows whate He thought about thate OT law... He was quoting thate demonstrative and temporary percept (thate were neber applied in historie due to the always lenient jewish tribunal thate allways looked to theprescriptive and universal "you shall nott kill") only to show thate iff eben the mosaic law was reinterpreted by Him in coherence with love, more shoulde the "oral tradition" bee relativised in thate same context...
the one who does not read the text in its context to creatte a pretexta are you, dear Osama... that's clear to everyone to see...
p.s.: can you tell me where are my nonsense and bias statements? thanks...
Dear Osama... just to remember you...
you saide: «And oh yeah, on your camel urine point, even the pills that you take today for headache are made from animals' urine»...
I say: and many other elements that can help healing... like pork liver, dog intestines and so one... I wonder, then, why these animals are haram... the problem is THE DRINKING of urine as a good medicine as watching porn is to muslims in some circunstances...
islam allows watching porn for medical resons
another FORBIDEN BUT ALLOWED muslim rule... butt then I do hope you do not do either (watch porn and/or drink urine's camel) when you habe an headache, or tootheach... butt why do you do not do thate?
p.s.: I hope you do not need ever to take medical drug for headaches... they have pork moleculuos in them...
Fernando I'm sorry when did Osama say "And oh yeah, on your camel urine point, even the pills that you take today for headache are made from animals' urine»..."
Thats just to funny, remind me never ever go to a muslim doctor.
I just read the website you posted on Porn a prescription for frigity. Man islam has a exception for everything. Oh wait muslims still cant get heart valve transplants from pig valves. LOL so when it comes to sex, porn is OK but when it comes to life what is harem remains harem.
I especialy like the quote from the web site "Perhaps this is one among the reasons that have led some jurists to forbid temporary marriage (mutaa) to common prostitutes."
Good to know, no muta marrage with common prostitutes.
Your obsession with porn is becoming concerning. You keep bringing it up as if your people aren't the masters of it! Dude, Latinas (since you're a latino) are among the EASIEST to bang in the USA! I lived most of the life in the US and I know it. Yet, all of them go to churches and wear crosses.
There are two groups of people that are considered PORN AND SEXUAL PLEASURE BUSINESS to the Americans:
1- The Thais and other Budhist Asians.
2- The Latin American countries from Central and South Americas.
******** THESE TWO REGIONS MAKE BIG TIME BUSINESS FROM WESTERNERS BY HAVING THEIR WOMEN SPREAD THEIR LEGS TO THEM! ******** Try that in Afghanistan, Latin Fernando. You'll lose your head in a matter of days.
As to camel urine mixed with camel milk, this was a remedy that was made 1,500 years ago and it worked. TODAY, THE HEADACHE PILLS ARE MADE FROM ANIMALS' URINES: http://www.answering-christianity.com/urine.htm.
As to porn being allowed in Islam for "medical" reason, here is my take on the link you gave:
1- Some fake scholars like to raise contraversial issues to gain popularity and money. This verdict from this clown that he calls himself a scholar of Islam IS NO MORE THAN AN OPPINION.
But I am glad that you raise it up Fernando, because your desperation to prove anything on the Muslims make you look like a a bare starving dog that is too desperate to eat anyting, including eating a stinky and rotten piece of flesh. IF THIS IS ALL YOU COULD COME UP WITH AGAINST MUSLIMS, then I have nothing else to say.
2- This scholar is Shia. Shias don't even make up 10% of the entire Muslim population world-wide. This is the third or fourth time I CHECK YOU ON THIS. You purposely bring heretics' works and put as if they are MAINSTREAM ISLAM. Again, talk about a situation like that of a bare desperate starving dog. I am not calling you a dog. I am rather using this parable to describe your sorry situation, Fernando.
Again, your latinas are among the worst when it comes to chastity! In fact, your entire Christian population world-wide are notorious in sex, porn, alcohol, and many other illegal things, to us Muslims, yet they're VERY LEGAL to you.
Man, talk about desperation!! LOL.
Osama Abdallah
Osama Abdulla AKA CHANCHO
I don't Fernado is Latino, I think he is spanish. There is a difference you racist CHANCHO.
Chancho Osama Abdullah
Amor Del RAY choncho, Amor del ray.
"Chinga's su matra pincha cavrone aee essee.
Osama thanks for showing us how truly racist you arabs are. Oh by the way Osama as much as you want to believe, as much as your racist brotphet told you, you are still no Wedo."
I know pincha cavrone is the F*** word in Spanish. Thanks for showing your true christian hypocrisy and rotten colors. I am sure no one will give you a warning here.
As to me being a racist, LOL, I have no idea how pointing our THINGS THAT ARE IRREFUTABLE, such as the massive prostitution business that happens in Latin America MAKES ME A RACIST.
As to Fernando being from Spain and not Latin America, that's even worse for him. I DESPISE THE SPANISH ABUSE OF BULLS in spain.
Anyway Fatman, the USA is infested with losers from your community, WHO HAPPEN TO ALL BE CHRISTIANS! Guns, drugs, thugs, gangs are a major chaos in the major American cities.
America needs Islam bad! Christianity is a miserable system of utter destruction and failure.
Osama Abdallah
David Wood,
"Chinga's su matra pincha cavrone aee essee"
Chinga = F***
su matra = your mother
pincha cavrone = f***er
Now of course, we all know that Fatman mistaked my chasty mother WHO ONLY KNEW MY FATHER IN HER MANY DECADES OF MARRIAGE WITH HIM, and knew no man before him, with his mother who probably got pregnant with him without marriage.
Isn't it right fatman? Isn't it very highly probable that your christian mother probably got pregnant with you without ever getting married? WE SEE THIS ALL THE TIME IN THE US AMONG CHRISTIANS!
Osama Abdallah
"Maybe the next debate you have I will invite some THIRTEENS, and you can tell them your theroies on Latina's."
Is this a name of a gang? You come on my property and you'll find my 380 waiting for you, and I'll drop you dead! THAT'S A PROMISE!
Osama Abdallah
Osamah wrote: In fact, your entire Christian population world-wide are notorious in sex, porn, alcohol, and many other illegal things, to us Muslims, yet they're VERY LEGAL to you.
Paijo Responses: Osamah, come to Indonesia and live here buddy. Most of the people here are Muslims. And you will witness all sort of evil things among muslims.
I know a couple of female Muslim doctors (who wear jibab (women headscarf)) sent to work remote areas in Indonesia having affair with local people. But hey.. they wear their headscarf faithfully.
About alcohol. Now I live in a province where Islam is the majority. When I arrived here three years ago I expected to be in an alcohol free environment. However I witnessed the opposite. When I walked home from the office, I usually passed two or three separate groups of young people along the way who sat by the road and drank traditional alcoholic drink and got drunk.
Other illegal things I discovered here? Theft is something common here Osamah. The Island where I live now is famous for that. You when those happen? They happen more frequently nearing to Muslim major holidays (the end of fasting month and nearing the celebration of Muhammad birth). The reason? Mostly they need money for gifts during those holidays. Robbery is something common as well here. Not to mention fight/riot between two adjacent neighborhoods.
I don't need to go on. The list can be longer. Please don't point fingers Osamah!
Greetings from Indonesia.
Dear Osama...
I'm deeply sorrow for your personal attacks on me... nothings unexpected, nevertheless... just some points:
1) I'm not latino... I was born in the Philipines... that's where ? got my name: Fernando (it's nott a nickname) as the Phillipines have a rich ancient background off spanish heritage from wich we are bery pround off;
2) As iff latinas are whate you say I do not know... I do not frequent those ambients except when, whith my wiffe and other people, we go to try help girls and women to leave thate sot off lifee..
3) ounce again: the problem is not this or thate medical habe somewort of elemnts from urine ... and some off pigs as you know well an in pills for headhachesjust watch this news aboute thate:
Material from pig intestine is remedy for deep sores
the problem is rather the drinking off urine as muhammad prescribed... and everyone know thate there's no medical evidence that that has a terapeutical efictiveness...
Urine is not a good medicine at all
want more?
4) Shia or not he's a muslim, a true muslim thate is expressing an opinion commun to all muslims... the problem began when you denied my assertion thate islam allowed porn... I proved it does... shias are not heretical, they do not deny the essential core of islam message so...
5) I do not need to go to Apheganistan to know thate there elder men do marry and rape young girls following muhammad's example...
Osama Abdallah said...
"Dude, Latinas (since you're a latino) are among the EASIEST to bang in the USA! I lived most of the life in the US and I know it. Yet, all of them go to churches and wear crosses."
Osama thanks for showing us how truly racist you arabs are. Oh by the way Osama as much as you want to believe, as much as your racist brotphet told you, you are still no Wedo.
The KKK and Neo Nazi's you love to emulate will kill you just as soon as look at you vato.
Maybe the next debate you have I will invite some THIRTEENS, and you can tell them your theroies on Latina's.
Racist chancho
osama... aboutt you invitting me to go to Apheganistan to see there's no porn there... kets see why:
U.N.: Nearly 90 percent of Afghan women suffer from domestic abuse...
someone woulde say thate no porn is needed when muslims can treat, inspired in islam downrating off women, the ladies in our house almost like garbage...
Dear Osama... I feel a lot off hostility on your wordes... If my comment aboutte islam allowing porn and the indication that muhammad made to drink urine urted you you coulde have simply saide so... no need to attack me... nevertheless I'm habe already placed a rock on that aspect... still willing to interchange words with you... take care...
Fat Man,
Is what Osama said true regarding the meaning of the words you posted? I cannot believe this is indeed the case as that would be as vile a phrase of words as any human being can utter.
I look forward to hearing your denial. Thanks.
getrealman said...
Fat Man,
Is what Osama said true regarding the meaning of the words you posted? I cannot believe this is indeed the case as that would be as vile a phrase of words as any human being can utter.
I look forward to hearing your denial. Thanks.
September 24, 2009 2:25 PM
as a person of mexican heritage, who was forbidden to speak spanish by my father due to the discrimintion he experienced for not speaking english as a 7 year old,,, and on in his life, i still know all of the slang, curse words, and pejoratives. i was saddened to see such a response from a Christian brother, and am waiting for brother fatman's Christian response. G_d bless you bro' fatman,,, i am sure you will do the right thing.
also, i'm posting a response to osama's contention. it will be purely anecdotal, and emotionally based.
Peace, in His love, papajoe
Dear ubiquitous,
Good words. I've enjoyed your posts during the last year I've been reading this blog. Insightful and compassionate. Good combination. Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences and thoughts. God keep you and your family as you seek to bring glory to Him.
Osama Abdallah said - "Is this a name of a gang? You come on my property and you'll find my 380 waiting for you, and I'll drop you dead! THAT'S A PROMISE!"
I would like to know what the moderators of this forum are going to do about Osama's death threats. Personally I think he should be banned permanently. He has been banned in the past but this time he has gone way past left field.
Dear Osama... you saide: «and I'll drop you dead»... no yopu won't, I know you won't... islam does not allows killings... remember thate... peace my friend...
I thought there were several other instances in Sahih Bukhari of Muhammad saying, or being cited as saying, that apostasy from Islam should be punished by death. But I guess David Wood just read a selection of the hadiths supporting the death penalty for apostasy.
Great introduction to the subject.
getrealman said...
Dear ubiquitous,
Good words. I've enjoyed your posts during the last year I've been reading this blog. Insightful and compassionate. Good combination. Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences and thoughts. God keep you and your family as you seek to bring glory to Him.
September 24, 2009 5:57 PM
ubiquitiouserendipity says: dear brother getreal: sorry i missed this earlier. thank you for your kind words and blessings. may G_d our Savior bless you and your beloveds, and keep you in His grace. in Jesus' name
Peace, in His love, joe
the relgion of peace and domestic trankillity (sic, and sick).
the above case is in a 'burb of detroit,,, let's see how long it takes for the mainstream media to report/comment on this.
and just coming to light, in oklahoma we have a former mohammedan turned atheist, being threatened, in a very far-reaching manner, to include communicating a death threat on him to his mom in syria.
the religion of threat and violence hates the light,,, even a little light that one single atheist could shine. oh, how much more does the anti-Christ system of mohammed worship hate the Body of Christ?
anyway, here's news from middle america folks:
Former Muslim receiving death threats
The Tulsa atheist was critical of all religions, including Islam, in a Tulsa World interview.
Jesus is the Light of the world, and He said, "But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!" Mt. 6:23
how great that darkness is, indeed. and spreading. Peace, in His love, papajoe
Peace, in His love, papajoe
Were Parts Two and Three ever posted? I don't see them here or on You Tube.
George Monnat, Jr.
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