Hi, brother David, the second person who wrote to you is very interesting to because he said '...........if God exists.......' because just like you I am an ex atheist( maybe some what agnostic ). I am from Calcutta, India. Zakir Naik is from Mumbai, India. I was listening to Zakir Naik and sometimes I was confused about trinity and when he said that Muhammd is in Bible, and Jesus never died and stuffs, I thought to become a Muslim. Then I saw you, Sam Shamoun,James White, Robert Spencer, Samuel Green debating Shabir Ally and others. I decided to research more. Then one day I saw a video here Nabeel Qureshi's friend caught Zakir naik making more that 25 mistakes in just 5 minutes. Biggest mistakes were 1 ) Zakir Naik said all homo sapiens died 500,000 years ago 2 ) vitamin c was INVENTED( not discovered ) that was so funny when brother Nabeel said Zakir himself is homo sapiens.......... But the greatest comfort was when you said - If Jesus never died and Allah lifted him to heaven and tricked people to believe that Jesus died, then Allah is single handedly responsible to spread Christianity. That was AWESOME!!! then another FANTASTIC POINT was when you Shabir Ally debated and you said that if 1 ) Bible is Allah's book 2 ) Muhammad was the paraclyt 3 ) Muhammad is in Bible and Bible was corrupted by st Paul, then 1 ) st Paul is more powerful than Allah, so he was able to corrupt Allah's book 2 ) Allah has 3 books OT NT and Quran, then Allah is confused because in NT Allah said Jesus died and in Quran, Allah said Jesus didn't die 3 ) Muhammad's holy name is in a corrupted book 4 ) Jesus sent paraclyt / Muhammad that means Jesus is greater than Muhammad. These points were AWESOME to keep me remain Christian................ Then, I read Quran more collected more points and also by my dirty mind I made some more points( huhuwhahahahahahha.......) - 1 ) just read the first page of Quran. sura 1:1,3 Allah is ENTIRELY( not partly ) merciful. Turn the page. Sura 2 verse 6 and 7. Allah has set a seal on us that we don't believe in Quran and Allah will give us great punishment for not believing in Allah. 2 ) Quran 17:111 says Allah has no partner and no son - a ) Allah is eternal and Allah's word is eternal( logically and also from Quran - 85:22). So ALREADY there are 2 partners. one is Allah and one is Allah's word b ) if you read Quran 3:45 SLOWLY then you will see Allah has a son. Allah gave his word( word was ALWAYS PRESENT WITH ALLAH AS A PARTNER ) to Angel Gabriel, angel Gabriel brought that word to Mother Mary and Mother Mary got pregnant and gave birth to Jesus. That means what? That means WORD became flesh and dwelt among us........... Now I have 2 videos in youtube. 1 )Muhammad is Bible 2 ) Jesus never died in cross. You can type these title or my name in youtube to watch those videos. I am from Calcutta, so, sooooooo many people from everywhere come to Calcutta to visit Mother Teresa's tomb. I give them these points and they get surprised and more people come to know your website and all. I also tell these points to my students( students means not religious students. I am not religious teacher. I am a kick-boxing trainer. I train boys self defense against knife attack and I train girls self defense against knife attack and also deadly things about how to fight a group of people. May be 5-7 people. I train this to finish rape and especially GANG-RAPE ). So I would also like somebody to attack me or any of my students as Theo Van Gough.
oh there are some typing mistakes although people can understand. I am sorry about making mistakes. Actually when I move my hands over the key board of the laptop, I mean the area were we touch to control / move the mouse pointer / pointer, that area is very sensitive and the typing goes here and there. I should have checked after writing. I am sorry for the readers.
@Angelo, you were about to throw away your precious gift came from God by hearing a man of empty vessel Zakir Naik, who sound too much when talk about Islam and Christianity.
We may not understand a mathematic problem; it does not mean math is wrong. We do not understand Trinity, does not mean the Bible is wrong and Muhammad is right, who was not at all a godly man. Jesus was godly man from birth to resurrection to ascension into Heaven till today. And Muhammad everybody knows a pioneer in mixing evil with God to fool people of God. Muhammad's evil works were killing thousands of innocent people, lying about the Bible, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, manipulating sexual behavior for evil purpose (Pedophile, married daughter-in-law, extramarital sex, sex slave etc.). To fool people, Muhammad admitted three books Tawrat (Tora), Zabur (Psalm) and Injil (New Testament) as word of God for foundation of his newly formed religion Islam. Muhammad brainwashed Muslims commanding them to believe Quran without criticism. Islam is a camouflaged religion of evil.
Thanks David for bringing Islam into light. Without your presentation of Surah and Hadith thru video in practical way, it would have been difficult to understand Quran and Hadith. I am sure many souls have been saved around the world like Angelo. May God bless you and your family!!
hi david, i suppose u've ralready seen this video of another apostat (egyptian Sayyed Al Qimni) if not, enjoy :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mMqq760eTY & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16agX-XIisk
@Mojnu Mia - haha... yes I am sorry that I took Zakir Naik seriously but EVEN IF / IN CASE I would become a Muslim, of course I would become a SO CALLED / BAD Muslim( like who wouldn't hate or kill non-Muslims, who wouldn't rape, who wouldn't beat wife, who wouldn't obey verses like - Quran 4 : 24, 34, Quran 2 : 230, Quran 9 : 5 and all ) because everybody converts for some reasons. Even though I am a Christian, I am a Christian for some special reasons, some special verses like - Deuteronomy 22 : 25 - if any rapist gets caught, bury half of his body and stone him to death, Matthew 5 : 27,28, Ephesians 5 - love for wife to the extent EVEN TO GIVE life, GOLDEN RULE( Matthew 7 : 12 ) and all. Remember, when I was atheist, EVEN THEN my mentality was to protect girls. I always felt like my first duty is to protect my opposite sex as a MALE / REAL MAN. It doesn't mean that I go everywhere and challenge all men to come to my kick-boxing ring or I beat men everywhere. hahaha....... My mentality was just to protect girls, So I learned kick-boxing and CLOSE COMBAT( hand to hand fight or knife to knife fight, I mean without gun ) from some French, British and American trainers( they were living here in Calcutta, India for 3 years ) and brought many new ideas like - how to save half second in a move during fight and all. And started to train girls how to fight against a GANG not just a single person. So, obviously I wouldn't listen to the Quran verses which teach to beat women and all. And of course, after watching debates between brother David, Nabeel, Sam, James against Zakir, Shabir( may be Shabir uncle I should say ) I would be ashamed that - oh no... look.... my debaters( Muslims ) are being defeated so badly by those Christian debaters( brother David and all ).....shame on them. Then I would become a Christian or atheist or agnostic. And may be some of them would try to kill me for leaving Islam and I would show them my kick-boxing skills. And May be they and I would die fighting. I would die and I would take plenty with me in that battle. SURELY I wouldn't die alone.
When you feel great, there is a desire to live, but due to the large number of essays, it is not possible to rest, so I found someone to pay to do my essay, and the source has everything about 10 writing services that will save you time
Many students often wonder if it's a good idea to pay someone to do my statistics homework. While it can be convenient, it's essential to ensure you're learning and not just outsourcing the work.
Hi, brother David, the second person who wrote to you is very interesting to because he said '...........if God exists.......' because just like you I am an ex atheist( maybe some what agnostic ). I am from Calcutta, India. Zakir Naik is from Mumbai, India. I was listening to Zakir Naik and sometimes I was confused about trinity and when he said that Muhammd is in Bible, and Jesus never died and stuffs, I thought to become a Muslim. Then I saw you, Sam Shamoun,James White, Robert Spencer, Samuel Green debating Shabir Ally and others. I decided to research more. Then one day I saw a video here Nabeel Qureshi's friend caught Zakir naik making more that 25 mistakes in just 5 minutes. Biggest mistakes were 1 ) Zakir Naik said all homo sapiens died 500,000 years ago 2 ) vitamin c was INVENTED( not discovered ) that was so funny when brother Nabeel said Zakir himself is homo sapiens.......... But the greatest comfort was when you said - If Jesus never died and Allah lifted him to heaven and tricked people to believe that Jesus died, then Allah is single handedly responsible to spread Christianity. That was AWESOME!!! then another FANTASTIC POINT was when you Shabir Ally debated and you said that if 1 ) Bible is Allah's book 2 ) Muhammad was the paraclyt 3 ) Muhammad is in Bible and Bible was corrupted by st Paul, then 1 ) st Paul is more powerful than Allah, so he was able to corrupt Allah's book 2 ) Allah has 3 books OT NT and Quran, then Allah is confused because in NT Allah said Jesus died and in Quran, Allah said Jesus didn't die 3 ) Muhammad's holy name is in a corrupted book 4 ) Jesus sent paraclyt / Muhammad that means Jesus is greater than Muhammad. These points were AWESOME to keep me remain Christian................ Then, I read Quran more collected more points and also by my dirty mind I made some more points( huhuwhahahahahahha.......) - 1 ) just read the first page of Quran. sura 1:1,3 Allah is ENTIRELY( not partly ) merciful. Turn the page. Sura 2 verse 6 and 7. Allah has set a seal on us that we don't believe in Quran and Allah will give us great punishment for not believing in Allah. 2 ) Quran 17:111 says Allah has no partner and no son - a ) Allah is eternal and Allah's word is eternal( logically and also from Quran - 85:22). So ALREADY there are 2 partners. one is Allah and one is Allah's word b ) if you read Quran 3:45 SLOWLY then you will see Allah has a son. Allah gave his word( word was ALWAYS PRESENT WITH ALLAH AS A PARTNER ) to Angel Gabriel, angel Gabriel brought that word to Mother Mary and Mother Mary got pregnant and gave birth to Jesus. That means what? That means WORD became flesh and dwelt among us........... Now I have 2 videos in youtube. 1 )Muhammad is Bible 2 ) Jesus never died in cross. You can type these title or my name in youtube to watch those videos. I am from Calcutta, so, sooooooo many people from everywhere come to Calcutta to visit Mother Teresa's tomb. I give them these points and they get surprised and more people come to know your website and all. I also tell these points to my students( students means not religious students. I am not religious teacher. I am a kick-boxing trainer. I train boys self defense against knife attack and I train girls self defense against knife attack and also deadly things about how to fight a group of people. May be 5-7 people. I train this to finish rape and especially GANG-RAPE ). So I would also like somebody to attack me or any of my students as Theo Van Gough.
oh there are some typing mistakes although people can understand. I am sorry about making mistakes. Actually when I move my hands over the key board of the laptop, I mean the area were we touch to control / move the mouse pointer / pointer, that area is very sensitive and the typing goes here and there. I should have checked after writing. I am sorry for the readers.
@Angelo, you were about to throw away your precious gift came from God by hearing a man of empty vessel Zakir Naik, who sound too much when talk about Islam and Christianity.
We may not understand a mathematic problem; it does not mean math is wrong. We do not understand Trinity, does not mean the Bible is wrong and Muhammad is right, who was not at all a godly man. Jesus was godly man from birth to resurrection to ascension into Heaven till today. And Muhammad everybody knows a pioneer in mixing evil with God to fool people of God. Muhammad's evil works were killing thousands of innocent people, lying about the Bible, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, manipulating sexual behavior for evil purpose (Pedophile, married daughter-in-law, extramarital sex, sex slave etc.). To fool people, Muhammad admitted three books Tawrat (Tora), Zabur (Psalm) and Injil (New Testament) as word of God for foundation of his newly formed religion Islam. Muhammad brainwashed Muslims commanding them to believe Quran without criticism. Islam is a camouflaged religion of evil.
Thanks David for bringing Islam into light. Without your presentation of Surah and Hadith thru video in practical way, it would have been difficult to understand Quran and Hadith. I am sure many souls have been saved around the world like Angelo. May God bless you and your family!!
Fantastic. The Holy Spirit really is on the move. May God bless and protect you David.
hi david, i suppose u've ralready seen this video of another apostat (egyptian Sayyed Al Qimni)
if not, enjoy :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mMqq760eTY & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16agX-XIisk
@Mojnu Mia - haha... yes I am sorry that I took Zakir Naik seriously but EVEN IF / IN CASE I would become a Muslim, of course I would become a SO CALLED / BAD Muslim( like who wouldn't hate or kill non-Muslims, who wouldn't rape, who wouldn't beat wife, who wouldn't obey verses like - Quran 4 : 24, 34, Quran 2 : 230, Quran 9 : 5 and all ) because everybody converts for some reasons. Even though I am a Christian, I am a Christian for some special reasons, some special verses like - Deuteronomy 22 : 25 - if any rapist gets caught, bury half of his body and stone him to death, Matthew 5 : 27,28, Ephesians 5 - love for wife to the extent EVEN TO GIVE life, GOLDEN RULE( Matthew 7 : 12 ) and all. Remember, when I was atheist, EVEN THEN my mentality was to protect girls. I always felt like my first duty is to protect my opposite sex as a MALE / REAL MAN. It doesn't mean that I go everywhere and challenge all men to come to my kick-boxing ring or I beat men everywhere. hahaha....... My mentality was just to protect girls, So I learned kick-boxing and CLOSE COMBAT( hand to hand fight or knife to knife fight, I mean without gun ) from some French, British and American trainers( they were living here in Calcutta, India for 3 years ) and brought many new ideas like - how to save half second in a move during fight and all. And started to train girls how to fight against a GANG not just a single person. So, obviously I wouldn't listen to the Quran verses which teach to beat women and all. And of course, after watching debates between brother David, Nabeel, Sam, James against Zakir, Shabir( may be Shabir uncle I should say ) I would be ashamed that - oh no... look.... my debaters( Muslims ) are being defeated so badly by those Christian debaters( brother David and all ).....shame on them. Then I would become a Christian or atheist or agnostic. And may be some of them would try to kill me for leaving Islam and I would show them my kick-boxing skills. And May be they and I would die fighting. I would die and I would take plenty with me in that battle. SURELY I wouldn't die alone.
When you feel great, there is a desire to live, but due to the large number of essays, it is not possible to rest, so I found someone to pay to do my essay, and the source has everything about 10 writing services that will save you time
Many students often wonder if it's a good idea to pay someone to do my statistics homework. While it can be convenient, it's essential to ensure you're learning and not just outsourcing the work.
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