Friday, February 12, 2016

Muhammad: The White Prophet with Black Slaves

Many people who don't read the Muslim sources assume that Muhammad was dark-skinned. However, according to Islam's most trusted sources, Muhammad was white. These same sources show that Muhammad also owned black slaves. How can we reconcile these facts with the spread of Islam among African-Americans in recent decades?


Unknown said...

I've seen many muslim YouTube videos who describe Muhammad as loving, compassionate and peaceful but without quoting any sources. I would like to know if there are any passages giving praise to Muhammad or positive attributes in any of his biographies.

Thank you for your YouTube postings and to your thorough approach to all your commentaries.

midwesterngirl said...

I have said this before. But you are truly doing God's work!

WIKI's Page said...

Thank you brother David for yet another master piece.

Unknown said...

"Do they not then meditate on the Quran ?And if it were from any other than Allah,they would have found in it many a contradiction"(Quran 4:82)

Unknown said...

David, I took this one to the barbershop today. Everybody was shocked, they had no idea about the topics in the video. The nd for posting. By the way I go to a black barbershop.

Maths said...

Mohammad was not a bad person but the spirit that encountered with him made him evil and bad.


God bless you David and your team for producing such a wonderful master piece, and giving us awareness that how prophet of Islam was not only raciest, but there was a death penalty if someone called Muhammad Black.For the first time i knew that Muhammad was much whiter then Queen Victoria. David by any chance can you put all the references in writing, so we can easily make copy of them and save them on our computers for future references.thanks in advance. Shalom.

Craig said...

Wow I love David's attitude and topics he's brings up its like they are and aren't controversial.

Keith said...

When he showed the "drawing" of Muhammad I just burst out laughing.

ignatius said...

Great clip! Thanks, David.

Miss U said...

This was a great clip but I how would one answer/reply to the possibility (if there is any) that Muhammad was an albino. Couldn't someone make that assertion?

Andrew said...

Brilliant. Thanks David. Have you been to Paris yet for the debate?

Unknown said...

All arguments presented by Muslims apologists to believe Muhammad and his Allah were based on their blind faith on Quran as book of Allah. If Muslims search truth from Quran as they read the Bible they would find that Muhammad had no evidence to proof that Quran was written by his Allah and kept in heaven to give him the whole Quran by 25 years. Why did Allah not give him whole Quran at a time in front of multiple people to believe Muhammad and his Allah? Almighty God in the Bible proof His existence to mankind by miraculous signs performed in front of multiple of people not like Muhammad’s receiving Quran in a cave and traveling by Buraq alone from Mecca to Jerusalem. Only fool can believe Quran and Muhammad as truth.

Rosina said...

Thanks David. Very insightful

TPaul said...

So much for Cascius Clay's conversion to this evil ideology, and Louis Farrakhan, and the numerous black men and women who fell for the Christian white man slave trader stupidity and converted to Islam.
Mohammed the white Arab, black slave driver...

m s said...

Do you have a video specifically on islam and slavery? I hear that Muhammad wanted to abolish slavery from taqiyya artists. Is it true?

Ok said...

Brother Wood,

The following does meet the requirements of the Koran :

It is possible for Jesus to be totally human if Jesus had a human body, a human mind and a human spirit, in other words,

the "trinity" of Jesus; body, mind and spirit could be totally human but that does not mean that

Jesus was never God because Jesus could have been God before He came to earth to be fully man in body, mind and spirit ( the "trinity" of body, mind and spirit on earth )

Join in the discussion at :

midwesterngirl said...

I would love a video specifically on Mohammad's raids. Anytime I bring this up to a Muslims, they always say they were defensive raid. I would like a video proving based Islamic sources that they were not defensive.

Ok said...

Please do read my blog ( link below ) regarding the muslim world and how the attacks on 9/11 could have been prevented, thanks

Unknown said...

Again David Wood thank you for posting the most important info.

Ok said...

Propaganda is a powerful thing and our government's propaganda was so powerful that according to gallup, 85% of Americans approved of the atom bombing of Japan which resulted in christian nuns and thousands of christian children being burned alive in the center of Japanese Christianity, which was Nagasaki:

So polling muslims should not be surprising that some support the propaganda of muslim leaders but not nearly as high in number as the US government's propagandas as seen by the 85% number above.

Even though Islam is at its fundamental stage of development (equivalent to 15th century Christianity ), since Islam only started in the 7th century ( compared to Judaism that had a 2000 year head start over Islam and Christianity had a 600 year head start over islam ),

nevertheless, Islam is reforming at a much faster rate as seen in the presence of numerous muslim countries that are secular and/or progressive (example : Muslim Malaysia during its independence allowed all minorities and women to vote while America during its independence only allowed white male landowners to vote ).

While 15th century christianity did not have any secular states and even though Islam is still in its fundamental stage which is equivalent to 15th century christianity, below is a list of secular muslim countries, which shows islam is reforming at a much faster rate :

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Burkina Faso
The Gambia
Northern Cyprus
Palestinian West Bank

No matter what the religion, its adherents are the ones who interpret the texts and the Jews long time ago gave up on genocide (Deuteronomy 20:16 ) and

Christians gave up on Jim Crow laws in the 60s and lynchings in the 20th century and

even though 85% of Americans in a gallup poll approved of the terror bombing against the center of Japanese christianity which was Nagasaki which resulted in nuns and thousands of christian children being burned alive, more recently,

christians have begun to regret the terror bombing of Japan ( Hiroshima and Nagasaki and scores of Japanese cities that were subject to incendiary bombs )

and the reason both Jews and Christians have given up on genocide ( Deuteronomy 20:16 ) and the 1940s terror bombing of innocent civilians (as an instrument of war) is because

both religions evolved and started concentrating on texts that emphasized love and affection towards strangers and

the overwhelming majority of muslims, even though their religion is still in the fundamental stage ( Islam right now is the equivalent of 15th century Christianity, since Islam only started in the 7th century ) ,

the overwhelming majority of muslims emphasize, just like the Jews and Christians, they only emphasize the loving parts of the Koran.

Notice in the following 8/2/11 gallup poll, since Mormons are still in their fundamental stage of their development, they are the most pro-terrorist and Jews are the most evolved ( of the non-muslim religions ) since their religion is the oldest.

Gallup asked whether targeting civilians was justified and here are the results :

Muslims : 21% said it was sometimes justified

No religious affiliation : 43%

Jews : 52 %

Christians : 58%

Mormons : 64%

Please refer to :

Unknown said...

David Wood,

Please provide us with the ability to receive this information in a written form.

This information needs to be distributed in the community immediately. I've often

discussed this message constantly before blacks regarding the systematic fraud

existing within the community. I appreciate your efforts, in exposing this religion

for what it truly about. Can I contact you for the quotes and reference.

Uncle Vladdi said...

Hi David, love your work!

Quick suggestion: I have Deaf friends who hate islam, and ones who - as liberal-tainted victimologists - prefer to think of muslims as a fellow protected "race" of victims!

SO - like Pat Condell - how about you figure out a way to add CC's to your videos for them too? (I don't know how Condell does it - you could ask him, I guess - but a speech-to-text program like DragonNaturallySpeaking might do the trick)!

Besides, foreign muslims love to target disabled people online on dating sites to get green cards via buttering them up for temporary marriages, then once here, instantly drop them!

Reckson said...

David Wood,

I want your email ID for further communication.

I was very interested to go in debate between Bible and Quran.

Indeed both books are correct in but opposite in view.


Unknown said...

These translations are incorrect and out of context . Please feel free to ask any educated person who knows Arabic or any honest person who knows Arabic in fact. And if you read the Quran you'll see that God told us that we are equal. Most things displayed in any western media is manipulated.

Ok said...

The sad thing is, according to work done by the University of Hawaii, non-muslim countries have seen a horrendous number deaths in the last few centuries as detailed below :

Between the 18th and 20th centuries alone, non-muslim countries in America, Europe and East Asia have seen the genocide, democide and ethnic cleansing of over 280 million civilians ( Google search : Statistics of Democide - University of Hawaii ) and

in America ( in the last year) , over 1.1 million violent crimes (mostly for secular reasons ) were reported, so the lesson is,

religion alone is not the sole contributor of violence and so we need a comprehensive solution to world peace as outlined in the following blog (below ).

For a comprehensive peace agreement with the muslim world that defense contractors will not be happy with and

that is different from the peace agreement made between President Reagan and the Islamists in Soviet Afghanistan,

copy/paste the following into your google search box:


Ok said...

Some muslims interpret the "blessed are the Peacemakers" verse as those involved in a just war but

true christians interpret that "Peacemaker" verse to mean, doing everything within our means to prevent a conflict from becoming a war.

In other words, a truly Peacemaker US government could have prevented Hitler from rising to power by not having a militant interventionist policy during WW1 and

because the US government defeated Germany during WW1, the Treaty of Versailles was created which in turn made Hitler enter politics due to

the cruel attributes of the Treaty.

For details about how to be a true Peacemaker in the christian sense, please go to Brian's blog at :

Richard said...

@Brian Boatman

Your Concept of religions evolving over time is frankly nonsense

Christianity was entirely peaceful for the first 300 years or so - in fact it was forbidden for CHristians to be soldiers.

After the Roman Empire adopted Christianity things changed. The Roman empire changed for the better (much of the violence and cruelty stopped) unfortunately it was impossible to do this completely - and hence the appearance of violence emanating from Christianity - whereas what was actually happening was the incomplete conversion of a secular nations and rulers.

Islam on the other hand started as a cult of violent conquest. The evidence is there in the historical records both Muslim and non-muslim. Look, for example at the writings of Patriarch St Sophronius of Jerusalem.

I will beleive that muslims are genuinely peaceful and tolerant of other religions the day that a Christian Church is allowed to be built in Mecca and the Hagia Sophia is handed back to the Orthodox Church with an apology for having stolen in in an armed robbery 500 years ago.

Richard said...

Re this Gallup Poll

1. This was carried out by a muslim subgroup of gallup supported by an islamic country.

2. You can get any result you like from a poll dpending on how the question is worded and the context in which it is presented.

3. Muslims are more likely to see themselves as victims of military action agains civilians than the other groups - hence their disapproval. If the question was presented in the context of military action by western governments against middle eastern countries then the result obtained is pretty inevitable. In short the Muslims were asked "Do you approve of THEM attacking US?". Everyone else was asked " Do you approve of US attacking THEM?" The result is really not surprising!

Richard said...

Re the UNiversity of Hawaii study.

Brian - did you bother to read this bit?
"The infamy of executing this century's first full scale ethnic cleansing belongs to Turkey's Young Turk government during World War I. In their highest councils Turkish leaders decided to exterminate every Armenian in the country, whether a front-line soldier or pregnant woman, famous professor or high bishop, important businessman or ardent patriot. All 2,000,000 of them.

Democide had preceded the Young Turk's rule and with their collapse at the end of World War I, the successor Nationalist government carried out its own democide against the Greeks and remaining or returning Armenians. From 1900 to 1923, various Turkish regimes killed from 3,500,000 to over 4,300,000 Armenians, Greeks, Nestorians, and other Christians. "

Richard said...

@Ahmad Hamdan

If you had a better translation of these texts you would have quoted it.

If the context somehow excused them you would have explained it.

If the Quran really said that we are all equal you would have been able to quote the verses that say it.

The bible verse that says that is easy to find - it is

Galatians 3:28

28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

If you can't find an equivalent verse in the Quran eqully quickly I conclude that there isn't one.

Ok said...

@Richard, you stated : " Your Concept of religions evolving over time is frankly nonsense"

Comment: I was talking about religion evolving or more precisely, state religion evolving into a more liberal form, but

I was not referring to spiritual christians who never were involved in fighting, even after the Roman Empire adopted christianity as a state religion

Ok said...

@Richard, did you read the "Peacemaker" commentary above ?

Ok said...

Does the Koran contradict the statement below or is it silent on the subject matter ?

Just before Jesus appeared inside Mary's womb, what if God said, " I want to "be" human" and

through a process ( analogous to "binary fission" in biology) God "be"came Spirit (God, the Father and Spirit, the Son of God ) and

the Spirit of God (Son of God ) entered Mary's womb to "be" Jesus.

For a peaceful dialog between Christians and Muslims, go to the following blog:

Foolster41 said...

!Brian Boatman:

"I was not referring to spiritual Christians who never were involved in fighting, even after the Roman Empire adopted Christianity as a state religion"

Then what are you talking about? You seem to be babbling. Richard corrected showed how your comparison to the "evolution" of Islam and Christianity is nonsense. Christianity at its face calls for loving your neighbor, and Islam is built on a doctrine of a racist, slaver-owning barbarian. You say Islam is evolving quickly but in what way? You mean increased genocidal terror and blood libels against Isreal? The gaining power of ISIS and Iran? How is Islam reforming? Which Islamic scholars are preaching a peaceful reformation of Islam, and how successful are they in non-western countries? Please cite your sources.

Reformations in Christianity were always reforming back to the basics of the faith, not dropping any bad that was already in it ("giving up on genocide" as you put it)

What's your point about Jesus? That Islam actually agrees with the bible? Nonsense! Islam says Jesus was just a man, and he didn't die on the cross. The bible says he was God and died on the cross for our sins, so for a Muslim to say that the bible agrees with the Qouran is nonsense. This talk about Jesus wanting to be be a man is just silliness. Also, Jesus appeared a number of times in the old testament in a pre-carnate form.

And on your article about preventing 9/11, while I agree we should have been more hesitant with overseas wars, point 5 is same answer Chamberlain gave: appeasement. Selling out Israel (point 5), the one democracy with equal rights, as if they are the ones promoting genocide and not "palastine" and the other Muslim majority neighbors, and withdrawing any sort of military protection from them. Pathetic!

Richard said...

@ Brian

Frankly I found your peacemaker commentary difficult to read - not very clearly laid out.

Of course western policy has been a disaster in the middle east - and Christians in the region have paid the price. Similarly our intervention in the Balkans was a mistake.

For a peaceful but theologically uncompromising Christian approach to islam read this:

Andrew said...

Brian, could you please tell me where this country "Palestinian (sic) west bank" is located? You see 11 times in the Old Testament it says all the land between the Jordan river and the sea belongs to the Jews for all time.

Ok said...

@Foolster, you stated : " Richard corrected showed how your comparison to the "evolution" of Islam and Christianity is nonsense. "

Comment: Religions do evolve, especially state religions or the religion of politicians (political christianity ) .

For example, when christianity was about 1740 years old the, "christian" politicians of the US government during independence only allowed white, male landowners to vote while

when political Islam was about 1320 years old, "muslim" Malaysia during independence allowed everybody including women to vote. So

in the area of liberal secularism and voting, I believe Islam ( political islam ) is evolving at a much faster rate than during the same timeline that other religions took to evolve.

Ok said...

@Richard, when you stated " I found your peacemaker commentary difficult to read", were you referring to the following statement in the post ? :

" a truly Peacemaker US government could have prevented Hitler from rising to power by not having a militant interventionist policy during WW1" (end of quote )

Ok said...

The reason John 1:1 supports one God is because

in the beginning, God and His Word were one and the same, just as the Koran and Allah are one and the same but in the case of Jesus,

the Word became flesh

Ok said...

@Andrew, The Old Testament says the land belongs to a theocratic Israeli state, not a secular Israeli state

Foolster41 said...

@Brian boatman: Perhaps you can point me to scripture that says only white male landowners should vote?

Of course you can't. You're comparing two cases of bad theology. Islam teaches that women and non-muslims are inferior. Christianity teaches no such thing.

You're comparing apples to rotten oranges of Islam.

Next I suppose you're going to tell me, like many progressive apologists for Islam and detractors of Christianity do that Hitler was Christian, because he aid he was Christian (and ignoring all the non-Christian things he did).

If so, your words have no meaning. the words "Muslim" and "Chritian" are meaningless words.

You seem to think that Islam is getting more peaceful (it's not, you're delusional).

Foolster41 said...

Also, you are reaffirming your assertions without giving logical backing. I asked you
to back up your assertion that Islam is evolving in some quantifiable way.
One example, admist. all the Islamic terror and supremacist is hardly convincing. If you need a refresher on what I mean, please visit It might wake you up.

"The reason John 1:1 supports one God is because

in the beginning, God and His Word were one and the same, just as the Koran and Allah are one and the same but in the case of Jesus,
the Word became flesh"

Was this directed at my question about the bible and Qouran agreeing about Jesus? (I don't see anyone making a reference to John 1:1)

if so, this isn't an answer, just more vague babbling.

Yes, the bible teaches that "the word becomes flesh" but the bible is clear: they say Jesus was God and died and rose again for our sins. The Qouran is also clear: Jesus was not God and didn't die on the cross. There's no way to reconcile this. Period.

Foolster41 said...

"Palestinian West Bank

Are you kidding? Even if you grant Palestine as a state (it's not) these are not secular. How deluded can you get?

the PA frequently praises and rewards terrorism against Jewism citizens and teaches chilren on state TV blood libels and praises murdering jews! Syria and Lebanon follow sharia law, which is anything but "secular".

Andrew said...

Sorry Brian, what part of eternal covenant don't you understand? Ezekiel actually states that Israel will be secular when the Jews return after the long exile.

The David Qman Talk Show said...

@Foolster, you stated : " Perhaps you can point me to scripture that says only white male landowners should vote? "

Comment: you are implying that christian politicians are not influenced by their religion and so by implication, muslim politicians in Malaysia allowed all people to vote by not following their religion either ?

The David Qman Talk Show said...

@Foolster, you stated : "your assertion that Islam is evolving in some quantifiable way "

Comment: you do know that numerous muslim states are secular and do not follow sharia laws

Ok said...

@Foolster41, you stated : " Islam is getting more peaceful "

Comment: There are a number of ways to measure whether "Islam" is getting more peaceful and one way is through gallup polling.

Notice in the following 8/2/11 gallup poll, since Mormons are still in their fundamental stage of their development, they are the most pro-terrorist and Jews are the most evolved ( of the non-muslim religions ) since their religion is the oldest.

Gallup asked whether targeting civilians was justified and here are the results :

Muslims : 21% said it was sometimes justified

No religious affiliation : 43%

Jews : 52 %

Christians : 58%

Mormons : 64%

Please refer to :

Foolster41 said...

"Comment: you are implying that christian politicians are not influenced by their religion and so by implication, Muslim politicians in Malaysia allowed all people to vote by not following their religion either ?"

I'm implying that in this case they are not following their scripture. Just because a person CLAIMS to follow a religion doesn't mean they are, but it depends as a testy on what the religion teaches. If you are automatically presuming that those Christians and Mulslims are following their respective regions without actually examining what those religions teach, then the words "Chrisian" and "Muslim" are meaningless.

I notice how you presume the bad things a Chrisitan do must be counted towards their religion, but don't apply the same standards to Muslims.

My challenge stands: Where in scripture does it say only white people should vote? I can point to numerous Hadith scriptures too that say that women are inferior to men in testimony (Bukhari 6:301) and are by a majority destined to hell (Bukhari 62:81)

"Comment: you do know that numerous muslim states are secular and do not follow sharia laws"
Perhaps they are. But many do, such as Saudi Arabia, Syria Iran, Iraq, the Palestine Authority. It's not just going away by itself. The fact that some of these countries are being touted as "secular" is laughable.

Notice your poll is among westernized Muslim Americans, and not Muslims world-wide. This is a misleading way to show Islam is somehow becoming more peaceful. It tells us nothing, and sidetracks from whether or not Islam's teachings are violent or not.

The question isn't are Muslims mostly waiting to kill us. The answer is of course no. Most westernized Muslims have no idea what their religion actually teaches.
The question is, does Islam teach violent supremacist, mistreatment of minority religions, murder, rape and mistreatment of women? It does.

Unknown said...

“Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation. The one who believes and is baptized will be saved; but the one who does not believe will be condemned'" (Mark 16:15-16).

Should Christians demonstrate how Islam behaves badly through childish skits like in Church today? The people who fled Iran in 1979 seem to show very little compassion for those who recently escaped war in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia etc. Silly church comedy sketches of war and oppression tend to dilute the serious nature of human suffering for what? just to earn higher tithing? The purposeful exploitation of human misery and subtle church hints of threats of more terrorism is shameful to raise coin even for Melchizedek. The church should be cautious with the word "terrorism.” It has changed over the last decade. Terrorism for most of the people in the world is now synonymous with unjustified executions, torture and violent oppression.

I am uncomfortable with Christians who claim to represent Islam and the Koran without love or compassion for our Abrahamic brothers and sisters. It tires me to see Christians who defend the Christian faith through popularity contests over Islam with clever uneven comparisons. Dr. Wood preaches Koran text knowledge that can easily be misunderstood especially when verses are out of context. He purposely attempts to malice his Christian audiences' opinions and fosters more misunderstanding inside our own Abrahamic family. Dr. Wood behaves no differently than the extremists in Islam who also call for Jihad based on fear, rumor, or statistical misinformation. He is a morally justified theologian who bears false context against the Koran. Who should we fear more, Islam or those Christians who lead us into the temptation of war?

Foolster41 said...

"Should Christians demonstrate how Islam behaves badly through childish skits like in Church today? The people who fled Iran in 1979 seem to show very little compassion for those who recently escaped war in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia etc. "

It strikes me as not compassionate to not speak out against injustice and oppression through out the Muslim world to Christians and other non-Muslims who are being beaten, raped and murdered AS WE SPEAK.

" Terrorism for most of the people in the world is now synonymous with unjustified executions, torture and violent oppression."

Which Islam itself promotes. Wouldn't you say that should be spoken out against?

"I am uncomfortable with Christians who claim to represent Islam and the Koran without love or compassion for our Abrahamic brothers and sisters. "

In what way is Mr. woods being uncompasionate? That he is using humor while making his

". Silly church comedy sketches of war and oppression tend to dilute the serious nature of human suffering for what? just to earn higher tithing? "
Libelous claims of making a profit on speaking the truth.

"Dr. Wood preaches Koran text knowledge that can easily be misunderstood especially when verses are out of context. "

"OUT OF CONTEXT", a common claim by Muslims and leftists when given quotes from the Qouran and Hadiths that make them uncomfortable, but like here no context is ever given to show how it is incorrect.

"I am uncomfortable with Christians who claim to represent Islam and the Koran without love or compassion for our Abrahamic brothers and sisters"
So what in your mind is "compassionate"? Being silent admist terrorism, rape and murder so as to not offend the religion of peace? You claim that Islam is being misrepresented, but it sounds more like you just don't want people to say bad things about Islam.

"Dr. Wood behaves no differently than the extremists in Islam who also call for Jihad based on fear, rumor, or statistical misinformation. He is a morally justified theologian who bears false context against the Koran. Who should we fear more, Islam or those Christians who lead us into the temptation of war?"

Another common claim, that Mr. Spencer at JihadWatch gets regularly, that compares the people who commit crimes in the name of Islam with the people who point out that they are committing crimes in the name of Islam. This is a ridiculous claim, and once again the claim of "false context" is never clarified.

No, we won't be silent from threats of ridiculous false claims. You quoted scripture at the beining, I'd look up Exodus 20:16.

You quote a verse that tells to proclaim the gospel, and then tell people to shut up about pointing out bad things in Islam (a logical necessity of leading people out of the darkness of Islam). So much for not misrepresenting verses.

Ok said...

@Foolster41, do you have a website ? or email address ?

Andrew said...

"Who should we fear more, islam or those Christians who lead us into the temptation of war? (sic).

Thats a real tough one. I'll have to think about that for a while. Probably the Muslim who says convert, die or pay jiyza.

Foolster41 said...

None related to this subject, I do have a fantasy world website you can find by clicking my name.

As for my e-mail, may I ask why you want it? if you want to discuss Islam here, I'd rather it be in public, since it holds everyone accountable.
So far you've made a number of assertions and havn't backed them up. I'm not inclied to give you my e-mail.

I'm still waiting for you to back up your assertions:

-In what ways are Syria, the Palestinian West bank and Lebanon "secular"? How do you account for, for example:
-Goverment propaganda that rewards the killing of Jews and blood libels against Jews, while quoting tbe Quoran and Hadiths
-Implementation of Sharia law, including amputations and mistreatment of non-muslims, while quoting the Qouran and Hadiths to promote such practices

-Besides using one-sided polls (as Richard pointed out, by Muslims and I pointed out points to completely wrong demographic), and flawed analogies (falsely presuming Chrisitans when they only allow white landownersd to vote as Chrisitan doctrine)
how can you demonstrate that religions, and perticularly Islam is evolving?

Give concretes example how followers of Islam, say over the last 20 ars are more peaceful than they were.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Great video David Wood. Please, What translation and author of Ash Shifa are you reading from in the video? Is it the one Translated By Aisha Bewley ? or someone else?
Thank You.

Unknown said...

In Hadith no.63,vol 1, it says: "When a man arrived at the mosque, he asked, "who amongst you is Muhammad?" The companions of the prophet replied "THIS WHITE MAN RECLINING ON HIS ARM".

In Hadith no.122, vol 2 and in vol 2 Hadith no. 141, when Muhammad raised his arms in prayer, it tells us that 'The WHITENESS of his armpits became visible". The Hadith vol 1, no. 367 tells us that Anas, one of Muhammad's trusted companions "saw the WHITENESS of the penis of Allah's prophet".

Unknown said...

Ckosed captioning would be nice so We could look up these books and names since I am not the best speller God put on the planet.

Wasim said...

You are obviously totally IGNORANT.

Did you know that Moses received Torah over a 40-year span?

I very much doubt that you knew that. That is why you are criticizing Almighty God for taking 23 years to transfer the Holy Quran to Mohammad SAW.

That is the WISDOM of Almighty God. He gives his prophets what they need to know at specific stages of their prophethood. Just like a teacher starts teaching from Chapter 1 of a book.

STUPID IDIOT. At least first gain some knowledge about the subject you are talking about; before opening your blabbering mouth.