The International Society for Human Rights reports that
80 percent of all acts of religious discrimination are directed against Christians. If 80 percent of all acts of religious discrimination were directed at any other group, it would be the top story on every news channel and the chief concern of our leaders. But it's Christians, so . . . no worries.
Here's a short video from Prager University, featuring Raymond Ibrahim.
If anyone has not read this story. Here is the link. This is what "peaceful" muslims do to minority Christians. please read it. This type of thing happens all of the time.
I am a Christian.I need an honest opinion.I came from Pakistan 30 years ago due to persecution and discrimination to Canada...but alas !they are every where here too!My question is, where do I go from here??? Our poor Christian community has no way to even migrate from any muslim country(where they are tortured and burnt alive)to West,because the Western world is still letting those fraudulent in.A muslim coming from a muslim country applies as a refugee,gets housing,welfare,and rest of the benefits,along with six to seven kids.What about a poor Christian who has no agenda,and has no means to even travel from a place where he is really being persecuted.West is letting those Muslims in who have an agenda to kill all infidels and take over the whole Europe,and America under the Islamic system.We are fools,loosing our own identity.
here's another prime example even from our "ALLY" in the country of TURKEY's:
@Goshi May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you my brother in Christ. I am also Pakistani. You are 100% right...there is no help for our Christian brothers and sisters. I can speak for what it's like in Pakistan as I was born there and lived there and saw with my own eyes what their life was like. As for Christian these days trying to leave Pakistan good luck, they can't even leave to a different city to escape persecution or false allegations. So to leave to a different country is almost impossible. A friend I had in high school was from Iran and he told me this face to face. I asked him how you ended up here. He said you what it's funny a church sponsored us to come to this country. He also added what a stupid church. At the time I was like weird why would a church sponsor Muslim families, I was young and didn't care much. My friend from Iran was a good man, and so was his family, but I still wondered why a church was doing this and they were not helping Christian families who were there suffering. I later learned that my aunts church was also sponsoring Muslim families, and I was absolutely shocked in light of recent events, why a church is doing this and not helping out the body of Christ. Brother David perhaps you can give us your thoughts as to why this is going on? As you visit many churches. We are hitting our own foot with an axe by doing this. Muslims always say we are peaceful, come have a dialogue with us, muhammed never taught us are racists, bigots,islamaphobes...that is the most ludicrous thing I have ever heard??? I have lived in Pakistan, let's start with racism and discrimination: Did you know my parents gave me a Muslim name so I would be treated fairly in life as we assumed that we were going to live all of our life in Pakistan. Now the reason they gave me a Muslim name was because when you get good grades and the teacher knows you are Christian your test scores drop to near failing, and job opportunities take a massive skydive. Did you know that to be the prime minister of Pakistan has to be Muslim, you cannot be any other religion. Did you also know that in the West you can be president and you can be any religion. So, my westernizied Muslim friends where do you see discrimination?? Oh yea some of the jobs are so humiliating I don't even want to talk about it (not sexual) they are just degrading jobs that are especially reserved for my westernized Muslim friends, before you start shouting racism, discrimination and islamophobia...please go talk to a Christian from a Muslim country near you, so they can tell you how "peaceful" and "tolerant" muslims are to others beliefs.
Tru North: "Did you know that to be the prime minister of Pakistan has to be Muslim, you cannot be any other religion."
I hear you brother. It's the same with Malaysia. You must be Muslim, and you must be Malay to be PM. So it is both religion and race discriminatory. Because if you're of any other race, they say you people of that particular race are trying to "take over" the country from the Malays. If you're of any other religion, especially Christianity, they say you're trying to "Christianise" Malaysia.
@Dacritc I hear you my brother. The funny thing is that the westernized muslims in the west are screaming discrimination,racism,islamaphobia. I challenge any westernized muslim to go live in Pakistan for two weeks and tell them how you tolerate Christians and that you work for businesses owned by Christians and that you even eat non-halal meat that you purchase from grocery stores that westerners run. I would like to see how long you last there. I see them calling you apostates for believing water down white washed Islamic teachings...and we all know what happens to apostates. The other thing is that a lot of people in Pakistan cannot read or write Urdu...which is our main language. The muslims there are expected to read the quran in Arabic..well that doesn't happen...what happens is the mullahs (Islamic teachers) teach the people what they need to know about the quran - so teaching them the first generation of muslims teachings - and leaving out all of the questionable material that doesn't make sense. Speaking of mullah's here is another heart breaking story:
The reporter goes off on this guy. I wonder who's example this guy is following??
if anyone would like me to translate this video just as text I can do that so you can read what she says to him. If people are interested.
Dacritic said It's the same with Malaysia. You must be Muslim, and you must be Malay to be PM. So it is both religion and race discriminatory...really? I disagree .
Please provide evidence to back that claim of yours.
Allow me to provide you evidence on why I disagree with what you have said
Article 43 – Appointment of the Prime Minister and the cabinet[edit]
The Yang di-Pertuan Agong is required to appoint a Cabinet to advise him in the exercise of his executive functions. He appoints the Cabinet in the following manner:
acting in his discretion (see Art. 40(2)(a)), he first appoints as Prime Minister a member of the Dewan Rakyat who in his judgment is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the Dewan. There is no Constitutional requirement that the Prime Minister must be of any particular race or religion;[17]
Article number: 40a
● (1) In the exercise of his functions under this Constitution or federal law the Yang di-Pertuan
Agong shall act in accordance with the advice of the Cabinet or of a Minister acting under the
general authority of the Cabinet, except as otherwise provided by this Constitution; but shall be
entitled, at his request, to any information concerning the government of the Federation which is
available to the Cabinet.
● (2) The Yang di-Pertuan Agong may act in his discretion in the performance of the following
functions, that is to say -
❍ (a) the appointment of a Prime Minister
So this is what it says about the appointment of a Muslim / Malay prime Minister and Sharia Law is void and has no grounds in the presence of the Constitutional Law for an example
Islamic law is subject to the Federal Constitution, Court of Appeal says in transgender case
- See more at:
Any thoughts on this?
The problems that we hear about all the time is from the small Muslim Malay NGO's and not from the majority of the Muslims living in Malaysia. We are building Churches,Temples and Monasteries..
There is even an Anglican Church right next to a Mosque in Malaysia
I am unable to upload the picture of the Church and Mosque but I am sure a simple Google search would suffice.
My point is Malaysia is very much largely pro Constitutional not Sharia.. We ( Malaysian ) just need to read up about the law or get legal aid or just Google if in doubt.
Hey Davy, good to get your response. The evidence is practically what you see in the country. Now, I don't deny that in Malaysia, there are mosques being built next to churches as well as Buddhist or Hindu temples and that Malaysia still follows constitutional law. In fact, I have mentioned in an earlier post that Malaysia is "moderate". Also, thank you for putting up the article to show that the PM need not be of any religion or race. That was detail overlook on my part.
However, practically and this is just my opinion, I am not sure if we will ever get a Christian PM. Firstly, this person would still be subject to the King, who will be Malay and Muslim (of this, I don't doubt), if Malaysia remains a constitutional monarchy. Secondly, you mentioned that the problems we hear of all the time come from the small Muslim Malay NGO's. Sure, we all have sincerely friendly and well meaning Muslim Malay friends who are not supportive of these NGO's. But I'm afraid to think what will happen if a Christian (and by definition of that same Constitution cannot be a Malay) were to be appointed a PM, because I doubt a Christian can "command the confidence of the majority of the Dewan", not because of the Christian's ability but because of what I am afraid might happen. Because these NGO's will still be there, and I am not sure if they would continue to be "small" NGO's if that happens.
Perhaps a better way to rephrase it is that I am looking more at the practical application of governorship of the country, especially now that you have brought to light what is written in the Constitution.
"Malaysia" Voice of the Martyrs Canada
similar material is at
Malaysia is a multiracial society that faces serious challenges caused by a large ethnic wealth gap and vast religious differences. Sunni Islam is the official and favoured religion in Peninsular (west) Malaysia. By constitutional definition, all ethnic Malays are Muslim. Civil courts govern the Indian and Chinese ethnic minorities, while Muslim Malays are subject to Islamic, or Shariah, courts in matters such as marriage, land rights, inheritance and religious conversion.
Malaysia's constitution guarantees religious freedom, but fundamentalist Muslims do everything in their power to inhibit Christian evangelism. Shariah law often supersedes the constitution. It is illegal to evangelize Malays, and Malays may not convert to another religion. Apostasy laws make conversion illegal in all but one Malaysian state. The government restricts Christian literature and Bibles in the Malay language and monitors their use.
Prayer Requests
Pray that Christians will stand firm in their faith, despite opposition
Pray that Malaysian Christians will be free to practice their faith in Jesus Christ.
Pray that all Christians in Malaysia will be able to freely access the Bible.
Persecution News - Malaysia
[Davy Jones]"Allow me to provide you evidence on why I disagree with what you have said]
Wiki is notoriously unreliable when it comes to hotly contested issues.
[DJ]"My point is Malaysia is very much largely pro Constitutional not Sharia."
Do you see anything here you think is incorrect?:
Sunni Islam is the official and favoured religion in Peninsular (west) Malaysia. ….Muslim Malays are subject to Islamic, or Shariah, courts in matters such as marriage, land rights, inheritance and religious conversion.
It is illegal to evangelize Malays, and Malays may not convert to another religion. Apostasy laws make conversion illegal in all but one Malaysian state.
[Davy Jones]"
Article number: 40a"
Supposedly the atheocratic USSR had a beautiful constitution that made all sorts of excellent guarantees. The guarantees didn’t mean squat to the average citizen living in that atheocracy.
[Goshi]"I am a Christian. I need an honest opinion. I came from Pakistan 30 years ago due to persecution and discrimination to Canada...but alas! they are every where here too! My question is, where do I go from here???"
Facing persecution in Lebanon by devotees of the man-made religion founded by Mohammed, Brigitte Gabriel wondered the same thing.
Two options are:
stay in Canada and fight.
go to the US and fight.
Inspiration to stay might be obtained from reading this article:
PDF by Voice of the Martyrs
"It was so hard living in a place where terrorists were coming from other countries," Liena said. "These men were saying, 'We will kill everyone who does not believe what we believe as Salafis and strict Muslims.'" The couple knows, as do all Christians in Syria, that if their country falls into the hands of the radicals, Christians will be given three choices: convert to Islam, leave the country or die.
Samer and Liena threw themselves before God. They prayed, "God, as Christians, what do you want us to do?"
"We were crying and praying," Liena said. "We fasted for many days. We put ourselves on the altar." They prayed and fasted until they had made a decision. They would stay in Syria, no matter the cost.
malaysia, like any muslim country, is seriously messed up. If a muslim wants out of islam, the authorities can arrest him and put him in "rehabilitation camps", which are basically torture camps where they beat you and psychologically torture you to become muslim again. These camps are built in middle of jungles, surrounded by walls and barbed wires, just like prison.
But if non muslims convert into islam, they are given money, and are celebrated as heroes. Take for example ridhuan tee, shah kirit, farid ravi, ebit lew, etc.
Just today i read in the papers that the johor state in malaysia is having a convention for non muslims who left their religion to become muslims. Can you believe that? If you get out of other religions, you're celebrated, but if you get out of islam, it's torture camps for you!
Also in today's papers, Malaysia's top English daily published a story about the PM saying the country is "moderate in line with Islamic principles." Now, everyone knows politicians are not the most honest of people, and he even went on to say Muhammad taught religious moderation... Without quoting any source or reference of course. I don't for how long the media wants to play this wool over eyes game.
[Dacritic]"I don't for how long the media wants to play this wool over eyes game."
The leftist media loves playing games by withholding important information from the public. For example, the info that Ombamacare architect Gruber noted several times publicly sordid details about the formulation and selling of obamacare.
GRUBER: "Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
Obamacare Architect Confesses They Tricked Stupid Americans to Pass It
Another example of the leftist media playing games by withholding important information from the public is their non-interest in our liar-in-chief's Benghazi involvement.
Caddell On Media & Benghazi: "Fundamental Threat To American Democracy"
The leftist media protects leftist politicians, contributing mightily to the election twice of our liar in chief, and unfortunately, Americans (plus many Middle Easterners) have unnecessarily died violently and will die violently because of it.
David seems that you are not big in listening and understanding but swift and quick in typing your thoughts WITHOUT doin research.. you said - Sunni Islam is the official and favoured religion in Peninsular (west) Malaysia. By constitutional definition, all ethnic Malays are Muslim. - Where did you get this? From the Constitution Law of Malaysia? or from what YOU think or feel is?
" By constitutional definition, all ethnic Malays are Muslim " .. All ethnic Malays are Muslims are Muslims??? ( I recently helped an " ethnic Malay Muslim " get out islam by ways of the Constitutional Law.. His name was Muhammad Khairul and now it is Emmanuel Samson. All it took was RM15 in stamping fees and walking up and down the steps of the court rooms. So Professor David Ford..really ???? ) All of them are? How would you know that? How does anyone determine this? Nowhere does the Constitutional Law states that and where is your article quote in this statement of yours? Or is it what you think it says cos you haven't given any article to prove your point.
You said - Civil courts govern the Indian and Chinese ethnic minorities, while Muslim Malays are subject to Islamic, or Shariah..hmmm so rape cases, murder, robbery, cbt's, theft, corruption, defamation cases involving " ethic Malay Muslims " are subjected to Shariah Law ???? You wanna bet on this one, Doctor Ford??
Professor Doctor David Ford said - Shariah law often supersedes the constitution...ooook
Constitution doesn’t allow Shariah version of Federal Court, Bar Council official says - See more at:
And also said - Malays may not convert to another religion. Apostasy laws make conversion illegal in all but one Malaysian state... - And Lina Joy has done what exactly????
Again the Doctor said - The government restricts Christian literature and Bibles in the Malay language and monitors their use.
Please check the websites I have provide in here before you start doin your keyboard warrior thingy..
Thank You for your prayers..and by the way they all have been answered by the grace and power of our Lord and God Jesus Christ
David Ford said - Wiki is notoriously unreliable when it comes to hotly contested issues
But I also provided articles from pages of the constitutional law to back my claims up...guess maybe you missed it..
You said- [DJ]"My point is Malaysia is very much largely pro Constitutional not Sharia."
Constitution doesn’t allow Shariah version of Federal Court, Bar Council official says - See more at:
Research, research, research and the truth will set you free
You said - Do you see anything here you think is incorrect?: ...Words back at you
Professor Ford said - [Davy Jones]"
Article number: 40a"
Supposedly the atheocratic USSR had a beautiful constitution that made all sorts of excellent guarantees. The guarantees didn’t mean squat to the average citizen living in that atheocracy.
You didn't even read the article I provide but made a comeback with a joke or sarcasm..I can't tell..the best comparison you could come up with is a ship !!!??
Keep your day job
Dacritic...true..and they got rewarded with a large check...what can I say?..only in islam
Hey Davy, you've opened my eyes to something. I really would like to know more about this friend of yours Khairul who converted. This is big, man! Matt 28:19 - "Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost..."
[Davy Jones]"you said - Sunni Islam is…."
Just to be clear, I was quoting a website.
[DJ]"Where did you get this? From the Constitution Law of Malaysia? or from what YOU think or feel is?"
I provided the URL for my quotation. Here it is again:
"Malaysia" Voice of the Martyrs Canada
[VOM]"By constitutional definition, all ethnic Malays are Muslim"
[DJ]"All ethnic Malays are Muslims are Muslims??? ( I recently helped an 'ethnic Malay Muslim' get out islam by ways of the Constitutional Law"
Is this more accurate?: All ethnic Malays are Muslim, unless and until they get out of Islam by ways of the Constitutional Law.
[DJ]"You wanna bet on this one"
Sorry, I'm not into betting.
[DJ]"And also said" [VOM]"Malays may not convert to another religion. Apostasy laws make conversion illegal in all but one Malaysian state" [DJ]"And Lina Joy has done what exactly????"
I was unable to view the video, despite trying a couple times. What did she do-- convert legally? In the one Malaysian state the VOM website alluded to?
[DJ]"Thank You for your prayers..and by the way they all have been answered by the grace and power of our Lord and God Jesus Christ"
What were those prayers for?
When were they answered?
[DJ]"I also provided articles from pages of the constitutional law to back my claims up"
Just because a country's constitution says something doesn't necessarily mean that it's actually the case in that country.
[DF]"Supposedly the atheocratic USSR had a beautiful constitution that made all sorts of excellent guarantees. The guarantees didn’t mean squat to the average citizen living in that atheocracy."
[DJ]"You didn't even read the article I provide but made a comeback with a joke or sarcasm..I can't tell..the best comparison you could come up with is a ship !!!??"
So you think the USSR is a ship. Interesting.
David Ford...first of all please forgive me for coming off sarcastically and calling you professor and doctor..I had no idea you are such a nice person.
Now..let's get to work
David ford said - [Davy Jones]"you said - Sunni Islam is…."
Just to be clear, I was quoting a website.
[DJ]"Where did you get this? From the Constitution Law of Malaysia? or from what YOU think or feel is?"
I provided the URL for my quotation. Here it is again:
"Malaysia" Voice of the Martyrs Canada said wiki is unreliable but you quoted me from a website !!!??? I gave a quotation from a website but you said it is unreliable but you also quoted from a website but what makes that website you gave me reliable??
Mr Ford said - All ethnic Malays are Muslim, unless and until they get out of Islam by ways of the Constitutional Law...Yes that is true and correct.
Lina Joy's case became so big that ethnic Malays were starting to apostatize daily..
I have provided 2 websites, one is a detailed report of an ethnic malay muslim woman's apostasy done in the presence of a commissioner of oath and another a detailed report from the international islamic university of Malaysia... Please please do read both of it to get a better and proper understanding of what is happening in Malaysia
What were those prayers for?
When were they answered?
Muslims in Malaysia celebrate Christmas and wish Christians Merry Christmas and they join in the fun and most of them get drunk !!! But in the west you are suppose to say Happy Holidays right and not Merry Christmas ?
My ex Muslim girlfriend ( she dumped me when she found out about my secret internet activity involving debating muslims and my knowledge in islam that I use to attack muslims in youtube :'(.. ) used to buy me Christmas presents and cooks me Christmas dinners..she even got me a Christmas tree and decorated it for me as a surprise !!! That is what I mean by we Christians have it really good in Malaysia..The TV stations air Christmas ads, Christmas talk show and celebration from America in Malaysia..
I really do not see anywhere or even hear of Christian persecution in Malaysia
The first Malaysian Idol winner was a Christian - Jacklyn Victor and she wears a Cross and she is adored by mostly..guess who? - Muslims !!! They are the majority fans buyin her cd's...
Vincent Chong is another Christian who won first place in a Muslim Malay dominated reality tv show
So please help me understand how are we Christians persecuted in Malaysia.
And ok.. you got me about the USSR..I'm an idiot..I was thinkin you meant USS Roosevelt, I missed Russia..duhh
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