Thursday, November 13, 2014

Here's What High School Students Are Being Taught about Islam

Ever wonder what American students are learning about Islam in their classes? Here's what students are being taught at Porter Ridge High School in Union City, North Carolina. (A concerned mother supplied her son's assignment to the media.)


Apostolicfdn said...

Islam is peaceful like the Black Plague never killed anyone. Please tell countless Christians that are being killed, tortured, imprisoned, and beaten all because they are Christians that Islam is tolerant, or peaceful. I know first hand how Islam treats Christians - 6 cowardly muslims in Pakistan stabbed my cousin in Pakistan because he said that he believes in Jesus Christ, that was very peaceful of them. These 6 cowards were not jihadists - they were just regular muslims that overheard my cousin talking to one of his friends about Jesus and they immediately started to say oh you think Jesus is better then mohammed? So much for westernized muslims teaching that they have "respect" for Jesus Christ. America needs to wake up and stop sending support to Pakistan...that money that they send never actually reaches Christians or muslims for that matter. If any does it is very little. We have taken Christ out the schools and it seems that we are going to be replacing him with something else.

Unknown said...

Wow! The deception and brain washing continues. I bet the teacher was Obama.

Unknown said...

Really? I weep for America.

SG said...

Oh, the Ottomans were kind? The Armenians and Greeks beg to differ. It's funny though because I remember that Arabs did not like them one bit either. At least that's what we were taught in history classes in a Muslim country no less.

Unknown said...

Oh ottomans were peaceful? Improved the life of subjugated countries? Let's examine the history of Bulgaria:
First invaded in 1390, by 1396 Bulgaria Was Ottoman. What followed?
Muslims forced Christians to convert, those who didn't had their limbs cut off and were thrown into fields to bleed to death. If lucky there was simply beheading. Women were raped, churches were burnt, their livelihood stolen. Jizyah was imposed on the populace making them no more than dhimmis who slaved for Ottomans. The nation stagnated and lived poorly until after nearly 500 years of pillaging, death, mass raping of.women and suppressing the population and Christianity, we were freed in 1878.
Peaceful? If I ever saw that teacher infront of me I would give him/her something peaceful to think about.

Michael C said...

The sheet says on it (p.1, foot), “Islam is Peace”, and “so as to avoid political brainwashing”.
So that is fine, isn’t it?

shutupnsing said...

If our resistance to this is limited to what we're brave enough to post on Facebook, we are screwed. We need to employ the same physical activism that we've seen put Common Core back on its heels...the parent who took the step to expose this is a great step...we need to get in their faces!

Unknown said...

Here in France, religions & history are bound.
But none of teachers will teach that kind of garbage because it's proselytism.

i don't know how scholar system is in USA, but in France, studies are the same in each colleges.

I heared today some senators want to teach a little bit more about religions but i think there will be secularity riots ^^

Anonymous said...

This is what CAIR just posted.

What do you think David?

Unknown said...

That's right, the Muslims that took over Spain for 700 years, got there by skipping across the lush green fields, handing out pieces of Turkish Delight saying, we are the "Religion of Peace" come and join us!

Sisgp said...

So sad she only objects to the part that says a muslim has stronger faith than a Christian, shows how ignorant most people are about the whole doctrine of islam. Thanks to you David more and more people are learning the truth.

POEM said...

Jihad is not a struggle towards ones self, if so, why does it tell to Kil Christians and Jews, Are there Christians and Jews in their "self discipline " process.
There is no radical Islam or nominal Islam, there is only Islam, 10% do the terrorism rest 90 % fund it,
There is no peace in Islam, Show me single peaceful Islamic country , Iran, Iraq, Bangladesh, Pakistan, syria, lebanon, Trukey, Saudi, U A E, there is absolutely no freedom in any of those countries.

Apostolicfdn said...

@Poem agreed

Dacritic said...

POEM, yes there can be peace in Islamic countries... Provided you do not start questioning Islam, do not start studying Islam and exposing its ugly side, do not start asking why Islam threatens with death anyone who quits it, but just submit to all such "Islam is peace" propaganda and do not use your brains to wonder how come so much violence is committed in the name of Islam.

"Oh these people are just hijacking Islam for their own purposes."

Yea sure. So did Muhammad.

Uncle Vladdi said...

This so-called "islamic history lesson" is all lies (fraud; a crime)!!!

And that it covers up the world's largest extortion rackets' own historical and ongoing crimes against humanity, is also a crime!

Unknown said...

This is not what children are being taught in public high schools. This is what some children were taught in one high school. I'm a public high school social studies teacher, and I'm horrified by this. My kids aren't learning this garbage.

Try to remember that there are many teachers out there who are working hard to encourage critical thinking and evidence-based argumentation in our students.

Bob said...

Jay Shawn/Mr Wood,

In looking at that "top five misquotations" list, and having read the Koran for myself, it seems to me that they are the ones "cherry-picking". They fail to explain why the murderer of Lee Rigby, the Fort Hood murderer, et al, interpret these very same verses as violent.

From an admittedly simplistic perspective, is the Koran a 1. History book, in which these, and all other verses are in "past tense", describing things which happenED, or present/future tense, meaning these are the things "to do", now and forever?

Sentry on the Wall said...

The problem with such education directions is not in the histories of Islamic nations, as long as equal coverage is given to other nations (such as Israel, the U.S., and those with Christian/Jewish roots), but is in the area of promotion of the religion of Islam.

They can't resist becoming cheerleaders for one of the most barbaric and brutal of religious/political systems, touting the "peaceful" nature of Islam, and inferring that those who oppose it are racist.

Once again, we see the open indoctrination of the youth by instructors bent on promoting their own agendas, instead of really educating the students. Know what your children are being taught.


Dacritic said...

Here is another interesting bit about Malaysia:

Maybe this blog would soon make it to the list. That's right, ban all arguments from the other side so no one can find out the truth. Malaysians are stupid enough to not be able to do their own research on what is credible information.

shutupnsing said...

And then they go to college...