In my post about the beheading of American aid worker Peter Kassig by ISIS, I added my video "Top Ten Qur'an Verses for Understanding ISIS." A Muslim just said he wouldn't mind killing me for my interpretation of the Qur'an (even after he noted that everything I said was correct):
What a shame:( When I think of violent religiously upright people, I can not help but be reminded of how Jesus came to meet Saul;) I pray for you to know the peace of Christ Gerry!
If Allah inspired the Quran to be written in a certain way, why is interpretation by a human being required rather than relying on the words of Allah? Not looking for confrontation, only clarification...
He admits that your interpretation is correct, he then tells you about Qutb's work, (if your interpretation is correct on the first place why mention Qutb?) and then he is accusing you of misinterpretation of the work of the "author? Is Allah just an author? Or Muhammad? If they are just authors, why he wants to kill you for the (correct) interpretation of that author's work?
And that's folks what islam is doing in the minds of people.
This is like when I was physically assaulted outside an American mosque during Ramadan for disseminating accurate information on Ramadan. "He says Muhammad was a murderer", they mocked, while they threaten me with death.
The mental disease which is Islam blinds them so much they can't see the irony of attacking me to prove Islam is peaceful.
Kill means kill.
Report that MF and let Youtube ban him for life. These people should NOT be among us.
You're safe since you are correctly presenting the thoughts of the sock puppet of muhammad (i.e., allah)
Talk about shooting oneself in the foot. Heh.
"... Islam in humans, is equivalent to rabies in a dog..." Winston Churchill
This is so true with Muslims who CANNOT stand any kind of criticism of Islam. They become infuriated and threaten to end lives... And a lot of them actually do. It must suck to believe in a deity who will not defend his " desired" prophet or religion from ridicule so his brain dead minions have to do his dirty work... So much for being " Akbar " (greater)
If someone has violent inclinations, he will often be drawn to Islam as the means to realize his fantasies of violence.
Ashley asked,
If Allah inspired the Quran to be written in a certain way, why is interpretation by a human being required rather than relying on the words of Allah? Not looking for confrontation, only clarification...
There is no escaping interpretation, though sometimes words are intended more literally and concretely, and require less interpretation than other words. The fact that interpretation is inescapable doesn't mean that every viewpoint or opinion is equally subjective. It means we live with our minds somewhere between the objective and the subjective, and thus see through a glass darkly. The truth exists, but none of us possesses it perfectly.
We might not always know what the truth is, but we do know truth exists, because anyone who claims it does not exist cancels out his own statement, because in saying "there is no truth," he makes a truth claim. So we know truth exists, and it follows from that, that some people must be more accurate than other people about the truth. Absolutely perfect certainty is not available, but if we continually work to enhance the integrity of our will, soul, and mind, excluding no evidence, then with the help of grace we can hope that what we discern about the truth is more accurate than not. In other words, we can hope that our interpretations are more accurate than not.
Thats like those Muslims who wanted to kill Geert Wilders when he visited London. I remember one guy saying
"what he said about Islam is wrong, he says Islam is violent, I will kill him for saying such a thing."
So in his words you have correctly stated the correct literal interpretation of the 'final perfect word of Allah' and yet somehow this gent thinks you have done something wrong.
Perhaps he is being insulting to Islam and should behead himself?
He also says Allah is the author?
Is that blasphemous?
Maybe he should behead himself again?
He then refers you to the works of Qutb so that you can see how you are wrong about Islam being violent.
The same Qutb that led those peace loving, extremely tolerant moderates the Muslim brotherhood.
The same Qutb who was utimately hanged because of his part in a conspiracy to assassinate the Egyptian president and other people (the work this gent refers to 'milestones' was cited as evidence of Qutb wanting to overthrow the state in the trial) when the president created a secular rather than an Islamic state.
The same Qutb that inspired most of the worlds most notorious terrorists (particularly Zawahiri and through him Bin Laden, also al-Awlaki was a real fan).
Some quotes from Qutb's milestones
Any place where the Islamic Shari'ah is not enforced and where Islam is not dominant becomes the Home of Hostility (Dar-ul-Harb) ... A Muslim will remain prepared to fight against it, whether it be his birthplace or a place where his relatives reside or where his property or any other material interest are located.
Islam has the right to take the initiative...this is God's religion and it is for the whole world. It has the right to destroy all obstacles in the form of institutions and traditions ...
There is no room to say that the basic aim of the Islamic movement was `defensive` in the narrow sense which some people ascribe to it today, defeated by the attacks of the treacherous Orientalists!
... Those who say that Islamic Jihaad was merely for the defense of the `homeland of Islam` diminish the greatness of the Islamic way of life ...
Your correspondent is clearly confused.
I hope you realise how much we all value your work David. Nobody should have to put up with these types of people. I wish you every happiness.
Allah didn't say people should seek some kind of people for intrepretation of the Quran. He said the most dumb people can understand the Quran without any proble.
Am happy that this dude said Dr. David is correct. So why is he contradicting himself by bringing up an intrepretation from whoever he feels follows? Let us pray to Yahweh to take away the veil in which Allah has used in covering the faces/mind/thinking of our muslims friends.
His "logic" works something like this:
1) What you're saying is true, 2) but you're a non Muslim saying it where other non Muslims are likely to hear it and, 3) this will expose Islam to ridicule, 4) therefore I wouldn't mind killing you.
A real chip off the old Muhammad-block this one!
Derek Lambada, good one. This...saying we are "misinterpreting the Quran to what Allah did not intend it to be" is a favourite Muslim excuse when cornered. Oh, and YOU know what Allah intended it to be? "Oh, you know, we don't know what happened 1,400 years ago so let's just leave it at that. You have your take on this and I'll have my take on this, but if you insist to prove me wrong further (using research and studies no less), I'll not hesitate to get violent!"
Pretty much says all you need to know about 'gerry.'
What's the story with muslims and killing others???
Don't they realise that only God has the ultimate power over life and death? They profess this fact, yet they go on killing sprees in defence of Allah, making their god a feeble being who cannot defend himself.
And worse yet, they continue to claim islam is a religion of peace!
what peace?... the one you achieve after killing everyone who disagrees with you!!!
Some religion islam is when not all people who are created by the same god are equal, and they have NOTHING to prove their god is real anyway.
Can any muslim heal a sick person or raise the dead? has any muslim, including muhammad, cured a lepor, gave sight to the blind or casted out demons, or raised the dead.???????
For 1634 years (since islam was established), nothing good came out of islam, except war, killing, looting, polygamy, sexual enslavement, inequality between genders (as if the woman is half a human), and inequality among humans of all races !!!
When will muslims realise that they follow a faith that leads to darkness?
When will muslims realise that they follow a god who cannot defend himself or itself?
When will muslims realise that they follow a man who was a murderer from the beginning, who never repented, and died in mortal sin?
Wake up muslims. Wake up before you pass on to the next life and be surprised into eternal damnation!
All the cosmos obeys the Son of God, Jesus Christ. He casts out demons, heals the soul in its deepest part. What is military conquest and domination next to Christ? Nothing. Christianity is the religion of salvation, sacred right to its core.
I pray that this comment from "Gerry" will be turned over to the police and he will be arrested for making threats.
That can be considered a threat. A threat on ones life is a violation of Federal Law. Report him.
Only muslims are stupid enough to totally fail to see the irony in using extreme violence , rioting , burning and destroying property and even killing non muslims when islam is accused of being a violent religion !. Evidence the Papal statement that islam was spread by the sword .
Let's be fair. How else is a Muslim supposed to prove that Islam is not violent and hateful other than by killing someone?
When a snake is cornered, it warns its disturbance to stop. Its best to avoid further disturbance. Let the military and police deal with these critters with appropriate means such as drones and prison.
Of the 1.8 Billion Muslims there may be 18 million who are attracted to violence. They hide in the population and strike like a snake when disturbed. Be careful.
Dave Richards, this was what I was referring to in a previous post too. If you try to debate with them, you show them passages from the Quran and the Hadith no less about say, Islam being a violent religion or something, then they tell you that it is misinterpreted or that the Quran is "clear" in an that it was revealed in a very obvious manner, you know you're stepping on dangerous ground. Because the argument becomes silly. Then you know you've got them. If you push them further...well, like you said, the snake is preparing to strike back.
The truth of the matter is that this man needs Jesus. He cannot come to Christ with christians talking about getting this guy banned and expelling the "mental disease" that is Islam. While I agree on a very basic level that you must abandon all sense to act the way muslims do while believing what they believe. Dr. David wood is doing at least one thing correctly. He is not separating himself from those he preaches too.
THEY NEED THE GOSPEL! They need to be justified by faith even as Abraham was justified! Even as we all are justified!
honestly david keeps getting death threats..makes me want to make my own youtube account and show how downright violent the Qur'an truly is...hmmm but what i find funny is even though you interpreted everything right..he still kill you?! the logic..oh wait..
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