Sunday, October 12, 2014

Is Ben Affleck a Racist?

On a recent episode of "Real Time," Bill Maher and Sam Harris declared that Islam is more violent than other religions and ideologies. Ben Affleck called such a view "racist." But since the Qur'an says far worse things about non-Muslims than Maher or Harris say about Muslims, why doesn't Affleck condemn the Qur'an? Is it because he has lower expectations for Muslims than for other people? If so, does this make him a racist?


ignatius said...

Brilliant! Thanks!

Nobody but everybody said...

Affleck is a moronic left wing liberal, who are mortified to see or say the truth.

Infidel said...

He is not a racist, he is an ignorant kuffar.

Devotee of Christ said...

An "I told you so moment",

John 8:24 said...

What an excellent response! Ben Affleck has become some sort of hero to many Muslims on Facebook. I saw many Muslims sharing articles praising his response defending Islam (well, done not by providing intellectual arguments but as usually done by calling those who questions Islam as racists).

I am not on Twitter but could some of you tweet this video to Bill Maher, Sam Harris, Nicholas Kristof, Michael Steele and of course Ben Affleck? Would love to see this video go viral.

John 8:24 said...

Another good response for those who like to read:

shutupnsing said...

Ben Affleck is an intellectual anemic. Racism requires some degree of intellectual energy, how ever misguided and misinformed.

Unknown said...

David thanks as always for your informative video to help saving Muslim souls from eternal death trapped by following destructive path of Quran. Quran is sinking sands like mirage of Arabian Desert. God is Love, Holy, Righteous and Justice. To live with God for eternal we must be holy. But the Book Quran, Muhammad presented to Muslims is full of hatred oppose to love for humanity. Quran presented an unholy Allah who is hot-tempered, unjust and cruel to non-Muslims. This proves Muhammad’s Allah is idol god Allahwala of his tribe Quraysh.

Hollywood liberalism as you specified in your video cares about 1 billion Muslim market for Hollywood film, not about Quran’s hatred message for non-Muslims. They live for present value of Muslim market. Why did Britain ban wearing cross in work place but allowed wearing hijab? Why did Europe bow down to Islamic terrorism by banning publication of satanic verse, publication of Muhammad’s carton picture in newspaper?

Dacritic said...

Nojmul, you mentioned that the Quran presented an Allah who is hot-tempered and cruel to non Muslims, and sure, that is what we found. Which makes the post on Jenny Williams even more bewildering. She said she found the Quran revealed a god who cherishes mankind. You must wonder what book did she actually pick up. Oh maybe, she thought of "mankind" as Muslims only, because since the Quran called Christians the worst of creatures.

Unknown said...

Affleck is a actor with no real talent and just like all liberals they are great at calling people names who do not agree with them…like your a homophobe or a racist, or a Jesus Freak….Affleck is also a coward who kowtows to the phony prophet and the sham islam religion which is no religion at all but murder, rape , and faithless people muslims are.

Anonymous said...

Ben's behavior seems rather odd. It's almost like he is too frightened to do anything other than defend Islam with all his might just in case the Middle Eastern Mafia/Islam comes after him for not trying hard enough to defend it.

Unknown said...

Dr Wood... amazing and brilliant response... I hope and pray that Ben Affleck watch the video and post a response about it. Muslims in Malaysia are calling him a hero !!! If only they knew the truth. Keep up the phenomenal work you are doing.

Rosina said...

I find it shocking that in his ignorance he will blindly defend a religion he clears knows very little about, yet feels free enough to use the name of Jesus to curse in order to get his point across.

Message In A Bottle said...

Actually I sympathise with Affleck. It seems to me he is where I was with Islam when the TTT happened. I actually got into arguments with people in support of Islam and its claims to be the Religion of Peace. I suggested that the TTT murderers were not true muslims etc. You know all the platitudes that apologists come out with. But my arguments were weak and so in order to strengthen my arguments I began to study about Islam.

The results of my studies were the more I found about Islam and its history the more dangerous I realised it was. I now know more about Islam than I ever wanted to know. I am now very anti the ideology of Islam and very pro those who have become ex-mulsims and they are in their millions. I have no problem with muslims as long as they keep their religion to themselves but Islam is bad news. And their rights end where my rights start. Somewhere between their fist and my nose.

Unknown said...

I never knew some of these so called celebrities are so pediatric in their thinking. This is an example of a useful idiot.. whose head will end up on the chopping block of those he is trying to protect with his ignorance. I bet he has never read the quran at all, that's if he can read at all. what a shame!

Robin said...

Ben, America is not the right country for you. Might wanna try Saudi Arabia, there your wife and daughter can cover themselves from head to toes, FGM is a must though...

Unknown said...

Look, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drower But I have to disagree. What Affleck says is defending Islam in a sense. If I were to go into a church and say, "Well Christians/catholics are the mother load of bad ideas." It doesn't matter how I say it, there are gonna be groups of people who are gonna disagree with me and possibly get physical. Take into consideration, Affleck isn't Muslim and he's defending something that's reputation has been tarnished for decades now. How does defending something turn you into a racist?