Sunday, June 8, 2014

Muslim Students at UK Schools Taught to Treat Non-Muslim Women as "White Prostitutes"

Muhammad and his companions treated non-Muslim women and girls as their sexual property. As we've seen in recent years, there is an epidemic of Islamic rape-gangs taking advantage of young non-Muslim girls in Great Britain. Now we learn that schools in Great Britain are actively teaching Muslim students to treat non-Muslim women and girls like prostitutes.

Will there come a time when we can have an open, honest discussion about Muhammad's teachings? Or will politicians and the media instead continue to protect Islam from criticism?
United Kingdom—Pupils as young as six were taught to treat Western women as 'white prostitutes' by a school at the centre of the 'Trojan Horse' Islamist plot.

The shocking disclosure comes ahead of two bombshell reports into claims Muslim radicals conspired to infiltrate governing bodies of Birmingham schools.

A leaked copy of one report says teachers at Oldknow Academy told school inspectors they were alarmed by the use of terms such as ‘white prostitute’ and ‘hellfire’ in school assemblies, and that non-Muslim teachers were banned from being present.

A report by the Education Funding Agency says: ‘We were told by teachers that non-Muslim teaching staff are no longer allowed to take Friday assemblies. In separate interviews, staff told us that in Friday assemblies, occasionally words have been used such as “white prostitute” and “hellfire” which they felt were inappropriate for young children.’

Well-placed sources have told The Mail on Sunday that the term ‘white prostitute’ was used to suggest to pupils that Muslim women were moral but non-Muslim women were not.

Oldknow Academy, which has around 600 pupils, is said to have been the subject of a gradual takeover by extremists, who allegedly pushed out head teacher, Bhupinder Kondal, because she opposed the ‘Islamisation’ of the school. (Continue Reading.)
For more on the treatment of non-Muslim girls in the UK, watch this:


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Dacritic said...

There is always public outrage about new cults that spring up whenever their followers did something that harm civilians. These cults are quickly denounced by governments and the followers are swiftly outlawed. Sometimes I wonder, what constitutes a cult? What makes a particular religion a "cult"? Normally we'd say if their followers dress in a certain unconventional way or they practise some weird activity or refrain from practising some normal activity. But usually, the easiest way for a religion to be termed a cult is if its members start killing innocent people. To that I ask, ISN'T ISLAM A CULT? Of course it is. But why are people so afraid of acknowledging this fact? Because it is the second biggest religion in the world, so if you denounce it publicly you would offend more than a billion Muslims? Which is why I wondered earlier, how did we let Islam get this far, this cult started by this criminal Muhammad? Prevention is better than cure, and now we have to try, bit by bit, to cure the public of Islam's teachings, even for non-Muslims who believe that Islam is a peaceful religion.

Anonymous said...

yes we need a open honest discussion
1) that violence in OT was based on the sinfulness of sin; judgement of the law
2) that mercy and truth has kissed in Christ reconciling the world to God; mercy of the law fulfilled
3) that violence and hatred in islam persist because it neither reconizes judgement of the law or the fulfillment thereof
4) that sharia ought to be banned world wide

Unknown said...

Why is western culture allowing Islam to make attempts to undermine our values ?

If up to me, I would not allow Muslims to immigrate to ANY western country !

Paul Hubert said...

Hi, David,

Haven't followed you since I retired in 2009 but I've been getting more contacts in Facebook from Islamic nations.

ONE brother demonstrated how he has learned the Quran to PROVE Jesus as Lord FROM it - he was in ministry to two actual brothers who were murdered in 2010, after being accused (of course) of blasphemy.

Unfortunately, his references to the Quran don't use the notation I've seen. He sent a long email detailing some of what he offers.

I wondered if you either know about this possibility or would be interested in seeing what he is doing (without identifying him, of course) - I have NOT studied the Quran, though I suppose I could be persuaded to if it could be used to reach Muslims for Jesus!

Paul Hubert

parisclaims said...

I don't think they need to be taught it. It's in their DNA

Paul Hubert said...

A good point regarding banning Sharia, worldwide!

Iftikhar Ahmad said...

Why should not religious taxpayers have a right to send their children to schools that accord with their beliefs? Is this not, after all, supposed to be a tolerant society? If people receive a religious education, they are not rendered incapable of thinking. That is a thoughtless idea of people who advocate 'secularism' --it may not be a religion, but it certainly believes it has a monopoly on truth. Today's 'secularists' are extremists, who want to impose their views on the rest of society. Sir Michael says children (in the criticised Muslim) schools in Birmingham are not being encouraged to "develop tolerant attitudes towards other faiths". What about state and church schools? Schools should be run by head teachers who are answerable to boards of governors who are elected by parents. The role of the state should be minimised - concerned only with acceptable standards of education being delivered and economic efficiency. Most problems in education and in society in general have been instigated by politicians who are the real scourge in modern society, not religion or faith schools.

Muslim children in state schools feel isolated and confused about who they are. This can cause dissatisfaction and lead them into criminality, and the lack of a true understanding of Islam can ultimately make them more susceptible to the teachings of fundamentalists like Christians during the middle ages and Jews in recent times in Palestine. Fundamentalism is nothing to do with Islam and Muslim; you are either a Muslim or a non-Muslim. Muslim children suffer from identity crises because their parents teach them Islam and their schools teach them something else. There must be a positive co-relation between school and home, otherwise, children will suffer academically, spiritually , socially and emotionally. They are also unable to develop self-confidence and self-esteem.

There are hundreds of state primary and secondary schools where Muslim pupils are in majority. In my opinion all such schools may be opted out to become Muslim Academies. This mean the Muslim children will get a decent education. Muslim schools turned out balanced citizens, more tolerant of others and less likely to succumb to criminality or extremism. Muslim schools give young people confidence in who they are and an understanding of Islam’s teaching of tolerance and respect which prepares them for a positive and fulfilling role in society. Muslim schools are attractive to Muslim parents because they have better discipline and teaching Islamic values. Children like discipline, structure and boundaries. Bilingual Muslim children need Bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods, who understand their needs and demands.
London School of Islamics Trust

John said...

IftikharA said...

"Why should not religious taxpayers have a right to send their children to schools that accord with their beliefs? Is this not, after all, supposed to be a tolerant society?"

How do you arrive at that conclusion?

Do you think this society is tolerant of racists?
Do you think this society is tolerant of people who abuse homosexuals?
Do you think this society is tolerant of groups who impose their views on others in their group?
Do you think this society is tolerant of people who desire to punish a person for renouncing their faith?
Do you think this society is tolerant of people who break the law of the land by blowing themselves up in public places?
Do you think this society is tolerant of people who disrespect views and lifestyles that are within the law of the land but that are different to their own?
Do you think this society is tolerant of groups who impose dress codes on children in state schools on the basis that they believe the dress code is proscribed in a 1300 year old book?
Do you think this society is tolerant of people who believe a book is holy and authoritative when that very book denigrates and insults others?
Do you think this society is tolerant of people who are offended by and threaten others for mocking their faith?
Do you think this society is tolerant of people who take offence at and threaten their children, who wish only to do what others in society do?

Well, if you do, I have news for you pal: you're dead wrong.

So come again, what makes you think this society is tolerant?

John said...

IftikharA said...
"Muslim children in state schools feel isolated and confused about who they are. This can cause dissatisfaction and lead them into criminality, and the lack of a true understanding of Islam can ultimately make them more susceptible to the teachings of fundamentalists like Christians during the middle ages and Jews in recent times in Palestine. Fundamentalism is nothing to do with Islam and Muslim; you are either a Muslim or a non-Muslim."

The confusion comes from being torn between 2 cultures. However the solution is not to create a sectarian enclave as you would wish; that is unacceptable in this society. Rather the solution is to enable them, and allow them to choose their own course in life, as others in this society do;- this is the way. You and other "Muslim leaders" make that nigh on impossible for them as your ideology is totalitarian - allowing no migration between it and this society. So I suggest, for the sake of the well-being of your children, that you back off from this course and allow your children the freedom and ability to think critically for themselves and to integrate into this society if they so wish.

I think the problem with you and "Muslim leaders" is that you crave for power and influence and the only way of achieving that in this society is through total control of your children, for without them your power-base is gone.

The expression: "Good riddance to bad rubbish" has worked well for this society: King John, the fascists, the communists etc. and today, the Islamists.

Sisgp said...

Peter said...

For all our politicians may be 'willfully' ignorant of Islam, the population are the complete opposite. I was out canvassing the streets in preparation for the Elections to the European Parliament. We were asking constituents what their biggest concerns are, immigration was there, but with every conversation came the not-so "religion of peace". From that we should take heart and realise that God has commanded us to reject muhammad and the British 'people' are doing so.

I have watched a few of your videos, particularly with Sam Shamoun, how can Islamism be defeated? Debate gets you so far as "I don't care what you say, I am still going to follow muhammad and will kill you for insulting my prophet". Particularly as belief and faith are very powerful human attributes, the striving for higher purpose that even surrounds are our everyday lives.

War, can work up to a certain extent, but when you are fighting a bunch of crazed lunatics etc.. I refer to my previous point, as proven in Afghanistan (R.I.P Lads). Plus it is not something God would command us to do. Mark 5 and Colossians 4.

Faith, can move a mountain, I just pray that mountain can be showing the multi-million muslims to right path of apostasy. What about playing with the theology of Islam, really making it work against them?

goethechosemercy said...

Muslim children in state schools feel isolated and confused about who they are.

Then take your supposed perfection out of the West. It is not your home.

goethechosemercy said...

A Muslim academy is a contradiction in terms.

Most Dance said...

A very interesting discussion here. We can see quite contradicting arguments but I can agree with most of them. One of my friends has a Muslim husband from Turkey and you know he is an excellent person and friend, he respects our women, and moreover it cannot be another way as he is a loving father of a cutie girl. At the same time we had an exchange student who acted just like it is written in the article. But what was shocking for me some of girls stimulated such behavior. The even helped him with college papers (check this to get perfect college papers) They were sure that it was those man`s character however he respects his mother and sisters. It is nonsense to allow them such things in our country, at our home.

Taenith Ravencraft said...

It is really quite simple - keep religion out of schools - end of story.

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rideoo said...

It's really horrible to see all of this. Religion shouldn't be intervened in school education. If Muslims think that we are worse then them, they just should live in their close community and not interfere in our lives.
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Simsii, Inc said...

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