Tuesday, September 10, 2013

C.L. Edwards vs. Shadid Lewis Live!

Watch it live here from 7:00-9:00 PM (PST).


Hazakim1 said...

This was the worst beating Shadid has taken up to this point in this "Glutton for Punishment" debate initiative of his. The only one that Shadid may have barely won was against first time debater "Moderator Bob" who seems to make a better pastor than debater. After the David Wood debate tonight, I'm sure he'll be utterly exposed though I expect him and his fellow muhammadans to claim absolute victory. If Muhammad himself came back from the grave and recanted his claims, there would be no convincing them. Well done CL. This was an undeniable K.O. in the first round! Praise Yeshua!

Sam said...

Praise Yeshua indeed!

Unknown said...

In the Q&A session, this question was asked to Shadid, "I don't believe in the Bible, what evidence from outside of the Quran do you have for the Islamic view of Jesus?"

Shadid couldn't give a proper response since he can't attack the Bible. And he actually conceded that there are no evidence, outside of the Quran, that support the Islamic view of Jesus! He accepts it purely based on faith! Meaning, blind faith!!

Timothy said...

Wow. That's a great question about Jesus.

simple_truth said...

I really appreciate C.L. being adamant about the illogic in Shadid's presentation. I think that helped the audience understand Shadid's downfall and expose him. If I were in the debate, I would have handled Shadid in a similar manner.

Great job, C.L.!

Also, glad to meet you in person. I wish God's blessing upon you and your endeavors for seminary.

amazinggrace said...

pls Mr wood can you post all the debate on youtube
I can't wait to watch them thanks.

Mohammedb said...

i would comment by it needs to be approved, which i know they only approve one that agrees with thier lie lol. CL lewis is a fraud Negro.

David Wood said...

Did everyone catch this blatantly racist comment by Mohammedb?

Nakdimon said...

Mohammedb is like Muhammad of islam, a racist.