Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Short Guide to the Middle East

In case you were confused . . .


Unknown said...

Say what? That was a bit of a mind bender. The common denominator I see there is Islam. Pray for the peace of the middle east and the world in general. These are dangerous days indeed!

Radical Moderate said...

So true so so so true

Walter said...

Ex contradictione sequitur quodlibet.

ignatius said...

"From a contradiction anything follows." -From Wikipedia. Thanks Walter. It's good to supplement my Latin with a few tidbits.

Radical Moderate said...

Correction the article says Iran supports Hamas, although they do it should be noted that it is Hezbullah that is Irans main go to terrorists group.

taomeano said...

A tangle web of confusion indeed. No wonder the Middle East is such a hotbed of conflict, add Islam to the midst and you have yourself a conflagration of competing interest. Shia vs Sunni a brother against brother indeed.

Tom said...

And the center/body of this web is :


Unknown said...

Do you remember Star Trek?
"The Kobe-ashi-Maru" test from the Academy?

Kush said...

D335 said...

I don't think it's confusing. Just run of the mills sunni islam trying to conquer the world while the shiah competition is in the way.

Muslim bros, hamas, turkey, egypt morsi, majority of islam are sunni.
Iran, syria's assad are shiah.
These two has been at each other throat' since the 7th century.

I believe that they would rather kill each other first than joining to fight non muslims

Unknown said...

Hurrah! At last I got a blog from where I be capable of genuinely take valuable information regarding my study and knowledge.
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