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Pressure Cooker Bombs Confiscated by Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
Canada—RCMP say they’ve thwarted a terrorist plot that could have seen pressure-cooker bombs explode near the crowds of families and children outside the B.C. legislature on Canada Day.
Former Victoria resident John Stewart Nuttall, 38, and his partner, Amanda Marie Korody, 30, are charged with conspiring together or with others to place an explosive in a government facility with intent to cause death or serious bodily injury for the benefit of a terrorist group and facilitating a terrorist group between March 2 and July 2, 2013. They are also charged with possessing an explosive substance with intent to endanger life or cause serious damage to property for the benefit of a terrorist group between June 25 and July 2.
Two of the three charges carry a maximum sentence of life in prison.
The improvised bomb was filled with rusted nails, which would have been sprayed among the crowd had they exploded as intended.
At a press conference in Surrey this morning, RCMP revealed details of the terrorist plot and five-month investigation. “Project Souvenir” was co-ordinated by the RCMP-led Integrated National Security Enforcement Teams in B.C. and included the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and local law enforcement.
“This threat was very real,” said RCMP Assistant Commissioner James Malizia, who is responsible for federal policing operations. He added that police were monitoring the couple’s actions and ensured that the devices were not able to explode. He said the two were inspired by al-Qaida ideology but the threat was domestic and had no “international linkages.”
Nuttall’s lawyer, Victoria’s Tom Morino, said his client had converted to Islam and had embraced the Muslim faith, but added that the alleged offences are “absolutely unrelated” to any mosque group or any other established organization. “I am not aware of any mosque with which he is affiliated.”
Photos of the devices showed them to be pressure-cooker style explosives. Malizia said there was no connection to the Boston Marathon bombings, where similar devices were used. (Continue Reading.)
To understand Jihad, watch this video:
oooh, this type pressure cooker bombs are used by islamic terrorists in Bharat,, now seems entered into canada too,, pressure cooker almost double the explosion phenomena.
Right.... Except we don't even know if they're Muslim. U seem to have conveniently made up that fact
Conveniently u made up the fact that they are Muslim, when RCMP are still trying to determine their motivation. Nice try islamophobia panderer.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. The vast majority of willing converts have some kind of personality disorder. Usually serious.
Homemade bomb recipes are available in the magazine called Inspire given out by Al-Qaeda.
Hi David.
It's getting worse in England brother. A mainstream TV broadcaster Channel 4 is running a whole month of Pro-Islam programming for Ramadan. Besides all the TV shows they will be televising the daily call to prayers 5 x day, and also showing sunrise and sunset times on TV screens all day. It seems we are literally being Islamized now more than ever. I can't believe Robert and Pamela have been banned from coming here to England. It's a disgrace and totally undemocratic.
Keep up the great work friend!
I think ISLAM attracts losers from the West trying to identify with something, anything in their pathetic lives. Hence the need to go Jihadists immediately.
Jacqueline said: "Conveniently u made up the fact that they are Muslim."
I guess you didn't bother to read the article. NUTTALL'S LAWYER said that he is a convert to Islam. I guess you believe that I'm Nuttall's lawyer?
"We've been hearing a lot about Muslim converts lately (click here, here, here, here, here, here and here for examples). How is it that so many Muslim converts, from so many different parts of the world, somehow conclude that Islam commands them to kill non-Muslims?"
They are no more than CIA agents. You should at least be honest and state this possibility.
And no Islam does not permit terrorism, and killing of civilians.
Osama Abdallah
"I think ISLAM attracts losers from the West trying to identify with something, anything in their pathetic lives. Hence the need to go Jihadists immediately."
I think your ridiculous ignorance and gullibility in the West attracts the zinoist machine to pull all types of fake hoaxes on you, like they did with 9/11, Boston, Woolich and others.
Osama Abdallah
Osama engages in lies and damnable lies...which he is allowed under the koran. the spreading of misinformation is crucial for islam
Osama is engaging in lies and misinformation...fully allowed in his religion to spread islam. he is lying.
Osama's searching for his tinfoil hat again. Bring me one too Osama!
Let me guess, it was Jews trying to blow up innocent people...
Sorry, the trail leads us right up to the backbone of the blackstone.
Osama, Remember in the first debate Sam said Islam's fruit are rotten to the core? Well this is what we mean here. When a person converts to Islam he becomes an angry individual, and extremely radical after they study the Koran and find hundreds of verses that promote hate of unbelievers.(9:29)
Here is a challenge for you, can you produce one verse from the Koran that promotes the brotherhood of all humanity, regardless of belief?
Spare us the one that was meant for Jews, as Muslims pathetically use this one to deceive westerners who know nothing of the Koran.
Your ignorance is obviously an insult to intelligence, because it is just too much. Here is not just one Noble Verse for you, but several from many:
"Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: For thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance. (The Noble Quran, 16:125)"
"O ye who believe! stand out firmly for God, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear God. For God is well-acquainted with all that ye do. (The Noble Quran, 5:8)"
"God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes. God loves just dealers. (The Noble
Quran, 60:8)"
".....Help ye one another in righteousness and piety, but help ye not one another in sin and rancour: fear God: for God is strict in punishment. (The Noble Quran, 5:2)"
"God doth command you to render back your Trusts to those to whom they are due; And when ye judge between man and man, that ye judge with justice: Verily how excellent is the teaching which He giveth you! For God is He Who heareth and seeth all things. (The Noble Quran, 4:58)"
"O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for God can best protect both..... (The Noble Quran, 4:135)"
"Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men;- for God loves those who do good;- (The Noble Quran, 3:134)"
"Hold to forgiveness; command what is right; But turn away from the ignorant. (The Noble Quran, 7:199)"
"They perform (their) vows, and they fear a Day whose evil flies far and wide. And they feed, for the love of God, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive,- (Saying),"We feed you for the sake of God alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks. "We only fear a Day of distressful Wrath from the side of our Lord." (The Noble Quran, 76:7-10)"
Why don't you get serious with yourself, and study Islam objectievely and honestly? You can start by visiting:
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
I don't know what TPaul was hoping he would get from such an open-ended question, to be honest.
I find it interesting that of the surahs quoted, while all but 16 were reveled during the later Medine period, ALL of them were revealed BEFORE the violence commands to slaughter and subjugate in 9.
"help one another" seems pretty clear referring to other Muslims.
Also, if Islam is peaceful as you claim, then I guess you are against Mohammad's teachings, since you've called for the "bloodbath" of Coptic Christians , and have praised the killing of Jews(p-raising HAMAS while refusing to condemn HAMAS' genocide). At best, you're a hypocrite who doesn't follow what you claim your religion teaches.
Again and again, you continue to fail to understand. The Noble Verses that I quoted, and many more like them that I didn't quote here, COMMANDED THE MUSLIMS AFTER THEIR VICTORY, not before. This is why Allah Almighty Commanded the Muslims to remain Just and Merciful especially to those who did us no harm. Just because their families and tribes waged wars on GOD Almighty's Divine Religion, it doesn't mean that they too should get punished. If they didn't fight, then they didn't get punished. Or at least the Muslims were Commanded by Allah Almighty to not punish anyone unjustly.
And as to the "Verses of violence", read them. None of them Commanded violence against civilians.
So your ignorance is exposed and refuted, once again.
Osama Abdallah
Thanks Osama, but I am not really impressed with the pathetic verses you provided, when not one of them honestly promotes a universal brotherhood, infact it is quite the opposite. The entire Quran is a breach of the Golden Rule. The Quran tells Muslims to slay the unbelievers wherever they find them [2:191], do not befriend them [3:28], fight them and show them harshness [9:123], smite their heads [47:4], etc. Are these verses compatible with the Golden Rule? |These verses have some serious implications, like abrogation and contradiction found elsewhere in the Koran, that totally negate every single verse you provide.
Let's look at the verses and how they contradict with others, making most believers who seriously study the Koran into radicals and new converts into hateful Islamists.
1."Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: For thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance. 16:125"
1a. "And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers."[3.85]
Converts to Islam will chose the later, because Allah calls people of all other beliefs losers!
2."O ye who believe! stand out firmly for God, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear God. For God is well-acquainted with all that ye do. [5:8]"
2a. Those who dispute concerning the communications of Allah without any authority that He has given them; greatly hated is it by Allah and by-those who believe...[40.35]
Allah encourages hate by declaring that he hates unbelievers... mercury rising in new converts!
3. "God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes. God loves just dealers. 60:8)"
3a.Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection. [9:29]
Clear contradiction between the two. Now guess which one the new radicalized converts choose to inflict terror on unbelievers?
The Verses[5:2],[4:58]& [3:134] are for believers not unbelievers, because Allah says this...
"They perform (their) vows, and they fear a Day whose evil flies far and wide. And they feed, for the love of God, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive,- (Saying),"We feed you for the sake of God alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks.[76:7-10]
Wow maybe you are right, this one is a great verse, hey but wait! what does this verse say?
"Whoever obeys the Apostle, he indeed obeys Allah, and whoever turns back, so We have not sent you as a keeper over them." [4:80]
Ah Ha! so you are not keepers of the unbelievers! So allah only expects you to do what is mentioned in [76:7-10]to believers only, as Muslims are not keepers over unbelievers.
"Hold to forgiveness; command what is right; But turn away from the ignorant. [7:199]"
in context this is not a general forgiveness verse, but only if someone rejects Islam after you invite them.
Here is the context
"And if you invite them to guidance, they do not hear; and you see them looking towards you, yet they do not see."[7.198]
So you see you may have posted a number of verses that become irrelevant, just because your confused deity does not know if the command he gives is right or wrong.
The general rule of understanding the koran is that it has double standards and it's ridiculous rule of abrogation makes Mohammed the obvious author and plagiarizer of ancient works to concoct the Koran rather than Allah.
Now Osama, could you please be honest with yourself and list the hundreds of verses in the Koran that promote hate towards unbelievers, fighting, strife, stalking, killing anti-Semite expressions?
You have to be seriously blinded not to notice that there is so much negativity and hate that spews from the Koran that the sprinkle of "nice" verses also become vile and hypocritical.
Take care
P.S: Thanks for your advice about studying Islam, been there done that... still stinks, and you website is full of deception and taquiya.
I know you're diseased from the lie of pitting Jesus against Muhammad. And I know that Jesus looks better, and he is better in purity, because he was created from the Word and was filled with the Holy Spirit. This is according to the Holy Quran. But this doesn't make the Prophet of Islam an evil person, nor does it make him a false Prophet. In fact, compare Muhammad to some of the Bible's Key Prophets, and you'll find him better than most of them, if not all of them. Let's take a look at few:
1- Moses killed an innocent persona and stole his money.
2- David slept with Bethsheba, his neighbor, and had her husband murdered, and coveted her, and he lied.
3- Solomon worshiped idols.
4- Gideon worshiped idols immediately after GOD Almighty gave him victory.
5- Jeremiah blasphemed GOD Almighty, and cursed GOD Almighty, and told GOD Almighty "YOU HAVE LIED TO ME!" Blaspheming GOD Almighty is punishable by death in the Jewish Law.
MUHAMMAD DID NONE OF THIS! On the contrary, he did bring the Arabs from the darkness of idol worship into the Light of Islam. And he only fought those who fought Allah Almighty's Divine Truth. After all, he was Commanded by Allah Almighty to spread Islam.
So Islam does not stink. It is you who has grown up on lies and deceptions. Islam Commands Justice for all! It's written all over the Holy Quran! I just gave you few Noble Verses above. And Islam came to restore the Original Faith. Islam is GOD Almighty's ONE FAITH to mankind that started from Adam and ended with Muhammad. This is where you the Old Scriptures'Salamays, Mushlams, Mushlems, Shlam, Shlama, Mashloome, Mushlimana, Mishalmana, Mishlam, and SHALOM from.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Oh good, you're not ignoring me! (Sort of)
"So your ignorance is exposed and refuted, once again."
HA. FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME, SAYING SOMETHING IS NOT REFUTATION.You seem to have forgotten the part where you actually REFUTE me in this post. Oops. Please show me how Sura 9 is for defense only. I've had this converastion before, and heard plenty of arguments, but there is no direct command in Sura 9 that clearly says "only fight those who fight you first". Nothing I've heard is convincing.
The text in Sura 9 is clear it says "When, therefore, the sacred months have slipped away, slay the associatorss wheresoever ye find them and capture them and beset them and lie in wait for them at every ambush." (9:5) and the only remedy is pray to Allah (basicly, accept Islam) and to pay the tax. 9:28 says " Fight against those who believe not in Allah nor in the Last Day and hold not that forbidden which Allah and His apostle have forbidden and observe not the true religion, of those who have been vouchsafed the Book, until they pay the tribute out of hand and they are subdued. " Again, fight the NON-BELIEVER, not FIGHT THE AGRESSOR. Your Allah seems to have a problem with communication.
Nowhere can I see it saying "those who fight you first".
For that matter, perhaps you could show how Mohammad was right to torture a man to reveal hidden treasure?
But as I said, it's clear from your own words, you don't even really believe in this peaceful version of Islam, so you are hypocrite.
"I don't know what TPaul was hoping he would get from such an open-ended question, to be honest.
I was simply trying to get Osama to flush out all the "pseudo-humane" verses in the Koran, and then negate them one by one.
As you pointed out in your post, most of those apparent good verses were during the peaceful Meccan period, the time of inception of Islam, therefore Mohammed simply had to be good towards the Jews, Christians, Sabeans, Pagans etc., however Muslims use these verses to show that Islam is peaceful, which is a blatant lie, and they know it as there are scores of verses that are detrimental to folks who will not submit to the worshiping of a cube.(pun)
Observe now how Osama uses tu quoque, and throwing in red herrings like he does in debates, when he is cornered, as if that would help his cause to prove Islam right.
Cheers mate
@TPaul: "As you pointed out in your post, most of those apparent good verses were during the peaceful Meccan period,"
To be clear, I actually pointed out the opposite, that all but one of them (sura 16) were during the later period, at least, according to the chronological list I posted. Though, I did note that they were all before the violent commands of 9, which contradict any sort of call of universal brotherhood.
Osama says "I know you're diseased from the lie of pitting Jesus against Muhammad..."
Good and Evil have no business being together, as Jesus says
24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other..."
Matthew 6:24
Jesus represents the spiritual good, while Mohammed represents the carnality of this world. Ofcourse we have to discern between the two.
Osama said "And I know that Jesus looks better, and he is better in purity, because he was created from the Word and was filled with the Holy Spirit...."
I am glad you realize the obvious.
At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children..."
Mathew 11:25
Osama says "1- Moses killed an innocent persona and stole his money."
Reply: Mohammed killed scores of innocent people and looted their belongings throughout his prophetic career. He slew 900 men and boys (with pubic hair) while he enslaved and made slaves and wives of the captive women...
Osama says "2- David slept with Bethsheba, his neighbor, and had her husband murdered, and coveted her, and he lied."
Reply: Mohammed coveted his adopted son's wife Zainab and married her after his son divorced her to please Mohammed.
Mohammed married an innocent 6 yr. old child and took her to bed at age 9. Deception was a part of Mohammed success as a prophet, and lying (taquiya) is a virtue to be practiced by Muslims, in time of need.
Osama says "3- Solomon worshiped idols.
4- Gideon worshiped idols immediately after GOD Almighty gave him victory."
Reply: Mohammed worshipped idols in the kaaba right upto the time he got his alleged revelation from some spook in a cave.
Muslims to this day bow down before a stone cube in the dessert, and kiss a black stone, that has no religious significance, other than it being a practice of pagans previous to Islam.
Osama "5- Jeremiah blasphemed GOD Almighty, and cursed GOD Almighty, and told GOD Almighty "YOU HAVE LIED TO ME!" Blaspheming GOD Almighty is punishable by death in the Jewish Law."
Reply: Mohammed got a blasphemous revelation from Satan, some time during his so called prophetic mission. How can a true prophet be lured into uttering a shirk surah?
Osama says "MUHAMMAD DID NONE OF THIS! On the contrary, he did bring the Arabs from the darkness of idol worship into the Light of Islam."
Reply: You must be utterly brainwashed or oblivious to reality to believe this. Mohammed did what all those prophets you quoted and much much more. His evil deeds were the culmination of all carnality of previous prophets combined, who by the way were rebuked by God for their deeds, but ironically Allah not only condoned all of the evil opportunistic acts of Mohammed, he actually gives Mohammed divine permission to do those deeds with revelations to justify them.
How then do you call this 'light'? This kind of 'dark light' is prevalent in most male adherents of Islam who hope to make Mohammed a role model and emulate his lifestyle.
As for "Islam's justice for all" I hate to do this again but surah 9:29 reveals too clearly for you the kind of justice allah has in mind for all those who refuse to submit.
[9.29] Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.
Is this the type of Islamic justice you have in mind too?
Prove that Prophet Muhammad killed 900 men and boys from the Jews.
As to adopted sons, there is no such thing. This is a man-made nonsense. Yes, there is sponsering of orphans and raising them and supporting them, but they're not sons and daughters, nor can they share the inheritence of the biological children.
As to the Prophet coveting Zaynab, that is a lie. On the contrary, the Prophet told Zaid to not divorce her. But she insisted on getting divorced from Zaid.
As to worshiping stone, that is another lie. The black stone is no more than an asteroid that was sent down by Allah Almighty to determine the location of where the Kaaba to be built by Abraham and Ishmael, peace be upon them. And the Prophet said that demolishing it is no dearer to Allah than shedding the blood of a single Muslim.
As to the so-called satanic verses, that is another fabricated lie. Ironically, the Hadiths say that when the Prophet Prostrated (not to the idols, but to Allah Almighty), all of the people and the Jinns prostrated with him. This further proves that it wasn't to idols.
But what have you established here, TPaul? You still haven't refuted that the Prophets of the Bible fell short and committed blasphemies that are punishable by death. And they were never put to death.
As to Prophet Muhammad, he never received a single Revelation to justify wrong doing for him. That is another bold lie from the anti-Islamics.
Islam is the Divine Truth, and trinity is a false lie.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
I'm dissappointed, I didn't hear the classic " There's no compulsion in religion" propoganda.
SO it was "peaceful" submission that Mohammed practiced in Mecca & Medina, & other places. He was just and merciful in his slaughter, murder, rape, and "noble" takeover of these cities. He showed the upmost in forgiveness to those who disagreed with him?
The only thing noble in the Qua'ran is that Allah dealt with Mohammed properly, that as he was dying prom the poison of a Jewish woman, he felt his aorta being severed..the judgement of God.
Osama said "Prove that Prophet Muhammad killed 900 men and boys from the Jews."
Quran-33:26- “And He brought those of the People of the Book [Jewish people of Banu Qurayza] who supported them from their fortresses and cast terror into their hearts, some of them YOU (MOHAMMED)slew (beheaded) and some YOU (MOHAMMED) took prisoners (captive)”
To separate adult men from the pre-pubescent boys, the youngsters were examined and if they had grown any pubic hair, it was enough to behead them (Abu Dawud; see Ibn Ishaq, p. 466)..
Osama said "As to adopted sons, there is no such thing. This is a man-made nonsense."
Funny that how this became "man-made-nonsense" only after Mohammed lusted after Zaynab...
And in reference to Sura 33:40 Ibn Kathir writes:
"Muhammad is not the father of any of your men," After this it was not permitted to say Zayd bin Muhammad, i.e., he was not his father EVEN THOUGH HE HAD ADDOPTED HIM ... (Ibid., p. 701
Osama said "As to the Prophet coveting Zaynab, that is a lie. On the contrary, the Prophet told Zaid to not divorce her. But she insisted on getting divorced from Zaid."
Hahahahahah!!! What a bloody joke!
Even Allah complied with Mohammed's lustful desires.... do you not find this strange?
[33.50] O Prophet! surely We have made lawful to you .... a believing woman if she gave herself to the Prophet, if the Prophet desired to marry her-- specially for you, (NOT FOR THE REST OF THE) BELIEVERS...
How conveniently disgusting... don't you think? Even Aisha seemed to have noticed this, but it is a mental block for most Muslims.
Narrated Aisha: I used to look down upon those ladies who had given themselves to Allah's Apostle and I used to say, .... "I FEEL THAT YOUR LORD HASTENS IN FULFILLING YOUR WISHES AND DESIRES." (Book #60, Hadith #311)
Now let's get back to one to one you have been evading...
Osama Said "Islam Commands Justice for all! It's written all over the Holy Quran!"
I said... As for "Islam's justice for all" I hate to do this again but surah 9:29 reveals too clearly for you the kind of justice allah has in mind for all those who refuse to submit.
[9.29] Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.
Is this the type of Islamic justice you have in mind too?
Osama said "But what have you established here, TPaul? You still haven't refuted... blah blah blah."
Well scroll back and see what you are doing? You seem to have a hard time focusing on any given topic. Just like your debates, you seem to bounce all over the place instead of staying on topic.
You have not yet established that Islam has the "Golden Rule" like all other religions. On the contrary[9:29} is a breach of the Golden Rule.... How have you refuted that? New converts to Islam and anyone who studies the Koran seriously, will see this message jump out and bite them in the face.
It is only Pseudo-Muslims like yourself who in a guise of 'moderation' use Taquiya to promote Islam as a religion of peace, however, deep down in your heart even you know that this is a blatant lie.
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