I thought I'd respond to Muslim Proud in order to avoid some possible confusion. Here goes:
Muslim Proud,
When you come for Sam, you might find someone hiding in the bushes, taking pictures of Sam's children. If you do, no worries. It's just your fellow Muslim keyboard jihadist "IslamWillPrevail," who admits that he likes to stalk children and take photos. Perhaps you guys can get together and form an internet club for cowards who sit around all day threatening people on the laptops your mothers bought for you. You could call your group the "League Of Stalkers Evading Risks" (L.O.S.E.R. for short).
Take care, Cupcake.
The Dizzle
Somebody castrate them before they breed!!!
Cupcake!! lol
Oh my God, best. response. EVAR.
The Dizzle?
I suppose that on the bright side, at least they're being consistent in and with their mohammedinism.
The Quranic Allah cannot even stand all by himself against Jews and Christians. That's why he employes his 'herds of slaves' the coward Muslim Jihadists or Terrorists to intimidate them. We should feel pity for these 'herds of slaves' as they tirelessly seek to please the 'best of deceivers' through their misguided zeal for their ringleader will deceive them too in the end!!
im going to rip his head of you will all see it
lol @MuslimProud,
who's afraid of you?
@ Bro.David,
have you seen this nonesense?
Muslimproud said saami zaatari crashed you lol...5min clip, where is the rest lol
@Muslim Proud "Im coming for sam" - Is this what Muhammad would have said? :D
@ Muslim Proud "im going to rip his head of you will all see it" - Is this a demonstration of the religion of peace, check your username again, please. :D Proud to be a Muslim who is going to rip (sam's) head of you will all see it... Gosh... You're so peaceful :D
I have encountered this little snake on paltalk (his nic is muslim4life), his best refutation to my arguments with regards to the Trinity on paltalk is to repeat the arguments and say "You've been refuted". lol.
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