News reports are labeling the bullies "Asians," just as multiple U.K. rape-gangs (typically with one or two "Muhammads" among the perpetrators) are labeled "Asians." It seems the media are absolutely incapable of learning their lesson. Aaron was bullied because British adults are too cowardly to confront the radical intolerance of Muhammad's teachings. Now that a child is dead, the media continue to pretend that Islam can't possibly have anything to do with what's happening in Europe. The real problem is racism among "Asians."
What's the real source of the endless conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims? Let's review.
According to the Qur'an, non-Muslims are the "worst of creatures":
Qur’an 98:6—Verily, those who disbelieve (in the religion of Islam, the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad) from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and Al-Mushrikun will abide in the Fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures.
Who are the best of peoples? Allah tells his followers:
Qur’an 3:110—You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind.
According to the Qur'an, Allah has no love for non-Muslims:
Qur’an 3:32—Say: Obey Allah and the Apostle; but if they turn back, then surely Allah does not love the unbelievers.
Not surprisingly, the Qur'an commands Muslims to treat people differently, based on their beliefs:
Qur’an 48:29—Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves.
Thus, Muslims are not allowed to befriend non-Muslims:
Qur’an 5:51—O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.
The Qur'an even orders Muslims to violently subjugate people because of their beliefs:
Qur’an 9:29—Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
Yet, according to the media, politicians, and multiculturalists everywhere, none of this is found in the Muslim sources. Sadly, the victims of this rampant cowardice are children.
United Kingdom (The Sun)—The devastated family of a nine-year-old boy who hanged himself say he took his life after racist taunts by Asian bullies.
Aaron Dugmore — thought to be one of Britain’s youngest suicides after bullying — was found in his bedroom after months of jibes at school, they claim.
His family say that Aaron was threatened with a plastic KNIFE by one Asian pupil — who warned him: “Next time it will be a real one.”
But despite complaints to the school, where 75 per cent of pupils come from ethnic backgrounds, they claim nothing was done to stop the bullying.
Heartbroken mum Kelly-Marie Dugmore is convinced the taunts led to her son killing himself two weeks ago. She sobbed: “We are not racist people. Aaron got on with all the children at his last school, and for him to have been bullied because of the colour of his skin makes me feel sick to my stomach.”
Aaron joined Erdington Hall primary in Birmingham last September after the family moved nearby. But Kelly-Marie, 30, and stepdad Paul Jones, 43, noticed a change in him from his first day.
Paul said: “He became argumentative with his brothers and sisters, which wasn’t like him at all. Eventually he told us that he was being bullied by a group of Asian children at school and had to hide from them in the playground at lunchtime. He said one kid even said to him, ‘My dad says all the white people should be dead’.”
Kelly-Marie claimed: “He was even threatened with a plastic knife by one boy. When Aaron stuck up for himself he said it’d be a real one next time.
“I went to see head Martin Collin a few times, but he only said, ‘You didn’t have to come to this school, you chose to come here’.”
A spokesman for Erdington Hall, labelled unsatisfactory by Ofsted, said Aaron had “settled in quickly”. West Midlands Police are investigating the causes of Aaron’s death. (Source)
(typically with one or two "Muhammads" among the perpetrators)
Ever hear of the Mohammed Coefficient?
There is more to this, though, not to lessen the demographic realities at play here. There is the government schooling issue, the broken family issue, etc., etc. This onion has more than a few layers, for sure.
Anyway, the Mohammed Coefficient is an interesting concept. FWIW.
where 75 per cent of pupils come from ethnic backgrounds,
I thought everybody comes from an ethnic background. Do native Brits not count as having an "ethnic background?"
This kind of language is very revealing and very disturbing.
Only something truly demonic, in every sense of the word, would lead a nine year old to commit suicide.
Muslims simply cannot help themselves, the true God of the bible made a prophecy approximately 2000 years before the advent of islam that they will live in hostility towards everyone and even amongst themselves.
Genesis 16:11-12
11 The angel of the LORD also
said to her:
“You are now pregnant
and you will give birth to a
You shall name him Ishmael,
for the LORD has heard of
your misery.
12 He will be a wild donkey of
a man;
his hand will be against
and everyone’s hand against
and he will live in hostility
toward all his brothers.”
Can they not see the Bible is absolutely spot on and yet they simply insist that the bible is corrupt.
Its very simple, take this verse and look around in the muslim countries and where muslims live and compare.
The true God has spoken.
In Christ, for Christ, by Christ
I can think of three reasons why the news reports mention "Asians" as opposed to any other description:(1) Aaron Dugmore complained he was being bullied by Asians;(2) claimed he was on the receiving end of racist remarks issued by Asians;(3) the religious beliefs of the bullies seem to be of little or no relevance.
this is disgusting. I have been bullied before but this is just horrible. Even worse these bullies were taught by their parents to do these. And the headmaster even supported the bullies!!! I'm so glad that I go to a christian school.
@Derrik: Yes, Muslims are taught that non-muslims are terrible people (Q. 5:51) , and commands that they be subjugated and killed (Q. 9:29) for their non-belief, but them being Muslim has "little or no relevence!" Why? Because you, a muslim says so! I feel so much better now. I'm going back to cover my head with my hands and chanting "I can't hear you nananana".
How's it going with going to a Muslim website that preaches hate and telling them they are wrong? Because I know you'd never dishonestly spend all your time seeking out one or more non-Muslim sites that report on Muslims (even western Muslims) who preach and practice hatred against non-Muslims and while telling them that Islam is peaceful not also focus on the Muslims who are the problem!
I should sue those British because they use the word "Asian" instead of muslim or Pakistani. I am an Asian, and definitely my people do not behave like the muslims. I am insulted by the use of Asian term.
I’ll let you in on something. I read this blog just to witness the indiscriminate Muslim-bashing for myself. And, thankfully, I’m seldom disappointed by the abysmal depths of nonsensicality here.
Unless you (or anyone else) know the religious beliefs of the bullies I don’t see the relevance of bringing up the Qur’an. How do you know their religious beliefs? What are their religious beliefs? I live in England and I’ve been following this story. I’m just as up to date on this as you are. So if you have access to facts I do not please share them.
But since you’re clueless with respect to the facts I’ll share something with you to make you rethink your current stance. I’ve personally been on the receiving end of racist comments from the Muslim community here in London. The interesting but not-so-surprising bit is that the racist attitude typically comes from those of Indian, Pakistani, or Bengali descent. The racist attitude, I believe, stems from my marriage. My wife is Indian and I’m black. Interracial marriages between Indians and non-Indians are rare; marriages between Indians and blacks are almost unheard of here. So you can image the kind of googly eyes, stares of disgust, snickering, and preferential treatment we receive almost on a daily basis. If we – a Muslim pair – can be on the receiving end of racism from fellow Muslims, then that ought to show you the utter ridiculousness of bringing up the Qur’an. Sadly, I’m not the only one with my experience. We’ve been a vocal bunch for years while the rest of you were focusing on Danish Cartoons and the like. Our decade long Cassandra cry should show that background knowledge of racism in the Asian community is a must to understand Aaron Dugmore’s case, and an attempt to understand his case independent of that background information in naive.
So, unlike David Wood, I can speak on this issue from authority: (fact 1) I’m a guy, on the ground, with years of first-hand experience of the phenomenon of Asian racism, (fact 2) a guy who has years of experience working with children as well as the phenomenon of bullying, and (fact 3) a guy who can distinguish a widely-known social phenomenon from internet hysteria. And for fact 1 I can understand why the media outlets are describing the bullies as “Asians” (not my term, really) as opposed to Muslim or whatever. To label them anything else (without further evidence) would be intellectual dishonesty.
By their fruits ye shall judge them.
Islam is profane.
Mohammed is a false prophet.
And truly, the Muslim "allah" is the Beast of Revelation.
The lake of fire awaits.
Believing in the Apocalypse has never felt better.
Derrick is right! Maybe it was a gang of Chinese kids picking on Aaron in an area where Islam is the dominant religion and Pakistanis are the largest ethnic group. After all, we all know how common it is for Chinese parents to tell their children that all non-Chinese people should be dead (as Aaron reported the "Asians" as saying).
But now we must ask, why didn't the peaceful, tolerant Muslim students who form the largest group protect Aaron from this gang of imaginary Chinese bullies?
@ Derrick Abdul-Hakim,
You state, “I’ll let you in on something. I read this blog just to witness the indiscriminate Muslim-bashing for myself….. Unless you (or anyone else) know the religious beliefs of the bullies I don’t see the relevance of bringing up the Qur’an.”
Let me ask you this question. Do you know what is the religion of these Asian bullies? Are they Hindus, or Buddhist or Christians or atheists? Per your post, you yourself admit that you are on the receiving end of racism from fellow asian muslims. So therefore, we know that the Asian bullies are muslims. In no country you will find Asian Chineese or Asian Christians or Asian Buddhists becoming the source of racism. Majority of the times if not always it is the Asian muslims, especially from Pakistan, India or Bengal. So when it is mentioned that Asian are the bullies, it is understood that it is muslims and therefore, it is relevant to bring up the Quran since it teaches to subjugate (pure form of racism) the non muslims.
Now, Islam is the only religion in the world that commands its followers to apply racism when it says to subjugate the non muslims, especially Christians and Jews because of our belief. When you target a specific group to humiliate them and subjugate them based on their religious beliefs, it is pure form of racism. It is the only religion in the world that is forcing on Christians and Jews for the last fourteen hundred years that our scriptures are corrupted without any proof. This is true form of racism to force on another religious group that their scriptures are corrupted (even though you have no proof). No religious group in this world does this except muslims. I find it very hypocritical for a muslim to claim that he finds Christians to be indiscriminately bashing muslims when his own religion indiscriminately bashes Christians and Jews.
Can you please state what do you find on this blog to be indiscriminately muslim-bashing statements. I am sorry that you think that we are bashing muslims. On the contrary, all of the stuff we say, we back it up from your quran and muslim literature. If for any reason some one has said anything that cannot be backed up from the Quran and your muslim literature, which you think is racist statement, I am sorry for that. For the most part, we explain to muslims how wrong islam is, so that you can come to the true knowledge of the true and living God of the Bible. May God open your eyes and have mercy on you as He had mercy on me. All honor and glory be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Anybody have a comment for the Head Master Martin Collin who stated to the parents, "‘You didn’t have to come to this school, you chose to come here’.”
Clearly his rhetoric did nothing to save this child's life.
You can write him here.
@ Derrick Abdul-Hakim, A quick question for.
If I as a Christian make below statements, would you consider me a racist or indiscrimanately bashing muslims?
1. O you Christians! do not take the Moslems for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.
2. Christian, fight those who believe not in God nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by God and His Son, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Quran, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. The Moslems call Mohammad the messenger of God. That is a saying from their mouths; (in this) they but imitate what the Unbelievers of old used to say. God's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth!
3. O Christians! strive hard against the Muslims and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination.
4. O you who believe! fight those of the Muslims who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that God is with those who guard (against evil).
5. Jesus is the son of God, and those who are with him are severe against Muslims, and merciful among themselves.
6. O ye Christians! Truly the Moslems are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs approach the Sacred Church
7. Do not initiate the Hello to the Muslims, and if you meet any of them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.
@Derrick This is just non-sequitors. So you've experienced racism from muslims, so that means they couldn't be muslims who were racist in this story?
We know the media in the past has covered up actions by muslims calling them "Asians". We know that Islam teaches hatred, subjegation and death to non-beleiver, and we know muslims are the #1 demographic. You are right that we don't certinaly KNOW that they were Muslims, but considering how what they did followed the teachings of Islam, and it is the largest demographic, it is extremely likely.
You didn't answer my question. You said you came here to prove to yourself how awful the Kuffir are for reporting on the violence done by your co-religionists ("nonsensicalness" aside, there have been CONFIRMED over 100,000 dead from your co-religionists since 9/11, nothing to sneeze at). So, what are you doing to persuade muslims to not be violent or force sharia law in the west? Wouldn't you agree that this is more important, actually making a change on violent muslims rather simply then telling non-muslims that Islam is peaceful?
Watch how Derrick NEVEr responds to the commands of his Allah in the Quran or Mohameds sunnah. Only deflects to others and makes excuses for his Ummah. This is one of the major problems with Muslims. After all Nothing can be wrong with the final perfect word of Allah. It cant be the motivation for hatred, terrorist attacks, rape, child molestation etc... Because Allahs word is perfect and final. Never mind what the Quran says. Those Asians cannot be motivated by Islam. Why? Because Derrick is black and his wife isnt and he gets funny looks. So it cant be Islam.
Come on people. Derrick is the victim here! Jeez you guys are racists!
Derrick said, "I’ll let you in on something. I read this blog just to witness the indiscriminate Muslim-bashing for myself. And, thankfully, I’m seldom disappointed by the abysmal depths of nonsensicality here. "
So why come? I said it before and I'll say it again, if you're that upset by what's written here LEAVE.
second, "I’ve personally been on the receiving end of racist comments from the Muslim community here in London. The interesting but not-so-surprising bit is that the racist attitude typically comes from those of Indian, Pakistani, or Bengali descent"
Okay. I can buy that (someone go get a fan Derrick just fainted).
CL Edwards mentioned a similar incident where he, as a muslim, encountered the same treatment. Be interesting to see just where, if any, he agrees or disagrees with you.
Third, "So, unlike David Wood, I can speak on this issue from authority"
Okay and this is where I see a problem. Why was David relavent AT all in your post. This is his blog. He found the article and posted it with his commentary but most of the 'harsh nonsenicality you're upset with are coming from other people like foolster and searchfortruth.
Hi Derrick,
You have more experience than I do regarding the racism situation,but there is one thing I don't understand:
Is it not like a fact that Indians(Hindu and Muslim),Pakistanis and Bengalis prefer WHITE skin?I know somebody,a white woman,who lived for many years in India.She told me that for marriages there they put ADS saying they want a person with LIGHT SKIN.
I have seen Bollywood movies,they usaully have light-skinned heroes and heroines.Not to mention the sale of WHITENING CREAMS all over India.
I don't think the Asians would bully a white kid because of his white skin if white is considered the most beautiful,maybe the only beautiful color, in their culture.
Check out this article:
"The Koran approves of the Gospel as it Existed in Muhammad’s Day"
“Asian” is a generic reference for anyone typically of Indian, Pakistani, or Bengali descent. Since it is the generic reference for one or all three referents here in the United Kingdom, Aaron Dugmore in all probability referred to one or all three. Given that he was made fun of, insulted, and threatened by bullies he himself described as “Asians”, the term of reference is good enough for me.
Missing from this post is any discussion of the underlying racial/ethnic superiority attitude harboured by Asian children. As I pointed out yesterday, it’s essential background information to this case and other like cases that don’t make national or international headlines. Since moving here, I’ve seen Indians hold negative attitudes about Pakistanis and Bengalis, Pakistanis hold negative attitudes about Indians and Bengalis, and Bengalis hold negative attitudes about Indians and Pakistanis. These attitudes can and do take on many forms – racial, ethnic, national, or even religious - , but they typically surface in inter-marital circumstances. In inter-marital circumstances, they more often than not turn racial. They can appear at home, in inter-religious debates, or even in the school yard. (My wife can attest to that reality since she teaches here. I can’t count the number of racial bullying cases she’s brought to my attention over the years; much less can I count the ones she hasn’t brought to my attention) Aaron Dugmore’s case, sadly, is like so many I’ve heard about. I divulged autobiographical information yesterday just to point out how complex the phenomenon is, and how the usual, but explanatorily puzzling recourse to Islamic sacred scripture is the wrong way to go about it. (It certainly doesn’t explain racism within the Muslim community nor does it explain Indian Hindu/Sikh racial attitudes about non-Indians) If you really want a causal antecedent to the bullying that ultimately lead to Aaron Dugman’s suicide, I suggest familiarizing yourself with like cases.
I'm a bit strapped for time. I'll respond to others soon.
Finally some sort of media does a tv interview of the parents of poor little Aaron
Interesting that the BBC didn't even mention it once I heard...or other news media.
@ Derrick,
You state, “but explanatorily puzzling recourse to Islamic sacred scripture is the wrong way to go about it. (It certainly doesn’t explain racism within the Muslim community…..”
I asked you this earlier but like every other muslim, you didn’t answer the questions and changed the subject. You do say that time permitting, you will answer others which I highly doubt it. In anycase, as you were saying that Islamic sacred scripture does not explain racism with in the muslim community, would you consider below statements as racists?
1. O you Christians! do not take the Moslems for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.
2. Christians, fight those who believe not in God nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by God and His Son, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Quran, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. The Moslems call Mohammad the messenger of God. That is a saying from their mouths; (in this) they but imitate what the Unbelievers of old used to say. God's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth!
3. O Christians! strive hard against the Muslims and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination.
4. O you Christians! fight those of the Muslims who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that God is with those who guard (against evil).
5. Jesus is the son of God, and those who are with him are severe against Muslims, and merciful among themselves.
6. O ye Christians! Truly the Moslems are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs approach the Sacred Church
7. Do not initiate the Hello to the Muslims, and if you meet any of them in a road, force them to its narrowest alley.
There is so much deception in Islam that it is not even funny. The truth is that no muslim can handle the truth. If you are honest with yourself then tell me if the above statements are racist, If you agree that they are then you will condemn Mohammad and the quranic teachings. If you don’t, then my point stands that no muslim can handle the truth.
I'll let you in on something, Jesus Christ is the TRUTH. This is the only way you will be able to find and handle the truth.
All honor and glory and praise be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (may His peace be upon us).
"Aaron Dugmore in all probability referred to one or all three. Given that he was made fun of, insulted, and threatened by bullies he himself described as “Asians”, the term of reference is good enough for me."
You're making a pretty big assumption. It doesn't say anywhere in the article the boy refereed to them as Asians, but you're presumming that the article says Asian because the boy did. This of course completely misses what David's commentary about how "Asian" is often used by the media to conceal the person is in fact Muslim. (I can provide examples if you wish).
I have witnessed, in Norway, a teacher threatened with a pistol by a refugee from Afghanistan and a Norwegian pupil robbed in the schoolyard by a Somali that held a knife to the boy's throat. I have also been threatened with violence in the classroom and experienced the lack of will to receive an education that the Muslims demonstrate. European children deserved better than to have criminals forced upon them by Left-Wing theoreticians and to be denied an adequate education due to the undermining of the education system by mass-immigration.
Foolster41, SGM, and Deleting:
Point 1: Aaron was a victim of bullying. Bullying itself is a topic all on its own. What gives this case a special sort of character is that it is a case of racial bullying. Racial bullying, too, is a topic all on its own, one I think is totally missing from the sum-total of posts claiming to “respond” to me. Anyhow, do you at least sign on to the idea that Aaron was the victim of racial bullying? If not, why not?
Point 2: I said yesterday that “Asian” is a generic reference that refers to anyone of Indian, Pakistani, or Bengali descent. Sometimes Afghans, Nepalis, and Sri Lankans are added to the list, but the point is “Asian” is the socially accepted reference here in the United Kingdom for at least three of the above-mentioned nationalities. It’s not a term of reference I care to use, but it is used by Indians, Pakistanis, and Bengalis to refer to each other, and it was the term Aaron used to refer to his bullies. After all, we’re talking about a nine-year-old who may or may not have understood the ethnic/national/religious differences between them; in some instances, the differences are impossible to locate. Do you at least sign on to “Asian” as the term of reference? If not, why not?
If you agree that this case under discussion is a case of racial bullying, agree that “Asian” is the socially accepted term of reference for Indians, Pakistanis, and Bengalis, and that “Asian” was the term used by Aaron Dugman to refer to his bullies, then it shouldn’t be hard to see why most - all? – media outlets reporting on this story use the term “Asian” over any other potentially usable description.
You might respond: “Ah, but his bullies were probably Muslim since Muslims are in the majority there. And since they’re in the majority the media should describe Aaron’s bullies as Muslim.”
I don’t deny that Muslims are in the majority in Birmingham. But if it is a fact that Aaron’s bullies were in fact Muslims, given Point 1 and Point 2 it’s an irrelevant fact. Let’s assume it is a fact. So what? There are many facts we can mention about his bullies, but not all of them are relevant. It’s a fact his bullies are mammals, it’s a fact his bullies are bipedal, it’s a fact his bullies are homo sapiens, and it’s a fact his bullies are either immigrants, descendants of immigrants, or British citizens. However, those facts do not shed light on this case in any relevant way. Imagine if the reports on this case were titled as the following: “Nine-Year-Old British Student Aaron Dugman Commits Suicide to Escape Bullying by Mammalian Bipeds.” You, like me, would question the description used to describe his bullies. The description should have some relevance to the phenomenon in question. And since the religious identity of the bullies doesn’t seem relevant at all, I don’t see the point in bringing up their religious identity anymore than I see the relevance in referencing their biological identity.
If this were a case of gender bullying, the same would be true. It would be pointless to describe bullies in a case involving gender bullying as “immigrants” or “children of Labour Party supporters” unless (option a) those descriptions tell us something important relevant to gender bullying or (option b) gender bullying is something uniquely commissioned by immigrants or children of Labour Party supporters. The same applies to the present story under discussion.
Thus, I have no issue whatsoever with the term “Asian” used to describe Aaron’s bullies. Nor do I think the media is “concealing” the religious identity of the perpetrators. If any of you have evidence of that, please make it known to the rest of us.
You say,
“Let me ask you this question. Do you know what is the religion of these Asian bullies? Are they Hindus, or Buddhist or Christians or atheists? Per your post, you yourself admit that you are on the receiving end of racism from fellow asian muslims. So therefore, we know that the Asian bullies are muslims. In no country you will find Asian Chineese or Asian Christians or Asian Buddhists becoming the source of racism.”
I don’t know what they believe. I don’t think it’s relevant. As far as I’m concerned, the real culprit is the racial bigotry that tragically pushed Aaron to suicide. Whether his bullies fall under the description of “Muslim,” “Sikh,” “left-handed,” or “Platonists” tells me nothing of social or legal significance.
You say,
“Majority of the times if not always it is the Asian muslims, especially from Pakistan, India or Bengal. So when it is mentioned that Asian are the bullies, it is understood that it is muslims and therefore, it is relevant to bring up the Quran since it teaches to subjugate (pure form of racism) the non muslims.”
Then I suggest you ditch blogging and gain some real-life experience. I’ve seen racial bullying committed by Muslims and non-Muslims, Indians as well as Pakistanis, Arabs as well as Turks, blacks as well as whites, and so forth. I focused exclusively on Asian racial bigotry because the victim described his bullies as Asian. But racial bullying is not unique to Asians, nor is it unique to Muslims. Furthermore, I mentioned my own experience of being on the end of racial bigotry to point out that racial bigotry is not unique to kids, nor are non-Muslims the only victims. If you think otherwise, then before you blurt out your position on this matter you might want to gain some knowledge about the phenomenon.
Moreover, even if the Qur’an prescribes subjugation of non-Muslims, it doesn’t at all relate to the phenomenon under discussion. Many victims of racial bullying are Muslims; and many of those guilty of bullying Muslims are in fact Muslim. I’ve personally witnessed Indians bullying Pakistanis, Pakistanis bullying Bengalis, Somalis bullying Indians, Pakistanis, and Bengalis (and vice versa), Arabs bullying Turks, Turks bullying Romanians, etc, etc, etc. That’s just the tip of it. I could bring up in-group bullying like, say, Guajarati Indians bullying Punjabi Indians, or Sindh Pakistanis bullying Pathani Pakistanis, or, God forbid, the nationally-based bullying that exists between different Arabs. What good would Qur’anic verses relating to non-Muslim subjugation do to explain those instances? What good (apart, perhaps, from pointing out how bad Muslims are) would a description like “Muslim” serve in cases where the bullies as well as the victims are Muslim? I’m just speaking of my experience with Muslim children. I received my childhood education at public schools where non-Muslims were overwhelmingly the majority. Every instance of racial bullying I can remember involved non-Muslims.
As I said, what makes Aaron Dugman’s case unique is what makes it tragic: it ended in suicide. Apart from that, there’s nothing unique about it. And that it’s not unique calls for rooting out the common cause.
Thanks for your response. Like you, I don’t understand why they prefer fair skin. My wife says it’s valued more and considered a sign of beauty. But that’s not always true.
And I agree, I don’t think Aaron was bullied because of his white skin.
I will check out your link
As for your question: no. I wouldn’t consider you a racist unless “Christian” is a racial denotation, which it is not.
So sad, the west the only hope of humanity has caved in to sharia.
There is a recent news of a pastor that was beheaded because they would not kill their cow in the sharia way. This happened in Tanzania. But please dont forget that islam is a religion of "peace"
Here is the story from voice of the martyrs
Pastor Matayo Kachili was beheaded on Feb. 11 by radical Muslims who became enraged because Christians were not adhering to Sharia when butchering meat. Halal (permissible) meat is produced through ritual slaughter with the words "Bismillah allahu akbar" (the name of Allah the greatest) said over the animal.
The Christians had investigated the laws of Tanzania and found that slaughtering animals was not restricted to Muslims only. ...
Hello Derrick,
Thanks for the feedback.The thing about white skin being considered best in India,Pakistan and Bangladesh is I think,due to:
1.Around 1,500 BC the Aryans,a white people,who spoke Sanskrit,conquered India and Pakistan.
2.They classified people according to VARNA,a word translated as CASTE,but which in Sanskrit means COLOR.
3.At the top were the Brahmins(Aryan priests,who were white) and then soldiers(who were Aryan,Kshatriyas) and then the non-white conquered population who spoke DRAVIDIAN languages.
4.Thus Hinduism was born,and Sanskrit,an Indo-European language related to Farsi,English,French,German,Greek,etc, replaced the native languages in Pakisitan,Bangladesh and northern India.
Undeniably for a long time the Aryans married among themselves but later they were racially absorbed by the others but I assume idea of white skin=superior remained in the culture.
AlfieSmith 0 likes
I don't know what happened to this school. When I attended back in the 60's, I remember the first Afro Carribean kid attending. He was a bit of a curiosity. If I remember correctly at the time I was 7yrs old and i made some stupid comment about monkies. The then head teacher, Miss Pulham, took me to her study and gave me the biggest spanking of my life. Following that, i went back to my class where my teacher made me stand in the corner with my hands on my head for an hour. People may call that harsh today, but it taught me a valuable lesson.I'm pretty sure this would never have happened if those same set of staff with the same disciplinary powers were around today. You can't blame the kids when the adults do nothing to put the problem right.
Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4809890/BOY-thought-to-be-one-of-Britains-youngest-suicides-found-dead-after-months-of-jibes-says-family.html#ixzz2MDm92LWo
Hungarians fought wars for centuries to protect themselves and Europe from Islam invasions (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottoman%E2%80%93Hungarian_Wars), as a payback Hungarians received the treaty of Trianon (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trianon_treaty).
What a world! And now the U.K. lets the Muslims to immigrate peacefully... Are you blind, you people? An immigrant should only be allowed to stay in the country if he/she proves that he/she can obey the rules of the country and will be a useful citizen.
@derrick you didn't read my post and your post proves it.
Unlike you I don't launch into a wordy response like you do.
Go back and reread it again. My point to you was you attacked david when the points being made to you came from foolster and Searchfortruth.
Here's my points again.
1. IF the topics here upset you, don't come here. The end.
2. Address the person you speaks to you and address their arguments. Pulling me into that post was a waste of time considering, if you read again, I agreed with you that asians can and do bully.
3. Quit attacking people who you don't agree with.
Islam, as you know, is a religion of peace.
Jesus fuckin christ!
To be honest i dont care what religion they where what colour they where the point is being mixed up in religious waffle the problem was and is with the adults the parents of the bullies who tell the kids all whites should be dead, the headmaster of what ofsted have classed has a failing school failing to protect a child even though he knew what was happening and now its you lot failing this child by turning his tragic death into a reason to attack each other .What ever the religion ( from what i have read here and what has been said in the report then yes probably muslims though irrelavant )it is not the issue i have lived by one saying all my life 45 years of it and that is God made man, man made religion, who do YOU trust.
close the full school down lets see where the ethnic minority get then free school made payed and served for by the British government yet drummed into there heads all white ppl should be dead leave them homeless and school less then tell them well.... you chose to come to this country r.i.p. little man thoughts go out to family and friends
david, david why are you so hypocrite ....?
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