Monday, February 25, 2013

Muslims Launch "Tell Mama" App to Combat Persecution of Muslims

Given the daily Muslim terrorist attacks we read about, not to mention the Muslim rape gangs around Europe and the open persecution of non-Muslim minorities in Muslim countries, you might think that Muhammad's followers in the West would dedicate themselves to correcting these problems, combatting terrorism and rape, etc. Once again, however, Muslim organizations are focusing on the imaginary mental disease of Islamophobia.

Muslims who want to complain about all the racist, hate-mongering bigots who believe that raping little girls is wrong now have a nifty app that will allow them to report Islamophobes instantly.

TELL MAMA will be launching an iPhone and iPad free to download application on Apple iTunes so that individuals who suffer an anti-Muslim prejudiced incident will be able to report into us in real time. We are looking to ensure that victims of anti-Muslim prejudiced incidents or hate crimes are able to report in as quickly as possible so that we can assist them. The application will also be able to geo-locate the location of the victim if the locator is on and when the application is opened. Furthermore, victims will be able to upload pictures of the location where the incident took place, pictures of tube carriage numbers, (if the incident took place on the London Underground for example), or pictures of graffiti which may have been sprayed onto a mosque.

We will be announcing the date of the iPhone and iPad launch in the next week and hope that you can download the TELL MAMA application which we believe will be a useful resource in providing members of the public with a hate crime reporting in facility. We also urge mosque committee members to download the application so that they can report in graffiti incidents and damage to the external rendering of mosques by taking pictures of the damage and sending them through the application. We also would advise Muslim women to download the application so that they can report in quickly and with confidence if they suffer a street based incident or anti-Muslim hate crime. Other individuals which this application may assist include those working in the taxi or minicab industries and who may be prone to anti-Muslim prejudice particularly at weekends when people may have been drinking and when tempers flare up. Also, late night catering establishments, such as kebab shops and all night Turkish restaurants may want to inform their workers of the availability of this application since many suffer prejudice when serving members of the public who have usually been drinking and who are frustrated and hungry after a heavy night out. Download away we say! (Source)

Can anyone imagine the international public outcry that would result if someone made a new app that would allow people to report the actions of Muslims?


GreekAsianPanda said...

"Can anyone imagine the international public outcry that would result if someone made a new app that would allow people to report the actions of Muslims?"

There probably should be something like that. It's not that there are no anti-Muslim (or anti-Middle Eastern, "Asian", etc.) hate crimes in the U.K., but to pretend all the violence and harassment is coming from one direction would be ignoring problems either way, since, in addition to anti-Muslim and related crimes, there is also anti-white and anti-non-Muslim hostility from immigrants.

(This is just the impression I get from news from across the pond; I've never been in the U.K or anywhere in Europe.)

simple_truth said...

"Can anyone imagine the international public outcry that would result if someone made a new app that would allow people to report the actions of Muslims?"

It's time to fight back and create an app to report Islamic crimes. We have to challenge them at every opportunity.

YoWAPlus said...

Can this app post powerful communication like yo whatsapp on