Saturday, February 23, 2013

Four U.S. Muslims Convicted of Conspiring to Fund Terrorist Group al-Shabab

Apparently, these Muslims haven't been informed by CAIR that Jihad means "making friends across the aisle." Their imam should have instructed them on the peaceful nature of Islam. Oh wait, the imam was involved. Now I'm confused.

San Diego (AP)–A federal jury in San Diego has convicted four Somali immigrants -- including an imam from a local mosque -- of conspiring to funnel money to a terrorist group in their home country.

After a three-week trial and three days of deliberations, the jury convicted the four men Friday of conspiring to raise and send money to Somalia's al-Shabaab (AHL-shuh-BAHB').

The U.S. State Department designated al-Shabaab a terrorist group in 2008, and federal prosecutors have since cracked down on the group's U.S. support with the arrests of some two dozen people, mostly in Minnesota.

Those convicted include 40-year-old Mohamed Mohamud, an imam at a San Diego mosque, along with two taxi drivers and a man who operated a financial business that was used to move the money. Sentencing is scheduled for May. (Source)


Aletheya said...

I wonder why allah can't help them accomplish his mission.

Haecceitas said...

Apparently, these Muslims haven't been informed by CAIR that Jihad means "making friends across the aisle."

On the contrary, these are obviously very peaceful and moderate Muslims who are trying to make friends with the terrorists. Doesn't that count as making friends across the aisle?

Haecceitas said...

This is off-topic but here's a link to a recent debate between Paul Bilal Williams and Rowan Williams:

Might be worth a review in one of the future episodes of Jesus or Muhammad. (Speaking of which, if I'm not mistaken, there's at least one JoM episode dealing with Shabir Ally that hasn't been made available online yet. Will it be available some time in the future?)

Haecceitas said...

Just a follow-up on that link, it turned out to be less interesting than I first thought, mostly because the format wasn't really a debate, but I think Rowan Williams might not have been the best representative of Christianity anyway, at least not in the context of dealing with Islam.

simple_truth said...

Haecceitas said...

"Apparently, these Muslims haven't been informed by CAIR that Jihad means "making friends across the aisle."

On the contrary, these are obviously very peaceful and moderate Muslims who are trying to make friends with the terrorists. Doesn't that count as making friends across the aisle?"

That's a thought provoking question you ask. Who says that friends always have to be good? After all, Islamic definitions are always shifting to fit a particular paradigm.