Consider the case of Naomi Oni, a 20-year-old Victoria's Secret employee who recently suffered an acid attack in Great Britain. Here's part of The Daily Mail's discussion:
The young victim of an acid attack that left her partially blind and scarred for life has revealed she is not angry at her attacker, but is desperate to understand why she was attacked.
Naomi Oni, 20, suffered horrific burns to her face, leg, arm and head and was left partially blinded after a person in a niqab threw acid over her as she returned to her home in Dagenham following a shift working at the Victoria's Secret store in Stratford Westfield.
Naomi, who also lost her hair and eyelashes in the attack, has undergone multiple operations and skin grafts to repair the damage to her skin, hair and eyes.
So the woman who attacked Naomi was wearing a Muslim veil. Even The Huffington Post initially reported that the attacker was wearing a niqab:
An unidentified assailant severely mutilated a 20-year-old girl on her way home from work in an acid attack in Dagenham, East London.
According to the Independent, Naomi Oni was walking home from her job at Victoria's Secret on December 30 when an attacker wearing a niqab (a full face veil) sprayed her face with acid. The liquid burned parts of Oni's head, arms and legs, and left her partially blind.
Nevertheless, when the media reported that a woman wearing a niqab had sprayed acid in a Victoria's Secret worker's face, many readers couldn't help but wonder if they were witnessing the beginning of a campaign of violent intimidation against women and businesses not in compliance with the demands of Sharia.
Apparently, the thought of people actually thinking critically about Sharia was too much for The Huffington Post to bear. Check out their latest description of the brutal attack on Naomi Oni:
A Victoria's Secret shop worker who had acid hurled in her face as she walked home has revealed she feels no hatred for her attacker.
Naomi Oni was attacked at midnight by a masked woman on December 30 in Dagenham. She has spent the last month receiving skin grafts and nearly lost her sight.
That's right. Oni was attacked by a "masked woman." What kind of mask was she wearing, you ask? A Halloween mask? A ski mask? A gas mask? A hockey goalie's mask? Was she attacked by Catwoman? Or a female Lone Ranger? We'll never know, because the cowards over at The Huffington Post are deliberately leaving out relevant details to keep people from wondering about Islam's impact on Western society. After all, we can't have readers questioning Muhammad's similarity to George Washington, can we?
Now let's wait for some idiotic Muslim to come tell us that this had nothing to do with Islam.
Are you surprised. The Huffington Post is the most disgusting liberal online "news" site in this country.
When I first read this story, I read "Muslim veil", but the thing is, I'm not sure if we can say for sure that it was even a Muslim woman. Don't guys wear those things to get away with crime these days? Anyway, couldn't it even just be maybe a vengeful ex using it as a disguise for the same reason?
This is complitly wrong.Whoever do this idiotict things should be punished with lifelong jail since she/he ended up this poor womans life. It is a real crime and that is what sharialaw say it is ok and with stonings womean too. That is how islam is working when it shows up its real and ugly face. Women has now place in this world with islam. It is just a mens world and they are allowed to do whatever they want with their womens. It is disgusting.
My blood boils so much at these worthless cowards!! I wish someday the US, the Aussies and the European countries would start deporting all Muslims back to where they came from. They are NOTHING BUT BAD NEWS!!!
Facts? What facts? News is about opinion and Liberal/Progressive empty rhetoric (lies), don't we know that by now?
"My blood boils so much at these worthless cowards!! I wish someday the US, the Aussies and the European countries would start deporting all Muslims back to where they came from. They are NOTHING BUT BAD NEWS!!!"
hmmmm. I don't see any christians condemning this guy for supporting the deporting of muslims. But when the topic of the jizyah, etc... comes up, none of you hesitates to voice your opinions.
@Samatar: How about this, I do comdmen it tyhough the feeling he has is understable since it's hard to tell "moderaite" muslims from violent ones (ones who follow the example of Mohammad).
Now then, will you condemn Osama's crazy anti-semetic conspiracy theories?
I've asked you condemn the nonsense that comes out of Osama's mouth, many times before but you seem unwilling to do so, so this seems just a tad hypocritical.
Also, Samatar I note you spend so much time here telling us why we're wrong about Islam (when muych of it is reporting on what muslims do and say, quoting the Quran and Hadiths, even if they are wrong), but I wonder how much time you spend telling your co-religionists when they quote the quoran and hadiths and do and say violent things?
"How about this, I do comdmen it tyhough the feeling he has is understable since it's hard to tell "moderaite" muslims from violent ones (ones who follow the example of Mohammad)."
If anything you just supported his claim. You even said his claim is understandable because it is hard to distinguish between moderate and extreme muslims. Is that the kind of condemnation you want from muslims who don't support offensive violence. Are you okay with a muslim telling an extremist
" I condemn your view, however It is very understandable because non muslims do many things that can harm our society, as well as partake in many of the things we forbid in Islam."
How does your condemnation carry an ounce of weight when you are actually trying to support both his reasoning and claim, which is absolute nonsense. In a condemnation, you are supposed to express complete disapproval of their stance, not try to strengthen it. By the way, the link you provided me is not working. Lastly, you did not even reply to him, you just told me you condemn his view. Oddly enough, I recall you telling me before not to tell you I condemn what Osama, Kim, etc... say, but to tell them directly. You really should practice what you preach foolster. You are not fooling anybody.
No, it's not the same at all as supporting (though perhaps the way I phrased it was unclear). I absolutely condemn the idea of the ACTION (i.e. deporting all Muslims), but noted I can understand the attitude behind it (mistrust of Muslims since as I said, "moderate" peaceful Muslims are indeed hard to tell from violent ones).
it'd be like how I might say, to use your example I condemn and abhor terrorism, but I understand how the terrorist might feel suppressed in some way. In saying I understand their PLIGHT does not in any way mean I condone the action they take in response. If you can't understand the difference, then I don't know what to tell you. Hopefully this explanation will make it clear.
Re, the link:
Here you go. So this means you will go and directly condemn Osama? Good! I look foreward to your post!
"Lastly, you did not even reply to him, you just told me you condemn his view."
Ok then. You are right.
@Jesus Is Lord: You are wrong. The answer to the problems is not singling out muslims, since many ave no idea of the violent teaching, but educating people on the threat of political islam, and persuading those who are westernized muslims to leave islam.
@Samatar again: I should note though the reason I said this was because I often see Muslims talk about how Islam is peace and spend much time tellihng non-muslims this but never bother to tell violent ones this. You quite a few times after making the claim that there are only peaceful Muslims here (and using some posters here as examples such as Kim and Osama) and I pointed out how these were terrible examples of being "peaceful" you refused to directly confront them when they made violent or hateful statements (though you even posted after where I pointed them out!). This is the first time I've seen a statement about deporting Muslims here (at least in a good while), but I've seen far more hateful statements by Muslims against non-muslims here, thus the difference.
Could you answer my question. Do you spend time educating your fellow co-religionists (the type are reported on here) on why they are interpreting Islam wrong? Which sites do you visit to do so? If not, why not?
There is a simple difference between moderate and extreme muslims.
The "extremists" follow the proper undiluted islam as propogated by muhammed and the "moderates" are either ignorant of their religion or simply trying to sell the kafirs a tolerant and peaceful islam.
The "extremists" are closer to the real islam and makes no excuse about it.
In Christ, for Christ, by Christ
As for me, I liken muslims to a coded computer program, you need an access code/pass before you connect to the program.
A so-called "moderate" muslim is one that haven't found or encountered a good ol' Mullah and/or Imam ( with the right access code in the koran and hadeeth ) to break/hack the access code of his/her heart and reasoning. A REAL muslim is one who follows the tenets of islam as stipulated by profit muhammed in the siras, hadeeth and koran ( yes this includes the rape, torture, armed robbing, assassination, stonning to death etc )
All muslims are one and the same, there is/are no such thing as a moderate muslim ( even Turkish PM confirmed this ). "Moderate muslims" is a phrase useful idiots and the LameStream Media shove down our throats to force us to look the other way as shariah and islamic barbarity slowly creeps into our societies.
Just read the comments and based on human rights I condemn the idea of deporting Muslims but I certainly am in favor of stopping more Muslim immigration into the West,except in an occasional case.
The West has a very low birthrate and the best solution is to accept all the non-Muslims from Muslim countries(most of who are Christians).
Those people are real refugees,suffering from Muslim discrimination.
@Samatar: To be clear, I don't expect people normally to have to speak out against misbehaving people in a group (yes, including muslims), but only did so with you because you made the patently false comment that there were only peaceful muslims here, and used Osama and Kim as examples when I knew I'd seen plenty of hateful things by them) and then when I pointed them out you brushed them aside (they don't mean it, they've said peaceful things too so that must supercede the terrible things they said, ignored when i pointed them out, etc.) that raised all kinds of alarms. I'm not trying to fool anyone.
"in favor of stopping more Muslim immigration into the West,except in an occasional case.
The West has a very low birthrate and the best solution is to accept all the non-Muslims from Muslim countries(most of who are Christians)."
Wow. I must say I am surprised hearing this from you Minoria. So basically, you are telling me that if I wanted to go visit the United States or Canada, you wouldn't allow me just because I am muslim. Furthermore, you would be biased and ensure more christians would be allowed to immigrate. If that is not discrimination please tell me what is. Very disappointing to hear this from you. If this is your stance, I don't even want to hear what Sam shamoun or Radical moderate think about muslims immigrating to the West.
Well, fair enough Foolster. I will put more effort into condemning muslims who preach something wrong, even though, for you information I do condemn them if I happen to see them comment something I wholeheartedly disagree with.
"Well, fair enough Foolster. I will put more effort into condemning muslims who preach something wrong, even though, for you information I do condemn them if I happen to see them comment something I wholeheartedly disagree with"
So, you condemn question is, why are you still a Muslim?
What if I said Christians aren't following the true Christianity? The same early church fathers who established tenets of Christian doctrine such as trinity, you follow that aspect yet are you aware of the other writings they inked? Perhaps how they viewed women?
"So, you condemn question is, why are you still a Muslim?"
No I condemn muslims who preach something that is not Islamic. What the Prophet (pbuh) said and did was how Islam should be practiced.
@ Jamal,
Perhaps you could elaborate as to what you believe true christianity is and I will reply.
The TENET of the Trinity was not ESTABLISHED by the early church fathers, it was merely agreed upon.
The reason for this is that you'll find proof of the trinity throughout the bible long before the church fathers met on this subject.
Please furnish me with more information as to what the church fathers "inked" and what their views were on woman.
In your reply, can you give me ONE witness who can confirm that muhammed indeed got his revelations from allah?
Back to the original topic, can you please tell me if the following surah is ONLY applicable to a "moderate" muslim or an "extremist". Bear in mind both of them have declared the shahada.
Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
In Christ, by Christ, for Christ
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