Monday, February 4, 2013

ChandTheBoss Threatens to Kill Me in the Streets

Keyboard jihadists strike again! I don't know if I'll ever be able to leave my apartment now!


GreekAsianPanda said...

Just goes to show that 13-year-olds should be banned from the Internet. They're either posting pictures of idiots making duck faces in the bathroom mirror, #SWAG or YOLO, on Facebook, or doing things like this.

Aw, who am I kidding? Adults will make silly, half-hearted death threats when politics or religion are involved. It's so sad to think grown-ups believe they're so intimidating typing "i will kill u" on some stranger's YouTube channel.

Anonymous said...


You need to get a gun permit.

apran said...

The threats from muslims show that their false god is impotent, because it always needs the muslims to do the dirty work.

Allah even says shamelessly that the muslims should do the dirty work as a tool of Allah in 9:14. And the muslims should help Allah in 47:7, which includes killing the enemies because Allah is not able to do it.

Allah needs help, what a stupid and useless idol.

minoria said...

David,you should tell the police.What he/she did is a crime.I am glad GAP still visits your blog,greetings to her.This is too much David,please contact the police,

Unknown said...

Get a pepper spray fogger. If someone tries to attack you they end up jumping around in a fog of stinging pepper, which also marks them for identification when the police show up.

Zack_Tiang said...

love your closing phrase, bro. David.

Kufar Forever said...

From id, looks like some pakistani or indian muslim, usual terrorists

justus4us said...

Great response David! I do suggest letting the cops know about these threats both for your safety and to expose them for what they are, ignorant wanna be thugs! None can stand against The Lord Jesus Christ therefore we continue to fight the good fight of FAITH!!! We are with you David and Sam!!!

Aletheya said...

@ David,

"BTW do you kiss the black stone with that mouth?"

LOL, of course! that's why he has such a foul mouth:)

Traeh said...

You should report to the police. And not sure your provocative reply to this sort of threat is the wisest way to respond. It's one thing to be unafraid. But should one ridicule threats and thus almost challenge people to back up words with actions?

But you know what you're doing. I hope.

Bruce said...

Dear brother in Christ, David.

You know you are over your target when you are taking flack. By the way, if that Muhammadan DOES kiss the black stone, I wonder if he knows it was pissed on, held for ransom for many years, and and shot out of a catapult, making it into the many pieces it is in now that have to be held together with silver binding. By the way, Muslims have been stalking and trying to kill me as well. However, being that Ann Barnhardt not only gave out name AND address after burning the Kuran on YouTube, and, is still alive, I'm not going to sweat it. She did what she did 2 years ago and is STILL alive. However, I DO look over my shoulder and will pray for your comfort and safety.
The Muhammadans pulled me off of the website "Mixx" back in 2009.

Search 4 Truth said...

You got another one David.

ehsan abedi 2 hours ago
Fucking fagget if i Find you i Will cut your filthy coming for you fucking cunt i swear on Everything you Will die dog...

David Wood said...

Thanks! Just posted it.

Search 4 Truth said...

@ David

Yeah I saw it. Hilarious. LOL! Great comeback. HAHAHAHAH!