Does the Qur'an predict the Big Bang theory? Here are two more videos expounding upon Sura 21: 30 and debunking the claim of Muslim apologists, that the passage confirms the Qur'an to be a divine revelatory source. The second video summarizes a number of pre-Islamic sources, revealing that the entire concept of the heavens and the earth being fused and separating, predates Islam and was an idea highly common among the contemporaries of Muhammed's era.
Thank you for the information, brother. God bless you. Glad to have one more person who stand up to defend the true word of God.
Nice! Thank you for the information!
God Bless!!!
Here is something for you. Osama the Great Abdullah said in a debate that the Quran not only predicts the Big Bang but also the big crunch.
I have also heard Muslims say this as well. Only one small problem with this is that the Big Crunch has been almost dismissed and abandoned.
Turns out there is not enough STUFF including Dark Matter to cause the Universe to collapse.
Inflation takes over to the point of even atoms coming apart.
So Osama the great Abdullah is stuck now.
No doubt he will change his idea on the fly like Adnam Rasheed did, or just say the Quran is so Vague because it is appropriate.
hey this is what Calling christians wrote
"For this to even make sense you'd have to speak and read Arabic, as well as understand the language devices of Ulum al Qur'an. Could you tell me what language devices are used in the Arabic of the verses which refer to the Big Bang and what literary devices you deduced through intimate knowledge and familiarity with the language that you posses that guided you to your conclusions? Which lexicon did you use? What Arabic authorities did you appeal to? Answer the questions or admit your dishonesty."
based on that logic the word of Allah is limited to human language
@radical mod
can you please tell callingchristiantv aka CC channel
"For this to even make sense you'd have to speak and read Arabic, as well as understand the language devices of Ulum al Qur'an. Could you tell me what language devices are used in the Arabic of the verses which refer to the Big Bang and what literary devices you deduced through intimate knowledge and familiarity with the language that you posses that guided you to your conclusions? Which lexicon did you use? What Arabic authorities did you appeal to? Answer the questions or admit your dishonesty."
in his latest comment to Hogan show how illogical that he is because he is putting limits on God by human language
Hi Radical,
I have prepared some stuff on the big Crunch, as well for the 'Qur'an and the expanding universe'. I guess I will simply make videos of the whole lot of these science topics.
Yeah I too am amazed about Adnan.
"Does the Qur'an predict the Big Bang theory?"
Of course not. What a ridiculous idea.
If Quran 21:30 is the verse the Muslim apologists claim describes the big bang, this reads: "Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing?"
1. According to the The Big Bang theory, the Universe started about 13.75 Billion years ago from an extremely small, hot and dense state, from which it expanded rapidly. Atoms, molecules and stars formed much later as the Universe cooled.
2. The Earth was nowhere in existence at the time of the Big Bang and formed only about 4.5 Billion years ago.
This verse is totally consistent with the Quranic concept of a flat Earth surrounded and separated by 7 domed "heavens".
In fact a couple of verses later it says "and We set up the heaven as a roof well-protected;.."
Roof indeed. We know today there is no separation between Earth and the Universe. Both exist in space which is a continuum.
This verse says the flat Earth was joined to the "Seven Heavens" in a flat pancake like structure and then the mighty Allah separated them and (13:2)".. RAISED up the heavens without pillars you can see, then He sat Himself upon the Throne."
Big Bang Theory? - Not.
In no less than 8 verses the Quran talks about the 7 domed heavens one top of the other.
67:3 "Who created the seven heavens one above another; .."
41:12 "And He completed them as seven heavens within two days and inspired in each heaven its command. And We adorned the nearest heaven with lamps and as protection... "
The stars are "lamps" meant as adornment, much like Christmas lights and in the nearest heaven.
The Sun and the Moon on the other hand are in the "midst" of the heavens, not the nearest one. Which places them further than the stars.
And where did the Quran get these "miraculous" ideas from?
"It is believed that the origin of this (Seven heavens) goes back to astrology. Ancient astrologists could identify seven great heavenly objects and assumed each was floating in a separate heaven."
So, far from miraculously predicting modern cosmology, the Quran is steeped in the archaic myths of its time and not even aware of the Greek knowledge, a millennium before its time, of a spherical Earth, but instead talks of a flat Earth with the Sun setting and rising from within it.
CC latest response
"There is a reason people go to seminary institutes and study Greek and Hebrew, there is a reason that textual critics and exegetes have to specialize in the languages to then make it easy to understand for you.
care to give us that reason so we can explore it more explicitly?
"You're a layman, you're not expected to have this level of scholarship in your own religion. However in Islam, it is the contrary, we are all expected at some level to know and be familiar with the original text's language so we don't have to depend on others above us."
So according to our muslim friend CC
1.he is accusing Muslim translations from scholars(people who know more them him) are not accurate. Also he is accusing them of being dishonest in translation
2.he runs himself into a brick wall because he is saying it cannot be accurately translated thus limitations Gods language
one way or another =_=
I wan to say "great"
Slightly of topic but a great read and insight into isalm.
Well worth the read and the questions posed by the mulim man are along the lines of what Acts17, Abnsat and Jesus or mohammered try to expose about islam. Would be great if Robert Spencer and Eric J Phelps could get together for an episode of Jihad Watch, or if you could have hime on an episode of Jesus or mohammered.
You know what will be more amusing? when some scientist come out with a new evidence against big bang and a new theory is accepted. then muslims will look more foolish
aaron said...
You know what will be more amusing? when some scientist come out with a new evidence against big bang and a new theory is accepted. then muslims will look more foolish
June 9, 2012 4:12 AM
You said it all, A new theory!
After all isn't that what the big bang "theory" is, a "theory"? Shortcomings of the Big Bang Theory
Similarily Charles Darwins theory of evolution, “Experiments confirm that the Evolution of a Protein is scientifically unlikely” and on and on the rabit hole goes....
Why then do you ask is it still being taught in schools and universities? You tell me! why is the big bang theory and evolution still being taught even tho both are scientifically impossible?
Is there still an anti reformation taking place to this day, well I believe so and there is some truth to why the dubunked theories are still being taught in schools. To cloud peoples minds with doubt and fear of the unknown and uncertain and to turn as many away from the way the truth and the light which is our crucified burried and resurected Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Mankinds only redeemer. Plain and simply in my opinion that is why.
If people wern't so damn lazy and brainwashed by the idiot tube, hollywood and politics and all the other the theatres they might begin to realise that Ignorance Isn’t Bliss But It May Hold the Key to Wisdom “The greater our knowledge increases the more our ignorance unfolds.”
– President John F. Kennedy
Its a never ending cycle. You have the world's largest library resource at your fingertips "The Internet". With an almost endless supply of knowledge, theories and opinions out there, it's time for people to start using the muscle between the ears and to perhaps Listener Beware: Don't Take Everything You Hear from Experts as Gospel
For one thing, experts don't all agree, so what does that tell you? Further, experts in some areas aren't necessarily experts in all areas. And even when they are, in general, advice is "one size fits one"
FOr instance after my last rant, I was told Muslims beleive in Jesus, how different from us and the jews can the really be. Don't we all believe in the same god?
If I never started to research what muslims actually are brainwashed to beleive, their links with RCC and persecutions of true bible believing christians much the same as rome i would still be completely in the dark living out there in lala land.
He has many soldiers, servants and wolves in sheeps clothing out in the real world. Lucifer:
Angel of Light - Father of Lies
aaron said...
1.he is accusing Muslim translations from scholars(people who know more them him) are not accurate. Also he is accusing them of being dishonest in translation
2.he runs himself into a brick wall because he is saying it cannot be accurately translated thus limitations Gods language
one way or another =_=
June 7, 2012 8:22 AM
I agree for if it were gods will, we might expect peaceful preching and acceptance of the word of God, not bloody massacers and forced conversion.
Many in the religious world today are obsessed with "speaking in tongues". According to the Bible, one of the miracles of the first century was the miraculous speaking in understandable foreign languages, which the speaker had never learned. In Acts chapter 2, on the Day of Pentecost only the twelve apostles could miraculously and intelligibly speak the 16 different foreign languages listed there in Acts 2:9-11 as they communicated with the Jews at Jerusalem who had come there from all over the known world. Many of these Jews only spoke the language of the country from which they came. Acts 2:6 says the people "were confused because everyone heard them speak in his own language". This was not the "jibberish" that is passed off today as "speaking in tongues". The Jews knew that the twelve apostles were not very learned because they said in Acts 2:7, "Look are not all these who speak Galileans?" The people were amazed because the twelve unlearned Galilean apostles could fluently speak in all these different foreign languages which they had never learned. This was a miracle.
One of the purposes of miraculously speaking in these various foreign languages is the apostles were charged by the Lord in Mark 16:15 to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" and in Matthew 28:18 to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations". How were they to teach the gospel to people in these various foreign lands since they did not know their languages? They would have had to spend at least two years in a language school to be able to fluently speak even one language. But on the day of Pentecost, the twelve unlearned apostles could fluently speak at least 16 different foreign languages. God gave them this miraculous power to help them accomplish what He had charged them to do.
excerpt from
The purpose of miracles (including speaking in tongues) was to confirm the word of God. We read in Mark 16:20 concerning the apostles in carrying out the Lord's great commission "they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs." Since the word of God was confirmed in the first century A.D., miracles are no longer needed today to confirm God's word, the New Testament.
The twelve apostles were given the power to miraculously speak in these various foreign languages. Certain other Christians in the first century were also given this miraculous power of the Holy Spirit. But how did these other Christians receive this power?
aaron said...
"You know what will be more amusing? when some scientist come out with a new evidence against big bang and a new theory is accepted. then muslims will look more foolish"
Not at all. They will simply amend their translation to be more vaguely in line with the new theory, instead of being more vaguely inline with the old theory.
The miracle of the Quran is not that it discovers any new theory or has any knowledge that was not known by humans before, but that it discovers that it has discovered all new theories up to, but never beyond, our present time.
These discoveries only result from interpretation of verses which say "Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing?" to mean the Big Bang in all its complexity,
or perhaps verses like 2:19 (pick anyone you like) which says "Or [it is] like a rainstorm from the sky within which is darkness, thunder and lightning. They put their fingers in their ears against the thunderclaps in dread of death. But Allah is encompassing of the disbelievers." to mean the General Theory of Relativity.
Though people who read the Quran night and day in their Madrasas have not as yet been known to have expounded the theory beyond the theory of relativity, (in fact not even the theory of Relativity), but rather tend to blow themselves up along with infidels in order to gain the very Earthy Muslim paradise.
@ richard
the law of contradiction means you can only have one thing or the other for a particular piece of verse. If they try to reinterpret it like that then we could accuse them of dishonesty Of claiming a the said verse for being something else earlier and misleading people
@ aaron "the law of contradiction means you can only have one thing or the other for a particular piece of verse. If they try to reinterpret it like that then we could accuse them of dishonesty Of claiming a the said verse for being something else earlier and misleading people."
That accusation has never bothered them. For the true believer the Quran is always true, no matter what.
Overwhelming contrary evidence has never bothered them, see flat earth, small sun setting and rising from the Earth, Still Earth moving sun, stars closer than the moon etc.
Contradictions have never bothered them either.
You dont have to wait for contradictions from science, the Quran itself contradicts itself many times and in many contexts.
I do understand that But it is still a useful tool to disillusion those who convert out of ignorance and more rational minded
this guy is assuming muhammad went thru all ancient sources and picked out the truth from the false all while being illeterate
very good
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