Thursday, January 26, 2012

CNN Conceals Motive Behind Canadian Honor Killings

On June 30, 2009, Mohammad Shafia, with the help of his wife Tuba and his son Hamed, murdered his three daughters and his other wife in Ontario, Canada. The wealthy Shafia family worked quickly to conceal their actions, staging a car accident and weeping for their daughters. The media rushed to support the grieving family, until evidence showed that the girls' deaths were no accident.

Yesterday, CNN posted a video about the murders, noting that "interrogations of the family never uncovered a motive." Indeed, the closest CNN comes to identifying a motive in the killings is when the reporter says that the Shafia family comes "from a very conservative Afghan background."

Yes, it's the family's Afghan background, rather than some other background, that is most relevant to this case. At no point in the video does CNN use the words "Islam" or "Muslim."

This is all the more disturbing when we consider that Mohammad Shafia himself, in a recorded conversation, identifies his daughters' betrayal of Islam as his motive for the killings. He declares:

"They betrayed kindness. They betrayed Islam. They betrayed our religion and creed. They betrayed our tradition. They betrayed everything."

Shafia was so confident that his actions were justified, he had absolutely no remorse for killing his daughters:

"God curse their generation, they were filthy and rotten children."

"To hell with them and their boyfriends, may the devil shit on their grave."

“Even if they come back to life a hundred times, if I have a cleaver in my hand, I will cut (them) in pieces.”

Yet CNN remains puzzled about Shafia's motive. I assume CNN is also puzzled about why Muslims commit 91 percent of the world's honor killings. But there's a difference between (a) being puzzled due to ignorance of Islamic teachings, and (b) willfully concealing the stated motive of a group of murderers. By deliberately leaving Islam out of the equation, CNN has joined in the cover up.


Anonymous said...

I fear that the Shafia clan will get the kid gloves when it comes to the verdict and sentencing, or even scot-free. Christine Blatchford has covered this trail for Canada's National Post and it's clear to me that they are liars and their deceptions are so flimsy-- the defense is counting on the jurors being gullible idiots.

Anonymous said...

Martin Luther the great reformer and theologian had a pretty interesting view of the "prophet" Muhammad:

Luther referred to Muhammad as "a devil and first-born child of Satan"

Just wanted to see what my Muslims friend think.

Blessings from YHWH

goethechosemercy said...

These girls and women all lived innocently, died innocently, and will be redeemed. One day, they themselves will sit in judgment upon their disgraceful murderer.
Honor killing is not justice.
It is a profane practice, from an age in which the family had the power of life and death over the child.
Where there is the rule of law, these practices should be punished to the greatest extent possible.
Those who do honor killings should be humiliated endlessly, disgraced to the point that they can't walk into a room without hearing of their iniquity.

Anonymous said...

Dave here's another news link not sure if you have seen it yet:

Kufar Dawg said...

I wonder if the muslo-nazi Soddy Barbarians own an interest in CNN -- kinda like they do in Fox? Because CNN's broadcasting of muslo-nazi propaganda as truth seems to be above and beyond (or should I say below and underneath) merely being politically correct.

Anonymous said...

How does CNN cover this story and not mention the word Islam. This story is getting some coverage here in Canada but the state controlled Media is giving Islam a pass.

Unfortunately will be other stoies like this untill people realize that Islamic teaching on apostacy is seen as the major factor in honour killings.

SGM said...

Islam has been getting away with murder, literally, for the last sixteen centuries. It might get even worse in future. There are many religions in this world and in no religion other then Islam you will find teachings about killing those who do not agree with your view point. Qur’an 9:29: “fight those who belive not in Allah…..”.

Moslems always tell us that Islam is a peaceful religion. Yet, in all of the Moslem countries in the world, there is no peace. Look at Afghanistan, Pakistan (the worst of all), Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, and so on. Every day you hear of suicide bombings, especially in Pakistan. Non Moslems are being murdered. Christian girls are being kidnapped and rapped and murdered. There is no freedom of speech in any Moslem country. You can not say openly that Mohammad is not a prophet. Try saying it in any Moslem country and your head will chopped off in a minute. You can not convert from Islam to any other religion, for if you do, you will be murdered. Funny thing is, when Moslems are not murdering non Moslem, they are murdering them selves, e.g., sunnis murdering shias and vice versa. When they are not killing non Moslems, they are murdering their own family members in the name of honor killings. When they are not actually murdering anyone, they are atleast plotting to murder someone, e.g., Iran is always saying that they will use nukes to murder all jews.

So literally, they love murder. Now Moslems like Samatar will defend this by saying that they are not real Moslems who actually engage in this act. But here is the point, no moderate Moslem take the time to think that why this type of thing only exist in Islam. Why suicide bombers are only Moslems? Why honor killing only exists in Islam? Why apostates are murdered only in Islam? Why only Moslems are commanded to fight all those who do not believe in Allah? In no other religion you will find suicide bombers or apostate killings or honor killings except Islam.

Anonymous said...

"While the practice is often associated with Muslim cultures, it also happens among Christians, Hindus and Sikhs. The Independent story suggested the practice is strongest in Pakistan and Turkey, as well as among Palestinians in Jordan and Kurds in northern Iraq".

I wonder what Christians this person may be talking about anybody care to respond?

Seems fishy to me.

WhatsUpDoc said...

I have to be fair that the reporter mentioned it when she gave the perspective of defense. Defense said " killings were honor killing".

Yesterday Anderson Cooper open this news by saying Honor killings in Canada. The reporter reported that the mother testified that " she had never heard of the term honor killing in her life" Anderson Cooper commented to the reporter that he finds this statement hard to believe.

I think in this case your criticism of CNN is not justified it has been justified in the past.

David Wood said...

WhatsUpDoc said: "I think in this case your criticism of CNN is not justified it has been justified in the past."

The father said he killed his daughters because they betrayed Islam. CNN ignores any connection with Islam. How is this not concealing his motive?

Kufar Dawg said...

I just want to say thanks for all your hard work and courage David. Without the efforts of people like you, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer I would still be believing the propaganda our MSM spews about Islam.

betwixt said...

I think we make the mistake of assuming that CNN viewers will automatically connect Islam to honor killings. Muslims easily deflect honor killings as a cultural problem and has nothing to do with Islam. Unfortunately, the connection has to be made for most people.

The American tendency to think the best of people first has, while noble, also turned into one of their weakest points. Regardless of obvious evidences to the contrary, most Americans seem to stubbornly buy into the Islam-is-a-religion-of-peace lie.

WhatsUpDoc said...

@David Wood: It is possible that I may have missed the Islam connection. To the best of my knowledge, form watching the local news in Toronto, police have recorded conversations of the family. I have not heard that the father said " he killed them because they betrayed Islam"

The honor killing and Islam connection has been discussed on the radio talk shows.

If you have heard it than I stand corrected because you are in a better position to know better.

Kufar Dawg said...

I once asked a Iranian muslo-nazi why only women seemed to be persecuted, er, prosecuted for committing adultery. His lie, er answer, was that there were instances of men being murdered, oops punished for the "crime" of adultery but when I asked him for concrete, historical examples in Iranistan he no longer wanted to continue the conversation.

Baron Eddie said...

I still can not figure out why this happened ...

Even with their recorded confession ...

Does anyone knows?

It is like a black box! ...

to be continued ...

M.C. said...

You know... I don't what goes through the mind of these folks that do these honor killings. How the f*** can you just sit down and murder your own daughters! You raised all of these kids yourself. But instead of blaming yourselves for not instilling proper moral values in this kids --- you go off and go kill them.

Unbelievable. Disown them, no. Kill them, yes. Just unbelievable.

In the beginning said...

Little do the perpetrators know unless their crimes are repented they will eventually go to hell.In my opinion not only is the Koran copied from the bible, it has just about everything in it back to front!The heaven that the Koran refers to is really hell and the hell that the non believers go to that have not committed a sin is heaven.Of course if you do not believe me then get a Bible and Koran and read them both then compare the two. For more information see here.

The Eight Bit One said...

@Betwixt: "The American tendency to think the best of people first has, while noble, also turned into one of their weakest points. Regardless of obvious evidences to the contrary, most Americans seem to stubbornly buy into the Islam-is-a-religion-of-peace lie."

We do, as a rule, try to think the best of people at first. In this case, perhaps it's time for some second thoughts? :-)

Osama Abdallah said...

An entire family got destroyed. What a heart-breaking tragedy!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to repost this for my friend Osama, may YHWH open his eyes:

Martin Luther the great reformer and theologian had a pretty interesting view of the "prophet" Muhammad:

Luther referred to Muhammad as "a devil and first-born child of Satan"

Just wanted to see what my Muslims friend think.

Blessings from YHWH

betwixt said...

The Eight Bit One said...
"We do, as a rule, try to think the best of people at first. In this case, perhaps it's time for some second thoughts? :-)"

Tempting, but that would be a step backward if it means being suspicious first and foremost. But if having some second thoughts means we're willing to look into uncomfortable issues about our friends and neighbors, then I'm with you all the way!

There are many good Muslims out there, because they are good people first. I think many of us have seen how many other Muslims are transformed into hateful people when they dig deeper into Islam.

Fernando said...

And now, at leastte in CNN Internationale, they are saying thate thwy'll never call these acts "killings" butt only "murder"... Ss you know "murder" is a "killing" withoute reason, butt these people are following a reason: an islamic one, butt nevertheless a reason... being so, this option is a nother camouflage of islam...

Carlos said...

Who do they think they are fooling tho. Its blatenly obvious to anybody with half a brain!

Anonymous said...

A saddening story. I don't get why people commit paricide. This barbaric act is against the teachings of Allah. They even staged a car accident just to conceal their crime. wrongful death attorney los angeles

Stew said...

More than just feeling sadness and sorrow for that victim, I feel outraged at how slow this case has already taken. I hope this gets resolved soon enough by all lawyers, even personal injury attorney los angeles for that matter, so that she can be put to eternal rest.

Anonymous said...

I certainly agree with the comments above. Moslems are always involved in murders, suicide bombings, terrorism, and crimes. They will always say that it is all about honor killings, however, how can you say that there is honor if there is no justice? We may have different laws and point of views, there may be relativism, but if we're talking about life and rights, there must be a single law. Moslems, who are killing non-moslems or non-believers, are not giving the latter what is due to them. They are only thinking about themselves, their religion, that is why there's no peace. How could they say that they want peace if they don't have virtues, if they are killing those people who don’t have the same belief as them?

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Unknown said...

Honor killings is present in all religions but in Islam it is in high position, Shafia was so confident that his actions were justified but it is not justified.visit the website
It is no point that Afghan background it happens in all over world. he had absolutely no remorse for killing his daughters i am shocked after watching video.

Devendra Singh said...

Shafia was so confident that his actions were justified but it is not justified.visit the website
It is no point that Afghan background it happens in all over world. he had absolutely no remorse for killing her daughters. read more

Unknown said...

Honor killings is not acceptable, Shafia was so confident that his actions were justified but it is not justified. get payday loan from direct lender
They are only thinking about themselves, their religion, that is why there's no peace. How could they say that they want peace if they don't have virtues.