BALTIMORE–A man pleaded guilty Thursday to attempting to blow up a Maryland military recruiting center as part of a foiled terror plot.
Antonio Martinez, 22, admitted trying to use a weapon of mass destruction to blow up an Armed Forces recruiting center in Catonsville in December 2010, The Baltimore Sun reported Thursday.
The Maryland man, who also uses the name Muhammed Hussain, faces 25 years in prison over the foiled plot after coming to an agreement with prosecutors, the newspaper said.
He was arrested on Dec. 8, 2010, after he attempted to detonate what he believed to be explosives, supplied by federal agents, at the recruiting center.
His lawyer previously claimed that his client had been entrapped and that the bombing plot was designed by the federal government to set up Martinez.
Martinez, a Muslim, allegedly wrote about his support of jihad (holy war) and his desire to go fight in Afghanistan or Pakistan on Facebook, in the months before the foiled attack, according to an FBI informant.
"My dream is to be amongst the ranks of the mujahideen," Martinez allegedly wrote. "Jihad is all I think about when i sleep, when I wake up, sometimes i cry cuz im not there and kaffur [nonbelievers] killing all our brothers and sisters."
Martinez allegedly told the informant in October 2010 that he wanted to "kill them as they killing muslim around the world," an FBI email said. (Source--Fox News)
The media, of course, are utterly baffled by Martinez's turn to terrorism. AOL News reports:
Like the other accused "homegrown" terrorists before him -- from would-be Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad to Jose Padilla, who admitted to training with al-Qaida -- each new detail about Martinez's life only seems to raise more questions about how a naturalized U.S. citizen from Nicaragua who attended American schools and once tried to join the Army could have allegedly turned to violent jihad before his 22nd birthday. . . .
Before Martinez began posting radical, anti-American messages on his Facebook wall, he worked retail, selling children's clothes in a Maryland shopping mall, according to The Baltimore Sun. Interestingly, one of his former co-workers told the newspaper that Martinez's conversion to Islam came not long after he was newly baptized as a Christian. (Read more at AOL.)
Since no one in the media can figure out why a Muslim might turn to violence, let me take a crack at it.
Qur’an 5:51—O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other.
Qur’an 9:29—Fight those who believe not in Allah . . .
Qur’an 9:73—O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them.
Qur’an 9:111—Surely Allah has bought of the believers their persons and their property for this, that they shall have the garden; they fight in Allah's way, so they slay and are slain.
Qur’an 9:123—O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness.
Qur’an 47:35—Be not weary and fainthearted, crying for peace, when ye should be uppermost.
Qur’an 48:29—Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves.
Sahih Muslim 30—Muhammad said: “I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah.”
Sahih Muslim 4366—Muhammad said: “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslims.”
Sunan An-Nasa’i 3099—The Prophet said: “Whoever dies without having fought or having thought of fighting, he dies on one of the branches of hypocrisy.”
Sunan Ibn Majah 2763—The Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever meets Allah with no mark on him (as a result of fighting) in His cause, he will meet Him with a deficiency.”
For more on violence and terrorism, see my video "Three Stages of Jihad."
I think these folks haven't been reading their Korans it's pretty amazing:
There is a very interesting contrast here. “Interestingly, one of his former co-workers told the newspaper that Martinez's conversion to Islam came not long after he was newly baptized as a Christian.”
Not too long before he converted to Islam, he first became a christian. Notice, when he became a Christian nothing out of the ordinary happened. But soon he became a Moslem, he turned into a violent man. He wanted to murder non Moslems.
I can’t help but think of the verse in the bible found in James 3:11-12, “ Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter? Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.”
A good fountain will only bring forth fresh, pure drinking water. A bad fountain will only bring forth salty and undrinkable water.
In regards to the link I gave earlier it's interesting that when the media comes around suddenly Muslims feel the need to hide and ignore what the Koran really says.
The religion of peace. The religion of peace. Hey if saying it in a nice voice isn't working I guess you could do what your Quran says and force it on us.
David the ignorant buffoon Wood,
For your information, I am on Stage#4 with my Jihad. That is the Jihad of peace with humanity and with life, and of course, with Allah Almighty. The following Noble Verses are crystal clear, even to a 6-year old, that they came down after your so-called Stage #3, and what do we read when the Muslims have total power and can stick all of the sticks and swords in town up your MIA/POW ass should they will? Let's read:
1- "They perform (their) vows, and they fear a Day Whose evil flies far and wide. ************And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive -- (Saying), 'We feed you For the sake of Allah alone: No reward do we desire from you, nor thanks.' (The Noble Quran, 76:7-9)"
2- "Allah forbids you not, With regard to those who Fight you not for (your) Faith Nor drive you out Of your homes, *******************From dealing kindly and justly With them: For Allah loveth Those who are just. (The Noble Quran, 60:8)"
3- "O ye who believe! Stand out firmly For justice, as witnesses To Allah, even as against Yourselves, or your parents, Or your kin, and whether It be (against) rich or poor: For Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (Of your hearts), lest ye Swerve, and if ye Distort (justice) or decline To do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted With all that ye do. (The Noble Quran, 4:135)"
1- What stage of Jihad will Christ do when he returns and slaughters the entire planet earth?
David, it is a clear sign that when a doomed-to-Hell despicable infidel such as Ali Sina calls you his brother, that you are on the wrong path. Everything you said about Islam can be said about Christ when he came, and when he will return (Peace and War Preachings of his first coming and his second comming).
YOUR WORST ENEMY DAVID IS YOUR "WISDOM"! You're going way too deep angering Allah Almighty. I ask Allah Almighty that you return back. Ameen.
Osama Abdallah
And oh yeah, that CIA "Muslim Convert" buffoon is a fake! He looks to me like a Latino mafia loser whom the CIA told him to do this in a deal to set him free.
******Where are the court-trials to all of these American-Citizen Muslim Converts???? How come their cases of terrorism immediately die and we never hear about them ever again???? We all know this is not how the court system works here in the US.
So this is a hoax and a BS. It's a CIA-Christian-Zionist sick game. May they all be doomed to HEll where they belong. Ameen!
Osama Abdallah
For Osama Abdallah:
Why should I believe a man(Muhammad) that was suicidal, depressed, thought he was insane and possessed by a demon and who admitted that Satan tricked him?
This is your chance Osama to win a soul for Muhammad.
I'll admit you're kinda funny I get a kick sometimes too in telling people they are going to hell.
But let's get to the real issue we can play your little games later:
Why should I believe a man(Muhammad) that was suicidal, depressed, thought he was insane and possessed by a demon and who admitted that Satan tricked him?
This is your chance Osama to win a soul for Muhammad.
"For Osama Abdallah:
Why should I believe a man(Muhammad) that was suicidal, depressed, thought he was insane and possessed by a demon and who admitted that Satan tricked him?
This is your chance Osama to win a soul for Muhammad."
First of all, a lot of BS exist in our history that is not true. So I don't know if the Prophet thought about committing suicide or not. CHRIST IN THE NT ALSO STOOD AT THE TOP OF THE TEMPLE (picture what a buffoon he looked like in this scene back then), and wanted to also jump and commit suicide, but then changed his mind. Read the story of satan's temptation to Christ in the NT.
As to the Prophet being demon possessed, again, load of BS against Islam even from the hypocrites back then. LET'S EXAMINE THE STORE:
1- A Jew takes a PIECE OF HAIR from the Prophet (it must've fell on the floor and he picked it up), sneezes or farts on it (can't remember).
2- The Prophet gets bewitched and looses his memory for a year?!
I swear on the Holy Name of Allah Almighty, if you and all of your goofballs who think the Holy Spirit is talking to them can do that to me, I will write everything that I own in my name to you! This includes even my website!
Until then, I choose to flush such garbage down the toilet where it belongs, even if it exists in our history.
Osama Abdallah
Hezekiah Ahaz,
What do Christ (the false one of the bible, not the True One of Islam) and King Kong have in common?
They both climbed buildings and dangled off of them like buffoons! LOOOLLLL!
Osama Abdallah
Osama Abdallah, do you even know how to respect us? I could as easily do name calling; but, why should I stoop to your level. Your religion can't deal with opposition so, the dark spirit of your religion encourages you to spew your venom. The fruits of your religion are on display for everyone to see.
Do muslimes ever stop lying about their religion? Or are they delusional enough to think we don't notice how they have been and more importantly ARE treating non-muslimes in all their muslo-nazi sties? It's always interesting to note that muslimes never really make any sincere efforts whatsoever to attempt to stop the persecution of non-muslimes practiced in their muslo-fascist sties either.
I give up David ...
We will never know what motivate those Muslims who want to blow out places and people ...
If I just get a hint! ...
Osama, why are so many Muslims converts involved in murder plots and acts of terrorism?
Why is it that people who convert to Buddhism, Christianity or Hindusim become more peaceful, yet many people who convert to Islam became more hate filled?
This to me proves that Islam is Satanic.
Explain that to us Osama...why is that? How come so many converts to Islam are involved in murder plots or plots of terrorism? Yet many converts to Buddhism, Christianity or Hindusim become peaceful, yet many who convert to Islam are filled with the spirit of SATAN?
Osama none of those passages imply a fourth stage of Jihad.
The problem is you can't figure out whether your God is for war or for peace, because whenever it suited Mohammed, God was pro-warfare, and whenever it suited Mohammed, God was peaceful. Allah wasn't a consistent God. Allah couldn't even prevent Mohammed from having to leave Mecca.
Derek Adams
Osama, I'm sure David Wood doesn't enjoy being called a buffoon. When folk get to the stage where they are calling other folk derogatory names, it usually means their arguments are weak. Probably time to listen to David and reject that which keeps you in bondage.
To be fair, it seems to me that in this case, the media isn't questioning why a Muslim would turn to violence, but why formerly non-Muslim Latinos are turning to violent Islam.
@ Osama,
First of all, I am glad to see that you are still around. The reason you keep coming back is because your soul is hungry for the truth which you will only find in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Secondly, by calling names, you are showing that you are filled with anger. Search your heart and tell us if you are not. This proves what we are saying all along is true that, not only when people convert to Islam that they turn violent but also those who are already Moslems and follow the quran to the fullest, are violent people. I guarantee, if we were in a Moslem country, you would be the first one to raise your hand against David or any of us.
I cannot help but wonder when the Lord will open your eyes and give you His wisdom to understand the obvious. The topic at hand is Jihad. The verses you have quoted from the not very noble quran has nothing to do with Jihad. Especially from chapter 60. This chapter starts off with describing those who do not believe in Allah as his enemies. You as a Moslem are commanded not to take us who do not believe in Allah as your friend. 60:1, ‘Do ye show friendship unto them in secret, when I am best aware of what ye hide and what ye proclaim? And whosoever doeth it among you, he verily hath strayed from the right way.” Verse 8 forbids Moslems to make friends with those who fight you on account of religion….. So you are not take friends who are Allah’s enemies, you are not take friends who fight with you on account of religion, then WHO IS LEFT? NO ONE. And you call this noble?
Now you state, “What stage of Jihad will Christ do when he returns and slaughters the entire planet earth?” First of all where in the Bible does it state that Christ will “slaughters the entire planet earth?”
You as as a moslem believe that Christ is only going to return at the judgment day. So do we Christians. What do you think is going to happen at the judgment day? Isn’t Allah going to punish the evil doers? So is Christ. So if you are condemning Christ, then in essence you are condemning your own Allah.
And again, as many in the past have corrected you regarding Satan tempting Christ, I want to tell you this again. No where in the Bible does it states that Christ wanted to jump and commit suicide. You know this is not true. In your anger you are bringing up completely inaccurate accusations and making your self a fool. And on top of that, you are calling the true and Living God a buffoon ( I tremble even writing this).
I can only pray that God would not treat you according to your sins but rather have mercy on your soul. And that he would lead you to the straight and narrow path that points to the risen Lord and Savior of the world Jesus Christ.
Too bad for you this wasn't a Latina. If it had been, you call her "easy to bang" like you did here. Since it was a male I guess you will just have to settle for calling him a "Latino mafia loser".
You are a bigot with absurd conspiracy theories Osama. No one takes you seriously when you act like a paranoid racist 5 year old.
@ Osama,
“So this is a hoax and a BS. It's a CIA-Christian-Zionist sick game.”
1. Any where in the world when a moslem convert turn violent, it is a hoax and CIA’s fault.
2. Any time an honor killing takes place, it is a hoax and CIA’s fault.
3. Any time an apostate is murdered, it is a hoax and CIA’s fault.
4. Any time there is a suicide bomber attack, it is a hoax and CIA’s fault.
5. Any time a non Moslem girl is kidnapped and rapped by moslems, it is a hoax and CIA’s fault.
6. Any time when Moslems burn churches around the world, it is a hoax and CIA’s fault.
7. Any time Moslems start murdering Christians as in Pakistan, it is a hoax and CIA’s fault.
8. Any time when shariah can not be implemented in any of the 50 some Moslem countries, it is a hoax and CIA’s fault.
9. Any time when non Moslem’s freedom of speech is suppressed in Moslem countries, e.g., they can not speak anything against Mohammad, it is a hoax and CIA’s fault.
10. Any time when non Moslems take jihad as fight those who do not believe in Allah, it is a hoax and CIA’s fault.
11. Any time a 50 some years old marry a 9 year old girl in Moslem world, it is a hoax and CIA’s fault.
12. Any time non Moslems misinterpret clear verses of Allah “beat your wife”, it is a hoax and CIA’s fault.
13. Any time non Moslems think that Allah allows adultery as in “what your right hand posses”, it is a hoax and CIA’s fault.
Mr. Osama. It looks like CIA is completely in control of the entire Moslem culture and religion. It appears that CIA has more power then your Allah. Actually, CIA is making your Allah look like a, oh what did you call Christ in one of your comments?
It's evident that our friend Osama, like his "prophet", has a couple of loose screws and shouldn't be taken seriously.
Let's see what Osama had to say:
"First of all, a lot of BS exist in our history that is not true. So I don't know if the Prophet thought about committing suicide or not. CHRIST IN THE NT ALSO STOOD AT THE TOP OF THE TEMPLE (picture what a buffoon he looked like in this scene back then), and wanted to also jump and commit suicide, but then changed his mind. Read the story of satan's temptation to Christ in the NT."
Yea, I read it plenty of times. Maybe you should post those verses for us here so we can see if they match up with your claim.
It's evident Osama that you shoulnt be taken seriously in light of your blatant distortion of Jesus' temptation by Satan.
So, you don't know if your "prophet" was looney or not. Well, I think he was so why should I believe him?
Just wondering Osama when Kahdija told Muhammad not to worry about his thinking that he was insane and possessed how do you know that she wasn't possessed or being tricked by Satan?
The Holy spirit talks to us through the word of God ie the bible. So, how do you want to this I can take a check or money order you can keep the website?
"Until then, I choose to flush such garbage down the toilet where it belongs, even if it exists in our history."
This is actually a very telling statement. Even if everything that is written about Muhammad Osama is going to believe it anyway. Amazing I'm happy it's on record for all to see.
I'm really happy that you offered me everything you have because I have been a little low on cash.
By the way how do you know you are not possessed by a demon or that Satan is tricking you?
Your racist, bigoted attitudes make me want to vomit. How can you be so intolerant to such a broad group of people? I have many wonderful Muslim friends who are loving, caring people. Wake up.
Melanie said: "Your racist, bigoted attitudes make me want to vomit. How can you be so intolerant to such a broad group of people? I have many wonderful Muslim friends who are loving, caring people. Wake up."
Did everyone catch Melanie's reasoning (or lack thereof)?
Muhammad's repeated commands to violently subjugate all non-Muslims? Completely tolerant! How dare we question such teachings!
Me quoting Muhammad? Intolerant! How dare I quote Muhammad's teachings!
Gotta love liberals.
Dear Brethren, I'd like to wish you all the perfect PEACE OF OUR LORD JESUS.
Dr. David I honestly think you‘d not answer this guy of Osama. Just ignore him he is absolutely clueless of his religion. He ran away from a debate last year. That alone tells us who he is.
To Mr. Osama
let me clearly tell you that you are the biggest buffoon ever seen in life. Please do yourself a favour before you call your lecturer buffoon.
This is a nice comment from a brother. I'm pasting it just to say I second it"
David said...
Osama, I'm sure David Wood doesn't enjoy being called a buffoon. When folk get to the stage where they are calling other folk derogatory names, it usually means their arguments are weak. Probably time to listen to David and reject that which keeps you in bondage."
I had asked you many questions but you do not respond and all you know is to call your lecturers names. I now believe that the muddy pool in which the sun set is found somewhere in your room. You are really a buffoon Mr. Osama. You promised many months ago that you will proof that you are a real follower of CHRIST. I haven't heard or read anything from you in that direction since then. You are truly a buffoon. BTW please tell your allah to pray to YAHWEH and not other gods (creators). Sura 23 Aya 14
Please Mr. Osama I think you know better than Professor Faouzi Arzouni , who I will ask you to follow his comment in the video found under the following title
Does the Qur'an Claim That the Bible Has Been Corrupted?
I can see you know better than the Kuwaiti prince who openly converted to become a true follower of CHRIST and he is waiting and ready for you to kill him
Waiting to hear your comment Mr. Buffoon Osama A.
Well Melanie go ahead and vomit hun get it all out.
By the way have you ever read the whole Koran?
I'm pretty sure you haven't so I understand your unwarranted remarks.
Here is a post about a sick desperate twisted unloving muslim maybe you missed it.
He claims he did it to "teach the women a lesson" they need to put this maniac in a psych ward.
By the way even after one of the girls told him she was 11 that's eleven years old he still did it. Shes actually 15 but rightfully lied to this perverted dude to get him away.
Just wanted to see what you think.
Oh Osama. You are something else. In your desperate attempt to defend your indefensible religeon you actually show your true colours. "by your their fruits you shall know them". And boy your fruits are rotten Osama.
Your anger and desperation is clear for all to see. I truly believe you are realising you are following a false prophet and his hate filled religeon. You are faced with the truth and it seems to be very painful for you. As is evident from your desperate and hate filled response.
"Dr. David I honestly think you‘d not answer this guy of Osama. Just ignore him he is absolutely clueless of his religion. He ran away from a debate last year. That alone tells us who he is."
We already discussed this and you're a deceiver for resorting to cheap tactic like this. Like I invited Sam Shamoun and David Wood, before, and I invite them now again. I am in NYC. If you want me, come to NY. I am not flying to the West Coast to prove anything to you. I am ready anytime to debate in NY. You want it, bring it on. THey have my number and they can call me. It can't get any clearer than this!
Now that you heard my invitation and challenge to David Wood and/or Sam Shamoun, you should drop this dead point if you're not a deciever.
Osama Abdallah
A prerequisite for debate is honesty. By your behavior and the antics you have displayed so far we can easily conclude that you are lacking in that department.
But I'll take on your "challenge" let's skip the opening statements and get straight to the good part you know a little Q&A. I'll go first :
How do you Osama that "Allah" exists?
How do you know that the Koran is his word?
@ Melanie
Go to the next newest post and see the example of the tolerant Muslim mindset in the response section. You are willfully ignorant. And watch how homosexuals and liberals are the first to be attacked when Muslims reach a significant number in any population. It is amazing. And in case you didnt know your so called Muslim friends are not following the true teachings of Islam, unless they are pretending to be your friend.
- "O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people."
Qur'an (5:80) - "You will see many of them befriending those who disbelieve; certainly evil is that which their souls have sent before for them, that Allah became displeased with them and in chastisement shall they abide." Those Muslims who befriend unbelievers will abide in hell.
Qur'an (3:28) - "Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: except by way of precaution, that ye may Guard yourselves from them..."
* تفسير Tafsir al-Jalalayn
{ لاَّ يَتَّخِذِ ٱلْمُؤْمِنُونَ ٱلْكَافِرِينَ أَوْلِيَآءَ مِن دُونِ ٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَمَن يَفْعَلْ ذٰلِكَ فَلَيْسَ مِنَ ٱللَّهِ فِي شَيْءٍ إِلاَّ أَن تَتَّقُواْ مِنْهُمْ تُقَـٰةً وَيُحَذِّرُكُمُ ٱللَّهُ نَفْسَهُ وَإِلَىٰ ٱللَّهِ ٱلْمَصِيرُ }
Let not the believers take the disbelievers as patrons, rather than, that is, instead of, the believers — for whoever does that, that is, [whoever] takes them as patrons, does not belong to, the religion of, God in anyway — unless you protect yourselves against them, as a safeguard (tuqātan, ‘as a safeguard’, is the verbal noun from taqiyyatan), that is to say, [unless] you fear something, in which case you may show patronage to them through words, but not in your hearts:
I think I'm gonna cry...NOT. Why
don't you pack up your stuff and move to the nearest islamonazi state sweetheart? Then you'll find out what Islam is all about sweetheart.
Go pound sand.
What race is islam again? Because I thought it was just an intolerant, misogynistic, antisemitic bunch of crap invented by a psychopathic pedophile.
What's ludicrous about all these debates about islamonazi theology is the fact they would never occur in any islamofascist state, because if you tried you would end up dead, or if you're lucky, in prison.
"But I'll take on your "challenge" let's skip the opening statements and get straight to the good part you know a little Q&A. I'll go first :
How do you Osama that "Allah" exists?
How do you know that the Koran is his word?"
Two great questions! Here are my responses to them:
1) How do I know GOD Almighty exists? Well, there are many answers I can give, but the simplist one I'll choose is actually from the Glorious Quran where Allah Almighty invited Mankind to look into the Miracles of their own bodies and selves to see the clear Signs of GOD Almighty and His Divine Wonders. So my body and your body are a great example that He indeed exists. All Praise and Glory are due to Him, and only Him!
2) How do I know that the Quran is the Divine Book of Allah Almighty? Islam's Miracle is the Glorious Quran! Islam's Miracle is not parting a sea with a stick, or turning a stick into a snake, or walking on water, or healing the blind, etc... These Miracles died and/or ceased to exist after their Prophets departed. Peace and Mearcy and Blessings be upon them. The Glorious Quran, on the other hand, is the MIRACLE that Lives until the Day of Judgement! Even Muhammad himself is irrelevant when it comes to proving or disproving the Glorious Quran! Peace be upon him and all of the Prophets, regardless of their short comings. To fully understand what I am saying here, I invite you to visit my humble link to see some of the Glorious Quran's Divine Miracles at:
I hope this answers your questions. May Allah Almighty lead you and the readers of this post to Islam. Ameen.
Osama Abdallah
Melanie Jae Martin said...
Your racist, bigoted attitudes make me want to vomit. How can you be so intolerant to such a broad group of people? I have many wonderful Muslim friends who are loving, caring people. Wake up.
Melanie, you are part of the problem. You are so blinded that you take their side and aid them in their own ignorance and/or stupidity. Instead of being so emotional, you need to try to do an objective investigation into Islam and use the early sources instead of exclusively listening to some modern liberal Muslim who probably knows less about the fundamentals of their religion than I do. You are too caught up in emotions rather than knowledge and wisdom. Get some wisdom before you continue to vent at us who are trying to be as objective as we can in evaluating Islam. Also, we never say that every single person who considers himself as a Muslim is guilty of everything that we detest. Our main persuasion is that those of the group that call themselves Muslims take a step back and examine what they follow instead of aggressively attacking us without warrant for pointing out negatives of Islam.
@ Osama Abdallah
"These Miracles died and/or ceased to exist after their Prophets departed"
Hello, I want to make sure I understand you clearly. The miracle is cease after Prophet Mohammad departs. That mean, today, Muslim people pray to Allah for healing their sick with cancer will not working anymore ?
Said: "How do I know GOD Almighty exists? Well, there are many answers I can give, but the simplist one I'll choose is actually from the Glorious Quran where Allah Almighty invited Mankind to look into the Miracles of their own bodies and selves to see the clear Signs of GOD Almighty and His Divine Wonders. So my body and your body are a great example that He indeed exists. All Praise and Glory are due to Him, and only Him!"
I really appreciate this answer now I know that deep down inside your really a christian or at least you are operating within a christian worldview. Existence pressuposes the Christian God. You are assuming the very same thing you claim to deny and hence you reduce yourself to absurdity. Welcome to the TAG my friend. The thing is Osama you are caught up in a nasty dilemma. If the bible is true then islam is false. If the bible is false then islam is still false. Remember your own book admits that the bible is the word of God. The Koran is self-refuting. It's pretty embarrasing.
Osama said: "How do I know that the Quran is the Divine Book of Allah Almighty? Islam's Miracle is the Glorious Quran! Islam's Miracle is not parting a sea with a stick, or turning a stick into a snake, or walking on water, or healing the blind, etc... These Miracles died and/or ceased to exist after their Prophets departed. Peace and Mearcy and Blessings be upon them. The Glorious Quran, on the other hand, is the MIRACLE that Lives until the Day of Judgement! Even Muhammad himself is irrelevant when it comes to proving or disproving the Glorious Quran! Peace be upon him and all of the Prophets, regardless of their short comings. To fully understand what I am saying here, I invite you to visit my humble link to see some of the Glorious Quran's Divine Miracles"
Well I can go find you hundreds of resources that say the opposite. This blog being one of them. For example here is a video Dave made it's pretty interesting:
By the way you ever gonna send me everything you own like you agreed to?
Thank you David Wood for your bold stand for truth.
John 8:31-32
Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
"If the bible is true then islam is false.
By the way you ever gonna send me everything you own like you agreed to?"
There is no such valid thing called "Bible". This is a great lie that was invented by Christians. It is nothing but a book of men's writings mixed up with everything. No Pure Truth exists in it. It's like saying that Islam with it's Sheerah, Hadiths, and Quran are one Divine Book. This statement is simply bogus and false. *****The KITAB that the Glorious Quran refers to is the Mosaic Law, not the Constantine Bible. Visit: for proofs.
As to your second quote above, are you being a silly clown now?
Osama Abdallah
Osama you go from bad to worse. If it wan't your soul on the line it would be very funny, but the fact your salvation is at stake is quite tragic.
"Osama you go from bad to worse. If it wan't your soul on the line it would be very funny, but the fact your salvation is at stake is quite tragic."
I recommend you also look into this statement for yourself Ken. I don't see how I am being a blasphemer when I believe Christ to be a creation of GOD Almighty and a valid Prophet and Messenger. You made a GOD out of him, and you invented "Trinity", a word that doesn't even exist in the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
I am sorry brother, but I know that I am on the Right Path. I ask Allah Almighty to lead you to this Path. Ameen.
Osama Abdallah
It's evident that Osama is clueless about the history and transmission of the bible but seek and you will find.
Not surprisingly he waves the magic wand and makes things "true" you know with the wave of a hand it's amazing.
Hey Osama can demons possess muslims and be tricked by satan?
When Kahdija told muhammad that he wasn't insane or possessed how do you know that she wasn't possessed or tricked by Satan herself?
Oh yea I didn't see you interact with the claims of your "prophet" i.e. that the sun sets in a pool of water it's fine your evasion says it all.
Said: "I am sorry brother, but I know that I am on the Right Path. I ask Allah Almighty to lead you to this Path. Ameen."
How do you know Osama how do you know?
Is it true that "Allah" is the great deceiver if so how do you know he's not deceiving you?
Is it true Osama that your book says entrance into Muhammad's hallucinations of what he thinks heaven is are not guaranteed if so don't you think you are wasting your time especially after the antics and behavior you have displayed here?
"Is it true that "Allah" is the great deceiver if so how do you know he's not deceiving you?
Is it true Osama that your book says entrance into Muhammad's hallucinations of what he thinks heaven is are not guaranteed if so don't you think you are wasting your time especially after the antics and behavior you have displayed here?"
Allah Almighty Said: "They plot, and Allah plots (on them), and Allah is (khayr almakireen) the best/greatest/most good from among the plotters." Even when Allah Almighty turns the plots of the infidels on their heads, He does it for Good Cause, and there is always Mercy in it for them, and a chance for them to come back. Allah Almighty is the Most Merciful and Oft-Forgiving too, according to the Glorious Quran.
This notion of Allah Almighty being a great deciever is a great lie invented by the infidels. And while this Noble Verse was for evil ones (from both Muslims and non-Muslims), but Allah Almighty further promised the Jews, and specifically the Jews, that EVERYTIME THEY PLOT EVIL ON EARTH, HE WILL SEND THEM PEOPLE WHO WILL ******"disfigure their faces" and torture them in a great way! I predict that the next holocaust for the Jews will be in the USA. Those despicable evils ones wanted our holocaust to be in the USA, but they failed with their 9/11 lie. I predict that Allah Almighty will turn it on their heads and disfigure their faces as He, the Almighty, Promised them. And there is NOTHING you and any infidel can do about it, if Allah Almighty Wills it. Period!
As to Heaven, we believe it is Physical. Your Bible too says it's physical (many were taken to Heaven in their physical bodies to Heaven, such as Enoch, Paul, Elisha or Elijah (can't remember), and others...). And the creator of the food, drinks, beautiful and Heaven-looking nature and sceneries here on earth is giving us a preview or a feel of what we can imagine Heaven would be like. And yes, the Creator of our bodies (two eyes, two ears, teeth, fingers, and yes, the reproductive system) is also giving us a preview or a feel of what we will look like in Heaven.
So sex existing in Heaven is something very logical. And men living like Kings with servants and maids is also something logical in Heaven. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said that the least winner of Heaven will have a realm or a territory of 10 times the size of earth.
Why don't you study the Scientific Miracles of the Glorious and Great Quran to see the Truth for yourself?
Osama Abdallah
Said: "Why don't you study the Scientific Miracles of the Glorious and Great Quran to see the Truth for yourself?"
Yea like the sun setting in a pool of water.
Is it true Osama is it true?
Yea people that plot are usually deceitful.
Is it true Osama that this god you keep raving about is the greatest plotter if so how do you know he's not plotting against you?
When Kahdija told your prophet that he wasn't insane or possessed by a demon how do you know she wasn't being tricked by Satan?
Remember Satan can transform himself into an angel of light. So, how do you know that the angel your prophet claimed appeared to him wasn't Satan?
Can you tell Osama why do you think this god you keep telling us about is gonna let you into this paradise your prophet was hallucinating about?
Scientific miracles in the Quran? Are you serious Osama?
I saw your debate against Nabeel Quereshi in which he totally embarrassed on this very subject. Come on Osama you cannot be that blind?
Is that why Islamic countries are at the bottom of the pile when it comes to science, engineering or any type of innovation.
In this thread Osama has mentioned "Latino mafia losers" and referred to Jews as " despicable evils ones", yet for some reason Melanie condemns David while saying nothing about Osama. Fascinating.
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