United Kingdom--UK police recorded at least 2,823 so-called honour attacks last year, figures from 39 out of 52 forces show.
A freedom of information request by the Iranian and Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation (Ikwro) revealed that nearly 500 of these were in London.
Among the 12 forces also able to provide figures from 2009, there was an overall 47% rise in such incidents.
Honour attacks are punishments on people, usually women, for acts deemed to have brought shame on their family.
Such attacks can include acid attacks, abduction, mutilations, beatings and in some cases, murder.
Ikwro said its research, carried out between July and November, is the best national estimate so far of the extent of honour violence in Britain, although the charity says the figures do not give the full picture. . . .
Its director Diana Nammi said families often tried to deny the existence of honour attacks and those who carried them out were "very much respected".
She told the BBC: "The perpetrators will be even considered as a hero within the community because he is the one defending the family and community's honour and reputation."
She added that there was not enough support for victims, and many needed continuing help and protection.
"For some cases, police and some organisations just help them up to a length of time, then they will stop," she said.
"With honour-based violence, the threat may be a lifetime threat for them." . . . (Read more.)
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Honor Crimes against Women Increasing . . . in Great Britain
Not to worry, though. The media and our politicians assure us that Muslims are no different from anyone else.
Honor Killings
WOW took a freedom of information act request to get the stats.
On another topic anyone watch the Show ALl American Muslim. There are clips on HULU.
Its in the lovely vacation spot of Dearborn MI.
The Highchool football coach changes the practice schedule becasue of Ramadan.
They have to practice from 10 pm till 5 am.
Ramadan and Football
God forbid they might offend Muslims!
My guess is that they have freedom of religion to beat their wives.
@Radical Moderate - what does that propaganda show got to do with muslims being beaten to death in the UK?
Muslims will work very, very hard to get these statistics hushed up and to stifle any attempts to make the extent of violence within and even beyond the Ummah public.
The British authorities have deliberately exposed British peoples to this danger. And now it stays for good.
There is a whole new subcategory of crime added to the catalogue, along with Muslim despotism at the top.
There is no negotiating it away.
David can you make hilarious video about stuff on yahya snows blog
@Kola Bear
you wrote...
"@Radical Moderate - what does that propaganda show got to do with muslims being beaten to death in the UK?"
My response in my original Comment
"On another topic anyone watch the Show ALl American Muslim. There are clips on HULU."
What is the reaction from woman's organization and/or United Nation?
Are they quite about this?
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