TEXAS--A Texas man who had been in contact with the late US-born Al-Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaqi was found guilty Monday of attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, officials said.
A judge delivered the verdict against Barry Walter Bujol, a 30-year-old Hempstead, Texas, resident, according to a Justice Department statement.
Prosecutors said the charges stemmed from an investigation begun in 2009 by the FBI, which employed an undercover agents who purported to be a recruiter for Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and offered to help Bujol pursue his goal of conducting "violent jihad."
Evidence at trial showed that Bujol had been in contact with Awlaqi, an AQAP leader who was killed September 30 in an air raid in Yemen hailed by President Barack Obama as a "major blow" to terrorists.
Awlaqi "replied to Bujol's e-mails by sending Bujol a document entitled '42 Ways of Supporting Jihad," according to prosecutors.
Bujol was arrested on May 30, 2010, after boarding a ship docked at the Port of Houston, which Bujol believed was bound for Algeria where he would stay at an Al Qaeda safe house before continuing on to Yemen.
In 2009, Bujol made three attempts to travel to the Middle East, but was thwarted by law enforcement, which arranged for undercover agents to meet him. Bujol told one agent he wanted to fight with the "mujahideen."
On a video shown at trial, he told his wife that he had left her suddenly to pursue "jihad" and would not see her until the afterlife. (Read more.)
Monday, November 14, 2011
Texas Muslim Barry Walter Bujol Convicted on Terrorism Charges
Doesn't this guy watch ABC News? Doesn't he watch TLC? I don't get it. We keep telling Muslims that their religion is peaceful and tolerant, but they just won't listen! It almost seems as if Muslims like Barry Bujol care more about Muhammad's teachings than they care about Western values.
Al Hamdou Llah that he was caught ...
Yes he wanted to kill kafir
All those Kufar ...
Allah needs his help to kill Al- Kufar ...
Al Hamdou Llah
الحمد لله
YEEAAH ! ! What else but kill.... Islam doesn't have life ... it is a religion of DEATH !!!!
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