David, I would like to direct you to this video. The Abu Sayyaf group behead 3 innocent civilians in the Philippines. The world show know how evil this guys are who are waging war in the Philippines in the name if Islam. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GZ8lPfSCAvk&skipcontrinter=1
That is all a bunch of ridiculous excuses. And has been refuted countless times. If you have sex with someone other than your wife it is called Adultery! no matter how much verbal juggling and logical fallacies you use. You cannot redefine the definition of adultery! DUH!
Deuteronomy 21: Deuteronomy 21: 12 Bring her into your home and have her shave her head, trim her nails 13 and put aside the clothes she was wearing when captured. After she has lived in your house and mourned her father and mother for a full month, then you may go to her and be her husband and she shall be your wife
It would be extremely difficult for a widow to provide for her children and herself when she has no job and is stranded due to Muslim conquest. Nowadays it isnt necessary because of technology and who knows how the future may turn out. Watch the entire video.
@ Kim i watched the entire video. And it is by Islamic teachings that the woman is enslaved and raped in the fist place! When a Muslim captures a married woman and has sex with her tyhat is adultery. you are excluding the fact that Mohamed could have come up with A better way than to take her as a sex slaves, then get her pregnant in order to free her and leave he a single mother. Everything they said is preposterous!
Why didnt Mohamed say we shall take up charity to support them untill they are able to find a husband or support themselves? After all Kadija was a wealthy single woman when Mohamed married her! You act as if the only option Mohamed was, was to rape them and make them sex slaves! LOL!
Your arguments are ridiculous! The all merciful Allah decided it was better for the women to be sex slaves! LOL! What a moronic contradiction! You are priceless. LOL!
Sex slaves or female captives? Its not like you have to have sex with them. If a man has his wife and doesnt feel comfortable doing it then he doesnt have to but he can keep her or free her after he has supported her. If the man wanted to have sex with her then he is allowed. Again, this was to help the society in the past. Its better raising the woman in an Islamic household, support her, find her a husband then release her than leaving her alone and vulnerable to many other crimes. At least she'll know Islam and can become a righteous God fearing woman. Remember it was 7th century Arabia, not modern day London where women wont have as much difficulties finding jobs, food, shelter as they did in a desert... The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave inheritance rights to these slave women, gave her protection from mistreatment, rape, beatings from her masters, torture as they did in preIslamic Arabia. The slave women is treated very similarly to a wife as stated in the video, which is a great mercy for her and a better option. Women in Islam are honoured unlike women in Christianity.
Every time I've watched this one, I've marveled at how effective it is to turn the Islamic "scriptures" on themselves by substituting the perpetrators for the intended victims. WOW! And, I've just gotta say, you REALLY got your "Rev. Billy-Bob" gig on for this vid. ROFL! Even this ONE is awesome but, do you do any other characters?
5*****! I'm with D335, Haecceitas & Black. (I think Kim is a fan of yours also but just won't admit it.) MAY JESUS CHRIST BE PRAISED!!! ;-)
Kim wrote: "It would be extremely difficult for a widow to provide for her children and herself when she has no job and is stranded due to Muslim conquest."
- Why did the widow face extreme difficulty? Kim: "due to Muslim conquest"
Right so when they desired AZL and had "special revelation" sent down to "approve" of intercourse, because they were "missing their wives" they didn't HAVE to, they WANTED TO and Allah granted them SPECIAL permission.
Kim said:
"If a man has his wife and doesnt feel comfortable doing it then he doesnt have to"
Where do we get this bullocks? Certainly not from Islamic sources, but Kim's mind. Sex captives are from WAR Kim, it has nothing to do with "the comfort level of his wife" who is ABSENT at home and everything to do with his sexual desires to rape her while missing sex at home.
"but he can keep her or free her after he has supported her."
Just like a caged animal.
"Again, this was to help the society in the past. Its better raising the woman in an Islamic household, support her, find her a husband then release her than leaving her alone and vulnerable to many other crimes."
So rape and slavery by Muslims is better than rape and slavery by non-Muslims. That makes sense! NOT.
"At least she'll know Islam and can become a righteous God fearing woman."
Right so while she is raped repeatdly and working as a sex slave, she will learn the great message of Muhammad, that God is one and that his army are allowed to rape captives. Great news!
"Remember it was 7th century Arabia, not modern day London where women wont have as much difficulties finding jobs, food, shelter as they did in a desert..."
Hahaha. This is the best your God can do? Provide them with slavery, wife beating, and curse them if they don't put out?
"The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave inheritance rights to these slave women, gave her protection from mistreatment, rape, beatings from her masters, torture as they did in preIslamic Arabia."
Someone is rewriting history. PROTECTION FROM RAPE AND BEATING?......
"Women in Islam are honoured unlike women in Christianity."
Christianity is your point of comparison? CHRISTIANITY?????????????????
Kim good luck with all the "absurd" future rationalizations you come up with.
Your response is so convoluted and ridiculous it is unfathomable that you could view this as some sort of special treatment.
Allah should have forbid sex with them. But of course Allah wanted to please the Muslim man and give him permission to rape her even if her husband is still alive! It doesnt even say the husband has to be dead. Are you out of your mind? Also it doesnt say anywhere to treat them like a wife. this is a fabrication and an assumption that the liar in the video was making. there is no evidence. Also there is no evidence that she get inheritance. This is also a lie!.
Look what your scholar say. a slave woman does not have the right to refuse her master’s requests unless she has a valid excuse. If she does that she is being disobedient and he has the right to discipline her in whatever manner he thinks is appropriate and is allowed in shari’ah.
Where does it say to find her a husband? You are an unbelievable liar.
There is no comparison to Christianity. Because Mohamed told us to love and pray for our enemies and do not be slaves of men. And i cant think of the wars in which Jesus commanded and lead his followers into battle to convert them with the sword. You are one sick individual.
I dont think thi is Jesus's sunna! Ali went a bit and then halted and did not look about and then said in a loud voice: “Allah's Messenger, on what issue should I fight with the people?” Thereupon he (the Prophet) said: ”Fight with them until they bear testimony to the fact that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger…” (Sahih Muslim 5917)
You are a willfully ignorant twisted individual. And quite frankly, you disgust me!
Mistake. I meant to say Jesus! I have to start proof reading! Sorry
There is no comparison to Christianity. Because Jesus told us to love and pray for our enemies and do not be slaves of men. And i cant think of the wars in which Jesus commanded and lead his followers into battle to convert them with the sword. You are one sick individual.
Our Holy Scriptures warned us about the Qur'an long before it came to exist; Galatians 1:8 "But though we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, LET HIM BE ACCURSED" (strong words for the so called prophet) and in 2 Corinthians 11:14 "And no marvel; for SATAN HIMSELF is TRANSFORMED into an angel of light". ¿ Angel Gabriel ? Yeah....sure!
Poor Kim....I'm afraid that, despite all the glorious light she's been exposed to, her strong affections towards her lord & prophet - whom she worships as a god - have hardened her to the truth. Save a divine miracle, she's headed for hell for her rejection of truth. And the more truth we give her, the higher & heavier her guilt is heaped upon her. We should stop engaging her rationally. It would've been better for her to reject the truth in ignorance! Now she knows the truth and will be accountable ten fold. May YHWH have mercy upon her lest she face His wrath for idolatry and deception. So be it.
I must say, I've been following the updates, old posts, new posts, and doing my own research......this 6 minute video was probably the most comical portrayal I've seen yet.......and the scariest. Even though it seems silly and overdone at the start (I have to agree with the comment on the wig), when the turn came and it ended the arrests, a chill came over me. The point was made AND driven home.
This may be labeled a "blast from the past", but I am still fairly new to this site.
Kim said: "Sex slaves or female captives? Its not like you have to have sex with them. If a man has his wife and doesn't feel comfortable doing it then he doesn't have to..."
Amazing Kim! They don't have to?!!! Sure it is not the Muslim man that is forced to do anything that he doesn't want to! It is the captive woman, you dummy!!! Does she have to have sex with her captors if she doesn't want to?! The answer is yes! She is a captive and Allah sanctioned the Muslim men to have sex with her if they so wish and if she says that she doesn't want the Muslim man will just tell her: "Shut up! You are Halal to me! Allah himself said so! Who are you to make Haram for me what Allah made Halal!!!? Now get down and lift your skirt and shut up!"
And this is exactly what happens even today whenever Muslim mobs take over some area from the so-called Infidels like in Sudan or Pakistan or to poor Iranian political prisoners since they are charged with activities against the "Islamic Government" and are considered Moharb with Allah! And you saw in that video to what painful results it can lead!
This "rape the captives" sanction had ZERO to do with protecting the widows. The rule is that even if their husbands were alive they were considered automatically divorced from them if they fell into the hands of Muslim soldiers. Why? Because they were supposed to be fair game for rape regardless! So they were not raped to be protected from being a lonely widow. Quite the contrary the Muslims widowed them or forcefully divorced them from their husbands so that they can have sex with them (i.e. rape them)
Then again Kim the whole reason that some those women became widows in the first place was because your prophet and his troops raided their tribes or their caravans which were peacefully going on their way minding their own business! If Allah had such a concern for these poor women why didn't he stop his greedy prophet from killing their husbands and plundering their tribes and caravans? Wouldn't that have been a much more effective way of protecting them in the first place?
Kim said: "The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave inheritance rights to these slave women, gave her protection from mistreatment, rape, beatings from her masters, torture as they did in pre-Islamic Arabia"
Are you kidding me? Protecting them from rape by..... raping them!!! Imagine that!!! And you make me laugh when you say "protect them from beating"! You silly girl, when even a Muslim WIFE doesn't have protection from getting beatten a sex slave is already totally devoid of any protection at all! Show me where in the Quran or Hadith actually it is said that the sex-slaves are not to be beaten?! When it doesn't forbid you then it means that it is Halal! Beat her till your heart is content! OR "Silence is a sign of agreement!" Right Kim?
Kim said: "Its better raising the woman in an Islamic household, support her, find her a husband then release her than leaving her alone and vulnerable to many other crimes."
Kim, Kim, girl, the biggest criminal on the block in those bad old times were the Muslims themselves. They were bandits! DO YOU GET IT!!! ???? You Muslims think if you commit every kind of heinous act but slap a stamp of "Islam" on top of it that sanitizes it and makes it a "good" act! Not so! Rape is still rape even if you decide to call it "protection" or "marriage" or what ever benign word that you want. It still hurts the women who have to go through it! It still pains them and ruins their lives!
The fact is Kim long ago I realized the Muslims and us don't speak the same language at all. I mean we use the same words but we give them a totally different meaning. That is why Muslims can be so confusing and deceptive sometimes to the uninitiated infidels.
Now listen very carefully: This is the dictionary definition of rape: rape1 [reyp] Show IPA noun, verb, raped, rap·ing. noun 1. the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse. 2. any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person. 3. statutory rape. 4. an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside. 5. Archaic. the act of seizing and carrying off by force.
That is exactly what those Muslim Qazies were doing to those women. Kim, these acts are deemed barbaric and savage independent of who does it and for what reason. They are considered as such because they hurt people deeply and damages them body and soul. Those women were human beings like you and me, Kim! They wanted to live in peace with their families. They didn't want to witness the death and destruction of their community and the murder of their loved ones and didn't want to have to be sexually exploited by some stranger men who killed their family right after their family was killed in front of their eyes. This is a HORRENDOUS experience for any human being to go through, infidel or Muslim! No decent human being wishes it on anybody much less do it to them! DO YOU HEAR ME?!
They didn't even know who the heck those brutes who came out of nowhere and killed and plundered everybody were. How would you feel if something like that would happen to you, Kim? Would you like a TOTAL STRANGER, your captor and the murderer of your family no less to force you to lie on your back and pull up your skirt and let him penetrate you, or else...!!!?? Would you like it done to you, Kim?! Where is the golden rule amongst you Muslims?! IT DOESN'T EXSIST!
The fact is, Kim, that you Muslims have been so steeped into your cult of barbarity for 1400 years that it never occurred to you that those acts that Muslims were so accustomed to doing were in anyway wrong or barbaric. You committed them proudly and without making up any excuses for them until very recently when Muslims have started to come into contact with the West and get influenced by their MUCH MUCH MUCH higher standards and values.
That is why now you guys are in a panic mode and historical revisionism has already started and lies like the ones in those videos that you posted here are flowing like water from a waterfall! You suddenly have woken up and realized that it is really embarrassing that your prophet and his soldiers were nothing but a mafia and sexual exploitation gang.
But since you are so totally brainwashed instead of denouncing them in light of your newfound higher standards of morality, you started to whitewash and lie and rewrite the history to pretend that rape was not rape and theft was not theft and murder and enslaving others was not murder and enslaving others, and thus you use the same words as us but you give them a totally new content and meaning.
But all one has to do is open older commentaries and writings Muslims of pre-Western era and you will see that nobody was making such foolish excuses as you and your collaborators in those worthless youtube videos are making now. They never felt there was anything wrong with Muslim Jihadist to get rewarded sexually for having participated in Jihad by using the bodies of their enemies female population. They were to Muslims of those times like chattel and no apologies were deemed necessary and no word of "protection of the widows" and "rights of the captives" were even mentioned! Read older commentaries by Muslim Sheikhs of the olden age Kim, and you see beyond any shadow of the doubt that this "protection of the widows" mombo-jumbo are totally new inventions of embarrassed modern Muslim apologists who want to save Islam's face in the civilized West!
Kim, wake up. Words had meaning since before you Muslims came to the West and those meanings are clear in the definition of these words. If your prophets soldiers carried off women against their will (that is what captive means) and had sex with them without any ceremony and without their consent THAT IS RAPE!!! What ever excuses you try to give for it only reflects a poor light on your character! So stop it and accept it already! Your prophet was a rapist! Shame on you for following him!
Enjoy this video Kim! I guess your Shekh Al Islams in Islamic lands where they don't have to impress the infidel foreigners are not on the same page as you and your apologist friends and keep giving the game away! Somebody should send them the memo!
Kill = haram Kill for Allah = halal Rape = haram Rape for Allah = halal Steal = haram Steal for Allah = halal Prostitution = haram Prostitution for Allah = halal
so we have finally reach a mathematical formulation of Kim's logic
"despicable crimes + Allah = Islamic Halal."
Amazing scientific miracle of QURAN ! I see it now!
naaah... the wig over did it :P
thumbs up
A better blast from the past:
Youll love this one better!
David, I would like to direct you to this video. The Abu Sayyaf group behead 3 innocent civilians in the Philippines. The world show know how evil this guys are who are waging war in the Philippines in the name if Islam.
I think this is still my #1 favourite among your videos. Funny and brilliant.
@ Kim
That is all a bunch of ridiculous excuses. And has been refuted countless times. If you have sex with someone other than your wife it is called Adultery! no matter how much verbal juggling and logical fallacies you use. You cannot redefine the definition of adultery! DUH!
Deuteronomy 21: Deuteronomy 21: 12 Bring her into your home and have her shave her head, trim her nails 13 and put aside the clothes she was wearing when captured. After she has lived in your house and mourned her father and mother for a full month, then you may go to her and be her husband and she shall be your wife
It would be extremely difficult for a widow to provide for her children and herself when she has no job and is stranded due to Muslim conquest. Nowadays it isnt necessary because of technology and who knows how the future may turn out. Watch the entire video.
David...keep up d gud work....i love u bro
@ Kim i watched the entire video. And it is by Islamic teachings that the woman is enslaved and raped in the fist place! When a Muslim captures a married woman and has sex with her tyhat is adultery. you are excluding the fact that Mohamed could have come up with A better way than to take her as a sex slaves, then get her pregnant in order to free her and leave he a single mother. Everything they said is preposterous!
Why didnt Mohamed say we shall take up charity to support them untill they are able to find a husband or support themselves? After all Kadija was a wealthy single woman when Mohamed married her! You act as if the only option Mohamed was, was to rape them and make them sex slaves! LOL!
Your arguments are ridiculous! The all merciful Allah decided it was better for the women to be sex slaves! LOL! What a moronic contradiction! You are priceless. LOL!
We should call you Dave-the nutty professor (after that movie). Humor gets the point across well.
Sex slaves or female captives? Its not like you have to have sex with them. If a man has his wife and doesnt feel comfortable doing it then he doesnt have to but he can keep her or free her after he has supported her. If the man wanted to have sex with her then he is allowed. Again, this was to help the society in the past. Its better raising the woman in an Islamic household, support her, find her a husband then release her than leaving her alone and vulnerable to many other crimes. At least she'll know Islam and can become a righteous God fearing woman. Remember it was 7th century Arabia, not modern day London where women wont have as much difficulties finding jobs, food, shelter as they did in a desert...
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave inheritance rights to these slave women, gave her protection from mistreatment, rape, beatings from her masters, torture as they did in preIslamic Arabia. The slave women is treated very similarly to a wife as stated in the video, which is a great mercy for her and a better option. Women in Islam are honoured unlike women in Christianity.
Another amazing website if you think Islam mistreats women.
Every time I've watched this one, I've marveled at how effective it is to turn the Islamic "scriptures" on themselves by substituting the perpetrators for the intended victims. WOW!
And, I've just gotta say, you REALLY got your "Rev. Billy-Bob" gig on for this vid. ROFL! Even this ONE is awesome but, do you do any other characters?
5*****! I'm with D335, Haecceitas & Black. (I think Kim is a fan of yours also but just won't admit it.)
@ David
I love this role reversal, this is great video and I will share it with all my friends ...
May God bless you more and more ...
+ + +
I don't need to read Quran to know how women are treated in Islamic countries ...
Here is more ...
I met Iraqi Muslims here and those families are running away from a law that forcing Sunni man to divorce his Shiaa wife ...
Muslims took her husband and Tortured him so he will leave his Shiaa wife ...
The wife said that when he came back half crazy and they left Iraq with their kids ...
I know another mixed marriage like that and the couple became Christians with their kids ...
Thanks God
Kim wrote: "It would be extremely difficult for a widow to provide for her children and herself when she has no job and is stranded due to Muslim conquest."
- Why did the widow face extreme difficulty?
Kim: "due to Muslim conquest"
Isn't that circular?
Kim said:
"Its not like you have to have sex with them."
Right so when they desired AZL and had "special revelation" sent down to "approve" of intercourse, because they were "missing their wives" they didn't HAVE to, they WANTED TO and Allah granted them SPECIAL permission.
Kim said:
"If a man has his wife and doesnt feel comfortable doing it then he doesnt have to"
Where do we get this bullocks? Certainly not from Islamic sources, but Kim's mind. Sex captives are from WAR Kim, it has nothing to do with "the comfort level of his wife" who is ABSENT at home and everything to do with his sexual desires to rape her while missing sex at home.
"but he can keep her or free her after he has supported her."
Just like a caged animal.
"Again, this was to help the society in the past. Its better raising the woman in an Islamic household, support her, find her a husband then release her than leaving her alone and vulnerable to many other crimes."
So rape and slavery by Muslims is better than rape and slavery by non-Muslims. That makes sense! NOT.
"At least she'll know Islam and can become a righteous God fearing woman."
Right so while she is raped repeatdly and working as a sex slave, she will learn the great message of Muhammad, that God is one and that his army are allowed to rape captives. Great news!
"Remember it was 7th century Arabia, not modern day London where women wont have as much difficulties finding jobs, food, shelter as they did in a desert..."
Hahaha. This is the best your God can do? Provide them with slavery, wife beating, and curse them if they don't put out?
"The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave inheritance rights to these slave women, gave her protection from mistreatment, rape, beatings from her masters, torture as they did in preIslamic Arabia."
Someone is rewriting history. PROTECTION FROM RAPE AND BEATING?......
"Women in Islam are honoured unlike women in Christianity."
Christianity is your point of comparison? CHRISTIANITY?????????????????
Kim good luck with all the "absurd" future rationalizations you come up with.
@ Kim
Your response is so convoluted and ridiculous it is unfathomable that you could view this as some sort of special treatment.
Allah should have forbid sex with them. But of course Allah wanted to please the Muslim man and give him permission to rape her even if her husband is still alive! It doesnt even say the husband has to be dead. Are you out of your mind? Also it doesnt say anywhere to treat them like a wife. this is a fabrication and an assumption that the liar in the video was making. there is no evidence. Also there is no evidence that she get inheritance. This is also a lie!.
Look what your scholar say.
a slave woman does not have the right to refuse her master’s requests unless she has a valid excuse. If she does that she is being disobedient and he has the right to discipline her in whatever manner he thinks is appropriate and is allowed in shari’ah.
Where does it say to find her a husband? You are an unbelievable liar.
There is no comparison to Christianity. Because Mohamed told us to love and pray for our enemies and do not be slaves of men. And i cant think of the wars in which Jesus commanded and lead his followers into battle to convert them with the sword. You are one sick individual.
I dont think thi is Jesus's sunna!
Ali went a bit and then halted and did not look about and then said in a loud voice: “Allah's Messenger, on what issue should I fight with the people?” Thereupon he (the Prophet) said: ”Fight with them until they bear testimony to the fact that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger…” (Sahih Muslim 5917)
You are a willfully ignorant twisted individual. And quite frankly, you disgust me!
Nobody takes Kim seriously anymore. i dont know why I bother responding to her nonsense.
Suddenly, muslims can now realise the impact of their prophet's commands. Please pray for them. Its a bondage.
Mistake. I meant to say Jesus! I have to start proof reading! Sorry
There is no comparison to Christianity. Because Jesus told us to love and pray for our enemies and do not be slaves of men. And i cant think of the wars in which Jesus commanded and lead his followers into battle to convert them with the sword. You are one sick individual.
I suggest you watch the video again....
Our Holy Scriptures warned us about the Qur'an long before it came to exist; Galatians 1:8 "But though we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, LET HIM BE ACCURSED" (strong words for the so called prophet) and in 2 Corinthians 11:14 "And no marvel; for SATAN HIMSELF is TRANSFORMED into an angel of light". ¿ Angel Gabriel ? Yeah....sure!
I love the zoom in at .48 sec. LOL!!!! Very dramatic.
¿What was the offensive comment? ¿ 'So called prophet?
Poor Kim....I'm afraid that, despite all the glorious light she's been exposed to, her strong affections towards her lord & prophet - whom she worships as a god - have hardened her to the truth. Save a divine miracle, she's headed for hell for her rejection of truth. And the more truth we give her, the higher & heavier her guilt is heaped upon her. We should stop engaging her rationally. It would've been better for her to reject the truth in ignorance! Now she knows the truth and will be accountable ten fold. May YHWH have mercy upon her lest she face His wrath for idolatry and deception. So be it.
I must say, I've been following the updates, old posts, new posts, and doing my own research......this 6 minute video was probably the most comical portrayal I've seen yet.......and the scariest. Even though it seems silly and overdone at the start (I have to agree with the comment on the wig), when the turn came and it ended the arrests, a chill came over me. The point was made AND driven home.
This may be labeled a "blast from the past", but I am still fairly new to this site.
Thank You and keep 'em comin!
Kim said: "Sex slaves or female captives? Its not like you have to have sex with them. If a man has his wife and doesn't feel comfortable doing it then he doesn't have to..."
Amazing Kim! They don't have to?!!! Sure it is not the Muslim man that is forced to do anything that he doesn't want to! It is the captive woman, you dummy!!! Does she have to have sex with her captors if she doesn't want to?! The answer is yes! She is a captive and Allah sanctioned the Muslim men to have sex with her if they so wish and if she says that she doesn't want the Muslim man will just tell her: "Shut up! You are Halal to me! Allah himself said so! Who are you to make Haram for me what Allah made Halal!!!? Now get down and lift your skirt and shut up!"
And this is exactly what happens even today whenever Muslim mobs take over some area from the so-called Infidels like in Sudan or Pakistan or to poor Iranian political prisoners since they are charged with activities against the "Islamic Government" and are considered Moharb with Allah! And you saw in that video to what painful results it can lead!
This "rape the captives" sanction had ZERO to do with protecting the widows. The rule is that even if their husbands were alive they were considered automatically divorced from them if they fell into the hands of Muslim soldiers. Why? Because they were supposed to be fair game for rape regardless! So they were not raped to be protected from being a lonely widow. Quite the contrary the Muslims widowed them or forcefully divorced them from their husbands so that they can have sex with them (i.e. rape them)
Then again Kim the whole reason that some those women became widows in the first place was because your prophet and his troops raided their tribes or their caravans which were peacefully going on their way minding their own business! If Allah had such a concern for these poor women why didn't he stop his greedy prophet from killing their husbands and plundering their tribes and caravans? Wouldn't that have been a much more effective way of protecting them in the first place?
Kim said: "The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave inheritance rights to these slave women, gave her protection from mistreatment, rape, beatings from her masters, torture as they did in pre-Islamic Arabia"
Are you kidding me? Protecting them from rape by..... raping them!!! Imagine that!!! And you make me laugh when you say "protect them from beating"! You silly girl, when even a Muslim WIFE doesn't have protection from getting beatten a sex slave is already totally devoid of any protection at all! Show me where in the Quran or Hadith actually it is said that the sex-slaves are not to be beaten?! When it doesn't forbid you then it means that it is Halal! Beat her till your heart is content! OR "Silence is a sign of agreement!" Right Kim?
Kim said: "Its better raising the woman in an Islamic household, support her, find her a husband then release her than leaving her alone and vulnerable to many other crimes."
Kim, Kim, girl, the biggest criminal on the block in those bad old times were the Muslims themselves. They were bandits! DO YOU GET IT!!! ???? You Muslims think if you commit every kind of heinous act but slap a stamp of "Islam" on top of it that sanitizes it and makes it a "good" act! Not so! Rape is still rape even if you decide to call it "protection" or "marriage" or what ever benign word that you want. It still hurts the women who have to go through it! It still pains them and ruins their lives!
.............to be continued!
@Kim: Continuation..........
The fact is Kim long ago I realized the Muslims and us don't speak the same language at all. I mean we use the same words but we give them a totally different meaning. That is why Muslims can be so confusing and deceptive sometimes to the uninitiated infidels.
Now listen very carefully: This is the dictionary definition of rape:
rape1 [reyp] Show IPA noun, verb, raped, rap·ing.
the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.
any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.
statutory rape.
an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside.
Archaic. the act of seizing and carrying off by force.
That is exactly what those Muslim Qazies were doing to those women. Kim, these acts are deemed barbaric and savage independent of who does it and for what reason. They are considered as such because they hurt people deeply and damages them body and soul. Those women were human beings like you and me, Kim! They wanted to live in peace with their families. They didn't want to witness the death and destruction of their community and the murder of their loved ones and didn't want to have to be sexually exploited by some stranger men who killed their family right after their family was killed in front of their eyes. This is a HORRENDOUS experience for any human being to go through, infidel or Muslim! No decent human being wishes it on anybody much less do it to them! DO YOU HEAR ME?!
They didn't even know who the heck those brutes who came out of nowhere and killed and plundered everybody were. How would you feel if something like that would happen to you, Kim? Would you like a TOTAL STRANGER, your captor and the murderer of your family no less to force you to lie on your back and pull up your skirt and let him penetrate you, or else...!!!?? Would you like it done to you, Kim?! Where is the golden rule amongst you Muslims?! IT DOESN'T EXSIST!
.....To be continued
Kim: Continuation...........
The fact is, Kim, that you Muslims have been so steeped into your cult of barbarity for 1400 years that it never occurred to you that those acts that Muslims were so accustomed to doing were in anyway wrong or barbaric. You committed them proudly and without making up any excuses for them until very recently when Muslims have started to come into contact with the West and get influenced by their MUCH MUCH MUCH higher standards and values.
That is why now you guys are in a panic mode and historical revisionism has already started and lies like the ones in those videos that you posted here are flowing like water from a waterfall! You suddenly have woken up and realized that it is really embarrassing that your prophet and his soldiers were nothing but a mafia and sexual exploitation gang.
But since you are so totally brainwashed instead of denouncing them in light of your newfound higher standards of morality, you started to whitewash and lie and rewrite the history to pretend that rape was not rape and theft was not theft and murder and enslaving others was not murder and enslaving others, and thus you use the same words as us but you give them a totally new content and meaning.
But all one has to do is open older commentaries and writings Muslims of pre-Western era and you will see that nobody was making such foolish excuses as you and your collaborators in those worthless youtube videos are making now. They never felt there was anything wrong with Muslim Jihadist to get rewarded sexually for having participated in Jihad by using the bodies of their enemies female population. They were to Muslims of those times like chattel and no apologies were deemed necessary and no word of "protection of the widows" and "rights of the captives" were even mentioned! Read older commentaries by Muslim Sheikhs of the olden age Kim, and you see beyond any shadow of the doubt that this "protection of the widows" mombo-jumbo are totally new inventions of embarrassed modern Muslim apologists who want to save Islam's face in the civilized West!
Kim, wake up. Words had meaning since before you Muslims came to the West and those meanings are clear in the definition of these words. If your prophets soldiers carried off women against their will (that is what captive means) and had sex with them without any ceremony and without their consent THAT IS RAPE!!! What ever excuses you try to give for it only reflects a poor light on your character! So stop it and accept it already! Your prophet was a rapist! Shame on you for following him!
To Kim with love:
Enjoy this video Kim! I guess your Shekh Al Islams in Islamic lands where they don't have to impress the infidel foreigners are not on the same page as you and your apologist friends and keep giving the game away! Somebody should send them the memo!
Kim still hasn't define from the Quran what is rape.
Still waiting for what the Quran has to say about what constitutes as rape.
well I guess Kim's logic is down simply to:
Kill = haram
Kill for Allah = halal
Rape = haram
Rape for Allah = halal
Steal = haram
Steal for Allah = halal
Prostitution = haram
Prostitution for Allah = halal
so we have finally reach a mathematical formulation of Kim's logic
"despicable crimes + Allah = Islamic Halal."
Amazing scientific miracle of QURAN ! I see it now!
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