NEW YORK--Terror suspect Jose Pimentel is charged with conspiring to build a bomb for terror purposes and possessing a weapon with the intent of waging a campaign of violence, District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. says.
On his website, Pimentel discussed the duty of every Muslim to wage war against the west, Vance says. . . .
Terror suspect Jose Pimentel is a native of the Dominican Republic and a convert to Islam who lived in upstate Schenectady, N.Y., for years before moving to New York City, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly says.
He had long voiced hostilities against U.S. institutions and New York City officials have had their eye on him since 2009, Kelly tells reporters. . . .
Terror suspect Jose Pimentel, arrested by New York City police on Saturday, appeared to have been set off by the Sept. 30 death of al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen by a U.S. drone strike, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly says.
Law enforcement had to act quickly to stop Pimentel because he was in the process of making a bomb device, Kelly says.
"He was drilling the holes and it would have been not appropriate to let him walk out the door with the bomb, so a decision was made to act quickly," Kelly says.
At one point, Pimentel considered changing his name to Osama Hussein after his heroes, Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, Kelly says. (Read more.)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
"Lone Wolf" Jihadist Jose Pimentel Arrested for New York Terrorism Plot
Just two days after Muslims rallied in Manhattan against police surveillance of the Muslim community in New York, police nab yet another Muslim terrorist. Of course, if you paid attention to the numerous conspiracy theories being propagated at Friday's rally, you'll know that Muslims will consider this arrest a set up. (But click here for Muhammad's clear commands to violently subjugate non-Muslims.)
I don't understand where is this guy brain at all.
If I see a faith that encourage myself to take life of others, I would be very questioning the validity.
- was it correct?
- was it under the right reason?
- was it even divine origin?
- can it be over-ridden ?
- what'll happen if the order is not carried upon?
and that will make me read and find out more. But this guy is such a blind faith and a zealot that makes no other consideration at all and throwing "common sense" down the drain.
that will probably happened to most of the youth, but this guy is old, which leaves a possibility of insanity or a cult mindset.
Its amazing how Islam attracts Violent men, and makes them more violent.
Look a Omar the third Rightly Guided Calaiph.
He was so violent that he was on his way to mohamed he heard that his sister had converted.
So he punched her in the face knocking her down drawing blood. He then converted to Islam.
Did this change this violent mans disposition.
NO we read later in AL Tabari that after Ali and his wife Fatima the daughter of Mohamed who was several months pregentent with Mohameds grand child.
Omar surrounded their house with armed men and threatined to burn it down if they did not come out to pledge aligence to Abu Bakr.
After Ali and family would not come out Omar who was a large man busted down the door. Pinning Fatima against the door and wall. She collapesd in pain and Omar stormed out.
She later miscarried and then died a few months later.
We read later that when Omar was Caliph he order his own son to be lashed 70 times for public intoxication. His son died under the LASH.
It is true what Jesus said...
By their fruit you will know them.
Let's not get hasty guys ...
Maybe Jose was reading the weak hadiths only! ...
Ah! Yet another "lone wolf"!!! This is getting really repetitive!!
Stop those Satanic agents ...! Do whatever it takes to rid the world of the Evil named Islam...
How many 'lone wolves' must one find to notice that there is a pack wanting to attack us?
I think Jose was one of the Muslims held a rally in New York City ...
Long live New York Police Department ...
Another CIA Agent. Look at the timing and you'll easily tell why. It's funny how these so called "exposed plots" happen during specific times.
This BS is getting too old and too lame. I just really wish that some body sticks it up in the CIA's ass for real, like the Jordanian brother did in Aghanistan. I am tired of these stupid racist war mongerers. THE ZIONISTS ARE LEADING THIS COUNTRY INTO WORLD WAR III!! Every 10 years or so, this stupid country has to enter into a major war with somebody, and under the name of Christ. It can't sit still. It has to go pick a fight with a small and helpless country somewhere. And every few decades or so, there seems to be a need for a World War. Don't you smell the skunk-Jews' plots in all of this??!!
Do you really believe that the likes of Richard Reid are real terrorists? Do you even see how much of a GOOF BALL Richard Reid looks?! He reminds me of MTV's Beavis and Butthead. Does he look like one who has the balls to even carry a weapon, let alone blowing himself up in the air with dynamites?!
Osama Abdallah
D335: I don't understand where is this guy brain at all.
Osama: Please use your brain and quit being a blind and deaf follower!
And yeah, the Nigerian "diaper" bomber? He looks to me like one of those lifeless losers from Lagos Nigeria who spam the hell out of your inbox with their $60 million money transfer from Bank of Africa. And yeah, he passed the European security?! Who the hell are these people kidding??!!
Osama Abdallah
And you might find this hard to believe, but I love America and consider it my country. And because it is my country, I voice my concerns and objections that expose the Zionists and their plots. They're collapsing the Western World's economies (THEY CONTROL ALL OF THE BANKS IN THE WEST) to lead Europse into internal conflicts and perhaps with broader conflicts with Russia and China, almost exactly like what happened during WWI. Let's not forget that George W. Bush's Grandfather was Adolf Hitler's secrete banker. It's all a big circus, and they're using Christians and playing them left and right. When will you people wake up?
Do you really think Muslims are that dangerous? LOOOLLLL. We're nothing! We'll only win when Christ returns. Otherwise, we'll get our butts kicked as the Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him, predicted. He said that the Muslims and the Christians will enter into a big war (war consists of battle or battles) and the Muslims will lose bad, before the return of Christ.
Only Christ will destroy the ONE-EYED Dajjal, whom the Western World with the US in the lead are soooooooooo fond on adopting his ONE-EYED SYMBOL (look at the back of the US-Dollar:
Narrated Ibn Umar: "Once Allah's Apostle stood amongst the people, glorified and praised Allah as He deserved and then mentioned the Dajjal saying, "l warn you against him (i.e. the Dajjal) and there was no prophet but warned his nation against him. No doubt, Noah warned his nation against him but I TELL YOU ABOUT HIM something of which no prophet told his nation before me. You should know that HE IS ONE-EYED, and Allah is not one-eyed." (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 553)"
Also, Isaiah 14:12: "Lucifer the son of the (evil) star!"
The Muslims are just too powerless to do anything. Your biggest problem is yourselves. You will annhialate yourselves by your own deeds, exactly like you did in WWI and WWII. We'll just be busy feeding our camels while you wipe your own race and selves with nuclear weapons.
Osama Abdallah
After blasting American law inforcement, and the CIA he writes...
"And you might find this hard to believe, but I love America and consider it my country"
Geee Osama I wonder why we would find it hard to beleive that you love America and consider it your country.
Could it be becasue of statements like this?
"This BS is getting too old and too lame. I just really wish that some body sticks it up in the CIA's ass for real, like the Jordanian brother did in Aghanistan."
That "Jordanian Brother" as you call him was a enemy of the United States who killed US CITIZENS defending the United States of America.
So I guess when you say you "love America" what you really mean is
you love it when your Muslim brothers blow themselves up killing Americans.
Radical Moderate,
You can say that I, and the likes of me who spent the majority of their lives in the US, are among the people who "just don't belong" to either side. To the people back "home" I am an American, and to the "Americans" here at home I am a foreigner, and even an enemy. I can't have a true genuine life-time friend from either side. It's just that we're too different. This goes to both sides. However, through Islam, all Muslims are brothers and sisters. You'd be amazed (if you knew), though, at how Arabs and Muslims, in general, who lived in the US most of their lives, and especially the ones who were born here fiercely defend America among their people. I personally defend the US when arguing with others, and I propagate the seperation between the filthy Zionists who are ruling this country, and the average innocent Joes who don't know what's going on, and/or have nothing to do with anything. I also clearly seperate between a Jew and a Zionist, although I admit, I sometimes slip and use a "Jew" loosely. I also stress clearly to all of my family's kids, mine included, that they're 100% Americans, and that this is their country and home. All of them had been born here. Every single one of them.
I hope this helps.
Osama Abdallah
Osama you just don't get it.
If you really do consider yourself a AMERICAN and your children AMERICANS then you would not call those who KILL AMERICANS YOUR BROTHER.
You also wrote....
" I, and the likes of me who spent the majority of their lives in the US, are among the people who "just don't belong" to either side."
No sir its clear what side you belong to.
You said that your kids are AMERICAN yet you call the killer of AMERICANS your brother even reveling in the fact and hoping more of your brothers will kill Americans. In your words "I just really wish that some body sticks it up in the CIA's ass for real, like the Jordanian brother did in Aghanistan."
You also wrote...
"To the people back "home" I am an American, and to the "Americans" here at home I am a foreigner, and even an enemy."
Anyone who is proud to call a killer of Americans his "Brother" and hopes more of his brothers will kill more Americans. Is by definition a ENEMY of AMERICA.
You then go on to futher expose your trechery when you write...
"However, through Islam, all Muslims are brothers and sisters."
Its clear where your loyalties lie
I know that Muslims don’t do anything wrong and that everything that goes wrong in the world is the fault of Jews. But I would like you to prove the following:
Proof that these people are “racist” war mongers
Proof that the Zionists lead America to war
Proof that America wages war under the name of Christ
Proof that “skunk-Jews” plot in this
Proof that the Zionists control all the banks in the West
If you cannot then I suggest you go French kiss one of your muzzie brothers like your prophet did to a little boy:
Musnad Ahmad,” Hadith number: 16245, Volume Title: “The Sayings of the Syrians,” Chapter Title: “Hadith of Mu’awiya Ibn Abu Sufyan,” Narrated by Hisham Ibn Kasim, narrated by Huraiz, narrated by Abdul Rahman Ibn Abu Awf Al Jarashy, and narrated by Mua’wiya who said, “I saw the prophet (pbuh) sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the prayers of Allah be upon him . For no tongue or lips that the prophet sucked on will be tormented (by hell fire).
One more thing...
Since our children are "American" as you say.
Would you still call that Jordanian your "BROTHER" if he killed your children?
@Osama Abdallah
you believe in a religion that wishes to exterminate a race and a religion.
Can you say Islam did not hate Jews? Can you say Islam do not want to eradicate Jews? Howbout Christians?
I seriously questioning Osama Abdallah's brain.
one day a stone will yell "Oi Muslim, nope I run out Jews, but here's your brain hiding behind me!"
@Osama Abdallah
you believe in a religion that wishes to exterminate a race and a religion.
Can you say Islam did not hate Jews? Can you say Islam do not want to eradicate Jews? Howbout Christians?
I seriously questioning Osama Abdallah's brain.
one day a stone will yell "Oi Muslim, nope I run out Jews, but here's your brain hiding behind me!"
*** WATCH AL-JAZEERA ENGLISH. More on it below.
According to the Western sources, not the Muslims' ones, the Muslims defended the Jews against the Crucaders, who killed 15,000 Jews. The Muslims and Jews and Christians lived in reasonable harmony under the Islamic Ruling. Jews till this day still live and exist in our lands (I am talking outside Israel).
Do you even know history? The Jews escaped to our lands for protection against the persecutions of Christian Europe duing the medieval times. Do you think the Muslims could not have easily destroyed all of the Jews' and Christians' holy sites in Jerusalem when they ruled Palestine? Caliph Omar, when he entered Jerusalem refused to enter the Christians' Main Church, so that Muslims don't turn it into a Mosque.
Hate Islam and Muslims all you want, but don't twist history and deny that we do protect other religious groups who are under our protection. Do you watch Al-Jazeera English? It's better for you than FOX Noise. They did a program on Jews in Iran a year ago, and interviewed Jews living in villages with Muslims in Iran. I still remember the old Jewish woman's words when she responded to the question about why she didn't migrate to Israel like many of the Iranian Jews did, and she said (pointing at the village and the people): "This is my home, and these are my people. I've lived all of my life with them, and I want to die with them."
Again, stop watching the hateful bigots at FOX Noise. They produce nothing but garbage, and garbage ideologies.
Osama Abdallah
HOw come you haven't responded to me?
Osama: According to the Western sources, not the Muslims' ones, the Muslims defended the Jews against the Crucaders, who killed 15,000 Jews. The Muslims and Jews and Christians lived in reasonable harmony under the Islamic Ruling. Jews till this day still live and exist in our lands (I am talking outside Israel).
Reply: Osama you keep harping on Jews running from Crusaders, people who went out of their way to disobey Christ, the one they claimed to serve, by persecuting Christ’s brothers according to the flesh. Yes Christians persecuted Jews, but did this in direct violation Yeshua’s commands. However, your Jew-hatred is thoroughly Islamic, on par with the teachings of your prophet. And when you talk about Jews living in “your” lands, you don’t have to bother clarifying that you are talking about countries outside of Israel, since Israel is not “your” land in the first place. Fact is that Jews and Christians living in Muslim majority lands live there under unequal rights than Muslims and in fear of persecution of Muslims. And when I say that I’m talking about physical persecution. The “harmony” is not because Muslims are so lenient towards Jews and Christians, but because Jews and Christians walk on eggshells not to do anything that even remotely looks like a deviation of how they are to behave in Muslim society, lest they suffer dearly. You Muzzies are crying over here in the West about your supposed “rights”, while our Jewish and Christian brothers and sisters have near to no rights in your countries TODAY. Heck, the situation in your countries is so bad that many Muslims seek refuge in the West. Sadly, or should I say ironically, they then begin to pursue Islamic laws here, the very laws they sought refuge from.
Osama: Do you even know history? The Jews escaped to our lands for protection against the persecutions of Christian Europe duing the medieval times. Do you think the Muslims could not have easily destroyed all of the Jews' and Christians' holy sites in Jerusalem when they ruled Palestine? Caliph Omar, when he entered Jerusalem refused to enter the Christians' Main Church, so that Muslims don't turn it into a Mosque.
Reply: And you have read the “Pact of Umar” right? The pact that has Christians living as third class citizens under Umar’s rule? Where they had to accommodate Muslims left and right, but themselves had no right to even so much as repair their monasteries? You did read that, right?
Osama: Hate Islam and Muslims all you want, but don't twist history and deny that we do protect other religious groups who are under our protection. Do you watch Al-Jazeera English? It's better for you than FOX Noise. They did a program on Jews in Iran a year ago, and interviewed Jews living in villages with Muslims in Iran. I still remember the old Jewish woman's words when she responded to the question about why she didn't migrate to Israel like many of the Iranian Jews did, and she said (pointing at the village and the people): "This is my home, and these are my people. I've lived all of my life with them, and I want to die with them."
Reply: Well if I had that little to work with I would keep harping on that brief period too, and be completely silent about the much longer period in history of brutal conquest of other nations in order to make Islam look “tolerant” in the eyes of the ignorant. Can I ask you what the criterion is for your historicity of the Crusades? Because if you want to talk about twisting history, the irony is completely on you, because your holy book denies the one certain thing that happened in ancient history: The Crucifixion of the Messiah! So if you would be so kind to answer the question.
Btw, here is an excellent source on the historical events surrounding the Crusades, debunking many of the popular myths that the Crusades were unprovoked from the Islamic side:
Osama: Again, stop watching the hateful bigots at FOX Noise. They produce nothing but garbage, and garbage ideologies.
Reply: Says the guy that promotes Al Jazeera! LOL! As of there is no anti-zionist pro-isamic rhetoric on that station. Yeah… any other suggestions Osama?
again seriously making a loaded question such as,
-pointing that I am watching Fox News or Al -Jazeera english
= I don't watch both. My first language is not even english :p.
I will then point to your own loaded question, since I don't watch both news, Osama must be = VERY TOTALLY WRONG.
returning to the part in "where is Osama_Abdallah's brain?" that arises after Osama's pointing that I'm blind and deaf.
Osama's brain want to believe that Muslims protects Jews. So when Muhammad took 700 Jews head, Muhammad just made a tactical error. Whoops.
I'm not even interested asking about Mecca and Medina along with the long history of Palestine. Sure, Arabs own everything right? in Muhammad's dream! really!
Osama's brain must be very bright to belive an exact anti-Jew and anti-Christianity religion 600 years after. And thought it smells good also.
You don't think so? wait, why the scripture is full with contradicting Jews and Christians?
-Osama's brain must be super smart for being able to maintain a website, tho a duplicate and not original, yet still think he's Muhammad's first line of defense apologist.
Let see how Osama's logic shared to us in:
-Osama's brain believe he can provide answer such as:
why muhammad wore female clothings? why muhammad stated breastfeeding polemic? why sperm originated in the back?
why islam raises female status and abolish slavery while NO VERSE in Quran been provided for either ones?
If camel dung can smell that good for Osama, perhaps his daddy did produced sperm from the back.
And here's a verse from the bible of why Christians cannot eradicate jews. Watch CLOSE AT VERSE 22, no Jewish nation, no media which we come to salvation.
John 4:21-26 (NIV84)
21Jesus declared, “Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.
22You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.
23Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
24God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”
25The woman said, “I know that Messiah is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.”
26Then Jesus declared, “I who speak to you am he.”
one slap to Osama, one bitch-slap to Islam.
If we see it from the eyes of islamic theology, why would the muslims want to wipe out they jews?
- The jews give them prophets, from adam, abraham, moses to Jesus, but sorry no Muhammad.
Even apostle Paul is........ dang, a JEW! still no muhammad!
- Therefore Islam erase any evidence of the contrary by taking out the jews before they speak the truth.
1 man wanted to be a prophet and failed, that's stupid, but then what would we call the 1.6 billion morons who follow him today?
"to stupidity and beyond !"
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