Sunday, November 20, 2011

Occupy America: Leftists and Islamists United

On November 18th, 2011, Muslims held a rally in New York City. The point of the rally was supposedly to protest the NYPD's surveillance of the Muslim community. As the rally progressed, however, Muslim leaders acknowledged that they share the goals of the Occupy Wall Street Movement, especially seizing and redistributing wealth. Indeed, Muslims claimed that the redistribution of wealth is commanded by Allah.


WhatsUpDoc said...

Excellent piece thanks David.

Rhonda Parsons said...

Muslims love being on welfare. And your grandparents Welfare too. They had it good in Libya, they have destroyed that. They had it good in Greece too, but now that's going down the toilet and they don't like that they might have to actually work instead of sticking ass in air all day. They want $ for nothing, then they should go to Saudi or Qatar and beg for it from the 7000 'SUPER RICH WORTHLESS PRINCES!".

Anonymous said...

ahh the hypocritcal speeches, If you want people not to be suspicious of you then why were you filmed having extremist lectures in your mosques?

Fix up your act before you protest, they have everyright to suspect you, if you carry out those actions.

Koala Bear said...

Morons. Their saviour will be the Anti-Christ. God help us all. No wonder the Bible says many will be deceived.

Theodoris said...

@Rhonda Parsons: Please get your facts straight, Greece is a 97% Christian country - I don't think any of them would prefer going to either of those muslim countries, they wouldn't survive a day there.

Half of St. Paul's epistles were sent to locations in modern day Greece and Greek was the original language of the New Testament.

The reason why Greece is doing so bad today is because the people have deviated from true Christianity - but not because they have become Muslim...I think most Greeks would be very offended by that comment especially because Muslim Turks had slaughtered their ancestors...

My Two Sense said...

You know what David... You're right. This is disturbing to see about the Occupy movement. I can't argue with you there.

But before we start condemning all "leftists" and the Occupy movement itself let's look at some of the Occupy movement's demands:

1. Private fundings of campaigns from concentrated sources of wealth have corrupted our political system.

2. Abrogation of the "Citizen's United" case (don't get all crazy about the word "abrogation" here)

3. Public officials, politicians and their immediate families shall be banned from ever being employed by any corporation, individual or business that the public official specifically regulated while in office.

4.) Term limits to Senators and Representatives. Just like there are term limits for being President.

5. A Fair Tax Code. ALL citizens and corporations pay a fair share by eliminating loopholes, unfair tax breaks, exemptions and unfair deductions, subsidies and ending all other methods of evading taxes.

6. Healthcare for all (I know.
"I'm not paying for some lazy person's healthcare!"). I would retort that not all underemployed or unemployed people are "lazy". I personally work 2 "part time jobs" (I put part time jobs in quotes because though they are technically part time jobs, I certainly put in full time hours) and am also going back to school. I have to pay for my own healthcare, which means I have a plan that I can afford to pay for that would even take me with the pre-existing conditions that I have. I recently had a serious medical issue and had to go to the hospital. Suffice to say that my medical bills (that my insurance didn't pay for) are overwhelming... But I am just a "lazy good for nothing"... so who cares.

7. Stop corporations from recklessly damaging the environment, and prosecute them if they do. I'm not going to argue Global Warming (sorry... "Climate Change") with you guys. I'll just stick with "recklessly damaging the environment". I think that's completely reasonable.

8. Debt reduction. Spending cuts are necessary but those cuts must be made to facilitate what is best for the People of the United States of America, not necessarily multi-national and domestic corporations.

9. Jobs. It's easy for Republican candidates to tell the Occupiers to "get a job", but arguably many of these Occupiers have been actively looking for jobs and can't find any in this economy. Hence the protesting. Back in 2003 (after working full time for 8 years) I was laid off (due to a company merger and redundant positions) and applied to hundreds of jobs for 9 months (unemployment ran out in 6 months back then) and couldn't get hired. Many people have it way worse now.

10. Implementation of a student loan debt relief forgiveness program. What's wrong with helping students pay back loans (especially graduates who are having difficulty finding jobs)?

11. Immigration Reform AND Improved Border Security. Basically saying help foreigners who want to get an education to stay and study and then become productive citizens. Nah. let's just build a double sided electric fence instead.

12. Reform public education so that we can stay competitive in an world economy. I agree.

13. End outsourcing. Discourage businesses from sending jobs overseas. What's wrong with keeping jobs in America?

14. End unfair trade practices and currency manipulation.

15. Election reform. Maybe you agree with "abolishing the electoral college" and maybe you don't. Surely you should be for the abolition of "gerrymandering", shortening the campaign season to three months, allowing voting on weekends and holidays; issuance of free voter registration cards to all citizens who are eligible to vote so that they cannot be turned away at a polling station...

16. End the war in Afghanistan.

17. Let gays get married... well you're probably all against this one...

My Two Sense said...

Let's bring up the Tea Party. My friend said to me "there is no racism in the Tea Party." I said, "oh yeah?" and sat in front of my computer and Googled "Racism" and "Tea Party". Wow. lot's of results. You know what he said to me? "Touché". That's all I got was "Touché".

While I don't think the entire Tea Party is racist, there is certainly a racist element in the Tea Party that they have not effectively addressed or distanced themselves from. So every Protest has it's problems and elements within that are fringe. Again, I don't like the footage you are showing and you make valid points. But your titles to some of your posts put everyone under the "same umbrella". Certainly if I said, "Righties and the Tea Party are Racist" I would get my head chewed off.

Now let's look at some Tea Party demands:

1. Any prospective candidate must vow to protect the constitution and U.S. borders. I agree.

2. We must achieve a balanced budget and be debt-free in 10 years.

3. Zero earmarks, bailouts, or entitlements.

4. Zero lobbyists.

5. Burn our own oil, natural gas and coal until we achieve alternative energy adequacy. While I'm not necessarily a "drill baby drill" advocate, I like the achieve alternative energy part. I do agree that we need to end our dependence on foreign oil and if burning our own fuel first is a part of that then so be it.

6. Avoid more nuclear power plants. That a toughie for me since my dad worked for a nuclear power plant for 18 years... which put food on our table... but that brings us back to the alternative fuel sources....

7. Get to work on the grid to handle the necessary future electricity. Agree.

8. Give incentives to drive hybrid and alternative fuel cars. Agree.

9. Zero "socialized" medicine. I guess this is against "healthcare for everyone" of the Occupy people...

10. Over 90% of our citizens believe in God. We will re-institute prayer in school and allow religious markings on public buildings. We will allow celebration of significant holidays in our schools. Creationism will be taught along with Darwinism in public schools. uuuuhhh DISAGREE (onthe Creationism in schools part, not the holiday celebration part)!!!!

11. Eliminate political correctness. Agree!

12. We must also make the tax laws simple, including eliminating all loopholes (sounds familiar)

13. All Americans will enjoy freedom of speech anytime, anywhere (even Occupiers?)

14. There will still be no discrimination against anyone based on race, color, national origin, sex, creed, political affiliation, or beliefs. (even the racist fringe in the Tea Party apparently)

15. Term limits. (sounds familiar)

16. All Americans should pay the same for health insurance, no matter whether they are self-employed or working for a large corporation.

17. We must set time limits on getting out of Afghanistan (sounds familiar)

19. Repeal every single bill Obama signs into law. (now who's crazy?)

20. Stop currency manipulation (sounds familiar)

I got this stuff from

I absolutely LOVE the part that goes "any terrorist sentenced to death will be buried with a piece of pork so that he cannot achieve martyrdom" and I'm sure you all will too.

Theodoris said...

And one more thing...Athens is the only capital city in the European Union to not have a mosque. Some people tried to build one several years ago but the people began to protest fiercely. Only recently has there been approval to build one.

Now you tell me how 'Muslim' Greece is Rhonda...

Radical Moderate said...

@David Wood.

You hater, don't be dissin the freedom fighters figthing for your freedom. I for one support the Occupy every thing people.

I would join them BUT.

I Occupy my bed, until I wake up to Occupy the shower, I then move on to Occupy my kitchen while I eat breakfast. Then I Occupy my car as I drive to work. Then for 8 to 10 hours a day I Occupy my work space. Taking various breaks from that to Occupy the bathroom and lunch room. Only to then Occupy my car for the drive home to then Occupy my house or various places until its time to once again Occupy my bed and start the whole thing over.

Man with all this time Occupying I have no time to join the Occupy America.

My Two Sense said...

Here is another way I am going to refute your "these are your Occupiers" comment:

The finer points of her protest are quite convincing, though I am not sure what her protest actually is. And in the end I DON'T CARE! YOU GO GIRL!!

So by "This is your Occupy Movement" or however you phrased it, I would say "This is also your Occupy Movement."

Would a Muslim protestor support this woman's "Occupy" (Occupy in "quotes") protest? Highly unlikely based on a conversation I had on this very blog with a Muslim commentator who lived in New York and complained about nude beaches and nudity and how by living in New York he was greatly offended that he might accidentally occasionally see a naked breast at a Gay Pride parade (or perhaps a protest such as this?).

simple_truth said...

The leftist are too stupid to realize that they are being used to bring about a system that will not tolerate them. In fact, they are helping to destroy themselves and become the occupied. Oooh! That's irony.

I really wonder if Westernized Muslims really see their constant hypocrisy towards others and their ideologies when they make such absurd claims that go against their prophet and teachings? Are they zombies, or are they sleepwalking through reality?

WhatsUpDoc said...

@Rhonda Parson

Even in Libya they had welfare at your expense built in the oil prices.

In Britain many Muslims now have a new name for it they believe that they are entitled to it they call it "Jizia" that non-Muslims suppose to pay.

Richard said...

"Indeed, Muslims claimed that the redistribution of wealth is commanded by Allah."

Indeed they believe in taking wealth from non-Muslims and distributing it among the Muslims.

They have been doing that for their 1400 year history following the example of Muhammad.

"When Allah made the Prophet wealthy through conquests, he said, "I am more rightful than other believers to be the guardian of the believers, so if a Muslim dies while in debt, I am responsible for the repayment of his debt, and whoever leaves wealth (after his death) it will belong to his heirs. " Bukhari 37:495

(He was generous among his fellow looters of the wealth he had stolen by conquest - a fine example indeed)

Muslims who migrate to western countries think we owe them Jizya anyway

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." Quran 9:29

And they are helped along by the leftist and other useful idiots.

John 8:24 said...

My Two Sense,

You are completely misguided here. When is occupying something that you do not own a Christian virtue? Jesus said, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s"!

John 8:24 said...

My Two Sense said: "Let's bring up the Tea Party. My friend said to me "there is no racism in the Tea Party." I said, "oh yeah?" and sat in front of my computer and Googled "Racism" and "Tea Party". Wow. lot's of results."

So that is how you judge if something is true? Wow! I bet you can find an example for almost anything that way!!!

First, the left-leaning media rules the news. They almost act like slaves to the Obama administration. Don't we all know how Obama was championed by the media in 2008! Obama was and is their darling. So, it is hardly surprising to find a lot of hits on Google against the Tea Party who oppose Obama and his policies.

Second, it's not racist to criticize President Obama, it's not racist to have conservative views. George Bush was attacked a lot more viciously by the leftist groups in their protests but the leftist media turned a blind eye. The media and the democrats love to play the race card on the slightest criticism of Obama or his policies.

Third, racism goes both ways. Let us not forget Obama himself attended a black racist church for over 20 years, till it came to light, and had called its pastor Jeremiah Wright a spiritual mentor. What is your response to that?

Fourth, there were numerous instances where the Tea Party was crashed by some lefties who held up racists posters.

Fifth, the Tea Party was falsely accused of racism in a few cases. Rep. Carson's "N-word" incident did not happen but it was widely reported in the media without any evidence.

My Two Sense said: "While I don't think the entire Tea Party is racist, there is certainly a racist element in the Tea Party that they have not effectively addressed or distanced themselves from."

Who told you that the Tea Party did not distance themselves from the racist element? Many Tea Party leaders have clearly repudiated it a number of times. I have also seen videos where Tea Partiers openly rebuked neo-nazies and white supremacists who crashed into the Tea Party.

To drive a nail in the coffin, please answer this one question: if the Tea Partiers are indeed racists, as you claim, how come Herman Cain, a black, receives most support for them in the Republican nomination?

John 8:24 said...

Now lets talk about racism in the Occupy movement. A lot of antisemitism, which is racism, has been exposed by a few in the media in the Occupy movement recently (no wonder Muslims love Occupy!). Why has this not been reported extensively by the left-leaning media? Why is it ok to be antisemetic? Does this bother you?

My Two Sense said...

John 8:24

a.) I am not a Christian. Don't patronize me with "Christian values" or "Muslim values" etc... I already said that I agree with David's assessment about the Muslims at his Occupy movement that he attended.

b.) "you are completely misguided here" sounds like your opinion. In what way am I misguided? Please explain.

c.) I made many parallels between the Occupy Movement and the Tea Party Movement. I also made some distinctions between the two. I personally neither totally agree or totally disagree with either movement, but find aspects of both that I do agree with somewhat. I also inserted some personal stories to bolster my point.

You retorted with a vague statement of "occupy something you don't own". What don't I own specifically or what don't the Occupiers own specifically that you find wrong about their protest? So if I point out a list of things I found wrong with the Tea Party movement would you call that misguided? Please explain.

John 8:24 said...

There is nothing Christian in the Occupy movement. Leftist liberals hate and oppose everything Christian but they are more than happy to provide a cover for radical Islam, Islamic terrorism & Sharia. They want to occupy something that they do not own - similar to the mindset of many Muslims. Though they do not agree with everything in Islam, they form strange bed-fellows with Muslims. My Two Sense, don't be deceived. Know your friends from your enemies!

Radical Moderate said...

And the Sign said...

"Muslims Demand Equal Rights"


arliss said...

occupy wall street is about ending corruption and enforcing the rule of law. please google bill black and occupy wall street. don't know who bill black is? look it up. if you're against the occupy movement then you believe that there should be 2 classes of people (sound familiar?). there are those who get to break the law with impunity (the one percent) and the rest of us who go to jail for fraud. i'm a leftist and proud of it.

arliss said...

i support occupy wall street. i don't believe that the banks should be able to commit fraud endlessly and then only pay fines. please google bill black occupy wall street. don't know who bill black is? then you're not paying attention. right now this is our fight. stand up people. this country is in greater danger from corruption and graft than from anything else.

My Two Sense said...

Jesus also said, "Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God," (Luke's version). To the rich he said, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth," and "go, sell what you have, and give to the poor." When the rich turned away from him because they couldn't follow his command he observed, "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

All I was trying to say was do not put all "Lefties" under one umbrella and make vague broad generalizations and I won't make broad vague generalizations about "Righties".

Richard said...

Jose Pimentel, 27, was charged with terrorism-related offences, Michael Bloomberg said at a news conference in New York.

Mr Pimentel ..who also allegedly planned to target US troops returning from abroad.

He was inspired by al-Qaeda, Mr Bloomberg said"

"inspired by al-Qaeda"? and where does al-Qaeda get its INSPIRATION from?

Perhaps from here?:

Quran Chapter 3, Verse 151: "SOON SHALL WE CAST TERROR INTO THE HEARTS OF THE UNBELIEVERS, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority: their abode will be the Fire: .."


Quran Chapter 8, Verse 60 "Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike TERROR into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know..."


Quran Chapter 8, Verse 12 "..I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them."


Hadith Bukhari Book 52, Hadith 220 "Allah's Apostle said, "..I have been made victorious with terror ..the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand."

Or Hadith Muslim Book 4, Hadith 1062"..I have been helped by terror (in the hearts of enemies): spoils have been made lawful to me:.."

Maybe thats where Jose Pimentel also got his inspiration from?

Phony war on terror? Is there anything phony about the deaths and the mayhem Muslims have been committing every day?

My Two Sense said...

"Leftist liberals hate and oppose everything Christian but they are more than happy to provide a cover for radical Islam"

Again you are making broad generalizations which are only "your opinion".

"There is nothing Christian in the Occupy movement." I could easily retort that there is not very much "Christian" in the Tea Party. Oh sure they want to Creationism in schools and they think "90% of people in the US believe in God". Personally I would like to know where they got that statistic from...

You know... I am reminded of when David Wood debates a Muslim apologist and David chooses a long list of surahs and ahdith. The Muslim apologist rebuts with, "that's not true. David is lying." or "David is misled"

My Two Sense said...

"Second, it's not racist to criticize President Obama, it's not racist to have conservative views."

I never said that. Go ahead and criticize him, but don't put words in my mouth.

"if the Tea Partiers are indeed racists, as you claim, how come Herman Cain, a black, receives most support for them in the Republican nomination?"

Didn't you just quote me in a previous paragraph that I DIDN'T BELIEVE the whole Tea Party was racist but that there were racist elements in the Tea Party? So I DIDN'T claim that.

And no I don't just use Google in and of itself to prove my whole point. I did to my friend who made a broad generalization that there wasn't any racism in the Tea party. I merely showed him a lot of results that there were. It was a pretty easy broad generalization to prove wrong at the time. If you want to refute specific examples I will gladly debate them with you civilly. But if you're just going to make an assertion that I will paraphrase here: "lefties are godless Muslim loving misguided idiots" then there is no point in having a debate, now is there?

My Two Sense said...

So you're saying that there were no pictures of Obama with a bone through his nose or signs with "the n-word" on them ever at any Tea Party rally? No "Monkey see monkey spend" signs (which we can at least agree is "clever" but might have been poor word choices)? I'm all about satire... but some of the stuff was in very poor taste.

I really don't care about the Obama as Hitler signs because people did the same thing to Bush. But even some Tea Partiers derided the comparison. Good for them.

How about Mark Williams (the Tea Party leader's) letter to Abe Lincoln. Again... satire you will say.

And the Tea Party got rid of him. Fair enough. But...

Tea Party Protests: 'Ni**er,' 'Fa**ot' Shouted At Members Of Congress. No racism you say?

I know. That's a bunch of "godless leftist liberal" news sources that you will easily refute.

BTW: I didn't say the Tea Party didn't address the racism fringe in its movement. I stated "they didn't do enough".

Finally, your assertion about lefties "hate everything Christian and are happy to provide a cover for radical Islam, Islamic terrorism & Sharia."

I am left-leaning. I think my presence on this blog and my posts clearly show to the contrary that I specifically do not do those things.

If Herman Cain is their darling? Wow. Here's your coffin nail back.

My Two Sense said...

Clearly there is nothing Christian about the Occupy movement.

But I ask the question: why does there have to be Christianity in the Occupy movement? I firmly agree with David that the presence of Islam with the Occupy movement is quite disturbing.

I stand by my original assertion that I agree with some of what both movements are saying and disagree with some of what both movements are saying.

I sure called it when I said I would be lambasted for saying "The Tea Party and Righties are Racist". Which if you remember I totally meant as irony.

Radical Moderate said...

@My Two Sense

While I firmly agree that there is something serioulsy wrong with the way the current system of governence has emerged in the past 50+ years. Its a corporate beast that has gotten out of control.

Upper management is no longer interested in long term growth but on just what they can extract out in a few years so they can get their bonus's and move on to rape the next corporation.

(I'm going to make a prediction, Sears is selling their Craftman Tools Department. I predict that after it is sold and there is a big cash infusion on the books. You will see an exodus of upper managment leaving with big big bonus checks)

Farming has turned into a franchise operation that rapes the land, abuses the animals and has become the bigest poluter in america.

You have companies buying up patents under the guise of development only to have those patents sit on a shelf.

We have corporate interests that have so permiated the politcal system that pizza sauce is now going to be considered a vegtable.

We have a political system that dictates to elected official that his or her time has to be spent raising money for the Party. If he or she doesnt meet their quota's then they don't get money for the next election.

We have corporations with well equiped and very well trained private armies.

We spend Billions even trillions to bring "DEMOCRACY" to a people who do not want it and when they get it they vote in worse people then Adulf Hitler and the Boyz.

But we can not spend billions to take care of the health of our own citizens like every other civilized industrilized nation?

yes something is wrong very wrong.

However the tactics that the occupy people are using only hurts any cause for reform.

Radical Moderate said...

@My Two Sense

Allow me to rant a little more.

On the whole PIZZA Sauce is a Vegatable.

I heard a report some time ago, on school lunches in France.

Starting in pre school, they are getting home made fresh meals. Lamb, roast duck, etc... fresh vegatbales and fruits. The foccus is on developing their pallets.

We in the US have been brought up on salt and sugar. All brought to you buy the Fast Food industry.

We should be setting the STANDARD

Mrs. O'Riordan said...

In Egypt the muslims and Christians were "one" - until the Christians were no longer of any use! Here we go with the same pattern; the muslims and Kaffir are "one" until....!!! - Thanks David and God Bless - Rene

John 8:24 said...

My Two Sense,

Yes, I made a mistake by assuming that you are a Christian. So here is my corrected post:

You are completely misguided here. When is occupying something that you do not own a virtue?

Which part of "When is occupying something that you do not own a virtue?" do you not understand?

Frankly speaking, since you are neither a Christian nor a Muslim I have no desire to get into a lengthy time consuming debate which I know would not change your made-up mind. You don't seem to see the obvious, are all over the place and conveniently skip uneasy questions. Any case, I could still engage in a debate if you would respond point by point and not jump topics or conveniently skip difficult questions raised.

Occupy movement is pathetic, destructive and wrong in so many levels. But it was you who brought up the OWS vs the Tea Party. You claimed that you found a lots of hits on Google which proves racism within the Tea Party and that your (totally ignorant) friend meekly surrendered. Here is my refutation to that argument - please answer would you agree or disagree and comment on each point if you want to debate with an open mind (Note the topic is 'Racism in the Tea Party and OWS'):

a) So that is how you judge (by Googling) if something is true? Wow! I bet you can find an example for almost anything that way!!!
Agree or disagree?

b) Did you try Googling "occupy wall street anti semitic" or "occupy wall street rape" or "occupy wall street sexual assault" or "occupy wall street feces". Tell me what you find. Which one is worse - ones that you find against the Tea Party or what you find for the OWS.
Please comment.
(By the way, I will respond later to a few links you sent about displaying racism in the Tea Party)

c) First, the left-leaning media rules the news. They almost act like slaves to the Obama administration. Don't we all know how Obama was championed by the media in 2008! Obama was and is their darling. So, it is hardly surprising to find a lot of hits on Google against the Tea Party who oppose Obama and his policies.
Agree or disagree?

d) Second, it's not racist to criticize President Obama, it's not racist to have conservative views. George Bush was attacked a lot more viciously by the leftist groups in their protests but the leftist media turned a blind eye. The media and the democrats love to play the race card on the slightest criticism of Obama or his policies.
Agree or disagree?

e) Third, racism goes both ways. Let us not forget Obama himself attended a black racist church for over 20 years, till it came to light, and had called its pastor Jeremiah Wright a spiritual mentor. What is your response to that?
Please comment.

f) Fourth, there were numerous instances where the Tea Party was crashed by some lefties who held up racists posters.
Are you aware of that? Please comment.

g) Fifth, the Tea Party was falsely accused of racism in a few cases. Rep. Carson's "N-word" incident did not happen but it was widely reported in the media without any evidence.

Your comment: Tea Party Protests: 'Ni**er,' 'Fa**ot' Shouted At Members Of Congress. No racism you say?

My comment: This is the exact incident what I pointed out as a false allegation. So you didn't even go through it. Did you? At least be a little diligent to be taken seriously.
Please respond.


John 8:24 said...


My Two Sense said: "While I don't think the entire Tea Party is racist, there is certainly a racist element in the Tea Party that they have not effectively addressed or distanced themselves from."

h) Who told you that the Tea Party did not distance themselves from the racist element? Many Tea Party leaders have clearly repudiated it a number of times. I have also seen videos where Tea Partiers openly rebuked neo-nazies and white supremacists who crashed into the Tea Party.

Your response: BTW: I didn't say the Tea Party didn't address the racism fringe in its movement. I stated "they didn't do enough"
My response: Why is issuing a strong repudiation or firing someone who made posted controversial blog not enough? What would be enough according to you?

i) To drive a nail in the coffin, please answer this one question: if the Tea Partiers are indeed racists, as you claim, how come Herman Cain, a black, receives most support for them in the Republican nomination?

Your response: If Herman Cain is their darling? Wow. Here's your coffin nail back.
My response: Nonsense. The topic here is whether the Tea Party is racist as smeared by the leftist media. It has nothing to do with if Herman Cain would be a good President. (By the way, if you ask me, Herman Cain would be far better than Obama. Or for that matter any other candidate. Four more years of Obama and it would be the end of America as we know it!). Keep the nail.

j) Now lets talk about racism in the Occupy movement. A lot of antisemitism, which is racism, has been exposed by a few in the media in the Occupy movement recently (no wonder Muslims love Occupy!). Why has this not been reported extensively by the left-leaning media? Why is it ok to be antisemitic? Does this bother you?
Please comment.

Truthseeker said...

It's obvious you are extremely bias and hateful against Muslims and what we believe.You are align with other detractors who condemn Muslims for every action no matter how legit.Your narrative of this event because of your prejudice is moot!

Osama Abdallah said...

"Muslims love being on welfare. And your grandparents Welfare too. They had it good in Libya, they have destroyed that. They had it good in Greece too, but now that's going down the toilet and they don't like that they might have to actually work instead of sticking ass in air all day. They want $ for nothing, then they should go to Saudi or Qatar and beg for it from the 7000 'SUPER RICH WORTHLESS PRINCES!"."


Who are you talking about Rhonda?! Muslims are among the most educated groups in America!
We know how to work hard and earn a living. The overwhelming majority of the people living on welfare in America are Christians. The Muslims overseas are now beginning to improve. The more dictators are overthrown, the more the wealth of the Muslim's country will remain in it.

Islam and the Shariah Law are the ONE AND ONLY solution for any country! Especially America. Think about this one.

Osama Abdallah

characterbuilder said...

MyTwosenses said,
Jesus also said, "Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God," (Luke's version). To the rich he said, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth," and "go, sell what you have, and give to the poor."


"it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

I find it amazing when an unbeliever quotes the blessed teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Truthseeker said...

Right on brother Osama Abdullah!

infidelophobic said...

@Osama abdallah
Allah, the prophet, Qur'an, Islam, and Mahdi are going to be history when the REAL and only God, YHVH sends back His only begotten Son, Mashiach.

John 8:24 said...

Osama said: "Islam and the Shariah Law are the ONE AND ONLY solution for any country"

Hey Osama,

I got a great idea for you. If Islam and Shariah Law are the one and only solution, why suffer here in the west? Why don't YOU MIGRATE to a country where there is Islam and Shariah law???

You are more than welcome to do that but please don't bother us with your 'one and only solution'. We DON'T WANT Muslims who want to impose Sharia and inferior Islamic culture here in the West. So do send us a note once you migrate to an Islamic country of your choice. It will solve both of our problems! (And do keep us posted on how it goes...)

John 8:24 said...

Truthseeker said: Right on brother Osama Abdullah!

Hey Truthseeker, where was your cheering when Osama Abdullah accepted that Muhammad is a false prophet?

Unknown said...

Why does the video "Leftists and Islamists United" have an opening screen that says "Especially Republicans" ?

Was the video hijacked ? surely this isnt the opinion of the creator of the video, it's simply untrue.