COMMENTARY--It has become an accepted trope of contemporary journalism that American Muslims are under siege and beset by hatred and prejudice. But the evidence for this conventional wisdom is lacking. The story line of Muslim persecution in the United States has always been a matter of anecdotes and perception, not facts. That truth was confirmed this week when the FBI released their annual crime statistics report which showed once again that hate crimes against Muslims remain rare and are far outnumbered by attacks on Jews.
The report is not perfect, since not all parts of the country do a good job compiling the data, but it provides an important snapshot of the state of the nation regarding bias crimes. But the numbers speak for themselves. In 2010, only 13.2 percent of religion-based attacks were directed at Muslims. By comparison, 65.4 percent of such crimes were directed at Jews. This shows a slight increase over the last two years (the raw numbers show 887 anti-Jewish attacks with only 160 anti-Muslim attacks), but is not a statistical fluke. In 2009, the FBI reported that 70.1 percent of religious-based hate crimes were anti-Jewish while only 9.3 percent were anti-Islamic. In 2008, the FBI said 66.1 percent were anti-Jewish while 7.5 percent were anti-Muslim. This has been true of every year in the past decade, even in 2001 when anti-Muslim crime spiked in the wake of 9/11. For all of the breast-beating about Islamophobia in this country, anti-Semitism remains a far greater problem.
As I wrote last year when I debunked the mythical backlash against Muslims in an article in the October 2010 issue of COMMENTARY, the notion of a rising wave of hatred against Muslims is unsupported by any statistical research. When you consider that Muslims claim to have about the same number of adherents in this country as Jews and that anti-Jewish crimes have always far outnumbered those committed against Muslims, the media hysteria about Islamophobia is exposed as a big lie. But even if there are fewer Muslims here than their groups claim, the conclusion is unchanged.
Because the far greater number of attacks on Jews is not viewed (even by those groups dedicated to monitoring anti-Semitism such as the Anti-Defamation League) as proof the country is boiling with hatred for Jews, how can anyone rationally argue that the far fewer number of assaults on Muslims can justify the conclusion that Islamophobia is rampant? (Read more.)
Monday, November 21, 2011
FBI Statistics Belie Islamophobia Hysteria
No one plays the "victim" role like Muslims. But should we take their constant cries of "Racism!" and "Islamophobia!" seriously? The evidence suggests we shouldn't.
there is a reason there muslims are significant amountin prison despite a small population from up to at high at 20 percent at most.
Just looked at the series "Documentary Islam Rising" which i recommend to everyone. At the end of the third part "Brigitte Gabriel" signifies the commandment "Thou shall NOT KILL" from the 10 commandments. NOW IVE COME TO THINK ABT IT cld it be that the TEN COMMANDMENTS ABROGATED THE PREVIOUS MOSAIC LAWS ALREADY(stoning adulterers, klling apostates etc), EVEN BEFORE JESUS? If so this wld make an aweful lot of more sense coz as far as i know there were no Prophets btw Moses and Jesus and GOD wldnt leave ppl to decide on His behalf whom to stone or not without His direct presence. AND also the commandment seems to be pretty clearly condemning ALL KINDS OF KILLING i.e. EVEN IN SELF DEFENSE u cant have the intention to kill someone(if it happens as collateral thts a diff thing). Wht do u say?
David Wood: No one plays the "victim" role like Muslims.
Yes, but let us not forget those in the Occupy Wall Street movement! Is it a pure co-incidence that the leftists also charge "Racism" and "Islamophobia" whenever Islam is criticised?
those Jews have twisted the statistics! It's a zionist conspiracy against Muslims! (sarcasm)
The graph is updated.
Unfortunately, hate crimes against Muslims in 2010, though still not a serious social problem, rose by 53 incidents from 2009 (107 to 160). That's a considerable leap. I think we should wait for the 2011 statistics to see if anti-Muslim hate crimes are entering an upward or downward climb to judge whether anti-Muslim hysteria is becoming a widespread problem or not. From 2002 to 2009, the line of best fit for the anti-Islamic data was going down.
Speaking of F.B.I. statistics, David, I checked the hate crime statistics for Dearborn to see how many were motivated by the religious affiliation (or race or ethnicity) of the victim in order to see if you and Nabeel stirred up Islamophobia or anti-Arab hatred by going there every year and being involved in conflicts. Based on the charts for Michigan cities from 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010, it doesn't look like anything happened. Here is a chart showing specifically anti-religious/ethnicity/race hate crimes for Dearborn:
........Crime based on...
2008|_ 2_____1_________0____
2009|_ 3_____1_________0____
2010|_ 4_____2_________2____
There definitely isn't any major leap in the numbers from the years before Acts 17 and Dearborn had problems to the years in which they scuffled (2009 and 2010). Plus, the numbers are not even based on anti-Muslim or anti-Arab stats; the numbers are just the total anti-whatever statistics. So if anyone says you or Nabeel are causing hate crimes (which apparently some people believe), the numbers don't really support the accusation.
@ jonnykzj
I would say that you are out of the topic as usual! ...
What you think about the topic above? ...
"commandment "Thou shall NOT KILL" from the 10 commandments. NOW IVE COME TO THINK ABT IT cld it be that the TEN COMMANDMENTS ABROGATED THE PREVIOUS MOSAIC LAWS ALREADY(stoning adulterers, klling apostates etc), EVEN BEFORE JESUS? "
momma mia, ay caramba!
Ten commandments ==> MOSES ==> therefore it was introduced as a major biblical part of MOSAIC LAW
Notice that more Moses law introduced in book of deuteronomy and exodus. The Ten Commandments appear twice in the Hebrew Bible, in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy. According to the story in Exodus, God inscribed them on two stone tablets, which he gave to Moses on Mount Sinai.
Based on this tradition, "Mosaic law" came to refer to the entire legal content of the Pentateuch, not just the Ten Commandments explicitly connected to Moses in the biblical narrative.
which part again in bible teaching about "abrogation"? are you talking about New Testament of Jesus fulfilling the Law?
But then again Johny, get a grip on one subject firmly, cause yes you do make a series of questions you have not answered yet, jumping topics and bang, made fantastical scriptural error.
This time i made a big mistake. I shldve sticked with my original hubch tht ther Hebrew term translated as "kill" which is "ratsach" does NOT MEAN "kill" but more like "murder" BUT EVEN THT doesnt fit it right. It is a type of "illegal killing". This now causes some problems for me again coz it would make it equal to the Quranic statement "Do not kill EXCEPT IN THE CAUSE OF JUSTICE". Then again the Bible has defined in what circumstances one is allowed to kill and when not. HOWEVER wht remains is then the supposed 600 yr gapp btw Moses and Jesus NT FILLED BY ANY PROPHET. Yet the poeple were to carry out Death Penalties as part of GOD's legal code e.g. stoning for adultery. BUT without GOD's direct involvement/Presence how cld ppl EVER exactly know whether the charge of adultery laid against one was 100% n without tht certainty killing someone for adultery or infact anything wld be disastrous n equivalent almost to the shariah? This is problematic UNLESS PERHAPS GOD'S FIRE was constantly burning on the mountain in that gap time. Wht do u say?
Jonnkzj said, "HOWEVER wht remains is then the supposed 600 yr gapp btw Moses and Jesus NT FILLED BY ANY PROPHET. Yet the poeple were to carry out Death Penalties as part of GOD's legal code e.g. stoning for adultery. BUT without GOD's direct involvement/Presence how cld ppl EVER exactly know whether the charge of adultery laid against one was 100% n without tht certainty killing someone for adultery or infact anything wld be disastrous n equivalent almost to the shariah? This is problematic UNLESS PERHAPS GOD'S FIRE was constantly burning on the mountain in that gap time. Wht do u say?"
FIRST of all...
Deuteronomy 19:15-21
(15) "A single witness shall not suffice against a person for any crime or for any wrong in connection with any offense that he has committed. Only on the evidence of two witnesses or of three witnesses shall a charge be established.
(16) If a malicious witness arises to accuse a person of wrongdoing,
(17) then both parties to the dispute shall appear before the LORD, before the priests and the judges who are in office in those days.
(18) The judges shall inquire diligently, and if the witness is a false witness and has accused his brother falsely,
(19) then you shall do to him as he had meant to do to his brother. So you shall purge the evil from your midst.
(20) And the rest shall hear and fear, and shall never again commit any such evil among you.
(21) Your eye shall not pity. It shall be life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
SECOND of all...
Please DO NOT bring your Islamic understanding and read it into the bible, cause you are guaranteed to get it wrong in your trying to understand the bible.
You need the Holy Spirit to reveal to you and give you the wisdom to know His Word, NOT the corrupt spirit that brought us the Quran.
Why I say you are failing in your understanding of the bible?
Misconception #1 - You believe the Jews needed a prophet to tell them what to do with the law.
Correction: God has provided EVERY detail of His Law and requires no one but judges and priests to enforce His Law.
Misconception #2 - You believe there were no other prophets between Moses and Jesus for 600 years.
Correction: Funny how I do recall plenty of other prophets between Moses and Jesus: e.g. Samuel, Daniel, Isaiah, Zechariah, Elijah, Elisha, Hosea, Jonah, etc.
So please... NEVER bring preconceived ideas into your studying the bible, but instead, let the bible explain itself to you; especially since you have yet to know the Bible more completely and even Christianity in general.
@Zack Tiang n other Christians
Thanks for ur reply first. 1sly indeed i discussed this with John 8:24 today n he clarified to me tht THERE WERE MANY Prophets btw Moses and Jesus. 2ndly let me respond to some of ur pts:
u said:
>>Misconception #1 - You believe the Jews needed a prophet to tell them what to do with the law.
Correction: God has provided EVERY detail of His Law and requires no one but judges and priests to enforce His Law.<<
JK- If those judges and priests had DIRECT contact with God, this wld be no problem for me. The following verse seems to indicate this:
Deu 19:17 ...then both parties to the dispute shall appear BEFORE THE LORD, before the priests and the judges who are in office in those days...
HOWEVER the previous verse seems to indicate tht this is only necessary if the witness were malicious? But then again who decides that? If there was the LORD's direct involvement too, my whole probs wld be solved n i wldve slept tonight with joy.
The nr of witnesses mentioned before alone still remains a problem, if just provided by fallible humans without direct link to God COZ SHARIAH also requires four adult witnesses. More than that they also claim to have a system to diligently work out if the witnesses in qs r reliable. SO THE LORD inspiring wld be the CRUCIAL DIFFERENCE HERE.
>>Misconception #2 - You believe there were no other prophets between Moses and Jesus for 600 years.
Correction: Funny how I do recall plenty of other prophets between Moses and Jesus: e.g. Samuel, Daniel, Isaiah, Zechariah, Elijah, Elisha, Hosea, Jonah, etc.<<
JK- EXCELLENT this is wht i infact originally thght but somewhere then i heard there was a gap. If this is so then the LORD wldve been directly involved in making sure judges n priests cld not falter with their witnesses.
>>So please... NEVER bring preconceived ideas into your studying the bible, but instead, let the bible explain itself to you; especially since you have yet to know the Bible more completely and even Christianity in general.<<
JK- I agree n wld add that even as Christians we will probably always find more details from the Bible as we red it again, that wedidn't know prior to that.
@Zack Tiang
Sorry i forgot to mention "John8:24" also informed me that those laws were only specifically for the Jews N NOT EVEN FOR PPL OF OTHER FAITHS living in the same area. Is tht true?
Johny, again, STAY ON ONE SUBJECT until you grasp it.
1. You are moving way too fast,
2. You make MISTAKES too often,
3. You gain no understanding at all of what you read,
4. You take up space, change the topic of the thread,
5. You created new questions or new misconceptions that you think Christianity can't answer.
6. You highjacked the thread without a doubt.
I hope you see the problem here Johny.
I will not answer directly your question, but let me just LIST your mistakes regarding bible that has not been clarified BY YOU.
- The Ten Commandments is Mosaic Law.
- The Ten Commandments DID NOT abrogate or abrogated by the previous Mosaic Law.
- You stated that "abrogation" is part of the bible, I still would like to see what verse did you see that.
- WHAT GAP? There were many prophets between Moses and Jesus. And no that doesn't make a lot of sense at all, since not every prophets got the same job detail, eventho they are the deliverer of divine message.
- "BUT without GOD's direct involvement/Presence how cld ppl" and that statement already set that you believe God does not have direct presence or involvement. Omnicient? woot?
- Grace vs Law, in according to can you kill an enemy or not even in self defense.
- You did not know the term "Jews and Gentiles"? do you think German's law works on Pakistani or Afgani citizen within their respective territory? did you seriously passed the basic education yet?
"JK- If those judges and priests had DIRECT contact with God, this wld be no problem for me."
You read the book of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings and Chronicles and you will know how the judges and priests (and kings) conducted themselves and with relation to God.
Deut 19:16, "A malicious witness.."?
You can try the different commentaries.
I believe you will understand after reading through the different commentaries.
Yes, the Lord specifically mentions, in a number of places throughout His giving the laws, His involvements in the Jews' practicing His laws.
He isn't like Allah that is so transcendant to only give the law but never participates in the lives of the Muslim followers.
Example: Deuteronomy 17:2-13, also regarding the testimony of two or more witnesses and the Lord's involvement in resolving the case.
"JK- Sorry i forgot to mention "John8:24" also informed me that those laws were only specifically for the Jews N NOT EVEN FOR PPL OF OTHER FAITHS living in the same area. Is tht true?"
Yes, aside from the universal Ten Commandments, pretty much the rest of the commandments/laws given in Deut, Lev are meant for the practicing Jews.
That's why Jews did not go around the world enforcing God's Law and stoning adulterers and idolaters who weren't Jews; unlike Muslims and the Sharia Law.
"JK- I agree n wld add that even as Christians we will probably always find more details from the Bible as we red it again, that wedidn't know prior to that."
You are right when you say that. The bible records the inspired words of God, and we know it can be trusted to teach us in all righteousness with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
2Timothy 3:16-17, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work."
John 16:12-15, Jesus says,
(12) "I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.
(13) When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.
(14) He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.
(15) All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you."
@D335 aqnd Zack Tiang
First id like to thank Zack for clarifying the issues for me. NOW to "d335". As u can see Zack provided perfectly satisfactory answers for me WHILST ONCE AGAIN u cant stop accusing me. the very accusations u level against me have now be understood by me. infact some u misrepresented. so plz either help me out by addressing my qs or dont reply at all. NOW just to address two of ur pts:
>>- "BUT without GOD's direct involvement/Presence how cld ppl" and that statement already set that you believe God does not have direct presence or involvement. Omnicient? woot?<<
JK- Is GOD directly involved today? If so wld u consider it possible tht a person calling upon the Holy Spirit wld be able to say perform miracles like raing the dead? I personally remain an "Empirical Cessationist" unless someone shows me otherwise.
>>- Grace vs Law, in according to can you kill an enemy or not even in self defense.<<
JK- Difficult qs. As a Christian i wld say one ought to NEVER INTEND TO KILL SOMEONE even in self defense n if it happens as collateral, after trying ones best to disarm the enemy only, then still ask GOD for forgiveness. thts the procedure i currently have in mind.
I agree with what D335 and some others have mentioned.
Please be humble and remain teachable as they do have a point with what they said.
You are indeed going off-topic with your comments (and this isn't the only time you did).
Your going-down-many-rabbit-holes is worrisome and indeed, we believe, not a healthy way of learning; this is because you come to many misconceptions and misunderstandings in your questions/understandings of what the bible says and what Christianity is about.
(Please heed our advice, as brothers who have been there and done it before you have)
And your off-topicness is, I guess, disrespectful to the blog administrators; especially the one who wrote the particular blog post your are commenting in.
I can see that you have much much questions about the bible and Christianity and more importantly God and Jesus Christ.
I am willing to help you as best as I can, but elsewhere...
@JohnyKZJ again
sigh, alright, let's address your questions shortly! Remember, you create more fallacies by jumping of topics !
JK- Is GOD directly involved today? If so wld u consider it possible tht a person calling upon the Holy Spirit wld be able to say perform miracles like raing the dead? I personally remain an "Empirical Cessationist" unless someone shows me otherwise.
D335 - Yes, even today.
If you think that asking Holy Spirit to do miracles for your benefit:
1. Fallacy of loaded question.
2. Who are you? Are you Son of God who can demand such a thing? Devil tempted Jesus who's undoubtedly the Son of God, asking him to perform miracles of turning rock into bread, or jumping from high places noting that angels will save him. The devil failed miserably. (Mat 4:1-11, Mark 1:9-13, Luke 4:1-14)
JK- Difficult qs. As a Christian i wld say one ought to NEVER INTEND TO KILL SOMEONE even in self defense n if it happens as collateral, after trying ones best to disarm the enemy only, then still ask GOD for forgiveness. thts the procedure i currently have in mind.
D335 - This is what you hardly ever understand, since apparently not many Christians understood it also. I've pointed to you material regarding grace vs law.
"What is RIGHT is not always RIGHT!" as opposed to "what is wrong is not always wrong"
i.e. do you know the story of a lost son (prodigal son)? A son has the right of his inheritance to party and burn money in a faraway land. But was it right?
i.e. the muslims have the right to build Cordoba Center in groundzero NY. But was it right? Most american still remember Islamic Jihad rammed a plane into the twin-tower.
i.e. an army medic receive dozens of wounded soldiers, when he came upon a badly burnt soldier. Story short, the medic ran out of morphine, no possible extraction, he pulled out a gun and terminate the wounded soldier.
That is wrong by any definition to kill another being. But was it wrong?
I can provide you many stories from my own experience as I probably know you also have some of them too.
But in the bible PAUL (and also Jesus too, if you want I can refer to you later) has reminded us about the problem with the LAW.
Romans 7:9-12
But sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, produced in me every kind of covetous desire. For apart from law, sin is dead. 9Once I was alive apart from law; but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life and I died. 10I found that the very commandment that was intended to bring life actually brought death. 11For sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, deceived me, and through the commandment put me to death. 12So then, the law is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous and good.
If you think why God gave Moses 10 commandments, in which included "Thou Shalt not Kill"...
REMEMBER THAT Christians today are under the covenant of JESUS CHRIST and PAUL was one of the apostle.
Both Jesus and Paul understand better and completely than us, faith can be persecuted by law, and the law can be used to persecute faith.
Therefor UNDER THE NEW TESTAMENT, or known as the New Covenant of Jesus Christ, separation between Church and State Law is valid.
Again, as a reminder to JohnyKZJ, that I am not the church authority therefore I can be viewed as attempting heresy. So what?
NB: I also compare it to US 1st amendment "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Funny is that the founding fathers behave more Christian than the Christians in US eventho they claimed to be atheists or not believe in God.
to JohnyKZJ again
I don't know if I put this before, but the bible DID ANSWER under the grace or under the law.
Plus I remember our first topic, in which you can clearly read that your salvation does not depend on anything you have achieved.
Gal 5:4 (NRS) You who want to be justified by the law have cut yourselves off from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.
Gal 3:10-11 (NIV) All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law." Clearly no-one is justified before God by the law, because, "The righteous will live by faith."
Eph 2:8-9 (Phi) For it is by grace that you are saved, through faith. This does not depend on anything you have achieved, it is the free gift of God; and because it is not earned no man can boast about it.
by Dean and Laura VanDruff.
Listen to this:
@D335 again
Let me also respond to some of ur points:
>>i.e. do you know the story of a lost son (prodigal son)? A son has the right of his inheritance to party and burn money in a faraway land. But was it right?<<
JK- How does this effect us? PLZ note tht i fully understand that with Christ religious civil law has become obsolete. Wht remains is the MORAL LAW N INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY. BUT NOBODY shld be allowed to force a Christian, even by law, to partake in such a party.
>>i.e. the muslims have the right to build Cordoba Center in groundzero NY. But was it right? Most american still remember Islamic Jihad rammed a plane into the twin-tower.<<
JK- Again it is their freedom though it is morally wrong BUT NO CHRISTIAN shld ever be forced to aid them by any means in order to do so.
>>i.e. an army medic receive dozens of wounded soldiers, when he came upon a badly burnt soldier. Story short, the medic ran out of morphine, no possible extraction, he pulled out a gun and terminate the wounded soldier.<<
JK- If the medic was a Christian, then IMU, he SHLD NOT HAVE DONE SO AND NO LAW SHLD FORCE HIM TO DO SO. THTS MY PT.
>>That is wrong by any definition to kill another being. But was it wrong?<<
JK-- Morally as far as i understand the Bible it was. Im not sure however whether by the OT term "ratsach" this cldve fallen under legitimate reasons. However i think not since the only legitmacy back then is i think wht God EXCLUSIVELY MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE to kill ppl for.
>>I can provide you many stories from my own experience as I probably know you also have some of them too.
But in the bible PAUL (and also Jesus too, if you want I can refer to you later) has reminded us about the problem with the LAW.<<
JK- What is your point? I never said Christianity shld become state. INFACT QUITE THE OPPOSITE i.e. tht it shld not interfere with gov n the gov not interfer with Christianity or any religion so long as one of their practices dont violate the rights of others where rights r the physical(NEVER mental offense) and monetary/property protection rights.
>>If you think why God gave Moses 10 commandments, in which included "Thou Shalt not Kill"...
REMEMBER THAT Christians today are under the covenant of JESUS CHRIST and PAUL was one of the apostle.<<
JK- I know tht.
>>Both Jesus and Paul understand better and completely than us, faith can be persecuted by law, and the law can be used to persecute faith.
Therefor UNDER THE NEW TESTAMENT, or known as the New Covenant of Jesus Christ, separation between Church and State Law is valid.<<
JK- Id go further and say that the separation is a MUST. BUT adding tht on an individual level a Christian cannot be forced by the law to do anything tht is immoral in his/her view. An example wld be tht the gov shld never be allowed to force a Christian doctor to abort a 2.5 month old child which the Christian cearly considers a Child already, then he shld never be forced to go ahead n kill him/her. ON THE OTHER hand the gov shld STAY OUT OF MARRIAGE COMPLETELY n no Christian has the right to use gov to force other ppl wht contracts they can or cannot call marriage.
JK- How does this effect us? PLZ note tht i fully understand that with Christ religious civil law has become obsolete. Wht remains is the MORAL LAW N INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY. BUT NOBODY shld be allowed to force a Christian, even by law, to partake in such a party.
D335 - This is how you lost me totally. Did I point to you that religious civil law becomes obsolete? Should you go against the law? or follow the law?
God gave you a brain. God provide you a choice. Sure God is omniscience or knowing all thing. But you are here to choose which one is the right thing to do. God is very pleased when you choose the right thing, while God knowing when but God DID NOT FORCE you to choose the right thing.
As a consideration, by abiding the law of Germany you become a good citizen of germany. But more importantly when you abide God, you become a citizen of heaven!.
If you are still confused,
1. let say Germany enforce a law that is not right, i.e. let;s messacre all the jews.
Do you expect God to command you to follow it?
2. let say Germany enforce a law that is right, i.e. let's all pay the tax and participate in national defense.
Do you expect God to command you to follow it?
But when you choose the RIGHT THING to do, that what makes God pleased about you.
Now I understand that your attention is so divided, therefor I predicted that you will think by doing something for God, you expect a reward from God according to your good deeds.
NO, you will not receive extra special bonus in heaven or an upgrade of heavenly condominium for doing what YOU SUPPOSE TO DO.
God see how you analyze a law, a situation, a risk and is very pleased WHEN YOU CHOOSE THE RIGHT THING TO DO!
But you do not expect a special package from God for doing what you suppose to do in the first place anyway!
Eph 2:8-9 (Phi) For it is by grace that you are saved, through faith. This does not depend on anything you have achieved, it is the free gift of God; and because it is not earned no man can boast about it.
I hope you read this. I'm at lost of how to explain more things, since you return with fallacies only.
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