I didn’t grow up abused or neglected; my parents loved me more than they loved themselves. I was the result of seven years of failed attempts and desperation that led to in-vitro as a last resort. I was named Malak, Arabic for “angel”, because my dad thought I was a gift from God. My family is devoutly Muslim and proudly adheres the Shia’a School of Thought. Islam was a huge part of my life growing up and I spent almost as much time in Islamic School as I did my regular secular public schools. I started fasting during Ramadan when I was eight, and learned Salat (the five daily Islamic prayers) at age nine.
I came from your average family—my dad worked as a carpenter, my mom was the stay-at-home-and-raise-the-kids wife, and my siblings and I did a great job at being destructive little monsters (as every good child should be). Dad was the authority and disciplinary figure in our home, mom never had the heart to punish us when we did something wrong, she rarely even yelled at us.
For as long as I can remember dad was in and out of hospitals a lot, my siblings and I spent a lot of time at my uncle’s house because mom would stay overnight at the hospital with dad; we were often there for weeks at a time. I never really knew what was wrong with him because I was so young, but one day when I was in the fifth grade my mom told me that he had cancer. I laughed, I didn’t know what that meant and I didn’t know how else to react. I remember going to my friend’s house that day and telling her about it, the news didn’t really register with either of us, we just continued playing outside. Fast forward to sixth grade, late-November 2004, dad was back home for a few days. The night before he went back to the hospital I’d really irked him because I kept refusing to clean my room and he yelled, “I only have so little time left on this earth and you kids are shortening that time!” That was the last time he was home alive. I got to see him at the hospital for the last time on November 29th; he died December 1st of liver cancer that had spread to his lungs.
I wasn’t raised to trust in God or love Him; Islam was more of a guide on how to live a good and moral life. A bunch of rules with no real reason to follow them other than the get out of jail free card they might guarantee you. So when my dad died I didn’t know how to cope and neither did my mom; I remember walking in on her crying one night and in an attempt to comfort her, told her it was okay and that dad was in heaven now, happy and healthy. She got upset with me and insisted that my dad would rather be here with us on earth suffering than happy in heaven. Even as an eleven year old kid I thought that was strange, isn’t heaven supposed to be the greatest place ever? Back then heaven was just a place of worldly pleasures, a place where you got whatever you wanted and lived however you wanted; there was no sadness or death, just a place to be happy, healthy, and wealthy. God wasn’t the focus, the worldly stuff was, the idea of “being with God” was never really taught, He was God, what did He care about being in the presence of humans? Our goal was to be good so that He would let us into Paradise and we could finally be happy and content, with or without Him there. So when mom said that dad would rather be here with us then in heaven I realized that nothing could be more important, nothing could satisfy, other than family—not even heaven or God. Yes, when asked I would always say “God is first”, but only because that’s what you’re supposed to say.
My faith in God got shaky; I didn’t trust Him much. He’d taken my dad away which, according to my mom, was a huge mistake on His part. My dad was supposed to stay here and take care of us, what did God think He was doing when He took him away? Doesn’t He know that my dad would rather be here than in heaven? Shaky faith turned into anger and soon into unbelief. I never called myself an Atheist, it went against my conscious, but I refused to acknowledge Him and wanted nothing to do with such a malevolent deity. This didn’t last long though, once my Islamic School had started up again the fear of hell was beaten back into me with scary stories of eternal torment and Judgment Day; still no love, trust, or even respect for God, just fear for my own soul. (Continue reading . . .)
Friday, July 1, 2011
Malak's Journey from Islam to Christ
I just read the testimony of a young woman who left Islam and became a Christian last year. Her name is Malak. I'll post the beginning here. You can continue reading on her blog.
Hey I read her testimony a few days ago!!!!!!!
I asked her, "How did you come to know Christ as your Savior?" And then she posted a link on my facebook so I could find it.
And now, lo and behold, it's on answeringmuslims.com!!!!!!!!
Marie sent me the link.
David said:
"Marie sent me the link."
My Response:
Tell her I said thanks!!!!!!
I LOVE MALAK!!! She is so sweet and has amazing strength and an awesome personality to match! She's always focusing on the things of God and I am so thankful for more teenage former muslims out there!
From Shi'a to Christian. No surprise there. I figured as much before I read her testimony. May Allah guide her (and all of us), ameen.
Just because I was Shia'a doesn't mean I was ignorant of Sunni teachings.
Peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Yusuf Alamo just got pwned by a former Shia, apostate, Christian GIRL.
That's got to hurt for a Muslim who came on this site attempting to insult both Shias and Christians.
Praise be to Allah. I can't see where (in my previous post) that I've accused you of being ignorant of the teachings or methodology of Ahl-us-Sunnah. I figured you were more than likely a Shi'a because most of the converts to Christianity that I've met here in NYC were either Five Percenters, Ahmadiyya, or Shi'a. I know there are Sunni converts to Christianity as well. I don't lose sleep over it. This is America. What choices you make are your own. May Allah guide you (and all of us), ameen.
Mr. Wood,
Peace be unto you. I've never insulted (or ever attempted to insult) anyone. You won't find a single post of me resorting to that kind of behavior on this website. I don't call people names, mock them, or make fun of them, regardless of their religious affiliation. That isn't my way.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.
{The Noble Qur'an [6:108] - Revile not ye those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest they out of spite revile Allah in their ignorance. Thus have We made alluring to each people its own doings. In the end will they return to their Lord, and We shall then tell them the truth of all that they did.}
You yourself on more than one occasion have complimented my conduct on this site. Once, you told me it was exemplary. Another time, you offered me a Acts 17 golden ticket for my kindness and manners. I simply made a statement conveying what I had already suspected concerning Malak's testimony; which was that she was a Shi'a convert to Christianity. Nothing more. It wasn't ever intended as an insult. I don't know how you came up with that. I don't hate Christians or Shi'a. What they do is up to them. Allah guides whom He wills. I pray He guides you (and all of us), ameen.
Sincerely, Yusuf
Well Yusuf, it would be good to be a bit more clear in the future. When someone (especially a young woman) announces that she's left Islam, she's typically bombarded with attacks and insults.
Malak announced her conversion, and you responded: "From Shi'a to Christian. No surprise there. I figured as much before I read her testimony."
To everyone who read this, it sounded like: "So she was a Shi'a. Not surprising. Shi'as are ignorant fools. It doesn't surprise me to learn that one of these ignoramuses would convert to Christianity, which is just as silly as Shi'a Islam."
No one reading your comment would assume that you really meant: "Based on the statistics of former Muslims I know in NYC, many are from non-Sunni groups. Therefore, based on the principle of induction, I conclude that most other former Muslims are from non-Sunni groups. Hence, it isn't surprising that Malak was a Shia."
Your comment just sounded insulting. But now that you've added some info, no objections.
Yeah, but when have I ever done such a thing to anyone on this website, much less a convert to Christianity? Why not judge me by the yardstick of my own merits instead of by your general view of Muslims?
I can see how there would be a mis-understanding from the wording of my post. I deeply apologize to Malak for any offense. None were ever intended whatsoever.
I've always maintained respect for every individual, especially the ones who have disagreed with my way of life. I thought you knew that. Or at least, suspected it.
Sincerely, Yusuf
"When someone (especially a young woman) announces that she's left Islam, she's typically bombarded with attacks and insults."
With whom have I ever done this? Nabeel? Negeen? Rifqa? Would this be typical behavior from me? No doubt, there are Muslims who can be just as insensitive as anyone else.
I remember when you told me that Sadiq left insulting voice mails on your answering machine towards Sam, Joseph, and yourself, I apologized to you immediately, called him up and confronted him. I do not agree with that kind of conduct and have often (kindly) voiced my objection to Muslims who such things.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.
{The Noble Qur'an [4:135] - O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.}
InshAllah, I pray this clears up any mis-understanding so that you may reflect on this before kindly responding to any of my posts in the future, ameen.
Sincerely, Yusuf
Even etheist preach of good conducts. so while still cautious of that, there is a great task ahead of all of us to make known, the true way of Salvation.
While the testimonies given are given to encourage others, we also welcome creticism.
So lets ensure to act in good manners please.
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