Congratulations, Sir. May your Web site continue to attract more truth seekers. I happened to come to this great Web site after hearing about magnificent discourses in ABN SAT by Pastor Joseph, David Woods and Sam Shamoun. Pastor Joseph is unequalled in brushing aside stupid and arrogant Muslims. David Wood and Sam Shamoun are undoubtedly great spiritual warriors who can elucidate the truth of Gospel and the false cult of Islam with consummate ease. I experience great pleasure and joy when truth and facts demolish Muslim callers’ arguments that're generally arrogant, confused, irrelevant, circular and diversionary in nature. It’s not the fault of Muslim callers, evil Islam itself is like that! We’re yet to see a single caller stretching these stalwarts even a bit in hundreds of programmes aired. The demolition job is always swift and quick supported by arguments containing authentic sources, notes and original scriptures. The awesome part of the whole issue is that we're yet to see some Muslim scholars even remotely close to these two in expertise on scriptures of Islam! The intellectual debate is an emphatic triumph of Christ over Mohammed all the way - Truth over Falsehood.
"I think we can get the next million in half the time!"
Especially if Muslims keep irritating people in civil matters, as well as committing atrocities. Then the rest of us want to not only know the truth, but spread it. I give you links, too bad my Weblog is not high-powered.
Great you reached 1 million and also great Hugh Watt is still reading the blog.I thought he no longer was since he hadnt posted for a long time.Hugh contributes well to specially his citations of hadiths,which he know alot more than I.
Check out Hugh Watt's latest video and report on Chrislam,a combination of both,in a church in Nigeria.
It was reading,where there are articles by Mary Jo Sharp,David,Mike Licona.They had a link to a certain
I didnt go to it ata first because I already knew also knew jihadwatch and faithfreedom.The last 2 are exclusively or almost exclusively(90%)about CURRENT EVENTS.
I have visited several anti-Islam blogs in English,Spanish,Portuguese and French and they are almost exclusively about current events.That was why it took some weeks before I checked out answeringmuslims.
I was surprised to find all those debate videos.That is what charmed me the most,very few Christians in English,in any language,regularly debate Muslims like Nabeel and David.
1. Barack Obama says that "by 2016 or by the end of his second term, the U.S. would be a Muslim country." Now we all know why Michele Obama told us the other day that 4 more years is needed.
2. " Jones went to one of his orphanages in Haiti after the massive earthquake there and met with a senior UN official, who said Obama had told him that the US would be a Muslim country by 2016, or by the end of his second term in office." Victor Mordachai
god bless you guys, you're doing great work for the lord jesus christ keep on exposing.i linked this page and many other great sites on my blog i started s.o.c.a. soldiers of christ apologetics and wrote my first artical basicaly on atheist you could check it out here.
you could also listen to JESUS-the truth the way and life beat tape with bible verses on my blog.or download here:
Awesome. I was number 586,984. ;)
Congratulations, Sir. May your Web site continue to attract more truth seekers.
I happened to come to this great Web site after hearing about magnificent discourses in ABN SAT by Pastor Joseph, David Woods and Sam Shamoun. Pastor Joseph is unequalled in brushing aside stupid and arrogant Muslims. David Wood and Sam Shamoun are undoubtedly great spiritual warriors who can elucidate the truth of Gospel and the false cult of Islam with consummate ease. I experience great pleasure and joy when truth and facts demolish Muslim callers’ arguments that're generally arrogant, confused, irrelevant, circular and diversionary in nature. It’s not the fault of Muslim callers, evil Islam itself is like that! We’re yet to see a single caller stretching these stalwarts even a bit in hundreds of programmes aired. The demolition job is always swift and quick supported by arguments containing authentic sources, notes and original scriptures. The awesome part of the whole issue is that we're yet to see some Muslim scholars even remotely close to these two in expertise on scriptures of Islam! The intellectual debate is an emphatic triumph of Christ over Mohammed all the way - Truth over Falsehood.
"I think we can get the next million in half the time!"
Especially if Muslims keep irritating people in civil matters, as well as committing atrocities. Then the rest of us want to not only know the truth, but spread it. I give you links, too bad my Weblog is not high-powered.
I can't read this. Can you change the font or change the layout?
I think I was number 599,999
Deleting said: "I can't read this. Can you change the font or change the layout?"
You mean that the words are cut off? They're supposed to be. It's just a snapshot I took of the counter once it had crossed 1,000,000.
Congratulations! Keep being a watchman.
May God bless David wood Sam Shamoun & Nabel Q.
Congratulations! May God bless you all and give you all assistance in your courageous work! Thank you for all your posts!
Great you reached 1 million and also great Hugh Watt is still reading the blog.I thought he no longer was since he hadnt posted for a long time.Hugh contributes well to specially his citations of hadiths,which he know alot more than I.
Check out Hugh Watt's latest video and report on Chrislam,a combination of both,in a church in Nigeria.
It was reading,where there are articles by Mary Jo Sharp,David,Mike Licona.They had a link to a certain
I didnt go to it ata first because I already knew also knew jihadwatch and faithfreedom.The last 2 are exclusively or almost exclusively(90%)about CURRENT EVENTS.
I have visited several anti-Islam blogs in English,Spanish,Portuguese and French and they are almost exclusively about current events.That was why it took some weeks before I checked out answeringmuslims.
I was surprised to find all those debate videos.That is what charmed me the most,very few Christians in English,in any language,regularly debate Muslims like Nabeel and David.
1. Barack Obama says that "by 2016 or by the end of his second term, the U.S. would be a Muslim country." Now we all know why Michele Obama told us the other day that 4 more years is needed.
2. " Jones went to one of his orphanages in Haiti after the massive earthquake there and met with a senior UN official, who said Obama had told him that the US would be a Muslim country by 2016, or by the end of his second term in office." Victor Mordachai
god bless you guys, you're doing great work for the lord jesus christ keep on exposing.i linked this page and many other great sites on my blog i started s.o.c.a. soldiers of christ apologetics and wrote my first artical basicaly on atheist you could check it out here.
you could also listen to JESUS-the truth the way and life beat tape with bible verses on my blog.or download here:
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