Pay close attention to Rep. King calling out the media for their blatant misrepresentation. The media are reporting that someone in the community came forward with information about the plot, making it sound as if a peaceful Muslim, dedicated to his peaceful religion, decided to thwart the evil plans of two men who had hijacked his religion. In reality, an ex-con paid informant came forward with information about the plot because that's how he gets his paycheck.
The good news is that the plot was diffused; but, the bad part is that the informant was paid. Why should an informant be paid to get information that would protect innocent people?
That guy's wife looks horrible all covered up. From my perspective, her identity and dignity has been taken away from her.
Our government needs to step up to the plate and deal with these issues with Islam right now because if they wait much longer, they would have allowed terrorism to grow and become commonplace. As a result, it may become more of a cultured thing to destroy and kill by those who are disgruntled with the U.S. in any way. This needs to be stopped immediately, if not sooner. The question is what do we do to keep our constitutional rights without jeopardizing our freedoms. Surely, any attempt to remedy the situation will get some sympathy from liberals and far leftists who will try to prevent Islam from being seen as it really is--anti-American and anti-constitutional--which is a direct threat to our nationality and security.
And more from the religion of misogyny, we have . . .
Simplw Truth,
Express your concerns to Representative Peter King who chairs the legislative committee investigating radical Islam.
How could a committed and five times a day praying Muslim do this, this is a mystery?
I feel sad for this mans wife and child, just another case of another human being who has ship wrecked his life following the moral code of Muhammad, if he would have seriously investigated the life and person of Jesus Christ and accepted the Gospel instead he would have had a better role model to pattern his devotion after, a God who died for you instead of demanding that you die for Him.
There needs to be two prong attack on Islam in America, one from the Government they need to not relent on war on terror, and closely monitor anyone who takes Muhammad's Sunnah seriously and believes its something that must be followed to the letter. And the Church needs to wake up and act like the church again and give these people the Gospel and not worry about liberals and the charge of political incorrectness, that also includes supporting those who God has called to be on the front line refuting Islam.
C.L. Edwards,I agree with you 100%.
Another glaring example to illustrate the fact that those infected with Islamic ideology cannot help but to desperately try to commit violence against infidels to please their blood thirsty Allah. These two morons look like they’re desperate to get 72 virgins promised by Allah as cooked up by their sick and pervert prophet. The stupid PC liberals must be thankful to these amateurs. They're so desperate to kill that they're not only careless but least bothered about waiting for an organized support. The hatred as preached in their mafia killer manual, Koran, is sufficient enough to make these morons to try in desperation. It's just a matter of time before stupid multiculturalism will enable this madness in to a well organized scourge like it's building up in many European nations. As Muslims are exploiting the liberal laws of Western nations to undermine it from within, declaring evil Islam as a cult and not a religion is the only way to prevent legal abuse. Without plugging the legal loopholes, it’s a difficult job to contain this madness just by raising awareness level about evils of Islam.
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