Friday, May 21, 2010

Woman Openly Declares She Would "Slaughter Lars Vilks Like a Lamb"

Is it just me, or has the world gone topsy turvy when a woman who declares intentions of 1st degree murder is perfectly safe, but a man who does nothing more than draw cartoons is on the brink of death?

In other news, he also depicts Jesus as a pedophile. I don't like it, I consider it blasphemy, and I, consequently, am not too fond of Vilks. But you wont hear me, or probably any Christian for that matter, calling for his death. I wonder why...


The Berean Search said...

What a mad world we are living in today. I have often appreciated the multi-cultural aspects of my country, and I continue to appreciate it. However, after viewing this video it is clear that there are certain groups with certain values that our society is better without.

As for Vilks depicting our Lord Jesus Christ in such a manner:

Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. (Rom. 12:19)

Do not say, "I will repay evil"; Wait for the LORD, and He will save you. (Prov. 20:22)

I pray that our Lord will grant repentance to Lars Vilks so that he can be spared from the wrath to come, and I thank our Lord God that He is the Living God of justice and mercy that does not need my feeble defense to establish His will in the universe.

Yusuf Alamo said...

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

Well, I hope he becomes guided, repents for what he has done and accepts Islam. I would like to see him become a Muslim so that he can be saved from the hellfire for what he has done to defame and insult our Prophets Eesa Alayhee Salaam and his brother, Muhammad Salallahu Alayhee Wa Salaam.

John Lollard said...

Huh, I've never seen the entire (saws) typed out before. I'm sort of interested now. English speaking Muslims usually post-fix Muhammad's name with (pbuh) or (peace be upon him) or sometimes (saws). But just going on my nearly non-existent understanding of Arabic, it looks like "Alayhee Salaam" means "peace be upon him" and "Salallahu Alayhee Wa Salaam" looks like it means "peace and blessings be upon him" (I've also heard that one). So then shouldn't the english post-fix for Muhammad be more like (pabbuh)?

Love in Christ,

Reconciled! said...

Yusuf Hamza,
Anyone who REJECTS THE ATONEMENT OF CHRIST will have their part in The Lake of Fire that will NOT be quenched! Unfortunately Yusuf, not to be a bearer of bad news but this includes you as well. But their is GOOD NEWS!, repent of your sins, receive the sacrifice that Christ has already accomplished for you upon The Cross, remain "Faithful" to His WORD, and great will be your reward in The Kingdom of GOD. It's all about GOD RECONCILING MAN TO HIMSELF. It is IMPOSSIBLE for man to DO this on his own. THE BLOOD OF CHRIST IS "THE ONLY ATONEMENT" THAT WILL SATISFY THE FATHER - ALMIGHTY GOD.


Yusuf Alamo said...

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

Mr. Lollard,

How are you?

I would really like to convey to you my appreciation for your respectful and polite approach towards inquiring about my religion.

Insha'alaa, I pray that my answer is sufficient.

Muslims usually ask Allah Subhana Wa Ta'alaa for Peace, Blessings, and Prayers to be upon Muhammad (Salallahu Alayhee Wa Salaam).

The reason why I don't usually put the acronym 'P.B.U.H.' after the name of Muhammad (Salallahu Alayhee Wa Salaam) is because I prefer saying the supplication out loud in Arabic wherever I am out of love for him (Salallahu Alayhee Wa Salaam).

That is unless someone who doesn't understand what I am saying inquires about it; in which case I can explain the matter to them to the best of my ability.

I hope this makes some sense and that I answered your question sir. Take care.

Salaam, Yusuf

John Lollard said...


"I hope this makes some sense and that I answered your question sir. Take care."

It sort of did, yes. Out of curiosity, why don't Moses and 'Isa and David receive the same post-fix? I thought all the prophets were believed equally?

Another question just came to mind, too, that I've wondered about. I know that Muhammad is believed to be a perfect moral example among Muslims, who seek to imitate his life. I'm curious about this, since 'Isa is described as sinless, but I don't hear him described as a perfect moral example. Is there a reason for this?

Thank you for your compliments towards me, by the way. By God's grace, I hope I can stay respectful. We all know how interfaith dialogue can be :P

I do want to let you know, I appreciate that you feel the need to say the entire Arabic blessing after Muhammad, but I would advise you and all of my Muslim friends, when dealing with English speakers, it is very distracting and confusing to us to have Arabic suddenly and quickly inserted into the middle of a sentence. In watching debates with Muslim apologists who recite the entire Arabic form, I noticed this to be a problem for me in understanding them.

Take care, and it will be interesting to interact with you further.

Love in Christ,

Anonymous said...

Thank god for atheists ;-)

The Berean Search said...


"Peace be upon him" is an absolute butchering of the Arabic. The phrase actually suggests that Allah is praying. To whom a unipersonal deity prays, I haven't the first guess.

I recommend this article on the topic, and also this article for more information on Allah's prayers and worship.

The Infidel Alliance said...

The reason Muslims descend into a frenzy whenever the image of Muhammed is brought up is because they know it will create critical discussion about their ‘holy’ prophet. That simply cannot be tolerated, because when the truth about Muhammed is exposed he is revealed to be a sadistic, violent barbarian.

Muslims have been brainwashed to believe he is some sort of righteous, moral religious leader, but he wasn’t. He was nothing more than a successful Charles Manson who made his living by intimidating, raping, killing, enslaving and looting.

The Koran 68:4 upholds Muhammed as “…an exalted [standard of] character.” Islamic tradition upholds Muhammed as ‘al-insan al-kamil’ or ‘the perfect man’, to be emulated by all Muslims.

The hard truth about Muhammed, as recorded in the Islamic ‘holy’ texts, is that far from being a a ‘holy prophet’ Muhammed was a sadistic sociopath.

Muhammed was a murderer, torturer, amputator, decapitator, slaver, looting stealing thief, rapist, human trafficker, misogynist, sex trafficker, child rapist, sexual deviant, genocidist and self proclaimed terrorist.

Muhammed was perhaps one of the most vile men in the pantheon of human history, a brutal barbarian afflicted with narcissistic personality disorder, consumed by unquenchable sexual lust, greed and power.

By any objective standard, Muhammed should have been incarcerated not venerated, reviled not revered.

Every pathology that afflicts Islam comes directly from this sick man, Muhammed, and the entire world suffers because of him.

If you compare the actions of Muhammed and Jesus, man to man, by any objective standard Muhammed is undeniably an 'anti-Christ'. The same inescapable conclusion can be reached by comparing Muhammed and the Guatama Buddha.

I challenge anyone, Muslim or ‘infidel’, to disprove any of my claims. ‘Infidels’ might try out of simple ignorance or wishful thinking, but Muslims cannot and will not.

Muslims know what I say is true, because it is written in black & white in the Koran, Ahadith and Sirah Rasul Allah, recorded for posterity for all to discover.

Muslims know if the truth about Muhammed is known, the foundation of their entire ‘religion of peace’ collapses, as the savagery of Muhammed cannot be reconciled with higher human virtues like love, forgiveness, tolerance and peace.

Thus, rather than defend their barbarian prince they simply devolve into raging Mohammedan mobs, intimidating, terrorizing, destroying and killing.

~ The Infidel Alliance

The Infidel Alliance said...

Slaughtering Lars Vilks is just another micro-battle in a greater war....THE ISLAMIC WORLD WAR.

We must understand that Islam's prime directive is the militant conquest of the entire world, mandated by Allah & Muhammed in the Koran's infamous 'Verse of the Sword' & in this hadith: Bukhari (8:387) – Allah’s Apostle Muhammed said, “I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah'"

Islamists have been dutifully following this mandate for 1,400 years, since the time Muhammed left Mecca for Medina. What we are facing is nothing less than an ISLAMIC WORLD WAR that rages on every continent except Antarctica, against everyone and everything “non-Islamic”.

Let’s look at the FACTS.

Islam against:
- the Catholics in the Philippines (routine slaughter & beheadings)
- the Christians in Indonesia (routine slaughter & beheadings)
- Australian tourists in Bali (blown up…twice)
- the Buddhists in Thailand (routine slaughter & beheadings)
- the Hindus & Sikhs in India (hundreds of years battling the Islamic Jihad)
- the Jews in Mumbai (slaughtered)
- the Zoroastrians & Baha’i in Iran (virtually exterminated)
- Islamic converts to Christianity in Afghanistan (death fatwa)
- ancient Buddhist statues in Bamiyan, Afghanistan (blown up)
- the Chaldean Christians in Iraq (routine persecution, slaughter & church burnings)
- the Jews in Israel (routine attacks against civilians, threat of 2nd genocide)
- the Jews in Yemen (nearly exterminated)
- S. Korean & German tourists in Yemen (blown up)
- the Coptic Christians in Egypt (routine persecution, slaughter & church attacks)
- the Christians & animists in Sudan (genocide)
- the Christians in Kenya (constant Jihadist threat from Obama’s homies)
- the Christians in Nigeria (routine Jihadist attacks)
- U.S. embassies in Tanzania & Kenya (blown up)
- the athiests in Europe (the prime target)
- the native French in Paris (torched car terrorism)
- Jews in Paris (read the grisly story of Ilan Halimi, a Jewish shop clerk who was kidnapped, tortured and killed in 2006)
- the native Swedes in Malmo (Islamic rape brigades)
- the native Dutch in Amsterdam (routinely terrorized)
- Dutch politicians (Geert Wilders & Ayyan Hirsi Ali – death fatwa)
- Dutch cinematographers (Theo vanGogh savagely murdered by an Islamist in broad daylight)
- Dutch cartoonists (Kurt Westergaard – death fatwa)
- Dutch newspaper editors (Flemming Rose, Jyllands-Posten’s culture editor – death fatwa)
- Train commuters in Spain (blown up)
- Tube commuters in London (blown up)
- Airports in Scotland (blown up)
- Jews in Argentina (blown up)
- Jews in Caracas (blown up)
- Twin Tower office workers in N.Y. (blown up – twice)
- Defense workers in the Pentagon (blown up – airliner jihad)
- Army/Navy military recruiters in Little Rock (gunned down by an Islamist)
- Soldiers in F.t Hood Texas (gunned down by an Islamist)
- Pedestrians at the U. of N. Carolina (run down with an SUV by Islamist)
- Journalists like Daniel Pearl (savagely decapitated by Islamists)
- Nick Berg, Kim Sung-il, Piotr Stanczyk, Jack Hensley, Eugene Armstrong, Paul Johnson (savagely decapitated by Islamists)
- Jewish centers in Seattle (slaughtered by Islamist Jihadist)
- Jewish centers in Toronto (slaughtered by Islamist Jihadist)
- Delta Airlines passengers on Christmas day(underwear bomber)
- Times Square patrons (SUV bomber)

And on, and on, and on……….

It is Islam against everyone, everything, everywhere that is not Islamic.

It is Dar al-Islam against Dar al-Harb. Islam against us, not us against them.

Let’s face the facts and call it what it is. It is not a ‘War on Terror’ against a few ragtag misunderstanders of Islam. It is nothing less than: THE ISLAMIC WORLD WAR.

THE ISLAMIC WORLD WAR – Muhammed’s evil legacy - it's real.

~ The Infidel Alliance

John Lollard said...


I actually just became aware of that today, watching Dr. White's program. But thanks for pointing it out, brother, and thanks for the articles. I shall read them :)

To Yusuf's credit, he did mention that "saws" asks for prayers on Muhammad.

It's a really interesting question. I've often wondered if intercessory prayer is permissible in Islam. Apparently it is. A line of thought I've always wondered about, if 'Isa is still alive and in heaven, then can he hear the Muslim? And if intercessory prayer is acceptable, then can the Muslim ask 'Isa to intercede for them?

I'm not sure what good it would do for a Muslim to ask 'Isa for intercession. I'd like to think that it would be the door for the power of the Spirit to be poured out abundantly and transform the heart of the Muslim who asks, to get to know the real Jesus. But I don't know. God does.

And maybe intercession is forbidden anyway.

Love in Christ,

minoria said...

Due to my experience I am 150% sure Lars Vilks,the atheist,will never change his mind regarding Jesus as being the same as Muhammed.I know that mentality now,it is exactly like those who support Hamas,Hizbullah and find excuses for them.

Fernando said...

Dear sir Yusuf,

I'm cearteanly that you know that islam do not save anyone...

withe best regards,


Traeh said...

That woman should go to prison, and she should stay there as long as she says she "has a right" to kill people who say "the wrong things" about her evil, sick, pseudo-prophet.

Unknown said...

"But you wont hear me, or probably any Christian for that matter, calling for his death. I wonder why..."

The real reason why, is that you have no shame for your God, you think that everyone can say whatever they want, blaspheme left, right, and center, but we have no right to silence them.
God in the bible ordered all homosexuals to be killed, due to their sins, but since you don't care much for what God said, you don't do anything.
The truth is that your God ordered the massacre of many in the Bible, due to them not submitting to the Will of Christ, as you would put it.

Infidel Alliance, one number will outdo all those you put. 100,000 killed in Iraq, but no statement from you. 5,000,000 Jews killed in the Holocaust, by a Christian - and I'm not surprised -. U.S. Forces killed about 90,000 civilians in Vietnam, are we going to blame Hamas for that as well?
Wake up.

hugh watt said...

Amr said:

"The real reason why, is that you have no shame for your God, you think that everyone can say whatever they want, blaspheme left, right, and center, but we have no right to silence them."

Explain; " shame for your God."

Your statement implies that to be proud of Allah means killing those who speak against Allah etc.

"God in the bible ordered all homosexuals to be killed, due to their sins, but since you don't care much for what God said, you don't do anything.

Again, by implication, pride in Allah means killing those who cause offence and an admittance Islam says Muslims have the right to do so! Here is a Muslim saying non-Muslims should be killed!

"The truth is that your God ordered the massacre of many in the Bible, due to them not submitting to the Will of Christ, as you would put it.

Actually, YOU put it that way!

"5,000,000 Jews killed in the Holocaust, by a Christian."

Excuse me!!!?

hugh watt said...

I forgot to add;

"U.S. Forces killed about 90,000 civilians in Vietnam, are we going to blame Hamas for that as well?"

Were they Muslims? I ask because, Islam considers non-Muslims 'infidels', so why care about what happened to them!? Hypocrisy i say.

"Wake up.

Yes, do!

The Infidel Alliance said...

Dear 'Amr',

I've heard your ridiculous argument before.

The only reason nations go to war are either:
1) to subjugate and enslave people, and steal material resources for use by the state
2) to liberate and free people, and emancipate resources for use by the people

WW2 & Vietnam were “#2″ wars of liberation and emancipation.

The ISLAMIC WORLD WAR, the global jihad, is a “#1″ war of subjugation and theft.

The atomic bombing of Hiroshima was done to END the most bloody war in human history.

The Vietnam war was fought to resist the subjugation and submission of human beings to an oppressive totalitarian ideolgy.

If the United States was really so imorally bloodthirsty as you suggest, it could have easily incenerated any country or city in the world at its leisure. Why didn't we?

Oh...and by the way...Americas first wars after independence were the Barbary Wars of 1801 - 1805. If you get your head out of your koran for a while and read your history books, you will learn that Islamists were attacking and seizing unarmed American merchant ships, kidnapping and enslaving the crews, in the grand tradition of Muhammeds Ghazwas and Razzias.

Here's a refresher for you: "In March 1785, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman.

Upon inquiring "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every muslim who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share.."

We know the truth about Islam, your lies and deceptions won't work here.

Best regards,

~ The Infidel Alliance

otto said...

Lol! "CNN has chosen not to show details of his religious works" – I wonder if they would show Vilks religious works if they did not involve Islam.

And why is that woman NOT in prison? She got a fine. But she still wants to kill him. Anyone see anything wrong with this?

Apollos26 said...

Maybe I will ofend sensibilities with what I'm saying know, but people like Lars Vilks shouldn't be preached the gospel but eternal damnation. As I mentioned before in one of my posts on the blog:

An atheist should be careful on what motivation he mocks other's believes.

I totally understand when someone uses theology to crotozies and debunk Islam, but using emotional und humanistic arguments is not the foundation of a legitimate critique.

Whenever our Lord and God Jesus, the prophets, Mary, the apostles aso are mocked, we should stand up and make it clear that this is not appropriate.

If there is one, you can point out the mistake of of my argument, but Jesus said, love YOUR enemies, he never said, love MY enemies. If someone mocks me and calls me names, I have the obligation to ignore it, to pray and bless this person, even if the person hates and curses me, but if someone curses God, mocks HIM etc. it is not on me to forgive the person. But this means also that it is not on me to judge him with punishment. He than has a problem with God, and having a problem with the almighty - ai ai ai, not a so good idea!

But I can asure you. If I was a pastor in a church and someone would enter, trying to destroy the altar or making fun of the holy communion, I would give him a slap on the face he would never forget.

We never should forget that God is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow, so if someone disagrees with God's acting in the old testament, he rejects God totally because we can't pick and choose like on a buffettable, what we like and what we dislike, with that I want to say that King David was a man of God's taste and we know that David was not a pacifist. Christianity is not a religion of wimps but of real man. If we depict Jesus just being all flowers and rainbows, we really go astray and we miss the point that under God's law we all are condemned but by the prescious blood and suffering of our LORD Jesus Christ, we are saved.

I don't want to say that there aren't honest muslims who really love their prophet, but it is very sad that they follow a false prophet who deserves to be put in hellfire for eternity. I guess if muslims become christians thex could be great examples of strong faith for us westernes.

Peace and blessings,

in Christ


hugh watt said...

Apollos26 said...

"Maybe I will ofend sensibilities with what I'm saying know, but people like Lars Vilks shouldn't be preached the gospel but eternal damnation. As I mentioned before in one of my posts on the blog:"

Got to be careful dude. Paul (Apostle) was worse than Vilks! People did not believe he was saved at first.

"An atheist should be careful on what motivation he mocks other's believes."

My definition of Atheist is,
believers in a false god.

"But I can asure you. If I was a pastor in a church and someone would enter, trying to destroy the altar or making fun of the holy communion, I would give him a slap on the face he would never forget."

You'd either draw a congregation or lose one, but no one would forget!
We suppose to preach the Gospel to every creature, not slap them.

Apollos26 said...

@hugh watt:

you said:

"Got to be careful dude. Paul(Apostle) was worse than Vilks! People did not believe he was saved at first."

I don't know if Paul was worse than Vilks, cause Paul was not an atheist but a very convinced pharisee who thought he would work for the cause of God. We can't compare them. I often thought about, if Peter and the first christians ever prayed for Saulus' salvation. We don't know. If you read Martin Luthers cathecism and tabletalks, you will understand what I meant by saying, that people like Vilks should be preached the law and eternal damnation. Jesus said, not to throw pearls before swine.

Good news for the ones means always bad news for the others.

An atheist is someone without God and that could mean that something must replace God, so of course an atheist has many false god's.


"You'd either draw a congregation or lose one, but no one would forget!
We suppose to preach the Gospel to every creature, not slap them."

You missed a bit the point, we are supposed to preach to gospel to every creature that is willing/interested to hear. As before mentioned, we aren't supposed to throw pearls before swine and the NT has many other examples of not trhwoing away what is precious. Not every christian is the same. As a pastor I would defend my congregation and my church and if someone dares to attack it, I will defend it. It is not about me, it is only about the LORD.

If we want to be good christians, we must deny ourselves every day, put the cross on our back and follow the LORD.

I have to learn this every day and thank God that I'm depending on His grace and not by my works!

hugh watt said...


Paul held the cloaks of those who stoned Stephen to death. He called himself "the chief of sinners." He hunted and persecuted Christians. Vilks to my knowledge has not done this. Walid Shoebat and others were no angels before their conversion. No one is too far gone to be saved, only God knows when they've gone too far. God knows the heart.
Jesus never had problems with atheists. It was the self-righteous hypocrites that gave Him the most trouble.
I met a girl some years ago who said when witnessed to she pretended as if she were not interested but really was. She got saved and told others don't judge by peoples behavior, God may be at work, He knows best.
I suppose we could ask; WWJD with Vilks?

Apollos26 said...


I got your point. But don't you think that we all are chief of sinners? The thing with Paul is very complicated, because he is the best example of an enemy turning to one of the greatest defenders and proclaimers of the christian message.

It is very very difficult to figure out how exactly to deal with persons like Vilks, because, of course I don't know what Vilks will be in 10 years or so. Maybe he will become a christian. I hope so, but I don't know and it isn't that easy just to say "Hey let's pray for everybody!" The apostel John said in one of his letters, that there are persons for which we shouldn't pray. At the end we can't do nothing but leave it to God.

That's right, only God knows the heart.

I met people too, who where atheists, semingly disinterested persons or so, but at the end, discussion after discussion God worked in their hearts and still is working.

I have the same approach as you, even if at the moment it doesn't look like that, but I just want to see if there are other ways to deal with a sepical topic, even if they seem rough and not loving.

hugh watt said...


We are all sinners who deserve damnation, some "greater." There does come a time when we can stop praying for someone who has gone too far, as i said, God will have to lead on that.
It is easy to "pray for everybody." If God says 'stop,' then stop. Who ever starts praying with, 'Lord should i pray for [ ] today?' If these people aren't covered by the prayers of Christians you get S.Arabia, Yemen, communist China, Russia etc. Human nature says, 'Lord, shall we call fire down from Heaven to devour them?'
What is a "special topic," sinners? I know what you're saying. I get in situations where i just wonder if i should bother with certain people, but i'm learning how to deal with it.

2 Tim.2:24 and God's servants must not be troublemakers. They must be kind to everyone, and they must be good teachers and very patient.
25 Be humble when you correct people who oppose you. Maybe God will lead them to turn to him and learn the truth. 26 They have been trapped by the devil, and he makes them obey him, but God may help them escape."

See what i'm saying?

However; "Jude 17 Dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ said was going to happen. 18 They told you, "In the last days, some people will make fun of the truth. They will follow their own ungodly longings." 19 They are the people who separate you from one another. They do only what comes naturally. They are not led by the Holy Spirit.
20 Dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith. Let the Holy Spirit guide and help you when you pray. 21 The mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ will bring you eternal life. As you wait for his mercy, remain in God's love.
22 Show mercy to those who doubt. 23 Pull others out of the fire. Save them. To others, show mercy mixed with fear. Hate even the clothes that are stained by the sins of those who wear them."

Apollos26 said...

Hey brother Hugh,

thanks for the dialoge. I restartet to read the letters of the apostles, to get more into the knowledge.

God bless,


hugh watt said...


I bid you good and fruitful reading.