Those of you who know Nadir are aware of the tragic disorder that has ended his career. Nadir suffers from the first diagnosed case of "Nadir Ahmed Syndrome" (NAS). A person with NAS will exhibit the following symptoms: (1) Delusions of grandeur; (2) Annoying everyone around him; (3) Producing nonsensical websites that make people want to take a bath after a visit; (4) Insulting people for no reason at all, until no one wants to deal with him; (5) Being black-listed; (6) Calling people cowards and other names for refusing to debate. These symptoms have sucked the life out of Nadir's career, and he now seems like a ghost, haunting the halls of the debate world.
Tragically, it seems that Nadir Ahmed Syndrome is contagious. When I was in California back in September, Nadir attended my debates with Sami Zaatari. Sami was fasting, and this must have weakened his immune system. Sami contracted NAS.
Communicating with Sami in the past has been no picnic, but things have gotten much worse since he was infected by NAS. Sami has insulted me, James White, and Nabeel without provocation. When his insults and horrible behavior are pointed out to him, he says he has no clue why anyone is complaining. Sami simply isn't aware of the fact that there are consequences for his actions, and that people just aren't going to put up with a spoiled child who insults everyone and yet expects people to take him seriously.
I have tried to help Sami's career. I helped him share the stage with the famous Daniel Scot. I set up debates between Sami and James White, Nabeel Qureshi, and Sam Shamoun. Indeed, I challenge readers to find a person who has helped Sami as much as I have. And how has he repaid me? By insulting me and my beliefs in every possible way whenever the opportunity arises. In the past few hours, he has called me a coward (repeatedly) and a clown. He has called me a polytheist and has accused me of saying that the God of the Old Testament is an evil, false God. He has called my God homicidal and genocidal. He has single-handedly ended two series of debates in March and April, and he has said that he will convince Shabir Ally never to debate me. In short, Sami now has full-blown NAS. Anyone who wants proof can read the comments on this blog or visit Sami's website.
Not long ago, I predicted that Sami's career would be over within a year (I'm sure Sami remembers). I said this upon seeing the initial symptoms of NAS. It seems I was right. The fact that NAS has claimed the career of such a young man should cause all of us to pause and reflect on how we treat one another. How many more careers will NAS destroy? Let's all remember to take our vitamins--especially Vitamin H (promotes humility and honesty) and Vitamin I (promotes Integrity).
David, you said:
"He has single-handedly ended two series of debates in March and April, and he has said that he will convince Shabir Ally never to debate me"
Did he back out of those debates? Or what is the deal with that? What were the topics?
We had a ton of debates planned. When I said that he was black-listed (because of his childish behavior), he said that he would convince his fellow Muslim debaters (Yahya, Abdullah, Adnan, Hamza, and Shabir) not to debate me (presumably because I called him out for his behavior). That pretty much put an end to things.
I see. That makes sense. Thats too bad I would have liked to see him get destroyed again. It reminds me of his debate with Shamoun on the divinity of Jesus.
Near the end Sami kept attacking Christians calling them cowards, and attacking the Holy Spirit so that he could have the excuse of getting bounced and having the debate ended.
I don't think Osama would debate anyway after the big losses he suffered on the prophethood of muhammad. Oh well.
Are there any other debates planned for the future or do you think the muslim apologists will take Sami's advice?
Shucks I was planning to go to London to debate you in April actually cuz my trip to America got postponed.
Well now since we are free let us finish with the book already. It is better for you to contribute to our book than to posts that have no end.
David your just a coward and thought your a hot shot by black-listing me, but as i said, 2 can play that game, just as you black-listed me, you yourself have been black-listed which is why you wont be debating in April or with any of those debators ever again, have fun.
This isn't a game. Your debate career is over (and it's all because of your childish behavior). Its tombstone reads: "R.I.P. Sami's Debate Career, 2008-2008."
If Yahya, Abdullah, Adnan, and Hamza want to side with the most childish Muslim in the world, that's up to them. But trust me, I'll have plenty of debates in the future.
BTW Sami, you just exhibited Symptom 6!
David you just make me laugh, you think too big for your head, but its ok, its nice to have fantasies for yourself.
and as i said in a new article thats going to be uploaded, i unlike u do not have a fetish for debating, in other words im not a debate prostitute as yourself, i only debate a few times within a year, my career was never to be for debating, its just a side thing.
so keep thinking big for your head.
Interesting. I say that you're blacklisted because of your insults and your inability to discuss things rationally, and you call me a coward, a clown, and now a prostitute. Thank you very much for proving my point.
Would anyone like to deny my charges against Sami? Does anyone out there, Christian or Muslim, think that someone who acts like Sami (or Nadir) should be representing Islam in public debate? Will Bassam, or Yahya, or Abdullah defend Sami on this one? No one will defend him, because the entire world knows how wrong he is.
Welcome to the Nadir Ahmed Retirement Center (Membership: 2).
i didnt call you a prostitute, i called you a DEBATE prostitute, get it? it means you debate so much, obviously since you like to twist what i say you make things up again.
and you are a coward, you not black-listing me for being 'rude' thats just a petty excuse your making.
thirdly, calling you a clown is not an insult, its a fact, look at yourself man! your here talking too big for your head acting like my debating career rests within your hand, seriously who do you think you are? your not the pope, so yes your a clown for thinking too big and high of yourself, so in that CONTEXT your a clown, only to you you cant see that. Wood ive already talked to a few Christians about this, and they themselves dont agree with you and say its silly, but continue plz, it doesnt really effect me much, since i am actually sick of u, i was telling yahya that after april i was going to be done with u as i had had enough of you, thanks to God He made things go quicker and now i dont have to deal with people as yourself.
as for Abdullah, LOL i was on the phone with him just now, and he agrees with me, i will be going to his house today as well, again Wood, stop living in your fantasy land.
as for debate retirement, every debate you had planned has been cancelled thanks to me, so again this is more proof that your a nobody and think too big for your head. so keep talking too much to create this image that your in control and a hot shot, when me a 21 year old just cancelled an entire debate series you had planed.
and that makes it more funny, im still 21, i have a huge way infront of me, LOL i dont even need to be debating for another 10 years!
anyway, im done with you, if i have anything to do with you it will be to expose you on my site for everyone to see. have fun debating nobody, which is what your career is based on. :)
Sami Zaatari wrote:
"i didnt call you a prostitute, i called you a DEBATE prostitute, get it? it means you debate so much"
Sami, I'm an outsider in this matter, so I hope you don't mind me commenting. But really, are you serious with that comment I quoted above? How would you react if David called you "a _______ prostitute" where he'd fill in the blank with some religiously significant Islamic practice that you regularly engage in? Given your proposed meaning for the term in this context, should we assume that you wouldn't be offended by that?
David Wood and James White are great debaters and I love you guys!!1 but Mr. Wood and White i think in the debates you guys should takes the gloves off like Sam Shamoun, cause Sami and all the other muslim no beter then to come at Shamoun cause he doesnt hold back he fires everything he has at them iam just saying no more taking it lightly cause because of that you guys have sami disrespecting you guys SAM SHAMOUN in his debates demolishes them in every debate, they disrepect him also but at the same time they all agree that he aint nothing to be messed with
Sami Zaatari... I'm deeplie sorrie for you... you're one of mie favourite poster in this blog... I'll be prayieng for your recoperation... Good-Luck mie friend!!!
I remember when James White came on to these blogs and severely rebuked Ben Malik for insulting Muslims. He did not merely correct him, he strongly opposed him. Then Ben repented and stopped posting because he accepted the rebuke. I would expect that we will soon see a number of Muslim posters began to also strongly oppose Sami for his reprehensible behavior. I'm looking forward to hearing from the true Muslims that will step up and make their opposition heard. No equivocations or excuses, just honest and dignified censure for wrongful behavior and unacceptable conduct.
David said: "I would expect that we will soon see a number of Muslim posters began to also strongly oppose Sami for his reprehensible behavior."
I think you're dreaming, David. There are a number of Muslims who visit this site every day, and all I hear is a deafening silence. Even Bassam, who gave a token "this may have been somewhat offensive," really did nothing but try to defend Sami--a man who calls Christians "Nazis" and blasphemes the Holy Spirit whenever possible.
David, I know what you are saying is likely to be the case. I was trying use a little sarcasm to point out the glaring difference we see here. In all seriousness, I would expect Nazzam to be offended by Sami's reprehensible behavior and speak up. I have seen him do so in the past under slightly different circumstances. At least, that is my hope.
On a slightly different note, Fernando certainly is annd enterestinlg fellooe, wooldin't yoe sayee? If he is really that good at English, well, I must confess he is certainly better than my best shot at Filipino!
God bless you in your efforts. I greatly enjoy reading and listening to your posts and debates. It's been very helpful in furthering my understanding of Islam. It's also quite insightful and telling to see the responses.
think you're dreaming, David. David Wood said: "There are a number of Muslims who visit this site every day, and all I hear is a deafening silence. Even Bassam, who gave a token "this may have been somewhat offensive," really did nothing but try to defend Sami--a man who calls Christians "Nazis" and blasphemes the Holy Spirit whenever possible."
Professor Wood, you support Robert Spencer a man who often refers to practicing Muslims as Islamo-Fascists, so please don't employ double standards.
Yahya said: "Professor Wood, you support Robert Spencer a man who often refers to practicing Muslims as Islamo-Fascists, so please don't employ double standards."
Yahya, I know practically nothing about Robert Spencer, apart from a book of his that I read.
So here's your conclusion: If Person X links to Person Y's website, then Person X must agree with everything Person Y says.
Is this correct? Haven't you noticed that I link to Sami's website as well? And Bassam's website? And other Muslim websites? Does this mean that I agree with everything they say? Have you ever heard me call someone an "Islamo-Fascist"?
But perhaps you will say, "Yes, but you link to Spencer's book, so you must agree with everything he says." Hmmm. I link to Ayaan Hirsi Ali's book as well, and she's an atheist who wants to destroy certain principles of Christian morality.
The point of linking to people is that I believe others should listen to something they say.
I have to say again that you're getting quite desperate in trying to catch me in some inconsistency.
David - do you have a copy of the debate on Islam which I did with Daniel Scot? My copy is not working... I think it would only be fair to have both debates posted.
If so.. please post it on youtube
I don't have a copy. I wasn't even there. Didn't you have it professionally recorded?
George should have a copy if you need one. He recorded these debates.
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