Mumbai Bombings
A Word from Fouad
I was watching the horrific aftermath of the Mumbai bombings on CNN when reporter Fareed Zakaria attempted to explain the events...
Zakaria said that Muslims in India are marginalized. They are not represented in government and they are 3 times more unemployed than people of other religions. Therefore, he concluded, it is easy to radicalize Muslims in India.
But here is my question: What is it about Islam that radicalizes people to kill innocent bystanders? It can't be simply poor living conditions and being unrepresented in government. Thousands of Christians in Muslim countries have the exact same situation. They are unrepresented and unemployed.
Yet we have not seen Coptic Christian terrorists take the Pyramids at Giza, or marginalized Filipino Christians attacking the Burj-al-Arab hotel in Dubai. If Islam teaches peace, as so many scholars insist upon, how can you radicalize a follower of that religion to kill innocent people?
I believe Jesus is right by saying 'if you hate your brother you killed him.' What we saw in India is depravity of humankind. No less, no more. When you harbor hatred, you get murder. I know the feeling! Jesus saved me from my hate, and He can do the same for all people today.
I know what my Muslim friends are going to say. "But Christians have committed violence too!" But this completely misses the point. It is very difficult to pressure dedicated Christians into becoming violent. But with Muslims, all it takes is a cartoon or an offensive book, and people get butchered.
Here's a picture of the Mumbai aftermath:
I know what my Muslim friends are going to say. "But Christians have committed violence too!" But this completely misses the point. It is very difficult to pressure dedicated Christians into becoming violent. But with Muslims, all it takes is a cartoon or an offensive book, and people get butchered.
Nuff said David. When a Christian radicalizes, he seeks to avoid contact with the world and doesn't resort to violence at all. He doesn't even have that desire.
But when a Muslim radicalizes, he has a 'carte-blanche' to attack infidels in "defense" of Islam and sees oppression everywhere.
Yes... that was the same kind of argummentation we had in my coontry...
A former governement leader spoke that terrorism is due to poberty...
But I never saw a christian from Haity (the porest country in the worl according to the UN) making terrorist atacks...
but it is so easy to measled the public opinion and make them think that the guilt is all in the Western side: if there're poberty in the world, some say, it's due to the western way of life... ando so, the conclusion in some minds is: "feel bad about your way of life because its the root to all terrorism in the world"...
that's turning the world upsidde down...
This is an interesting documentary from dispatches. I did not know that only men were allowed to pray in mosques. I cannot for the life of me understand why any woman not raised in Islam would ever convert to this hate filled, sexism filled religion.
"But with Muslims, all it takes is a cartoon or an offensive book, and people "butchered.
Seems like Christians are following "our lead"...
Protests over Jesus’ blasphemous picture in Sakshi
Hmmm . . .
Bassam links to an article in which Christians protest and break some furniture, and he thinks that this is equivalent to Muslims butchering people.
Before the civil rightrs act, African Americans were marginilzed, they had no representation in goverment and lived in complete poverty with no opurtinuity for advancement. They were subjected to horable acts of violence and terror, seperated completely from main stream society down to public restrooms,and drinking fountains. Not allowed to eat in white resterants, and forced to give up their seats on public busses. This was the status quo since the end of the civil war in 1865. Yet inspite of this they did not go on murderous rampages. Instead the call to equaility was led through non violence. I wonder why. Oh thats right it was led by Christian and Jewish Men and woman. Not Muslims
Thought I would share the latest muslim conspiracy theorys on Mubai.
Mubai was a inside job for the following reasons.
1. If you look cloesly at the pictures of the murderers you will see that they are wearing a wrist band.
2. The Muslim Missionaries, (oh sorry terrorists) were reported to of asked their victims for their passports. How would they know which passport is wich?
3. The pictures clearly show that they did not have beards.
4. They were reported to of been speaking Punjab, not arabic.
So what are we to conclude from this. When muslims go on murderous rampages they have beards, speak arabic, and do not wear wrists bands. They will not ask for passports from the people they are going to kill becasue they can not tell the difference between a US pasport and a Canadian pasport. In other words their to stupid. just like thier to stupid to learn how to fly plains into buildings.
It must be tough to be a Mighty Mooj these days. You put in long hours planing, raising the nessasary funds for your missionary trips. You spend long hours sharing your faith with infidels. And finaly give up your own life. With all this hard work you would think they would get some respect from their brothers in faith. Instead what do they get? They get dissed and denied. All their hard work is blamed on the very infidels they worked so hard to bring the faith of islam to.
Muslims Missionaires get no respect these days, no respect at all.
lmao David, you crack me up man,
Marginalised Christians in the Philippines?! Dude it's a Christian Majority nation, give your mate a class in world culture before giving him any article writing assignments in future.
I don't think any civilized person could help but be sickened by the violence recently perpetrated upon innocent people. I mean, how wicked can a person be to slaughter someone in the name of God? Where are the Muslims crying out against these horrible evil crimes? I would be vomiting if this was done in the name of Jesus. I would be yelling from the rooftops, "these demonized bastards (illegitimate sons claiming the name of God) do not in any way represent Christ or have any allegiance to Him". Muslims who frequent this blog, where are your voices at what is being done in the name of your God?
You crack me up! My wife's mother knows all about the Philippines, since she goes there regularly. There are areas (e.g. South Mindanao) with dominant Muslim populations. Christians are EXTREMELY marginalized there. Make sure you take a class in world cultures before you write a report on this.
Tell your wife's mother that the area she is referring to is an area named Bangsamoro, not technically Philippines, it is an autonomous region.
Over there, Christians aren't so marginalised either, they too are part of the struggle, try asking some Christians from Mindanao or Maguindanao about that too. Again, classes in W.C David, classes in W.C!
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