In this video, Ishmael demonstrates what many apologists who have studied Islam have been saying for decades. The Qur'an has many versions with different readings. Muslims make the same worn out argument that the Qur'an has never been changed, that it has remained the same for 1400 years since the time of Muhammad. The main weakness in this argument, is that the textual evidence that comes from Islam itself will not support such a claim. What is encouraging about Ishmael, who is a former Muslim, is that he not only shows the differences in the English translations of the Qur'an, but he also reads Arabic and shows the differences in the Arabic texts of two Qur'an versions: the Hafs and the Doori versions. Please pray for Ishmael as he is doing tremendous work in this area and continues to shed the light of Christ to our Muslim friends. While we oppose the ideology of Islam, which is unbiblical and dangerous, we need to show love to Muslims. I have taken the word ISLAM to mean "I Sincerely Love All Muslims". The Lord Jesus Christ commands us to love, even our enemies (Matthew 5:43-48).
Monday, November 13, 2017
Only 1 Quran? Hafs and Doori Quran Variants
In this video, Ishmael demonstrates what many apologists who have studied Islam have been saying for decades. The Qur'an has many versions with different readings. Muslims make the same worn out argument that the Qur'an has never been changed, that it has remained the same for 1400 years since the time of Muhammad. The main weakness in this argument, is that the textual evidence that comes from Islam itself will not support such a claim. What is encouraging about Ishmael, who is a former Muslim, is that he not only shows the differences in the English translations of the Qur'an, but he also reads Arabic and shows the differences in the Arabic texts of two Qur'an versions: the Hafs and the Doori versions. Please pray for Ishmael as he is doing tremendous work in this area and continues to shed the light of Christ to our Muslim friends. While we oppose the ideology of Islam, which is unbiblical and dangerous, we need to show love to Muslims. I have taken the word ISLAM to mean "I Sincerely Love All Muslims". The Lord Jesus Christ commands us to love, even our enemies (Matthew 5:43-48).
You're quite right about loving all Muslims, but I can't tolerate their intolerance of others' freedoms. If they need time to adjust fully to the values of democracy and liberty, then they ought to devote as much time as necessary to learn it... BEFORE they come to the U.S.
I would say love a Muslim who is trying to leave Islam. A Muslim who refuses to leave Islam has EVIL in their heart.
What does Islam teach its followers? (muslims)
Islam teaches some really nasty, nasty stuff
Here's a way for readers to see how "peaceful" Islam is from the comfort of their own home and learn it's sinister truth
The way to use that website is to search for the verse you want, here's a couple examples of verses I recommend, just copy each set of verse numbers below into the "search" bar at
8:39 "fight til all religion is for allah" IE. until all people are Muslim
9:5 "when sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists" Islam considers Christianity polytheists
4:89 "if they turn away (from Islam) kill them"
2:191 "and kill them wherever you overtake them, such is recompense of disbelievers (non-Muslims)"
8:67 "it is not for a prophet to have captives of war (slaves) until he inflicts a slaughter upon the land"
47:4 "when you meet disbeliever (non-Muslim) strike neck" see 8:39 above Islam is at war with all
5:51. "take no Jew or Christian as an ally"
8:12 "cast TERROR into hearts of disbelievers, so strike their necks & strike every fingertip"
8:60 "prepare whatever steeds of war you are able that you may TERRIFY enemies of allah" non-Muslims
47:35 "do not seek peace while you are superior"
getting muslims to leave Islam is not to be confused with muslims coming to Christ.
Yes Burwell. They leave Islam, they're only halfway home.
I gotta say this though.
This is what Islam does to the picture of God for Muslims. They become so stigmatised by Allah that they don't believe, or dare not believe in a "God" anymore.
leaving Islam makes one no closer to christ, unless you are in Christ you are in Adam and as long as you are in Adam you will perish no matter what religion you leave or join
The second example is the same word but the DOORI version has a SHADDA vowel. And several of his examples have the NOON and YAA letters misspelled in the DOORI Quran. The two letters look similar with one dot on top to make a NOON and two dots below to make a YAA.
Is this the best you have? A letter misspelled in very few words? OUT OF THE 6236 NOBLE VERSES OF THE QURAN, this is all you have? Very rare misspellings? All Muslims use the HAFS QURAN. This is the Glorious Quran that gets printed in every single Muslim and non-Muslim country in the WORLD, including the country that prints the DOORI version. And your Western translators all use the HAFS Quran as well. This is the Arabic Quran that you see in the right half of every page in your Arabic-English Quran.
Thank you for proving that the Glorious Quran is indeed perfectly preserved. Scribal and dictation and spelling errors don't count against our Holy Book.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Especially when these misspellings are very very rare! How many you have? 20? 50? Yet, how many words are in the 6236 Noble Verses?
You are quite pathetic! Go throw your Bible in the trash then, because its errors when to compared to the Quran are straight from Hell.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
"You're quite right about loving all Muslims, but I can't tolerate their intolerance of others' freedoms."
The real trouble makers AND DOMESTIC TERRORISTS in the US are the Bible-thumping white trailer trash, especially in the so-called Bible-belt states. They're even terrorists against other "colored" Christians.
Go pound sand. Your trailer trash even hump their own sisters, especially when they get drunk. And they do bestiality. GOOGLE BESTIALITY ON THE RISE IN THE WEST. Don't you also roll in the mud with your pigs? Go get fixed and stop reproducing. It's best for America because its white trash are far too many.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
I thought, Osama, the whole point was that not a single word, comma, or any other grammatical punctuation was changed in the Noble Qur'an? Someone points out as a matter of fact words and punctuation have been changed, and all you've got to say is, "Is that all you've got?" You are a very foolish, hot-headed and ignorant man who doesn't know his own Qur'an.
Which version of the Quran should i read?
Watch this video Mr.David..God will help you
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