Friday, September 29, 2017

Comparing the Deaths of Nabeel Qureshi and Muhammad

In this video, I go through Islam's most trusted sources to gather details on Muhammad's death, and I compare Muhammad's death with the recent death of Christian apologist Nabeel Qureshi. Was Nabeel cursed by Allah, as many Muslims claim? If so, we have far greater evidence that Allah cursed Muhammad.


Unknown said...

Praise God,
I am Chaitra and my husband's name is Chandrahasa.
We live in Ottawa, Ontario. Moved here 3 years back from Bangalore, India.
We both are converts from Hindu background.
We are immensly blessed by Nabeel and ministry. And we both loved Nabeel Qureshi for who he was.
I have written a tribute to Nabeel and his life and how he has strengthened us as a family.

This is just to let you know how Nabeel has impacted the world through His faith in Jesus.
Please go through this.
Thank you for reaching many like Nabeel. D bless you


Welcome Black Carter said...

Well done David.
Thank you for your work.

Unknown said...

We have only just heard the news as we have been away for a month. We have been so blessed by Nabeel and the ministry that God had given him to fulfil. It may seem like such a short time (too short for us certainly!) but I am reminded that Jesus had been given a similar time...oh, and just how He turned the world upside down in the space of his short years! Nabeel's legacy makes him so present and still so influential, if not more so. Our prayers are with his family and you, his friend, that God will give you a sense of Nabeel standing before His Father hearing the words, "Well done, My good and faithful servant, well done my son!".

This is a fitting tribute to Nabeel and I'm sure he would be very proud of how you are using his life to speak the truth.
God bless you