Here is my latest debate and a summary of my presentation. I plan to publish it as a booklet in the future.
Reason 1 - If Muhammad was not a true prophet God would strike him dead.
And if the apostle (Muhammad) were to invent any sayings in Our (God’s) name, We should certainly seize him by his right hand, And then certainly should have cut off his life artery (Aorta). (Qur'an 69:44-46, Yusuf Ali)
Narrated (told by) `Aisha: The Prophet (Muhammad) in his ailment in which he died, used to say, "O `Aisha! I still feel the pain caused by the food I ate at Khaibar, and at this time, I feel as if my aorta is being cut from that poison." (Sahih al-Bukhuri: vol. 5, bk. 59, no. 713; 4428)
Reason 2 - Muhammad is a prophet because the Qur’an is in clear Arabic. (Not presented in the debate due to limited time.)
In truth We (God) know that they (Muhammad’s opponents) say, “It is only a mortal who is teaching him.” The speech of the one at whom they hint is foreign, whereas this (the Qur’an) is clear Arabic speech. (Qur’an 16:103, 44:14, Jones)
Reason 3 - There are no contradictions in the Qur’an
Do they not consider the Qur'an (with care)? Had it been from other than God, they would surely have found in it much discrepancy. (Qur’an 4:82, Yusuf Ali)
Reason 4 - Bring a sura/chapter like it.
Or do they say, “He (Muhammad) has invented it (the Qur’an)”? Say (to them): “Then bring a sura like it; and call on those you can apart from God, if you are truthful.” (Qur’an 10:38, Jones)
Say, “Then bring a Scripture from God that gives you better guidance than the two of them (Torah and Qur’an), and I shall follow it, if you are telling the truth.” (Qur’an 28:49, Jones)
Reason 5 - The Qur’an confirms the earlier scriptures.
O you People of the Book! Believe in what We have (now) revealed (the Qur’an), confirming what was (already) with you. (Qur’an 4:47, 46:12, Yusuf Ali)
Reason 6 - Muhammad is foretold in the Bible.
Those who follow the messenger (Muhammad), the prophet of his community, whom they will find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. (Qur’an 7:157, 61:6, Jones)
If you know of any other reasons the Qur'an gives please post them in the comments.
Reason 1 - Sura 33 - The Ungodly Privileges of Muhammad
Qur'an 33:4 and 37 - Zaynab
Qur'an 33:50 - Any woman he wants.
Qur'an 33:51 - Not equal time with wives.
Narrated Aisha: ... (Quoting Quran 33:51) ... I said (to the Prophet), "I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires." (Sahih al-Bukhari: vol. 6, bk. 60, no. 311)
Reason 2 - Muhammad turns people away from reading the prophets.
the argument from literary excellenece has got to be one of the worst I have heard and they're all bad
the quran is disjointed, stilted , no narrative, not poetic, and plagiarized in several places which of course means someone wrote something like what is in the quran beofre there was a quran.
Excellent work Sam, Wassam has nothing in Mohammed.... Miracles? Really? Splitting the moon? How does that benefit anyone? It's nothing but fake showmanship. Then he tries to justify Mohammed's covertness of Zainub, which is disgraceful...
I have yet to watch a debate with a Muslim apologist who is honest about what is written in black and white and in plain sight.
Good job Sam...
Wow, Samuel. I just finished listening to the debate listed above. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the clarity with which you presented the truth. It is amazing to me the absence of important documentation in what your opponent stated his truth over and over again. I hope people can listen to this carefully and see what is truly going on. Keep up the great work.
Does Charkawi seriously want us to believe that the evidence for Muhammad's miracles is remotely as strong as the evidence for the existence of the Eiffel Tower?
Even if I accept the Quran to be inimitable, should I then, for example, overlook the fact that Allah vouches for the authenticity of the seventh century Torah, a book that condemns Muhammad as a fraud on every page. Does this not prove that inimitability is not proof of divine origins.
Muslims do not need to prove that the Quran is inimitable. All they need to do is to prove that it is true.
That would then give us the precious imaan We need to be able to wholeheartedly embrace Muhammad's message about himself, i.e. that Muhammad is the greatest human being to have ever lived. Like the rest of Muslims we will not then find it at all suspicious, that this message was brought to us by no one other than Muhammad himself.
No seventh century Arab tribe was better placed to judge the miraculous eloquence of the Quran than Muhammad's own tribe the Quraish in whose dialect the Quran was recited. What then was their verdict? The majority of the Quraish rejected the Quran as a lie and a fabrication.
For me this was Samuel's best debate. His courtesy for his opponents is always nice to see.
Charkawi quotes A.J. Arberry to support his contention that the Quran is inimitable. Now if Arberry believed the Quran to be inimitable and inimitablity is proof of divine origin, then can Charkawi tell us why Arberry did not become a Muslim?
The argument from literary excellence is just plain hogwash. The inimitable Creator of a million galaxies and umpteen billion stars writes a book and challenges puny Man to write something like it!? It's insane to think that the Almighty Creator would stoop to something so low.
It's as if a mother cooks up something nice for her kid and the six year old child says he hates it, it's not good. And the mother says, "Oh yeah? Then let me see you cooking something like it!."
It's impossible that a mother could say something like this. And no Supreme Being would ever issue a such a challenge to a human being. And if a book purportedly written by Him contains just such a thing then the conclusion is inescapable.
RS Raudh, I would like to point out the fact that Torah does not condemn Mohammad, rather, Torah prophesizes Mohammad as the Holy One from Mt. Paran -
Deuteronomy 33:2-
He said, "The Lord came from Sinai and dawned from Seir upon us; he shone forth from Mount Paran; he came from the ten thousand of holy ones, with flaming fire at his right hand."
Deuteronomy 33.2 is a prophecy pertaining to the places where the light of god i.e the strongest messengers of god had or will come forth from, that is why it is written in the very sequence in which these Messengers came. First Moses, so Sinai is mentioned, then Jesus came, so Seir is mentioned & finally Mohammed came, so Mt. Paran(located on outskirts of Mecca) is mentioned in the last. The "ten thousand of holy ones" are the ten thousand companions of Muhammad when Mohammad came to Win back Mecca (Mt. Paran) from Pagans who earlier had forced Mohammad to leave Mecca.
Deuteronomy 33:2 doesn't mention any city or town's name, it (Deuteronomy 33:2) mentions only the mountain names where the prophets would come forth from. Mount Sinai refers to Moses, Mount Seir "the Mount of Esau" refers to Jesus, and Mount Paran "the Mount of Ishmael" refers to Mohammed (as there is no other prophet who came from Mt. Paran).
Habakkuk 3:3 stated -
God comes from the south (Teman) , and the holy one from mount Paran (Mecca): His glory covered the heavens, and the earth is full of his praise.
According to J. Hasting's Dictionary of the Bible, Teman is an Oasis in Northern outskirts of Medina.
And so, Mohammed has been prophesized as The holy one in the Bible.
And, unless you have a better explanation for Deuteronomy 33:2 or Habakkuk 3:3, you cannot doubt this.
While Isaiah 42 has lots of open prophecies about Mohammed -
Isaiah 42:11 - Join in the chorus, you desert towns; let the villages where Kedar lives rejoice! Let the people of Sela sing for joy; shout praises from the mountaintops!
KEDAR is a forefather of Prophet Mohammed & grandson of Ishmael.(Genesis 25:13)( (Wikipedia)
SELA is a mountain of Medina. (Wikipedia)
Hence, BIBLE has prophesized about both MECCA & MEDINA as the places from where the message of God would spread from....! Here, Mt. Paran is referring to Mecca & Sela, Teman is referring to Medina.
According to Charkawi the "im" in elohim is the Hebrew plural for respect.
Elohim (Hebrew: אֱלֹהִים ’ĕlōhîm) is one of the names of God in the Hebrew Bible and worshipped as part of the Western monotheistic tradition; the term is also used in the Hebrew Bible to refer to groups of other gods. (Wikipedia)
If "im" is the plural of respect can Charkawi then tell us why the Bible uses "elohim" countless times to refer to false gods?
Can Charkawi also tell us how he knows which verses of the Bible are authentic and which are not. Or does he want us to simply accept as authentic those verses which he thinks help Muhammad and reject as corrupt those that contradict him.
@ Smokiebad S
Deuteronomy 33 This is the blessing that Moses the man of God pronounced on the Israelites before his death. 2 He said:
“ YHWH came from Sinai
and dawned over them from Seir;
he shone forth from Mount Paran.
He came with[a] myriads of holy ones
from the south, from his mountain slopes."
This verse is not a prophecy as it is referring to a PAST event. And it is referring to YHWH and not any prophet. This can hardly be said to be a clear prophesy of Muhammad
In addition Allah cannot be the deity referred to here because we read in the previous chapter:
"You deserted the Rock, who fathered you; you forgot the God who gave you birth. Deuteronomy 32:18
Muslims often claim that the Bible is corrupt, tarnished, unscientific, contradictory, largely man-made, degraded, full of omissions and additions, immoral, blasphemous, vulgar, erroneous, unreliable, untrustworthy etc.
Since such a book cannot have much worth or credibility, and given that those who reject Muhammad are threatened with tragic consequences, is it not astonishing that Allah should ask us to look for his messenger in such a book?
Should Almighty Allah not have pointed us to a more credible and trustworthy source in which to look for his greatest prophet?
Honesty should compel Muslims to recognize that their attempts to find Muhammad in the Bible have been unconvincing.
Letters make words
Words make sentences
Sentences make paragraphs (verses/surahs)
Wherein resides the miracle?
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