On June 3, 2017, three jihadis drove a van into pedestrians walking across London Bridge. After fleeing the van, the jihadis proceeded to Borough Market, where they stabbed a number of people. As usual, British politician Theresa May is calling such violence "a perversion of Islam." But does May's plan for dealing with Islamic violence make sense? Let's take a closer look.
Clear thinking, clearly expressed. You couldn't make it any clearer than that. There is no excuse for things to continue as they have in the past. Although Teresa May went down the rabbit hole in the end, it appeared to me that she is admitting that she has become somewhat aware of what people have been saying, and she is trying to pretend she is responding to that.
Of course she doesn't fool most of us Islamo-aware people, but she has made herself vulnerable now by going as far as she did. The camel has its nose in the tent, and next he will have his shoulders in and the remainder will follow. We need to maintain the pressure, writing to our leaders, posting comments all over the internet (while we can), doing whatever we can do.
Sorry about the colloquial references. These days we must be aware that on the internet we are speaking to an international audience. "The camel's nose" is a metaphor for a situation where the permitting of a small, seemingly innocuous act will open the door for larger, clearly undesirable actions. "Down the rabbit hole" is a metaphor for an entry into the unknown, the disorientating or the mentally deranging, from its use in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll.
As a follow up to my previous comment, we have heard Teresa May state, "[These terrorists] are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamistic extremism. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam." Then tell me, do all acts of barbarism carried out in the name of Islam fall into this category?
Saudi Arabia practices Sharia, which means they behead apostates and blasphemers, and commit all manner of barbaric acts as demanded by Sharia. In preparation for this comment, I went to JihadWatch and typed into the search box they have on the main page, "Sharia in Saudi Arabia". Many horrifying articles came up verifying what I have just stated about the practice of Sharia in Saudi Arabia.
Surely these acts are squarely against British values. Just because they are committed by the thugs in control of Saudi Arabia doesn't make them much different than the acts committed by the thugs on London Bridge. The outcome is the same - innocent lives lost in an act of barbarity.
If her statement can be broadened to include Saudi Arabia, then what are to be the repercussions of her statement? She is walking a very thin line. So now, Theresa May may have just implicated Saudi Arabia of practising "An ideology that is a perversion of Islam".
Either both cases - the attacks on London Bridge, and sharia in Saudi Arabia are just Islam, or both are a perversion of Islam. Which is it? I think David has already given us the answer.
I believe it is very sad that people in the west whether their religious or not, Christian or not, cannot understand how to read the Koran and I understand it's evil. The Koran is very clear and it's evil commands relative to the murder of nonbelievers and we establishment of an Islamic caliphate that wants to control the world as we know it.
They are afraid - in Europe - to pronounce the word "islamic" linked to "terrorism". It's bizarre, because it means denying what the terrorists claim to be, good muslims who kill in the name of Allah to pursue the advent of a great islamic state, where sharia is the unique law. The problem is complex: a big part of the so called "liberals" hates Israel and supports Palestinians (who, after being communist when USSR supported them, then embraced Islam). For this reasons they must be sympathetic towards all Islam, even though it contradicts all the principles they fight for: sexual liberty, LGBT rights, divorce, abortion, women's rights and so on.
I now have 4 different articles, from different authors, that say that Trump, is letting many more muslims into this country, and is not doing anything about it (can't or wont, either way, their coming in by the thousands, today). It seems to me that my thoughts of how the future, and bible prophecy are coming together, just as I've thought about, for about a year now. I don't see anyone else putting 2 and 2 together. As they (the muslims), are taking over all high positions in government(s), I can see Revelation 20:4, coming faster. Who else could do something that evil to all God believers? Satan had a reason for activating/immigrating thousands of his followers, to all these many non-muslim countries. And as his time is short, there's a reason, and a purpose, for them to take over, so easily, these high positions of governments, around the world. Watch for more of this to happen, as these non-muslim leaders of these countries, give them what the want, (as their not following God anyway), and that is, total control of it's people, and then think...why is this happening? Who else could be in charge of the mark system, and the punishment for NOT taking the mark? Read Revelation 20:4, and then you will know, the answer, to that, and to what's coming in the future, and why these thousands have come to take over, and make every country it's caliphate. It's prophecy. There's nothing anyone can do to stop it now. All we can do now, is wait for the 7 year peace treaty between Israel, and Palestine, and that will bring on the 7 year Tribulation period, and the MARK of the beast! Christians should be prepared, because as God died for us, we shall die for him! There is only one God, and Allah is not it! But Allah will be the one that takes us to OUR God. If anyone would like to see the 4 articles, I have about Trump bringing them in, I will happy to show them to you. I will also give the Rev 20:4 verse, on request.
It is true that President Trump suffered a setback with the ninth circuit court relative to the Muslim travel ban. It's also upsetting to me that the American people find the phrase Muslim not synonymous with sharia law in the Koran. Muslims are not Muslims if they don't believe in sharia law and the Koran. I hope that President Trump is not allowing Muslims from other countries to travel and sell here freely. I live in a small town in Wyoming and I think I can point to two possibly three Muslims that are working here.
I was disappointed in the previous administration we're a muslim head of the CIA, and quite a few Muslims in the executive branch. I don't believe those same Muslims are in position under the Trump administration but I certainly can't be wrong.
Unfortunately our Constitution does not allow this discrimination and religions but when it was written Islam wasn't a factor except for the first three presidents fighting Barbary pirates. If a constitutionalist written today I hope that there would be an Islamic ban as their religion and way of life does not work well in America.
Sharia Law is as fake a concoction used by the power-hungry 'wolves in sheeps clothing', as the Prophet is said to have warned ... WISELY (WISENED ABOUT THE CONCOCTION) Canada BANNED 'BY LAW' Sharia Law .... How in he llo can you have two laws in one country ... one law for you and one law for me - I don't want any law on me for that matter, "one" free spirit would say if Society is to go to the Dogs or err "wolves" ...
CHECK out the Raw TRUTH that Canadians wisened up to ...
Muslims are not achieving high places in the West cording to Jano above. The fact is the West is waking up Muslims will have less influence than they hoped. And Trump is not bringing more Muslims he is simply a victim of the movement in this one created by Obama. It will come to a screeching halt when the Supreme Court refused the travel ban. In addition , Those like myself are not hiring or dealing with Muslims in anyway possible. Why would you hire somebody that believes in a book, the Koran, that tells Muslims to kill the infidel. You can not trust Muslims at all. Anybody were to hire a Muslim is taking their life in their own hands unnecessarily.
The west it's been very slow to wake up to Islam and diseases but they're coming around . The eastern bloc in Europe is way ahead of the rest of Europe.
White people are the terrorists. You've terrorized America more than muslims did. Don't come at me saying there is no evidence, look it up. Also, the fact that you all have islamophobia is sad.
First they destroyed Mesopotamia 400 Years after P. Muhammed - i.e.Genghis Khan - The actual WOLVES in Sheep's Clothing - They then wiped out every men in the Middle East - from Oasis to Oasis - tentsted Nomadic Settlements by Settlements - little villages, towns ... THAT was all that was there in the desserts ... THEY BURNT ALL THE LIBRARIES THAT WERE COLLECTED FROM THE INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION ... THEY BURNED ANY and every "WRITTINGS" ON PAPYRUS, BARKS, TABLETS, ... and their "priests' wrote out a SCRIPT that is followed as the "BOOK" today ... they massacred all "men" ... The Middle East all the way to Nubia (Egypt to Sudan ...) - their PROGENY then and today became the "Arab" - and THAT is how they started the SLAVERY and SLAVE TRADE - aka "Nubian Slaves" - they DESTROYED Persia and the Zaroastrans ...their enslaved women from ALL across the Middle East, Egypt, Nubia, (all 'men' wiped out) enslaved 'sex girls' became mothers to all the progeny of TODAY that The Genghis Khan Priest-Shaman- 'created' Book says "By Stealth Live AMONG "pretense PEACEFULLY - have AS MANY CHILDREN AS POSSIBLE - Take Multiple Concubine 'wives' - multiply until YOU WILL TAKE OVER without their becoming AWARE - too late - same BOOK says Once you join My Genghis Khan's CLAN you never leave - Yes you can leave but as 'dead' (FAKED "Sharia LAW") - "MEN shall not FIGHT over spoils of War ("SLAVE SEX GIRLS and CONCUBINES - so they shall be enshrouded from ENVIOUS EYES - in BURKHA's - (used today as FAKE SHARIA LAW) - enslaved or born WOMEN can NEVER LEAVE the clan or join the "OTHER" side - and SO the 'HONOR KILLING' (FAKE SHARIA LAW) - ...
have AS MANY CHILDREN AS POSSIBLE - Take Multiple Concubine 'wives' - multiply until YOU WILL TAKE OVER without their becoming AWARE - too late - same BOOK says Once you join My Genghis Khan's CLAN you never leave - Yes you can leave but as 'dead' (FAKED "Sharia LAW") - "MEN shall not FIGHT over spoils of War ("SLAVE SEX GIRLS and CONCUBINES - so they shall be enshrouded from ENVIOUS EYES - in BURKHA's - (used today as FAKE SHARIA LAW) - enslaved or born WOMEN can NEVER LEAVE the clan or join the "OTHER" side - and SO the 'HONOR KILLING' (FAKE SHARIA LAW) -
Genghis Khan kept himself surrounded by 4,000 beautiful women - so that when DEATH CAME "He" would be seduced and enticed by them, distracted and spare him - During his Travels and also when they were moving his coffin when dead from any BATTLE, He -Genghis Khan instructed his CLAN KILL all that you see when taking me to my resting place - with HIS WOMEN to be buried with him to go to HEAVEN with him - SO CAME THE "JIHAD" that "you will GET Virgins in HEAVEN if you die "SUICIDING" (FAKE SHARIA LAW) - ALL they get suiciding is an ASSURED place with the DEVIL (because Genghis Khan was the Devil's creation from faeces)- So it is the HOT (metal-melting flaming and BURNING) virgins that are PROMISED - yes SURE ... they just don't know - THAT is why the DRIVE is always to KEEP THE GULLIBLE ILITERATE - TAUGHT BY 'HAMMERING' IN IN ARABIC (FAKE SHARIA LAW) NEVER let anyone get EDUCATED or FULLY KNOWLEDGEABLE - with a HUMBLE, CLEAN, PURE, GOD-SERVING - NEVER HURTING OR KILLING - even an INSECT - GOD AND HIS CREATION "LOVING" "MIND" - instead of destroy - take over - convert - don't leave - die - etc - God gave and wants all to be HUMBLE and INDEPENDENT with "GOD" given intellect and freedom ALWAYS WILLING AND OPEN to debate GENTLE LIVING ... GOD is KIND NOT EVIL - that we see ... ALL HATED BY THE FAKE "SHARIA LAW" - the ONLY way to "PROTECT" the "Shaman's" SAY and "POWER" - SO SO SO CLEAR and YET the dumb question the 'rest of the world and NEVER their OWN" !!!!
Let us have one law for the Sudanese, The Somali's, The Russian, The Nigerians, The Trinidadians, The Americans, The Ukrainians, the Poles, The Indians, The Indonesians, The South African's, The Aborin's, the Ausi's, the Eskimo's ... WHY NOT !!!!!! ???????? ARE they JUST NOTHING ????
Sharia Law is as fake a concoction used by the power-hungry 'wolves in sheeps clothing', as the Prophet is said to have warned ... WISELY (WISENED ABOUT THE CONCOCTION) Canada BANNED 'BY LAW' Sharia Law .... How in he llo can you have two laws in one country ... one law for you and one law for me - I don't want any law on me for that matter, "one" free spirit would say if Society is to go to the Dogs or err "wolves" ...
CHECK out the Raw TRUTH that Canadians wisened up to ...
Long live Mr. David wood. most of ur arguments are in english and hence wouldnt reach world wide audiences. pls try to get this in as many languages as u van, so that universal truth becomes universal.
One of the terrorists appeared on a channel four documentary called Jihadists living next door! Unbelievable.
Came to watch this video again but it suddenly won't play, says my browser will not play it?
Clear thinking, clearly expressed. You couldn't make it any clearer than that. There is no excuse for things to continue as they have in the past. Although Teresa May went down the rabbit hole in the end, it appeared to me that she is admitting that she has become somewhat aware of what people have been saying, and she is trying to pretend she is responding to that.
Of course she doesn't fool most of us Islamo-aware people, but she has made herself vulnerable now by going as far as she did. The camel has its nose in the tent, and next he will have his shoulders in and the remainder will follow. We need to maintain the pressure, writing to our leaders, posting comments all over the internet (while we can), doing whatever we can do.
Sorry about the colloquial references. These days we must be aware that on the internet we are speaking to an international audience. "The camel's nose" is a metaphor for a situation where the permitting of a small, seemingly innocuous act will open the door for larger, clearly undesirable actions. "Down the rabbit hole" is a metaphor for an entry into the unknown, the disorientating or the mentally deranging, from its use in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll.
As a follow up to my previous comment, we have heard Teresa May state, "[These terrorists] are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamistic extremism. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam." Then tell me, do all acts of barbarism carried out in the name of Islam fall into this category?
Saudi Arabia practices Sharia, which means they behead apostates and blasphemers, and commit all manner of barbaric acts as demanded by Sharia. In preparation for this comment, I went to JihadWatch and typed into the search box they have on the main page, "Sharia in Saudi Arabia". Many horrifying articles came up verifying what I have just stated about the practice of Sharia in Saudi Arabia.
Surely these acts are squarely against British values. Just because they are committed by the thugs in control of Saudi Arabia doesn't make them much different than the acts committed by the thugs on London Bridge. The outcome is the same - innocent lives lost in an act of barbarity.
If her statement can be broadened to include Saudi Arabia, then what are to be the repercussions of her statement? She is walking a very thin line. So now, Theresa May may have just implicated Saudi Arabia of practising "An ideology that is a perversion of Islam".
Either both cases - the attacks on London Bridge, and sharia in Saudi Arabia are just Islam, or both are a perversion of Islam. Which is it? I think David has already given us the answer.
Thanks David. Well done.
Its working again now, maybe it could have been my phone, thanks so much for the video, I live in the UK, have posted your video many times☺
I believe it is very sad that people in the west whether their religious or not, Christian or not, cannot understand how to read the Koran and I understand it's evil. The Koran is very clear and it's evil commands relative to the murder of nonbelievers and we establishment of an Islamic caliphate that wants to control the world as we know it.
Wake up people! You are all under attack!
Jim Hobson
They are afraid - in Europe - to pronounce the word "islamic" linked to "terrorism". It's bizarre, because it means denying what the terrorists claim to be, good muslims who kill in the name of Allah to pursue the advent of a great islamic state, where sharia is the unique law. The problem is complex: a big part of the so called "liberals" hates Israel and supports Palestinians (who, after being communist when USSR supported them, then embraced Islam). For this reasons they must be sympathetic towards all Islam, even though it contradicts all the principles they fight for: sexual liberty, LGBT rights, divorce, abortion, women's rights and so on.
I now have 4 different articles, from different authors, that say that Trump, is letting many more muslims into this country, and is not doing anything about it (can't or wont, either way, their coming in by the thousands, today).
It seems to me that my thoughts of how the future, and bible prophecy are coming together, just as I've thought about, for about a year now. I don't see anyone else putting 2 and 2 together.
As they (the muslims), are taking over all high positions in government(s), I can see Revelation 20:4, coming faster. Who else could do something that evil to all God believers?
Satan had a reason for activating/immigrating thousands of his followers, to all these many non-muslim countries. And as his time is short, there's a reason, and a purpose, for them to take over, so easily, these high positions of governments, around the world. Watch for more of this to happen, as these non-muslim leaders of these countries, give them what the want, (as their not following God anyway), and that is, total control of it's people, and then think...why is this happening? Who else could be in charge of the mark system, and the punishment for NOT taking the mark?
Read Revelation 20:4, and then you will know, the answer, to that, and to what's coming in the future, and why these thousands have come to take over, and make every country it's caliphate. It's prophecy.
There's nothing anyone can do to stop it now. All we can do now, is wait for the 7 year peace treaty between Israel, and Palestine, and that will bring on the 7 year Tribulation period, and the MARK of the beast! Christians should be prepared, because as God died for us, we shall die for him! There is only one God, and Allah is not it! But Allah will be the one that takes us to OUR God.
If anyone would like to see the 4 articles, I have about Trump bringing them in, I will happy to show them to you. I will also give the Rev 20:4 verse, on request.
It is true that President Trump suffered a setback with the ninth circuit court relative to the Muslim travel ban. It's also upsetting to me that the American people find the phrase Muslim not synonymous with sharia law in the Koran. Muslims are not Muslims if they don't believe in sharia law and the Koran. I hope that President Trump is not allowing Muslims from other countries to travel and sell here freely. I live in a small town in Wyoming and I think I can point to two possibly three Muslims that are working here.
I was disappointed in the previous administration we're a muslim head of the CIA, and quite a few Muslims in the executive branch. I don't believe those same Muslims are in position under the Trump administration but I certainly can't be wrong.
Unfortunately our Constitution does not allow this discrimination and religions but when it was written Islam wasn't a factor except for the first three presidents fighting Barbary pirates. If a constitutionalist written today I hope that there would be an Islamic ban as their religion and way of life does not work well in America.
Sharia Law is as fake a concoction used by the power-hungry 'wolves in sheeps clothing', as the Prophet is said to have warned ... WISELY (WISENED ABOUT THE CONCOCTION) Canada BANNED 'BY LAW' Sharia Law .... How in he llo can you have two laws in one country ... one law for you and one law for me - I don't want any law on me for that matter, "one" free spirit would say if Society is to go to the Dogs or err "wolves" ...
CHECK out the Raw TRUTH that Canadians wisened up to ...
Muslims are not achieving high places in the West cording to Jano above. The fact is the West is waking up Muslims will have less influence than they hoped. And Trump is not bringing more Muslims he is simply a victim of the movement in this one created by Obama. It will come to a screeching halt when the Supreme Court refused the travel ban. In addition , Those like myself are not hiring or dealing with Muslims in anyway possible. Why would you hire somebody that believes in a book, the Koran, that tells Muslims to kill the infidel. You can not trust Muslims at all. Anybody were to hire a Muslim is taking their life in their own hands unnecessarily.
The west it's been very slow to wake up to Islam and diseases but they're coming around . The eastern bloc in Europe is way ahead of the rest of Europe.
White people are the terrorists. You've terrorized America more than muslims did. Don't come at me saying there is no evidence, look it up. Also, the fact that you all have islamophobia is sad.
First they destroyed Mesopotamia 400 Years after P. Muhammed - i.e.Genghis Khan - The actual WOLVES in Sheep's Clothing - They then wiped out every men in the Middle East - from Oasis to Oasis - tentsted Nomadic Settlements by Settlements - little villages, towns ... THAT was all that was there in the desserts ... THEY BURNT ALL THE LIBRARIES THAT WERE COLLECTED FROM THE INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION ... THEY BURNED ANY and every "WRITTINGS" ON PAPYRUS, BARKS, TABLETS, ... and their "priests' wrote out a SCRIPT that is followed as the "BOOK" today ... they massacred all "men" ... The Middle East all the way to Nubia (Egypt to Sudan ...) - their PROGENY then and today became the "Arab" - and THAT is how they started the SLAVERY and SLAVE TRADE - aka "Nubian Slaves" - they DESTROYED Persia and the Zaroastrans ...their enslaved women from ALL across the Middle East, Egypt, Nubia, (all 'men' wiped out) enslaved 'sex girls' became mothers to all the progeny of TODAY that The Genghis Khan Priest-Shaman- 'created' Book says "By Stealth Live AMONG "pretense PEACEFULLY - have AS MANY CHILDREN AS POSSIBLE - Take Multiple Concubine 'wives' - multiply until YOU WILL TAKE OVER without their becoming AWARE - too late - same BOOK says Once you join My Genghis Khan's CLAN you never leave - Yes you can leave but as 'dead' (FAKED "Sharia LAW") - "MEN shall not FIGHT over spoils of War ("SLAVE SEX GIRLS and CONCUBINES - so they shall be enshrouded from ENVIOUS EYES - in BURKHA's - (used today as FAKE SHARIA LAW) - enslaved or born WOMEN can NEVER LEAVE the clan or join the "OTHER" side - and SO the 'HONOR KILLING' (FAKE SHARIA LAW) - ...
... continued
have AS MANY CHILDREN AS POSSIBLE - Take Multiple Concubine 'wives' - multiply until YOU WILL TAKE OVER without their becoming AWARE - too late - same BOOK says Once you join My Genghis Khan's CLAN you never leave - Yes you can leave but as 'dead' (FAKED "Sharia LAW") - "MEN shall not FIGHT over spoils of War ("SLAVE SEX GIRLS and CONCUBINES - so they shall be enshrouded from ENVIOUS EYES - in BURKHA's - (used today as FAKE SHARIA LAW) - enslaved or born WOMEN can NEVER LEAVE the clan or join the "OTHER" side - and SO the 'HONOR KILLING' (FAKE SHARIA LAW) -
Genghis Khan kept himself surrounded by 4,000 beautiful women - so that when DEATH CAME "He" would be seduced and enticed by them, distracted and spare him - During his Travels and also when they were moving his coffin when dead from any BATTLE, He -Genghis Khan instructed his CLAN KILL all that you see when taking me to my resting place - with HIS WOMEN to be buried with him to go to HEAVEN with him - SO CAME THE "JIHAD" that "you will GET Virgins in HEAVEN if you die "SUICIDING" (FAKE SHARIA LAW) - ALL they get suiciding is an ASSURED place with the DEVIL (because Genghis Khan was the Devil's creation from faeces)- So it is the HOT (metal-melting flaming and BURNING) virgins that are PROMISED - yes SURE ... they just don't know - THAT is why the DRIVE is always to KEEP THE GULLIBLE ILITERATE - TAUGHT BY 'HAMMERING' IN IN ARABIC (FAKE SHARIA LAW) NEVER let anyone get EDUCATED or FULLY KNOWLEDGEABLE - with a HUMBLE, CLEAN, PURE, GOD-SERVING -
NEVER HURTING OR KILLING - even an INSECT - GOD AND HIS CREATION "LOVING" "MIND" - instead of destroy - take over - convert - don't leave - die - etc - God gave and wants all to be HUMBLE and INDEPENDENT with "GOD" given intellect and freedom ALWAYS WILLING AND OPEN to debate GENTLE LIVING ... GOD is KIND NOT EVIL - that we see ... ALL HATED BY THE FAKE "SHARIA LAW" - the ONLY way to "PROTECT" the "Shaman's" SAY and "POWER" - SO SO SO CLEAR and YET the dumb question the 'rest of the world and NEVER their OWN" !!!!
Let us have one law for the Sudanese, The Somali's, The Russian, The Nigerians, The Trinidadians, The Americans, The Ukrainians, the Poles, The Indians, The Indonesians, The South African's, The Aborin's, the Ausi's, the Eskimo's ... WHY NOT !!!!!! ???????? ARE they JUST NOTHING ????
Sharia Law is as fake a concoction used by the power-hungry 'wolves in sheeps clothing', as the Prophet is said to have warned ... WISELY (WISENED ABOUT THE CONCOCTION) Canada BANNED 'BY LAW' Sharia Law .... How in he llo can you have two laws in one country ... one law for you and one law for me - I don't want any law on me for that matter, "one" free spirit would say if Society is to go to the Dogs or err "wolves" ...
CHECK out the Raw TRUTH that Canadians wisened up to ...
David apart from appearing on channel four documentaries, extremists here in UK know no boundaries.
Muslim FM station airs, 25 hours if Al Qaeda, apparently by mistake, calling for uprising.
Only stopped when 1 complaint made to ofcom.
Long live Mr. David wood. most of ur arguments are in english and hence wouldnt reach world wide audiences. pls try to get this in as many languages as u van, so that universal truth becomes universal.
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