The following video is a response to an episode of The Deen Show that featured Dr. Lawrence Brown. Dr. Brown alleges that Jesus was not identified by John the baptist as "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." According to Dr. Brown "lamb" is a mistranslation on the part of dishonest Christians. Is Dr. Brown telling the truth? Watch and find out.
Anthony Rogers,
You'll never gonna learn, and you'll end up dooming yourself to Hell. I wish not, but I am afraid that's your destination.
Here are links that will help you and your readers, by Allah Almighty's Will only, TO SEE THAT THE OT CLEARLY SPELLS OUT THAT Jesus will never die or get crucified:
Interestingly, Psalm 116:16 clearly references Jesus and his Mother, Mary. Peace be upon both of them. In Psalm 116:16, Jesus thanked GOD Almighty for saving him from all harm and death.
To simply put it for you and your reader:
1- Jesus was sentenced to death.
2- Jesus' enemies tried to kill him.
3- Jesus was saved.
4- The Old Testament spells it out clearly.
5- The Glorious Quran confirms it.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Thank you brother Dr. Lawrence Brown for educating us on the lies of the NT's translations. So after all, Jesus was originally called SERVANT OF GOD and not Lamb of GOD. Makes perfect sense, since he is the SLAVE OF ALLAH. After all, the Old Testament in COUNTLESS TIMES calls him ABD (slave) of GOD:
And GOD Almighty's HOLY NAME, not surprisingly, is ALLAH in the previous scriptures:
And the believers' titles before Islam, again not surprisingly, was MUSLIMS. This is found in Aramaic and Greek writings:
THANK YOU ALLAH ALMIGHTY FOR CREATING ME AND MAKING ME A MUSLIM!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU AS MANY TIMES AS I BREATHE in my entire life for making me your Servant and not be among those who are lost and cursed. Ameen.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Shirley he also has have a drinking problem...
I wonder what school provided him with his PHD.
Osama Abdallah:
Jesus was sentenced to death by crucifixion because He forgave people their sins,something which only God can do.The Jewish hierarchy knew exactly what Jesus meant throughout His ministry, when on numerous occasions, they tried to kill Jesus, which came to fruition when they demanded the death of Jesus under the jurisdiction of the Romans, which would have been crucifixion.
The fact that Jesus was indeed crucified is recounted throughout Non Christian sources, which as a scholar, you should be already well aware of.
No Jew wanting to keep his life would ever claim equality with God, which would indicate Jesus was either deluded, a liar or speaking the Truth.
According to your Islamic teachings, Jesus was a prophet, which would indicate He must have spoken the truth, and so as a Muslim you have a serious dilemma before you, which needs to be addressed.
Osama Abdallah -You are calling Jesus a liar! "Then He admonished the disciples not to tell anyone that He was the Christ. From that time on Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and that He must be killed and on the third day be raised to life. Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him. “Far be it from You, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to You!”… Matthew 16:20-22
"Then He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and that He must be killed and after three days rise again.: Mark 8:31
"The Son of Man must suffer many things." He said. "He must be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and He must be killed and on the third day be raised to life." Luke 9:22
All these debates from Muslim apologists, and the devout followers of Muhammad are still massacring people all over the world in the name of Allah... you know, the one that some people are so proud of.
Thanks for your good response to Osama, but one correction: Osama should never be confused for a scholar. That is almost as laughable as claiming: 1) Jesus did not die by crucifixion, a fact so well-attested that even secular scholars with an axe to grind do not doubt it; or 2) the claim that Psalm 116 predicts that Jesus would not die (contra Psalm 22; Isaiah 53; et alia); or 3) the claim that the OT only teaches that Jesus would be a servant of God (e.g. Isaiah 42:1) and not also God almighty (e.g. Isaiah 7:14, 9:6; Daniel 7:14ff., Malachi 3:1; Micah 5:2; etc.).
Osama has been so thoroughly answered on all these points that I am embarrassed for him to see him continue to make the same terrible claims and arguments over and over again. Osama said I am "never gonna learn," but when his case is as bad as this he should have no trouble understanding why I don't agree with him.
None of this is to say I don't love the old fella. He can be quite a curmudgeon on the internet spewing out threats of hell fire in the name of his false god, but in person he is an old softy (unless he is standing up, shaking his fist, and yelling at you during a debate when it isn't even his time to talk).
@Anthony Rogers,
The more you speak, the more you prove how irrelevant you are. Even in the link that you gave, that supposedly refutes me and embarrasses me, you spent 1 full hour salsa-dancing around my question to you about why Jesus said when he was asked about when the Day of Judgment will come:
So much for your Trinity and Jesus being our Creator.
@Charlie Timms,
You said:
"Jesus was sentenced to death by crucifixion because He forgave people their sins,something which only God can do.The Jewish hierarchy knew exactly what Jesus meant throughout His ministry, when on numerous occasions, they tried to kill Jesus, which came to fruition when they demanded the death of Jesus under the jurisdiction of the Romans, which would have been crucifixion."
The Jews killed many Prophets in the past. Jesus also told Jerusalem O YOU THAT KILLS THOSE SENT TO THEE. None of the Prophets claimed to be our Creator, and nor did Jesus either. You are taking huge leaps and in making the MIGHTY JESUS into our ALMIGHTY CREATOR. Please visit:
"The fact that Jesus was indeed crucified is recounted throughout Non Christian sources, which as a scholar, you should be already well aware of."
MY DEAR, BOTH THE OT AND THE QURAN DECLARE that Jesus never died. Your "historians", who came 50 to 200 years after Jesus, let alone they weren't eye witnesses, don't mean a thing. Their testimonies are as good as yours.
"No Jew wanting to keep his life would ever claim equality with God, which would indicate Jesus was either deluded, a liar or speaking the Truth."
Again, many Prophets were killed by the JEws, and none of them claimed to be GOD Almighty, and neither did JEsus either.
"According to your Islamic teachings, Jesus was a prophet, which would indicate He must have spoken the truth, and so as a Muslim you have a serious dilemma before you, which needs to be addressed."
According to Islam's teachings, Jesus is both a Prophet and the Messiah, and the awaited Messiah and Prophet to return to fight the anti-Christ and break the false cross that represents the man-made Trinity.
May Allah Almighty continue to open your heart and lead you and the reader to Islam :). Ameen.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Also Anthony Rogers, Psalm 22 destroys your crucifixion account, because Jesus in it at the end of the Chapter was saved from all harm and death:
Psalm 22:24 For He hath not despised, nor abominated, The affliction of the afflicted, Nor hath He hidden His face from him, And in his crying unto Him He heareth.
And again, *****Psalm 116:16 clearly references Jesus and his Mother, Mary. Peace be upon both of them. In Psalm 116:16, Jesus thanked GOD Almighty for saving him from all harm and death.
Visit the links above. Psalm 22 and others are not independent from the latter ones. Psalm 91 clearly spells out that GOD Almighty will send down the Angels to lift up JEsus from all harm and death. Even satan tried to use this DIVINE PROMISE TO TEMPT JESUS to jump off of the temple.
And in the Psalms 116-118, we see clearly that Jesus was not harmed nor killed, and he thanked GOD Almighty for it. And again, Psalm 116 even references JEsus and his Mother.
And Isaiah 53, Jesus' life will be PROLONGED (EXTENDED). So Jesus was sentenced to death, but his enemies couldn't kill him. He was saved by GOD Almighty. And his life was prolonged.
Visit the links that I gave in my first post above.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
Osama Abdullah:
"The Jews killed many Prophets in the past. Jesus also told Jerusalem O YOU THAT KILLS THOSE SENT TO THEE. None of the Prophets claimed to be our Creator, and nor did Jesus either. You are taking huge leaps and in making the MIGHTY JESUS into our ALMIGHTY CREATOR"
But you are ignoring an important fact when discussing the death of Jesus by crucifixion.
Jesus was put to death because He forgave people their sins, which only God can do, this was enough reason for the Jews to want Jesus dead, which they eventually achieved, under the jurisdiction of the Roman authorities.
If you want to claim otherwise, then you have a problem, either Jesus was deluded, He lied, or He spoke the Truth.
If Jesus was deluded or lied that would discount Him being a prophet of God in Islam, which leads to the conclusion He must have spoken the Truth.
Crucifixion was a most brutal death which the Romans used to great effect on those they perceived to be their enemy, they would certainly not let anyone live from it, as it would reflect badly on their authority, let alone a man who was heard to have said He would rise from the dead after three days, which is why Pilate had a guard put on the tomb,together with a stone to prevent anyone leaving or entering.
"Your "historians", who came 50 to 200 years after Jesus, let alone they weren't eye witnesses, don't mean a thing"
You could say the very same about your own historians who gave you the ahadiths,which came 200 hundred years after the appearance of Mohammed, but you are still obliged to hold them as authentic and reliable accounts of Mohammed's ways and example, which influence your theology to the present day.
btw There were no eye witnesses to Mohammed's "revelations" but you still believe them to be true.
It is evident from your reply that you don't know the difference between salsa-dancing around your point and tap-dancing all over your forehead. You can fulminate as much as you like and hope it will convince others, but I supplied the video evidence, so good luck with that.
As far as the OT's teaching on the death of the Messiah, thanks for admitting that the Psalms and the prophetic writings are of a piece and do not "stand alone," which means they are interrelated and harmonious. Thanks also for tacitly admitting the specific relevance of Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 to the overall question of what the prophets taught about the person and work of the Messiah.
You claimed that Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 both comport with your interpretation of Psalm 116, a passage you appealed to in an effort to say the OT predicts that the Messiah would not die. However, there are several problems with your appeal to all of these passages:
1) You provided no argument that Psalm 116 is to be taken as a Messianic Psalm. You simply assumed and asserted that to be the case. Paul quoted a portion of this Psalm in 2 Corinthians 4:13, but he applied it to himself and other gospel ministers and not to Jesus.
2) Even if we assume the Psalm is messianic, you did not demonstrate that the Psalmist teaches that the Messiah would never die; at best you only showed that He would be delivered from whatever particular calamity is in view in the Psalm. In fact, Jesus was delivered on numerous occasions during His public ministry precisely because His hour had not yet come (John 2:4, 7:30, 8:20, 13:1). If you take the Psalm to be Messianic, how do you know it is not speaking of the general course of His life, i.e. that God would deliver and preserve Him until the hour and method ordained for His death? In addition, as a Muslim, you believe that Jesus will die at some point, so you have to grant in principle that the Psalmist is not absolutely ruling out the death of the afflicted one, which you take to be the Messiah. But once you grant that point, as you are forced to do by your false book and Muhammad's lying traditions, you have no basis to say Psalm 116 does not allow for Jesus' death by crucifixion but does allow for the death of the Islamic Isa when he (supposedly) comes back to take his anger and frustration on pigs and crosses only to be whooped a short time later and succumb to death. If Psalm 116 allows for death in the latter case, on what non-arbitrary basis do you say it does not allow for death in the former case?
3. If Psalm 116 is a prediction of the Islamic Isa, why does the Psalmist use Yahweh no less than sixteen times as the particular, personal, covenant name of God rather than the name of Muhammad's putative deity which he picked up from the pagans?
4. Many of the same observations made above also apply to Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53. Make application where relevant.
5. Agreeing with you that Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 are Messianic, when these passages speak of God hearing Messiah's cry and answering Him and prolonging HIs days, they clearly have in view the Messiah's triumphant resurrection consequent upon His undergoing excruciating torment (Psalm 22:11-18), a torment that was to be unto death. Indeed, Isaiah 53 says that the Messiah would be oppressed, afflicted, chastened, scourged, stricken, smitten, led to the slaughter, pierced through, crushed, cut off out of the land of the living, and explicitly mentions His death. The glorious truth of the resurrection stands forth, then, when the Psalmist and the prophet Isaiah, after speaking of these gruesome realities, both go on to speak of the Messiah seeing the light of life, of the good pleasure of the Lord prospering in His hands, and of the nations coming to God on account of Him, and of all those who believe being freely forgiven and accepted as righteous on account of His atoning sacrifice and perfect life being reckoned to their account.
6. etc.
BTW, I can't believe you seriously praised Brown for educating you on John 1:29. In light of this, I have several questions for you:
1) Is "Lamb" a mistranslation of Ἀμνὸς?
2) Is Ἀμνὸς a mistranslation of טליא
3) Does טליא דאלהא only mean "servant of God" or was it also used in Galilean Aramaic to refer to a "child" and a "lamb"?
I have other questions depending on how you answer these questions.
@Osama: "Thank you brother Dr. Lawrence Brown for educating us on the lies of the NT's translations. So after all, Jesus was originally called SERVANT OF GOD and not Lamb of GOD. Makes perfect sense, since he is the SLAVE OF ALLAH. After all, the Old Testament in COUNTLESS TIMES calls him ABD (slave) of GOD:"
So in other words, you didn't actually watch the video that refutes this point and you just believe what you want to believe. Cover your ears and sing lalala. Very mature, but sadly typical of you.
You can't just pick and choose parts of the OT and NT to claim the Qouran is true and reject the others that don't follow what you want to believe without a good reason for doing so such as a bad source. Considering you pick out verses and reject others from the same source this isn't the case. Either Christianity is false and Islam is false, or Christianity is true and Islam is false. I pray you will one day come to this realization and question what the point is of using such false methodology to defend your beliefs. If what you are arguing for is false, there will be no paradise.
In John 8:58, Jesus says, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I Am" which he is invoking the personal name of God…. that is "I Am"… in Exodus 3:14. In John 8:59 the crowd prepared to throw stones at him.
Not only is Christ’s divinity obviously revealed in the Bible… but the Church Fathers were quite clear. It is also quite clear that he was crucified and rose from the dead on the third day.
Irenaeus (Who was taught by Polycarp… who in return was taught by the Apostle John):
"For the Church, although dispersed throughout the whole world even to the ends of the earth, has received from the apostles and from their disciples the faith in one God, Father Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth and sea and all that is in them; and in one Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who became flesh for our salvation; and in the Holy Spirit, who announced through the prophets the dispensations and the comings, and the birth from a Virgin, and the passion, and the resurrection from the dead, and the bodily ascension into heaven of the beloved Christ Jesus our Lord, and his coming from heaven in the glory of the Father to reestablish all things; and the raising up again of all flesh of all humanity, in order that to Jesus Christ our Lord and God and Savior and King, in accord with the approval of the invisible Father, every knee shall bend of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth . . . " (Against Heresies 1:10:1 [189 A.D.]).
“Nevertheless, what cannot be said of anyone else who ever lived, that he is himself in his own right God and Lord . . . may be seen by all who have attained to even a small portion of the truth" (ibid., 3:19:1).
Then there is Justin the Martyr discussing the Trinity...
Justin Martyr
"We will prove that we worship him reasonably; for we have learned that he is the Son of the true God himself, that he holds a second place, and the Spirit of prophecy a third. For this they accuse us of madness, saying that we attribute to a crucified man a place second to the unchangeable and eternal God, the Creator of all things; but they are ignorant of the mystery which lies therein" (First Apology 13:5–6 [151 A.D.]).
As far as Non-Christian sources speaking of Christ’s crucifixion… just look to Lucian of Samosata.
“The Christians, you know, worship a man to this day the distinguished personage who introduced their novel rites, and was crucified on that account…. You see, these misguided creatures start with the general conviction that they are immortal for all time, which explains the contempt of death and voluntary self-devotion which are so common among them; and then it was impressed on them by their original lawgiver that they are all brothers, from the moment that they are converted, and deny the gods of Greece, and worship the crucified sage, and live after his laws. All this they take quite on faith, with the result that they despise all worldly goods alike, regarding them merely as common property.’"
If "Allah" is the proper name for deity in the Bible then why did the Jews prohibit the pronunciation of the name "YHWH" on account of it being too sacred to utter? Why instead did they not prohibit the pronunciation of the name "Allah"?
Can Muslims name a single reputed Old Testament scholar or historian who has concluded that the Old Testament gives "Allah" as the proper name for God?
@Reg Singh,
Allah is the NAME of GOD Almighty. YHWH (YA HUWA) is a title that means "O (YE) WHO IS HE". But in the Bible, GOD is Allah . We've provided ample Biblical references on this in the links above.
@Charlie Timms,
"Jesus was put to death because He forgave people their sins, which only God can do, this was enough reason for the Jews to want Jesus dead, which they eventually achieved, under the jurisdiction of the Roman authorities."
My DEAR ONE, all Prophets had the authority to forgive sins when given the Permission by GOD Almighty. Jesus had to seek GOD Almighty's Permission for everything he did, from Miracles to Forgiving of sins:
John 11:41-42
41 …..Then Jesus looked up and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42 I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.”
Jesus was absolutely powerless without GOD Almighty's KITAAB (BOOK) as the HOly Quran Calls it. Many Mighty Beings were given BOOKS BY ALLAH ALMIGHTY to enable them to have certain powers and to perform certain Miracles:
Again my dear one, you and taking infinitely long leaps when making the MIGHTY JESUS become THE ALMIGHTY GOD ALMIGHTY.
As to Prophet Muhammad and his witnesses, all early Muslims were his witnesses. And the GOD Almighty is the ULTIMATE WITNESS through the Miraculous Glorious Quran that He sent to the Prophet, peace be upon him. Allah Almighty put Miracles in the Holy Book that were made specifically for the people of the Book and the Muslims:
@Anthony Rogers,
LOL, I love you too :).
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
I've asked Osama before for his methodology on how he chooses which verses he points to as "true" and which he rejects as false, besides agreeing or disagreeing with the Quoran.
He hasn't answered, and it seems insists on pretending I'm not even here! I guess I've been reduced to persona non grata to Osama. :(
"LOL, I love you too :)."
Nope, he's not going to answer Anothony's questions that put into question Osama's arguments, because "lalala I can't hear you."
You completely aborted any attempt to answer what I said, but that is okay since I didn't expect anything of substance anyway.
Now let's look at your recent statements made in response to others.
You said the following to Red Singh: "Allah is the NAME of GOD Almighty. YHWH (YA HUWA) is a title that means "O (YE) WHO IS HE". But in the Bible, God is Allah. We've provided amble Biblical references on this in the links above."
First, you provided no source for the claim that Yahweh is merely a title in the Hebrew Scriptures rather than a proper name. And, in fact, your unargued claim contradicts what is explicitly stated in Exodus 3:15: "God, furthermore, said to Moses, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is My name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations." Similarly, in Hosea 12:5, the prophet writes: "Yahweh, the God of hosts, Yahweh is His memorial name..."
Second, you provided no source for the claim that this (alleged) title means "O (YE) WHO IS HE". This confusing jumble of words comes from no competent lexical source or any other standard reference work on the Hebrew language. The name Yahweh is derived from the verb ehyeh, "I AM," and is a PROPER NOUN that means "He who is." [q.v. T. Desmond Alexander, From Paradise to the Promised Land: An Introduction to the Pentateuch (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, 2012), p. 191.]
Third, you claimed that Allah is the proper name of God in the Bible. However, Elohim, which you claim is the Hebrew equivalent of Allah, is a generic noun in the Bible. It can be used of false gods and the true God, etc. In addition, Elohim is a plural noun, though used with singular verbs when used for Yahweh, the one true God. If you think the two terms are equivalent, do you grant that Allah can be pluralized? If Allah can be made a plural, then how is it a proper name?
As you think over these points and prepare to ignore them (like all of the points I made in the previous two posts) or give a reply that lacks substance, I leave you with this quote from Zakir Naik:
"The Muslims prefer calling the Supreme Creator, Allah, instead of by the English word ‘God’. The Arabic word, ‘Allah’, is pure and unique, unlike the English word ‘God’, which can be played around with.
If you add ‘s’ to the word God, it becomes ‘Gods’, that is the plural of God. Allah is one and singular, there is no plural of Allah. If you add ‘dess’ to the word God, it becomes ‘Goddess’ that is a female God. There is nothing like male Allah or female Allah. Allah has no gender. If you add the word ‘father’ to ‘God’ it becomes ‘God-father’. God-father means someone who is a guardian. There is no word like ‘Allah-Abba’ or ‘Allah-father’. If you add the word ‘mother’ to ‘God’, it becomes ‘God-mother’. There is nothing like ‘Allah-Ammi’, or ‘Allah-mother’ in Islam. Allah is a unique word. If you prefix tin before the word God, it becomes tin-God i.e., fake God. Allah is a unique word, which does not conjure up any mental picture nor can it be played around with. Therefore the Muslims prefer using the Arabic word ‘Allah’ for the Almighty." (Zakir Naik, Concept of God in Islam)
You said: "Jesus was absolutely powerless without GOD Almighty's KITAAB (BOOK) as the HOly Quran Calls it. Many Mighty Beings were given BOOKS BY ALLAH ALMIGHTY to enable them to have certain powers and to perform certain Miracles"
The gibberish above is plain old hocus pocus. This kind of magical approach to the world might well be how your fellow pagan followers of Muhammad understand things, but the idea that Jesus received a book that gave him powers has nothing to do with the Bible. I think you have been watching too many TV shows like Charmed and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Strike that. You've been reading Muhammad's magic book. (By the way, if you are interested, I have some magic beans for sale as well as a goose that lays golden eggs.)
In addition to Anthony Rogers comment, consider the following:
Exodus 15:3 "YHWH is a warrior; YHWH is His name.”
Psalms 83:18 That they may know that You alone, whose name is YHWH. Are the Most High over all the earth.
Isaiah 42:8 "I am YHWH that is My name; I will not give My glory to another, Nor My praise to graven images.
Jeremiah 33:2 "Thus says YHWH who made {the earth,} YHWH who formed it to establish it, YHWH is His name,
And there are many more verses in the OT that clearly identify YHWH as the NAME of God.
According to the Jewish Encyclopedia: "Of the names of God in the Old Testament, that which occurs most frequently (6,823 times) is the so-called Tetragrammaton, Yhwh (), the distinctive personal name of the God of Israel."
According to the British Encyclopedia: "Yahweh, the god of the Israelites, whose name was revealed to Moses as four Hebrew consonants (YHWH) called the tetragrammaton.:"
“Strictly speaking, Yahweh is the only ‘name’ of God. In Genesis wherever the word sem (‘name’) is associated with the divine being that name is Yahweh. When Abraham or Isaac built an altar ‘he called on the name of Yahweh’ (Gen.12:8, 13:4, 26:25).
“In particular, Yahweh was the God of the Patriarchs, and we read of ‘Yahweh the God (Elohim) of Abraham’ and then of Isaac and finally ‘Yahweh, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,’ concerning which Elohim says , ‘this is my name for ever’ (Exo.3:15). Yahweh, therefore, in contrast to Elohim, is a PROPER NOUN, the name of a Person, though that Person is divine. (New Dictionary of the Bible p.478).
And it was only with regards to the name YHWH that the third commandment says “You shall not misuse the name of YHWH your God, for YHWH will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name. Exodus 20:3.
If Allah is God's greatest name and is given as such in the Bible then why does the Third Commandment warn against the misuse of "YHWH" and not "Allah"?
Search as I may I cannot find any credible evidence that YHWH is given in the Bible only as a title and not as a name. Neither can I find any evidence from independent scholars that Allah is given in the Bible as a proper name for God.
So can Muslims quote a single INDEPENDENT scholar who believes that YHWH in the OT is never given as a proper name for God but only as a title?
Can Muslims cite a single Independent scholar who believes that the OT gives Allah as a proper name for God?
Nearly all Old Testament scholars fall into the following categories: Jewish, Christian and Independent. The vast majority of these scholars are Independent.
Osama Abdallah:
Did the Jews kill Jesus?
@Osama Abdallah
are you going to answer the questions put forth or are you going to ignore them as you usually do just to pop up on another page posting links to your website ?
@Osama Abdallah
Jesus never died.
He rested for 3 days in the cave, which was his so-called "tomb", which was above the ground and was not a grave, nor a coffin. It was an open cave, and he rested on the floor in it. He was healed and massaged with medicine. And ultimately, he un-wound his winding sheets, and exited the cave in his original physical body alive. This is how he "ROSE" from the so-called "dead". He never actually died. He's always been physically alive and receiving massaging, and medical treatment, during those three days, according to the New Testament's accounts itself. The problem with the Bible is that it LOOSELY uses words and terms such as God, Son, Rise from the Dead, Death, etc... The following debate explains all of this in great details from the Bible, and proves that Jesus never died"
Your case for the non crucifixion of Jesus rests on this explanation from answeringchristianity,which proves its total ignorance of the Jewish customary practices of dealing with their dead at this time in history. It was customary to anoint the dead body with spices and ointment signifying deep respect and honour for the person. Which is exactly what happened in the case of Jesus, He had been executed in a way that could not possibly allow for any other conclusion but death, the Romans reputation hung on their ability to crush any dissent, by using a most effective way of killing a person.
Do you really think that they would allow anyone to live from this brutal death, their reputation would be destroyed if they did?
Pilate even ordered a heavy stone to be placed against the tomb,
to make sure Jesus did not do what He said He would do, which is rise from death,but the stone was rolled away when His disciples came to the tomb to anoint His body, when He was seen and spoken with by numerous people who recorded what He said.
Washing and Anointing
In both ancient and modern Jewish practice, the body is ritually washed (in a process called tohorah) after death before being wrapped in a shroud. The practice of anointing varies over time and location, but in ancient tradition, the body was also anointed with oils and sometimes wrapped with aromatic herbs such as olive, laurel, palm and cypress to help fight the effects of the rapid decomposition that occurred in the Mediterranean heat
In the ancient world, Jewish burial typically took place in stone tombs. According to tradition, Abraham buried Sarah in a cave (Genesis 23), but later tombs were cut from the rock specifically for burial purposes. Additionally, in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus references "whitewashed tombs," suggesting that burial buildings were also used at the time. The dead might also be placed on stone shelves called loculi cut into the rock walls of underground burial chambers such as hypogea and catacombs. Coffins were occasionally used in the ancient world (Genesis 50:26) and modern Jewish tradition regarding coffins varies from country to country. For example, while Western countries generally use coffins, Eastern countries and Israel do not.
Late to the party but here is my thoughts.
Osama said "MY DEAR, BOTH THE OT AND THE QURAN DECLARE that Jesus never died. Your "historians", who came 50 to 200 years after Jesus, let alone they weren't eye witnesses, don't mean a thing. Their testimonies are as good as yours."
Would this also apply to Muhammad who came nearly 600 years after Jesus and was not an eye witness let alone having achess to the new testament? Apply the same standards and this silly argument from Osama goes away.I would say Muhammads words about Jesus in the Quran don't mean a thing and his testimony is as good as anyone's right?
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