Friday, July 22, 2016

President Obama and the Munich Mall Massacre

President Obama once again downplays the escalating terrorist attacks right before a terrorist attack.


Unknown said...

History will judge President Obama and his European team for failure to protect hundreds of European and American blood for the sake of Muslims interest. They got people’s mandate to protect life of their citizen, but they protect lives of Muslims refugees who came to destroy the country. Because of their faulty policy, Muslims are encouraged to believe that their Allah is helping them to kill Kafir. General Muslims do not feel sorry because of their evil Quran, our lives are now in dangers. These proudness of Muslims makes more lone wolf to be future killer in Europe and America. Donald Trump would be right person to bring back America and Muslims world on track for peace and security of life. America First.

Unknown said...

He was shouting allah hu akbar while shooting (according to the mirror) most Western press down play it as something nothing to do with religion. What a coward.

Keith said...

I do not seriously give two hoots about what Obama says any more. It's just the same rhetoric and useless drivel from him. To be fair, the same can be said for most Western world leaders.

Unknown said...

Here's some advice to terrorists out there : why not change your IED's to become voice activated --- 3 X Allah Hu Akbars and KABOOM...... the password to deactivate is "3 X Paedo Prophet "