Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Moderate Muslim Osama Siblani Declares: "Pamela Geller Is Worse Than ISIS"

Osama Siblani
Let's compare ISIS and Pamela Geller.

ISIS rapes female captives, burns people alive, beheads journalists and aid workers, destroys ancient artifacts, blows up mosques and churches, and wants to subjugate the entire world.

Pamela Geller hosted a cartoon contest.

Which is worse? According to moderate Muslim Osama Siblani (publisher of "The Arab American News"), Pamela is worse.

How moderate are the moderates if they view drawing cartoons as a more heinous crime than burning people alive?

Welcome to the religion of peace.

(BTW, the man sitting beside Siblani is Robert Muise, the lawyer who defended us for free after we were arrested in Dearborn for having a peaceful discussion.)


nacanacazo said...

David Wood said:

"BTW, the man sitting beside Siblani is Robert Muise, the lawyer who defended us for free after we were arrested in Dearborn for having a peaceful discussion."

You were having a "peaceful" discussion??? Well then you're worse than Pamela Geller and ISIS combined....

/sarc off

TAREK said...

Hello Dr. David!
Mr. Osama Siblani said the truth in this video. I quote "Geller is drawing muderers". I unquote. For sure he said the truth and I call it Accidental Honesty. Pamela Geller and the rest were drawing the MUDERER (Mohammad). He compared and condemned ISIS as well as Pamela Geller. Thus I'd gladly say He has just condemned Muhammad the inventor of islam. Waooo a Fatwa will come against him soon. A new postate.