Wednesday, May 6, 2015

CNN Promotes Sharia Blasphemy Laws

Following the recent shooting at a Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, media attention has once again focused on Islam and the First Amendment. In a discussion with Pamela Geller, CNN news anchor Alisyn Camerota noted the "fine line" between free speech and provocative speech. She went on to say that there should be a debate about the line between free speech and provocative speech. Apparently, CNN agrees with proponents of Sharia that criticizing Islam is beyond the scope of free speech (despite Camerota's claims to the contrary).


Unknown said...

If Muslims’ holy book Quran provokes its followers to kill Christians and Jews or force them unjustly to pay taxes for their life security, it violets any law of civilization. Non-Muslims have right to express their anger by cartoon to protest against illegal teaching.

As a rule of thumb, Quran must be banned to stop anger of victims of Quran. How much more innocent blood does News Media need to be aware to fight against criminal? Can CNN say Quran have right to preach as religion to kill non-believers? Muslims must respect non-Muslims as their neighbor whether they believe good neighborhood or not. They must be civilized. Period.

Unknown said...

I watched this and I could not believe how deliberately offensive and proactive Alisyn Camerota was during the video. Doesn't she know her showing her face is deliberately offending millions of Muslims? I bet she eats food during Ramadan, and drinks Alcohol and eats PORK (gasp).

MeSi said...

Nice job!

Unknown said...

I'm glad to see that you get what the issues involved are. I've been really surprised that it's not just the liberal media that have been attacking Pamela and the Cartoon event but even many Christian leaders. If it hadn't have been for the event the jihadists that were killed could easily have struck an unarmed target such as happened in the Lindt siege in Australia. It's not cartoon events that incite violence - it's the violent teachings of Islam that incite violence.

Unknown said...

This interview was really good

Unknown said...

hi david i watched alot of ur debates and nabeel and mike and sam,all wonderful. but i have often wondered if you or any of the other men knew of the written letters back and forth between herod and pilate and ceasar on jesus on his death and resurrection and miracles? and if u all know of them why arent they ever referred to in ur debates? thankyou,, patricia torres

Semper Reformanda said...

This has probably been answered on this blog before, but where does the prohibition on images of Muhammad come from? As far as I know, it's not in the Quran...

Red Bee said...

The fine line debate?

The line has already been defined long ago. It is where a victim of "free speech" can prove in open court he/she suffered real personal damage: for instance financial loss, reputation damage, psychological pain (in the case of a bullied child and responsible adults failed to intervene for example) etc.
This "free speech" is called slander if i am not mistaken and is a punishable offence.

In the case of muslims being offended by free speech from Pamala Geller, Robert Spencer, David Wood and many others the psycho-pain is real as i explain on my website . However i dare our muslim, CAIR, jihading friends to call me as an expert witness in open court (a court in the still free world of course). I testify the pain is real and provide the court with arguments.

I don't think they will dare to do that because they fear my testimony might backfire. Who conditioned children, using innate fear reflexes like the fear of abandonment, in the first place?

I must admit the jihadist tactics are working. I am scared and hide behind my warlike shield .

However when the possible gain is worth the risk i will stick my neck out (pardon my dutch).

Greetings from the netherlands,

I Iat

Unknown said...

Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer are dedicated to bringing public attention to the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern world and to correcting popular misconceptions about the role of the Islamic religion in modern-day conflicts. By shedding as much light as possible on these matters, they hope to alert people of good will to the true nature of the present global conflict. Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of violent jihad is a constant of Islamic history and a central element of Islamic theology.

Liberals and progressives please educate yourself concerning the Holy Land Trials by scrolling down to page 21 section 4 in You may want to save it for future reading!

Anonymous said...

a muslim painter in India, M.F Hussain painted nude pictures of hindu Godesses. hindu groups did complain but bloddy muslim politicians and supporters like this woman let him have his way. he lived a dignified n glorious life. oh i think the muslims are more angry bcz he drew a small genital on prophet or forgot to paint blood of million virgins that they are so proud to rape.