Reuters-A prominent Saudi Arabian cleric has whipped up controversy by issuing a religious ruling forbidding the building of snowmen, described them as anti-Islamic.
Asked on a religious website if it was permissible for fathers to build snowmen for their children after a snowstorm in the country's north, Sheikh Mohammed Saleh al-Munajjid replied: "It is not permitted to make a statue out of snow, even by way of play and fun."
Quoting from Muslim scholars, Sheikh Munajjid argued that to build a snowman was to create an image of a human being, an action considered sinful under the kingdom's strict interpretation of Sunni Islam.
"God has given people space to make whatever they want which does not have a soul, including trees, ships, fruits, buildings and so on," he wrote in his ruling. (Continue Reading.)
Monday, January 26, 2015
Saudi Cleric Issues Fatwa against Snowmen
Sheikh Mohammed Saleh al-Munajjid has issued a fatwa against building snowmen. Anyone here ever been tempted to worship a snowman? Me neither.
I guess poor Frosty the snowman will never know the joys of Islam .....
The real reason for this fatwa is that the village cleric exposed the devilish plot of the Illuminati to overthrow the Saudi government using Zionist backed snowmen! o.O
Je suis Frosty
The more imbecilic fatwas issued by these crazed cleric the more people realize that Islam is a joke!
These Saudi Clerics keep getting dumber and dumber..Who doesn't love Frosty the Snowman. I say he needs a few good snow balls thrown at him. Geesh!
True Muslims are cold hearted, have no fun in their mind for creation. A child grows by no fun in creation, become when grown up nothing but a terrorist. Muslims are also forbidden to listen music, radio, TV, or even cinema. They are also forbidden to take picture. A true quranic value makes a Muslim heartless creature. All Jihadists are heartless. Only enjoyment they find seeing blood coming out of a slaughter man, and killing people by the name of Allah-Hu-Akbar. Osama Abdallah still defends Islam as code of life and religion of peace.
First they went after Mickey Mouse and now Frosty!
Mickey Mouse
In Islamic countries they say the cartoon "Pikachu" means "be a Jew"
What is next?
Woody Woodpicker!
So I shouldn't make the puppet mohamad, stuffing be inside him?
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