Paris—The mother had her suspicions before her 16-year-old son fled from the southeastern French city of Nice to Syria.To understand why so many converts to Islam decide to wage jihad, watch this:
Her son was Christian and popular and liked football and making wood sculptures. But she had seen him change, converting to Islam and falling under the influence of an extremist neighbor, refusing to eat with the family and isolating himself in his room.
Still, the mother of four said, “I didn’t know he was going to leave.”
She has sued the French government over what happened next: Bryan (a pseudonym used in court papers) said he was going to a sleepover, but instead, accompanied by some friends, he went to an airport and boarded a flight to Turkey using his national identification card, eventually making his way to Syria.
“How could they let him leave for Turkey with his ID card? They should have called me,” said the woman, who asked to be identified only by her first name, Nadine, 39, because of the pending court case.
Nadine said when her son didn’t return the morning after the sleepover, she spoke with neighbors who told her where the youths had gone. She said she contacted police, but they did not take her complaint seriously.
“They listened but I had the impression that they were not really listening,” she said.
Three years ago, an administrative change by the government allowed youths with valid identification to leave the country without a parent’s permission. Since then, dozens of youths have left for Syria via Turkey. (Continue Reading.)
Monday, January 26, 2015
Peaceful French Teenager Converts to Islam, Heads to Syria to Wage Jihad
When I criticize Islam, people call me a racist, Islamophobic, hate-mongering bigot. But let's be honest here. This teenager just threw his life away by joining the jihad after converting to Islam. Would it really have been "hateful" for someone to tell him the truth about Islam before he converted? Instead, politicians and the media praise Islam and block all open, honest discussion of Muhammad and the Qur'an. This special treatment for Islam leads to conversions, and these conversions produce more jihadists.
Converts to Islam,
1) There are general taboo believe among Muslims that all Muslims are Allah’s puppet, and they do good or bad jobs what their Allah force them to do like puppets. This believe, resonates from the believe Osama Abdallah explained in previous posting with Heaven and Hell Allah’s body incarnates in human mind. So a robber or bin Laden who killed 3 thousands WTC in NYC perform by the will of Muslims’ Allah.
2) Osama Abdallah and all Jihadists including French Teenager Muslim convert believe that by killing a non-Muslims, they can earn about 2 thousands credit from Allah to forgive their sins they committed with Hell body came from Allah. Osama can give us detail about credit system a Muslim earn by performing each Islamic rituals such as 5 times prayer in a day, fasting etc.
3) Allah will remember them those, who kill non-Muslims, thousands time more than those who perform only 5 pillars of Islam, such as Fasting (Roza), Namaj (prayer), Hajj etc.
4) Because of this believe Muslims Prophet Muhammad repeated several time in Quran chapter 9:29 it says “Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.
5) Sahih al-Bukhari 2797 Narrated Abu Hurairah: The Prophet said, . . . "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is! I would love to be martyred in Allah's Cause and then come back to life and then get martyred, and then come back to life again and then get martyred and then come back to life again and then get martyred."
With all these hatred and false preaching by Quran against non-Muslims, generation after generation since 6th centuries, young and adult minds, like Osama, have been trapped with these poisonous preaching and exploded now fighting with civilization. Until God’s punishment come by meteoroid shower on earth as happened in Sodom and Gomorrah in the biblical period or by WW-II; nothing would come up from Islam like Industry Revolution that would Renaissance Islam for benefit of mankind.
Thank you David and your team, bringing truth to media, to truth seeking Muslims like Osama Abdallah and to all those teenage jihadists, who believed Quran as true not testing its validity and unknowingly fighting for the will of DEVILS.
Come Lord Jesus and redeem us!
There are two sides to the sword with such stories. And I think I'm getting a little tired of the fact that Muslim apologists are still trying to prep up Islam.
1. If we Christians are a bit more serious with our faith, then such cases would happen less. We should all be trained to be apologists in our own right, to know why we believe, instead of just following mum and dad to church every Sunday and that's it. This teenager probably didn't even know much about Christianity, and I suspect, neither do his parents. Jay Smith mentioned in a video that the average Christian came across as "timid, shy, knows little, and can defend little" about his own faith. This has to change.
2. David is right. Defending Christianity is one. Telling the truth about Islam is the other. I feel sorry for people who convert to Islam. I REALLY, sincerely do.
You are the best David!
And how could a 16-year old minor flee France and end up in Syria? Why couldn't this be another hoax like the many out there?
And @Nojuml HUda, don't lie on my mouth:
"This believe, resonates from the believe Osama Abdallah explained in previous posting with Heaven and Hell Allah’s body incarnates in human mind."
No one can picture Allah Almighty, and there are "None like Unto Him". I already said this many times already.
It's amazing how with this digital age people still boldly lie on others. Imagine the many lies that were made up in your scriptures about Jesus' stories. And these scriptures were invented many many decades after Jesus' departure.
Think about that.
Osama Abdallah
"And these scriptures were invented many many decades after Jesus' departure."
Quran fits into this statement 100%
It has lot of stories about Isa, from gnostic gospels. Even the name they could not get it right. pathetic. The all knowing allah could not get whose daughter Mary was.
That is why it is very important to have education about Islam , and by that I don't mean the information that is coming from general media but from Mr. Wood and friends.
The blood of those getting deceived by Islam and the victims of Islam are on the mouth and hands of liberal Media.
We can play that game too Osama: With Uthman producing an official edition and burning quranic manuscripts, we can no longer trust it as a reliable source to what mohammed said. And as for the numerous hadith, well they are just make believe stories that sprang up centuries after mohammed died.
The same liberal scholars who deny the existence of God, the supernatural, or God speaking to humanity, would easily write the quran off as a man made fiction.
Osama can disagree until the cows come home, but it is just fact that his liberal champions would do so.
“And @Nojuml HUda, don't lie..”.- Osama Abdallah
@Osama Abdallah,
[Iblees] said, "By your might, I will surely mislead them all- Quran 38.82,
This surah proves that by your Allah’s might Osama bin Laden and all IS, Taliban, Bokoharam and defender of Islam like you, energized by “Allah-Hu-Akbar” to kill innocent people and to mislead people about words of God in the Bible. Above surah justified strength of Jihadists comes from their Allah. Whereas Judeo-Christian God is Holy and righteous, no evil works comes from spirit of God.
“Imagine the many lies that were made up in your scriptures about Jesus' stories. And these scriptures were invented many many decades after Jesus' departure.”- Osama Abdallah
Q#1) Do Quran have original copy of the Bible to prove that Bible at the time of Muhammad was corrupted? It is Muhammad who lied about Christians to misled his followers. No Christian believes Mother of Jesus is part of Holy Trinity, whereas Quran lied about Christian’s believe. Quran, one time tells Muslims to read and follow books of Christian and Jews and but how in the world, in another time it says it is corrupted, unless Quran lied. Allah must have original copy in his library Q#2) why does he not sent another copy to Muslim to prove once for all, who lied?
Q#3) Why did Allah never talk with Muhammad in presence of witness? God Almighty always revealed truths publicly. Because God is light, nothing to be hidden. Examples: A) Jesus’ birth was spread publicly 1st by angels to a group of shepherds who were working at night at that time. But on the contrary, Quran’s surah came to Muhammad privately. It is not trustworthy, nobody believes he said/she said statement, only Muslims do. B) While Jesus was baptized, John the Baptist and other people heard of God’s voice and witnessed Holy Spirit came unto Jesus as dove. C) People saw bush burning while God was talking with Moses on the Mount Sinai. D) Jesus took Peter, James and John while He was transfigured (Matthew 17) and talked with Moses and Elijah on the mountain. But Muhammad took none in his night journey (Isra and Mir’aj) Mecca to Jerusalem and later met Moses in seven Heavens. Q#4) Why didn’t he take any witness while going to Jerusalem from Mecca, Osama? Q#5) Osama, did you justify all these black holes in Quran before you believed Quran as book from Allah?
Because Quran lied to you and you lied to the world. Muhammad confused Muslims by misinterpretation of Holy Trinity and put Muslims into jeopardy about their eternal life rejecting God’s salvation for mankind thru Jesus’ sacrifice at the cross. Everybody knows that one can save lives of other by sacrifice of one’s life, not by taking others life by sword as Muhammad commanded. There is no enmity in between you and me Osama. It is God who will judge at the final game of life in this world. It is up to you Osama, to believe the truth or live in a cave of darkness like bats. Good luck!
"We can play that game too Osama: With Uthman producing an official edition and burning quranic manuscripts, we can no longer trust it as a reliable source to what mohammed said. And as for the numerous hadith, well they are just make believe stories that sprang up centuries after mohammed died.
The same liberal scholars who deny the existence of God, the supernatural, or God speaking to humanity, would easily write the quran off as a man made fiction.
Osama can disagree until the cows come home, but it is just fact that his liberal champions would do so."
EXELLENT POINT DAVID, and here is my response to it:
1- The Proven Numerical and Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran testify to the Miracle of the Text of the Book.
2- Please visit the following link to see how the very Text of the Quran is a Divine Miracle in Its COMPLEXT Writing and its Numerical Values:
In fact, this is the very Miracle that Allah Almighty Said in the Glorious Quran that will prove to the people of the Book that It is indeed a Divine Book from GOD Almighty.
Also, the Bible predicted the COMING OF THE BOOK FROM ARABIA in Isaiah and other books and many passages. Visit:
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
So David,
Uthman's Manuscripts as we call it, which is basically THE OFFICIAL COPY OF THE GLORIOUS QURAN that as compiled by the Quran Scholar Committee is indeed proven to be the original Quran that was perfectly preserved, AS ALLAH ALMIGHTY ALSO PROMISED TO PRESERVE THE HOLY QURAN FROM CORRUPTION:
Take care,
Osama Abdallah
@WIKI's Page
You are 100% right. What is meaning of 'Isa' anyway?
Jesus real name is Yeshua and it means 'God is salvation'.
If God is author of Quran, then how He can forget Jesus real name?
He was never peaceful child. Not decent child will dream joining what is evil.
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