Thursday, January 22, 2015

Pope Francis Condemns Muhammad!

Following the recent Charlie Hebdo Massacre in Paris, Pope Francis condemned Muhammad ... without even realizing it. According to Pope Francis, it is wrong and immoral to insult another person's religion. Yet history shows that Muhammad and his companions regularly insulted other people's religion. Hence, the Pope has declared that Muhammad and his companions were immoral!


Osama Abdallah said...

David Wood,

You know well that this is a bunch of nonsense, and applies to Jesus and Just about most of the Prophets in the Bible.

Anyway, when would you like to do our next set of debates? I can do up to 4 to 6 debates on a weekend. The topics that I would like to choose from are:

1- Is the Quran a Scientific Miracle?

2- Was Muhammad a true Prophet?

3- Is Taqiyyah (permission for the Believer to not tell the Truth at certain situations) Biblical?

4- What does the Quran say about the Bible?

5- Was Muhammad prophesied in the Bible?

6- Was Muhammad a pedophile ACCORDING TO the Bible? Notice here that the evaluation has to be Biblical.

Since so much noise has been made by the anti-Islamics on some of these topics, then I would like to pop some balloons and put them to rest.

So, please speak with your debaters and let me know how many you guys can do this. I am open to all debaters. No exceptions. I can also do all 6 in one weekend insha'Allah, especially if the weekend was a long one (Monday off). But even if Monday was a working day, I can still do up to 6, Insha'Allah.

Please give me 6 weeks notice to prepare for all of them, and to also book for flight and hotel and car rental.

The formats can be as follows for most of them. Please feel free to suggest yours:

1- 20 minutes opening statement.
2- 10 minutes rebuttal.
3- 20 minutes cross fire.
4- 10 minutes QAs.

Also David, it is a must for me to be able to play video clips like our last debates. I have more clips that I would like to play :). Insha'Allah.

I look forward to your response.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

akairey said...

excellent Video Dr. Wood!
I'd like to get in contact with you to learn more about the apologetics you learned? I recently watched all 3 video of the Legacy Conference of 2013 presented by Sam and yourself! Excellent!

David said...

As debate topics 1, 2, and 5 have been convincingly dealt with, topic 3 might be academically interesting.

And what's with the need to play video clips in a debate?

Andy said...

I'd like to hear the debate where Allah starts a false religion by deceiving people to think Judas was crucified in Jesus' place.

Unknown said...

@ All good Muslims and Osama Abdallah,
Where were you when good Muslims of Niger burnt Churches and killed 10 more innocent lives, besides 12 journalists as well as 4 Jews in Paris for Charlie Hebdo? There were no peaceful marches by Muslims anywhere in the world for burning Churches and killing innocents. Everybody knows that by keeping silent Muslims expressed their solidarity with criminals.

Where are these peaceful Muslims in America including Osama Abdallah and around the world, why don’t they shout loudly before Jihadists kill two Japanese journalists for ransom of $200 million before time expire? Don’t you have any heart, Osama?

Muslims are playing with fire keeping silent and pushing 6 billion non-Muslims against the wall where there will be no point of return but to fight back against entire Islam. Japan’s involvement and Pope’s statement are sighs for greater conflict unless Muslims take initiative to reform by themselves.

Osama’s defending Quran as a scientific book and Muhammad as prophet are nothing but to glory to Evil and blasphemy to God the Almighty as Righteous and Merciful. Thousands of innocent bloods have been shed because of criminal teaching of Quran, still Osama defend Quran as scientific book.

In Old Testament God commanded thru Moses to kill unholy people by holy people of God. Are those criminal who killed thousands innocent people by the name of Allah-Hu-Agbar holy, innocent?? Shame on you, Osama! Surely you will be burnt in hell fire unless you make a U-turn and follow path of Jesus Christ. May God help you lighting your inner light!

It is sad that President Obama openly certify Islam as peaceful religion, whereas no peaceful action shown by majority Muslims.

Osama Abdallah said...

Two additional topics:

Was Jesus the Creator of the Universe?

2- Did Jesus die and resurrect according to the Bible?

I can prove from the Bible that Jesus didn't die nor resurrected from death according to the Bible.

Feel free to choose your topics, David, and let me know.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Dacritic said...

You're right Nojmul. The person I don't understand most is Obama. The guy who claims to be a Christian but is not doing anything to prove he is one. Someone who tells the truth about Islam like Donald Trump, that's who we need as the next POTUS.

Osama Abdallah said...

"As debate topics 1, 2, and 5 have been convincingly dealt with, topic 3 might be academically interesting.

And what's with the need to play video clips in a debate?"

You might be right regarding topics 2 and 5, but for topic 1 we've only debated it once, and

1- For technical reasons and because David didn't have his camera as he said, it was not published on David Wood's channel.

2- My points today are far stronger than the ones that I provided during our debate years ago. And the points years ago were very solid. But today, I can provide even far more solid evidence that the Glorious Quran is indeed a Scientific Miracle.

I agree with you regarding topic 3. It is academically and interesting one. To me, much paper balls had been thrown on Islam here and there. Let's see if these really are solid arguments that hold water or are just noise that needs to be silenced.

And I do would live to debate the Crucifixion and Resurrection claims. I can prove that Christianity is wrong on that.

As to playing clips, what is wrong with that? People can play quotations by others to further support their points, especially if they couldn't do them justice if they tried to explain them on behalf of the original authors. I've seen debates that had videos played in them in the past, and mine therefore are no different. And for my next debates, I also do have clips by non-Muslims that will prove my points, insha'Allah.

I look forward to David Wood's response regarding the topics and dates.

Osama Abdallah

Osama Abdallah said...

Sorry for the too many posts, but I just want to make this condition very clear. Should the topic "Is Jesus the Creator of the Universe" be accepted, then I 100% insist on this title to remain as is. No modification.

You see, Trinitarians have invented colorful titles for Jesus such as:

1- GOD-Man.
2- GOD the Son.
3- Etc...

Enough of the nonsense that doesn't get to the bottom of the issue. Since the word "GOD" had been so degraded in the Bible that just about any Joe Shmo can be called that, then I insist on my title to get to the bottom of all of this.

So yes indeed, the real question should be: IS JESUS THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE?

Thank you,
Osama Abdallah

Unknown said...

“1- Was Jesus the Creator of the Universe?

2- Did Jesus die and resurrect according to the Bible?

I can prove from the Bible that Jesus didn't die nor resurrected from death according to the Bible.”- Osama

@Osama Abdallah,
You are a madrassa educated and blind man. You may have two eyes and two ears but you cannot see light in a word to perceive and cannot understand hearing words of God. Muslims’ educational institute, madrassa make people blind that is why Donald Rumsfeld leveled Madrassa as terrorist making factories, after 9/11 destruction. Most terrorists are graduated from Madrassas.

About 2.6 billion Christians believe Jesus as light of the world and true path for eternal life reading from the Holy Bible and you try to make them fool by your above statements. The Bible is the bestselling book of the world. You are waste of time, Prof. Osama!!

A blind man cannot show true path of life. They can show path of dark, such as sex and violence. Your prophet Muhammad learnt lesion from a blind man who killed his pregnant wife for criticizing Muhammad. Muhammad instead of blood for blood praised him for such heinous crime, as protector of Islam, a religion of Peace. Please see Woman strangled for criticizing Muhammad Abu Dawud 4362.

What a peaceful religion Islam is where innocent bloods satisfy their Allah as they believe!!

zapmama27 said...

Osama...I saw your debate with Sam shamoun...I so appreciate that you got a bit emotional during the debate ...and even apologized for it afterwards. I believe you are made in the image of God and you have the heart of a true seeker...please don't let the desire to "win" a debate get in the way of that. I was a fervent believer of many falsehoods before I came to the foot of the cross...its a very humbling and completely worth it. I am praying for your heart to be circumcised to God almighty...the one who "calls things that are not as though they are". Don't miss this love Osama....look up with hands outstretched like a toddler and he will pick you up and take you to places you could never have dreamed of. Peace to you.

David said...

"I can prove from the Bible that Jesus didn't die nor resurrected from death according to the Bible."

I'm sure for Osama the above sentence makes perfect sense.

For the rest of us it shows us why someone would want to avoid debating Osama.

David Wood said...


We have plenty of topics to debate, but not enough locations. When a location becomes available, we can debate. I know one church in Northern Virginia that wants a debate on the Jesus of Islam vs. the Jesus of Christianity, but they're not looking for a series of debates.

However, I'm sure something will open up at some point. Interest in Islamic topics is rising with the daily bodycount.

Osama Abdallah said...

""I can prove from the Bible that Jesus didn't die nor resurrected from death according to the Bible."

I'm sure for Osama the above sentence makes perfect sense.

For the rest of us it shows us why someone would want to avoid debating Osama."

Jesus was never killed! He laid inside the tomb (a cave-like room) ON THE FLOOR and not underground in a coffin, and received medical treatment from women and others. After he healed, he got up and left.

Also, Pilate never wanted Jesus dead, and Pilate's wife didn't want Jesus dead. And the NT also says that there were two JESUS SON OF HIS FATHER and Pilate was standing between them.

Also, the NT in Paul's writings speak about metaphoric death of Jesus, and not literal.

Also, the OT THOROUGHLY speaks about how the Messiah will not be killed in Psalm 91, 116 and 118 and other books. Also, in Isaiah 53 Jesus' life WILL BE EXTENDED.

You simply don't understand your Bible. This is why everything bout your beliefs should be challenged.


Osama Abdallah

Osama Abdallah said...

Also Jesus' followers all fled at the night of crucifixion. So non of them witnessed the crucifixion actually happen, let alone Jesus dying.

There is so much we can debate regarding the Bible's claims about the crucifixion and resurrection. And Jesus himself in the end told the doubting Thomas and the other disciples that he never died, and that they should examine the holes in his body.

Jesus also was in so much pain when he met Mary that he told her "touch me not!". He was in pain. This shows clear that he never died, since the pain was already there. You don't resurrect with pain still in your body.

Osama Abdallah

Osama Abdallah said...

Hi David Wood (since I am talking to 2 Davids here),

So are they basically asking for a trinity debate? The Jesus in Islam is the Messiah who is a Prophet from GOD Almighty. But the Jesus of Christianity is the Creator of the Universe.

If they want to debate one debate on that, then I am open to it provided that they pay for my expenses. I would pay for mine, but for a series of debates, and not just one. But I am open to this one.

Osama Abdallah

Unknown said...


We are still waiting to prove to us that Jesus did not die?

Unknown said...

Osama said

"You simply don't understand your Bible. This is why everything bout your beliefs should be challenged."

So the great Osama Abdullah is going show that 2000 years of Christian theology is wrong all because, ahem, BILLIONS of Christians just couldn't read it properly?!?!....Riiiight

Some arrogance you have Osama, saying you can read and understand a text better than 2000 years of scholar reviews

You are using the bible to prove your case. Do you therefore accept the Bible is authentic and true to what it's original authors wrote?

If can you use it to prove your case?

If you do accept it is true to the originals authors...WELCOME BROTHER! Now you can experience the way the truth and the life that is found only in Jesus Christ, your Lord and my Lord.

Your videos in debates are wrong to use because they are not scholarly. Your last lot of videos was some muslim guy simply saying, "Look all these things that are vaguely stipulated could be interpreted like this sura, therefore islam is true!" No Osama those are not beneficial to serious academia. Maybe great at the moseque on a Friday but not in debates.

Im getting convinced your a Jew, out to make Islam look as false as anyone with a mustard seed of logic can see it is.

If you need 6 weeks to prep. PLEASE practise your open statement and organise your argument so that it flows concisely.
Just going to say if I posted my uni work like the arguments on your website, I would have failed my first year.

You could be a great debater Osama and it's easier when you have the truth on your side.

David said...

Osama, you have to have a very selective reading of the New Testament to make it deny that Jesus physically died and was physically resurrected on the third day.
You wouldn't want us christians doing this with the quran, why then think it of no concern doing so with the Bible?

If you accept what Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John say without picking and choosing, they give an account of Jesus fully knowing he would be murdered and brought to life by God, they then detail what happens as Jesus said it would.

Anonymous said...

David says: “According to Pope Francis, it is wrong and immoral to insult another person's religion. Yet history shows that Muhammad and his companions regularly insulted other people's religion. Hence, the Pope has declared that Muhammad and his companions were immoral!”

That being the case, then the Pope has also declared that Jesus and Paul and Peter to be immoral since they also insulted other people’s religion e.g. Jesus condemning (by which they were very insulted) the Pharisees for their twisted beliefs in Mathew 23.

But then, historically the Popes have always tried to sit in Christ’s place and make all kinds of unscriptural pronouncements as if they were Christ Almighty himself.

Unknown said...

“Also Jesus' followers all fled at the night of crucifixion. So none of them witnessed the crucifixion actually happen, let alone Jesus dying.”- Osama

@ Professor Osama Abdallah,
I read all your logics you tried to prove Jesus was not crucified and resurrected according to the Bible. You proved my assessment how naïve you are to understand words of the Bible. I told you above that you are blind though you have eyes and ears but you cannot perceive and understand words of the Bible.

I quoted only one of your silly reasons. If you read the Bible with open eyes, you will find that Jesus was a popular person known to all walks of the then society from poor to high government officials. He was popular because of His miraculous sign He performed such as bringing life to dead man Lazarus, healing blind man, lame, leprosy etc. His Crucifixion and Resurrection was not a private matter, it was talk of the town. His amazing miraculous sign even force Muhammad to recognize Him partly 500 year after His death to magnify Muhammad’s own credit. Four of Jesus’ disciples recorded their eye witness account independently in 4 different Gospels written in different time to prove Jesus’ divinity as God from God.

It is funny that 1) you believe Muhammad’s account that his book Quran dropped from Allah above with a stupid logic asking illiterate people to write a book like Quran. Will it be wrong if I ask, can your Allah write a book like Shakespeare?

2) Muhammad established Jerusalem 3rd holy place by sleeping at night in Mecca Mosque with his relative by flying over from Mecca to Jerusalem and you believe him without any witness or evidence. He could take one of his relative to bear witness. Because Muhammad left no evidence to prove his works he ordered to kill who criticize him.

But on the contrary Jesus took His disciples as witness at His transfiguration on mountain when He met Moses, Elijah and God, the Father who told His disciple to obey Jesus. The Bible recorded that Jesus showed up to 500 people after His resurrection as evidence and you do not believe the Bible but believe Quran without evidence.

Read Bible with open eyes and asks any question with sincere mind God will help you to understand. But don’t argue for argument sake. It is act of fool.

God gave free will to everybody, you can believe what you like but at Final Judgment Day everybody will be accountable to Jesus and there will be no lame excuse for not knowing Him. Make hey while the sun shine, believe Jesus while you are breathing after death there is will be no chance for U-turn.

Unknown said...

Osama is quite humorous in displaying his talents of Islamic Taqiyya (lies to non believers of Islam as permitted in the Koran).
Would Osama like to explain to us why Muhammad was by todays standards clearly a pedophile and child rapist?

Greg Hamilton said...

Don't forget that as part of their five times daily prayers Muslims recite the following:
"Guide us in the straight path,
the path of those whom Thou hast blessed,
not the path against whom Thou art wrathful,
nor of those who have gone astray."

Those earning Allah's wrath are the Jews and those who have gone astray are the Christians. This is obviously insulting to each religion.

A faithful Muslim who recites all their prayers would say this at least 17 times a day. That's over 5000 times a year.

So a faithful Muslim is supposed to insult Jews and Christians over 5000 times a year as part of his devotion!

What does Pope Francis think about this? Should this just be swept under the carpet (or prayer rug) in favour of dialogue and reconciliation?

Unknown said...

Ossama: Muhammed was not an educated man, although he could read and write (and you could therefore say he was somewhat literate).

Muhammed was a sick man who suffered from bi-polar disorder and hallucinated alot and therefore wrote the vile manuscript called the Koran.

It is not a religion because it is full of hate, murder, child molestations, etc. If it were a religion, it would be about bettering ones self, love, kindness, forgiveness, etc.

If anything, it is a political manifesto (like the communist manifesto). Kill, murder, subdue the population in order to control rule said population. And then Mohammed said, let's call it a religion.

Your muslim manifesto can be placed side by side with communism and nazism. All three are the same.

Unknown said...

Well Muslim, “Osama” still running from answereing the question?
You used “happy is he who smashes your littles ones against the rocks” in a debate with David Wood.

As to Psalms we have at least TWO possibilites, ONE ALLAH gave it to DAVID. After all this is what Allah claims.
Or that it was composed by humans. but if it was made by humans, why does allah claim authorship to it?

Psalm137:1, 8-9 (NIV)
1 By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion.
8 Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction,
happy is the one who repays you
according to what you have done to us.
9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants
and dashes them against the rocks.

OK, tell me Osama (or any muSlime for that matter ok) Did David move to Babylon? So that he could be the author of this pasage? OK? This was composed by some human, OK?
And then of course there is the “escape” by Osamas kind of muSlimes, that the OT is corrupted! Another point ignored then is WHY do muSlimes LOVE to quote from a “corrupted” book, pretending that the quotet passage is valid in any way?

Example: quote: “Also, the OT THOROUGHLY speaks about how the Messiah will not be killed in Psalm 91, 116 and 118 and other books. Also, in Isaiah 53 Jesus' life WILL BE EXTENDED. =end quote=

“muSlime”? Well, after all allah created Muslims from “slime” :-)

Dacritic said...

Trevor: "Popes have always tried to sit in Christ's place..."

You know I couldn't agree more, buddy. That is why I always find it weird that people would call the pope "holy father". I thought that title is supposed to be...well, God's title.

Anonymous said...


Spot on. 'Pope' actually means 'father'. but this goes directly against Christ's command in Matthew 23:9

"And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."

But this should be no surprise to anyone given that Islam and the Papacy both came into existence at about the same time, and they might look outwardly different but they are really both working for the same devil. The history and corrupt fruit of both bear witness to this ("you shall know them by their fruits" Matt 7:16).

Unknown said...

Osama Abdallah you wrote on: January 23, 2015

Jesus was never killed! He laid inside the tomb (a cave-like room) ON THE FLOOR and not underground in a coffin, and received medical treatment from women and others. After he healed, he got up and left. [end quote]

Is this your stance? If yes then you DO NOT AGREE with your OWN wholey book?
Because it said:

1.) a enemy of Jesus was put on the cross one unnamed "Jew"
2.) somebody named Tatanios,
3.) a FRIEND of Jesus also one MUSLIM a very young OFFERED to take Jesus place on the cross.

So according to "allah" not Jesus GAVE his live for humans, but ONE HUMAN gave his life FOR JESUS.

4.) Jesus was TAKEN alive out of this earth.

Yusuf Ali, Pickthal, Shakir translations, in that order:

Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise;-
But Allah took him up unto Himself. Allah was ever Mighty, Wise.
Nay! Allah took him up to Himself; and Allah is Mighty, Wise.

sources commentary on 4: 157

Quran Tafsir Ibn Kathir
Al Qushairi Tafsir
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs

Truth&Beauty said...

Hi David, I find your work interesting and admire your courage and witness to faith. I would just say that the Pope did not say it is evil to insult a religion, merely that it is unwise - there may be retaliation. He does not say the retaliation is a blessed or holy thing, merely a human thing.
As for being called Holy Father, this may be of interest to you:
God Bless

Anonymous said...


The article only talks about priests, not the Pope/‘Holy Father’. If you are going to call a mere man ‘Holy Father’, then what are you going to call our Father in heaven, ‘Even Holier Father’?

The article also sneakily focuses on the “call no man your father” part of the verse as if to say we cannot, for example, call our earthly father “father”. But Jesus was talking about something higher and more dangerous than that, namely, putting a mere man in Christ’s/God’s seat or office (otherwise He would not have worded it as He did), and which has certainly been the case in the history of the popes, where they issued many self-serving decrees, papal bulls etc. and all kinds of corrupt ideas, and that are found nowhere in the Scriptures, e.g. indulgences, and the and Mass (as if Christ would be repeatedly sacrificed on a daily basis. Yet, He died once, and for all), salvation through works, and basically turning Mary and the saints into idols etc. It's pretty obvious the devil is running the show there.

Over the years quite a lot of false teaching/mangling of God’s word (which still continues to this day) and blasphemy, and at times, outright evil, has come from that snake pit known as the papacy.

And why would anyone rely on the papacy for any kind of guidance or instruction in regard to God’s will when we can all simply read God’s word for ourselves anyway?

Lepanto said...

Trevor, and which one of the 30,000 different protestant denominational interpretations of the Bible are correct? Yours, of course! Please let us know which one it is, I can't wait.