Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Muslims Using Facebook to Recruit for the Islamic State (ISIS)

Had to take a screenshot of this guy's post in the "Debate Islam" group. (His comments are filled with "kafir this" and "kafir that" and "Islam will conquer the world.")

But none of this has anything to do with religion, right?


Anonymous said...

I reckon yahya snow will be saying oh noes we are using it for anti muslim purpose but the funny thing is where are the rallies condemning it? i mean they had time to chuck a tantrum for one lousy video.

Unknown said...

That says a lot, I mean, that really does.

Unknown said...

Can someone link me this "insulting" video?

I can't find it but YouTube has likely removed it.

Taylor Bara said...

I bet you haven't heard that a resume has it's own structure. Follow this link https://resumecvwriter.com/blog/what-to-include-in-a-resume to know more!